" :i I' ,. 'I 1', .. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w .. * * Preserve Program for Public * * * * DEFER SCHOOL HERO ON DUTY CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY at Memorial ([h~ ~ro~~t poinlt mtuitUl I , Grosse Pointets Nelripaper for More Than 23 Years -1 --- __.-:-:::-:::=--=-----::-:-::-::-:::: GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1949 ,I In CARRIER 15c A MONTH-SINGLE COPIES 5c VA. 2-UG I * ~27 * * . .. .. Itts IllY To Win In The I Memory Photo' Cont.st .. S.. P", l5 A«ordmg to Mrs. Charles EllIS, house chairman It the War Memorial Center, eight functions a.n be held at the tame time at the Cf!nter. - .. . Directors Bar Private Pa.rties at Cen Art Erwm, athletic dIrector of Eastern HIgh School, re- eently returned from Dr. Lloyd Shaw's Western Square and Round Dance School m Colo- rado, hall organiezd. a Hayloft Square Dan c: e Club All "1quares" mterested m board- Ing the "little red wagon" are asked 10 call Art at TV. 5- 0713. A bus IDeM triP that should brmg some pleasure IS the jauDt to Palm Beach, Fionda, scheduled for Park Muwclpal Manapr Jlyentt Lane 10 De- eember. The Council author- IZed Lane to make the trIP to altelld the AnDIIal C~ ..JIaD- agel's' Conference. - -- Conductmg a special investi- gatIon, Arthur T. Hoadley, at- torney tor the Civil Sen Ice CommiSSIon, was m the Re- VIew offIce Monday to check August, 1948 ISSUes of thls lle" Spaper relata e to the Id- ,ertlSlng campaign of a can- llIdate for Congres.a from tha 14th DJ.stnct. . - .. POI JI TE--! Shoppers A RAG R j PHS I Witness by Th. Pointel'---_, SaY Dad! a chance to hal- G Ch MOniZeand try out that nch un ase bantone voice of yours IS of- fered by the Grosse Pomte Mens Chorus which will hold 1131irst meeting of the new leason Tuesday, Oct 4 at Pierce lChool. John C, Rowe Will be glad $0 give you additional mfor- matlon. You can caU him at ro. 2-6996 -- . Grace Evangel1c:al and Re- fonned Church on Kercheval and Lakepomte Wlll mark Its 25th aDDiversary WIth a spe- Ill! program WhICh WIll begm lnth serncea SUnday. Oct 2 l1ld extend throu~h Tuesday, Oct. 18. --- '.II you note a. beammg smIle CIIIPark Treasurer Charles HeISeIt has notbmg to 110 WIth the way paymenta on taxes Irt comrJlg m. Th. truth IS that Mr. and ),(rs Heise are grandparents for the first time and are m- deed very happy. Their daughter Joan and her hlUband, Joseph Wunsatt an. llOunced the birth of a son, RO~rt Hayes on Sunday. The Wimsattl reside It LoUI$VI.Ile, Ky. - - - Members of the DetroIt Tlgl'rs were scheduled to be ruests of the Grosse POInte Llon.~at theIr meetIng Thurs- da\ Il<lOft It the Van Dyk e Club , Inrldf:ntally member~ of the Llnn~ helped theIr colleague T~rr PhIllips nbserve the 20th Ann'~r~arv of hIS Van Dvke Club Monday. . MHIND PAGE 1 This !Feeks Revie.w Complete Adult Education Program Calendar, Page 3 r ~L. 26 NO. 10 , Conference Republican Leaders te r To Speak at State- Wide2-Day ProgralD The Federation of Repubhcan Women's Clubs of Mich- Igan will hold Its annual fall conference at the War Me- monal Center 32 Lake Shore road. on Tuesday and Wednes- day, Oct. 4 and 5. Women Repubhcans from throughout the State are ex. pected to attend tlus conference which has the local chapter Acting to preserve the char- - - acting as hostess. Fnday noon shoppers in the acter of the War Memorial Mrs. Peter GIbson of Mon- City Shoppmg Center on Ker. Center as a community cen- SPEAKER roe, president o( the Federa- cheval were subject to a gun ter and not a hall for private tlOn has a program arranged shootmg escapade which saw parties and wedding recep- which includes an array of City Detective James Flanni- tions, the Board of Directors promment s pea k e r san 4 gan chase a car thief through ruled to limit rentals to civic round table diSCUSSiOns. City streets and stores before organizations and public func- The speakers mc:1ude M1Ja hi . Catherl1le CurtIS, preslden~ 01 s capture. tions. Women's Investors Research 1Il- Flanmgan was fmeed to shoot ""-.- ac"on came at a Board of I ""__ UUb .... shtute of Washington, 0 C.; .-.,,_ at Gaetona G Rlclardl. 38, of De- DIrectors meeling Monday where ator John MartIn from Grand trOlt. when he faIled to heed a Mrs FrederIck C. Ford, program RaplCls, and Mr. Donald L, Jack. warnmg shot to stop commIttee chairman, announced I Cal. 1 C an. son, uOrnla ongressm The second shot missed Rlciardi that she has receIved numerous I Mr. Jackson will address the Who was seen by FlannIgan steal. requests from mdlvlduals to hold I assemblage at a banquet at Hotel IDg groceries out of a parked auto, private parties and wedd1ng re- Statler Tuesday evemng. and struck the brIck wall of ceplions at the Center Kro~er's I ContributIng to the Dll'eetors' II Members of the Grosse Pomte R d . f II t d t Club expect a record attendance IClar I was ma y cap ure a decISIOn was the fact that as aI 32 Kercheval Place community center the Memorial I as they have inVIted all mem- Sgt. Andrew Teetaert, who was IS exempt from tax assessment. bers of Republlcan Clubs to at- I tend. In preVIOUS years the~eem- on schoo traffic duty at the cor- I Private parties and receptions f C 1 ference was lmuted to dele •• ner 0 adieux and Kercheva 1V0uld jeopardn:e thIS ruling , aSSisted m the arrest I During tbe meetlDg several I only. Several days ago Det Flanni- comrruttee reports were heard' Local members acbng as com. gan was assIgned to ',atcb the V1- whIch mdlcated conSIderable I rruttee chllU"IIlen are Mrs. F. W. cmlty of the Kroger parking lot. \ -PbotoJ!aphy by Dee progress towards fulfl1llng a com. I Pearce, luncheon and dInner na- where several persons had fit- Peter' GlSSing, 'Young American of School pupils at his comer, Nottingham plete and coveted program at the DONALD L. JACKSON ervatlon, NL 5833; and :Mra. ported their grocerLes stolen from I the Month," directs traffic for Defer and Charlevoix. ~nter. 1------------- IHarold B. Tyree, HospitalitF .. - their autos -------------~ Mrs. Ford reported that wlthm I IIllttee. Flannigan saId that shortly be- p ~1_~ ...1 ~ I PETER GISSING I the last several da~'s, ten new 11 tit Annual A.C~;~~~~,= ~ fore noon Fnday, Riclardl enter. 8caa r W'va es .... I groups have Jomed the growmg I fm, Mrs. Jam. ~8Ill1I:rL ed the l(lt and looked mto a few J ~~ - ~ ~- Boy Who LlC- ked POl!':' Named number of organizatIons usmg~ HaU- Frederick So J'c:ri. cars A ~o 1~ T I-W the Center for theiJl. functions. oween _ He saId he followed the in- P~ ax_ Am _ - f M - h" The total as of Monday was ~. .. ~ - lb. ~ p1¥_ -.... kr:~e~~o~dh~~~r:~:':~~~: Assessments oung merrean 0 ont un~:w~;r~~~h:r~::er~b:B~IParty Planned oa page_three. _ I he saw Rlclardl leave ,a black An eleven year-old boy who overcame a potent attack of poho I algOOe 'a"Ill Iht ave room rtfed°rabout Plans for the 11th annual Gillett H eaill sedan parked on Notre Dame Township assessment of real to become a leader m school actIVIoes and atheltIc events IS the c rs, was repo. Grosse Pomte Halloween Pro- ~~~hp~m~~~;n~:g::o~:[~e~e ~~ ~a~r~:~r p~~:~~ J~er:: Grosse Pomte ReVIew's "Young Amencan of the Month" for Aui\!Sl. V;:;:n~sal~:~ c~~~~~:: gram WIll be formulated at a II " Home Rule" tempted to question hIm and the at Lakepomte, haa been appealed He IS husky Peter GISSlng, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Glssmg ,r------------_, I meeling of the' Halloween Com- chase began, RlcUirdl throwmg to the State Tax CommiSSion of 1380.Beaconsfield .4 Pi , mlttee, Mondbay rh , Oct 3 C 'lu a b t 81~lm45 Stud G the bag at FlannIgan After an inlual heanng Mon- Early m hiS childhood, "Pete" was Crippled by Infantile paral Y - 1 4ttention ease. ~ the l Neigh 0 000, y roup The groceries belonged to Ml1I. day, the commiSSIon tabled final SIS, makmg the left SIde of hiS body stlll. As lal COInlIU+<-- IS cur- ater 00. WIlll~"'" Gillett, former Park t d furth - b ~~ '..... Representatives from the po.. _. John Verblest of 451 McKmley. ae Ion pen mg er mves - But through ~urage, faith and the ablhty of modern methods of rently compiling names and bce departments, PTA's, servIce ComrruSSloner, was named to hqli RJclard1 pleaded gUIlty before gallon. fightmg opoho. Peter rose from a Sick bed and eventually became an I other important data for the clubs, church groups, \ eteran the five-man study committee 1m: Judge Joseph UVlck Monday and PackalXl Salee has also appealed active b y agam. / 1 permanent Honor Roll Me- organIzations and other Civic as- CIty Incorporation by Park Prest- was fined $50 plus court cost Grosse Pomte Park assessments Dunng the past sumrper months. Jus play behJ,nd the plate monal to be erected at the soclatlons are expected to at- dent Homer E. Fntsch. Police saId he was arrested for Carl Schwelkart, Townslup su- helped Jus teammates wm the pennant m the Nelghbrohood Club I War Memonal Center. tend. News of the appomtment WI. a smumr offense m DetrOIt last pervlsor, said that a second hear- Softball League. He also played on the hard ball mne. Persons who feel that there The Halloween Program agam revealed at the Park Councll ses- year. mg WIll be held m the Pnk With hIS ba!eblill bat and ball tucked away for the year. Peter i might be some dIscrepancy in this year wIll offer safe and sane slOn Monday Other membe~ of ------- MunICIPal building shortly. returned to hlS classes at Defer where he 15 a member of the sixth j any name or data are urged observance of thIS day of festlv- the comlnJttee are Mr Victor Pia L It grade. to call the MemOrial Center, Ity for chIldren of the com- Wehmeyer. Mrs Kenneth Cun. n oya Y Offl-ce ProJ-ect Hi" TU.1-6030. mumty' mngham, Mr. Robelt S Hotch- ere at schoo teachers have recogmzed the youngster s Datural l '- 11 . I kISS. and Mr. Roy K Stewart. PI d f leadership characteristIcs. ------- M G 11 tt d th t th e ge O r DI K ... nounc~ acceptance of I gilt of G W -IZ- I r I e sal a e com.- " I e ay oopS He ",as .ecen.ly en~"atea to lIeulenant safety pallol boy. I$1.000 from Mrs. Russell Alger 00_ t UlmS mlttee may hold Its first meetlnlt Very happy and thankful that their son IS healthy and achve I He saId he would confer WIth I next Monday evenmg at the Park Pointe Workers Co iI 0 t agam, Mr. and Mrs. Glssmg hope that tlus story of young Peter I heads of Veteran OrganIzations N VI · h MUnICipal bulldmg one U might bring Dew hope and courage to other young Victims of II here for appropriate use of the arnes roc The Park CounCIl ha< ~sked the A Special committee comprised polIO or other cnpphng diseases. gift T committee to enter mto a com. of Wayne County of'l"lclals met sa~~~~ t~~~S~~~ll <;::;~ A bIg boy for hIS age. Peter now partiCIpates In all sports WIth l Suggestions are inVIted from 0 Corn mittee prehenslve study on •home rule" Tuesday td study the adoptIon of baseball and football drawmg m""Or attentIon. , veterans I. -" government-Its advantages and Lo al PI d f all mg WIll be held at Parcells School -, d d ta es- d tt th a blanket y ty e ge or Tuesday. Oct. 6 at 8.30 pm. About the future the Defer student stated that he would hke M~S. Charles Lord chall'IIlan of Elmer F. Ullrich, FIre Commls- lsa van g an repor 0 e al emplo "'ee- of cItIes , I ••~ , lone f G P t Pa k Councl1 mUl11Clp J '. to become a pl10t somedav and travel around the world the Young Peoples AcliVllies, re- 51 r 0 rosse om e r 'I .'. VIllages and townsblp~ In Wayne Allard disclosed that he was. I ted th t d fled I has been apPolOted to the Gov- The Committee s findmgs WIll County without placmg the issue dlsappomted In the slow progress BIll DesRocher, athletIC dIrector at the Neighborhood Club Ipor ~ a Iversl ed hroh ernor's new Fire Prevention and be announced to the pubhc to a referendum of the alteratIons at the munlcl- recommended Peter for the honor whIch IS gIven each month bv thIS I gram IS mg prepar w IC Prot to C ttee b Go ~ _ The Lovalty Pledge planned is pal office. which forces the Coun- newspaper In COClperatlon With the Grosse Pomte LIOns, and mem- will be announced at a later nor ~ l:en~~;lll a y ver- Diamond R' s., simIlar to the one accepted by cll to meet elsewhere bel'S of the Church. the School and CIVIC Groups' 'dapte For the purpose ;f ~~nsldenng lUg t 1 He saId that the new office r I aul Moreland. treasurer reo C S I DetrOIt voters at a recen e ec- bould have been com leted sev- I f - vealed that pledges have been the variOUS factors m\'ohecl. II amera to en tlOR IS p I L mhe Th fiN F' E . conference WIll be held In Grand MembE'T' of thiS committee are era I days ago He hopes the II r Ie I ew Ire nglue receIved amounting to $23.500 m. RapIds on October 21 and 22 Several dlamond rings and Carl Schweikert. TownshIp super-I ;~u:~:~e .... ~~~ ~~:k some action. to I James Marton, 27. of DetrOIt To Get Test : Ch~~g FOo~~ f:~n~;~ed that Mrs 'I ThIS conference \,ould be a i car:nera valued at $2.000 were VI<or and chaIrman of the Coun- p I~ bemg held for queslionmg by f M ed th Ra d 11 Id be h follo\\--up of PreSIdent Truman s taken from the home of Dr I T. ' • er I na wou c air. I I P h'- f 330 A d bo I Fn ty's Ways and Means commIttee .--------------., Woods Pollee for the theft of Woods CounCil and othel vll-I man of the 0 n House to be' Fire Pre"entlOn Conference and, 0.., 0 1 uu n ate Judge Ira Jayne Prosecutor Ger- COUNCIL ACCEPTS I lumber from property at Stan- lage offICials .... 111....atch a demon- held at the Ce~ •n Arm te' Its ob]ectl\ e \\ould be to make Ida) aid O'BrIen and Sherlf'f Andy J At • eouncl! sessJon Monda", hope near Mack. stratlon and tests of the Woods' I D N 11 r 0 IS IC recommendatIons and outllne a Park Police ~a\d that the bur- , BaIrd I Park CommIssIoners unamm- Martm "as arrested by pohce ne .... $20 000 fire ("nglDe Sunday a A \, °tav'I' tf I' program Cor redLlcmg MIchigan'!; I?;larse~t("red the homl' by chlsel- I d th t t . ren contrac or ~enera hid I --------- I ous Y carrIe e mo Ion 0 \\ Ith the lumber on hiS car at 10 a m at Parcells School d ed ,annual fire los, mg a 0F In a r('ar oor D F - d f adopt the MIchigan Umform I use .... as a opt . J COmml5.<lOner Ulncn 1<:al...,., a I Poll('e N>hl'H' that the <ame 1 ate f,xe or TraffiC VIolatIon PollC\'. 'Pollee saId that he has a long I Walter Goulette. pohce and :\Iondav. Oct 19 \<a~ fixed member of the F'II e PrpventlOn, per~on~ attemptE'd to enter the I _ ' I I prison record. fire chief Will be In C'harge. Ias the next meeting of the Board FlfI~ Record lmo :\-Iembershlp home of Jame~ Pas.<anante, 1022 I Farms Out... ,t!! Committees of the' Nat-onal FirE" Buckmliham Vlonday nIght bat I ., L I Off. ls B k ~T T ff· L Pla ProtectIon ASSOCiatIOn He ISIwere frightened away bv an FaI'TT'~Comm'~~'o'ler "'fell c. oca lClU l1C" 11 ew ra Ie aw II, al~o a member of the Box 12 alarm . , Eae-hm. Ree-rl'ahon Committee A«(){'Iates r-----------__ .. ('halrman. announ(,E'n that the J ... : II ]Olnt confert'l1(e held ... un form ~I\d !!' ea:h -lm- Cine, morl' pIeCI'E'ly the .1\0-; are IntludE'<i In the 'E'U>! d , ,, _ ' 2nd Annual F mp\o\E'E' VIana~e- I Th'lI <<la\ In the Palk ;o.1un,clpal ploH'd tr~1TlC II(k('t I [on-t < ",olal1011 After the "'10_1 The ~)<terg al<;o pro\ Ides for Poh('e Sc~k Carrier Boys ment Outm~ \, III hI' helrl at the "",Id Il~ Gro~se POintE' JudgE'<:,1 2 A,' haUlro ral"l" «:< E' for latoon 'speed,ns;: ~ for example. the Interchange or tlcKeL~ be-' Farm~ Pier on 'NE'dnf'<:da\'. Oe-t pollcE' cn ef' and munll'lpal Ofl'l_,1adm nl,tralwe Il-e I are IL<led the fol1o~,ng, one of '11\\en rommumt'@';FOle'CamPle'I'ReckleSSDri\t"r I Now Collecting 119 (,ai, endorc::ed II plan for adopt- 3 <\ \\TTttE'n "arnml1 '\<le-n "h,('h the off ("('r c-hec-k- 'Fl\e ~ copv of a tJch.E't "~Ued m St'r (>< and pictures of major Mr MeF-aehm ~1atNI that an ng the Mieh,~an t'mform Tl'llfflC, Wlln teeth In It miles 51' tn nme m le< o\er Communl!\ \ to ~ rt'<:'dent of Pouce are s('('kmg a reekle-.s Gro,<;(' Pomte Re\le\\ Carriers nle r.t behm<l page ORe Include' I appropriate prol(ram ,~ be,"l( ar-l La\\ EnforcE'I',ent IInd Court 4 A l.nlform nne <('hedl.le for len" ComnlUmty B IS -erl to the lat- i dfl\CI' \\ ho 1 ace~ tl"noug ~ Pl,nte are no\\ collec-tml: the de- En Fanged Pol C\ It I' l!"pe('!ed thai they t ff 1 b I At pre<e"l rean, offir!'T< 111"€ tE'r where It IS mcluded In the I streets Saturda) nl~ht 1 h f 1- f th ' 'nr aL, page two \\ III .rect,mmend that theIr re- ra lC VIOatlon~ un'all 'verbal war,mg5 \\ here the-. do VIolator ~ rerord. Acord'"Jl: to police. John 1\ ery c arge 0 ;)~ or e Jn~"'lIl. Bachelor, "TIme Clock I P I l' "tired t spechve l!Ouncll, adopt the plln Tlck..t., 1n 1111 rOI"l1'unll1e!\' not con~der t.he ~,0111tll',"~e['\ou'l Among thOSl!l prf'~nt at t.lll! I' B15hol> of 857 Flsh~r. reporter! \lonth of September llu<! Go" I 8ssenger I. USing thp <v,telTl IIrP I<lE'Tltlcallv I f'TIDugh to jUStltv thll 1~llranC" mPetlni ,,'ere ArtllllT Lou"'eTS, thllt the dr'\"f'r of thl' 'p!'edm;; I A~ j i h' I 1114' ptlllCY LC a better'l\eapon l11 .. ~me With onr e;..c('phon- of a trck"t Thp "'Tltten W'lrn. l"Ollr(' c'lIPf E B (.:tne, 'TlTIT\.l-e-'lr"''l<'lI<'''U'Il'ppr<<'In \hl) stole , t EducltlOll C&lendu IBv Ve Ie p to prp,en. tralflr accldent< by the na'Tle of the rO'1'l'Un,'\ on ,n~ ~v.t ....... rl'''I'lrp< " 'r" t(\ Clpal man'li"r Cro~<r P<'Imb,'allto f'arts from hl< r;llr ""hll .. 'It Sept''''''ber re-elpt; are ~lO-rrv Photo C<mtest '"" , 1'1 t 4, 1" OPtrOlt zrl'a'er TInforrm') /'If Jntprpret"'1 th .. t,c:~el ThE' .,ekl" 1lst< .he the ',0111llon< hur"au "hll"h .,.."y Park T/'Ire Trombl" IX'l.ce ~hlef I .... as parkl'd near CUl'lti s. Mack Pl'll'l t lO<i on ,,-lUI'" ~P'"-l ~. ,ar!! Lldles SPONOT Snow WI,I,Pr H os.1ble '1 ilC:' ure n I Lon n l'nf(lrc ...... ent l'f'fort.' by ~ <J' pnnclpa I ',olatJon< ,,'lIe'! or ma) not rel'ult In a wa-rung j ~orbert Netf. clerk CIty of I at Harvard 'or' 'O('!lst Chun:h Plam Bazaar i 5uf'f.. m ~~ hen t'1e e'l" 'Ie \\ as 11"'" and fire" by Judge<. Ind theIr: Cll1.:.9l' 81) per cent M traff'e aCC'-11f the 'Iolator s record md,cates GfOSIIe POinte Walter Hoyt. po-j ' Plea..ce ask your boy f~ ~••. 50th h .. left lee! d en bv Vll"latlon bureau, <t<'cordll\g to I dents SIX COll<l!tlon' are al'o It I~ hl< ~m offense In 12 month~ 11~ rl1l"f HarT" Furton c'e-k W"nd B k I recelp)t ~R~; AAnnplversa.!:: 1" "s~ otruCgK6bvr..a0ne ~ Tn d I th~ \{,~hlllan State Police sJ)('n- 1 listed that Increase toe <enous-I the' w~rnmJi( <lIfTICI'~ If It m-I Gro ..... -.e POinte r-ann< 0' C ' in~ I I. OleS TO 'pn I I!J Id oho ..... 11".. I \fax L,rkn ~ ,,(' , '(>r~ rl'>3. <;()r< M th" pol ('v whIch 1< 11so ne«< of th~ VI 1~1 hap S To.< Suto",- P.'O", .... ~ '" (l"l.1y r, d a Next fOT'Tht><.plan< a\ TE'fT~r<()n' and 8 -',,,() '0 <M In :n~ p,) I<~ rhE'r~ ~r 0 (>n -11('. olcalf" .."or(' 'han ,~~ ~(' .- llal'De Shores poL"" rh,ef ~nd Wood < Poll('e If'Do.t"d 'hilt ~'1lO iX- 'c.' ..' c"1 ~ ~'-, !.hall 'p, ""l' Pt'r~nll t f'< H I \< IrE''' (I.. R" S... ~ 1 (" \"E'ill"" hea\y tr ..". ( hI' her ~I\en ~ • r'(" I, l'1"<1' .. -I' G~o.'of' Po ntl' J\ngl" Genrl(f' t1f'\ found thre~ \<mdo\\s b,o~en h.t M '"' O.>~- ,"a.-or', l'~""~ p I I " I \1 (hi!,:"" , IIII' \loldllnn ,au,ed" (<ll'n: .hE' v..n n,"2' l,r"l" mao(' Beauc"" 110 V (tor I:lt>Bae"e C at J;le-k Wood< Ga' ';tall)n Iq--" "'p'" 1n l~ Me'r"~Ll' ..n De- ( ,.Iumn~ I• ,,[I , h, -p,1 ,I I and othf'1< ( II ~' ....., Il , f:>t>v,lsMet't Roval 0.... I Thf' oH'I'r <,,,\( 1",I,ed \<., Jt In<illJE'~ Ihe !(.,o .... ln ll p en-,.. . oil pellllanenl !'al,t of thfo orl\er'l.To~Ph Belllniter aro1 John Pot-IMaCk NothmJ( "'a~ rE'ptlTted ,r~, ( n"" To Show Ntw Tricks Dll\ Id KlsOf' M R"" I'll e I rir ,tern> Thlt hllUlrd ralmll "die 'pe-I ~ord SlmllallV 1111 "olat,on.., Iter ml'<Smg _I-_-~===========::r:~ -- ------- - --- -- - -

digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-02 · " :i I',. 'I 1' ,.. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w.. * * Preserve

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Fer Mor.Local News, Picture.

Reid Th. R.vi.w



PreserveProgramfor Public




at Memorial

([h~~ro~~t poinlt mtuitUlI ,

Grosse Pointets Nelripaper for More Than 23 Years-1 --- __.-:-:::-:::=--=-----::-:-::-::-::::





. .. ..

Itts IllY To WinIn The

IMemory Photo'Cont.st ..

S.. P", l5

A«ordmg to Mrs. CharlesEllIS, house chairman It theWar Memorial Center, eightfunctions a.n be held at thetame time at the Cf!nter.- .. .

Directors Bar Private Pa.rties at Cen

Art Erwm, athletic dIrectorof Eastern HIgh School, re-eently returned from Dr. LloydShaw's Western Square andRound Dance School m Colo-rado, hall organiezd. a HayloftSquare Dan c: e Club All"1quares" mterested m board-Ing the "little red wagon" areasked 10 call Art at TV. 5-0713.

A bus IDeM triP that shouldbrmg some pleasure IS thejauDt to Palm Beach, Fionda,scheduled for Park MuwclpalManapr Jlyentt Lane 10 De-eember. The Council author-IZed Lane to make the trIP toaltelld the AnDIIal C~ •..JIaD-agel's' Conference.- - -Conductmg a special investi-gatIon, Arthur T. Hoadley, at-torney tor the Civil Sen IceCommiSSIon, was m the Re-VIew offIce Monday to checkAugust, 1948 ISSUes of thlslle" Spaper relata e to the Id-,ertlSlng campaign of a can-llIdate for Congres.a from tha14th DJ.stnct.. - ..

