The 1990s , was a decade that began on January 1, 1990, and ended on December 31, 1999. Culturally, the 1990s was characterized by the rise of multiculturalism and alternative media. Movements such as grunge, the rave scene and hip hop spread around the world to young people during the decade, aided by then-new technology such as cable television and the Internet. A combination of factors, including the continued mass mobilization of capital markets through neoliberalism, the thawing of the decades- long Cold War, the beginning of the widespread proliferation of new media such as the Internet from the middle of the decade onwards, increasing skepticism towards government, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union led to a realignment and reconsolidation of economic and political power across the world and within countries. Many countries such as Canada and Sweden privatized much of their economy, moving power away from governments, and more towards private corporations. The dot com bubble of 1996-2000 brought wealth to some entrepreneurs before its crash in 2000-2001. There were lots of international wars, such as the wars in Congo, the Gulf, in Chechen, in Kosovo. This, as we are going to explain in a bit, paved the way for the USA, given that a lot of the world was fighting and the USA were more stable than ever. During the 1990s, a lot of countries gained independence also. For example, the United Kingdom handed Hong Kong to china and Portugal followed with Macau soon thereafter. This lead to fragmentation of the land and dominance, which by themselves might not seem like much, but this took a tole on the world and just fortified the USA’s unofficial leadership over everyone else. As expected, the USA’s president Bill Clinton was very influential at this time. Clinton tried helping negotiate peace in the Middle East and end the ongoing wars in Yugoslavia. His promotion of international action to decrease human-created climate change and his endorsement of advancing free trade in the Americas also helped


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The 1990s, was a decade that began on January 1, 1990, and ended on December 31, 1999. Culturally, the 1990s was characterized by the rise of multiculturalism and alternative media. Movements such as grunge, the rave scene and hip hop spread around the world to young people during the decade, aided by then-new technology such as cable television and the Internet. A combination of factors, including the continued mass mobilization of capital markets through neoliberalism, the thawing of the decades-long Cold War, the beginning of the widespread proliferation of new media such as the Internet from the middle of the decade onwards, increasing skepticism towards government, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union led to a realignment and reconsolidation of economic and political power across the world and within countries. Many countries such as Canada and Sweden privatized much of their economy, moving power away from governments, and more towards private corporations. The dot com bubble of 1996-2000 brought wealth to some entrepreneurs before its crash in 2000-2001.

There were lots of international wars, such as the wars in Congo, the Gulf, in Chechen, in Kosovo. This, as we are going to explain in a bit, paved the way for the USA, given that a lot of the world was fighting and the USA were more stable than ever.

During the 1990s, a lot of countries gained independence also. For example, the United Kingdom handed Hong Kong to china and Portugal followed with Macau soon thereafter. This lead to fragmentation of the land and dominance, which by themselves might not seem like much, but this took a tole on the world and just fortified the USA’s unofficial leadership over everyone else.

As expected, the USA’s president Bill Clinton was very influential at this time. Clinton tried helping negotiate peace in the Middle East and end the ongoing wars in Yugoslavia. His promotion of international action to decrease human-created climate change and his endorsement of advancing free trade in the Americas also helped maintain his credibility, even through the Lewinsky scandal.

In economics, many countries, institutions, companies, and organizations were prosperous during the 1990s. High-income countries such as the United States, Japan and those in Western Europe experienced steady economic growth for much of the decade.

For the United States, under the Presidency of Bill Clinton, this prosperity was largely due to the unexpected advent of the Internet and the explosion of technology industries that came with it. The U.S economy experiences its longest period of peace time economic expansion during the decade beginning in 1991. Personal incomes doubled from the recession in 1990, and there was higher productivity overall. After the 1996 there was a reduction of poverty, and the Wall Street stock exchange stayed over the 10,500 mark from 1999 to 2001. A major part of this success was also due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which phased out trade barriers between the United

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States, Mexico, and Canada, and as we have said before, was signed into law by U.S. President Bill Clinton.

All seems to be going good and the only thing that comes close to bothering the USA at this time are disasters. Hurricanes are a given in the USA as we all know, but during the 1990s they really got to work. There are hundreds of them in the USA every year, but more than 10 significant ones is a number that no one will ever forget. Hurricanes in the 1990s caused millions of dollars to an otherwise prospering country, and if we talk about earthquakes of magnitudes upwards of 7.5 in the Richter scale, these natural disasters did even more damage than ever predicted.

Looking back, disasters seemed to be the only thing bothering society, or were they? To analyse this in the proper manner, we need to look into the people, the popular culture and what transpired from it, because politics only reflect so much of what is going on in a country.