
2009 Maldon Historic Barns Report - maldon.gov.uk Design and … · locations of historic barns that may survive in the landscape today and formed the basis of a sample survey in

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Page 1: 2009 Maldon Historic Barns Report - maldon.gov.uk Design and … · locations of historic barns that may survive in the landscape today and formed the basis of a sample survey in


Page 2: 2009 Maldon Historic Barns Report - maldon.gov.uk Design and … · locations of historic barns that may survive in the landscape today and formed the basis of a sample survey in

Essex County Council



1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................4

2 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................4


ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE ........................................................................5

Phase 1: Assessment of Ordnance Survey 1 st Edition..............................5

Phase 2: Assessment of Chapman and Andre............................................5

Phase 3: Cross-check and supplementation against buildings records (EHER and Listed Buildings Online) ............................................................5

Phase 4: Assessment –Google Earth Search..............................................5

10 Results.....................................................................................................6


1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................13

3 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE ...............................................................13

The Scoring of the Historic Barns ..............................................................13

Assessment Criteria for scoring each historic Essex Barn .....................14

4 THE SAMPLE AREA .............................................................................16


4 RESULTS...............................................................................................19

Overview of Results.....................................................................................27

5 CONCLUSION........................................................................................27

6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................28

Appendix A Barn Location Details .............................................................29


Page 3: 2009 Maldon Historic Barns Report - maldon.gov.uk Design and … · locations of historic barns that may survive in the landscape today and formed the basis of a sample survey in

Essex County Council


List of Figures

Figure 1 Braziers Farm barn ..........................................................................21

Figure 2 Aerial photograph of Fanners Farm Barn.........................................22

Figure 3 Little Mountains Farm barn ..............................................................24

Figure 4 Scripps Farm barn ...........................................................................25

Figure 5 Aerial photograph of Scripps Farm barn ..........................................26

List of Tables

Table 1 results of barns assessed during the sample survey ........................20

Table 2 Comparison of scores for extant buildings ........................................27


Page 4: 2009 Maldon Historic Barns Report - maldon.gov.uk Design and … · locations of historic barns that may survive in the landscape today and formed the basis of a sample survey in

Essex County Council


Front cover images from top-right: Langford Hall barn, Reigate barn, barn at Ashley’s Farm, barn at Dengie Manor (Images of England).

1 Introduction Essex County Council’s Historic Environment Record (HER) and Field Archaeology

Unit (FAU) were commissioned by Maldon District Council (MCD) to carry out an

assessment of historic barns in Maldon District. This report summarises the

methodology and results of Part A and Part B of the project. Part A identified

locations of historic barns that may survive in the landscape today and formed the

basis of a sample survey in Part B.

For the purposes of this project, a ‘barn’ is defined as a large agricultural storage

building, distinct from structures such as cartsheds, shelters, stables and other forms

of farm buildings. A historic barn is judged to have a construction date before 1900,

but can be constructed either of timber or brick.

2 Background

Barns have a fundamental role in the architectural heritage of the Essex landscape

and are the dominant building in the traditional farmstead. Since the nineteenth

century an increasing number of barns have fallen into disuse due to changing

agricultural practises. In south Essex alone 30.76% of listed barns no longer remain

in anything like their original form (Hudspith 2003:2).

Development Policies can have significant effects on conservation, and so it is

important that the criteria for decision making and the evidence base on which

decisions are made is comprehensive and robust. MDC policies protect unlisted and

listed barns from insensitive conversion, especially residential conversions which are

normally more destructive to the character of the barn. Through identifying the

locations of historic barns, this assessment will create an evidence base that will aid

MDC in their current and future strategies for protecting the most vulnerable historic

barns. Barns considered most vulnerable to change include those which are not

offered statutory protection via listing, association with other listed buildings or

conservation areas.



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Essex County Council


Part A Identification of Historic Barn Locations


Phase 1: Assessment of Ordnance Survey 1 st Edition Each sheet of the Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 1:2500 (1864-1895) was carefully

examined to locate potential historic barns. Locations where a barn may have been

present include moats, halls or manors, named farms and isolated structures in the

landscape which may represent smaller farmsteads. The grid reference for each barn

was entered into an excel spreadsheet along with other data relating to each

potential historic barn (see appendix A).

689 barns were identified through Phase 1.

Phase 2: Assessment of Chapman and Andre A sample area of 20km² was searched on the Chapman and Andre 1777 map and

the barns identified searched for on Google Earth. Barns that were not marked on the

Ordnance Survey 1st Edition maps were not found to be extant on the Google Earth

search. It can therefore be assumed that those barns which are on Chapman and

Andre but not on the Ordnance Survey 1st Edition are not in the landscape today.

Chapman and Andre was therefore not assessed as a means of identifying surviving

historic barns.

Phase 3: Cross-check and supplementation against buildings records (EHER and Listed Buildings Online) The Essex Historic Environment Record (EHER) was searched for documentation

relating to historic barns in Essex, such as previous buildings surveys and listed

buildings records, Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings Online, Buildings at Risk

Register, Pauline Turner’s ‘Essex Barns Survey’, the Model Farm Survey and Maldon

District Historic Environment Characterisation Project were also consulted.

Phase 4: Assessment –Google Earth Search Grid references for each historic barn identified were imported into Google Earth in

order to see if any evidence for a barn survives today. As it is difficult to clearly

identify a barn from other agricultural buildings using satellite imagery, a barn was

only considered not to be present where there were no buildings at all.

The search reveals 547 barns are potentially extant today.


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Essex County Council


10 Results

Analysis of the Ordnance Survey 1st Edition map (Phases 1 to 4 of the assessment)

identified 689 locations where historic barns were likely to have existed pre-1900, of


• 547 were extant on Google Earth.

• 186 were curtilage listed.

• 85 were listed.

• 30 barns were in a Conservation Area (4 of these were neither listed or

curtilage listed).

An estimated 246 barns have no statutory protection and are therefore most

vulnerable to change. After discussion with Jackie Longman on 19th August, it was

decided that those 246 barns should be given priority assessment.

The following maps present the distribution of barns:

Map 1 Potential historic barn locations.

Map 2 Distribution of barns associated with a listed building.

Map 3 Distribution of listed barns in Maldon.

Map 4 Barns located in a Conservation Area.

Map 5 Distribution of barns extant of Google Earth.

Map 6 Barns with and without any statutory protection.

Map 7 Distribution of vulnerable barns with no statutory protection.


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Essex County Council



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Part B Survey of Historic Barns in a Sample Area


Following Part A of the project which identified locations of potentially surviving

historic barns in Maldon, a survey was undertaken by Laura Belton (HER) and Andy

Letch (FAU) to discern the numbers and condition of surviving barns in a sample

area. Wickham Bishops/Great Totham (TL81SW) was selected for the sample

survey as noticeable concentrations of barns were identified; 30 barns were selected

for the sample survey. The purpose of the sample survey was to refine methods and

assessment criteria before surveying barns in the rest of the District.


Each potential barn location was visited and scores were given on site. As barns are

on private property it was not feasible to get permission to inspect the inside of each

barn in the timeframe of this project. Assessment therefore had to be made through

judging external features. This level of survey cannot be considered a full

assessment of the structure of the barn but instead assesses the potential of a barn

to have features that may survive well. Should a planning application be put forward

for any barn then it should be visited to get a more in-depth picture of the surviving


The Scoring of the Historic Barns

Each historic barn was scored on a range of criteria for which separate scores are

retained within the GIS metadata. The following system is based on scoring

developed for the English Heritage Monuments Protection Programme (MPP);

modified to consider historic barns on an external basis. This method of scoring is

intended as a simple means of engaging with issues of sensitivity, value and

importance. It is not designed to be definitive and is likely to be subject to change as

new information becomes available and understanding develops.

The level of survey conducted will be able to answer some key questions regarding

each barn, such as:


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Essex County Council


• The present condition of each barn.

• Whether a barn is in agricultural use or another use.

• The nature of the surrounding buildings/landscape to put the building in its


Seven criteria have been used:

1. Diversity of historic environment assets

2. Survival

3. Documentation

4. Potential

5. Sensitivity to change

6. Group Value Association

7. Amenity Value

Each barn was scored against each of the above criteria with a rating of 1, 2, or 3

with 1 as the lowest and 3 as the highest.