POI JI TE--!ShoppersA RAG R j PHS IWitness

by Th. Pointel'---_,SaY Dad! a chance to hal- G Ch

MOniZeand try out that nch un aseban tone voice of yours IS of-fered by the Grosse PomteMens Chorus which will hold1131irst meeting of the newleason Tuesday, Oct 4 atPierce lChool.

John C, Rowe Will be glad$0 give you additional mfor-matlon. You can caU him atro. 2-6996 - - .

Grace Evangel1c:al and Re-fonned Church on Kerchevaland Lakepomte Wlll mark Its25th aDDiversary WIth a spe-Ill! program WhICh WIll begmlnth serncea SUnday. Oct 2l1ld extend throu~h Tuesday,Oct. 18.

- - -'.II you note a. beammg smIleCIIIPark Treasurer CharlesHeISeIt has notbmg to 110 WIththe way paymenta on taxesIrt comrJlg m.

Th. truth IS that Mr. and),(rs Heise are grandparentsfor the first time and are m-deed very happy.

Their daughter Joan and herhlUband, Joseph Wunsatt an.llOunced the birth of a son,RO~rt Hayes on Sunday.

The Wimsattl reside ItLoUI$VI.Ile,Ky.

- - -Members of the DetroItTlgl'rs were scheduled to beruests of the Grosse POInteLlon.~at theIr meetIng Thurs-da\ Il<lOft It the Van Dyk eClub ,

Inrldf:ntally member~ of theLlnn~ helped theIr colleagueT~rr PhIllips nbserve the 20thAnn'~r~arv of hIS Van DvkeClub Monday. .


This !FeeksRevie.w

Complete Adult Education Program Calendar, Page 3

r ~L. 26 NO. 10


Republican LeadersterTo Speak at State-Wide2-Day ProgralD

The Federation of Repubhcan Women's Clubs of Mich-Igan will hold Its annual fall conference at the War Me-monal Center 32 Lake Shore road. on Tuesday and Wednes-day, Oct. 4 and 5.

Women Repubhcans from throughout the State are ex.pected to attend tlus conference which has the local chapter

Acting to preserve the char- - - • acting as hostess.Fnday noon shoppers in the acter of the War Memorial Mrs. Peter GIbson of Mon-

City Shoppmg Center on Ker. Center as a community cen- SPEAKER roe, president o( the Federa-cheval were subject to a gun ter and not a hall for private tlOn has a program arrangedshootmg escapade which saw parties and wedding recep- which includes an array ofCity Detective James Flanni- tions, the Board of Directors promment s pea k e r san 4gan chase a car thief through ruled to limit rentals to civic round table diSCUSSiOns.City streets and stores before organizations and public func- The speakers mc:1ude M1Jahi

. Catherl1le CurtIS, preslden~ 01s capture. tions. Women's Investors Research 1Il-Flanmgan was fmeed to shoot ""-.- ac"on came at a Board of I ""__UUb .... shtute of Washington, 0 C.; .-.,,_at Gaetona G Rlclardl. 38, of De- DIrectors meeling Monday where ator John MartIn from Grand

trOlt. when he faIled to heed a Mrs FrederIck C. Ford, program RaplCls, and Mr. Donald L, Jack.warnmg shot to stop commIttee chairman, announced I Cal.


C an.son, uOrnla ongressmThe second shot missed Rlciardi that she has receIved numerous I Mr. Jackson will address the

Who was seen by FlannIgan steal. requests from mdlvlduals to hold I assemblage at a banquet at HotelIDg groceries out of a parked auto, private parties and wedd1ng re- Statler Tuesday evemng.and struck the brIck wall of ceplions at the CenterKro~er's I ContributIng to the Dll'eetors' II Members of the Grosse PomteR d. f II t d t Club expect a record attendanceIClar I was ma y cap ure a decISIOn was the fact that as a I32 Kercheval Place community center the Memorial I as they have inVIted all mem-

Sgt. Andrew Teetaert, who was IS exempt from tax assessment. bers of Republlcan Clubs to at-Itend. In preVIOUS years the~eem-on schoo traffic duty at the cor- IPrivate parties and receptionsf C 1ference was lmuted to dele ••ner 0 adieux and Kercheva 1V0uld jeopardn:e thIS ruling ,

aSSisted m the arrest I During tbe meetlDg several I only.Several days ago Det Flanni- comrruttee reports were heard' Local members acbng as com.

gan was assIgned to ',atcb the V1- whIch mdlcated conSIderable I rruttee chllU"IIlen are Mrs. F. W.cmlty of the Kroger parking lot. \ -PbotoJ!aphy by Dee progress towards fulfl1llng a com. I Pearce, luncheon and dInner na-where several persons had fit- Peter' GlSSing, 'Young American of School pupils at his comer, Nottingham plete and coveted program at the DONALD L. JACKSON ervatlon, NL 5833; and :Mra.ported their grocerLes stolen from I the Month," directs traffic for Defer and Charlevoix. ~nter. 1------------- IHarold B. Tyree, HospitalitF .. -their autos -------------~ Mrs. Ford reported that wlthm I IIllttee.

Flannigan saId that shortly be- p ~1_~ ...1 ~ I PETER GISSING I the last several da~'s, ten new 11tit Annual A.C~;~~~~,= ~fore noon Fnday, Riclardl enter. 8caarW'va es .... Igroups have Jomed the growmg I fm, Mrs. Jam. ~8Ill1I:rLed the l(lt and looked mto a few J ~~ - ~ ~- Boy Who LlC- ked POl!':' Named number of organizatIons usmg~ HaU- Frederick So J'c:ri.cars A ~o 1~ T I-W the Center for theiJl. functions. oween _

He saId he followed the in- P~ ax_ "¥ Am _ - f M - h" The total as of Monday was ~. .. ~ • - lb. ~ p1¥_ -....

kr:~e~~o~dh~~~r:~:':~~~: Assessments oung merrean 0 ont un~:w~;r~~~h:r~::er~b:B~IParty Planned oa page_three. _I he saw Rlclardl leave ,a black • An eleven year-old boy who overcame a potent attack of poho I algOOe'a"Ill Ihtave room rtfed°rabout Plans for the 11th annual Gillett Heaillsedan parked on Notre Dame Township assessment of real to become a leader m school actIVIoes and atheltIc events IS the c rs, was repo. Grosse Pomte Halloween Pro-~~~hp~m~~~;n~:g::o~:[~e~e ~~ ~a~r~:~r p~~:~~ J~er:: Grosse Pomte ReVIew's "Young Amencan of the Month" for Aui\!Sl. V;:;:n~sal~:~ c~~~~~::gram WIll be formulated at a II " Home Rule"tempted to question hIm and the at Lakepomte, haa been appealed He IS husky Peter GISSlng, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Glssmg ,r------------_, I meeling of the' Halloween Com-chase began, RlcUirdl throwmg to the State Tax CommiSSion of 1380.Beaconsfield .4 • Pi , mlttee, Mondbay

rh,Oct 3

C'luabt81~lm45Stud G

the bag at FlannIgan After an inlual heanng Mon- Early m hiS childhood, "Pete" was Crippled by Infantile paralY-


4ttention ease. ~ thel

Neigh 0 000, y roupThe groceries belonged to Ml1I. day, the commiSSIon tabled final SIS, makmg the left SIde of hiS body stlll. A s lal COInlIU+<--IS cur- ater 00. WIlll~"'" Gillett, former Park

t d furth - b ~~ '..... Representatives from the po.. _.John Verblest of 451 McKmley. ae Ion pen mg er mves - But through ~urage, faith and the ablhty of modern methods of rently compiling names and bce departments, PTA's, servIce ComrruSSloner, was named to hqliRJclard1 pleaded gUIlty before gallon. fightmg opoho. Peter rose from a Sick bed and eventually became an I other important data for the clubs, church groups, \ eteran the five-man study committee 1m:

Judge Joseph UVlck Monday and PackalXl Salee has also appealed active b y agam. / 1 permanent Honor Roll Me- organIzations and other Civic as- CIty Incorporation by Park Prest-was fined $50 plus court cost Grosse Pomte Park assessments Dunng the past sumrper months. Jus play behJ,nd the plate monal to be erected at the soclatlons are expected to at- dent Homer E. Fntsch.

Police saId he was arrested for Carl Schwelkart, Townslup su- helped Jus teammates wm the pennant m the Nelghbrohood Club I War Memonal Center. tend. News of the appomtment WI.a smumr offense m DetrOIt last pervlsor, said that a second hear- Softball League. He also played on the hard ball mne. Persons who feel that there The Halloween Program agam revealed at the Park Councll ses-year. mg WIll be held m the Pnk With hIS ba!eblill bat and ball tucked away for the year. Peter i might be some dIscrepancy in this year wIll offer safe and sane slOn Monday Other membe~ of

------- MunICIPal building shortly. returned to hlS classes at Defer where he 15 a member of the sixth j any name or data are urged observance of thIS day of festlv- the comlnJttee are Mr VictorPia L It grade. to call the MemOrial Center, Ity for chIldren of the com- Wehmeyer. Mrs Kenneth Cun.n oya Y Offl-ce ProJ-ect Hi" TU.1-6030. mumty' mngham, Mr. Robelt S Hotch-ere at schoo teachers have recogmzed the youngster s Daturall

'- 11 . I kISS. and Mr. Roy K Stewart.PI d f leadership characteristIcs. ------- M G 11 tt d th t the ge Or D I K ... nounc~ acceptance of I gilt of G W -IZ- I r I e sal a e com.-• " I e ay oopS He ",as .ecen.ly en~"atea to lIeulenant safety pallol boy. I$1.000 from Mrs. Russell Alger 00_ t UlmS mlttee may hold Its first meetlnltVery happy and thankful that their son IS healthy and achve I He saId he would confer WIth I next Monday evenmg at the ParkPointe Workers Co iI 0 t agam, Mr. and Mrs. Glssmg hope that tlus story of young Peter I heads of Veteran OrganIzations N VI · h MUnICipal bulldmgone U might bring Dew hope and courage to other young Victims of II here for appropriate use of the arnes roc The Park CounCIl ha< ~sked the

A Special committee comprised polIO or other cnpphng diseases. gift T committee to enter mto a com.of Wayne County of'l"lclals met sa~~~~ t~~~S~~~ll <;::;~ A bIg boy for hIS age. Peter now partiCIpates In all sports WIth l Suggestions are inVIted from 0 Corn mittee prehenslve study on •home rule"Tuesday td study the adoptIon of baseball and football drawmg m""Or attentIon. , veterans I. -" government-Its advantages andLo al PI d f all mg WIll be held at Parcells School -, d d ta es- d t t tha blanket y ty e ge or Tuesday. Oct. 6 at 8.30 pm. About the future the Defer student stated that he would hke M~S. Charles Lord chall'IIlan of Elmer F. Ullrich, FIre Commls- lsa van g an repor 0 eal emplo"'ee- of cItIes , I ••~ , lone f G P t Pa k Councl1mUl11Clp J '. to become a pl10t somedav and travel around the world the Young Peoples AcliVllies, re- 51 r 0 rosse om e r 'I .'.VIllages and townsblp~ In Wayne Allard disclosed that he was. I ted th t d fled I has been apPolOted to the Gov- The Committee s findmgs WIllCounty without placmg the issue dlsappomted In the slow progress BIll DesRocher, athletIC dIrector at the Neighborhood Club Ipor ~ a Iversl

edhroh ernor's new Fire Prevention and be announced to the pubhc

to a referendum of the alteratIons at the munlcl- recommended Peter for the honor whIch IS gIven each month bv thIS I gram IS mg prepar w IC Prot to C ttee b Go ~ _The Lovalty Pledge planned is pal office. which forces the Coun- newspaper In COClperatlon With the Grosse Pomte LIOns, and mem- will be announced at a later nor ~ l:en~~;lll a y ver- Diamond R' s.,

simIlar to the one accepted by cll to meet elsewhere bel'S of the Church. the School and CIVIC Groups' 'dapte For the purpose ;f ~~nsldenng lUgt 1 He saId that the new office r I aul Moreland. treasurer reo C S I

DetrOIt voters at a recen e ec- bould have been com leted sev- I • f - vealed that pledges have been the variOUS factors m\'ohecl. II amera to entlOR IS p IL mhe Th fiN F' E . conference WIll be held In GrandMembE'T' of thiS committee are era I days ago He hopes the II r Ie I ew Ire nglue receIved amounting to $23.500 m. RapIds on October 21 and 22 Several dlamond rings and •Carl Schweikert. TownshIp super-I ;~u:~:~e ....~~~ ~~:k some action. to I James Marton, 27. of DetrOIt To Get Test :Ch~~g FOo~~f:~n~;~ed that Mrs 'I ThIS conference \,ould be a i car:nera valued at $2.000 wereVI<or and chaIrman of the Coun- p I~ bemg held for queslionmg by f M ed th Ra d 11 Id be h follo\\--up of PreSIdent Truman s taken from the home of Dr I T.

' • er I n a wou c air. I I P h'- f 330 A d bo I Fnty's Ways and Means commIttee .--------------., Woods Pollee for the theft of Woods CounCil and othel vll-I man of the 0 n House to be' Fire Pre"entlOn Conference and, 0.., 0 1 u u n ate •Judge Ira Jayne Prosecutor Ger- COUNCIL ACCEPTS I lumber from property at Stan- lage offICials ....111....atch a demon- held at the Ce~ • n Arm te' Its ob]ectl\ e \\ould be to make Ida)aid O'BrIen and Sherlf'f Andy J At • eouncl! sessJon Monda", hope near Mack. stratlon and tests of the Woods' ID N 11 r 0 IS IC recommendatIons and outllne a Park Police ~a\d that the bur-

, BaIrd I Park CommIssIoners unamm- Martm "as arrested by pohce ne .... $20 000 fire ("nglDe Sunday aA\, °tav'I' t f I' program Cor redLlcmg MIchigan'!; I?;larse~t("red the homl' by chlsel-I d th t t . ren contrac or ~enera hidI --------- I ous Y carrIe e mo Ion 0 \\ Ith the lumber on hiS car at 10 a m at Parcells School d ed ,annual fire los, mg a 0 F In a r('ar oor

D F- d f adopt the MIchigan Umform I use ....as a opt . J COmml5.<lOner Ulncn 1<:al...,., a I Poll('e N>hl'H' that the <ame1 ate f,xe or TraffiC VIolatIon PollC\'. 'Pollee saId that he has a long I Walter Goulette. pohce and :\Iondav. Oct 19 \<a~ fixed member of the F'II e PrpventlOn, per~on~ attemptE'd to enter theI _ ' I Iprison record. fire chief Will be In C'harge. Ias the next meeting of the Board FlfI~ Record lmo :\-Iembershlp home of Jame~ Pas.<anante, 1022IFarms Out ...,t!! Committees of the' Nat-onal FirE" Buckmliham Vlonday nIght batI ., L I Off. · ls B k ~T T ff · L Pla ProtectIon ASSOCiatIOn He ISI were frightened away bv anFaI'TT'~Comm'~~'o'ler "'fell c. oca lClU l1C" 11ew ra Ie aw II, al~o a member of the Box 12 alarm ., Eae-hm. Ree-rl'ahon Committee A«(){'Iates r-----------__..('halrman. announ(,E'n that the J ... : II ]Olnt confert'l1(e held ... un form ~I\d !!' ea:h -lm- Cine, morl' pIeCI'E'ly the .1\0-; are IntludE'<i In the 'E'U>!d , • ,, _

'2nd Annual F mp\o\E'E' VIana~e- I Th'lI <<la\ In the Palk ;o.1un,clpal ploH'd tr~1TlC II(k('t I [on-t < ",olal1011 After the "'10_1 The ~)<terg al<;o pro\ Ides for Poh('e Sc~k Carrier Boysment Outm~ \, III hI' helrl at the "",Id Il~ Gro~se POintE' JudgE'<:,1 2 A,' haUlro ral"l" «:< E' for latoon 'speed,ns;: ~ for example. the Interchange or tlcKeL~ be-'Farm~ Pier on 'NE'dnf'<:da\'. Oe-t pollcE' cn ef' and munll'lpal Ofl'l_,1adm nl,tralwe Il-e I are IL<led the fol1o~,ng, one of '11\\en rommumt'@';FOle'CamPle'I'ReckleSSDri\t"r I Now Collecting

119 (,ai, endorc::ed II plan for adopt- 3 <\ \\TTttE'n "arnml1 '\<le-n "h,('h the off ("('r c-hec-k- 'Fl\e ~ copv of a tJch.E't "~Ued mSt'r (>< and pictures of major Mr MeF-aehm ~1atNI that an ng the Mieh,~an t'mform Tl'llfflC, Wlln teeth In It miles 51' tn nme m le< o\er Communl!\ \ to ~ rt'<:'dent of Pouce are s('('kmg a reekle-.s Gro,<;(' Pomte Re\le\\ Carriers

nle r.t behm<l page ORe Include' I appropriate prol(ram ,~ be,"l( ar-l La\\ EnforcE'I',ent IInd Court 4 A l.nlform nne <('hedl.le for len" ComnlUmty B IS -erl to the lat- i dfl\CI' \\ ho 1ace~ tl"noug ~ Pl,nte are no\\ collec-tml: the de-En Fanged Pol C\ It I' l!"pe('!ed thai they t ff 1 b I At pre<e"l rean, offir!'T< 111"€ tE'r where It IS mcluded In the I streets Saturda) nl~ht 1 h f 1- f th' 'nr aL, page two \\ III . rect,mmend that theIr re- ra lC VIOatlon~ un'all 'verbal war,mg5 \\ here the-. do VIolator ~ rerord. Acord'"Jl: to police. John 1\ ery c arge 0 ;)~ or eJn~"'lIl. Bachelor, "TIme Clock IP I l'"tired t spechve l!Ouncll, adopt the plln Tlck ..t., 1n 1111 rOI"l1'unll1e!\' not con~der t.he ~,0111tll',"~e['\ou'l Among thOSl!l prf'~nt at t.lll! I' B15hol> of 857 Flsh~r. reporter! \lonth of September

llu<! Go" I 8ssenger I. USing thp <v,telTl IIrP I<lE'TltlcallvI f'TIDugh to jUStltv thll 1~llranC" mPetlni ,,'ere ArtllllT Lou"'eTS, thllt the dr'\"f'r of thl' 'p!'edm;; IA~ j i h' I 1114' ptlllCY LC a better'l\eapon l11 .. ~me With onr e;..c('phon- of a trck"t Thp "'Tltten W'lrn. l"Ollr(' c'lIPf E B (.:tne, 'TlTIT\.l-e-'lr"''l<'lI<'''U'Il'ppr<<'In \hl) stole ,

t EducltlOll C&lendu IBv Ve Ie p to prp,en. tralflr accldent< by the na'Tle of the rO'1'l'Un,'\ on ,n~ ~v.t....... rl'''I'lrp< " 'r" t(\ Clpal man'li"r Cro~<r P<'Imb,'allto f'arts from hl< r;llr ""hll .. 'It • Sept''''''ber re-elpt; are~lO-rrv Photo C<mtest '"" , 1'1 t 4, 1" OPtrOlt zrl'a'er TInforrm') /'If Jntprpret"'1 th .. t,c:~el ThE' .,ekl" 1lst< .he the ',0111llon< hur"au "hll"h .,.."y Park T/'Ire Trombl" IX'l.ce ~hlef I ....as parkl'd near CUl'lti s. Mack Pl'll'ltlO<i on ,,-lUI'" ~P'"-l~. ,ar!! Lldles SPONOT Snow WI,I,Pr H os.1ble '1 ilC:' ure n I Lon n l'nf(lrc ......ent l'f'fort.' by ~ <J' pnnclpa I ',olatJon< ,,'lIe'! or ma) not rel'ult In a wa-rung j ~orbert Netf. clerk CIty of I at Harvard'or' 'O('!lst Chun:h Plam Bazaar i 5uf'f..m ~ ~hen t'1e e'l" 'Ie \\ as 11"'" and fire" by Judge<. Ind theIr: Cll1.:.9l'81) per cent M traff'e aCC'-11f the 'Iolator s record md,cates GfOSIIe POinte Walter Hoyt. po-j ' • Plea..ce ask your boy f~ •~••. 50th h .. left lee! d en bv Vll"latlon bureau, <t<'cordll\g to I dents SIX COll<l!tlon' are al'o It I~ hl< ~m offense In 12 month~ 11~ rl1l"f HarT" Furton c'e-k W"nd B k I recelp)t~R~; AAnnplversa.!:: 1 " "s~ otruCgK6bvr..a0ne~ Tn d I th~ \{,~hlllan State Police sJ)('n-

1listed that Increase toe <enous-I the' w~rnmJi( <lIfTICI'~ If It m-I Gro.....-.e POinte r-ann< 0' C ' in~ I I. OleS TO 'pn

I I!J Id oho .....11".. I \fax L,rkn ~ ,,(' , '(>r~ rl'>3 . <;()r<M th" pol ('v whIch 1< 11so ne«< of th~ VI 1~1 hap S To.< Suto",- P.'O", .... ~ '" (l"l.1yr, d a Next fOT'Tht><.plan< a\ TE'fT~r<()n'and 8 -',,,() '0 <M In :n~ p,) I<~ rhE'r~ ~r 0 (>n -11('. • olcalf" .."or(' 'han ,~~ ~(' .- llal'De Shores poL"" rh,ef ~nd Wood < Poll('e If'Do.t"d 'hilt ~'1lO iX- 'c.' ..' c"1 ~ ~'-, !.hall

'p, ""l' Pt'r~nll t f'< H I \< IrE''' (I.. R" S... ~ 1 (" \"E'ill"" hea\y tr ..". ( hI' her ~I\en ~ • r'(" I, l'1"<1' .. -I' G~o.'of' Po ntl' J\ngl" Genrl(f' t1f'\ found thre~ \<mdo\\s b,o~en h.t M '"' O.>~- ,"a.-or', l'~""~

p I I " I \1 (hi!,:"" , IIII' \loldllnn ,au,ed" (<ll'n: .hE' v..n n,"2' l,r"l" mao(' Beauc"" 110 V (tor I:lt>Bae"e C at J;le-k Wood< Ga' ';tall)n Iq--" "'p'" 1n l~ Me'r"~Ll' ..n De-( ,.Iumn~ I • ,,[I , h, -p,1 ,I I and othf'1< ( II ~' .....,

Il , f:>t>v,lsMet't Roval 0.... I Thf' oH'I'r <,,,\( 1",I,ed \<., Jt In<illJE'~ Ihe !(.,o ....lnll•pen-,.. . oil pellllanenl !'al,t of thfo orl\er'l.To~Ph Belllniter aro1 John Pot-IMaCk NothmJ( "'a~ rE'ptlTted ,r~,( n"" To Show Ntw Tricks Dll\ Id KlsOf' M R"" I'll e I rir ,tern> Thlt hllUlrd ralmll "die 'pe-I ~ord SlmllallV 1111 "olat,on.., Iter ml'<Smg _I-_-~===========::r:~-- ------- - --- -- - -

Page 2: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-02 · " :i I',. 'I 1' ,.. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w.. * * Preserve

- ----rR ell/ell/ be--;-

20:z.l9 MACK AVI.






Show Room Opel!l!\fon, - Thurs. - SIt,

'm II P. M.


LAkl IHOII MOrOI SALlSINn i. "';..FE&'OIll - "tw... Pbihp UII M.... ttqU•• \ 'Uti ~


. In !Is place they could m<;tallthmg SImilar to the colol ful Juk btbrtttotoday. Instead of Just ticking t~@Ox IIaway, the new cont! aphan (liuld Ihllltmedley of popular tunes eell h mo p av t

As each employ~e punLlIt', 111 I nlng

pal'es himself for anothel ll.hourand pre.I sweet affectionate "good rnoSlretchwould greet him lOin&"~ A ~weet refrain of 1I1Hlei~lal1would be heard In the event he IS ldlnglate 01' departs a bit eally a Illie

We're c~rta1n that If thh '01 ~IetrIed, the brass hats would lertl n ~ \1&3little mUlllC here and there can ~tltl1 alt lproductlon. U lte

Look what it dld fOI PetlliloAnyway whoever first Solid time

teU" must have be~ll thmklllg ~r the t y,1Uclock, Ime.

Prompt Service - EXPERT MECHANICSAvailable to Serve You NOW on All Chrysler Cars


lake Shore Motor Sales

Guaranteed Workmanship - Low PriceBU~lP~-G and PAINTING

1461!l F.. .JF:FFf:RSO~

The time clock mUlt '0H'. a mechamzed stool pl,eon and it

has no pl.ce In our democratie W&y ofhfe

LIke a SIlent monster It challenges youto' punch In a mmute late or try to getaway a second early .

Regardless of what re~son you ffilihthave, It tells the bo5S and you're docked.

ThIS heartless custodian IS beyond any.6ectlon or bnbe

We cannot understand why thIS black-hand~d watchman of another era remainsIn thJS time of graeioul public relatIonsand brotherly spIrit.

You would thmk that 01.11'bi, com.panles which employ small armle, andspend thousands of 9011&l's on ,ood WIllpromotion would gI ve the time clock Itatwo.week notice.

Edi,tor Dreams of One"Perfect Nelvspaper"

(;enuIl'le plI!r!'onal Inter,st comblflM~Ith Btllck 'knfl\\ .hnw" line! ~enlllT't

H lid. 1-''''' . Yl\f" \,;11 11" tlr,'.'~u.d _en ... a\ lId ..Lle •. , at

War Memorial CeuterCalendar of Activities


'" ,~I..... (J.........' ......

EDITOR'S NOTE: 11hil IllformatioD is received fromthe War Memorial Center's office and il lubject .,chaDI. without notice.

Thunday, Sept. ztWomen'. Auxihary of Alger VFW Post 995. m"tln¥

at 8 p,m.Monday, Oct. 3

"Farmen Foundation of North Carohna" sbowhand knit ,oods made ...in North Carohna, all day.

Tumiay, Oct. •Republican F,deration, meeting at 2 p,m.

Wednesday, Oct. 5Republican Federation, meetm, and luncheon.Junior League, meeting at 8 p,m.

Thursday, Oct. IIFashlon Show to B.n~ Starr Commonwealth Boys

at 2--p.m.AAUW dlnner at B:30 p.m.

.' . "t.rtday, Oct. or < •• - \

Metropolitan Clu.b .Auxiliary meeting at 3~30 p.m.

