"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 Mission Trip to Brazil – CANANÉIA TIME FRAME: March 22 to April 05 / 2013 (Spring Break – 2013) SIZE OF THE GROUP: Maximum 25 (20 people from Canada / 5 people from Brazil) 1. Local – Cananéia – Sao Paulo state. a. São Paulo State. i. São Paulo field is the closest area to the airport. ii. São Paulo weather is pleasant during the entire year, but can be chilly during our winter (June-August), getting down to 13 Celsius during some cold days (can drop to 10 o during the nights) 2. Arriving a. SÃO PAULO STATE Flying into Sao Paulo International airport (GRU). EMAF will provide land transportation to Cananéia (about 4.5 hours by car). Work The team will focus on various activites during the day and sport activites followed by sharing our testimonies and storoes from the Bible during the evenings. Sharing You will have opportunities to share from the Bible or your testimonies during some meetings. To keep a good spirit on work is crucial because people get interested in hearing from you depending on what they can see in your lives during the day. There are two things that fishermen respect - old people and hard workers. That is why work teams are so strategic when we receive a team from overseas. The team can be involved in other type of ministries in the villages after the first couple of working days (to be recognized by “workers”). English classes and ministry to kids are among the many opportunities. We will bring some material to hand out to the kids – it always helps Lodge Cananéia (SP): We will stay all together in the same house. Very simple accomodation but with minimal infrastructure to support the team.

12.07.12 mission trip to brazil – cananéia

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Page 1: 12.07.12 mission trip to brazil – cananéia

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Mission Trip to Brazil – CANANÉIA TIME FRAME: March 22 to April 05 / 2013 (Spring Break – 2013) SIZE OF THE GROUP: Maximum 25 (20 people from Canada / 5 people from Brazil)

1. Local – Cananéia – Sao Paulo state. a. São Paulo State.

i. São Paulo field is the closest area to the airport. ii. São Paulo weather is pleasant during the entire year, but can be chilly

during our winter (June-August), getting down to 13 Celsius during some cold days (can drop to 10o during the nights)

2. Arriving a. SÃO PAULO STATE

Flying into Sao Paulo International airport (GRU). EMAF will provide land transportation to Cananéia (about 4.5 hours by car).

Work The team will focus on various activites during the day and sport activites followed by sharing our testimonies and storoes from the Bible during the evenings. Sharing You will have opportunities to share from the Bible or your testimonies during some meetings. To keep a good spirit on work is crucial because people get interested in hearing from you depending on what they can see in your lives during the day. There are two things that fishermen respect - old people and hard workers. That is why work teams are so strategic when we receive a team from overseas. The team can be involved in other type of ministries in the villages after the first couple of working days (to be recognized by “workers”). English classes and ministry to kids are among the many opportunities. We will bring some material to hand out to the kids – it always helps Lodge Cananéia (SP): We will stay all together in the same house. Very simple accomodation but with minimal infrastructure to support the team.

Page 2: 12.07.12 mission trip to brazil – cananéia

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Food and Water The main meals will be served in our local base - breakfast, lunch and dinner. There will be two times for refreshment (mainly fruits and juice) in the work site, between meals. You have to be careful; otherwise you will put some weight... You can't drink from the taps in the villages. We will provide bottle water for you. 7. Your day in the village will be like:

7:00 AM : Good morning! (rise & shine) 7:30-8:00 AM : Breakfast 8:00-9:00 AM : Devotion/Orientation 9:00-12:00 AM : Activities in town: schools [talk to the students, answer questions, invite to the Gym] 12:00-1:30 PM : Lunch & clean up 2:00-5:00 PM : Gym activities with kids/teens: sports, crafts, puppets, singing, etc. 6:00 PM : Supper & clean up 7:30-10:00 PM : Event at the GYM 10:00-11:00 PM: Snacks & Free Time 11:00 PM : Lights out

Free Days We will take a day or two to explore the natural environment of a national rainforest reserve. We will also have the opportunity to visit and explore Sao Paulo City. Going Back Sao Paulo is a good place for shopping. We will provide you with some time for shopping before you go back home. Details * The main time zone used in Brazil (Brasília) is just one hour ahead of New York (USA). * Get the visas in the nearest Brazilian consulate or embassy. When getting the Visa just say you are going to visit your missionary friends in Brazil. A team from Canada said that they were going to “work”, so the Brazilian Consulate interpreted that they were going to “make money by working”... I don't want to tell you all the problems they got from that mistake, just avoid it. Never mention the word WORK and you will be OK.

Page 3: 12.07.12 mission trip to brazil – cananéia

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

* Please, bring a couple of bed sheets and a towel with you – we will provide blankets if necessary. You can leave the bedding here if you want – it will help us with the future teams. Costs in US dollar (the exchange rate is about 2.08 Brazilian per American Dollar Dec. /2012) CO-MISSION : $1,200.00* TICKETS : $1,300.00 ** VISA : $100.00 MISCELLANEOUS : $400.00*** * This includes food, lodge and in situ transportation ** Tickets cost is an estimate cost; each participant is responsible for obtaining the ticket *** This cost varies as a contingency for covering air tickets and personal expenses in Brazil IMPORTANT: Every participant should get Travel Insurance; as for vaccines, there is recommendation from Canada Health, it will be done as per your discretion. You can use MasterCard or Visa in São Paulo, but in the villages they only work with cash. DON'T EXCHANGE MONEY AT THE AIRPORT - they give you a very low exchange rate. Our team will help you to get a better exchange rate. Used Clothes and gifts for kids Each one can bring two big bags (I think you can have two checked bags with 50 pounds each, plus a carry on and a lap top bag). You can bring used clothes to give to the people and some little things to work with the kids. Checklist