Assessment Criteria for scoring each historic Essex Barn

• Diversity of other historic assets

This indicates the range of historic assets within the vicinity of the barn which may be

chronologically diverse. This includes field systems, churches, villages, manors of the

same date or multi-period settlement sites would score highly.

1 = Very few known assets or many assets of a limited range of categories.

2 = Contains a range of assets of different date and character.

3 = Contains a wide range of assets both in date and character.

• Survival

This relates to the state of completeness of the historic barn. A barn may be relatively

well preserved or it may have been disturbed by change of use/development.

1 = Poor survival: signs of low maintenance/dereliction or extensive alteration.

Possibly disused.

2 = Fair survival: maintained as a functioning building, perhaps with areas of rebuild

or alteration.


Page 15: 2009 Maldon Historic Barns Report - maldon.gov.uk Design and … · locations of historic barns that may survive in the landscape today and formed the basis of a sample survey in

Essex County Council


3 = Good survival of historic character: well-maintained and in use. Likely to contain

features of interest.

• Documentation

The level of documentation for a barn reflects the extent of investigations that have

taken place. Such work includes: historical documentation, field survey/recording,

research project work.

1 = Little or no documentation

2 = A range of documentation containing elements of the above

3 = A wide range of documentation

• Potential

The score considers the nature of the barn based on current evidence and indicates

the likelihood of further assets being present.

1 = The potential for surviving historic features within the barn has been significantly

reduced, e.g. by change of use.

2 = Some historic features are likely to survive within the barn.

3 = A wide range of features are likely to survive.

Sensitivity to change

Each historic barn will be assessed with regard to the sensitivity of the immediate

location to agricultural practices, land use and development. The score is an

indication of the vulnerability of the historic barn to this type of change. A lack of

sensitivity to change should not be taken as an indication that no historic

environment mitigation would be required to accommodate development. It would be

possible to consider sensitivity to other types of change e.g. flood risk management.

1 = The historic barn could accommodate some development; however specific

historic environment assets may suffer adverse effects.

2 = Development is likely to have a considerable impact on the character of the

historic barn.

3 = The barns historic environment is highly sensitive to development.


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Essex County Council


• Group value association

Two forms of association are considered: either with historic environment assets of a

similar nature or historic environment assets of a similar date. For example a wide

range of assets associated with agriculture e.g. farm buildings would score highly as

would a historic building of a similar date.

1 = Contains no or few historic assets.

2 = Contains a limited range of historic environment assets of historic value.

3 = Contains a range of historic environment assets, some of which may be of a

similar date or related (e.g. historic farm layouts).

• Amenity value

Relates to the actual and/or potential amenity value of the historic barn. The score

may relate to uniqueness, historical associations, local character, good access and

interest for visitors and educational value etc.

1 = Barn has lost its historic value through neglect, alteration/change of use or

modern development.

2 = Historic character retained alongside other historic farm buildings within their

contemporary environment.

3 = A good example of its type, well-preserved as part of a historic farm group within

a contemporary landscape setting. A building of significance and an important local


Each of these criteria were be assigned a score for each of the barns with a rating of

1, 2 or 3 with 1 as the lowest and 3 as the highest as outlined above.


Overview The sample area lies between Wickham Bishops and Great Totham (TL81SW) in the

north-west of Maldon. Historically, settlement in this area was dispersed and sparse,

comprising isolated church/hall complexes, manors, farms, cottages and small

hamlets. This area contains a large amount of ancient woodland with little change

from the first edition OS of c.1880 to today’s extent. (Maldon District Characterisation

Project, 2008).


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Essex County Council


The assessment which follows provides:

a) a photograph of the barn (title followed by barn number).

b) a summary description of the barn.

c) a table with scores and brief reason for score.

Additionally, extracts taken from the historic and modern Ordnance Survey maps

have been included to identify and compare any changes or similarities over time.


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Essex County Council



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4 Results

4 out of 30 potential barn locations visited had a surviving barn.

Surviving barns were found at:

1. Braziers Farm

2. Fanners Farm

3. Little Mountains Farm

4. Scripps Farm

4 barns were converted and 22 were not extant.

Barn extant today

Barn not extant or converted

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Essex County Council


Table of Results

Number Farm name Grid Reference Extant

95 94 584636 212321 No

97 No name 584681 212151 No

100 No name 584952 212228 No

102 Goat Lodge Farm 585035 212710 No

105 Hill House 586968 212278 No

135 Braziers Farm 584483 211697 Yes

136 Gladwins Farm 584496 211958 Converted

137 Maltings Farm 584782 211964 Converted

138 The Firs 584852 211946 No

139 Waldon House 585118 212000 Converted

140 Fanners Farm 585013 211572 Yes

141 Garlands Farm 584996 211352 No

142 Warrens Farm 584977 211115 Converted

143 Gun Farmhouse 584913 210738 No

144 Buildings at Gun


585027 210738 No

146 Oak Cottages 585568 210991 No

151 Great Totham 585817 211608 No

522 Scripps Farm 585802 212574 No

523 95 586417 212210 No

525 Rectory 585013 213000 No

527 Near Greenman Cottages 584880 213045 No

533 Cock a Beavis 585564 213143 No

534 Beaconhill House 585652 212982 No

535 33 585821 212936 No

536 Lanthorns 585690 212997 No

538 Little Mountains 586253 213064 No

539 Spirits Hall 586450 213211 No

540 Brick Hall 586872 213480 No

544 Near Compress Inn 586783 213089 No

545 Roundhouse Farm 586854 212952 No

Table 1 results of barns assessed during the sample survey


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Essex County Council


1. Braziers Farm (135)

Figure 1 Braziers Farm barn Summary :

The barn at Braziers farm (now known as Crabb’s Farm) is in good external condition

and appears well preserved. It is a small structure with black weatherboard and a

thatched roof. The barn is in functional use and is well maintained. The condition

from the outside would imply that the internal structure is sound. Other buildings in

the yard appear to be later C19th or C20th and there are modern concrete buildings in

the vicinity. The layout of the farmyard has changed from the 1st Edition map.

OS 1:10 Modern OS 1:25 1 st Edition


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Essex County Council


• Other historic assets

The barn is in an isolated location but there are contemporary farms in the neighbouring area.


• Survival The barn is intact. 3 • Documentation There is no documentation known. 1 • Sensitivity to change Due to the isolated location there is no

obvious threat from development, the surrounding environment is mostly modern/concrete.


• Potential Potential for historic features. 2 • Group Value (association):

The associated farm buildings are later in date.


• Amenity Value The barn is well maintained although the original farm layout has changed.


2. Fanners Farm (140)

Figure 2 Aerial photograph of Fanners Farm Barn


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Essex County Council



The barn at Fanners Farm is aesthetically impressive and well preserved within a

farmyard which has a traditional farm layout. It has a steep plain red tiled roof, gabled

midstrey and weatherboarded walls and appears weatherproof. It is currently in use

as a riding school which is complimentary to its original use and the surrounding

buildings in the courtyard are of a similar style and date.

Access to photograph the building was denied by the owner; however aerial

photographs and map extracts have been used to give an impression of the barn and

its surrounding buildings.

OS 1:10 Modern OS 1:25 1 st Edition

• Other historic assets

There are a number of listed and historic buildings in the area, including farms and churches. It lies on the path of a Roman road and has crop mark feature adjacent.


• Survival Based on external viewing the barn seems to maintain its historic integrity and is structurally intact.


• Documentation There is no information on the HER. 1 • Sensitivity to change There is no obvious threat to the use of the

building as it is surrounded by a working farm and is in use.


• Potential The barn is well maintained and potentially has a range of historic features.


• Group Value (association):

There are a range of farm buildings of a similar date.


• Amenity Value The barn brings character to the local area and is used for public enjoyment as part of a riding school.



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Essex County Council


3. Little Mountains Farm (538)

Figure 3 Little Mountains Farm barn Summary:

The barn at Little Mountains Farm is small with red plain tiled roof, timber-framed,

weatherboarded, one gabled midstrey and red brick plinth. The large outshot on the

front elevation has red pantiled roof and is enclosed by a low brick wall with railings.

An attached stable has red pantiled roof and black weatherboard. The original

doorway has been replaced, but the entire building is weatherproof and secure. It

forms part of a working farm and is surrounded by both modern and historic

outbuildings. It is generally well preserved maintains much of its historic integrity.


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Essex County Council


OS 1:10 Modern OS 1:25 1 st Edition

• Other historic assets

There are few other historic assets. 1

• Survival The barn is well preserved and is in good condition.