.t - Th. GrOl•• Poin ... "view _ Thllrlcl.y, S.,t. 29, "4'


15777 ~arper RfRK'ZHIRt Tli. 1-6161


t& It ..


KllI('k '"rlll ", 1ullf'r Hlltf'1



Downtown Trainan4 Camera Shop

122 \\ ELiZABf;,."


ConsiderationGrosse Pointe students commuting dailyto UniversIty of Detrolt and Marvgrove"Ia car pool Many others. no doubt. areusmg pubhc transportation by way ofGrand Blvd or downtown, necessitatingmuch tIme consumed by luch Clrcultoulroutes.

There are no doubt many more eom-muters who use public transportation toarnve dally at spots along the McNIcholsroute who would be aceommodated byIts extensIon to Mack and Cuter Drive(WhIttIer), It IS a known fact that manydomestics would use such • route,

Consequently. it you, your famIly, oryour fnends would use such public trans-portatIOn, now IS the tIme to add yourVOlce to the cause 01 the East WarrenBusiness Men's ASSOCIation.

A letter, postal or phone caU to TheReVIew, Valley 2-4~58, will place sucheVJdence with that bemg submitted bythe Warren ASSOCiation and that beinggleaned by _the DSR lurvey,

a beneht tea, a fashion show or any eventWithout confhctmg or competing withendeavors of other organizations.

Those of you who have acted a.chaIrmen of any event can apprecIate thevalue of this service In selecting the"right date"

Itl utilization i. eminent for a IIUC-cessful program.

checked and double checked for accu-rac)'. However. there are about 500names that \\ arrant confIrmatIon.

Persons \\ ho can authOrItatIvely ren-der necessary mformatlon on thIS iI'oupare strongly urged to contact the Memo-nal Offlce at once. TU. 1-6030.

ActIOn now WIll aVOid dl5CrepanclfS tnthe perman!'!nt m!'!monlll.

icy is the warnmg ticket, which requiresan appearance at 'the VIolation bureau.

Here the VIolator v;111 receIve a lec.ture on safety driVing and released with-out any fme. However, the warning i.reg 1St ere d In the motorists 'record,whIch mfluences punishment on futureoffenses.

Local officials are indeed wise in IiiU~• portmg tius pohcy.

tmg plenty of sleep, by eating regularwell-Qalallced meal$ -aond drinkml plentyof wat~ J')y gettIng some outdoor exerCIs.every day; and by letting sun~hme andfresh aIr into your home, offlce andfactory.

Don't lower your resistance by gettmgtoo bred', over-heated or ctulled. AVOIdSItting in drIed out, smoke-, dust. or

-.chemical-Iaden elr. Dress accordIng to theweather and the temperature in whichyou mllSt work.

Go to bed if you pOSSIbly can at thefirst SIgn of a cold. It you can't stay mbed. get as milch rest as pOSSible. Protectothers by covering your mouth and nosewhen you cough or sneeze. and. by wash-mg your hands frequently, espeCIally be-fore handling food, cooking utensils ordishes.

Don't try to treat yourself. It yourcold svmptoms perSIst, call your doctorand follow,hls adVIce.

POlitte's Flrlt Newspaper

N4T10N'~ J..D1'91~L~114S~O~T1g,N

OLDHAM, PU8l.ISHER ' ,'alii Blackburn. t\dvertlsln, Mer

Dottie YOlln •• AdvertISingB. Youn,. CIrculation M«r.


L, I

Attention AU Drivers

DSR Poll

"A Valuable Community Service"..

Watch Out for First ("'Cold" Wave

Chari. Mon... EditorTOlli Ebner. StoH Writer

Deril Milab, Stoff Writer

Double Check Names On Honor Roll

]JzL 91UJ-d-u.; poi!t1L &oiJUlJGrosse

Among the many worthwhile servicesoffered by the Commumt .... ServJce De-Jlartment of our Board of Education isone tnat might ~ descrIbed as "a clear-11Ig house for scheduled events."

The staff of this department througheonsiderable research is in position to ad-vise any church, club or CIvic organiza-tion the most appropriate hme to stag.

OFFICES AT 15121 KERCHEVAL BETWEEN MARYLAND AND LAKEPOINTE'VAlley 2-1162 - 2.1163 - 2.4588 • 2.4559

"-PUBLISIaD EVERY TliURSDA"i BY THE GROSSE POlNTE PRINTING CO..0.000 Ruden Every 1'llul'lCl.y • • • - Subtcriptlon R.te. 5 ClIltl per copy: 8y Mill 52.00 Iter )feu


The new uniform state tr..Uic ticketlIlted to' be adopted by Grosse PointePoUoe Departments is deSIgned to curbaeeidentl and save you time and money.

Eaeh vlolabon recelVel indIVIdualeo~S1deratlon and the penalty fIts thecircumstances mvolveP. whIch includesthe motonst's driving record.

MOst unportant factol' lJl the new pol-

Se\'eral members of our communityhave been devotln~ a great deal of theIrtime to complete an accurate "honor roll"for the permanent memonal to beerkted at the War Memonal Center.

ThIS hst mcludes about 3700 GrossePomters who sen'ed In the armed forcesThe majorIty of the names have be.en

bryant grosse pointe co.S074 IUCONSFI£LD

~~; /.~ ~~ .. jy~ _ (",;~t ~~'lrH, • ~( l.\? ~f'~.l I I ~; : H~"I~Il:

TV 5-8809 TU. 2.8408

Under pressure from the East WarrenBusmess Men's ASSOCIation dm.'ctlv andmdm!ctlv from reSIdents of the Mack-Warren-Harper area adjacent to OuterDrIve (Whittier), the DSR IS curr.tntlyconducting a poll, to whIch Grosse Pomt-ers may want to add theIr voice

The East Warretl BUSiness Men haveattempted lor some tIme bv pehtIon toiet the DSR to extend the East McNIch-ols bus hne, which now terminates at

. -" Whither and Harper, down to M~ckavenue, The assoclat.lOn has pomted outthat by such an extension freer use ofthe Warren-Outer Drive ltbrary, I'ostal,medIcal. dental and bUSiness facditiescan be made a,'allable by pubhc trans-portabon

And, further, say spokesmen, the DSRhas mamUmed that such an extension

- wouldn't pay but IS noW~llling to ex-plore the'possibilIty by conductmg a poll.

ThIS is where Grosse Pomte comes in.Already there are more thll'180 known


Kel~heval AVl'jue I1lmhlnll"The EdItor's DI ea'tfl" was the I "But .Ias for the happlnelS of were talkme dUL>Utthe Il\l"~

lecellt title of Charles A, Wllght'l th, editor and the JeportOls and they spon~Oled dt 'I'a.,hllluoP:C(llumn "Thinking Out Loud," the IInolype operatolS. even when Chulch and lllullh 0ewhIch appears In the foul' news- a StOIY IS wlltten pel fecUy an~ In a I k e t at 14? 14 I-.er:;;:~papers published by the Trl- edIted cal efully and set Into type offel ed eggs dt 4J Llnt, a doCounty Pubh,hlng Co, ArdrpOle, WIthout a smgle mistake, things and buttel at 44 l( nt- per

IPa . can happen. The makeup man. 11'1 In. Revlt>N dd pOu.IIdMr. Wqght wrote, In part: 'I his Iusn to complete hiS page on 16 YEARS AGO

I "Once upon • hme • news- time, so It can get on the p, eas Noh'e Dame ~llrkl'\ held!bpaper editor lay down fOI' • few on time, so that the papen can grdnd opemng at 1&903 EastJ!!

I houn' Ileep at the end of hil bUbYI be printed In hme to make tbJ I fenon,d.y .nd In hlS .1eep he dreamed deuvelles, tranliposes 8 couple of: MIS. Gordon BUIns 1~19 t

I a lovely dleam. I\.. WII not a hneli, 01' use. the wrape caption I Jeffel ~on: MI~ R DezUHerdream ot Ileal wealth. or of WIth the plctUle, and nobody I Notre Dame and Mr J',exotIC dou\l. on some South Sea knows It until the pllpers II e Walmsley, 1240 MailldndIsle, or at headn, the world I printed and It III too late, pflzes in a puule contestI"iPplaucl hiS n.me, For news- "Yet. If none of these things 50 red by thiS ne",pap~r

, I paper edtton dream of other I 10 wrong. the poor editor may 10 YEARS AGOtlunls. The dream wu Ip love- still be In the doghouse by the Pierce JUniOt High ScIy th.t • seraphic smIle iIlummed time the paper 1&delivered to the I opened WIth an enlOllmer,tO!ilthe edItor', taee H. dreamed sublcrJber.. For there I' always' Dr. M M, Shea/l'er arletll!that the ~aper came out on tune the ploblem of what retll In and I chaIrman at the initial 1l1ttl~

of and EverythllT' WU Rllht! what IS lett out and an editor I of the U or M Club 01 GI(\'t"In till..-dream .verythln, wali III blamed fOI ell all of 1j1l1l:>SlOnPomte, held at the TO"-llSht

In the PIper thlt .nyon. w.nted , as well I' of com million. If he MunICIpal bUildingI tn, and yet nothln, was In that I has more space th.n he needs, FIVE YEARS AGOanyone mllht h.ve pI eterred left he must Uli' 'filler' m.lerlal and Memorl.1 miii~ \\ liS h~ldlifout. Every word was spelled people lay It'S a wond~r he I Pvt. Glral d M Talk Ilho IllIrllht and Ivery comma WII In couldn't ret mar. news, But If killed In actIOn In FIanre 8Jt. proper place. Every photo" he hu too !tttle Ipace, lom.thlng was manager or Ea,t WarrenRlr

I 'I'aph wa. reproduced beautl. IS crowded oul and lame IlIdl- reation.

Itully and had the rl,ht ca~tlon. VIdual Or organtzatlon I' made Bette Johnlon 01240 LakeWhen the ltorl .. 1B1d 'Continued unhappy." returned to Stephens Coil!!!.on Pale 6' they reaUy wIre con- ------ Colombl.. Mo "hert sh' !!otlnued on pa,. II. and nOl on Defer PT A I.umed her duties as lice prell-.om. othft" pite bt"tell' out en. I . dent ot Maple HalltJrely, • I Defer PTA Will scheduleQ to ONE YEAR .4.GO

"The newspaper edttor.de.eerv- hold Its flrat fin meetln! and Gold Star mothels re.el!C'"'DULT E C ed hll tleetJn I. happy dream be.l prOllrllm Thursday, Sept. 29, at loc.lIte. Mrs Wallel T Tlu~" DU AT'ON PROGRAM I cau •• III throU'h the week he the school, belmnln,.t 7:30 p, m. IKenSington road, finanCiltI had worked hal d to create sUlh I ------ I tary,McGul-re Pr m· T T 1 I a perfect paper. "When an Indlg. DIg two lIpadelr depth down In Park Poltce ChIef Arthuro ues 0 . eac" n.nt Subtcnber had called up I prepallng a bed for hlte. whIch I wera announced the promotion

S · h.. 30 M. ,about an el'por 8~ -had saId' 'It.s Imust be planted deep, partIcularly II Dt. Arnold Houl:h to deted111PaUlS lit lRutes I, wonder YOUwouldn't bl' morej the IItum rootm, types, seraeantI cI!eful,' and- he had ~areed that -

Want to speal( SPanish? IPOinte HIgh School October 6 she was ,.raght ,Yet th.t'ough the. ~Learn to read seven sentence, I are tavored by businelS exec- week a large palt of hiS flme GAS HEAT' ,

and y.ou have learned Spamsh utlves and profesSIOnal men, the~ Ihad been devoted to • fight IpronunclatlOn. A 12 - YUf • old usually include jleople from all agamst pOSSIble ~rr9r1 m the ••can be tauiht to do It In an hour, waJks oillfe and of tJl agl!l, there work of at least three of hIS Imm.@diately!and an adult In about 30 mmutes being no educatIOnal requlI e- Ieporter~: he had even c.ught e10 says Clalence V. McGUIre. 101'- menta nor ... lunlts. i mlsapelllna In a BIble reterenoe *'Conv.rsion Service _ * New Instlll,tion.mer motor executive who took The se\en ,entenee,' Oealml' In ,In article \\.ntten by a local All A. C. A. Approvedup Spllnlsh teach}l'lg as a hobby I WIth such WIdely dl\'etstfled Hems] clereyrmn, Iand developed the Gros.'Il! Pomte I as I.zor blades, donlceys and) our The reporteul ,ot. lot of their I • Quahftedmetfiod, now nationally known dally mall the.,. cont,aln every n@ws flam officers ot clubs and ~ Llcen5~ G~

WhIle Mr. McGuue!l evenmg I sound and ~ombinatlon of sounds organlZlhons and sometJmlU those I TU. 2-3737 Burner lilt -classes which start at GrolSe In SR\lOlsh, and hlvinl learned' persons weren't too careful WIth I vel. Phon.

to read them smoothly no Span- their faetl. tIther. I TU. 5.3609Ish word need puzde you there- "The report~rs. \\ hen they ILette S t . after. wl'ren't tIred, 0' m love;~or Just Ir 0: Some Idea of the speed main_lout of lo\e. or VIctims at Iprtngtamed In the classe. may be I fever. trIed to be careful butth Edit limed trom the fact that whIle llilmehme. grumbled that It wase or some textbooks allot 25 or more! no use bt"cauH the prtnter al.

IU r;:::oo ....... aa:::;_=-==--=d!1 pages to Spamsh phonetics the waYI mIxed .thmgs \IP ~nvway.subject IS taught in a halt hour That IS a familIar plamt In everv

TO THE EDITOR: by McGUIre and hIS lI5lilstant,' newspaper of'!lce and by now allI would 11kI' to bay a few words MI! Gertrude James. : ):mnters must be used to It, yet

about Tommy DansbUI \ the' Ilt- And the method 15 easv too most pnnters \\ age an endles,lie gentleman" who delJVers the' Verbs and verb forms a~~ thl' fight agamst e1701ll:,100 The aoodRevle .....on MUir road. I ntghtmare of language 8tuQentc men let .column after column of

He IS vel v coumous and but In the Grosle POinte duse, ~~pe and make very few mlstllkeliprompt Each Thursda\ ram or I they arr taulht at the rate of a d the proofreader tiles to cor-shtne, he places the pa~r 1\'1 my I tense In four mmute~ WIthout I ~~ct those:, mr~takes b~\ tl)e. erro~'mall slot. ' I home Itudy (It I' all done In the at .ren t caught II e the ones

I thUlk he deserv" • great deal I claSSrOOQ1). I th~~lwaYll seem the ~orst. Iof prilse. Rules of ,rammar 'are almOllt • eather af'!ects machtnel a'l

Sincerely I umveually hated by everyone i we,] IS men .. Sometimes the heatA K"eader but textbook authors In the Ior the humIdIty causes a letter

;-- . classes at Grosse POtnt~ the} are ~o get stuck In the linotype ma-"I I taue;ht by sl~ple conversatlOn.l hme and before .nyone knou'sO D ITU A RY e....erclses, and there IS a new edu- It line after line ,el$ let WIthD-t 1 cational 'twISt' to make thmrs that letter mlSslna I

------------ doubly easy for the .tudl!nt I

WALTER E. MOORE , Spamsh • and En'hsh .entencesFuneral ntes v.ere held Mon. are pnn,ed In opposed lolumns,

day at the Verheyden Funeral I '10 yOU don't hive to wlllte tImeHorn.. for Walter E Moore of' lookln, up \\ ords137~ Maryland. who dll'!d em Sept I .....n. Intlectolraph " u~ed In the

N S f J· 22 10 Bon Secour! Hospttal Iftel' classes I~ - Ilmmlck Invl'!ntedo upper or lmmy II lengthy IlIne!!!. b} McGUIrE'. ~ho IS him'!elf IJ\Retired salesman from the Inventor IIsoclated v. tth vanoul

Jtmmy w/')n't be home for supper He Slow up - let kIds grow up Manh.ttan Rubber Co and the rubbt"r IInd Ihoe fectorle,darted out betv.een cars \I, Ithout look~ Drn'e v.lth e>.tra care wherever chilo C. A. Strelhne;er Co, and memo Audlo-V\lual InstructIOn now ISin,. He wes too young to be cautIOUS, dren pla\,. bt"r of Piller Lodge 526 F. &: bem~ Introduced In the classesbut the motorIst who kIlled him wun't.. B C f I th hId b A. M~ Moslem Tf'mple and Cnn- and IS of e!'peclal \alue In rapId.

e are 1I - e c I \, OU sa\'e may e 'I <Istory. he 1'< sun l\ E'dby hI- WIfe. oy eX"';lndm" the I-akm" 'oca.Let's remember too' \our own M " ... .... ...---~ - --~ ------- . JnnJe. and hIS 5On. !')Idne, I buTanE'S or the studenhRockefellfl'r LE"ntE'r"$ ReA RCiobltf\ (an run ffl'l.er up hlH r ---

bUlldmg In New York IS iO -lOll'" th,," 00\.1 n bt'(dU-e the hind If'g,hl,&b I d f' IOllgf'1 than the fOJ ell'/!'


WIth a 1Ittle care you may be able to.vold Grosse PointlU tint "cold" wave.

Colds usually become WIdespreadabo'ut the tIme people start heating homes,offICe bUIldmgs and iactones in the f.all,and they remaIn prevalent until spring.

Colds are respdMlble. fer more lllnessi.nd -absenteeIsm from WOrk and schoofdunng faU and winter months than ali

... ether communIcable dISeases put..fogether.

... You catch a cold from a person whohas a cold-when you take.In more of hIScold germs than your body defenses candestroy. TillS IS apt to happen when some-body III coughmg or sneezmg around you,

AVOId takUlg m large masses of the,erms by staytnJOt away from the personwho has a cold; by staymg out of crowd~

... fd places during a cold epidemiC; by wash-ing your hands before you eat and aftercontact WIth a cold-mfected person .orartIcles he has handled. ... • - ~

Keep your general health hIgh by get-

Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-02 · " :i I',. 'I 1' ,.. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w.. * * Preserve



.., ,


: '., 1, - .. !' i; ~....'4. i

... t l~( !

, t, tJ, ~ ~

, I

I'" " I

TU 1.23'13

At GreatlyReduced Prices

OPt, It \11 '\

• \" Tn R r"'\TlRIl\\

TIll 1 r "(1t''f''1t 'uruh"

The Neighborhood Club's spa.CIOUS and comfortable loungesare Ideal for an afternoon ofCanasta, any woman so in-terested is asked to call the clubat TU 5-2000 and parties will bearranged.


$~~5 NOW $139.95

Somethi:tg NEW Has BeenAdded

SLIDING DOORS('"~mpl~tf" W'1" bard ..... T~ and In in nllf unit'P.... kMl tnd1'\iduln" in a ( .. 110ft 1("1(" qmpl ..dHf'C'U<tn\ r'ld, fonr tn1itall.ltion An\(lftf" ('Inlnqall JHU ."" nnnc for ("loth"". ",i..,.,,, or~tftr .. t". mom'll; 1ft 4"'ram1H'd qnJlr~,r, In ",.foul '\17t". ftp tiff "h .ftwlC .1d" and standarddfW'tT l""1 It ht (om .. and If''' wi"rkinc: mod ••on dt,pl., 1n onr ..bow T'~m-Tn tt-f'lt,.a'P~...r I"~n Indl\utaal "or Tlli. dn ...... dOCtrunit np Ch 'he '001 rOMpIf't. $24.50Rf'tall" rn,

6-Foo. Unit $3.00 Extra



Call Us For A PriceE.ther MaterIal Only, or Instolled Complete




III Add.ttion to Above, We Have Several P1ecfII of New :Merchandise AtEqua1ly Attractive Pnce.

A Beautiful Bendix Phantom Dial RadioIII Occu1onal T.ble with Drop Leaves s:~o NOW




I COLEMAN ROOM HEATERS .... Were NOW $63.95$89.95

COLEMAN ROOM HEATER .... Was ~OW $79.95$115.95

.. RCA Combination Radio-Phono WU NOW $119.95• Blond Mahocany $209.95

1111 Bendix Combination Radio.Phono Was NOW $169.75w .... at Fhlish $25995

Crosley Combination R.dio-Phono Was NOW $269.75BeautifuJ l\labocany C.b"'et. Play. 10" and lZ" Recorda IDtermb:ed, $397,00


(The .bove phonographs can be eutIy converted to play long playing records )

IThe Grolle Pointe Re¥iew-Thursdoy, Sept. 29. 1.949-3 PhotographicIA.merican Men Depicted Guild Headl.:m.!!."!.~~'.':Jt~?:.,~~o?!d~"~ h"'" "" To Speak Hereto !lve m," explamed MISS ROgel1dIfferent, VIrtually everythmg IS Mr Lyle Cross, Pre~ldent of theDuffy, a natIve of Armadale, avarIable frolll magazmes to novo DetrOIt PhotographiC GUild, Wl11Scotland, who arf/ved m thIS eltles," she staU!d With a shght -address the Grosse POInte Cam-country about four months ago I atcent era Club on Tuesday evenIng.and IS cun ently dispenSing drugs J.hss Duffy d'1SCflbeS AmerKan IOctober 4 on the subject of ton-at MJller's Drugs, Kercheval and men as far mort! dashmg and con-I mg. •Wayburn I tident than the males of Scotland Throughout the natIOn, photo-

Though she has a Wide phar- I and that dlstaffers here have an graphiC prmts subnutted to sa1.maceutlCal background acqUIred I mdependent pattern which she I ons by DetrOIt eXhibitors haveIn her homeland, MISS Duffy I admIres very much I gamed fame because of theIrfound her present posli!on a The 12th chIld of Bernard DUf'

lbeautiful blue and brown tOnIngs.

completely new If not novel ex- I fy, the attractive brunette IS Mr Cross' reputahon for suchpenence I studymg at a Detrol' high school I sal~n nnt has been smgular

"Back home our drug stores and plans to beC{)~ an Amencan I and otI'tsta:dmg. In additIOn to

ICItizen I h talk h 11 t at• She scoffed at the traditIOnal IS I' WI gIve a prac IC

MUSlC Course stones told about her thnfty :~onstratlOn of the methods he

Offered at Church i co~~~ry~e~ f bl "h d Followmg the lecture, the club, s a 0 0 arney, s e sal members Will exhibIt theIr pnnt

A course In MUSICAppreCIatIOn I Al 100' Farms assIgnment pIctures of "Vacation."for men and women IS bemg off. I as. S They WII! be judged on merit andered at the Grosse Pomte Memor- subject matter and awards madelal Church on Wednesday eve-I Hal vestmg I.n the Matanuska accordmglynmgs durmg October. The class I Valley, Alaska s richest farmmg The meetmg Will be held at theWill meet In the Men's Lounge I dlstnct, IS a large-scale opera- club rooms In the NeIghborhoodof the Church House With Mane tlOn According to The World Club. The mterested pub!Jc 11 m.Joy CurtIss as mstructor, begm. Book EncyclopedIa, the farms Vlted to attend.mng October 5. that he 10 thiS fertIle valley have

produced 20-pound turmps andEach lesson Will feature the cabbages welghmg as much as 50 For Canasta Fan'

I hfe and works of one great com. pounds.

Iposer: October 5-Bach: October12-Beethoven: October 19-Wag- J H Hale, Halehaven, Fertilener; October 26-to be announced I Hale, and Elberta varieties oflater. Ipeaches are recommended for

A small charge WIll be made freeZing by Dr. PaUline Paul,for the entire serres of four lec- MIchigan State College frozentures. foods researcher.

We Handle theWhole Job for You

W.. ~f'U 'on the nrr""lisarv m ..•• rll'" Ind ahn vo" "ow to ...•..., ...nrk vnur U.



TWinbrook 3-3700 .


PlaceHigh SchoolHIgh SchoolHIgh School

BOdrd of Ed.High School

BoarQ of EdHIgh SchoolHlgl. SchoolHIgh School


ParcellsBoard of Ed.Board fo Ed.HIgh SchoolHIgh School


HIgh SchoolHIgh SchoolHigh School

Roard of EdParcells

HIgh SchoojHigh School

Board of EdBoard of EdHIgh SchOOlHigh SchoolHIgh SchoolHIgh SchoolHIgh SchoolHIgh School

HIgh SchoolHigh School

Board of EdHigh School

Board of EdHigh SchoolHigh SchoolHIgh SchoolHigh SchoolHIgh School

Board of EdBoard of EdHIgh School

Board of Ed.Board of Ed.High SchoolHIgh SchoolHIgh SchoolHigh SchoolHigh SchoolBoard of Ed.HIgh SchoolHIgh SchoolHIgh SchoolHigh School


rJllr ....tn/: """'f' 1ft,,' .. r,u~jnt 1of

Rom. O"nf>n' 'umber&II. ""l1dln« "AI .....~,.nl,r

She ,,111 arranj[e to han an eshmator quote )'00on the spot at :,'oor con'-enlente.'7'0 a month Will go • lone: way towards an

extra bedroom.

SHELVING BOARDSIn Bright Fir or Spruce 12CSTROSC. Axn m'RARLF. rl'r12.m('h Hoard .. On'" '" hot

~I •




YOU DON'T NEED CASH PAY BY THE MONTH!I CONVERT YOUR ATTIC KINDLING WOODI for these cool eveninp will add prl!elOO!l oomf(lrtI INTO INCOME PROPERTY! at little cO!ll. These cottinp are niu and dry andI eost you only fer. larre bar f.o.b. our yard

! IT'S SO EASY _ _LET__ U_'S_TR__ R_O_W_A_B_A_G_O_R_TW_O_IN_Y_O_t_TR_C_A_R_T_O_D_A_Y_,


Complimentary comments wererepeated time and time agam bythe many local men and womenwho saw the hooked rug exhIbitat the Board of Education bUIld.109 Friday.

ApprOXimately 100 rugs wereon dIsplay rangIng from $10 to I$500 m value, all made by stu- Idents of Marlone Hanford, well Iknown authorrty on hookedrugs who conducts a course herp Ias part of the Adult EducationProgram. I

Persons mlerested In jommg IMISS Hanford's class should callTU• .5-2000, extensIon 25.

Under the Moors, Cordoba,Spam. was the !lu'gest cIty In

Europe, accordIng to the Ency.clopedla Bntanmca.

