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2012 ACBSP Region 4 Conference Presentation #5 - Bevis

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The link to the full Prezi presentation by Michael Bevis is below. http://prezi.com/zqtaasqluiro/prme-and-student-engagement-for-acbsp/?auth_key=9c69abf1948f63eb84707afaf86433d40aa41cb9

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PRESENTATION LINK http://prezi.com/zqtaasqluiro/prme-and-student-engagement-for-acbsp/?auth_key=9c69abf1948f63eb84707afaf86433d40aa41cb9

PRESENTATION HANDOUT Hello team, Many of you have asked for a list of the applications, software and web links that were discussed in the engagement meeting. Below is a list of those resources. The presentation was done using www.Prezi.com. Since you work in the field of education you can get a free upgraded account simply by using your education email address when you sign up. Try it. It is fun and it is a new way to present information in a more engaging manner than PowerPoint. Let me know if you have any questions.

RSA Animate- Sir Ken Robinson Video on Changing Education Paradigms - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U

TED Video – Simon Sinek on Why We Do What We Do - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA

ShowMe – Free APP for iPhone and Android – Allows you to share computer screens and iPad screens with all users in class at the same time.

TED – Free APP for download but also a website (www.ted.com) where you can watch highly motivation and enlightening videos on just about any topic related to current trends taking place in various industries

Kahn Academy – Free APP for download but also a website (www.kahnacademy.com) where you can see whiteboard type presentations along with lecture on how to complete various problems such as math, finance, accounting, etc. Very helpful at explaining concept topics that students may need to review multiple times before grasping fully

TED Video – Sal Kahn – giving an overview of how Kahn Academy got started, how it works and how instructors are using it in the classroom (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTFEUsudhfs )

Screen Chomp – Free APP for iPad – Allows you to create your own narrated white board demonstrations that can be saved and uploaded into OLS for repeated viewing of complex topics.

eClicker – Free APP for iPad – Allows you to create quizzes that can be shared instantly in class to any networked mobile device such as students, iPads, cell phones, PC’s, etc. Review individual test results instantly.

SMSPOLL – Free website (www.smspoll.com) where you can create surveys to be taken in class where students use cell phones to text message their responses and see instant results on the screen of how audience members responded.

Testmoz – Free website (www.testmoz.com) that allows you to create comprehensive exams to be taken online. Questions are randomly generated to students to reduce cheating and answer sharing, and results can be analyzed and tracked for commonly missed questions, etc.

QR Reader and QR generator – Free APP download for iPhone and Android. Allows cell phone users to scan barcodes and receive additional information about products and services. Generator (http://qrcode.kawya.com) allows you to create your own QR codes for free. These codes can be cut and pasted to anything. A great tool for students who want to create a real experience of designing effective communication on marketing ads, business communications, etc.

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Voki or Xtranormal – Free website (www.voki.com) )(www.xtranormal.com ) where students can create an avatar that can be used to make presentations in class. Great to incorporate into PowerPoint presentations or group presentations. Allows students to showcase their understanding of the course material without the nervousness of presenting in front of a group.

Livebinder – Free website (www.livebinder.com) where students can set up virtual binders to showcase their work throughout a course or program. A great tool for students looking to build a portfolio of their best work.

Wordle – Free website (www.wordle.com) allows students to create word clouds and highlight key elements of course objective. Create alternative to the standard PowerPoint presentation.

Blogger – Free APP and website (www.blogger.com) or (www.webs.com ) that allows students to participate in course relevant blogs or even start their own. A great way to have a local campus student participate in a real live online community and showcase their skills in a different way. Have them bring in their blog posts rather than a written paper or discuss in class. See how they interacted with professionals in a given field. Were they able to have productive conversation and validate their claims with course concepts?

Strip Designer – A $2 APP for the iPad that allows users to create their own comic strips using real photos that they take. A great way to get students to understand basic writing and grammar concepts while having fun doing it. It’s more fun when you know which its is the right it to use.

Skype – free APP or web application (www.skype.com ) where you can make video calls to any users around the world who have a Skype account. Bring some culture into the class and have a discussion with someone in Italy while talking about how consumers buy products differently, etc.

Webby Awards – www.webbyawards.com – A forward trend setting website where you can learn how companies are advertising differently in today’s economy. How do you reach the consumer where they are and in new and unique ways? Check out these two brief clips on how companies are creating real impact without spending a dime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikpAWgzpLgE) and (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBQzXi04JpE)

Simplemind or Bubble – Free APP and website (www.bubbl.us) were users can create mind maps in a fun and easy ways that can be saved and shared across platforms. Excellent for in class activities involving strategy and planning.

Mashable – Free website (www.mashable.com) that compiles all the most popular news articles by category in one location. Uses an algorithm to sort articles by popularity based on how many times they have been read on other news sites. A great way to use current case studies for in class discussions.

Catchafire, Taproot, and Sparked – MicroVolunteering Websites (www.catchafire.org, www.taprootfoundation.org, www.sparked.com ) that highlight organizations (typically non-profits) that are looking for help from experts in a particular field (e.g. Marketing, Finance, Accounting, etc.) A great resource for mini service learning projects. Allows students to actively contribute to a real world example and build work experience right from the classroom. Consider replacing a comprehensive final project with a real world project that can be accomplished in the same manner.