• Documentation There is no known documentation. 1 • Sensitivity to change There is no immediate threat; still part of a

working farm. 1

• Potential Good preservation outside suggests inside structure is also intact.


• Group Value (association):

Associated buildings survive. 3

• Amenity Value Still in use as a farm in a contemporary setting.


4. Scripps Farm (522)

Figure 4 Scripps Farm barn


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Essex County Council



Scripps Farm is an excellent example of a typical Essex barn with steep red tiled

roof, black weatherboard, brick plinth and central gabled midstrey. The barn is

located at the centre of a traditional farm layout which has not changed considerably

since the 1st Edition OS map, and is clear on the aerial photograph. The barn is

weatherproof and appears in excellent condition, it is used for storage.

OS 1:10 Modern OS 1:25 1 st Edition

Figure 5 Aerial photograph of Scripps Farm barn


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Essex County Council


• Other historic assets

The farm is in an isolated area, there are other contemporary farms and listed buildings nearby.


• Survival The barns historic integrity is intact and it still in use.


• Documentation There is no known documentation. 1 • Sensitivity to change There is no obvious threat to the building. 1 • Potential Given the completeness of the barn and its

surrounding buildings it is likely that many important features survive.


• Group Value (association):

The barn forms part of a farmyard attached to contemporary buildings.


• Amenity Value The historic integrity of the barn is complete. 2

Overview of Results Braziers




Little Mountains




Other historic assets

1 2 1 1

Survival 3 3 3 3

Documentation 1 1 1 1

Sensitivity to change 1 1 1 1

Potential 2 3 3 3

Group Value (association)

1 3 3 3

Amenity Value 2 3 2 2

Table 2 Comparison of scores for extant buildings

5 Conclusion The 4 surviving barns out of the potential 30 are all in excellent condition and retain

their historic integrity. They all lend distinctiveness to the local character and sense of

place, particularly Fanners which is used as a riding school. All the barns assessed

are currently in use for something similar to their original purpose and this may why

they have remained intact.

For the above reasons it is important that these barns are protected from insensitive

change of use. They are important assets to Maldon’s historic environment.


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Essex County Council


6 References

Hudspith, P (2003, 2) Survey of the barns of special architectural or historic interest

in the south of Essex. Essex County Council.

Maldon Characterisation Project (2008). Essex County Council.

The Essex Countryside Historic Barns-A Planning Appraisal (1983) Essex County




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Essex County Council


Appendix A Barn Location Details

Farm Name x y Map No. Listed

Barn Listed

Building (Curtilage)

EHER No. Extant on Google Earth

Conservation Area

Conservation Area Name

1 Marsh Farm 586912 198654 12062101 No Yes yes 2 Wild Farm 586199 198533 12062101 No No yes 3 205 585776 198739 12062101 No No yes 4 195 585682 198681 12062101 No No yes 5 Smithy 585621 198537 12062101 No No yes 6 Little Cooks

Farm 585329 198761 12062101 No No Yes

7 Norton Hall 585275 199902 12062101 Yes No Yes 8 641 586367 198621 12062101 No No yes 9 Puntile Cottage 584053 199069 12062091 No No no 10 Rookery 584079 198400 12062091 No No Yes 11 Great Hayes 583436 198367 12062091 No Yes yes 12 Morris Farm 582476 198283 12062091 No No Yes 13 Near 120 582876 198264 12062091 No No yes 14 Hogwell 582493 197766 12062091 No Yes yes 15 Little Hayes 583280 197877 12062091 No Yes yes 16 Skinners Farm 583894 198099 12062091 No No Yes 17 Grooms Farm 584210 197750 12062091 No No Yes 18 138 583229 197742 12062091 No No No 19 NW of Puntile

Wood 584099 199160 12062091 No No no

20 Blue House 583409 200424 12062051 No No Yes 21 Great Canney 583599 200451 12062051 No No Yes 22 The Rise 584061 200379 12062051 No No Yes 23 Three Ashes

Farm 584233 200434 12062051 No No No

24 90 584436 200415 12062051 No No No


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25 East Canney 584666 200456 12062051 No No Yes 26 Little Canney 583706 199994 12062051 No No Yes 27 Fowlers Farm 583961 199472 12062051 No Yes Yes 28 114 583924 199668 12062051 No No No 29 Great Cooks 584529 199381 12062051 No No no 30 44 nr Rectory 583494 199259 12062051 No Yes yes 31 Rectory 583418 199343 12062051 No Yes Yes 32 Stow Hall 583323 199519 12062051 No No No 33 Butchers Arms 583529 199807 12062051 No No Yes 34 Wheat Sheaf 583387 199650 12062051 No No No 35 Great

Whitmans 583465 200840 12062051 No No Yes

36 Little Whitmans 582903 200801 12062051 Yes Yes Yes 37 137 584813 200385 12062061 No No Yes 38 Leeches Farm 585159 200308 12062061 No Yes yes 39 143 nr Leeches

Far, 585467 200307 12062061 No No Yes

40 Redgate Farm 586047 200751 12062061 No No Yes 41 Dyegoods

Farm 586682 200293 12062061 No No Yes

42 582 586808 200238 12062061 No No Yes 43 Palepit Farm 585781 200308 12062061 No No Yes 44 147 586006 200236 12062061 No No No 45 177 585864 199369 12062061 No No No 46 Purleigh Barns 586801 199740 12062061 No No Yes 47 589 586711 200001 12062061 No No Yes 48 Honeywood

farm 583955 199460 12062061 No No Yes

49 Lodge 585075 215600 12035141 No Yes Yes 50 Whitam Lodge 584748 215664 12035141 No Yes Yes 51 Appleford

Cottage 584477 215691 12035141 No Yes 38816 Yes

52 Workhouse Cottages

584834 215931 12035141 No No No


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53 Great Braxted Mill

585099 216838 12035141 No Yes 38853 Yes

54 Brickhouse Farm

585354 216670 12035141 Yes No 38847 Yes

55 Rectory 585523 216510 12035141 No No Yes 56 Dines Cottages 586086 216569 12035141 No No Yes 57 Kelvedon Farm 586465 216547 12035141 No No Yes 58 80 586260 216074 12035141 No No No 59 Ashburns Farm 585707 217336 12035101 No No Yes 60 Greenleaf

Cottages 585589 217196 12035101 No No Yes

61 Little Braxted 583541 214793 12045011 No Yes 38921 Yes 62 Sewells Farms 583867 213913 12045011 Yes No 38929 Yes 63 West Hall Farm 584811 213891 12045021 No No Yes 64 Broomfields

Farm 584821 214298 12045021 No No Yes

65 Great Braxted Hall

585113 214986 12045021 Yes No 38818 Yes

66 Braxted Park House

585656 215387 12045021 No yes 38821 Yes

67 Noaks Farm 585699 214700 12045021 yes No 38865 Yes 68 Pundits Lodge 586475 215047 12045021 No yes 38907 Yes 69 Porters Farm 586439 214021 12045021 No No Yes 70 Five Gables 586183 214187 12045021 No yes Yes 71 The Village

Farmhouse 586248 214222 12045021 No yes Yes

72 Farm Cottage/Sexton Cottage

586178 214164 12045021 No yes Yes

73 Sextons Farm 585863 214111 12045021 No yes 38857 Yes 74 Jaceys Farm 586921 215164 12045031 No No No 75 Scrub Hill Farm 587422 213956 12045031 No No Yes 76 Heath Farm 587890 214319 12045031 No No Yes 77 Tiptree Heath 587940 214343 12045031 No No Yes


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Farm 78 Grove Farm 588793 213933 12045031 No No Yes 79 Clarkes Farm 590148 214053 12045041 No No Yes 80 Oxley Green

Farmhouse 591080 214266 12045041 No yes 39192 Yes

81 Dennis's Farm 591139 214365 12045041 No No Yes 82 103 591207 214163 12045041 No No No 83 Glebe Farm 591429 214632 12045041 No No Yes 84 Stock House

Farm 591517 214839 12045041 No No No

85 Four Chimneys Farm

591419 214907 12045041 No No No

86 Ishams Chase Barn

583358 213382 12045051 yes No 39049 Yes

87 Blue Mills 583055 213140 12045051 No yes 29020 Yes 88 Glebe Farm 583518 212496 12045051 No No Yes 89 48 583587 212372 12045051 No No Yes 90 Abbotts House 583782 212109 12045051 No yes 39018 Yes 91 Heathgate