I Rug Exhibit1 Draws Praise

I ,




Glddys CreegerDons Be"tonLillian ThompsonEugeme SampsonTekla LoeberMarJon~ Hanf<>rdCarol McLeanEva KlemNelly CusterKenneth JewellM H. BambasGladys CreegerGladys CreegerGladys CreegerDons BentonEvelyn WestervIlleLorna BeItelEugeme SampsonSonja PreuthunMargaret LockeKeith WhitmoreGladys CreegerCarol McLeanSonja PreuthunClarence McGuireMarlone HanfordEugeme SampsonCatherine SmithJack LdVISVena BouseAimee HallShirley PattersonGen SpencerD Dasher, R. Lee,Wm. AvenllHarold HyerVlrglma DonanWlOlfred Gomez'Ehzabth MornsonFrank BanachRay WatlmgStanley KennGen SpencerWInIfred GnmezMIldred SwartzAileen SpaffordAileen SpaffordHelen MeyerHelen MeyerT Pletz. G. Schoo!Kenneth LockeGen SpencerChas. ManosNelly CusterGerl SpencerElizabeth FredricksLllhan PearArthur EdwmHarold HusbandWesley Rea

Gu Bumen• Stobn

7,00.10:00 P.M.7.30- 930 P M.9 30.11'3ll,A M.7 30- 9:30 P M.1:30- 3.30 P.M.7.30. 9'30 P.M.7:30. 9:30 P M.7 45- 9:45 P.M.7.30- 930P.M.7.30- 9'30 P.M.1:30- 3:30 P.M:1'30. 3:30 P.M,7 45- 9:45 P.M.1 15- 3.45 P.M.8 00-10 00 P.M.7:30. 9'30 P.M.7:45- 9:45 P.M.7 30- 9.30 P.M.7:30. 9:30 PM.1'15- 3 15 P.M,7.30- 9.30 P.M,8:00.10'00 P M.8:00.10.00 P M.7:45- 9'45 P.M,8:15.10:15 P M.

Adult Education


OF AN EAILY INSTALLAT'ONWe ore Licensed Ga. HeGtin, Controctors

", .. "tth C'nnfld.nl. rrnm " a.II.... 011 r ••• 'hII". F1.mT hou!taud" or a .. lh/lf'd CAIfOlRfOrl

Day Cla85 TimeMon Oct. 3 MllhnelY 7'30- 930 P M.

Oct. 3 MIlllnel y 7:30- 9 30 P M.Oct. 3 Tallonng 7.30. 9.30 P.M.Oct. 3 Tal10rmg 1:30. 3'30 P.M.Oct 3 Typmg 7.30. 9.30 PM.Oct 3 Hooked Ruga 9:30-11 30AJd.

Tues Oct 4 Milhnery 7 30. 9 30 P.M.Oct 4 MIlhnery 7:30. 9 30 P.M.Oct 4 Jewelry 7;30. 9 30 P.M.Oct 4 Tallonng 7.30- 9.30 P.M.Oct 4 ChO!us (Men) 800.10.00 P.M.Oct. 4 Dramahl's 8.00-10'00 P.M.Ott 4 Millinery 7:30. 9.30 PM.

Wed Oct 5 Mlllmery 9.30-11.30A.M.Oct 5 Mllhnery 1 30- 330 P.M,Oct 5 MIllinery 7.30. 9 30 P.M.Oct 5 Sewmg (Begm) 7.30- 9 30 P.M.Oct 5 Sewmg (Begm) 7:30. 9.30 P M.Oct 5 Tallonng 7,30- 9.30 P M.Oct 5 Jeweliy 7:30- 930 PM,Oct 5 Shorthand (Beill1) 7:30- 9.30 P.M.-Oct 5 AI t (Begm) 7.30. 9.30 P.M.

Thurs. Oct 6 MIllinery 1:30. 3 30 P.M.Oct 6 Mllhnery 7.30. 9.30 P.M.Oct 6 Jewelry 7'30- 9 30 P.M.Oct 6 Spanish (ConversatIonal) 7 30. 9.30 P.M.Oct 6 Hooked Rug 9.30.11'30A M.Oct 6 Tallormg 9 30.11'30A M.Oct. 6 Tallorll1g 7:30. 9 30 P M.Oct 10 Badmmton 730- 930 P M.Oct 10 Lampshade Makll1g 7:30- 9 30 P.M.

Tues Oct 11 Adv Eng for Foreign Born 7:30- 9.30 P M.Oct. 11 Begm Eng for ForeIgn Born 7 30. 9 30 P M.Oct. 11 B-gm Bndge 8:00.10'00 P.M.

NO WAIT - F-:-H-:-~ERMS1.\. Payment 60 Days After hntcrllcrhon

FREE ESTIMATESA (all will brill' all ell,illHr ~ho will,lullest !hebest bum.r for your particular ,"stollahOf'. NO!'ulI,but first 'ille equipment used, 011 AGio (erf,f,ed.All work ,uarontHd, licensed alld tnsured.


LA. 7.6600 LA. '.660110981 Gratiot "eor Outer DrI.,e


Masquers Offer Opportunityto Amateur Thespittns

To every Grosse Pomter "'ho htolOUl\h undel ~tdndmg of the'enjOV~acting or Wishes to try amuunt of lime net e~sary for re-Inil ablhty before an audience hedl 'a Is These factor~ a~ wellthlough pal tlclpatlOn m the pro- as other mdllel ~ Will come up forduellon of a play, the Gro,se Consldel atIon, ~o attendance of allPOinle Board of Education Com- tho,e Inlere'ted In themunltv Servcle Department offers tlon IS HOP!)] tanl orgamza_an l'x,ellent opportumly by pro_ After the olgdnl/dlJOndl polluesvldmg use of a splendid ~tage have been determined, the chOIce!and audllonum for rehaersals as of play \\ III •be announ,ed andlIeJ! 8' for all productIons; by castIng Will take place on Tues-making pOSSIble the chOIce of day, OctOber 11. when leadmgswell wntlen plays .worthy of and tryout, fOI the fallstudY and rehearsal: and by dUdJOn Will be held In the PI~~~;mSUllOgcareful trammg for each JUnior HIgh school audltonum IparllClpant through the dlrecllOn Everyone who IS lnvteresU!d In

of a competent, expeClenced dl- working with the group IS 1'01_1reelor dlaHy inVIted to attend For fur-

b,llhough gathered together ther mformatlOn. please ,all theafter the fashIOn of any Adult Gro'~e POinte Board of Educa-EducatIOn Class, the member, of lIon, TV 5-2000, extenSIOn 25.the Grosse Pomte Masquers haveorOndlled themselves mto a sort C'- d' N~f"unlOCOIporated club; they In-I ulU Ul ext51,t upon an atmosphere of m-formality and good fun durmg F P'their rehearsal evemngs. When- or olnte1'\ 1'1 pOSSIble, a system of doublec8,lmg IS m force to enable more Thesp:nnspeople to come before an audl- "'" Monence Rehearsals are spread "ClaudIa," R a s e Frankm's I0\ er a period of twelve or more Isparkling comedy Will be the nextIleek- for each semesU!r, culmm- presentatJon of the Grosse Pomteatlng In one sprmg and 10 one Theatre, It was announced at afall productIOn each year. Board of Director's meet 109

T\IO Important meetIngs of the Thursday. I Oct. II Owner-Dog Obe<iJenceGro"e Pomte Masquers are Th I lOt 11 W od h'cheduled One, the OIgamza- I' p ay WI I be presented at I c 0 S opilonal meetIng, takes place on the Pierce School audltoClum, Oct. 11 Sewmg (Begm)Tuesday e\ enmg, October 4. at dates to be announced. Oct 11 Chorus (Women)8 pm at PIerce school The Casting and fIrst rehearsals Oct 11 Ceramicsprobable dates of productlon. the Will be held shortly. Wed Oct. 12 Gym and SWIm (Men)tentat,\ e rehearsal schedule, as Other developments at the Oct 12 Woodshop

Oct 12 Photography'well as those evenmgs prefer! I'd meeting held at the YorkshIre Oct 12 Bndge (Begm)for rehearsal, WIll come under home of Mrs. Ralph Genter In- Oct. 12 Instrumental MusicdISCUS,Ion. The play selected for eluded I

fall production Will be deter- I-The electIOn of Mrs Flank Oct. 12 Needlecraftmmed by four factors. the over- B Standl~h and Malcolm Barnum I Oct. 12 Intenor Decoratmgall abthly of the !lroup, the I to the board of dIrectors. i, Oct. 12 Interior Decoratmg

h I I Thurs. Oct 13 Slip Coversamount of tel' mca parlJclpatJOn 2-Approve plan~ to cooperate I Oct. 13 Gym and SWIm (Women)earh member Will be wIlImg to I With Grosse POinte Optimist Club I Oct. 13 Bookkeepmgcontnbule. the proportion of I In presentation of the servIcedouble acstmg necessary to allow c1ub's second mUSIcal revue Oct 13 Bridge (Advanced)full partIcipation of naerly all Oct. 13 PubliCity Wntmgmembers of the organlzahon; a ILeatller Craft Oct 13 Clothmg DeSign

---.------- Oct. 13 Bridge (Advanced)1 t N dl it Oct. 13 LeathercraftS ee ecra ICourse Is Open Mon. Oct. 17 Advanced ArtCl A. d Thurs Oct 20 Ball Room Inancmgass nnOltnCe The Adult EducatIOn Depart. Oct 20 Prachcal SpeechA r1a,s In nee'dlecraft IS be- ment of the Grosse POinte Board FrI Oct. 21 Old FashIoned Danc~ng

Jng offered for the first lime as I of Educahon IS Includmg a newpart of the Adult Education pro-I course In leather craft whIch I' •gram sponsored by the Grosse I Wll._serveddtlo bnkng, thet old Federatlon of RepubbcanPomte Board of Education I eSlCm sa I' ma er s ar up I

:\lany useful and lovely ~rtlcles I to date and back East Leather W ' Cl b Conferencemay be maue m thIS class. Some carvmg IS new m th!S part of omen s uof the,e are corde, yarn. shaw the c\>Ufltrv but It can be used TUESDAY OCTOBER 4or nbbon bags wtlh match • to make leather work excIting I 'hat! baby sets afghans ~~~ A leather carvlOg kmfe, several Registntlon:blankets' tams a~d scarfs' place stamps and cowhide turn Into 11:00 to 12 30

, h d b dd b It Luneheon'mals, bathroom and kItchen rugs a an ag, com ca y, e 12 30and many more deslrbale thmgs'l for men or women, brief case, S eaker' .dependmg on mdlvldual mterests coaster, lamp base. sandal, p .Alth h edl . watch band wallet or pocket MISS Cathenne CurtIS, PreSIdent of Women', Investors IU!-oug pxpenence In ne e-' h In W h D ClI'ork would be helpful, It IS cer- secretary. SseaUBrcJECTs.tI'~Bte,d as pmtgt°tn, I t' '1 W "lamly not reqUIred. , There IS no need for !O'eat : roa er 0 en 18 lies or omen

Now IS the time to start thmk artistiC ability to do excellent Afternoon Session.!n~ abo t J'h t f - I leather work because patterns 2'3G-Round 'table DISCUSSIonsled by:.. u ~ rls mas gl ts, so I Speakers'brmg your iifeas and your needle- are available for deSIgns. The .~ k bt-... to th I I indiViduality of each article Senator John Martm, Grand Rapids,..or pro ,,::mS IS C ass andi SUBJECT' M h Old A Ass Llet !If !\{ ld ed S come~ from Your own style of . IC Igan - ge !Stance aws.pen~n~~d•t~ae~er, :a~~ih:~ ~t carvmg and' the l'areful work Mrs. Mary StreIt, Vice-chaIrman, Republican State Centralfor you. Please call TU 5-2000 you do Included WIll be sugges. Committee,extensIOn 25 fo eI th : f 'tlons for carvIng and tooling SUBJECT: Pros and Cons on Federal AId to Education.

r r er In arm a-I ' MISS Catherme Curtis.bon and class r rvatlons. vanous weights of leather, laCing SUBJECT' Pr d C B F------- stitches. unusual uses for scrap . as an ons Qll rannon arm Plan.

Cl b Pia B. matenals, hInts for onglnal pat- Even.lnf:U n em.ns terns and styles of leather work. Banquet, Statler Hotel at 7 p.m., mformaL~- - Speaker:

All NeIghborhood Club aetn i- LISts WIll be aval1able for help- D nald L. J k M be ~ C Lo.

bes start the first week in Oc- ful pamphlets, catalogues for or- RO t ftac sBon, etm r 01 ongress xrom CalItorrua.lob dId t I ecep Ion a er anque.er-so It you are mterested 10 ermg supp les an 00 s, ma- WEDNESDAY O€TOBE 5sports, SOCIal actiVIties, hand- tenals and accessones, Board Meeting: ' Rcraft, tap dancing, etc. call TU. .A co.urse such as tlus may be 9:00 am.5.4600 for, further InfromatJon. useful In learnmg to make gifts Club Prorram DlscU5llion:

~------ that are beautiful and different7()() La h k h 1030 a.m.-Mrs. Jean B. Chambrelam, PreSldmg Delegatesnguages In many cases leat er wor as Will then separate mto mdlVIdual groups for dISCUSSIonofbrought In money, led to careers specific aspects of Club work.

Ir )ou are a Imgulst you m leather work and IS tops m a Luneheon:would probably be very popular I satlsfactorv hc,bby for men and l2 30-0 J CI Ch R .C~ the "dark comtnent" \\ here' women For further Informa- C wen. eary, airman epublican State Central

- • I II ommlttee, Speaker.more than 100 dIfferent languages Ilion and class reservations, ca t Reservations for Lnneheons and D' er' MI'lJ. F W P Nt 583are spoken by the African people I TU 5.2000, ExtenSIon 25. IDD. •• earee, • 3I

Realtors To Hear Vital Talk ~'How'To Write Publicity"AI! branches of the home-bUIld. I by the Board of ~Irectors of the wurse Offered Here

Ing Industry may weII be .alerted Builders 1\ssOClation. FeU has!tQ all;nt the forthcommg speech stated Branches of the mdustry I "How To Wnte PubliCity" is I gested as the enrollment Wlll benf Henry F Fett, PreSident of the that may expect Imntatlons. he the name of a new course offered I limIted.BUilders ASSOCIation of Metro- has stated, mclude mortgage fi.: by the Adult Education pro-I Call TU. 5-200, ExtensIon 25.noh an DetrOIt, schedu.ll'd on Oct nance sources, lumbe1" and sup- gram here. _4 llrc0rdmg to a statement Is~ued plv dealers, all subcontracting I UM T dbl the A~o;oclatlOn on Fndav trade~. rE'a! estate as'<OClatlons DeSigned to help the person I. 0 Hol Parent

On October 4. Fett WIll addre~s and retail and \\ holesale e~tab. who has been assIgned the task: Eduation Instituteth~ Ell'l"rn DetrOIt Realtv A~~o- 1Jshments seIling home equipment of pubhclZ1ng the actIVIties ofr ,t on at Its r~lar noondav and furmshmg~. I her club or church. the rourse I The 20th annual Parent Edu-'npetlnj( to be held at the North. In a reeE'nt Intervle" Fett \\111 be dl\ lded Into four two-hour, cation Institute sponsored by the~a'lern YMCA at CadIllac and ~;l1d . ThE' pUbhc:~ r('~pon~!', to <eSSlOn<, bfogmmng the second I MIchIgan Con~ress of Parents'Hd'flrr Avenues NatlOnal Horn!' V; p('k ob<erved week In October. I d I'

\\ I- I II t 1- ('n. ' an Teacher~ and by the Unl-r I I' thE' announced subJ~t of Scptl'mhE'r 0 I \\ a. ~o The clas.~. however WIll be .Prn \ Fett's <peech before the couragmg that It bf'eame !'vldpnt 0PE'n and helpful to ;nyone In- ~:~%~f II :c~~~~nth ExtenSion I

-'01 ",tatE' brokers 1~ "The Out- at onre to the BUlldf'r~ AssoCla- tPre"led In pUblICity N be 12

d 3 IS year on I't~ I F II d t th t th" ~nnuaJ • . ovem r an .

K nr a and Wmter Home. tlOn lr~ or< .0 Under the directIOn of Charles I8 ,Ii" ng Bu~mes~" It IS under- ob<"rv<lnee of ]l;atlon<ll Home Preliminary program plans call,"M'l that he w~limake iln 1m. Week ha< .creat PO«lh1hIIP< WIth Manos, RedItor of the Grosse for dISCUSSIOnsof displaced Chll-It' "~. announcement ("on{'ern. re~ped to rrE'atm~ Fall anrl Wm. POIIJnte le\d'lew, the :?Sttructlhons I dren, problems of older people,n Id b and "I mc u e 10urnauS IC S op and relat bet h dB~ Pions bemg developed bv the ter home-bUl In.'! IU<IOE'S<t d talk and copv desk procedure h h Alolnlsween f amhe alnJ 'O<r, A~oclahon for holdIng to ~tabl117lng l'mp 0\ ml'n an ,c urc sessions 0 t e n-

an ITI';ll-fT\'.\nde home.bUlldml! bu~me" on a ,e.f-arolln" ba~l~ Members of DetrOIt s echtonal !ltltute Will meet In the Rackham I"0' npxt Fall In rOnnf'Ctlon WIth It 1~ our feel In,ll .rrord Inl'(h that <taff~ WIll a~Sl<t BUlldmg on the Unlverslt:r I

••• ,nnual observance of Nation. "e <hould ~hal £' With all <E'r;. Earlv re~N,'atlOns are sug- campus" 1l~~1' Week men!.< of thp mdu<tn' thr \\ork --- -- 1

F' "1110n of an Indu~trv.\\ ,dE' of p!;JnnlOj!"ann ~tagInl! nr,t \rar IF. 1.4 B l 1 Ir; 1"~ It''e to p~<ln nl'"\ t F<lll' ;In 'If'J'\\ "II' r\ pol or gn'<lt mal! P.~',l'a i't.t pi ,a".y ~lIl"prallr\Pnt \ ~ alrp<lnv ix'en pro)('rlp" nt: u,lr" B l' I h;l n v Lutheran Churrh, I Rl'thanv. Will deliver thE' mp~-

114" F",t Outl'r Dr"" "'III ("pIe. sagE' al both <erVlrE'~ I

hr"lp theIr annual MI'~lon Fl'~- f'lltm,ll fnl thl~ oe('a<lOn IheI,,~I on Suoda\ "Ith <~('Ial rhOir Will ~lOg "SE'nci Frllth Th\"~pn lrp~ at 83 <I m and 1010 a m Light" b\ Ralaklre\\ AI<o Mr.

Thr Re\ Richard RH"~ of Gordon Klo('kow WIll Slnlt' a <010Conklin 'vhrh.lt'iln a brother to Sundil\' &hnol \\'111 be held at theRe\ 0<\\ old R,e<s pil~tor of u<ual time 9 30 am

Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-02 · " :i I',. 'I 1' ,.. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w.. * * Preserve


tvt.... \,! , ~ >,




Phon'TU l,74I~






Ballet, Toe, Character, Acrobatic,

S-=...OO&, 01"

T+lE "AN~.



of TIle

....SIJlTS( :C):\TS

at 7 Mile, DUf Hillcrest

ffthln"o5",art Un.. ..,Thrift - Pnl'M





'leJl.b 01 7'~and t.,

'¥!~r?!!fJ19019 Mack


SAT., OCT. 1st,

.. ....,.......:1'_-


BrideSeptemberBalza'is Present,,'r /lIT"

1. O:WJl iYl eettngDiscussions

nll"litv. .



Pholl{" T(' ° :),32.10for Pick-up and Delivery


Bachelor Laundry Ser\"ire


CHARGOrTh. Most Modernly Equfpped Plant ior Quality WorkHAIPEI et IEDFORD TU. 5-3130 '


• - Th. Gre ••• Pointe Revi.w - Thursday. Sept, 19. 1,.,

ClUb {Reception fJ{~nors8hirley ann J-{ewitt

Nancy Ruth RobertsonIf/ed to Kenneth 1l1arch

FOJ October and Novelllbel'.Grol>~e Pomte Baha'IS al e pI e. I

DetrOit s Counh y Club \lIlS chosen 1m the reception honollnc sentmg to all who are mtel ('~ted, 'Saturday's malnaie of Shllley Ann HeWitt of LewIston road and a Unique plo&,um on Tue-sdayThomas W McGohey ot New" ark Clt~. nIghts

The dau,hter and son of th., The galhelll1g Will ftlSt Ihl~Charles Hewltts and the F. X IR P t to the radiO broadcast, "TownMcGoheys exchanged vo....s m St I esume ar les !\fetlllg of the All" at 830 pm.Paul', church, With Shirley wear'j A W d (I b Followmg thIS pJOgram theleInl lace and Ivory satm coveted I t 00 U .....111be a dlScuslllon of the sub-WIth a v~J1 of rose pomte lace Ject as well as material from

Aqua ,.tln gowned hel' bridal A <.ald pal ty v. III mil k the the Baha'I wrltmgs on the Ques-attendants, Nancy Moesta, Evelyn fall reiumptlon of cal d pal tie, at lion Baha'IS feel that thel e 11Rafferty of VIrginia, Pat Kelly I the Groase POinte Woods Com- hal dly a pi oblem facmg the worIdand EIleen Hlcke) I munlty Club, 20883 Mlck avenue, today, such as world federation,

Mr. McGohey lisl,ted hIS ion as S d '"'-t 1 6 30 I the atomic bomb, raCIal upheav.,..- h h be J h alur a), V" ,at pm I ff"",t man, t e ua ers Ing a n I ab I ellglOu~ dl erences econom. I

and Robert McGahey. Henry I MIS. Alex Marshall and MIS IC Crlses, which wele not cov-Suarez and Chades EllJOt I Joseph Brown wlli be h05te.ues eled In the wntmg left by---------------------------1 Bllhu'u'llah

Any pelhOIl mtelsled LSm\lled10 \ ISlt the GeOlge Trueh, 132MOllm lOad, on Tuesday evenln,land learn wbat the lfPJrltual so- I!ut'ons to these problems ate. •

IDominicall Club [f{ufJhes- (Bowers fR ites/J~ot!Jers W:Ic~m£ f}{eld in [}Jointe ChurchII J..\lczt' llfemvc/ S I Glosae Pointe Memollal Chulch Satuldav wa~ \\h~lt N

The first meetlOg of the Domm- Hulhe., dau,hter of the Fred Hu,hell of Umvel81ty PI,l(e btt~:ryIldn HIgh Mother's Clubs WIll be the bude of John Bowen, .on ot the Keene Bo\\ ('I' or Lot'll,.held In the school tafetena Place, gowned In traditIonal IVOIy satm u~Wednesday, October 5 at 8 pm I • Lace aleeveh alld \ oht dClallmA speCIal welcome IS extended to Announce Opeml1g f~hlo;~ the hooP.skllt ~O'l/~the Fleshman mothers and moth- Ie 0 y a Idle, dPPed IIPrl1j

I ('Iii of the new students. CfjU1Jior ShOll vtelhhng atnd a blld~J bouquetorI J r I ep ano 18.

MI S Wilham McEntee, of Guy- A ouncement IS made of Nancy's hOllOI 1ll~ld 8Ion load, progrdm Cbdllman. an- nn rand openm, on Slrtur, Hughes, Helen O\Hn ~ 'lIb'llnounces SIster Mary Giles, to: ~he 'Oct 1 of the Rose Kay Stapel, dnd Sal a TICdfllldll~nland SIsler Carola, 0 P, 0 t e ay.. sho 'at 19019 Maele: ave- flower malden Mal v Anne willtealhlnl staft', DOmlnlcan High, JUnlOlt7-m~le road near HIllcrest. ers was attired In dush &~'" ho have lecently returned flom nu; a ahzlOl m SIzes seven to taftetl PilIkabloa,d, WIll be guest speakers l~ :tC~ emphasll on 7 and 9, the John a~kt'd hh bl "llIU K~nnllh

Tea Will be sel ved honormg the new shop WIll carry thrJft-pru:ed to do the honol s al be.l 1l1~

new members after the dguhu smart better hnes of IUlts, coat& whIle for 1(1oom"l\~11 nc thDllbUSIness meeting Mrs F ! and dresses Fredeflck Hughe~ Dnnald U,Ohver of BefOJd road, social 1 The Rose Kay Junlol shop IS year. Chnton Clalh Fltdpnc;chall ~an, announces the host-I owned and opeated by ~ISS Wmter, WIlham Ha"al d JI ~

, sses of the even 109 to be the ol'fl- I Mary Kay who has had her own Robelt SWl'lttel of Indian,


eels of the Club I shop m the Mtlopo!Jtan bUlldmg j Followmg a fOltnl!!.ht hone,.If~ ~ rs Leon Vel Haeghe. the fOJ the past three y~als moon that began aft..1 thc Detr011:"', ~: .... Mild at the I Pllor to that. MI~s Kay ....as Yacht Club leteptlO'l the\oun.., :l: "< ~ ~~ ~.Ipres~ent, WI pleSI e I manager of lhe Hou.e of g" , ..ouple "111 !lve at Ih~ Chalet'" "#-Ii> '. ~t< .~ bUSIness meetmg. I Frontenac on E Jeffel50n u

S !\IRS. WR.LIAM E. LE ROYNancy Ruth Robertson, dau,h- I MOSier, served as be~t man Closet pace 11'') i J & · L j J)ter of Mr. and Mil. Everard P. Ushers "ere Alan Robellson, Mary Allen Rotb, dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E, Roth, flew ywe s Ol/ourn ItC'st mo'I'elllthOa'n'JU,f.t~ale'On\fftl.Robertson, of Barrmlton road, brother of the brIde, James Hel- When planmng closets for your of 1350 Beaconsfield, became the bride of WlUiam E. LeRoy, SOD Jwa. married to Kenneth Ross ler, Robert Dondero, and George home remembel that each per- i)f Mr. aDd Mrs. Theodore 1. LeRoy of Detroit at a ceremony heldMarsh, son ot Hr and Mrs. Ohver Couillard Ion needs a nUnJmum ot 24 Saturday at S1. AmbrOH Chnrch, 6J & k m · ence lo mother" hen lHlc BobbyB. Harsh of Hendrie Blvd., Royal FoUo ....lng <l l'e<.eptlOn at the Inches I'\t lod space for hanimg 1---- 1 mo ell ountalnS learns to dle~, hlllbpir It 01-~, Saturday, Septembel 24, U1 church house the couple left on garments Rods should be at n n I fA 0 Of. velops hIS mdependplIlP ana ha double rlll& ceremony at the a weddmg tnp which Will Include least 12 mches from the walls. ~ t · t · f th D I pel sonallty a~ \\ cll, palcn! e<:luGrosse Pointe Memorial Church. New York CIty and several days A shell abo\e the rod~ should be (Yre-. Up ta ar leS The address of 6156 Lodewyck WIll .pell home loon 01 e on catIOn spec.ali,ts at ~lIChll;

The bride's lown was SImply _at_Lak__ e_G_e_o_rg_e_. a_t_lea_s_t_t_...._.O_lO_c_h_e_s_a_bo\_e_.___ - Malcolm Ashs who WIll reSIde there after honeymoomng 10 the State College advl'e.tyled of deep IVOry bengaline (Jf (7) ,I f::> I:~J~o:p~~qt~ ~~~e~~:~F~~~ Colonial Costume Tea atonor 'Drt


ae-10lect s~oo:e:n~o:l:t~:e, the fOlmerj Patl'z'ots Meet At Midlanda squared bonnet of the same lace Barbal3 SmIth, daughtel of thefell a short veil which had been d R D~R The rehearsal dmner on Oc- The brlde-to-be was feted by Fred SmIths of Harvard Road, The fall meetmg of MIchIgan Chapter, NatIOnal S!ltltly,worn by the Jroom's mother. The A,y~'(ln~p/J or tober 20 Will conclude the month- he I sister, Mrs Joseph R Kra-I were wed last Friday In Grosse ID ghtel's of Founders an~ PatrIots ot America, WIll be held Tues.bridal bouquet was made of green , I I b LI long round of pre-nupllal fetes mer at a Imen shower In her POinte Memorial Chulch. Bar- auorehidJ .urrounded by whIte honOring the October 22 marriage home In Grosse POinte Woods. bara gowned In fitted candlelight day, Oct. 4, at the Midland Counfry Club, MIdland, MIlh ganmums With .tremer8 of phIlo, MIS Albert E. Cooney of Melnweather road, socUlI chauman ot Lorrame Carnaghl to La\HenCe Zena AmiCO honored the brlde- satin, WIth pearl entWined satin Mrs Lows M. EdgaJ. state preSIdent, WIll call the mteLDIdendren. - of Fort Pontchartram Chapter, Daugh~ers of the American Revoiu- I FranCIS Emheuser. elect at a h.ltchen shower on I band crownmg her double finger I to order at 11 a m. Luncheon WIll follow.

