1 As Sydney’s oldest church, St James’ is a place of soul-stirring worship, challenging preaching and fine music. We are a progressive community that welcomes all people regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, or religion. We also acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we worship—the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. 10am Pew Sheet FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER REFLECTION As Jesus’ followers moved out into the world and welcomed new people into the community of faith, the Christian church grew. Through the corporate mystery of Baptism, through love of others, and through the activity of God’s Spirit in the world, we discover the interconnectedness that we have with each other and the inclusiveness that lies at the heart of our faith in God. Nurturing God, Jesus Christ is the vine and we are the branches; help us to abide in your grace and truth so that we may bear much fruit, and welcome all people into your transforming community of love. Amen.

10am Pew Sheet

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Page 1: 10am Pew Sheet


As Sydney’s oldest church, St James’ is a place of soul-stirring worship, challenging preaching and fine music. We are a progressive community that welcomes all people regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, or religion. We also acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we worship—the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation.



As Jesus’ followers moved out into the world and welcomed new people into the community of faith, the Christian church grew. Through the corporate mystery of Baptism, through love of others, and through the activity of God’s Spirit in the world, we discover the interconnectedness that we have with each other and the inclusiveness that lies at the heart of our faith in God.

Nurturing God, Jesus Christ is the vine and we are the branches; help us to abide in your grace and truth so that we may bear much fruit, and welcome all people into your transforming community of love. Amen.

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Today’s Service Information


8:00am Holy Eucharist

10:00am Choral Eucharist


I believe that you are truly present in the Holy Sacrament, and, since I cannot at this time receive communion, I pray you to come into my heart. I unite myself with you and embrace you with all my heart, my soul, and my mind. Let nothing separate me from you; let me serve you in this life until, by your grace, I come to your glorious kingdom and unending peace. Amen.

View online at 10:00am: sjks.org.au/online-services or facebook.com/stjameskingstreet

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St James’ & COVID-19 FAQ Attendance at Services Services of worship are open to worshippers with some restrictions. Following the official advice from NSW Health people attending services need to do the following: • register their names online at sjks.org.au/service-registration or by using the

church QR code;

• not attend the service if feeling unwell;

• adhere to physical distancing guidelines and sit in the church at those places

marked by a green dot (4 people per pew where all are distanced);

• use hand sanitiser when arriving and leaving;

• be willing to have a temperature check conducted at the door;

• surgical masks are available for those who wish to use them, but are not

obligatory; and,

• congregational singing is now allowable without the need to wear a mask.

Sundays 8am Holy Eucharist: Entry is by the North Porch. 10am Choral Eucharist: Entry is by the Tower Porch. This service is also livestreamed (view online at sjks.org.au/online-services or on Facebook). Communion will be available in both kinds, but receiving the chalice is optional. Kids @ Church Kids @ church meets during the 10am Choral Eucharist on Sundays. Weekdays 6:15pm Wednesday Evensong: This service is also livestreamed (view online at sjks.org.au/online-services or on Facebook). 12:30pm Lunchtime Eucharists: Conducted in the chapel and Communion will be available in both kinds, but receiving the chalice is optional. Morning Prayer Morning Prayer meets Monday to Friday at 8:30am via Zoom.

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Resting Space Resting Space meets fortnightly on Tuesdays at 7.45pm via Zoom. Christian Meditation The Tuesday and Wednesday groups meet via Zoom. Please see the notices for specific information about how to join. The Friday group meets in the Chapel. Lunchtime Concerts The weekly Lunchtime Concerts are on Wednesdays at 1:15pm. Patrons can attend in person or view online via livestream. For further information, go to www.sjks.org.au/music/lunchtime-concerts/ Parish Office The Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The Church The Church is open to the public from 10:00am until 4:00pm, Mondays to Fridays. For contact tracing purposes, visitors are required to register upon entering the Church.


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Order of Service Organ Prelude

Please stand as the Servers, Choir, and Sacred Ministers enter.


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Welcome and Invocation


Kyrie Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) – Missa Veni in hortum meum

The choir then sings the Kyrie and the Altar is censed.


The deacon says,

The Confession follows,

A time of silence is kept.

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The celebrant proclaims God’s forgiveness.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo Lassus – Missa Veni in hortum meum

Sung by the choir

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Collect of the Day


The children, parents and Kids@Church leaders come forward . The celebrant prays for them,

And the children reply,

The children walk in procession to the west porch and the congregation sings –

Please sit.

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First Reading

A reading from the Acts of the Apostles 8: 26 - 40

A short silence is observed.

Psalm 22: 26 - 32

The choir sings the psalm to a chant by N. Rawsthorne.

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Second Reading

A reading from the First Letter of John 4: 7 - 21

A short silence is observed.

Please stand for the hymn.


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Gospel Acclamation

Gospel Reading John 15: 1 - 8

Please be seated.


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Nicene Creed

Please stand.


Please be seated. The following response may be used,

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At the conclusion of the prayers the deacon says,

Please stand.

Greeting of Peace

The celebrant says,

Offertory Hymn

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The celebrant prays over the bread and wine,

Sursum Corda and Great Thanksgiving

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Sanctus and Benedictus Lassus – Missa Veni in hortum meum

Sung by the choir.

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A bell is rung, and silence is kept.

Breaking of the Bread

The celebrant breaks the bread and says;

Agnus Dei Lassus – Missa Veni in hortum meum

Sung by the choir.

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Communion will be distributed in both kinds from the chancel steps. Please note that you are free to receive communion in one kind, and therefore not receive the chalice, if you wish.

The choir sings the Communion Motets.

Post-Communion Prayer

The celebrant prays the post-communion prayer.


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Blessing and Dismissal


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Please pray for:

Please note that names of the sick will remain on the ‘Immediate’ list for one month only. If there is a need for a name to remain longer, please ask for it to be placed on the ‘Long Term’ list. All requests should be made to Dianne Ward or Jonathan Elcock, the Office Administrators, at [email protected] or 8227 1300.

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The Elliston’s 70th Wedding Anniversary

Sydney Diocese Synod

Funeral of John Warr

Resting Space

Resting Space Dinner and Christian Reflection

St James’ Music Foundation Organ Appeal

Church Tour: Memorials at St James’, King Street

‘Who is my neighbour?’

Notices Coming events at St James’ and other important notices

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Did you receive the latest pastoral letter from the Rector?

Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916)

Still on all things music….

Notices Coming events at St James’ and other important notices

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UPCOMING EVENTS AT ST JAMES’ Make a note in your diary for these

Institute and Music events at St James’

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Please send any notices for inclusion in the Parish News to the office by Tuesday morning.

Parish of St James’ King Street What’s on this week

Monday to Friday

Wednesday *


Alexander Yau (piano)

Sunday 9 May Sixth Sunday of Easter

8:00am Holy Eucharist 10:00am Choral Eucharist Preacher: The Rev’d Andrew Sempell Rector