Farm 584116 212223 12045051 No No No

92 High Hall Cottage

584345 212301 12045041 No yes 39015 Yes

93 White Hall 584401 212277 12045041 No yes 39013 Yes 94 2 & 2A

Primrose Cottages

584513 212321 12045041 No yes 39012 No

95 94 584636 212321 12045041 No No Yes 96 99 584693 212333 12045041 No No No 97 No name 584681 212151 12045041 No No Yes 98 12-14 Oaklea 584975 212470 12045041 No yes 39022 No 99 Cherry Tree

Cottage 584920 212648 12045041 No yes 39045 Yes

100 No name 584952 212228 12045041 No No Yes 101 109 584952 212212 12045041 No No Yes


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102 Goat Lodge Farm

585035 212710 12045041 No No Yes

103 paynes Farm 586879 212263 12045041 No yes 38872 Yes 104 Fabians Farm

Hosue 586897 212186 12045041 No yes 38871 Yes

105 Hill House 586968 212278 12045041 No No Yes 106 No name 588085 212644 12045041 No No Yes 107 Eagle Inn 588363 212535 12045041 No No Yes 108 Buckingham

Cottage 588786 212468 12045041 No No Yes

109 Pullocks Pit Farm

588874 212463 12045041 No yes 39221 Yes

110 Bushy Bottom Farm

588162 212965 12045041 No No No

111 Primrose Hill Farm

587993 213565 12045041 No No Yes

112 Loamy Hill 588312 213565 12045041 No No Yes 113 Daymens Hill

Farm 588601 213524 12045041 No No Yes

114 Brick House Farm

588675 213663 12045041 No No Yes

115 Tudwick Farm 589606 213675 12045081 No No Yes 116 Clarkes &

Beadles Farm 589960 213760 12045081 No No Yes

117 Wilticans Farm 589746 213201 12045081 No No Yes 118 Elm Hall Farm 590030 213596 12045081 No yes 39203 Yes 119 Tudwick Farm 590125 213732 12045081 No No Yes 120 Highhall Farm 591143 213684 12045081 No yes 39193 Yes 121 75 590093 213081 12045081 No No No 122 103 590044 212967 12045081 No No No 123 118 590470 212883 12045081 No No No 124 Pointers Farm 590418 212760 12045081 No No Yes 125 Crabbs Farm 590390 212595 12045081 No No Yes 126 Wickham Place 582395 211746 12045091 No No Yes


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127 Smallands Farm

582005 210954 12045091 No No Yes

128 No name 582841 211995 12045091 No No Yes 129 Hill House 583446 211882 12045091 No yes 39042 Yes 130 Abbotts Farm 583783 212106 12045091 No yes 39018 Yes 131 The Grange 584205 211769 12045091 Yes No Yes 132 Whitehouse

Farm 583625 211516 12045091 No yes 39048 Yes

133 Wickham Hall 583119 210555 12045091 yes No 39027 Yes 134 Reigate Cotage 583452 210524 12045091 No yes 39030 Yes 135 Braziers Farm 584483 211697 12045101 No No Yes 136 Gladwins Farm 584496 211958 12045101 No No Yes 137 Maltings Farm 584782 211964 12045101 No No Yes 138 The Firs 584852 211946 12045101 No No Yes 139 Waldon House 585118 212000 12045101 No No Yes 140 Fanners Farm 585013 211572 12045101 No No Yes 141 Garlands Farm 584996 211352 12045101 No No Yes 142 Warrens Farm 584977 211115 12045101 No No Yes 143 Gun

Farmhouse 584913 210738 12045101 No No Yes

144 Buildings at Gun Farmhouse

585027 210738 12045101 No No Yes

145 No name 585412 210979 12045101 No No No 146 Oak Cottages 585568 210991 12045101 No No Yes 147 Great Tothan

Hall Barn 586113 211201 12045101 Yes No 38901 Yes

148 Prince of Wales Road

585304 211459 12045101 No yes 38900 No

149 Pond Cottage 585472 211443 12045101 No No No 150 Alleys Farm 585841 211786 12045101 No No No 151 Great Totham 585817 211608 12045101 No No Yes 152 Japeracks

Farm 587064 211117 12045111 No No Yes


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153 Godfreys Farm Barn

587791 210946 12045111 yes No 38942 Yes

154 Moors Farm Barn

588291 211121 12045111 yes No 38939 Yes

155 Vouchers Farm 588255 211422 12045111 No yes 38940 Yes 156 Fabians Farm

Hosue 586896 212186 12045111 No yes 38871 Yes

157 Office Farm 588346 212134 12045111 No No Yes 158 Whitehorse

Farm 588896 211302 12045111 No No Yes

159 Little Renters Farm

589064 210778 12045111 No yes 38932 Yes

160 Renters Cottage

588960 210850 12045111 No yes 38937 Yes

161 Rosedale Cotage

589018 211905 12045111 No yes 38944 Yes

162 Batemans Farm

588929 212056 12045111 yes No 38943 Yes

163 Sawyers Farmhouse

589446 212255 12045121 No yes 39217 Yes

164 Wicks Manor Farm

589771 212192 12045121 No yes 39220 Yes

165 Renters Farm Barn

590180 211930 12045121 yes No 39219 Yes

166 Bakers Farm 589606 211708 12045121 No No Yes 167 Longs Farm 589567 211026 12045121 No No Yes 168 212 589722 211130 12045121 No No Yes 169 Gale Farm

Barn 590189 211341 12045121 yes No 39208 Yes

170 Beckingham Windmill

590118 211432 12045121 No No Yes

171 Beckingham House

590982 211260 12045121 No yes 39211 Yes

172 Luards Farm 582848 209218 12045131 No No Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater


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Navigation 173 Fords House 583118 209301 12045131 No No Yes 174 Brick House

Farm 583251 209240 12045131 No No Yes

175 Bridge Cottages

583429 209156 12045131 No yes 38960 Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

176 Skinners Wick Farm

593555 209432 12046131 yes No 39197 Yes

177 Hyde Farm 592655 210048 12046131 No No Yes 178 White House

Barns 593551 210419 12046131 yes No 39195 Yes

179 Boreham & Profits Farm

594414 209472 12046141 No No Yes

180 Prentice Hall Farnhouse

594706 210131 12046141 No yes 29155 Yes

181 Garlands Farm 594785 210394 12046141 No No Yes 182 76 West Street 595069 210461 12046141 No yes 39162 Yes 183 Carringtons

Farm 595274 210875 12046141 No No Yes

184 Bohuns Hall barn

595650 209947 12046141 yes No 39134 Yes

185 Mill farm 596198 209659 12046141 No No Yes 186 Wick Farm 596402 209669 12046141 No No Yes 187 Woodrolte

Farm 596551 210213 12046141 No No Yes

188 Marsh House Farm

596863 209869 12046141 No No Yes

189 Round Barn 601876 201238 12064051 No No Yes 190 Bridgewick

Farm 601613 199842 12064091 No yes 38646 Yes

191 Line Kiln Wharf 593317 195787 12071011 No No Yes 192 Leeward 593381 195770 12071011 No No Yes 193 Creeksea

Place Farm 593525 196209 12071011 No No Yes


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194 Hill Farm 594551 196238 12071021 No No No 195 Alpha House 595075 196164 12071021 No No No 196 Nr Mill House 594855 195868 12071021 No No No 197 Nr Ramblers

Way 595570 195858 12071021 No No No

198 Morris House 595467 195535 12071021 No yes 25001 Yes 199 Studland

Cotage 595445 195560 12071021 No yes 2500 No Yes Tillingham

200 Burnham Wick 596269 195831 12071021 No No No Yes Tillingham 201 Flake House 597315 196298 12071031 No No Yes 202 Redward 598543 196297 12071031 No No Yes 203 Coleward 597930 195618 12071031 No No No 204 386 597082 195652 12071031 No No No 205 Holliwell Farm 600809 196240 12071041 No No Yes 206 Walton Barns 582790 202253 12071041 No No Yes 207 Walton Hall 582978 201256 12062011 No No Yes 208 Hill Farm 583310 202001 12062011 No No Yes 209 Mill Farm 583394 202073 12062011 No No Yes 210 Niemens Farm 583092 202398 12062011 No No Yes 211 Valley Stores