'rhe matron of honor. Mr8 hon has arranged a ColOnial Tea to be held at the home of Mrs Lorrame, the daughter of Mrs. I Tlutrsday, September 22 tiP veIl. .Ward Petersen of DetrOIt, wore Ray W. Covey at PIedmont road Joseph P. Carnaghl of •Three I On Sunday. September 25. Mr; I For her exchange of vo\V~ WIth I Reservations should reach the hostess, MlS Hugh "-a1ima ehartreU5e velvet gown WIth a The tea IS schedul~ for FrIday, Sept. 30 at 2 pm Several MIle DrI\ e and the late Mr. John Martm entertamed the I the son of Mr. and Mrs William I Glover, of Mlliland, by Saturday, October 1.deep square neckhne and flow- members WIll ap~ar In costumes of the early American era; 10- Carnaghl, and heL 1iance, the son bnde-to-be at a chma sho\\er 10 I Ash of Chat worth avenue, Bar. I Mrs. Charles H Moone~, of West Phlladelphlllng sleeves, a close fithng cap eludmg the hostess and Mrs. Ralph Edwin Thomas, Iegent A of Mr. and Mrs. F L. Elnheu.er her new home on North Renaud. b h fo her mah on of I t tof the same velvet. She carned mUSIcal PIOgrp WIll highlIght the altaIr of East Grand Boulevard, Will be Eleanor Camts aWIll fete Lor-I hara cMose J hr C emer In em- charge of transpor a Ionld d b e m urns WIth Th d 11 t th h t • h t ts ed 10' I k on ar, ISO n r, I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ro an ronz e pracet' s WI go 0 e c ap er scan Y proJec . marrI In a 0 c oc ceremony I lame at an around-the-clock, elald gleen satin, andsllver green ..philodendren. The brIdesmaids I at St. Chre at Montefalco shower In the early part of Oc- I bed b d d M Cha lottewere MIss Mary Marsh of Toron- b I Church I I ro rJ esmal s, rs r

. f h d ~.. F ., N' ht A . tober. Smunons and Lor(ame Podmeler.to, COU5lD0 t e groom, an ....1SS am I y Lr1 sse mag e The bnde-elect WdS honored On October 9 Mr, Robert IGretchen Geigenmueller of Mon- • ~ at a late August mIscellaneous I S th d M' J h K1' James Cromwell was best man~ They wore l'den"cal char S C h h M . my e an • rs 0 n em, th J h V 11 d and ClIfford,"". l.1 - To shower g1\ en by Mrs. A. H. Em- aunts of the prospectIve brlde- WI 0 n a antnuse 10wns and carned bronze ee urc oVles heuser and her daughtel, Ka~'. groom, \\ilI honor Lorrame at a, MIller ushering Imums. Mrs. F L Emheuser, the tea m the latter's home on Lm- 1 After a WhIttier receptIon, t!Ie IThe groom's brother, Pl!ter M MO\'les of the ground-breakmg I All members of the congrega- mother of the prospective groom, coIn road. I bride change~ to lliawatha green I

ceremomes for the new bulldmg tlon and their fnends are inVited was hostess at a luncheon 10 her Th b d I t 11 I b 1gabardme swt and accessories for IB":...les Dow of Grosse POinte Methodist' church to attend home on ihe Boulevard. e rJ e-e ec WI a so e I th tT,J,J,Ii,II the. honor guest at a spmster e rIp........ will highlight that congregation's I I _

1 to first Family NIght of the new dmner on the follow 109 Thurs- Ere:::~=~~~ehO~~e~old season Friday, Sept. 30 at 6.30 If Your Name Is Pearl day. The hostess WIll be .Joann Anniversary vent, Ite d h P m. at M~lre School, 740 CadIeux. Cal naghl, who \\ III be the mald- I S hedule at 1M'brushes. If wa r stan s w ere ~ ot-honor for her sIster S C I

the brisUell are fastened It WIll Mrs W. J. Kirby who 15 In B:f Ann Reynolds, Ph.D. ferred In the Western World. Also attendmg the brIde-to-be The Umverslty of MichIgan's Ilooaen them. '1'bJs IS especially charge of the menu, should be (One In a serJe~) whIle m the Onent pearls of acalled at TU 1-2771 for sugges- P I mre yellOWIsh tmt are valued. WIll be Zena AmICO, :Eleanor School of Busmess Admmlstra-harmful for brushes WIth wood- "She named the mfant • ear' Camisa, Mr<. John Martin ,and tIon IS 25 years old .

... backs. tios as to what to bring ..• her mother's only treasure." There are more superstItIons K E hut th '--------0--------------------- Ths IS the way Nathaniel Haw- attached to pearls than to any ay m e set', a cousm 0 e The annIversary WIll be ob-propsectlve bridegroom, as brides-I d t onvenlion on Dc-F ° h C ° Ch h thorne, In "The Seal let Letter," other precIous substance Some maIds. Claudia Ann Coulson, a serve a a c Ralt ommuntty urc explamed why Hester Prynne people beIJeve that thIS gem niece of the bride-elect \\lll be I tober 5, accGrdmg to Dean us-

A '49 Ca . chose thIS name for her baby, brmgs on tears. But I have still flower gIrl sell A. Stevenson. Edmund Ennounces mpulgn an elUSIve, elfllke lhild of JrId- t ohear about one gIrl who re- Joseph Helbon Will be best IDay, fIrst dean of the school and I

A Workers' Dmner at FaIth enlighten everyone as to the escent beauty. And as far back fused pearls because of thIS. man and the ushers mclude John now preSIdent of Cornell Um-Community Church, Moross at procedure of the work In store. as the 14th century the unknown ------- Carnaghl, blother/ at the brlde- verslty, WIll be the princIpalSanilac, on October 7, at .BOD An executive comnuttee With English poet of the shrrl.?gly I Pointe Boys Attend to-be, Robert Klem. an uncle at I speaker.p.m., WIll open the campaIgn to Mr. John Wm. Fnesema as beaubful pQ2m by the htle The the prospective bridegroom John _raise $20,000 00 to aid --m-~ halrman, and Mr. John Graham Pearl," chose thIS Jewel as a; Connecticut Sch«M»1 MartIn, and Lawrence MCEIwee'j The oldest umverSlty 10 theb,wldmg of the sU~l'lItructure as co--chalrman, has been hard symbol to convey how vel y dear I The Taft ShcOOI at Watertown. I The _WhIttier \\ III be the scene Americas, San Marcos In Peru,O• th- church. A general out- at wOIk the past several weeks to hiS heart was the small gIrl C b t 16t' th Iot the breakfa~t after the cere was founded m 1551, according" ~ h 'd I h' d 1 onn egan I S d year IS - ,Ime of the schedule WIll be a In preparatIOn for the carpv.ugn. e ost, IS own ear pear. k' th 'I I 1 bo I mony and an evenIng reception. to the EncyclopaedIa Brltanruca._..... of the business of the ------_ precIous. WIthout spot. thIS chIld wee WI se\era oca ys IJo'Go" that had lived upon the earth less among the 328 members of theevening, with a radio slut gIven e'h r.I tban two years before she sbpped student body.by lOme of the actual workers anter to LJ..ear away trom him •• And most I Localites attendLng classes

j1ft. the canvassing comnuUee t9 I "'- r hkely it's always thIS desIre to I were' Henry Caulkm<, son of Mr .•

S. W . D' AR E . express how very precious baby and Mrs. George P, Caulkms. 552en lors nte :n. xecllt17.\e is, that prompts a mother to se- RIVard bhd.; BenJamm O. Chap-lect nam~ such as Pearl and I man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles IP C I M1ss Laura Cook, orgaruzmg Ruby and Opal. G. Chapman, 372 Provencal road, Ire p 0 Um n s secretary general of the D.A R .. . I Peter Fmk, son ot Mr. and Mrs

WIll be the prmcipal speaker at SUlCe lime ImmemOrial, pearls I George R. Fmk, 69 Cloverly road,Joyce Clements of G r 0 sse the FIrst autumn meettng of the were covet~d Jewels There IS a Michael Hoey, son of Mr. and I

Pou:Jte HJ.gh School, and Marilyn Ellzabeth Cass Chapter. D.A.R., story told In the BIble about a Mrs. WIlliam H. Hoey. 234 Mer-Smith of St. Paul HIgh School, Monday Oct. 3, at 1:30 at the merchant who was looking for I rJweather road; Allen Ledyard,have been aelected by The Re- Woman's CIty Club. pearls, and when he had found I son ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Led-,new to wnte weekly columns Mrs Harry Stearns, regent, one pearl of great pnce, went and yard. 104 Moran road, Henryabout activIties at thell" respective will presIde at the busmess I sold all that he had-Just In order Sheldtl), son of Mr. and MrsIChools. t I to get hold of that one pearl Henry D Shelden 16628 EastJoyce, who resides at 123 Mer- mee mg. . ,

------- By the way, Margaret and I Jefferson ave ~ Samuel Sherer,riweather, Will author the pop- f d JI "T T lk" IdS S I DaISY mean the same as Pearl. son 0 Mr. an Mrs o,eph S I

~:~lyn. ~hO ahvf!S :~ ~~ r:t~_1 eaman ao( ers I Margaret IS t~ _Greek name for I Sherer, Jr, J90 RIdge rOlld., Halrop, WIll WrIte "St. Paul HIgh- At P Is th Ipearl' Its ongln 15 supposed to be I Smith, Ill, and Lenoard Smtth,lights" or mOll the PersIan words for thiS prod- sons ot Mr and Mrs Hal H.

B h I th' Edgar W Sander; fireman an-I uct of the pearl oyster Our own Smith, Jr. 582 RIVard blvd.ot co umns appear 10 IS . , ,. I .. " I St h W S th f MIssue prentIce USN. son of Mr and ....ol'd pearl really means a tmy I ep en ml, son 0 r.M CI •• d M ~ th Mrs WIlliam C Sanders of 1010 I pear an dls Latin Well a pearl and~ Mr- Yates G SmIth 854• IS! emen .... an • ISS ~m I . • , . f h t Ed"emont Pal k Arthu Sloc\..beth semot'l have a dIver lfied IVemel' road, is sen 109 a< a crew the size 0 even t e mo~ ltSY-" . r ,

' • bo d h I b 15 w uld be of Immense son of Mr. and Mr~ H Thomp-background of extra curriculum member a ar t e aLrcraft car- I y pear 0 _aetlvitJes rIer USS Coral Sea which IS vllue Incidentall) the large~t son Stoc\... 10, Moran road, and

Studenu are In\ Ited to sub- undergOIng general repaIrs m the pearl. one of 250 carats-llmost I Cullen S\\eeney. ~Oll of :\'Ir a~dzrut Items tor pubucabon to them Norfolk Naval ShIpyard. Ports- I the weight of a small egg-was Mrs John 5 S\\ eeney, Jr, 1_2

mouth, Va. brought froln Margarita. an Moran roadCa R. 'PIe Coral Sea recently 1'1'- I ISland off the Coast of Venezuela ------

mpers eUnlOn turned from a five-month tour m 1579 to PhIlIpp II Kmg of S1cCCt Spuds IA rewlJon of the Day Campers I of duty m the "Iedllerranean. I Spam. Pearls are found In great I

WIll be held Friday night. Oc- While overseas the men were af- numbers near the c;oast of Cen- I S\\ eet potatoes are lIght yel-lobeT 7 lit the regular weekly fomed tour~ of Parl~ and Cannes, tral Amerlca' tohey rE' fh~hcd m lo\~ and rather drj and mealY Itheater party. At thIS ume the I France: S\\ Itzerland. Naples Cd-I rnan\ pl~e~ In tropIcal seas But I While \3ms are deeper j cl1O\~,Imovmg pictures taken at Day pn. PompeI ana Rome. ll<lly: the' c are pearls also found m more 'nol<t and <\veeter It s Im-Camp Will be sho"n a~ "1',1 a< Athen<, Greecc, l<tanb\1l. Tur\..ey I rl\er< )n El rope _a~ ,\ ell a~ III porlant to u<e the <ame kmd II Ithe cartoon. There "nil be con-Ilnd the Island of Crete The \ ,qt the<e Ulilted State, of Amenca- one tIme <0 that the.. \I 111 aliitests and PrlZ~ All Day Camp- to Rome afforderl manv CIt'\\ In 10\\ a WI<:(on,," "I kan,a~ cook alike .en who saIled the ~e\'en <t'aS n,ell1bel' an audience \I I'h Ihe T(nnes..ot'e and Kentuch\ _thl~ summer on the S S ~ferry Pope .A. pearl of "llie fir,t watel . to d IMermaId. {; SS Xorth Slar. -----.- e-",pre" II In Je\>.t>ler-' Img:o l~ Send Foo Ius S Good FOltune and the The temperatul e of thE' hum. a RC-n that ha< a PC' feet • <hm .,Good ShIp Lollipop llre corrllaltv an bod\ \>.a< former!\ u<ed a~ a finf' "oJlE'nl" " of df'hcatf' te" I CARE~ humanttanan help canllIVlted to attend , the base pomt for thermomeh~1 s I tUl c an don" that 1< free from new be given to the people of,--.---------- ~JX'ck' and fla,,' PE'arl< ,hould the ne" ~tate of Israel Send I

tx- of deal almo~t tran<lucprt a CARE food packalte Send tcn\\ hlte colo \\ Ith md(,-cE'nt <hN'n dollar~ to non,prMlt C.\RE. De-At I(,<l<t lhl<: 1< th(' c"lor pl(',1 trOlt I. M,rhillan __ I

Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-02 · " :i I',. 'I 1' ,.. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w.. * * Preserve


The Crosse PomtePOI\Police Department Wilnold a publrc auction firthe purpose of d's~1l1of bicycles and otherproperties Saturdoy Ottober I, 1949, ot 10'a.m.

The auction will IIIheld In the Police Gar.age at the rear of tl1MuniCipal Buildln~15115 East ] effersonAY!-nue.

The propo,ed ,tor.bUlldmg and the m~pal garage to be a"Will both be locatedMarvland :\H'nlle I'll •dlately nm tl (\f Ire pent fire dep;>rt "T\entb ...ing. '


The prop"'" 1 al'dtract form~ ,'1d tne rand specifica'ions ";whIch the \\ nrk \\-done are t1n fi,e arcbe exammeo md ob'.at the oiLer A '"P E,,'mg Inspec" \1- r '~Buildm~. l' 1]~ f Je-son A \. (' l' 11 C G '"

"! }. l'

P0J111e Pall> \1 \ '"or m the IT II rf ;\IrA. Mam ( 1- • 1: ~

gmeer. :1211 \\ It' ~'r=mg. BlIm ,1 "

"an A ('('''IIC'' C l';" .,ea satlc;facl \n " l."

bond for a ' ~ 1', _'

than Sr-;. of ""F .:;""." hethe prop!"!'.; 1 ,

qmred wltl; ~3C" ~-CI!al.

Legal Notice

Arthur E. LOUWBBChief of Pollet

Th .,. -~" ,~ C:.e v II ~>.

Pm n tE' P,,' \ ",rr F(

rlghl In \\malll' III 1

('epl al1\ L Ian\' or all'be deemed'tel f',tc; to ,

\'ILL.\ (., (If IiGROSSF. rO"n p\R

EVERITT B. LANE¥unlclp.l :.lanageJ'

Test Here

Wm. C. Stamm.nVillage Clerk I



NEXT PARTYWhen your club lOdahtyor oansh jO"OuJ) Dlans 0dmner or luncheon. besure of Its success byholcllnll It a. The Whlt-tl~r Make re8lI!'rvatumsno .. (or ~our WInter so'daJ evets.


CALL VAlley 2-9000

dJhe WHITTIERBums Dn~-e em the Beaut1fUl Detroit RlVft

TAIl SllflCILi<ensecland Openmn, ill

Grosse Poi"t. and Surround.II, Are.




Dancmg NightlyExcep' Sunday


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Chatham Village Cab Co.




All Seats ReservedMail Orden Filled

Free Parking!





Complete SundayDinner ••• $1 65

We Cater To• Partie. - Club., ete.

TU 5-4220



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IlipDnJ.o~ SDx



GPH Faces Royal 'Oak In First League

106 KERCHEVALTU. 1-5262

Houn: 7:30 T.n 7 • Set. 7:30 Till 2


-S-t.-P-a-u-I-H-ig-h-S-ch-o-o-I'-s-A----C-,-b-----15 --T-h-e-G-ro-IS-.-P-o-in-te-R.-Yi-ew---Y-h-u-rs-do-y-, -s."-p-t.-2-9-, -19-.-9 ~IMeet Oaks .t S St. Palll----SeeL1949 Grid Schedule uto u Tied MICHIGAN TACKLE lij

For Second in WHO IS THIS? On Local - Victory OverRotary League G -d- St. Charles

Bowling at the Woods Reclea- rl Iron B EDDItlOn last Friday, Auto Club gained lYE Ql'IRKconsiderable grouno by wlnnmg By JOHN DRAKE St. Paul High ~>(hoolover Earl Holzbaugh, 3-1 They Escouraged by two triumphs, lost a heart- bl faker S g~ldillrl

the GI osse POinte H gh S h 1 AnnunCiation 7 1(. 6 unt ay.ale now tied for second place I c 00 a G\\ Ith Motor City Tires who loot a ~ Blue Devils Will meet Royal Oak Pointe High Sthoo\ field r~Ihree-pomter to Kopps Pharmacy. ~ Satuldav at 2'00 p m. on the The loss mril ked thThe tlreml!'n copped the opener ~ home f.eld It Will be the Pomt- parochial eleven b 'Clonde IIIQIbut the champs fought back and ers' first Border CIties League defeat. They lo~l their f1:~llftled by Frde Kopps and Carl Alle- game of the '49 season test of the year to D T,'~mang, took the next two and The Blue DeVils proved them- 13 to 6, e-...qtotal pins selves for the second time last

Houston Bros , Inc, put another Friday by downing Ferndale un- Annunclahon ~ \ lctor\'four-pOinter on the records when der the lIl!:hts. As m the opening attributed to furr.ble~ b\ t~ bethe\ subdued Punch & Judy game against Mt. Clemens, the backs and mtefl('pted P1lS~'!tCocktaJl Lounge. John Hume, Jr, vital touchdown was scored by .... A pass from Berg to Martsponsor of the Judles, tried to Pat Brogan's passing to Don accounted for St p? 11' thai(help hiS teammates but lhe Rang- Shaw down. S 0't/,

ers were tough, very tough They Last ) eal Roval Oak defeatednow lead the league With 12 Grosse Pomte 6 to 0 Coach Ed Don Harledge failedpbmts won and no losses. Wernet warned' that the Acorns . plunge for the extra po: bI

The Ide.. of the sponsors howl- are stlll potentIally strong, and T . k Next Sunday St PaulIng WIth their teams IS growing, Roy Leet, thei:: sparkplug last Canm.es To Show New rlC s St. Charles at Nelghbo~~Fred Kopps and John Hwne Jr. year, IS back. But the POinte Club, lock-off at 2 30 p~UllIJII

JOining up thIs year squad has been ImprOVing stead- At Demonstt'all*on At School I -On with the bowlmg, Mondry Ily, he said. Le I N-;--Cleaners swept Plches Barber The Blue DeVIls held a strong ga obcesShop nght smack into the cellar offenSive Ferndale eleven to a A demonstration of Obedience Ill, Brush LaboratOries DetrOit

I With their four-pOinter, Looks smgle touchdown Friday, while Tramed Dogs Will be held manager, who Will put lnterna-Ilike Mondry Will start to roll penetrating their end zone twice. Tuesday, October 4, at 7.30 pm., tIOnaI ChampIOn Diane de

i now, after a shaky start The Pomters missed both kIcks to m the boy's gymnasium of the Beauch, the first Bnttany Span-I G P. ReView, after droppmg make the final score 12 to 7. Grosse Pomte High School. All lei In America to achieve thethe opener, came on to take the Ferndale scored flISt, pushing dog owners are mVlted to at- American Kennel Club's UtilItynext two and total from Farms .... < th b 11 • kl d t th d tend. ThIS Will start the Own- Dog degree. Don Dasher WIllMarket, who, up till now, have I !J '" '" v... e a qUlc y own wo- Ir s........... of the field and gaming slightly er-Dog Obedience classes for the show Harkaway, hiS famousbeen domg very well M Ph t C t t E d on an exchange of punts. They commg year. Pomter, the first of Its breed topr~:rr~~ons~f~:~ ~~~d~IJ~f; emory 0 0 on es n s p1ung£'d ov~r from the 2-yard These obedience classes, under re~~ ~:Sh~:II~llD~~o g~~liubJtAtl Transp. Co., a strong aggre- ThiS week maru the end of The five most accurate answers lme, then kicked ,successfully. 1 the sponsorship of the Adult Ac- Brandy, a flashy young SpnngergatlOn. contest which means the last WIll each receive two tickets to The Bl~e DeVils worked the t1vlhes Program of the GrosseHouston Bros Inc .•••••• 12 0 cChalncEt to Win tickets to the the Colony' or Punch and Judy. ?al:h deep Indto oPDtOSmg

JterrItory pomiedeBoalrdt off Ed~catl~nd ha\ge ~~;~u~~~:;e;tXo~vl:~o~~. obed!-

Motor CIty Tires ••• , •.• 8 4 0 ony and Punch and Judy Remember prom tness counts II~ e secon quar er erry Jen- crea .la 0 0 meres urm These dogs Will work on VOIceAt.:to Club 8 • Theatres. so send In y p t ' kms plunged to the Ferndale 9 the pasv two years. More than.. .•••••••••• .. our en ry unme- th th 6 P , h d d G P t h commands and hand Signals. doFarms Market ••.••.•••• 7 5 AI! you have to do is to send dlately. Tuesday, Oct. 4 IS the en e eterson went around a un re rosse om ers ave obstacle retnevmg, do scent dlS-G. P. Review ....•••••••• 7 5 a bnef descnptJon of the above deadlme. left tackle to the 2, and Knowles tramed their dogs through theKopps Pharmacy 7 5 photo to S b ts " . dove through center to score. program. crlmmatlon work, seelung lostMiddle All Trans' 'c' '0'" 6 Charles Manos, Editor memUbJec f Itnh thet Plcturde thand Ferndale broke through to block "ThiS demonstration IS de- objects, etc_

. ... 6 G ers 0 epIc ure an ell' th k' k The demonstratIOn WIll beP - J. CocktaIl Lnge .••• 5 7 ~0IIlIe Pointe Review faml.hes arll not e" Ible e IC Signed to show the dog own-Mondry Cleaners ••••••• 5 7 15121 Kerchenl ug '. 1'he second Grosse Pomte ers what they can accomphsh handled by the Southern MlchI-Earl Holtbaugh ••.•• , ••• 4 8 Last weeks wmners were: touchdown, the hIgh pomt of the through these classes," accord- gan Obedience Dog TrammgHarrIson Carpets .•.•• • 2 10 Edward Janis, 1111 WaybRrft. game, came in the next quarter. mg to Don Dasher, research en- Club, the group that furnIShesPiches Barber Shop ••••• 1 111 SCDOOL C. w. Floss, 89~ Rivard. WIth the DevUs fOiled in their gmeer for the Bundy Tubmg tramers for the Grosse Pointe

./ . Renny DeVal~rJ.o. 3933 LeaoJ:. attempts to crash the Ferndale Co, and head tramer of these classes. Frank Grdant'dwelbl-knownCharles Lamb, .IS50 NottiDr- eleven for any conSiderable dis- classes "You'll enJoy your pet Judge. who mtro uce 0 edlenceC: ham. tances, Pat Brogan. suddenly more It it is tramed. On obedient ;.vork In thiS area when he.moved

7 'Mrs. Fred ~ose, 421 Cloverly. backed up and shot an arcmg, dog IS a better dog." mto Kelsey Hayes organization,------ 45-yard pass to Don Shaw. Shaw "Any breed of dog. regardless wII~ be on hand to .dISCuss theCourses for Writersl outran two Ferndale backs to of age or size can be tramed" I dog s pomt of view m tram mg.

leap up and snag the ball on the s81d ltay Lee FISher Body exec~- Joseph McQwllen and EdwardPractical help for those Who enemy 20-yard 1me. He kept tlve llIlother' of the Pomte Class McKernan, Grosse POinte, of the-.r ~WS I WISh to write short stories and Iright on gomg to clip the corner tr~ers, 'The dog's problem IS ~ou~~ern Michigan club are

1...~ feature articles will be given m of the end zone WIth what proved to understand what the owner ~h mJ c1as~ arr~gemen~i bShort Story Writing for Begm- to be the winning tally. wants him to do. That's where r t ed ~er- l~g c asses WI th ~

PARCELLS ners and m Feature Articles two Pat Brogan's kick was Wide, the obedience classes come m.. lmI ~ 0 sma gr.oups so aThe Parcells School 101 boys UniverSity of Mlchlgan Exte;sion but the DeVIls held their fIVe- We teach the owner to teach hIS mdlvldu~l mstruc\;on b can h ~

and girls who were enrolled m a courses opening at the Rackham pOint lead until the final gun. dog" glIvdenf. b asses WI ellsc ef

-4 H d t --____ u e or egmners as we as or- tlsummhebr gdar2en proJlec re-f Memorial on FrIday, September "LOf f R OIly" Dog owners from last sprmg's Imore advanced work. Reservat-

cen y e~ lite 22 dlsp ays 0 130. MISSEsther Mueller, who has I e 0 el classes Will show what they have ions for these classes can begarden produce and flowers. preVIOusly taught In the DetrOIt accomplished dUring the ten-- d b h th G I.Th 1m t d 4 H 0 ' , E I ° d ma e y p onmg e rosse

IS occasIOn cu lOa e - extensIOn program, Will be the rlJYJ.n Xp alne weeks course In thIS part of the Pointe Board of ducahon. TU.summer work sponsored by MISS Instructor. I ~- program Will be Mrs. J A. Neef 5-2000 extensIOn 25 All doDorothy Wolfe and Mrs. Delma Sh t St W t' g f B Accordmg to research experts and her Boxer Sally McKernan ' h 11 d gCh h P 11: or ory rI In or e- th Th W Id B k E I ' owners wet er enro e or not

amplOn, teac ers at arce 5 gInners Which )VIll meet at 4 00 I Wid e or 00 neyc 0- and her BIlttany Spamel, Robert should attend the demonstrationwho are local 4-H leaders. _ pm' lit 1 b t pe la, a comic song popular m Looker and hIS Sprmger Spaniel .

