www.smdailyjournal.com Tuesday Sept.28,2010 Vol XI,Edition 36 BUDGET STRUGGLE STATE PAGE 7 NINERS FIRE COORDINATOR SPORTS PA GE 11 OBAMA PRESSES FOR LONGER SCHOOL YEAR NATION PAGE 18 REPORTS OF PROGRESS IN STATE’S RECORD IMPASSE,TALKS CONTINUE TODAY Speier seeks pipeline reform By Bill Silverfarb DAILY JOURNAL STAFF U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier will introduce legislation today to strengthen natural gas pipeline regulation and oversight following an explosion and re that destroyed a signicant portion of a San Bruno neighborhood Sept. 9. The bill will require automatic or remote shut-off valves on some trans- mission lines, disclos ure of pipelin e locations t o homeow ners, disclosure of emergency response plans to regulators and disclosure of integrity management plans to pipeline safety of - cials. Speier, D-San Mateo, noted Pacic Gas and Electric’s inability to shut off the gas for an hour and 46 min- utes on the n ight of the explosion, put- ting reghters on the defensive. “Had the shut-off valve been remote, PG&E could have turned off the gas in ve minutes, Speier said. Turning the gas off quickly would have allowed firefighters to take an offensive on the re which could have spared some of the nearly 40 homes complete ly destro yed, San Bruno Fire Chief Dennis Haag said. Speier spelled out the details of her bill at a press conference yesterday morning next to a 167-foot long crater left by the pipeline explosion with Haag, San Bruno Police Chief Neil Telf ord and Vice Mayor Rico Medina. Mayor Jim Ruane and City Manager Congresswoman authors gas pipeline safety bill BILL SILVERFARB/DAILY JOURNAL U.S.Rep.Jackie Speier , D-SanMateo,willintroducelegislation to strengthen regulation and oversight of natural gas pipelines. See SPEIER, Pa ge 18 HEATHER MURTAGH/DAILY JOURNAL Ralston Middle Schoo l students, from left, Lia Eldridge,Jenna Mouran, Ivy Nguyen and L eah Roe count last-minute book donations for the student government drive. SEE STORY P AGE 3 BO OK PR OJ EC T By Bill Silverfarb DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Voters in the southern part of San Mateo County have quite a decision to make when picking among seven candidates for the Sequoia Healthcare District Board of Directors in November’s general election. Voters are being tasked with pick- ing a slate of three candidates deter- mined to end the district’s philan- thropic ways or a group of four oth- ers who are determined to keep the district intact. Three seats ar e up for grabs, with two incu mbent s, Jack Hic key and Art Faro, seeking re -election. But Hickey is not just seeking anoth er ter m on the bo ard, he is ghting hard to elect a slate of can- didates who intend to stop collect- ing about $7 million a year in prop- erty taxes that goes toward local nonprofit agencies that provide health care services in southern San Mateo County. Ul ti mately , Hi ckey , Freder ick Graham and Michael Stogner intend to dissolve the district if their slate is Full fi eld i n healt h care district race Slate’ s ultimate goal to dissolve the Sequoia Healthcare District See ELECTION, Pa ge 23 By Michelle Durand DAILY JOURNAL STAFF The former Hillsdale High School student accused of plotting a botched massacre on campus using a chain s aw, machete and homemade pipe bombs is competent to stand trial on several felonies including attempted murder, a judge ruled yester day. The defense for Alexander Robert Y oushock, 18, was pursui ng a jury trial on his client’s competency but on Monday switched gears, submitting th e matter to a jud ge purely on the reports of three doc- tors. Judge Stephen Hall reviewe d the report s, all of which concluded Youshock is t to help in his own defense, and deemed the teen compe- tent. Defense attorney Jonathan McDougall has repeatedly declined com- T een bombing suspect competent  Trial back on in Hillsdale High School massacre plot By Michelle Durand DAILY JOURNAL STAFF The English software designer already found guilty of molesting young boys in his care while living in San Mateo had those 20 convictions compounded Monday with two dozen mo re, as jur ors nished reading the ver- dicts reached last Friday and began a separate trial today to decide his sanity Jurors convicted Tarquin Cr ai g Th omas, 44, of 4 4 cha rge s, and could not reach a verdict on an attempted kidnapping charge. The majority of the convictions were several variations of felony child molestation against three Foster dad facing life in prison for molestation Alex Youshock TarquinThomas See TRIAL, Pa ge 18 See GUILTY,Pa ge 31

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