(rear) 583896 202091 12062011 No yes 38542 Yes

212 Purleigh Hall Barn

584114 201898 12062011 yes No 38561 Yes

213 Barons 584102 202250 12062011 No No No Yes Purleigh 214 Rectory 584056 202000 12062011 No No No 215 No name 584233 202081 12062011 No No Yes Yes Purleigh 216 Howegreen 583728 201632 12062011 No No Yes 217 No name 584185 201303 12062011 No No Yes 218 No name 584088 201185 12062011 No No Yes 219 Eastcroft

Cottages 585690 202396 12062021 No yes 38545 Yes

220 No name 585782 202128 12062021 No No Yes 221 Clockhouse

Farm 585753 202620 12062021 No yes 38547 Yes


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222 The Cotswolds 585607 201817 12062021 No No No 223 Elmtree Farm 585248 201768 12062021 No No Yes 224 RoundBbush

Farm 586198 201758 12062021 No No 15775 Yes

225 No name 585996 201813 12062021 No No Yes 226 No name 586099 201698 12062021 No No Yes 227 Deserted

settlement 585932 201339 12062021 No No Yes

228 Hales Farm 586487 201360 12062021 No No Yes 229 Parsonage

Farm 586714 201817 12062021 No No Yes

230 Limbourne Park Farm

587471 201820 12062031 No yes 38531 Yes

231 Butterfields Farm

588252 201374 12062031 No No Yes

232 St Andrew's Farm

587155 200868 12062031 No No Yes

233 Lawling Hall Moat

589921 201453 12062031 No No Yes

234 No name 590823 201429 12062031 No No No 235 Marsh House 590426 202318 12062031 No No No 236 Nipsells Farm 591280 202381 12062031 No No Yes 237 Little Withams 582881 200804 12062031 No No Yes 238 Great Withams 583468 200830 12062031 yes No 38553 Yes 239 Deadmans

Farm 587153 200889 12062071 No No Yes

240 Slough House 587827 200338 12062071 No No Yes 241 London Hayes 587429 199361 12062071 No yes 38518 Yes 242 Snoreham Hall 588433 199600 12062071 No yes 38521 Yes 243 169 588644 200201 12062071 No No No 244 Bridgemans

Farm 588235 200552 12062071 No No No

245 Good Mans (moat)

589346 200385 12062071 No No Yes

246 Amner House 589469 200015 12062071 No No Yes


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247 Lawling Smiths 589965 200855 12062081 No yes 38522 Yes 248 Green Lane

Farm (moat) 590807 200714 12062081 No No Yes

249 162 590605 200409 12062081 No No Yes 250 No name 590631 200392 12062081 No No No 251 Wardens Farm 590667 200382 12062081 No yes 38498 Yes 252 Russels Farm 591046 200393 12062081 No No Yes 253 No name 590776 199902 12062081 No No No 254 Buttons Hill

Farm 591307 199640 12062081 No No Yes

255 No name 591841 199579 12062081 No No Yes 256 Ulehams Farm 587514 198608 12062111 No No Yes 257 Tinkers Hall 588001 198615 12062111 No No No 258 Hill Farm 588537 198409 12062111 No No Yes 259 Stanford 588725 198396 12062111 No No Yes 260 Tyle Hall 589267 198730 12062111 No yes 38520 Yes 261 Sorridges Farm 589359 199335 12062111 No No Yes 262 Althorne Barns 590468 198943 12062121 No No Yes 263 Althorne Hall 590896 198732 12062121 No No Yes 264 Cliffords Farm 591337 198719 12062121 No No No 265 Warners farm 591279 198840 12062121 No No No 266 Mansion House 591785 198903 12062121 No yes 38485 Yes 267 Summer Hill 591052 199242 12062121 No No No 268 Smiths Farm 591513 198425 12062121 No No Yes 269 Andrews Farm 591889 198074 12062121 No No Yes 270 171 583289 197476 12062131 No No Yes 271 West Wick 584551 197149 12062131 No No Yes 272 Grooms Farm 584195 197770 12062131 No No Yes 273 North

Fambridge Hall 584949 197207 12062141 No yes 38535 Yes

274 Blue House 585717 196985 12062141 No No Yes 275 Kennets Farm 585430 196774 12062141 No No Yes 276 Hydemarsh

Farm 587307 197200 12062151 No No No


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277 Moat (nr Grange Farm)

589398 197451 12062151 No No No

278 Bridgemarsh 590511 197194 12062151 No No No 279 Stokes Hall

Farm 591951 197712 12062151 No No Yes

280 Mayland Windmill

591947 201559 12063011 No No No

281 Lower Farm 592504 201708 12063011 No yes 38695 Yes 282 The Cottage 593017 202659 12063011 No No No 283 Batts Farm 594314 202165 12063021 No No Yes 284 Moynes Farm

Barn 596606 202278 12063021 yes No 38660 Yes

285 Welshes Farm 594772 201504 12063021 No No Yes 286 Badnocks Farm

Barn 595589 201708 12063021 yes No ? Yes

287 No name 595717 201931 12063021 No No No 288 High House

Barn 597232 202704 12063031 yes No 429102 Yes

289 Vicarage 597004 202264 12063031 No No no 290 Near Rushes

Farm 596998 201970 12063031 No yes 13392 Yes

291 No name 596815 201302 12063031 No No Yes 292 Asheldham Hall 597810 201374 12063031 No No Yes 293 New Hall 598205 201331 12063031 No yes 38576 Yes 294 Dengie Manor 598951 201674 12063031 yes No 38644 Yes 295 Rectory 598850 201943 12063031 No No Yes 296 Glebe Farm 599102 202243 12063031 No No Yes 297 Barons Farm

Barn 598544 202475 12063031 yes No 38654 Yes

298 Mullingers 597613 202442 12063031 No No Yes 299 65 598214 202773 12063031 No No Yes 300 Hill House 597703 202852 12063031 No No Yes 301 Trueloves 599735 202492 12063041 No No No 302 Midlands Farm 599992 202658 12063041 No yes 38722 Yes


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303 Jerry's Farm 601002 202846 12063041 No yes 38738 Yes 304 Small Gains 600685 202092 12063041 No yes 38652 Yes 305 Grange 601287 202149 12063041 No No 4564 Yes 306 East Ware 600931 201695 12063041 No No Yes 307 Bungays 600856 201446 12063041 No No No 308 Tile Barn 599946 201444 12063041 No No No 309 Landwick

Farmhouse 599638 201458 12063041 No yes 38650 Yes

310 Keelings 599430 201649 12063041 No yes 38651 Yes 311 Bicknacre 592165 200976 12063051 No No Yes 312 Mayland Hall 592398 200501 12063051 No yes 28774 Yes 313 Rawlings 593315 200092 12063051 No No Yes 314 18 594077 200360 12063051 No No Yes 315 Squirrelands 593699 201074 12063051 No No Yes 316 Great West

Wick 598487 196722 12063051 No No No

317 Middle West Wick

598498 197057 12063051 No No No

318 Little West Wick

598140 197429 12063051 No No No

319 Turncote 599119 197730 12063051 No No No 320 Old Mountsale 600707 197809 12063161 No yes 38677 Yes 321 New Mountsale 600685 197400 12063161 No No Yes 322 East Wick 600277 196617 12063161 No No Yes 323 Coney Hall 600958 196794 12063161 No No Yes 324 Deal Hall 601018 197105 12063161 No No Yes 325 Wellinditch 581905 198974 12063161 yes No 38569 Yes 326 Martins Farm 581989 199448 12061081 No No No 327 Flambards

Farm 581948 200724 12061081 No No Yes

328 Prentices Farm 581031 201165 12061041 No No Yes 329 Corporation

Farm 581616 202256 12061041 No No No

330 Glebefarm 602341 205767 12056091 No No Yes


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331 Sandbeach 602363 205349 12056091 No No Yes 332 Weatherwick 601455 205147 12056091 No No Yes 333 Dots & Melons

Farm 600688 204430 12055161 No No 45552 Yes

334 Shingleford 600453 204316 12055161 yes No 38728 Yes 335 Hockley 601328 206669 12056011 No No Yes 336 East Hall 601593 207451 12056011 No No Yes 337 Weymarks 601500 208599 12056011 No No Yes 338 No name 602321 208668 12056011 No No No 339 East Hall Farm 602047 207892 12056011 yes No Yes 340 Eastlands