The 4-H members arranged . ., s; h ec ure- t ora ory the MIddle West during the 1880's and John Drake and Charle~their garden produce and flowers :urse m w t~ tach ctass ~em-I is the ongm of the expression Liddle and thelI Collies ITag Match Tops STORACE BUILDINCaccordmg to five classes. These . r IS expec 0 wrl e an re- "lIvmg the life of Reilly," I . . . AND ALTERATIONS TOclasses conSISted of 76 bouquets ~~se seve~al short storIes dunng I ReIlly ~as a saloonkeeper in i d AdV~c~~ ;r81=g WWIll,be Chesterfield Cardof garden flowers 19 bouquets of e semes er. a small Midwest town who pros_I emons ra Y' gar . A)er- PRESENT MUNICIPALWIld flowers, 35' vegetable ex- In Feature Articles, a study and pered so much that he was able r------------,I "Gentleman Jim" Doble and CARACE, CROSSEPTLhibits, 53 house plants, and 40 I analYSIS of articles In current to raise hiS saloon to the dlgmty r-r 11 Bert Ruby Will pair up m a tag PARK MICHICANnovelty arrangements. magazmes Will be made and the I of a hotel Being the owner of uOttep'e I team wresthng bout as the maIn ,

For completmg their summer I reqUirements of editors WIll be I the impreSSive establishment, of 0' attraction Fnday mght at Ches- NOTICE TOprojects children received 4-H Iemphasized. This class meets at course, gave Reilly the privilege cz' terfield Arena, Grabot near 10- I CONTRACTORS:pms and certificates. Ribbons of 7 00 P m. of ordermg and commandmg lque Mile road Their opponents wIll

Iwhite, blue, red or purple were Registration for eac~ IS $15. whatever he ~T1shed The town- be ~\'an Ka~~lllCOf~;the "Mad" Sealed proposals \~I~awarded according to the merit of ------- folk took note of the fact that I RUSSian, and Tiger Jack Moore receIved bv the V

I the dIsplays I MSC Grant .t $1 500 Reilly was "reall)' IIvmg" '------------'1 The prehmmane~, beginning Clerk m the :.Iumcrri-------- e." The song IS called "Is That B I at 830 pm, lists "Red DeVIl" B Id 1-11- E Jp--------.-•.-.-.-..-:F T't 'Re h M R ll~" d " . b I arbara Jean Brown, daughter I agamst~llI McDamels and Com- Ul mg, ;) ;) . ell

I I or 1 amIn seare th:' O~l I~~I ~~t i~~n:u.ng Th~ of the Robert B Browns of 2811 achlO l!ortez tangles WITh Steve son A v e n u e. Gr

CO LO"'. Y i A grant of i1.500 for contmu- chorus :oes' y I Merriweather road. and Margaret Nenof! Pomte Park 3D, 1hchl~1'IIIIIIl , ance of a study to more effICIently ''Is th t M t R 11 Helen Clemens, daughter of Mr ------------- Up to 1 P M Fa

I lit . a IS er el y, can any I d M W I' d CI f 1 I Le IN'"I 15635 MACK I ca C'U a e potency of Vltamm "D" one tell~ ,an rs I.re emens 0 389


g t* Standard TIme, on Oct

I TU. 2-2324 I as used In flsh liver Oils and <Im- Is that Mister Reilly who owns ISomerset, have enrolled at Sul- a 0 lee ber 10 1949, for the CO!!'1-------;,;,,;;.;.---'. I lIar materials has been receIved. the hotel~ Ihns college, Bnstol Va, It IS an- ' f toI STARTS FRIDAY, by Michigan State College from Well, If that's Mister Reilly nounced by Raym,~nd A. Bailey, 1------------- bstr~ctlOn t a ~"~I OCT. 7 the Parke, DaVIS Company of thev speak of so hIghly registrar Sullins 80th sessIOn ORDINANCE NO. 154 ulldmg or P:c IIII I DetrOIt. : Upon "my soul Reilly, yo~'re got underway thiS week With 312 trucks, and alterdtl~~I J. Arthur Rank I The money was part of gifts' dOing qUite ",ell" boarding students and a large AN ORDINANCE TO the present nlunJcm. gl', Prese~ts : and grants totaling $3600 accept- As a result of thiS sonl::. "hvmg number of day students from AMEND THE rage. Immediate'" tr,~

I ed for the collel!:e by ~he State the hfe of Reilly" became a pop" Bmtol and surrounding areas. I BU ILDI NG ZON E after they \\ 111 be pJbu.I Board of Agr'~ulture at It. regu- ular Amencan saving At Sullins, MI~s Bro"n and ORDINANCE~. ly opened and read'iar monthly. meetln" held Scp-, MI's Clemem Will take rel!:ular

tember 15 on the Ea<;t Lansmg Canada has about 17,000 -=luare college work along \'vlth theIr THE VILL!\GE 0campus.\ miles of peat depo~Jt. speCial mtere~ts A large vallety GROSSE P'OI" F----- ---------------------- I of course<; mcludmg hor~eman-' NTE PARK

ShiP, mU<I(' art, dramatIc. lan-, ORDAINS:1 guage~ and stenograph\ are be- ORmg offered 10 enable ~~cce<sful DINANCE No. 65 ofcarE'Crs for Sullins graduates I lhe VIllage of Grosse

Both girls attended Grosse POlnle Park as heretoforePomte High school. I amended. IS herebv amend-

• ed bv the addition theretoThl ee POinte Io!trl~ ha\e re- I of a new sectIOn entitled

turner! to Bradford Jumor Col-I SectIon VI (1), CIVIC Cen-lege, Bradford. Ma«. for their I ter Area, to read as f01-.enlor ~ear The'\" are Joan C E I lows'Co~ daughter or \-Ir and \-Ir.James Cope of 861 Sunnlnlo!rlalf'1 SECTION VI (I) _dnve Grace ~l Roehm. daughter I CIVIC CESTER AREA(1f :vir and Vlr< La\\ renee S (A)Roehm of l'i4 Wa<h ngV,n road I JEFFERSON SET-

1 and o\nna l.oll"e <;l11lth,dallghtl'r I B A C K - On Jeffersonnf \lr ann \Ir< GIIV (" "Ill III or A\enue In lh(' ret:lOn of'I'; Mc!\:ml('y plal'f' the Munlnpal BUIlding.-1 The C()ll £'gI' openf'<l 1 (', ('11th nanwly. on t he north <ml£'rur II~ 14ilh vear of .J£'fft'1 ';on from the ea<;t

--- Ime of W;n bill n to theFor Gartl("uers I \\('<;1 II11f' of Lak£'polTltf' .

Openm,l( ~!'~<H>nof Ihl' Un1- and .on th(' <;outh !ilde ofverslty fI! "JehljZan Extenslon .Tef'fer<;ol1 from the £'1Istcourse on Malor Perf'nmals \\ 1111 line of Barrm,gton Road,en"e as a get-together for former to a po'nt 1434 feet east.tudents In 'he home gardenmg of the east hne of Lake-program off~red In DetrOlt Ruth I pomte (herein called theMosh~r Plac~ gardenmg authflr-. CI\,C Center Area) I.

: ItV. Will conduct the ('nurses I Yard ten feet In depthlllt'aln thr. fall a~'I.t!'rl b\ Mr. 'I h II 1.._

c; a '... malntamed, InHnnflrll ROlltnn rllrl"ct/'lr ()f lhl' h Cn"!lolt (;dlrll'n ("'1111'1 ;;I!(' 1\'1(, Cf'ntE'r Ar('a no

~Ir,' rWlllw (f thl' «," r, hlllldln", fir ~tll1C'll1rf'~crh£'dllil'J f'r iOO p 111 (n ~" I 'hall hI' l'n"t"d 01 mam-(la\ ~eptember 30 at the- H", 1-, t d Inf>rl \\ Ithm ten feet ofham Vlemor'olJ The ell;(ht 'e. the Jeffer<on Avenue lot510n~ \\111 be de\<t£'d to Ihe wi ]l11e blllld1n!o(s anci strnc-tlllt' 'ell"<'tlOn and \I,,, or 'II' hi hll (', e,hl 11'( on AugustlinT" 11 mt pl~l1t m.'I""l,~, H 1941l h(,ll1~ f,cpnl('ci'T",ne fl"''''lIl1t( hlllh< 111,,11"'11 'rl "

nl ('(\!1-Hi('I('rl;1<; la\\ fIllell rlrn ,h1 \ -~nl/1f mum JZ«rrll n 'II 110t1-('onfolmln" \1<;('<;I n<~< 1 l~ dr phm11lm phi,... "

I and peonl~ Reglstratll'ln for the Icourse 15 $~ I

October ZSt. Charles at Neighborhood

dlub.October 16

--St Martin at Neighborhood~ub.


LOW PRICE INCLUDES1. R.".oye and repIeee 7. Fit new pistoltt ."d

cylinder heed. rinp2. Oisaoe"'ble and clee" a. Alip Co""ectin,

rocker shaft a.. embly RodsJ. Grind Vol.eI 9. Adjult Co.... ectinl4. Tune U, Enri'" Rods and Main leer.5. Remo". Piatons leerinp6. HOfte Cyfittden to. Ctea" Oil PUM, ."d

screeRHurry. tfte .ooner yOIl come in. tt.. sooner you so..

Farms Buys Equipmentlor Sewer Cleaning

Farms Couml acecpted therecommendation of the PublicWorks Committee for the Dur-clI.ase of se" er cleaning eqUip-ment from Trojan Tool Company.t • cost of $2,305.

October 235t Ambrose at Grosse POinte

-Htgh School FieldOctober 30

St Catherine at GPH fieldNovember 6

St Bernard at GPHAll pmes at %.30 p. m.






Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-02 · " :i I',. 'I 1' ,.. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w.. * * Preserve

! ,


, \



! t

, '


• !










Cr .... 'oi"te H.rdw.r.lUll E. " •• a,... 1"1 _


Pow.r Mow.rs,r,.,~ !I,nIN


We Budd Fine FurnltlJr.ANTIQUe REPAIRING

rl.e CablnJt WorkJ'lll,,,turt RdniUUJl, --:

a.PWbIJ',vant ',&I. eJrJleI'l.nllt ~ltII ..

lintll enop, UI &he &ltl'

FARRAR..sOLQSV15111E. WAQlNa' N.....

TU. 1.9110

• £velliDp

.. Fleer ..... ,. -

.. lllaor IledriaJ :Bepesrs



....f}'UTTERS and-='





Call Morninp

looFI ....' - 5

aepairetl, Repl.red utiCleaDed-.

M.tal ~ks-Perehesn.t aeon..,





LA. 7.2730u,au ALMA



QUll.ity W~rklDauhl,aderencil



Eastel'n Office Supply1028 LAKEVIEW at JEFFERSON

(....... Cont'r rr,. .... n) •WE DELIVER VA. I.55%.4 ~

Bourl • t. , Dally - • ~ I .. lialllrda)' ,CO""LJl;TE OmCE SUPPLIES ANI) eQVIPMEHT


Men's aml Ladilis' SUits T&llored to OrderAlterat,Olls, Rellmng, Cleanmg and Pressln,

1.(931 E. JEFFERSON. AT CITY LIMITS ,Fred M. lSeblUPD Est. 1925 Open EVei. Till 7:00 VA. I-oINt :

Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metlj4708 EASTLAWN VAil., 4-1541-

Joltn W. ReesorPAINTING


For Spltce Re~ervation on This

Valuable Directory Call J'Aa 24558:



ROBERT'S16330 E. Warren

'!D, %-4550 VE. 9.0880Open IG a,m. 'tit • p.lII.

Oqaruteed WorkPiek.Up and DeUvery

I.die R.p.ir Se... ~.

'til'tine ."d O.cor.hltl

..Th. Or.... hilt" I •• i.w - Thurs ... f, Se... 29, 1t4. -,




19391 Mack near Moro..

VA 1-6644



, WE BOAR.D BOlDIII 00 Pe r Wee I<

HORSE MEATFrelb-(.anned-Frozen

VA 2-4558

Get YourNew



DeIl\.-red toJv Carrll!'r Bo ....z" ery Thursday. 15c a Kltrlth

Business ontl ProfessionalDIRECTORY

n~u \lArI( al "'OTTI~GHAMR, Jr" tl"rl Srllc-r< RlIr/'ftu

eme"t .., o,~

CEMENT WORKWall<. Onve5 Rat"aU., ete

No Job Too .,.-or Too .mall ,

E. L. MAR$ACI<TU. 1.6461 Gr~~~:::04hBraDdl Ollee N~"" BaJUJuilr.e 310


WA. 1-:nn WA. 1-%284

TaOPICAL Ft ••Breed~" 01 'ln, Qualll)' Rtf_.

Kitty Litter - Pet 8UP!,1!~

HUFF'S PIlT 8110r13300 MACK _ VA, S-IlIZ$


Wby not let WI rent coati &JIlldresses tor butlers ud lIIalds!Also linen for special Geeu.sions.


GasConversion BurnersCO:\I'IIERCJAL - BEIIDBNTLU.

I!hlultrlelALiO .EPAlKS .. ALTEaATIONI

TU 5-2770

"-ovd ...Prt r. ."!ox Iii. .. t'\.oe ........ al '",I, " ....... , .l 'l.. oil' ,J

....1 I ,.t>I' \ el t _ I 0~j I\.<' 1.. 1 li!ol. .... t-.J

.. ," ~ t l '. of "I .'If' ALl

I • I \ f I "'"" "11""/1''''1 ...rt r .-I" I". \101 II ..rl""

~ ('f r1

TU 5-2170

I \4 L l'\arn ..2 \Ire .. I.J R_ " R,.1~1", T...I "r'lf',I J l""pl If' )(.iI"."

II ..... rId ~~ 1\. 01

11"111" III H.~I.l!I""

d. \\.11 ..,~. (U It\ In Hu' 11\t,

I.' I 1 '\'\1 '\ \1 .., k


HOlol.ehold Coods for Sol.'Contlnl/ea,-------- ---!

81 UE Q.14 nli d.v ..nparl minor.,hair, 01"0 arlltl.. OL %13~

0"""'''11/ P'IYI"P' o1ft"."P'''' odd bv-'l'B 'DOIn ,hilr~ and t.ble~ All In.... II.nl "lIIdlt,all TU ~.3394



YOlor KEY tu SALEf" ...Lo"


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P n .,. 1 T

I \ HI I r ...( \.;. rl .. rl

n R,

I I .. AVINt. "I AT~ 1"1 .d I" Irll(,1 .. 1 11 ~j •• I'tl ~ P il"\ ~.1 101 IlC

'" 1,.. SI(\II) I \f T Ilf' I,. (1, I n....... lId'j' I ,1,e'" I." ,,, ...{~) Oft


? 8180VA

OBRIEN BROSWmdow Cleenlng

. Compcnyq, ('\ "'r' "'t ...., a "1('1 V ~,.n ~n'1.

\, A I \\ ~ ...l 1"

P,lI'"'.a (... I" ( 1f"lIlu"'d

t ~ .,1 It ~. .31 " t.',.eo "'I-,.J "llt-' ""I I..~ I :,...~.); :~: \:" ;

,I" r f e ~ h,b .1 I ~.Al I\.f' .. t... .".,,1 "f tll\Jlr ..It. If, •• ) ....ll r. I..... rll "I "J 16

Window Shades



t .. 1'"'"

\ 'I' 1'1 (f'



., jj

f '" r



to"" I ~'IL r, I' ..

\\ 1I'l1('


SHOCK BROSC' ""I En .,un'IC1

V.... 2 5 Ii""I



,,ve ~r"('dl l' n eJ.II ......to 0",1 r f mALL IJep,At

and M<,v,r.1i;W,th,,, Yr).lT 0",; Re' denre

I Igl1t IT, \ lI,t (I II "I)

Pockln" Crot' ..

Mo.,n~ Storole. c....,.CROSSE POINTF CART ....GE

F'I(~Rrr:(, ANn ,,~(WIN(;r, '

CSS PHARMACY, 1. ~ ~ ~ 0 •• 1 R \ d


Grosse Pointe


CASH RATEht IlllnilnUrn charee tor c!a&&l.

ad\ 15 50c for 1& word.,UI ,rn" for each additionalord

to ,"our C'on\Cme-l(oeoT i' (' n.......('" Pnl n ,. Re\ .fIoW

'.. ryl( F..iICIl T. nr~d.\\' r 1 ...1 'eo ~h~l hond

I ()(".~IOI1"\(oPf"S Are ,"I'. (eo.

CHARGE RATE5 ~ con\ entence ad. will be

epled over Ihl telephonehe nlrnlO1UOl cttl.l'ge rate Iii

ror 15 word~. four celltll tOtth additional word Patenl ran be made by ealln

he<'k nl money order

ClassifiedDISPLAY RATESUpon Request

A 2-4558The

Grosse Pointe Review15121 Kereheval

el L~J.eI)OlOte and Msrylil.lul~ay "Char,. !tit.

0rI Sail At1.!)C.illnMListed Ikl_

L, E~ DRUGSlo. \~I. "-ld


, :. UkUl,'.I' '-IOTvtt

~Ol< HnMF I)Fh"J"ft\'1.11 • !f('ulallnn ",.pl

",\ '! t);l\1)(' \ \10:\ III

R, (,AftRIf'R ,\(1\

S2In a V_r II, Mill


rr.. Eettm.tll ILA_7_-_29_S_2 __ I

DlTlO\ S - Aiteratiollll - KltcbtJl LAbUlet. - 11alrwaYi - l'8cr.attofl.. , - all,,;, - dormera CaD TU ,

:!ItI or W A. 1-41104. ,

\IPLETE ~~;;';e,-;eti.w;;. tlCIt! kllchens \\ood or steel elb.~ 2~ }ears expentnce VA

AVA ER S DRUGS\' 1 RO\J"'r rml"'ll'h


I Dr, k' ~I I 'lJmpl,te" Illl bo" .PrL"I' and matt- Iuma Inl. '" terationl I Movin, Stora"" Carto", Window Shad,. Ie.. NI ~1I2


'_oo_nhn_Ued)_._ _ ' .. • .. IL -, ,COnllnuedl IConUlluelll MODt:RN dl".It., and bedruam aUIt••

I ... Tl!:foATION& Dr .. lftlaJun, and -- - -- --- - ----- Alia Ledar Ih8l1 TU 1-6lIIIlIIL'~lkorml R~lIol\ahle Mr' R'nhle tSTASUSHIED 16 YI:AIUI OW SHADE

~ eVI." 6-HOJ ~ SISSON MOV ING WIN D G ~ R/!:FRlGl!:I\A fOJ\ HIld..,,, 1.1 I---- -- - .Iuv., 8'1" "ak dlnu'. ruum lulte

, EI.ctrical R.pairs CLEAN ING JOdI ""Ion"on laddor AU .oodI ----'---------- I LOCAl- an" l::XJ>Rf:SS IlJndltlun fteillonlble IIller 4 p m


IS"''''v,ro., , 110~ CUi>lIn

OMMVNITY ELECTRIC "'.. ,..... I - ILICENSED CONTRACTqR p'anow~'oB::ll~~.r~~~u~~u\ln. Repairing and Replacing 17.~Lf:(,~of~dern IWIII bed,oarn Illite

IJl;:;i~r' ....p••'rIC.!1 t",e .. inne swnchel H5l1 Kelch ... 1 VAllty 2.2171 Pickup end Delivery - ~-- -- ---- - - - --I------- I .. Mi.cellanoou. tor 5.1,

MOTOIt REPAIR. LAlli .. Hi-PAIR ,.. - --- ---- S ----------- IP"k'up and [le"\er~ alntlnc o~d _ O.corotinc __ I MUMFORD Wf:DD1NG i>arty or r.umlln c.ndlda

VA I 30 14 - -.- or nllme portraIt,, • ~om let D t SRI N G i>hOlo.ro~hv l>y on---K--r-LL-y'-r.cON--- P e ecoro Ir'lg ervlL:' FLOOR COVE RUUVllle 043f.Wv J INTERIOR and ""l.no, pllnl'n. pap.r ~ - - -

''''no\ Illil PilP~r halllllOll 8"1 Qual. I 16127 E W ASH AND futl 011 druml he.vy .te.1tl,ctt'lCaJ COlllr.elor ltv pall1ts u,e Work euaranletd 1m. ast arren pa'l)lea, delivered Con VA 461l:l3Cteenied In,dl.'e .. TVI..., ~ ~_ _ _

<'o'rlm8lleltl RelllaenUaJ E.'Lll1aleo .h .... rt].lU~ IIV'" I N I 0446 HALf' GALLON Ice C,eam U7., Se~n I'I ~ R I flayon hpl,mber Il~el.l 'Cltern I8a .. PIUI' rl"ture, 8wtlch... "~_~ "YTl(jj; VA ~'81081--------'------- Plt\eapple" WI~n DlIhy Slore

Hau ... W r p. - ----.. 171lO4 Mack ~I Wa.hln,rtol\ Openil I lnl ~,I\Tkll\G Ilape'lnS papc, .. mov.d Window Washlnl SUnda)' Ind Kolldl)1 10. m.1t 11m I

uarU~111 tlxlur ..1 ,or suar,mlced L:l2 Mu,r Rllid 1---- - ----- I - --- - ---~--lVA 2.5727 '>te'le,,, TU l-008J SCIIl!.ENIi REMOVf:D itarma put Oil, WANTED-Ladlo,' 'lIr co.t. ,n IOOdI ~ - Ae'H-ou - -- - - v,,"doWI walhed "Drkmanahhlsuar. i condition, children'. inO\\i"II~, all

HARRY A-Z--S-- -- - I, Kd decoralln. palOllllJl In- ~r loed Pr'oe. relianalt1e WA "ze' IP'lc!'e,,'. w'nl., ,,,.,,, ilUS

A LOCK I ellor all exlerlor waUpalle, Ie I 3-30D~ 8 to 10 G, oil. P"lnte lb!.8.lo Shop, IEI.ECTIIILAI L'a"k'ea wash Ill' allll cJeanlJlf 1239 --__ Open dally Irom 12 to 1 lua7 Ker-

Ll(..E ....LS~TIIACTOR _ ~POlnle_ V A 2.5587, C~_~!t_:.halme:" .1A 2-6300

GAS BURNERS SOLO Neat Cleon Decorotlnl Help W.nt.d-Fom.lo 38 CAr.. Snuth II< WeslOn revolver,wnu:p and INSTALLED Qnd Poperhon~lng SEL~ CHRISTMAS CARDS---~-IJ-l-C-K _J3A VA_44tli._ _ _

....0 Job Too 'imall FIJ st Cia,.. Work Guaranlaea ~~I~r~~~~:RdVod"'1fer~~f"tx:x a..",.~ f>l~ ~tHFANY I>U7" SJiJo oV:l~u~'1LAkeView 6 4864 EXPERT \VALL CLEANING scrimeilis H1 Melol Plul1c and FOIl f~OI ::'.~'s ';.og:::c ~~~h LA '-M23'

---__ Dell I1II's Jar,eat vu,elv ot top values _~_FI S d' -- - - CALL DICK w'lI earn )'ou Itlg profil. Personal iiE:FRI"iRATc:m--i:l~- Pe;:;ect condl-

I, .-!or _o_n Inl "A 1_8164 oards 50 'or .1.00 and up DETJlOIT lIOn 614 Marquetle J:D l.~~ II GREETING CARD CO 963~ Grilld ~~_~ __ ~~_-~-

I FLOOR SAlIlDlNG and I!n.. lllnl Guar. -----~--- River ELIEC'f1lIC .. nd'lIl1' ""a;,hlne' flrepl"lIeallleed "01 kUlallihlJ) TW 3.1u31 HARR\ ROULETTE-Bru.h or 'gray. Il'....tes at!' in~e" black rur <lOat

---- - -'------ - I IIIlO III up or wnhall Inlerlor or 488 CI"vely ftoad TU 2-ll163MUlic Leilani I f;iefll\~8,8:,~~~~a~s~~~.:e~~T~r.rT6- EARN EXTRA MONEY IN GIRL S ROYAL bIll' Kef\\\l)(Jd-~at.