Manor 602326 207724 12056011 No No 45961 Yes

341 Munkins Farm 602039 207349 12056011 yes No 38595 Yes 342 St Peters 603096 208158 12056011 yes No 38600 Yes 343 Barkhams 595705 205440 12055101 No No No 344 Drinkwaters 595890 205239 12055101 No No Yes 345 Beacon Hill 596370 204987 12055101 No No Yes 346 Motts Farm 595900 204613 12055101 yes No 38657 Yes 347 Kings Farm 595241 204502 12055101 No No Yes 348 Steeplewick 594194 204694 12055101 No No Yes 349 No name 594512 205955 12055101 No No No 350 No name 595035 205774 12055101 No No No 351 Ramsey Wick 595237 205957 12055101 No No No 352 Rectory 596890 204781 12055111 No No Yes 353 Westwick 597663 204958 12055111 No No Yes 354 Bradwell Hall

Barn 1 598847 205370 12055111 yes No 38629 Yes

355 Bradwell Hall Barn 2

598832 205337 12055111 yes No 38632 Yes

356 Bradwell Windmill

599333 205640 12055121 No No No

357 Queens Head 599108 205878 12055121 No No No 358 Curry 599689 205700 12055121 No No Yes 359 Byams 599105 204962 12055121 No No Yes


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360 Sampsons Farm

599219 204629 12055121 No No Yes

361 Packards 600249 204984 12055121 No yes 38723 Yes 362 Ratshall 600800 205765 12055121 No No No 363 Shingleford 600454 204315 12055161 No No Yes 364 Marks Farm 599890 204488 12055161 No No 45556 Yes 365 Leggatts Farm 600874 203812 12055161 No No 45555 Yes 366 Marsh Farm 601481 203703 12055161 No No Yes 367 Bridgemans

Farm 600984 203049 12055161 No yes 38729 Yes

368 No name 599641 203049 12055161 No No Yes 369 No name 599208 203076 12055161 No No Yes 370 123 598932 204086 12055161 No No Yes 371 Blackbirds 598993 204423 12056151 No yes 38716 Yes 372 East Hyde 598241 204155 12056151 No No Yes 373 Pimlico 597945 204216 12056151 No No Yes 374 West Hydes 597314 203882 12056151 No yes 38738 Yes 375 St. Lawrance

hall 596661 204205 12056151 No No Yes

376 Toarygoods 596936 204134 12056151 No No No 377 Thrushes 597099 203244 12056151 No No Yes 378 Reddings 598224 202989 12056151 yes No Yes 379 Stows

Farmhouse 598833 203572 12056151 No yes 38769 Yes

380 Tawneys Farm 595799 203602 12055141 No No 12177 No 381 East Newlands 596292 203057 12055141 No No Yes 382 West Newlands 595131 202969 12055141 No No Yes 383 The Poplars 594407 203275 12055141 No No Yes 384 Blackhouse 595019 203620 12055141 No No Yes 385 Shoots Farm 593945 203184 12055131 yes No 13524 Yes 386 Grange 593194 202886 12055131 yes No 38699 Yes 387 Steeple Hall 593092 205719 12055131 No No Yes 388 Cannie 591894 204153 12055131 No No Yes 389 Stansgate 593092 205719 12055131 No yes 38700 Yes


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Abbey Farm 390 Rolls Farm 594414 208532 12055021 yes No 39157 Yes 391 Lower Farm 595349 208626 12055021 No No No 392 Decoy Farm 595611 208868 12055021 No No Yes 393 Decoy House 593093 209120 12055011 No No No 394 Harveys Farm 592215 208936 12055011 No No Yes 395 Joyces Farm 591760 208791 12055011 No yes 39216 Yes 396 Waymark Wick 600790 208615 12055041 No No No 397 No name 599654 207709 12055041 No No No 398 Bassetts 579082 208101 12053031 No Yes Yes 399 Retreat Farm 579318 208450 12053031 Yes Yes Yes 400 Spring Elms 579318 207449 12053031 No No Yes 401 Ulting Wick 580480 208747 12053041 Yes Yes Yes 402 Westbowers 579796 207685 12053041 No Yes Yes Yes Chelmer and

Blackwater Navigation

403 Ravens Farm 580395 208039 12053041 No Yes Yes 404 Little London

House 580643 207794 12053041 No Yes Yes

405 Hatchments [Hatchmans Farm]

580887 207726 12053041 No No Yes

406 Gunhill Farm 580396 207198 12053041 No No Yes 407 Rectory 580989 207357 12053041 No Yes Yes 408 Blue Mill (Corn) 581249 207657 12053041 No Yes Yes 409 Neville 581444 207555 12053041 No No Yes 410 Whitehouse

Farm 581674 207271 12053041 Yes No Yes

411 No name [now Shrubbery Farm]

581915 207400 12053041 No No Yes

412 Manor Farm 581973 208085 12053041 No No Yes 413 W of Sugar Mill

Cottages 581088 208625 12053041 No No No


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414 Hoe Mill 580799 208076 12053041 No Yes No Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

415 Woodhall 579398 207010 12053071 No No No Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

416 [Barn in Common Lane]

579552 207021 12053071 No No Yes

417 Hawkins Farm 580007 207041 12053081 No No Yes 418 Warren Farm 580032 206529 12053081 Yes Yes Yes 419 Oak Farm [now

Woodham Walter Hall]

581220 206114 12053081 No Yes Yes

420 Woodham Walter Hall (ruins)

581261 206362 12053081 No Yes No

421 Lodge Farm 581401 205956 12053081 No No Yes 422 Bell Inn 580827 206852 12053081 No Yes No 423 Little Smiths 580990 205073 12053121 No Yes Yes 424 Oak Inn 580480 204925 12053121 No No Yes 425 The Manor Oak

(Smithy) 580584 204846 12053121 No Yes Yes

426 Tyndales 580218 204459 12053121 Yes Yes Yes 427 The Grange

[now Woodham Mortimer Grange]

580407 204510 12053121 No Yes Yes

428 Nursery Farm 581222 204380 12053121 No Yes Yes 429 Brook House 581350 204641 12053121 No Yes Yes 430 Woodham

Mortimer Place 581510 204879 12053121 Yes Yes Yes

431 Rectory (Woodham Mortimer)

581855 204722 12053121 No Yes Yes

432 Hill Farm 581830 204503 12053121 No Yes Yes


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433 Little Grange 581295 203905 12053161 No No Yes 434 Frost Barns 581205 203154 12053161 No No Yes 435 Birchwood

Farm 581576 202798 12053161 No No Yes

436 Fox and Hounds PH

581447 202837 12053161 No No No

437 Guys Farm 582260 207828 12054011 No Yes Yes 438 Woodlands 582510 207895 12054011 No No Yes 439 Little Beeleigh

Farm 583040 207309 12054011 Yes Yes Yes

440 Great Beeleigh Farm

583253 207248 12054011 No Yes Yes

441 Beeleigh Abbey 583980 207727 12054011 Yes Yes Yes 442 Beeleigh

Grange 583891 207890 12054011 No Yes Yes Yes Chelmer and

Blackwater Navigation

443 Beeleigh Falls House

583996 208195 12054011 No Yes Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

444 Mitchells Farm 584546 208660 12054021 No Yes Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

445 Langford Rectory

584695 208621 12054021 No Yes Yes

446 Boucherne Farm

585181 208346 12054021 No Yes No

447 Grapnell's Farm

585425 208651 12054021 No No Yes

448 Glebe Farm 586155 208515 12054021 No No No 449 Jacobs Farm 586201 207986 12054021 No Yes Yes 450 Middle Farm 586482 207800 12054021 No Yes Yes 451 Drapers Farm 586781 208121 12054021 No Yes Yes 452 Canterbury

Farm 586725 207580 12054021 No No Yes

453 The Lodge 584566 207282 12054021 No Yes Yes


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454 No name [now Elms Farm]

585271 208311 12054021 No No Yes Yes Maldon

455 New House 586000 208261 12054021 No Yes No 456 Heybridge Hall 585938 207693 12054021 No No No 457 Hall Farm [now

Saltcote Hall] 587163 207920 12054031 No No Yes Yes Chelmer and

Blackwater Navigation

458 No name [now Old Mill House]

587782 207765 12054031 No Yes Yes

459 Barrowmarsh Farm

588087 207826 12054031 No No No

460 Jehu's Farm [now Vaulty Manor]

588523 207896 12054031 Yes Yes Yes

461 Chigborough Farm

587803 208280 12054031 No Yes Yes

462 Rook Hall 588010 208579 12054031 No Yes Yes 463 Bobbets Villa 588858 209006 12054031 No No Yes 464 Chappel Farm 588433 208927 12054031 Yes Yes Yes 465 Cobb's Farm 589366 208454 12054041 Yes Yes Yes 466 Gardener's