-, - - -- I '.8200, TO 7.1676 'I YOUR SPARE TIME IlZ" 10 Like new Girl's 24' blC1CleHAMMOND Plge O'18n, plano vo,c. -,-~-- --~_____ GOlld oon<lI1'''n 1377 Devon~hlre

3t~8u7rhB'b'"k R Ver Haegh~ B \Ius Thomas E: OuPart Te, nlarles open lor Fall and Chr"t- TU 1.943Q'I. ' ue mgham TU 2-267~ 'I In8. lelllnl eeason Take ord"r. for -- _lIone -~----- - -_ __ _ ntellol <ind Extellor Palntmg "eal-SIIk HOSIery Co productl J:arn GIRL'S SCK09L clothes Ilze 1% J;x-

- - .- Id Ilk ARE YOU INTERESTED In "lIduIU.1 Wall Washing .21 hour 411 PII k A'" BId., • cell.nt conditIOn Mirrors plI'tUl'e.,£ 6 1< •• ",01<1 killen wou e. plano llnd.r I t.acher Who oHe .. -:'ut I VA 1 96"2 W 1-4184 I:vemn.1 phllne Mrl lampsllades and Pill ball machllleme Gl\ en free TV. 2.6131 'tandlll' m'lrutt,an al ,easunablel - ~ He •• ton. TV. %.M4lI, 1~16 Nottlllgham NI AOl~

rates' have leeeived n>\ l,a,mB. Free Estimates _I and found tram rona .. ned tOnIer! .Ill.l. and W kG t d -------------- BLACK CLOTH co.1 Per ... n 111m,

t•• cherl 22 ~earl teachlnB ,,,pe,,_ or uaran ee lize 14-16 Child I overcoal FlZ' 6-8~h;el;;;b~l&'ed h.nd enl.., FOlmel falult\ membe, De- (mplovm.nt A •• nciu ,tall'. lux( oi"",, 38 Draperl", Re Iutk "UlUtv Mack, ea&t or Mo!"oEiS. tloll COn5elvatorv of \hl.ill ~!- GEORGE S D LLY r___________ conditioned Hoover VA 2-0.7 I"I. .go MOlldlv l\ewll'd Da\l, ~~~eIEng~~e'~,I~~SI \¥~~~~mk,:~:3' ,A M!LLER - Employment aiency LO 5-YEAR:OLn twin barrel deep'ree ...o e"J~~~-W !'_._n_'n,_I._~_T_U_2._5560_ Caur-e otlnred 10 tI,a:!e deslfll1R It .-21lSl1 Oom,ltk help .women {or 9 eu !l capaelly J:lCeellent eondl. Linen Se,.,ice,Iilln" R,pein 13i2 NOlllnshaJll TlI 'H271 Fine Intenor Decorating ::~;k~7. J:~f~~~~~:~c1~~~1hon NI 5499

CONSERVATORY sraduate "'Il leach Ext ...nor POlntln- Y"'''O'S "LnIILOY~C'N'" C I d Jow.lrytI'ASu.c",S VACUUMS bel1l1mcn .nd ad\anced pup,ll "'I,.. .. ,"'.. .._- -... a ore" I I"'~ • '11 Id d S h IT couples, I'ook$ mltd., ch.u/fera l!!'r- - -

I"ONERS REPAI~ED V;' r:'1361 e a er, 1311 ~ial\lalld VA 4-8004 len lal1ltors and caret.k ... 1 U.V 20 DIAMOND plalmum weddm. bandI' • or weele Trmltv 3.7170 I SaCrifice OL 213%Call U. for lite Belt Ind L d .

FUle51 APplianee SIlVie. I an SCOPIne ---- F I MUlical Indru",.n"0 .. lhe East SIde ~---------___ INTERlOR AND EXTElUOA Situations Want.d. .ma e. ~

"II 88'1l! ,TREE REMOVING RESIDENTIAL AND CO:.!MERCIAL --------------- ANTIQUE rosewood 'ull squ.re rrandNUno ELECTRICAL WELL RECOMMENJ)ED younll lady p,ano E"cellent condition Sa crt-FREt. ESTIMATES over 30 eeek. poslllon 11\ CN>=se foe TU 2-3029

APPLIANCE CO T G IOHN FORTIER ~r{"~~1~4ame .1 nUTaemald T"I Wearin .. App.-r-.-I------11934 MACK II W.YDura rrmmlng vymg 89 •---- - ~,---- - I ~~oc~ v-:.~~ -4348 i~~~EEPER eomplete ehar,., VA, LADlES' SUITS. coats, formal •• 11drv-

k~eepj". and Accounti", I ROO~ S WA" ..... n t de."ed K.nt.wet bal" Jllattre.ili"

I TREE SPRAYING abl~1 VA .,2~2fij'40rl'anted lIu.on- RELIABJ,E elderly ledv wJ.he. work crib llZA! Ilmoat new bathlnett. IKKEEPI NG SERVICE -- a& hau.okeeper or kltch.n help Will TU 2.oo2ll . INEL-S-SWANSON-- live in Can _Ha.evUle 5081014 1 LIKE NEW bl.ck v.h.t e;;;;;;,-;;oat::TI<B:II:::~" G rea te r Det ro'l t WIDOW LADY de.lrt' doctors' lIlT,ce fur collar Am'r1l'ln a.auty valvt! I

redtrA.l Stl1& ."d Clllldlill FlRS'! CLAIIS PAINTING 10 cle." maid In hOSPItal or hotel e\Omng gown, sl7e 12814 ,LI1IIe slrl;.. PAPERHANGING AND "ark or e"'ph,vtd couples apt,,, IIll drels suit Ilzt 12 DYI pea caa ,

Notar, Pllbllc WIt!' ... 1 LANDSCAPE CO, DI:CORATING per d.v EIIII S.de NI 8107. I _n_e_"_"I_z,o_l_I_N_IJ80..:_-r----IHARR'I' HAAS 1'a" Can\uJtant COMPLETE llelllOlllbl. WAr~ "''' ••• lIt.... i'(PERlENCED ,Irl ~'lhes d.y -work GIRLS' aJze 14 wlnt,r :;.oal w th h(J()A'~O14~1 KERCH¥V4L AVE: - u.,,_'" Gen.ral cleaning or laundry, ~cn- I Good condItion .. Ir.aln ..

VA 2-6588 dav and Wednesdav, City referen""a bargain ino,,"u,1 TO 2-4587ntl Allf< Ro.d VII 2-1812 LANDSCAPE SERVICE T"I' _-------- ----- r er 5-ll4llII I MOUTON LAMB ;;-o~ ear old II"'S I

ck and Cemeltt Wo,1t rau; ESTIMATES AMORE BROS GIRL TO BABY SIT Itternoon. or I 10 10 18 can w"ar Call NI 4'21 I

Cl\ A'D Cement ~epJl";~ TU. 2-2275 FIRST CLASS PAINTING ~v~nJ~ C.ll TU 2.5460 HUDSON .e;l-~a~ made -b;-Annj;",d "Oll. ,'eI'S drlve"aV5 .aro- ------___ PAPERHANGIl\oO AND DECORATING GIRL WISHES da) work TueJd.y and I "7e 38-40 17~ blael< 10' neokplec.

..- ---- Clean and E!tlcl~111 Wedl1e.da~ Gro .. e Pie rereren,,", 1II\,le skll\ 12lI TU 2-2783 /':::""'I,:;eRdra~ARe~~1~3 DeGl"VS' TOP QUALITY ~~ TU_ 2-5~ Call atler 6 LO 1.2183 I MAN'S -~'l -.nd-o~e~coat sl7e 42

II~'T IIDrk ~ W.lk;- tld. dr\V;, I Due to Favarabl. A&r•• m~nt "Jtlt 1\1) I ~~~"~~~;t T~1tI;'6~~~ CUWI, ",ze lllr \,mno}s and tIle work No lob loll 1 EVER-CREENS Pal .. t M.nuraclurer .. I c.n no" off.r Situ.tio .. 1 Wanted-Mate'I VAlin 1.414:1 • Lo"er Prlcel - llama Quality for ----------_____ BOVS--CLoTHINO, 1-12 Chetp- riJ

"'r .•~n;;K ~or, .11-;:--,nd; S-'d-.. I SHRUBS, and Palnlll\,. Decar"hna:. Pape~han'lI\ll' EXPl!:1UENCED. reh.bl .. man jle.ire< 2-71M AUDT I,. """ .. • p<>IltlQfl .. houaemln .nd chaw"'r , - ------ - - -- - - C

\f' b..... menl t1"".. .tde ".lka SHADE TREES INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Reference. VA 4-2916 GIRL S CLOTHES .x~lIent qualllv, CAl.OJA I'nded '1/1 829% -TV 2-585% I I I 'lZes 10.12.[4 Hand knits' !-pl"ce

411 rrewn In Macomb .nd Wayna KARL ERHARDT dr"so ", .. aters cable-otltch jacket 20844 Horp.r A •• nuo.,."ters Caunuea Autos for Safe 3 coa .. I"eed .. ool.plald reverSIble TU. 5.3718

13410 "tAIDE!\. f.Ak.vlew 8-3111 Ira) "lth qUIlted IImnl:, 1II.e ne" I TU. 1-9494~- ---.------- Every Tree and Shrub 1-------------_1------------------ Cnrdulo' jumper bl"u.e •• krrt~rR ltlterlor Ind e"lenor En-' 19~O FORD buslIIess coupe E.ctllent Al<o bii" s coat and 5\1lt, otu 18 1\Cd Iropt or rear OlITch KJtcheD' ARE SHEARED SPEUME:\S 'iano Tuninc condillon, Call Saturday. 9136 Callr- TV 5.3564 I __ ..... -

binet, rel'reatlOI\ rooms. atUt HEAV"r FOLlAGF AND ----- -----~-__ ville TU 1-2887 - -- - --- - -- --- Ir------...------ ....,:' \:,~:'a~~~tl' ~m~t -B.: PRICED TO SELL PI:b;'.,O~a~nefll~~r~e~c:~,lt~:aaaot PONTIAC, 1948 d.lu.... h\d~o,;.;;;; U~r}a~!.EE;t.:~~~~!I. '!fir 1~_63~frn. GAS HEAT'" ,.,b,' TU i.6114 0 SeIbert TU a4278 ,tre.mllner, bod\ and molor 11\ pr. _ _ _ _ _

-- ---- --~-- LET US PLA'" A'D EST1~ATE ------- ~---- feel conditIon 78 HaU Place. Gro>'e "ITTEl> BJ{O\\N olath coat bea,or I

O BER '1 t - Poillt. Farm' IOllar Ilze 12-U malchlllg hat, $25 i No Down Payment - ISINNHU YOUR I.ANDSCAPJ: I as eflng ------ ---- - - Wh,le Lapm eve mil' lacket, t2lI I 3 Ycars to PayALW ....YS THE BEST IN TOPSOIL I PL"STERING _ AllY ~Ind 01 rep"lr 193G CHEVllOLET a-door good mutor, ....Iso dinner and evellln!! d~e ... e, AU'

n ,,_ ISO C.lI Satu .... )' arter 9 am TU ."c.llenl <o"dll,an ....1 3989 1••1 Your N.lrll~omood L1c...... dAlliD SLO\CK Hl \It S A\'AlLABLE i "ark Re.tOnlbl. rites FTee eIItt. I.OllM _ He"l\~r contr.clbr .erve V.a, mat.s Call TU 100343, Lion V'tnn.u- • - - W d B I

OLDHOMESTEAD len MERCURY '41 club coupe RadIO and ( ante to uy • 11 Year", m Your Nelllhb()f/lOO(f• -- -- h.aterl whll.. .tde .. al'-. ElOcellenl -~ --- ------- I • WE I?>'iT o\LI.

NURSERY PLASTERING Repaln al., n.w work condit IIn TO Z-lIII8 I FuRNITURr;: ~anted It you ha,e _ WE CO"lTINU£ '1'0 SERVICETU 2-5863 I anythlnr ,n 'he 1In. 0' bousehald

1'l39OKELLY ROAD -----------___ furniture and rurs c.1I Imc Neat- a ~~ ~i>S~~~i~~~TJ~~a:-:~:.!'>a"th of Moross <7 ;lille) Plumbinc Autol Wanted \\a\ Furntlure 1:l93llKercheval VA • WE ARE LICENSED ASO1-8999 LA 1-8918 --~-----~--- -----~-----~- ~_2_-2_11_3 ~___ '''lIlUIUID

I PLUMBING and HEATING C W d I Gcr'~O<lbJc~~~fg;nfn~I~1 ar~":.fo~~s~~ • ;:U~:~ET~.\~I~V:'\Po~nD

FINDLAY'S REMODELING & REPAIRING! ars ante I ~~ 3227-W - - - --- -- FASTRF..RA• ""ILLER

j I DF.5K su,lable for collere 'tud.nt mNURSERY SALES w. E. MEECHAM Late Models TlJ S.~2_ ------- ~~I~~I~1Jg ~M~~f"TUxedo 2- 1048 I I Rooms for Rent 1013 ALTER VA %-7839L d S HIGHEST PRICES PAID 1- ......

orpenter - General Repair an scape ervlce 1552 BrYI Dr Grs Pte Woods ROOM PRIVATE home \\llh pr;v:' _I -\RL V WATSON i I IJege" Emploved .. oman Gra}ton I S RE

ALTf,R"TIO'l CONTRACTOR I High Grode Nursery Stock Refri,erotor Service HANSON _Raa~r_l':,.~~al~n_.:u_3____ BE Uenl rn Frlt<" Est,mate - - - -_ - - __ I aOOM rar sentl.man In prlv.te home

LA 6-5501 I TOP SOIL - SOD REFRIGERATOR ~ And motor sen", near I!: J.ft'or5tln G.r.re .v.,l.ble I Of R d I t t---------- :~~ tr~,e;~~~re.ndLe~~~~d to'i~~:1 Chevrolet Co. ~ 1-2n&l _ _~_'_ ea er n eres

rsehere I Free Estimates I I,,,\(, <I and olhers WIlliams F R .. t-- I I _VAlley 2-311L _ or ent- ... port",... When !IOU bUll

\eER CORSET-S----In4--IVI-du-a-j-Iv i TU 2-0989 M.'scell ... eous Se---I.c-e-s---- 14259 MACK AVE. i:":I\(Xnltut~,<hed .pl. one "r two a CltunJltd-AdIfTH>d Mress and IUf'I].e.l lar. I'" VA 2-9800 workin. ririe; ooh Can anyth"e II

~~~'. B~';,~~:t~ ~'''..J,~ero I 20736 Mock Ave. ot 8 MI Rd ---------- Sund.) VA 4-864' Thl5 Newspaper s,313 1~3 McKm1ey --Gen;r~I-Lo~dsco-plnE: CULLIGAN SOFT WATER Bicycle •• Motorcycles IHou ... fo-r R.nt ---- PAID CIRCULATIONes k' ~I t' SERVICE 1--- - -~ -- -- - - -----

sma I",. "t.r. Ion. P.l nl10 Tee R.mO\mg .nd Planlln. A TI"\IF >\'D "fO~FY SA\.Il\G BRAND 'E~ 51andaJd sIze "ria bl- VILLAGF "r GrOI.e POInte Silore, PROVES IT--- ~ - - - Lo\'\ \" -01 D OR 'FI\ c)'cle Che.p TV 1.5047 Large ~ bedroom horn. parll\ fur-

TO\I Dre-smaklllS ladl~ and Gl;;oed "~.ded or "acioea CO:-'VENIE'I,CE - InHSII!{at. Todall' nlshed S,tualed amldol l>eauurull':~~~' ",'~~~hC~!le~~~~~1Iz,:~~rt:~ Sk~'c ,e" for ,ew H",,,., If De' red 22700 H.>\RPE8 ...VENUE ~"';,~r ~~KE, 21' • '12 n 2-7270 107 ~I~~:ca~~ h~~u'\1~I' ';;; ...':nk~o ~nl' rlJ 1-.3593 "t)rk Glldl~' i!e'd flee Estimates Tel ROCe\lJ1tt 4565...\\ appre-C'latf"'d P2"~rmnn1h Pf'rma-

------ - CV5H~AN mottlr _Ier, good ~nn. n..nl I.nan' WO 1.7MI IMARCEL VIAENE CI 'oTO"l-\l>\Dt. ,111>cO\er< and 11;;\- dll<on NI 3121 _ -- 1

VA 4 ';21 f221 Ch_Imen er-. dr.p~ PS Oll;;r.ntee,. wtlr"'-I- -- Wonted to Rentm., .,1\1' FI1 r quail" m~tenal Frtt B 'Id. M t • , I

- ---- -~-- _ e~I,m~~ I l ,~o 2::'1;;8____ ~~ _ a e,.~ 1.A COLLF.GE Il ~dlJat. and ",t .. des-Trees Cut and Rem0ved AIl.",Gl\ RFPUIlED 'ah.n d""'n. 11 VdNDOWS fronl plate ola" d<l<\r peral~l~ need 'p'_ () llloomc Rder.

sfn l"d an(l ln~ur('d o\l~ wil1do""l bal'k door ~taJr rill kltc'hen cup- il!'nC~1 TV 1..2037n' k \~ h~d Pn("f'1 ('an l be bfoat Wit. boards Enourh for ("ompINe- I OM. - --

, All Kmdl c>! Repair ... or 1.;>m; I For ,.1. che.p or .. ,II Ir.d, lor '>OUIooO .. orklr" coup!, detlre , I')r- - - - paint ipnn'lnl Of carpen'tn. ",,"orh. on I 4-loom furnunf"'d apt Lan TU

Slep~ and Fences BUilt Gl HAS TRI (K for renl or hlle" lalhe. TtT -406Il • I 2-~2Oll arter 530i ...dkf' 1 ..- 111 ll('('dc;: \\ork badlv - - - - - - _

Wilcox and Son I Ral~< \01\ ,.alOn"hl~ Fnll.._Ol p..rl I Electric Appli.ncel I DOCTOR .nd emplO\ rd ",f~ nrll.nl!,I1Jrr- D.::l\ or nl~ht TL 2-i480 any nprd '" 1")1 Ii OOTT'''' lInf'U1"'Ic::t-.,..d ~n

FHnmg< Ml" 0,1\8 Ilm~ _ _ KFr.~t;;:ATOR -rerTlJl.r'-lo-r--po-,~-."-~ ~J ~~f'nTi~ 1~;!,;;.1 Plea .... oall .fter

Woll Woshin~ I R'::~~,n an1u o:J\o;lGood

"",dilton RA"" F\ofPIO"VF ,,,I. and I~ mo.-- I ---- - - I 010 (I drl IH f"'d llH'om.. fb1 "r ant\ t':)~_r,'~ ~ I'~n"~. \\;:;':,':~_.~:Ih~;' Househcld Goodl for Sale ~I.'''<I " e \ V .... 2 62III

L'I.'",n" <1 , ,e,. Ins.Jrrd <"pm- ---B~"111'II-;;--HROVF - - Lond Contr.ch1 t r\ I I d d t to"I' lal f'1 r. Ettl, C.~! J" 4 \. 1

n e_ ( I \ t ". ,,-oi70 BREAK FAST SETS (;PO"~ 1'0\\ TV '. <1 ron' H' "

HI(. Hi" f",.n .......n1f.IHfrd \0\111 \\,.a"Oj 1!1' I :-.olc1 Sf) (j(')() h"lia \ ~ $1 ~ r!l~ ~~lL~tW"'\l('(' h\ I(flnf"rl ,,,hUe m ..n l...n ;\(ADF" TO OROr'R-Tne ~ "'('.( ("il be ~ (', dlttnT ~il"('nlll Tt ~.Il""'<'1

LA 1 -'J;2 made- liP In III ('ol~)I .. In<'.d nQ: \(j-

1o,," bl"e red n ... , I.n L" r< ~re Reol Estoto\\ "11 \A'" n,( l)1pf'r len O\('ri \ pll01!trreod 1'1 Duran pl.1<::.tlC' I,....~.efl,al 1 _

(I"... (l Anti .. I!~1£ \\ I"nl(' uork~rl \l" hllf" l;lbl(:'" < JlT') tw- m~r t(\ a1V 'I;.\7f'Tt .J) l1 itpe a H1 m"t .....ru.l \ (HI an "'("kct

----- frnm.!i. dlnrrrni .1\ t~s " 1f ('II .-Il,,- IIn''v du.,I." .an'd -fOr !hf'~'" ~,...Il tlful!rt F. 1 t1 (' , r "rn In 11 tA f/lr

III\.~'" Odd cJv"me C.... 'T. "nlv \~ ~



24545 Grotlrlt Ave E Dl!trOlt~ear 10 ~1I1" R"ad

~ IIlhV hI 'I P \lElct ~tTOit '''chl,An

R"~l'villl' S6()r"' WOlH'o !! II da, i: 1 10 tI P M

£0 er,IGGS PHARMACY,. ".rTf'n~I\ I MRCL ....Y


::B S DRUGS~11 " R(',:toh n

U" I~J"GHMI\ DPUG......... 'I It K,,'" O.I'l'l_:T~c DAME PHM~M""CY

".. "',lE1 al "\('11,.... 'DII'l"'I"I.

Page 7: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-02 · " :i I',. 'I 1' ,.. r~ " Fer Mor. Local News, Picture. Reid Th. R.vi.w.. * * Preserve



II You Gotta SIidt- Slide Straight

oD «tare lee aA<l lhe Ir~r,car may slrde. To l..eepsllcia ttraight and skrdb,;haft ,.ovr bnIkes eq •aad checked by expeneqj.Said: mechaniC$. uSIng!lsIa,apprond methods and eq.p.meac. Coale ID rOOI>-PIvour Burck a ~ood brakr


BethflllY (;;I'/,IiWill City Title

Bethany Luthcl,ln lrll'ball Team took the I"Championship of the ~t~rGirl8' League last "iund Uthey defeated tile c? 'I'Girls by a StOle of 9 eVeChandler Park The I~ Ifirst game of th~ ;c I:e IIonurday I1Ight und( I lhe!lJonPalmer Park ghls

Bethany won 'ht C teran Champlon~hlp t~; 'II~go when they defeated1Il both ends of 8 doublafter haVing beaten theCharity team hI Ice ill thoffs. e--oy Struck

MOISe. Eal>.'E" l~ of \'8'claIr, DetrOit. e'(oped s'e3• nO\llJury When hI' \I d; 'trUck byauto at Mack Ilear \\0day afternoon. roS!

He was treatea atslight bruises on hiSleft hIp.

Farms POllte 'JIQ thityouth ran 111 r. ,n° 01 lb 1!Itdnven by VICtOI oeco<:~ It>Deholt after leal 109 a DSll

The mototlst wa. ~~o llf;po lJce saId. ll!




B'! TONI EBNER". '. Edrl ~Ielstad who has

'Palntmg puts kapok m the .b~~~~, o~a;nd off e1er SJnce !Ie tookbern pushmg a blush dlound a Cd eLSlt of Wisconsin. At •• ide.an elhemenl tal Ytdhl'attCOhuel~~:st rt~:Il~n~~IShe: only one picture" whichIme e calms . th ntelIs a gray-toned stIll lIf~ 111'011~ra~f~~eo~:~em:n~~ peppered With

HIS worksh:v:gt r:o;~I~an ~IX 01 seven layers of paint. WheD~~:Sta~ ts::.r:seaf one effol t he stl'lkes out on a new project b~aint.

Ing over the other. h . I dI Oil" whIch was a pi eductHIS faVOllte IOvenllOn IS t e gaze t 1a

of rus student day.> at Wlsconsm. 5mce the pUllhase of art ma erlawould have left a large CdVlty m hiS bdu'!f~t he u~e~~:;d~~~~

mt mlxtule which was heaVIly dilute. e lesuf~e prof~sol and the student aod today he IS stlll ex~enment1DgWith hI. IOnovat_lOn • Mr S . ~

PuttWll' his steam Into a few marlDe Dll1liat~:'Al~rt,~I~IlICbhas produced an exact rephca ot the two-mas,.., ..was one of the orIgInal revenue cutters that ,alroUed the Eutcoast in 1812 UsiDl an old cigar box he bUilt the hull aad made.All iteDlS on the deck sleek as l\ell as work~ble, HIs p!eleat at-tempt along the'nautical hne Is a super-minIature venuon of the"Sea witch" whIch was ooe of the most celebrated dipper shI,. ofall time. The model Is scaled 25 feet to I Ineh. .

At pI E"sent Selelstad IS a wlltel for an mdustr la1 trammgfH'm m DetrOlt Beiole movmg back to GlOsse POlDte last year thefamily spent the Well' yeals In New Jersey whele he was m adnun-Istratlve and pel sonnel WOIk fOI an airplane manufacturer fromtIme to hme they wele hosts to VISltOlS from all over the worldmcludmg IndIa and Australia.

A$ a resident of DenVille Township he enteled pohtlcs and washalstered mto offIce of preSident of the DemoC'lahc Party Cl~b

A champion of imprOVed educational methods, Mrs. Sel~l$tadhas also beea prominent. "hite livinr in the Ea.st.she etDlPlllptedlor expansIon of the school system aDd today this-municipality bas.A very prorressive system. She was a mem~r of the PareDtTeachers Executive Board In New Jersey aDd. 5lncle-laaDdedly pro-meted a visual aid library which is recornIzed now as one of theirsalient features. I

Back In Grosse Pomte she has relmqUlshed lIttle of her vigor andIS a spar}!: plug m the GIrl Scouts and children's groups of the church,

Like their pal ents the Selelstad children, Tom and Armm, aredevoted to spal etlme mterests Ts for Tom, tltelr 13-year-old daugh.tel'. her most chenshed moments ale spent developmg a terrariumwnere she fosters exol1c forms of plant and ammal life far removedflom their famlly locale I

In the rlass inclosure, sleeplD& oa 1!J0S5 covered rocks, are herpet chameleon, painted turtle, and fror. Toni's ellf1'OSSIDeDt in hertt:rrarium elated back to their home in the East when she bad herOWD priva&e pond on the two aere plot surroundin( their home,

As thll edItor of a magazme her I5-year-old brother, A;'mm,ftnds hIS leIsure completely absorbed by readIng and wrltmg abouthIS specialty, sCience fictron The Mutant. which IS published monthlyby sCience fictIOn fans, (or fens, as they call themselves) has a GrossePomte edItor, Amlm, and a publlsher In BIg Bay, MichIgan. Con-tents skim over some of the best "haIr-curlers" that devotees mightotherWISe miss.

Church Sponsors IGreedy PikeH The greedy pIke may be a de-oo1ted Rug Class hght to fishermen but it certam-

IX IS a terror to other Ash. TheA hooked.- rug .cla88 wIll be Pike eats one fifth of its weight

held at the Grosse Pomte Memo- each daynal Church c;m the second, thIrd •and fourth Monday of each monthfrOIp 9 a m. to 5 pm at thechl!rch. Aura Maxwell wIll con-duct the course.

All equipment, mcludmg framesand woolens are avarlable.

The next meetmg will be heldOct 10.

Mrs. Stanler A. MackenZie,chairman, should be contacted forfurther m1ormatlon. Her numberis NL 8131.

... &1' <'I""rrl4"

dI • 1''1."Il< "

Schervish Food Market"18330 MACK AVENUE, Between McKinley and Moran


ST "'\~IES LUTHERAN CHURCHno McMJUan near kerchevalRev. Geor,e E. KIlI'%, P8SUlr

D,Ylne sellVlce- Sunday at 11 II mconduclelhla ... >the pastor. Sunday s*eol every Sunday at

~ 45 a m

~~'n'. Sifc\ 3g: ~~~~'a:.l;cl'oor 945a m dlVlne serVIce, 11 a. m

Mon, Oct 3. Vestry, 8 p m




New SiteChalfonte and Lothrop

{Jrosse [fJotnlcmethodistChurch


In N~ Kerby School

u!Joan Le Gro, of Lakeland road, presents $211 for the

March of Dimes Emergency DrIve to Donald M. DThurber, administrator of the Wayne County Chapter ofthe NatIOnal FoundatIon for Infantile Paralysis. LynnJohnston, Margo Fisher, Ritchey Warren and HarnettDaVIS wor~ed with Joan in puttmg on a HMiniatureFair" to raI~e money for the Poho Drive.

8t_ {PaulEv. Lutheran ChurchJackson School AudltonumMarlborough and Wavene"

Rev. Charles W. Sandrock,Pastor


Ie 4'\. '1 m '\i:un, 11' ,,"Ol ...1Iplu ...., ... I (~lu(C'h l" JI",.,I It~l iIIll J~

~rtrl1f'"rlt ...'lrsen ...rld k tl .1N'ISlI' el ~IIo.

"ld~ dUt1n3 \\,orSi'np .... 1\ <-.., 12 00.12 1t\ Y""lh ('I....

I ... <:..on S( hnol fnr A 11fX'p;>rtment.<


'llf!I ~.. ~n'" rrp RM It I lJ:I!lP.ullf1""~ ~11p if"Ir '10"\ (\i.:00:

"'t,,"~n "'erehe,.l and "-'(Ii.

Sunday, Oct. 29 »-Sunda, SChool9 3O-Adult B'ble Class

I lJ OO-Hol\. Communion11 OO-Chl1dren'. Chur('h

,• Ii JG--Adnlt Chlll ell Mmlbforc;h pCluo



S1.ND.~Y SERVICESI' JO ... Uk! I 00 • ..,


Sundn School"'-ot _IOCI-IO ~ a trI<;I'('on<l 5e<s,on-ll 4! a m'" ~dr (',;:d3\ Y\ er r. Teltimoftlll

\feetITl" "l)("l n.mR". .. rt I1r R('l(Pft1 t"tJ'W'n "Htr " .. ,..

1/\ 1\1\ • '" '0 ~ IWl P m -h~'7~30to'llllll",

, EPISCOPAL Ir-llmoor Illv ..... "alrwav Drt.. I

R.. , Edfllr H Yeoman. VicarSf .... !'o"l •• IM

c'lJnd,at c:-.r'1(,".1\111'\ A:to(-Holy Commun'Gft$I Jll A :to(-<:huTdl 5ch<'lOl

11'fill AX -lIfonll"' P J' a;,.. r8ennon

rNuzwry Durm. llft'yje.1

• ChclIC'e \Iut.-



• - The C:r~~oin~ _~~w - Th~l'Idoy, !ept. 2.9, f949 i Girl Scouts, I~ ~I~ I ~ "!_-' ---.':...- II11Plan Rally

I I A ble get-together rally at

~eeD I the Richard School playground

lIS the first event planned for Ithe Grosse POinte Girl Scoutsand BrownIes thIS tall. On Octo.bel' a there Will be games, a

I nose-belg supper and a hugecampfIre, under the direction ofMrs. C. R Sutton.

Swmlnllng Will start on Octo-ber 18 at 6 p.m. at the GrossePomte Hl,h School for all GirlSc.1)uts and any Browmea whoare 10 years old There WIll be10 lessons for a fee of $2. Wal.ter Dlerke~ IS the instrucl.or andMrs. W. H. Peet II the leaderm charge of GIrl Scout sWIm-mIng thIS year.

Browl1le leaders may get somegood program Ideu for theIrtroops at the Fair on October13 at the downl.own Y.W.C.A.It Will be open from 10 a m. to12 and from I p.m. to 3 pm.

By JOYCE CLEMENTSPlaid shirts were taken out of storage, cars woere decorated wIth

aHue and gold streamers, and virtually all the student body traveledkl Ferndale, Friday mght, where they saw the Blue DevIls wintheir second game of the sea.on Among the loyal fans who followedtht. team were Laura Lou Smith, Janet Hoffman, Shlr\ey Martin,Dick Guenther, Joan Mohr, Dick Smart, LaI ry Bl'leden, Sally Lemon,M..l ~ Mohr, Judy Gehlart, Jane Fordon and Sue, Riggs. Seenmunchmg hot dogs at the half wele Connie BoikeI' n Dave Pear,Nar.cv Ramsey. Margaret Weaver. Mike Shaw. Roger Murad. andJohn'Mack 'n Janet Joyce Marilyn Brown, Robbie Roberts, JoanleHollister. Brenda Wmters, and Janet Gregory led the cheers of theenthUSiastic crowd mcludlng Mary Hodges 'n Jim Rodgers. Mary Ann~hnudt 'n Jelry Strek, Carolyn Hahn 'n George Turnball. Eddie 'i:uhdhision HopeBeaver, Dave Carruthers. Mike GalVin, Manlyn Wykoff. Margie Wal- YlIng, Trudy Klleman, and Alex Mann Plans for a new sub(hvislOn on

Arter the p.me Betty Strader cave a slumber party for some Cook road submitted by Enulef her fnends. Dolly Hammel, JodIe' Trefry, !\Iary Lou MeiDlIl,er, Schultz, bwldmg contractor, wereud EIJean Mattlee sat and talked far into the n.iCht. Baidin, the accepted by Woods Councll and.box at dawn were Deleie Sawu.seh, Margie Goodstr. Carol referred to the Plannmg Com.Stnrbt, AnIle Packer. and lDaDy more miSSIon for further study.

Over at Jean Orebaugh's house anothel VlctOlY celebration was' Schultz plans the constructionIOlng on Guests lIlcluded Jean Corbett 'n Ben Blay, Diane Thomp- of a string of colonial trPe homes.'4OD 'n Jim Hearst, Homer Kirby 'n Sally Owen, Nancy Wetherbee'Jl Gus DavIS, and Barbara James 'n Lan"y FleaI'. • 'h h D-

The Woods Park was the site of a wonderful wleme roa~t, Sat- ., orC! ... eC!torw41'day night, gIven by Scharle Allgood. Sharle's date was Sam fl.. --trong. Other picnickers were ShIrley Stoup 'n Jerry Delsllng, GROSSB POINTE ....OOD. GROSSE POINTE METHODIST tures' b" Mary Baker Eddy, mclude.run", paESBY'l'E~ Meetilll Now III New Kerlly School • the follo\\mg (p 470): "U God, orHelene Hauer 'n Larry SullIvan, Janet Hoffman 'n BIll Wilson, IttH Maell An. at Torre;,. aoael Rev. HUlk- C Wblte, Pastor good 1S real. then eVIl. the unhk"l'esaD B b H M D I B b ' N S Sunda). October J Tel 'l'L. 1-11:1' of God. lS unreol And eVIl can onlylane Demrose 'n 0 al ner, ary e ar ara n orm oaper, 945 a m -Church School for those !rlday. Sept 30: seem to ~,real by C1vlnl realIty toCarol Marsack 'n Don Whaley, and Shenn) Cusmano 'n Lee Allgood. nine years of ale and over. s 3O-All Lhu,c!l Faml!) Nlsht Mrs the unreal

Surprise' Surprise! was the cry that ITeeted Diane Wumer 11 a m -Tenth Anniversary CI1urch W. J Klrb, 69 Meadow Lane TU.' ...• . Service. Dr Joseph A. Vance preach- 1-27771, IS in charge of the dmner. £ EV LUTBEJtAS CHURCHwhen she walked In Dick Poin 5 home on Saturday wrht, AmOllr [lng. reception of neW members and Call for surgestlons to bring for the PEA<-Eut Warren " liallourtIMj kids who Weft there, helplDC her to make her 11th blrtbclay I wOllrlda-.mWi-cdehCuro~hsuruchooon

i0fobserch.trval".freen menu We W1J1 show as many of the TV 2-«154

Beu..... ,.. M ~ pJctures of the groundbreakmg as may I Re,. EDno G, Clalll, Pastor.. hi&" suceas were ,.y "LOher n 0.1&55 Newman, ary Ba.oaeh 'n 2 to 8 years of are ~:de:yd)' c:.,\ t~at tune. Mr. Enno T. Claw, VicarJack Holme, Carol Krause 'n Alex Cope~d. Jeanne Morrison '0 w~~lul ~T~:.tar~IUJnn~~.~~~ 10 4~Mornmg ,",orshlp and aermon, Sunda\ October 2-Rally Day WIllBntee Johnston, lean Swan '0 Jack Schmulke, Sally Reynolds 'n I gram. MISSJlnnie DavlS. refreshments. 'Darkness Cannot Shme" I be obsened at Peace Lutheran Church.Art DeiDser Cbrl$ Weot 'n Don HIIDier "ere also there 10 help Coburn Martin and ,DaVid Vl:n Oosten- 1045-<:hurch School lesson penod I East War~n and .Balfour, next Sun-

' ~ burg for all departments da,. October second Rally Da) 1S-Di" blow oat the candles on her eake. Tuesday, October 4: 12-12 ~LeS50n penod for the 10utl\ also Promollo" Dav at Peace Sunda}Remember, Saturday, October 1st IS the date of the- filSt S,A m::::>t t,~c~~g'~r~:b~ermeet- c~~YOUlh party at the home or ~~do~r:~:;t \\~If~~~e~~::S \\aO~h:~~

Dsnce, entItled "The Kick-off," honormg our val.ltv gndders The I 'I 30 pm -RehC1ous EducatIon Coun- Mr and Mrs Th"mas L Munson, 38~ Rail) Da) 11ft. Itime IS 9 to 12. and the place IS the Girls Gym at the high school. ~V~~a~: 6~~0~ru~ c°i'~~~~~v. Oct. & ba~~C~\IO~CSh;~?0T~:-Sa~~ufJ'Il~:e~' ~~:ACllIUSSlon IS the same as usual, $1.50 for stags, or couples WIthout I 1030 a m -Detroit Presbytenal meet. • pm -ChOir practlce tlme to enroll 'our bo,\ls and Illrls atSA'tl k 15 $125 f co I th SAd "100 f I' In, at ~than}' Presbyterian churen Peace Sunday School We ale fUll}C e, . or up es WI one . an.. or coup es I ,JO pm-The Board of Trusteeo BAUA'I WORLD FAITH graded far all age&-.Begmners. Km-wdh two S. A '5. The dress Will be sweaters and skIrts fOI the gIrls, I "'ll meet at the church. I 111 .. FIO)d H \lunsoD, Secretary deTr&aertreengu'ItaorBSulbnl!ayC1AssmorneS,"gservICe4 t t fa th b C d b I I Friday and Saturda)'. Oclo~r 7 and TV 1-1052 I h u u,an swea ers or spor coats r e oys. ome an e p us honor 8 9 ~ am. Women s Assoclahon An'1 Sunday Oct. 2 '1030 am -CluJdren'. WJU be held at 8.30 and 11 a m. Theour wonderful; team. I nual RlUIlJrIllffe Sale. cla.ss, held at 132 Moran road Sut.. Rev Enno G. Claus WIll occupy the• , -- jeet, 'The Fulflllment of Prophecy." pulpit ...,.---------------------------.1 GROUB POINTE CONGIlBGATIONAL Ref Matt 24 7.8. "For nahon sliall rloeS P l H - hZ- h Meeting Ia Richard SchOOl I apmot nation and kmsdom alamstt au Ig Ig ts I McKlaJey near Kercbeval c kmrdom. and there shaH be fammes• II.. Charles W. Scheid. Pastor and pestllencea, and earthquakes, In

Sunday 11 am -Church SChool n diverse pl3ceS All these are the be-By MARILYN SMITH a m -WorshIp Service World Com- gmrung of sorrows ..munJon Sunday Sacraments "Of th.. Tuesday. Oct. 4. 8 IS p.m -D,lScus-On Fril:by,altemoon, St. Paul's gym was filled With the shouts Lord'. Supper imd Baplurm will be slon Group at 132 MOran road. Theof t d ts th d t th f h G d t celebrated grl),l,lPwill listen to "Town Meetms of• U en as ey Jome oge er In a ew c eers ra e6 rune 0 Sunday E,'eninl-Youth Groups--.! to the Au" and follow With dl8cusslon

twl'lve had assembled to partiCipate In a pep meetmg which was held. 7-C'n'C Club for Junior Hi's. 7 to ~ of the question of th .. week and thefor th f St P ul' f tball te t . t . lID C 's for Senior Hi.s' I Baha'I \\ntmgs on thIS SUbJect.e purpose 0 spurrmg . a s 00 am 0 VIC ory over Mondav 7 pm-Youth ChOir WJth Wednesdav. Oct 5 8 30 pm-StudyAnnuncIation. The Seruor class presented a ~klt featurmg Pete I Mrs Sag...t at 416 Tourame I class at the home of Mr and MrsD-I D R hI J k T hI T - R ld R B Tuesda\ 445 p.tn-DetrOlt Assocla- Floyd H Munson 452 FISher road LtrTHERAN CIIVRCHyo<: anger. enny oe ,ac rom ey, ......rry eyno S, ay ~es- tlon meeting at Rochester OffICial Subject "Haha I Prooh" Four proofs OF THE REFOBMArION:do, and Bill Huetteman as back-woods hill-bIllIes who hadn't as yet d...t"Aates mcJude Dr and MrJ LYndle of the true Word of God Isaiah 55 10. \".rnor H1l:h'uy E at LaIl.vie ....lieard about football. We're sure that after Sunday's game they'll {l.,lll!a~' Mr and Mrs. G.oTle W. ~~d.:;,~~r':;e:~en~~~h~~~~t\~~W~aie;.~ Mlca:;lnt~' S~kles,'DpDrt'l'WorkmOw the score. Wednesda\ B pm-MusIc commlt- eth the earth and maketh It brmg I 9s~0~. ';;'=-C~~~h'" .C~Q~I S~:

• • • tee lI)eellng at the home of the chalr- forth and bud so shall My Word h om th.. nurser) through the adult.. an, R Noble Wetherbee, 1115 Wlut- j,e that goeth forth out of Mv mouth I department each S\U1dayLast Monday many 51. Paul's ~dents receIved honor rewards tier 1t shall not return to me v<>ld but It The Sacrament of the Lord s Supper

for their scholasttc acillevements of the years '48 and '49 Those Thursday, 7 30 l' m -Church choU' • shall accomphsh that whIch I please ",,11 be admmlStered at 800 a m andand It shall pro~per m the thmr where- 11 00 am. Sl/nday. October 2nd'Who lecelved rewards were: Seruors-June Allald, Betty'DI Paola, JEFFERSON AVE. METHODIST unto I send It 600"p. m-Younr People's Luther

Ann Dungan, Margery Heldt BIll Huettman, Gloria Lutfy, Sally Mc- ..ei~=hAi:: ~o;~e~~~.:t~~h ST. PAUL EVANG£LlCAL LeaPleKf'rnan, Marilyn, Manlyn Smith, and Kay Sutherland Jumors-- -Sunday, October 2 L"'THERANJudy Beaupre, Dick Cameron, I'at Cook, Mane Couvreul Emlel De. 1000 am -World-Wide Communl0D ~~:.~o~~~o~:u.:-~~~ue~Cocker. Raoui Fett, Jet:pme Froehllck, Audley Haley Joan Hecken- D~b ..:w~~hurch school for the a .... Cllulea W Sanelrock. PJ.Stordvm, James Keller. BIll Murphy. Pat O'Grady. Carl Raun, Sharon ~ Ito~]oU"=in~Pt. 29, 8 IS-Bond Sohe-Sweeney. and DIane Zempel' Sophs-Malgaret Carner. Donna Mayo, 11 II-It Jloon-Cl\ureh "'hool elus" ~3', Sep~ 30. ll-ChoLr rehearsal IDaVid McCan on, Tom McLaughlm, Joe Meler, ConnIe Molltor, Roy ::ut::lenDed1a

lea, )'o~ peo~ and cl:~~~M~t'i:ers~.CI~b~~aet,!'~~~Moxley. Aim Reed, Mary Margaret Van Damme and Delores WIse. roo "m -Youth FellowshIp meeting I Chandler Park near the wading pool

Tuesday. 800 pm -Wealeyan Serv- Sundav. Oct 2 S 3O-Sunday SChoolFather VlIlcent Horkan, fonnerly of St Paul's and now aSSIstant let! Gwld meetJ.nts and Adult BIble Class' 11 OO-World IIUpenntendent of Catholic schools 111DetrOIt, was the guest speaker. Wednesday 7' p m-Meellnl of CommunIon obsenance 11 OO-Chll- I

• • • the OffiCial. Board • dren's church 630-Adult churchThursday. J:l.30 pm-Woman. So- membenrhip class (church offIce 1"Cheer, c:heer for old 5t Paul High. , , • ThIs IS what the m"~~ clet)' birthday luncheon.-busme5S'meet_ Monday, Oct 3 8 OQ-Church "ork- I

""" Ing and prol!'am en' InstItu~ (First Engltshl Iof boys and girls "I,ere domg at last Sunday's game. Many Who were "110-10.00 p.m-Recreation for the Tuesday aet 4 8 lS-:Sunday Sl'hoo11leen walkmg around the grandstands and wavmg pennants were ~~~th130~~ g~~ and COII>Iftwuty board . . ~ _ I.fohn Bmgham, Sandra Smith. Joan Hackenburger. Pat O'Grady, 745 p.m-o.olr rehearaat GROSSE POINTE VNITARIA'JPeggy Labadie. Cathenne West, Nancy Bergman Janet KmgSbUTY'1 RBDBEMER llI;;;;Dlsr CHURCH I S~~~a:e6~::'~~2 Ba~~,:n~rior_and Tel esa Lyford. Veruler U Barper ship 11 00 am sennon "Death of a ,

Others who were seen cheering at the top of theIr VOICes were , Jle". D.~las To.pet, Pastor Salesman" Church SCl1001 1030 am'M I Sunday at 11 00 a m -World-WIde Dlscus,lon group. 8 00 pm. speaker. Iary Ann Burlingame. Jim Law. Ray Huetteman, Ann Dungan,) CommunIon ServJce Sermon theme. Dr Rav Bra,gg e>.ecullve secretary ISally McKernan, Chuck Boult. Paul Madaff Judy Beaupre Sue "Helping the Helpless" I UilJtarlan Serv,ce CommJttee . The_. , I Sunda} everung servlce at 7 30 pm I \\ ork af the Commltt.e at Home and_rrow, Medard Deprest, and 'Barbara HOUlihan. Theme "A Whale of Trouble" Rev Abroad"- AU thIS shouting ",as encouraged py cheerleaders Carol Staub'j Toepel preaChlng__ • '1 ha~~;sd~ar.r~~rin~ 1030 a b -AI-

Margaret Lynch Pearl Frontera, Janet and Joan Hock, Jeanne Shar- MESSIAH LUTHERAN W~n~sda.v October 5, 8 00 pm-nlW, Marilyn Sutherland, Helen DeNl'lTIi. C~!,(l!ynFloer o:nd Ee .. ,rly , K.,d,.va> ana Lakew...... I B¥h;;r;;t'::"8~to~r 8 8 00 pm -Choir ILabadIe I A. B A. Loeber, Pastor rehe~rsaJ.Let' 11 be k 1lI L. IIartIn, Assistant Putor I

5 a remem rto eep up the good SPITlt and attendance at 'I SlII1day, October 1, WIll be observed I CUIUSTIA'II" S~E CHURCHESthe future football games. as the Annual -MlM>on Fullval The . Unreahty "'111 ~ the SUbJect of I-0:-------------------------___ usual two mornmg seMCas WlII be the uS30n-Sennon In all Chl'1Stlan- I held at 8ilO and 1030 0 clock In the I Sm..nee churches throughout the W'Orld IP mil L Of P b N W evenml at 7 00 0 clock a SpeC1a1MIS- I on Sunday. October 2 The golden text...a Y l e ro e 0 ater .,on pro ..... m W1ll be presented by the I IProv""bs 12 S, " . The thoughts of

JUnior SOc:1ety. "'.hlch mcludes a col- the righteous are fight but th .. COun- I~ tat f R d f Loc ored mOYle on the nusslOn wor!. In I sel. of the Wlcked are deceIt" Inepresen u.e< rom vanous eSI ents 0 hmoor Country Afnca and a UJk by Pastor Pollatz I Amonr the B,bl. cltallons 1< thl'

East Side CatholJc churches are Club Hunt Club. Sunnmgdale I of St Plulhp's Lutheran Church of passage II .. 55 7-81 "Let the \\IckedI DetrOIt a colored mISSion Refresh- forsake hIS "',1\ and thc unTlghteousp annrng to attend the FamIly I and Sunrungdale Park \I ere wlth- menu .. n be served after the program man hI. thoughts and let him return

Life Institute to be pre,ented in lout water for several hours Wed- and a tree Wln otferin. "'Ill be taken unto the Lord and he \VtII ha\e m..rcv .th C 1 B I

IThe Sundav $chool. meludmg a B1ble ullOn hIm and to OUT God for he,e rysta a lroom of the Book nesday mornmg due to breaks 1D Class for aduI~ W1llbe in session from ",n abundanth pardon For mv

CadIllac on Fnday, Octooer 7, the water mams on Oxford road 9 15 to 10 15 a m Sunday October J. thoughts are not vour thou,hts l1elther I~COOrding to Mrs H. B Kearns, and Hunt Club drIVe :~::'~en~omotlon Sunday for all r;.e,..,~!,ur ways my vavs. salth thepresident of Eastern Deanerv. I -- Correlahve passages to be read fromThe InstItute \~III consist of thr~ I Ins Clo ° YAITH LUTBBRAN the Chrlshan Sctenc .. te>'~book "ScleneeRSsIOns at 930 am, 130 pm. I urance lnlCS E "e.e~ at PhDlp and ~alth WIth K.v to the SCnP-1

PaS:;~' ('Rei <;;h~&e~dand 7 30 pm Bishop Stephen S A series of regIonal cllmcs. to Saturda~. ~ 30 am -<::atecl1lm1 In-Wosnleki '" III preSIde at the 0tlen. be held rn II MIchIgan CIties. WIll I, structlon109 conference h ch II I Sunda, 930 am -Sunday school for

' \\ 1 W1 COHr be sponsored bv the Contmumg I all..... II a m -Worship 8el"Vlce"'rthhome problem~ of sewmg. cook- EducatIOn Service of Michigan' <erman . Moses the uader 730 pm-ing, sen mg and child care State College Oct 3-19 I Youth night at th~ Hannah' Y"

------ , tiollfnonday.7 30 pm -Teacben' Inst~c. IMore than 1 000 m<;urance men IIW I O. Tuesda' 6 30 pm -GIrl Seouls 7 00 IOO(s plOnlelrlsl are expected to attend the ses.! pm -Bo) Scouts

o Slon<; a('cordmg to Carl Strong, I ~ednesday 130 pm - AdVlsoryr Raula L Ra!!tala optome- coordmator of Insurance trammg ThUDCfay. 15 p-rn -Jwuor choir;

tnst announN!S a new offlN! at at MSC and director of the pro- ~mf ~h"'r~apel cholT, 1-00 pm,1834 Lanca<;ter at Mack In Gro<;<e g amPOinte Woods Spcclall7Jng m eve I'

exammatlOn- for chlldren DrR.intaJa dl<" 'la, office, In lbeCapitol Pari. bulldlng In DetrOit

Book Worm.~?

lcp F;xtrava~anza"IJ< h '!!an State CoHegl' WIll

pre'ent 11<;sl'cond large lee ex-lra~ a!!anza "Holldav On I~" I

Pro,,)eJ< ">'0 en:ered I-I' ',. Oct 17-22 m thE' MSC Ice Arena. Ibrary ;>t Grn'-e POlr'e HI~n The Molh€'r compan" to 'IceSchool h' hr('a"ln,2: I'l .. c'l' \\ r- VOj1;ue<' \lhlch 9ho ....ed at MSCdew, I'lbSCNlr!l'd "th Ii ~ rent:, la<1 Mal ch. "Holiday On Ice" IS#~I,"'\(j n <'I c'e<h arcnq,r. a('Cord- .n ,t. fofth "ear of "roductlonl~ II) F2rms Police NoUllng el~ and boa.~t.~II nst of 115 Includ-,~'as reported mJ<'l~ I.ng 14 national C'hampioN.

------ I --------Lake Superior IS the lar,e~t I T ....tnt\ -on" ~un. C'omllTlse the

fr~h-":lter lakE' In the world '1"I.on,,1 <~llJtp I,., Tht Flag I~_------------.Grosse Pte. Woods Market ! s~r:!::~~~~:~T2ft'ltli Mflt'k-Rf'h~~" f ""f',,~f..r ~ r<)!lntry rtull Orin I

Open SUw"daYIIadd r.very 0.,.-9 to !t

TV_ 1.2008 WE DELIVER.... _--- .... 11