Farm 589207 208011 12054041 No No Yes

467 No name [opposite Lilac Cottage]

589799 208697 12054041 No No Yes

468 Brand's Farm [now Bound's Farm]

590262 208081 12054041 Yes Yes Yes

469 No name 590468 208681 12054041 No No No 470 Chequers Inn 590467 208827 12054041 No Yes Yes Yes Goldhanger 471 Rectory 590518 208881 12054041 No Yes Yes Yes Goldhanger 472 No name [now

Hall Farm] 590461 208898 12054041 No Yes Yes Yes Goldhanger

473 Ashmans Farm 582159 207081 12054051 Yes Yes Yes Yes Goldhanger 474 The Shrubbery 582144 207173 12054051 Yes Yes Yes


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475 Brook Farm 583145 206807 12054051 No No Yes 476 Knowles 583897 205678 12054051 No No Yes 477 Maldon Wick 583967 206208 12054051 No Yes Yes 478 Maldon Hall 583901 206308 12054051 Yes No Yes 479 Spital Farm [St

Giles Leper Hospital]

584309 206476 12054051 No Yes Yes

480 Rose Cottage 584661 206764 12054061 No Yes Yes 481 Brickhouse 585454 205834 12054061 No No Yes 482 Northey Farm 587855 206307 12054071 No No Yes 483 Osea Farm 591449 206209 12054081 No Yes Yes 484 Woodham

Mortimer Hall [now Hall Farm]

582355 205216 12054091 Yes Yes Yes

485 Limebrook Farm

583420 205414 12054091 No No Yes

486 Brookhead Farm

583404 205165 12054091 No Yes Yes

487 No name [now Old Mill House]

583030 204413 12054091 No Yes Yes

488 Woodham Mortimer Lodge [now Elms Farm]

582900 204525 12054091 Yes Yes Yes

489 Jenkins Farm 584895 204409 12054101 No No Yes 490 No name [now

Brickhouse Farm]

586105 204956 12054101 No No Yes

491 South House 586327 205493 12054101 No Yes Yes 492 Bramble Hall

Farm 587285 204420 12054111 No No Yes

493 Garlands Farm 587330 204188 12054111 No No Yes 494 Iltney Farm 588564 204565 12054111 No No Yes 495 New Hall Farm 589479 204284 12054121 No No No 496 No name [now 582457 203848 12054131 No No Yes


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Lodge Farm] 497 White Hart Inn 582167 203740 12054131 No No No 498 Hazeleigh

Cottage [now Hazeleigh Grange]

582194 203622 12054131 Yes Yes Yes

499 Hatch House Farm

582348 203635 12054131 No No Yes

500 Hazeleigh Hall 583658 203762 12054131 Yes Yes Yes 501 Mosklyns 582994 203117 12054131 No No Yes 502 Rudley Green 583332 203021 12054131 No No No 503 Scotts and

Bakers Farm [now Scotts Farm]

582718 202602 12054131 No No Yes

504 Purleigh Lodge 582843 202494 12054131 No No Yes 505 The Rookery 583818 202653 12054131 Yes No Yes 506 The Glebe 584929 202588 12054141 No No Yes 507 Wymarks Farm 585408 202929 12054141 No No No 508 Purleigh Wash

Farm 585505 202947 12054141 No No No

509 Flanders Farm 585269 203321 12054141 No No No 510 Hill House 586316 203984 12054141 No No Yes 511 Copkitchens

Farm 586378 203579 12054141 No No Yes

512 Sparrow Wick 586579 202624 12054141 No No Yes 513 White Horse

Public House 586944 202691 12054141 No Yes No

514 Rogers Farm 587333 202951 12054151 No No Yes 515 Mundon Hall 587957 202715 12054151 No Yes Yes 516 White House

Farm 587573 203625 12054151 No Yes Yes

517 Mollets Farm 588684 203775 12054151 No No Yes 518 Shepherds

Farm 588864 202650 12054151 No No No


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519 Brick House Farm

589823 203380 12054161 No Yes Yes

520 Pickworths Farm

589549 203566 12054161 No No No

521 No name 590253 204232 12054161 No No No 522 Serrips Farm 585802 212574 12045041 No No Yes 523 95 586417 212210 12045061 No No Yes 524 Dooleys 584909 212849 12045061 No Yes 39014 Yes 525 Rectory 585013 213000 12045061 No No 38920 Yes 526 No name 584955 213039 12045061 No Yes Yes 527 Near

Greenman Cottages

584880 213045 12045061 No No Yes

528 No name 585223 212955 12045061 No Yes 38915 Yes 529 Beacon

Cottage 585319 212941 12045061 No Yes 39355 Yes

530 1-12 Beacon Cottages

585222 212790 12045061 No Yes 38867 No

531 Great Ruffins House

585207 212666 12045061 No Yes 38865 No

532 Victoria Cottages

585308 212759 12045061 No No No

533 Cock a Beavers

585564 213143 12045061 No No Yes

534 Beaconhill House

585652 212982 12045061 No No Yes

535 33 585821 212936 12045061 No No Yes 536 Lanthorns 585690 212997 12045061 No No Yes 537 Great

Mountains Farm

586182 212889 12045061 No yes 38898 Yes

538 Little Mountains 586253 213064 12045061 No No Yes 539 Spirits Hall 586450 213211 12045061 No No Yes 540 Brick Hall 586872 213480 12045071 No No Yes 541 Grove House 586852 213331 12045071 No No No


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542 Great Totham Windmill

586948 213221 12045071 No No No

543 Brick Kiln Farm 587265 213270 12045071 No No Yes 544 Near Compress

Inn 586783 213089 12045071 No No Yes

545 Roundhouse Farm

586854 212952 12045071 No No Yes

546 Mount plesant Farm

587148 212890 12045071 No No No

547 Croft Cottage 587060 212612 12045071 No Yes 38870 Yes 548 Hill Farm Barn 587181 212492 12045071 Yes No 38870 Yes 549 Orchard

Cottage 582887 209467 12045131 No Yes 38958 Yes

550 Birch House Barn

582579 209578 12045131 yes No 38953 Yes

551 Beavis Hall 582548 209578 12045131 No Yes 38952 Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

552 The Elms Barn 582188 209941 12045131 Yes No 39000 Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

553 Stock Hall Farm

582891 209785 12045131 No yes 38997 Yes

554 Home Farm 585049 209505 12045131 yes No 38974 Yes 555 Furzelands

Farm 585052 209785 12045131 No No Yes

556 Plumptons 585903 209546 12045131 No No Yes 557 Stains Farm

Barn 586614 209976 12045131 Yes No 38891 Yes

558 Sheepcoates Farm

587265 210532 12045131 No Yes 38889 Yes

559 Scarley Cottage

587239 209477 12045131 No No Yes

560 Sloughhouse Farm

587006 209057 12045131 No Yes 38807 Yes


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561 Falcon Hall Farmhouse

588745 209684 12045131 No No Yes

562 Little Totham Farmhouse

588449 210299 12045131 No yes 19077 Yes

563 Clarkes Farm (Moat)

588800 210099 12045131 No yes 8232 Yes

564 Rockley Farmhouse

590236 210335 12045131 No Yes 39210 Yes

565 Folly Faunts Farm

590212 209608 12045131 No Yes 38808 Yes

566 Falcons Hall Farm

589990 209593 12045131 No No Yes

567 Rectory 590572 209314 12045131 No Yes 38789 Yes 568 Highlands

Farm 591192 209349 12045131 No Yes 39215 Yes

569 Longwick Farm 591522 209196 12045131 No No Yes 570 Joyces Farm 591415 209681 12045131 No No No 571 Manor Farm 591223 210038 12045131 No No No 572 Salcottstone

Farm 594414 212842 12046051 No Yes 39140 Yes

573 Profits Farm (moat)

594002 212700 12046051 No Yes 11422 Yes

574 White House 594197 213328 12046051 No No No 575 Middle Farm 592530 213224 12046051 No No No 576 Grove Hall

Farm 591699 213899 12046051 No yes 39204 Yes

577 Oakley House 591564 213727 12046051 No yes 39190 Yes 578 Sparrowhawks

Farm 592323 215177 12046051 No Yes 39178 Yes

579 Putwick Farm 590135 213727 12046041 No No No 580 Tucketts

Farmhouse 590028 213595 12046041 No yes 39203 No

581 Tudwick Hall Farm

589587 213716 12046041 No No Yes

582 Williams Farm 589738 213196 12046041 No No Yes


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583 Toad Hall 588148 213862 12046041 No No Yes 584 Oak Farm [now

Woodham Walter Hall]

588093 213690 12046041 No No Yes

585 Manfold Wick Farm

592634 214055 12046011 No No Yes

586 Paterminister Farm

591877 215048 12046011 No No Yes

587 Gabolds Farm 592020 214866 12046011 No No Yes 588 Rectory 591982 214424 12046011 No No Yes 589 Old Hall

Farmhouse 595722 212230 12046101 No yes 39154 Yes

590 Old Hall Cottage

595310 211922 12046101 No No Yes

591 No name 595044 211801 12046091 No No Yes 592 Carringhams

Farm 595266 210856 12046091 No No Yes

593 Gorwell Hall 594479 211057 12046091 No yes 39158 Yes 594 the Rookery 594654 211507 12046091 No No No 595 Bouchiers Hall 594431 211759 12046091 yes No 39125 No 596 Rolfs Farm 592838 212033 12046091 No No Yes 597 Ponds Farm 593133 212108 12046091 No No Yes Yes Tolleshunt D'Arcy 598 Homestead

Farm 593403 212061 12046091 No No Yes Yes Tolleshunt D'Arcy

599 Tolleshaunt D'Arcy Hall Barn

592832 211524 12046091 yes No 39175 Yes

600 Tolleshaunt D'Arcy Hall Barn

592867 211530 12046091 No No 39176 Yes Yes Tolleshunt D'Arcy

601 No name 592878 211743 12046091 No No No Yes Tolleshunt D'Arcy 602 Wildfields Farm 592558 211418 12046091 No No Yes Yes Tolleshunt D'Arcy 603 Tolleshunt

Farm (moat) 591899 211099 12046091 No No 11416 Yes

604 Hill Farm 592039 211578 12046091 No No Yes


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605 Frame Farm 591733 211926 12046091 No No Yes 606 Limebrook

Farm 591988 212291 12046091 No No Yes

607 Juices Farm 592800 199593 12046091 No No Yes 608 Highlands Barn 592952 201025 12046091 yes No 38527 Yes 609 Scotts Farm 593809 199687 12046091 No No Yes 610 No name 593260 199728 12046091 No No Yes 611 Luendales 594821 201076 12063061 No No Yes 612 Witchards 594691 199832 12063061 No No Yes 613 Sheepcote 595917 200770 12063061 No yes 38688 Yes 614 Spratts Farm 595776 200070 12063061 No yes 38683 Yes 615 near Northend 595916 200100 12063061 No yes 38680 No 616 The Lauvell 595933 200062 12063061 No yes 428732 No 617 138 596204 200055 12063061 No No Yes 618 newmoor 596632 200240 12063061 No No Yes 619 The Bays 595576 199750 12063061 No yes 38675 No 620 Oldmoor 596894 200611 12063071 No yes 38692 Yes 621 Oldmoor Farm 596739 200535 12063071 No No Yes 622 Former Brook

Farm 597089 201108 12063071 No No 12129 Yes

623 Old Shrill 600219 199853 12063081 No No No 624 Brook Farm 600960 200333 12063081 No No Yes 625 Near Juices 592530 199390 12063091 No No Yes 626 Hunters Moon 592635 198903 12063091 No No No 627 Althorne Lodge 592493 198632 12063091 No No Yes 628 The Round

House 592465 198396 12063091 No yes 38496 No

629 Stokes Hall 592155 197988 12063091 No yes 40698 No 630 High House

Barn 592192 198951 12063091 yes No 38682 Yes

631 Legions Farm 593180 199187 12063091 No No No 632 Old Heath 594057 198527 12063091 No No Yes 633 Caidge Farm 594328 199449 12063091 yes No 38685 Yes 634 Vicarages 594766 197970 12063101 No No Yes


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635 Goldsand Bridge

596179 198218 12063101 No No Yes

636 Bumholds 596349 198370 12063101 No No Yes 637 No name 596567 198157 12063101 No No No 638 Ratsborough

Farm 595417 198494 12063101 No yes 38665 Yes

639 Smyatts 595665 199311 12063101 No No Yes 640 Vicarages 595510 199419 12063101 No No Yes 641 Southminister

Hall 596406 199465 12063101 No yes 38668 Yes

642 Raywick 598466 199255 12063101 No No Yes 643 Broadword

Moat 598528 198532 12063101 No No No

644 near Broadword moat

598737 198584 12063101 No No Yes

645 Middlewick Cottage

600704 198668 12063121 No No Yes

646 Devils Marsh 599427 199390 12063121 No No No 647 Southwick 599564 198166 12063121 No No No 648 Plumborough 600144 198955 12063121 No No No 649 New Shrill 600522 199323 12063121 No No No 650 Middlewick 601289 198752 12063121 No No No 651 Coate Barn 601405 199114 12063121 Yes No 38649 No 652 Scrubwater

Hall 601112 198330 12063121 No No No

653 Crosses 593107 197702 12063121 No No Yes 654 Little Johns

Farmhouse 593125 197572 12063121 No yes 38776 No

655 Pinners Farmhouse

593757 197264 12063121 No No No

656 Lodge Farm 593791 197019 12063121 No No Yes 657 near School 593626 196907 12063121 No No No 658 Cherry Garden 594130 196851 12063121 No yes 38778 No


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659 High House 594037 197409 12063121 No yes 116586 Yes 660 No name 593862 197466 12063121 No No No 661 Brickfield Farm 594403 197369 12063121 No No Yes 662 Mangapps 594449 197945 12063141 No No Yes 663 Burnt House 594705 197569 12063141 No No No 664 Cobbins Farm 594963 197701 12063141 No No Yes 665 The Limes 594650 197332 12063141 No No Yes 666 Eves Corner 594766 197340 12063141 No No No 667 Holliwell House 594836 197340 12063141 No No No 668 Burnham Hall 594873 197139 12063141 No yes 25033 Yes 669 Romains 595122 197213 12063141 No No Yes 670 Brook Farm 595858 197172 12063141 No No Yes 671 Dammer Wick 596207 196928 12063141 No yes 38779 Yes 672 Newmans

Farm 596247 197413 12063141 No yes 38780 Yes

673 Home Farm (formerly Langford Grove), Langford

584546 210372 Yes No 38974 Yes

674 Barn adjoining the road approx 30m NW of Reigate Cottage

583452 210524 Yes No 39029 Yes

675 Barn adjoining Hales Farmhouse to the W

584400 213602 Yes No 38931 Yes

676 Barn adjoining road and approx 60m N of Langford Hall

583746 209332 Yes No 38967 Yes


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677 Thatched barn approx 40m E of Stammers Farmhouse

581808 209056 Yes No 38979 Yes

678 Barn approx 70m NW of Langford Hall

583714 209338 Yes No 38982 Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation

679 Barn approx 30 N of Ashleys

580480 209846 Yes No 38987 Yes

680 Barn on opposite side of road and approx 200m SE of Langford Hall

583826 209090 Yes No 38963 Yes

681 Barn adjoining the road approx 50m NW of Reigate Cottage

583430 210542 Yes No 39030 Yes

682 Barn approx 30m E of High House

593192 198952 Yes No 38682 Yes

683 Fulmar House 585080 207408 Yes No 38279 Yes 684 Barn facing

Goldsands Road and approx 120m SW of Southminster Hall

596406 199466 Yes No 38668 Yes Yes Maldon

685 Barn approx 25m E of New Hall Farmhouse

583818 202654 Yes No 38541 Yes


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686 Barn approx 20m SE of Howe Green Farmhouse

584230 201026 Yes No 38555 Yes

687 Attached barn and cartlodge approx 30m SW of Bacons

600618 206524 Yes No 38581 Yes

688 Kennel Barn 597500 207500 Yes No 38624 Yes 689 Barn approx

50m SW of Bacons

598548 202474 Yes No 38654 Yes Yes Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation
