iST'Tofiic Death S cb reb o ^ Vjl^^ SrtlB -W ley. ^ _ ^Z o P ' mS jo V*uey, »M - ------ g^cession Policy Is^ ■ Reversed K ■!;;*“ f« u"o«* w 1M4 « ^ ^ “reder.r rwervc '^Bciocit ^rborro«lng money board actton - I^B ( U,lst! « ; » in (Innnclal Hie ft wor»cnlnR I^ B c lttlc * c o u ld mftke (^ o l tbi •'“.'fffiooney. . I^H l i cbap* booft Uk- i^Hln* ^ eliwr U reserve tfiVMmi to lollow, iil- Or« Kli b* w m e Ume nliht ol fcfi^ ‘^ .rS fu d d ioother XncWr w « itigat r«t«-- rled, lh. ' , >-ti' ' the wee Little Change ,s>, < '; , V dcll. wl Reported fo r P j - Vote -Canvass II Aaimii of T»'ln 7 Ms coimty ; 4U!. ntl Hand*? by the county eom- . - BW*sidl*elo«dthatA.M.DUT. thii IWanU8 e»ndldat« BO«m^ .._1 tHW lw votes U»»n ho nad on -era) «wmt. II. M « H « - , «',rt,mn*lMd the ^ e . Joto ^ OU, Ud Ilw mor. votM rntm lil count Mid Omftr u j£dMp»(duplBmore.t*Uj8^ ..- ,Hi»iaomeUleouatw«,Uia^e D ,--- u tht e u n j^ Toto In 17 Instsa- U LL __ M.»hWiJ»^*oepMon*Uy.hlBh, ta _ _ Bint-(<tWi»(Ut»''Wherethe-c»-—Q - . - m «4 TOU.*ow*d-» cb»n«e. the ^ miisin w u K w lt -^ % taoJflelU count In Twin PalU ^ «ml; lor Derr hiul bt«n 1.3M. The J. !• oaTMithow^ he hftd 1,381. Han- K ?oSSr*jSd'f?w Ijio Er?«‘> b liM. lUte* rec«l«d W Tot«» u«t(«rt b thi 14 imoKlclal t4l- . laaabait Robert E. Bmylle. Rc* ^ piaou. talned fl»# volea on the it" ^ J oenn He waa imoppo«d. Tlie ^■ ^ wiaed.bdlota ahowed the jov- ^ «fw;w«l«d.J.M3*voU», ^Iho lb ODTwi 'dlseloMd that manr Locked ,a-J rf aa o*ndldat«* reodved more lorcjj. I6 UU r<a Bum the unotdcial count had im None of the dlacrcpwiclea openec ru KrloDi enough lo change ony amoun ^ «)ti pmlounly reported.------------- uken. U la lh» non-pollUcftl elecUon for iijied i ^ t h dlitrlct JudRe. the convau Runs. ■* (CmU>h4 . . rms« II. Csl»m 0 ftclton -------------------- :------ cheate P Judge Allows Case Against _ T.F. Hospital , 1“»0 damasB sull filed by a cou- ' * •«»lMl Twin Falla county to ' S ^ f d >Mt«(li\y. ,^»rk dcnlcil a mollon to dLimUi H P - •« for lhe detcndnntR. Twin PalU X > ;Wly. »hlch niwrtHes MorIc Valley wuium ' r r ^ couniy’s mollon contchded a ,7 , a^'T^rsrss; « , / O « a of conunlMloncni before the ‘'•'M filed by Mr. and Mra. Pete ST 'WinR, Hamc.ilcfttl, Ore. U- S' «»• lnnnlng wiw Injured In an bye 1 “» »ccldent Mnrch 0. 1050, Her slble * uitr wft» nmpulaled. In the ault “"d wupic charRcd neKllgcne# on man >' 5»ri of lhe hOApliAl. vlct^ Clnrk. In a memorandum No “ “‘t ‘i’c Idaho law the ■ WflnR presentation of claims to » ^ 'r cBmmls.•lloncr.^ could not bc "Uch a* an al- Vork In which the “‘‘SC miRiit continue Indefinitely 0 ,. -------------------- rx >res Are Under ^ wntrol Now in ‘'a gh Soutiiwest Idaho *c '?u ' \\J/t (, Th« Attoclaled Preai 01 IhouBonda »ko R in ^ H tt) or 1° 10.000 a c r u Idei ¥1|I^B “M The Ilrca were T .I Of lh,” " “ “nd 30 mllea d rl ««nmunliy. along-. Imo . coa --H 9 . — m ~i }--------- M - -M I i' ____________ * ^ 1: 3 A Regional NewB{ orfiM.1 citf >■><. ---------- ~ ~ ' CiwiiiUr K.«ip«o«f_________ Pair Wards Off I iH -./A . Mr. »nd M n. Georre Todd ezehanp) marital r Maflo Valley Memorial liojplUl whero Mr a Kinney. Castleford and Huhl. U a paUe tht of Auf. J In an automobile accident not * * ■ * * * 'raffic Smash Fai AsPairExcl f you nro aupersUUou's. ho*plUl- Tho fni d wllh Injurlea Irom an aulomo- did not e-accldcnl and want to gel mar- which hi d, the beat and only placc to hold month^ bi J weddlDR In In the hospital. • they wer 5o decided Mr.i. Ora Kinney. 5<. Both anli hi. nnd OeorRe Todd, 60. Wen- bnd luck 11. who were married Thursday so decld( {ht In tho audliorlum of the Ma- pcrforme. 1 vnllry Memorial hospltil by the At lira IV. Prnnk Hnrrls, Casllelord First would hi .ptlst church, brldea r A normal church wcddlnit for lhe her In I uple on the dnl« thcy had eel bc- Mr*. Tod mo lmpoa.ilble on Uio nlshl ol a-brace IK 2, when the 1050 Pord Uie ao ahe c Ido-to-bo wna drivlns'left the day nigh shway Jumned' a aeven-foot em- before tl “nkmeiit nnd ovelumed five mllea tleford : ,rlh ot Buhl on th. Oltjr Ljl<;> otoMta nd. Aa ft result, alie wna hogpltaU sho had ed wllh an Injured vertebrae. taken tc ^ -------------- —^ ----------- - In a'whl JurelarsL oot j,”0 „ ______________________ why-W. 9 rirearm s in “^So! _ _ _ .. acheduU T . F . B reakin s /, n.»„inr. nrenitrcd for the .ap- reaching hunUng aeaaon deo< teht by aUallng nine rifles nnd »» « P ' lotduna from Weatem Aulo atore. 13 Mftln avenue enat. . h-.tn mi TllO btirBlnry wa.i reported to po- ce ot 0:25 am, Friday. Entry le building waa mnde by _ellmblng nus the roof, forcing open a trap aoout t oor and walking down a S w > the m ain floor of the building. K in w , ocked glniui door* on a cn.10 v^er# jrccd open to get the gun.i. vln To< Two empty .caah rettlster* were p l ^ pened by tlie burslnrs. A amall The 1 mount of ammunition aUo waa near W ^ken. Store Manager Robert O ^ n He, tw ated two 12-gnuge Remington ahot- CwUefi uns. a J08 savage, a -30-^ * ctlnn Rnvase. a .310 model V/ln- teena. ) heater. » .32 RemlnRlon rifle, a 22 ---------- iteven* riHo and two 410-gauge -»/r oit acUon Mossbersa as missing. JYI fl At 11 a.m. Prlday. a 1050 p r d wo-door aedan regUtered to. I^y- ^ nond Fry. TourUt holel/^ln PalU, 1 ,-na reported stolen. Tho car U )rown and bears license plnle.i num- «• >erd 2T-7415. Police believe ll mny | (iAvo_bMn_alolcti3rHht! * Dlly police are InvestlgBtlng the , . burglary and theft. A police b r ^ - eaat of bolh Crimea waa made Prl- day momlng. ^ ,150 , guilty Tw o Aides of °' duS T rum an-M ay £ G e t N ew T r i a l s I ST. LOUIS. M0„ Aug. 15 (UPD— aUo « U. 8. Dlatrlct Judge Ounnnr Nord- on fa^ bye haa opened the wny for a po.v a » alble new Uial for Matthew Connelly tlon ^ and T. Lnrnar Caudle, former Tru- |,e wl man admlnlslraUon ofllclala con- applyl vlcted for U* conspiracy. cenao Nordbyo lato yesterdny granted Mra the defenso permission to question Hai.el a "key witness" in lhe caae. The paaalr wllnea*. Harry I. Schwlmmer. New er'a 11 York. «n ftltomey and one-tUne co« an ai defendant, suffered a henrt nttAck <1 during the trial and wna excused. "“ r “S £ H s i T i up.^'lM nous evidence" agalnat the 111 two Trumnn nldes. , bo Connelly wo* former White Houae jpea^ aide under ex-presldcnt Truman and Caudle was former »>e*d of ^ 0^ nom, tlce depivrtmenfs tax dlvUlon. They ,^^01 were sentenced more lhan » year r,, ago lo two ycm in prison and 12,500 ^0^ , rinei cnch. ' relntl Connelly and Caudle w w coti- vlcted of conspiring to help SL loula ahoTbroker, Jrvlng R. Sacha, avoid criminal trial for alleged Income Ux evaalon. > BoUi men are free on nppeala of the con»lctlon. gp^ni , . I Wort ____NOMINATION-OKAYED------------ Th WASHINOTON, Aug. 15 «V-.Prea- port« Ident Eiaenhower'a nomination of tendi ) T Keith OlemlKi as head of the now whlc I dYlllan apace agency received unan- cond I uZn w roval of the «!nato .pace ^ committee yeaterday. ' nor« ! TWINI >ff‘BadLuck’With ^wllPIIIP 'i' M triUI Tow« Thursday nljht at Lake* ro^ « Mn. Todd, the former Mr«. bfcaoao th' paUent. Sha was Injured thn dale. Tho t norlh of Buhl on the Clear formed thi 'ails to Thwart Ci :changes Vows ir 10 fncl ahe was In ^ho hospital ncw bride not affect the wedding dftle Wendell ai h had been act more than a Allhough th^ before'lhe accldenl becnuse stance* of were aomewiint superstlllous. night wer ( anid they hnd heard It waa fenlurcs w luck to chanKe-B wedding dale, the rllunl 1 Jeclded to have the ccremony The nudlU ormed In the hospllal. numerous . first ll was believed the rites thnn 25 ; Id have to' tako place In the ceremony, e'a room at tlie ho.ipltnl wllh Nenr lh In bed. Wedner<lny. however, tnble aurr Todd'a physlclnn plnccd her In ihree-tleri race which supporta her wough the bride', lhe can bo on her feet. Tliurs- Kenneth night, ehe and her fiance slood brl )re the Rov. Prnnk Harris. Cas- and Illy 01 ord BaptClt-mlnlilcr and ex- flowing tt nged their vowa. soon afleru-arda patient, t had to be aealed again. She waa dresa a* s sn to and from th# auditorium ding had f wheclchalr. clrcurwla aked'why they thought it bad a bualnes t to ehnnge wedding dales, the Jegroom aald, "I don't know -m/f y!!wa-vo .bo»l,hciud U.««ild_th»t r a. prevloualy-planned honey- - B. ,y.:hav>. »n-bf pojtpongrfHJf-alW----------- - depend upon how I get along,. Membp I brlda said. • ■ ^ slon of tl 30th Mr. ond Mra. Todd have commerc •n married previously. Mra,,Todd. night -dt ,o haa lived In the CaaUeford area chamber ■about 38 yeara, became a widow will be c aut three yews ago. Her aon and union Pi ughler-ln-law. Mr. and Mra. Carl on EasUn nncy, shoahone. nnd hU aon and section v. nghter-lo-lftw, Mr. and Mra. Mel- Speakl iT ^ d , 6uhl, attended Uie eou- bera waa , A_V. ' ^ 0 brideg!«r»^ been farming board. O ar wendell IlA last September, called fo I, too, at 0^ Uma IWed near -nie il Uleford. They have known eilch eluded li ?,s/av‘rghr'^"^u& 'y.“ . Si* lan Is Jailed Lompnnj On Failm-e to iBuchanc Pay His FineSg •. a. , to-work Jack Dlllobaugh, Snn jl ^ a n ^ , rlday waa ordered helQ In Twin _ »ll3 counly Jail for fftllu* to pay V -|-« $150 fine and cosla i ler ploadlne '"T XL.- jllly In Twin FnlU JusUce court _ : drunken driving. \ . I q Dlllabaugh waa arreated Tliursday Au. 1 highway 50 cast of Hansen by _ uto Pat^lman R. E. Voung. A a a s e n g e r In DlUabaugh'a IMO lymouth, Vernal Tumbow. Salt j nke Cliy, waa fined *50 and cosLi Cailf., ? H . ■«» Uo waa committed to counly Jnll n failure to pay hU line, A seport of DlllabauBh'a convlc- ™ «8er lon will be sent to California and » le will be denied the privilege of pplylng for an Idaho drlver'a 11* tc«tj cnso for 12 monUis. Mra, Kathleen Hinton Scolt, 18. "om far.elton. waa clud for Improper bro^ei )aaalng and use'of an expired driv- Pe‘W!r-a license Wednesdny night nfler from r in automobile accident nt a June- .. r.i. I. c.i.-n 11 Terry* ____________________• . drewai Speaking Tour on Initiative Planned DOISE, Aug. 15 w — An Idaho , ipeaklng tour In behalf of Uie ‘■right- , lo-work" Initiative by Cy lUdcllffe, Homedale professional lecturer, waa ^ announced yeaterday. o^jigt { Radcllffo waa engnged In a long ^ eontrovemy with tha national labor dnnnj relaUona' board when he waa presl- ,, dent ot tha Homedale Tractor com* pony. A achedule of hU lour waa nn- tunry. nounced In a JvabllcaUon of the ^M wl Aaaodated aeneral Conlractora, of euu which aald Uie lecture* would be nower sponsored by th# Idaho Freedom to Work committee. --Tho-commlttee la,Uie prime aup- ,WAI porter of an InltlaUve'menaure In- The g' tended to ouUaw labor contract* Uio at which make union memberahlp a 400 ol condlUon of employment. tlvlUc •The lour starU early next week In Uie U northem Idabo. Beach X 1/ / IN FAIXS, IDAflt), FBIDAI. Am th Hospital CerenM road. The' roarriige waa performed la lh w the two thouiht It bad luck lo change a . The Her. Krank llarrl*. Canlltford H n t d the eeremonr. (Slaff photo-engravlngt Ctipid* Mexi. in Hospital ride home, they will go to hla J[ (JJ*] 5ll aren Inrm. lOUgh lhe scene and clrcum- WASIHNC Jl of tht wcdtllhK Tliursdny —The labor were unorthodox, the other udcnt tha 'CS were about lhe same n.n If over mles 0 lunl hnd been held In n church, have been c lUdllorlum wns decornted wllh liclcnt bmi rous bouquela of llowcrs. More for pcnk sc; 25 Irlends gathered lor thc September, lony. Tilings n ir the rent ot the room, on a prpny bnj aurrounded by »o '" 'p n rtm en t -Uercd wedding cake biiketl by ^fn^joycrs 1 iride'a "very denr friend M ra. - , o y „ j f<,n ,eth Hud.«n. CaalleLord, » ^^ed 1 B bride wore a plnk baby rose , lly ot the vnlley bouquet on her ^ j, ng robe. SUli considered ft bed , nt, ahe was not permitted to . ft* she might have If Ule wed- , ® had-been held under normal for «mpl^ ~~ III T acheme. Ui eehng-Told^- Jnderpass^to--^ f Be Btult Soon 2 '” anbera of the AgrlcultufnTdlvI^ iniKtriim. of the Twin FalU Chamber ot lowanco i meree were asAurcd Thursdny nny, thnl t -during a mecUng at Uic suit ot int nber office Uiat an undorpn.is A laboi be construcUd soon under the (c.ntin m pacific railroad rlghf-of-wny ^asUnnd drive,south of lUi Inter- w y lon with U. S. hlghwny 30, V >caklnK lo the division mem- ' he’wn'^Fftlia’hlgh^ -d. olDVitwd'Wl'l bid* had been O: ed sevjftll montha ago by Uie rlct office in Tyln FnlU. LEWIS’ Ivlslon members also henrd Dr. clnl cani vln Andcraon. plant pathologlat gtaie Ba i tho Rogers Brothcra Seed ipnny. dc.icribo the compnny’* "‘",,^,7, r'^opcmUona In Twin Fails. Dr. lenS>n.waa Introduced by H. H. ihanan. locnl superintendent. « he group voted U> support' ef- « Jl to senior a talk In Scptcjnber "hm 170. 0 by (Cy) Radcllfle on Uie right- fw , Mai work InltloUve. ................. tabulaUoi ------------------------ - D err <1 ictim^Body Is Recovered A S tUPERT, Aug. 15—The body of ^ They aali Tner Rupert high achool tencher, next to ishall A. T e rry , 43, Stockton, sheet but Ilf., waa brought out of Omnd Te- ror It sor 1 naUonnl pnrk late Thursdny. hundred 1 fell 100 feel whll# climbing a >untftln Wednesday. M K 12-mnn rescue team hended by roEUl inger John Ponda recovered Uie dy nenr the lop of 12.000-foot -“ “j ;ewinot mountain. ^ould li Terry* who waa vUltlng hU fnmlly dollara the'Rupert area, waa descending ycai sm the peak wlUi his eon nnd [„ other-ln-law. Frnnk Andrews, Ru- — Tt, and Andrewa* son, when he tell om ft ledge. Mr. and Mra. Terry id chlidrcn wero guesis of Mrs. trry'a molher. Mra. Estelle An- •ewai Tlie fnmlly group was touring iC pnrk when the accldcnt occurred. 1 1 The sons hiked to park hendqunr- MIAM ra Inte Wedneaday and told offl- through ata Terry bad failen. Becnuso of At 11 a.: le rugged country, the trip to re- 1,000 ml iver tho bodywaa not begun unUl fttena bi lyllght Thursday. Puneral acrvlce* will be held at NATI' pjn. Monday at the Rupey, Melh- worst in lUt church wllh the Rev. O. Rus- new an ill Oaks. Slockton. CaUf,, ofll- ai*m » ntlng. Concluding rites will be new Un eld In' Uie Rupert cemetery, ufider • IB dlrecUon ot the Qoodman mor- CAPE inry. Rupert lodge No. 05. AP ftnd today it M will conduct rltea and the Order weapon, r Eastern SUr will bo In chnrge of owera. UEin ___________________ week-lo INJUNCTION FILED len«. ^ WASHINQTON. Ailg. 15 lU PD - ne»ter 'he govemment filed ft ault ngalnst IB Btate of California and nenrly WAS M oll produccra todny to hnlt ac- to bar 1 ivlUea which. It anid. arc cnuslng of any : tie U. B. naval shipyard at Long' d»crlb< leach lo alnk into the aea,' might i Nine Irr VUGUST 1 5 ,1958 . mony _ lW t Hi Si H '. ] » tlNlTGD tm bnckinf; a N' ■> Eisenhower'; sponsors Mon of Ihc 8 Nonvny. hin licni 8or». Some nvutm Uie plnn > nlng the Jorlly. Mnln TllC would be mnklng whnt< believes Independence dan ot Uidte eountrli Hnmmnrj lo *ludy the . <k. k...fsii.t «n>titnrium an economic " ; p r e v S Mt weddlnr .-.rat naplUt church, per- 1£*_____________________— a.\kcd to slue Uibllsliing ft r deo Labor ......... - roUvry would y Troubles development jrmed Over scmbly'se.Mle , , Informed 1 nNGTON. Aug. 15 (Spcclnl) „o specific abor depnrtment- feels con- mm-skjold g Uiat ••inl.iundcrstandlnBs'’ personally. I ics of pny for Mexican lnbor |,g bad ftmp en cleared up nnd that suf- be felt it nc bmecros will be on hnnd DeUlls of k scnsonal demand* In mid- ihe nasen ber. • • lla third dn; ;s nctunlly hnd come to a The allut bnd «t»le between the ile- yesterdny wl nt nnd rcprc.ieiitnUvM ot nnnouriced cra early IhLi summer. Em* tt^deiy-pacxi fenred their workera would ob.wrvera in Ked away from them uryerc- Ish foreca. laly It more Uian 10 per cenl laborers recclvcd Ic.w than 50 T J ,n hour for piece work. I-^^C ir OftlclaU and apokesmen vkJ ploycrs now have worked out recment providing for ’'self- I . Joo" ln,the doicn areas whcre 11 ina'are employed.' Dnder thla *■* 5. Uie department 1* not eon- r WlUl whftt Individual employ- F iy-thelr-workcr«-but- tn*UU notlun^..f b'lc.-B than'50 ccnta per hour bUnpf'blot d- for picce work-for-nt Knst w r (.hg T cent Of Uifl Mexican* In a paV area. . , :n an. nrea falis behind, the 1 dcEftrlwienl will make a thor- | ^ InmitgnUon—mnklHK "daiml^ ---------- se ior employer*' clalma, If ~Word^ hnt low piece wages, are-ft re- much pr t indolence by tha worken, for Mnglc lnbor spokesman juiya “The five daj •ntiniMi .n r<i* n . c«i>nn » ' weathcr ----------------------------- received rte Canvass lemoves 100 St:’ Of Derr Total IVISTON, Aug. 15 t« -A n olfl- canvus showed todny Uukt niountaiJ Sen. A. M. Derr wn* credited (Proba 100 too many votes tn the 1 Iclal tabulaUon in Net Perce _ ;y fcr the DemocraUo nomina- ^ U could wipe out most ot tho "Rpi ITO.vole Derr lend over Stale a *'''] Max Hanson tn Uio unofficial BOISE. ........................................... lnAdac< rr vaa given 786 votea and nr>T> atn on 2W2 In tho unofficial Ne* t co«nl. . “y t conva-«ers snid they found P™ / thst prcclnct No. 3 in LewU- unofficial ;ftve Derr only 20 vote* Instead Democr le 129 originally lUted for him. ^ r said there were only 20 mnrka to Dcrr-a nnme on Uio toiiy t but thnt through a clerical er* * t somehow was written out "one ired and twenty-nine.- JJ^ubl more BOBROWTOO >EUR D- ALENE, Aug. 15 («V- ' . , Rulh O. Moon. Idaho'a treaaur* - predlcled yeaterday that ab# __ . * Id hava to borrow 21 mllUon PORTl »ra on tax antlclpaUon notes Lumber 1 year, compared with XI mlUlcn ^ d N E W S B U L L :iAMl, Aug. 15 (UPI)—A giant o n r b O lUgh the AUanUo today with howling wl 11 a.m. EST the mighty tropical howler, na 0 mllea eaat-souUieaat of Ban Juan, P. R Ul but a menace to shipping lanes. ATIONAL PARK. Mont., Ang. 15 <UFI at In Glacier park lo 22 yew*, raged ont c t area of the park today. A forco of 41 In about 3:30 a.m. lo hopea of checUn 1 Umber tor tbe third day.j . APE CANAVERAL.'Pla., Aug. 16 I*—A : ny in nnother teat ot the naUon’s most a ipon.* lEinUT, Aug. 15 (UPI)—Bemb blaaU MX :k-long calm loday. At leaat five penona ce. A bomb planted In a groccry atoro ni ater Brrlam 'parir kltled~3~per*on« and-» WASHINGTON,- Aug. 15 HWThe sSnftle < bar Uie use of any govcmmeni funds to i any plans for a tJnlted States surrender. I cribcd as ridiculous nonsense any thout {ht surrender to tn enemy In the event Inis*tcd Idaho Coanties Km>W et Aodll nurMB ef CIrt A»«»l«l«l r t ~ .nd Uat»«l r r ~ 1i est U.N, iupporti Using I 2D NATIONS. N. Y.. Aui:. 15 (/PH I NonvcRiim pliiii rIvImr Djir Uimir ,-er'j< Middle Enat peacc plan. Inforr for a resolulion which may lie .mibr i'c 81-nutioiml general assembly; Thc have (Iccidcd for tnc- ' sons not to bc spon- irm anls suid. YY !Utral dlplomaU Indicated ind a good chnnce ot win- ^ required two-ihlrds mn- I ' jlnla wcrc: u, N. secretnry genernl nnnniNf! Riven rc.ipon3lblllty for . *• .hiilcver nrriinKcments he inR R ldinp t icce.vinry lo snfcgunrd UieiGoodinR COUi: ;nce of Lebnnon and Jor* „it.en(]jincc r , to permit the wlihdrnwnl : , g „ marsicjold would be nsked BeRinninR 111 the quesUon of selUng up tinR nnd nh( imlc foundnUon for the ---------------------- Saat to help rnUe living ^ .. imnrskjold would nl.io be oC 3Jl Cll sludy ihe'problem of es- w/*/» ssr'S^"-Off 11 the proposed plnn. the see- - ould report bnck to the aa- ^ ^ S .y Sept. 30. T|iU means the XIV V . shannon ,I lent nnd a U. N. peace force wnreh )mc bclore the’ regular aa- e.Mlon opening Scpl, 10. led’ qunrlcrs said Uiere wns " Iflc directive Uiat Ham- '' Id go 10 me Middle Ensl . A K m spo ly. but It wna.pointed oul ftmple auUiorlty to do so If '^hcre me pli it nccessnry white-capped S of UlO plan bccame known northv,_est of ; lasembly pushed nhend wlUi ^ I dny of general debnte, altunllon wna compilenled whether Uie s ,y when Jordnn unexpectedly doned nltogct :ed It. would not acccpt n b e ^ enlled 0 jncked plan to suUon U. N, The cause :a In Jordan to replace Bril- on the Amsi ca. , ___________ <c«Bii«»a >stal Building In TJ., Char ,n I'alls Is actnnlly a lone way from iE.of.ajnew..buil41nE,jrheJackofJ blockrThcse-conclusionfl-are-orflwij s Twin-rflllff-Chambcr of-Commer Falls attorney, now nasiatant Jiener _________________________I W. Frantz -M oEeJSeat— iV* hot weather; without. mitte'C', C. I predpltaUon. la In s'lore ue membei Inglo Valley during the next Tegan. actli daya. according to Uie manager, her forecast fot Uie period The chaml ved here via the Associated roie m tiyli I. Improved pi iiybo the weatherman haa a munlty for go agalnat aomebody who . Blandford Vt llko, hot wMUier,- ^ d ,p reporter as bo read Uila posui raUj 1 ®»t: ., for non-loct emperaturea will continue bull 0 and much above n o ^ congresslon lltU o ^ no preclplUUon, jour-ccnt p pt foi<^^Uolated i^^oon ^e sald.-fi iderahower* In the vicinity of ayajiable f< ntnina.'" . - new bulldli Tobably.) Palla U on -* new posU)f rD em oV otels ^ leporfed m Ada ISE. Aug. 15 Wt-Republlcana lft county, long on# of Idaho'a postofflce 1 stronghold*, outvoted Demo- granted av by only 800 rotea In Tues- »P*c« or J?' Primiir *l«Uon, a ch«k of lc}al returns ahowed yesterday, porilant nocrata cast 8,815 volea In the ^jjcn a ea onteat for Uie DcmocraUc nom- faclllUea < sn for governor. In the race for tbe aurvey Republlean nomlnaUon for eh'amb^ c senator, which waa also hotly siandfoj isUd, the toUl vole.waa 6,117. InvesUgate publlcana normally outvote p ^ o n oi ocrata by at leaat two lo one In bo rettirm coun^^_______________ PAY BOOST ETED T rllC li )R;TLAND. Aug. 15 Ifl — The , r j l ber nnd Sawmill jS ^era union 0 l(H l BOISE,' aaeaJuaUfyawage eompanlea ^ western 1 LETINS S ' •')' ________ __J Freight rbQnIcaino churned northwest ^*wei g wind* of 145 mllea an hour. _»uldhani r, named Cleo, waa placed about P. R., aUll far from InhabltatM hnndle pel U PI)-A UOO-acr# forest fire. ,tit of control through a wUder- ,f 410 flrefighUra hit the Hae* _ cUng th* flanea, ipreadlng te J>a& AM -A Bomarc mlssll# blazed aloft rjereland u t advanced guided air defenso Qjjicg-o . Woodeac 0 „r.S"K.?r.“S?nS^‘ .^ 3 c^ Me oveSholmlngly voted M ay ^ to pay anyone td make a atudy houSt^t^^S'ur^'stotS ent or »tomlo war. 1 FINAJ : . EDITIC f CIreuUtlan* PRICE L Envoy ing Pla: Ike’s Id ;/p)__ Western diplomats were report imimarnkjold a mnjnr role in.initiii' formed quarter.^ Haid Norway wa.s siibmitleti before niRhlfall. to-the c Thc United Statc.s and BriUiin, whili wds Flock to ooding Fair, ] ING, Aur. 15—A hor.sc shnw nponson iR clul). Inc., was Hlated for 2 p.m. county fair nnd rodcn went inlo it.s se cc marked the openinR Thursday. ' 8 p.m. Saturday afternoon’s feature imborcc under tho direction of Kathl iR at 9 n.m. Fridny, the -1-fi and FF showinR contests were held. Open --------------- ------------------open clnsa h o n ch Called will include 1 ^ , pleasure; chll I'M 1 V O C ll* weslern horsemn in. lo 10; men's w _ , barrel rnce. a ,w< . Survivors of yealerdnys crash of a Y," e plnne plunged Into the Sntu™'')'. ipcd AtlnnUc 130 mllcR SaUir^y mt t ot Shannon were told to demonatxftUona to their desllnallons. ipokcsmon did not say t™ctor <lrlvln^S Uie acarch had been abon- "t ] •30 »• ^ together or wheUier It had J P '” led off juat for loday. “Ie will bc held lUM of the Unglc nccldent Parade wlnne Amsterdam lo Ncw York slon. wero Cm lnw* M. r w ». » ' tc«ntln»»* — lg Prospects 1 imb^r Confab :rom getHnjr modcrnJzciJ postoffico .offun^s for nc^t^enovated builc iiw ij J r o miarai8cussio£FlIdaxjl5P.n merce office- bet%veen-Jo8eph--H.-E sneral legal counsel for the postoifici antz,'lo(»l postmaster; Running, chairman of ambet^s-poRtoffica-coBu ; C. D. Hiatt, commit- .nn' • rmber. ‘and Mra. Rodney I OUT acting chamber eecrelary- hamber haa Uken an active "FSO Uylng to acquire a new or ' “ rd postofflce for Un com- County aoU for aeveral years. Uon workers i Iford'explained Uiat congreaa example* of c t approve a new flve-cent nU) over a three-year period a r ^ P U c r ^ i-local lettera to pay for new Those m lh bulldlnga and equipment, toor. a l t ^ t ^ sslonal paaaage w ^ o n a n t posUge ralae. TBerefore, d. -funda were almply not lie for the conatrucUon of ulldlnga, even Uiough Twin aerrauon con a-on V “priority lUt lor a ostofflce. conaervftUon^ local building waa among isUjfflces acroaa tho country tred obaoleu by th. depart- olflce; Don aa pointed out that congrcss gupervlaor, ai Jled agalnat extenalon of the agricultural i [ice leaac-purchaae bill -*hlch Hanklna e d authority to' leaae needed ,(f|^ arrango or J?uy expansion. vaUon unlta , Tegan plana to aend a letter offlclala fron department regional director the other gu; rtland, Ore. She will uk that. The groui a eurvey la made of the local ditches, undi lea within the near future, Unca, deep w irvey personnel meet wlUi tbe leveUlng pro, Dfr committee. men « ndford told the group he would J>» 4galo Ul# poaalbllitTea of ex- ^ « l jS and new construcUon wbcn oPg®- ^ ---------------- 7".j Aagrow res« icking Activity oWpg [8E,^.15W-Idahotructog arrange inlea having contracU wltii tho m TBMnatera’ union dlvialon | _ doing almoat no bualneaa yea- UIRM f. only ahlpmenta cJassllled as , Bcncy- wero moving. _ Todo/ Ight whif^ was in Uanslt bo- ^ • tionday waa alllfbelng deliver- lowever. Truckere M Ji. JS^da to [handle ahlpmenta needed WlUl urgency." and Teamstert' un- o(*csmen aald driver* would J ^ ^ a b l e s . medical and m il- ^ S- ^ Jaseball Today AMERICAN LEAGUE Page »— land ________ 000 OOCk-O wllh 7-1 ,‘g r ~ «» il>-4 ;DOWco« odeacblck and M tt»;,U tm an M LoUar. ., 7 ^ , ahlngton a t BalUmott, Now > --------------- at Boaujn. Detroit at Sanua ' TOI night gwnea. SALT IiA ............ . . ___ o.-Fortier.j NA'nONAL LEAGUE jured when Isburgh at ClnclnnaU. PhUa- horso at b. lla at Milwaukee. St. Louis at July, waa r vngelea. Chicago at Baa Pran- ■•fair" « n d , aU night gwe*. X*ke C A . --- [AL ' n o N ' H H kice s cents ys ' H ans 9 deaslitl eported today to bo iil;!- ‘j J initialing President II T-, J waji busy lininR up j •, fMm • j the emcrRency ses- * fTJI while working w ith | ■yf *; to See , Rodeo|iy insored by thc Good- p.m. Friuay as tho it.s second day. Good || day. Thc rodeo will ature will include an Kathlcen'Goi^oechea. ^ ■ W ll id FFA livestock fit- ■ ly ^ l Open clans beef and H H I p I shor8e.swerc judRcd. :c show in the arena Jde ladies westem ; children under IS, orsemnnshlp for ehlldrea ^ ^ ^ ■ 1 ^n's westem pleantre: » e, a .western, reining etaas .boree will feature a clover rel race, pole bending. ’. roping, eow riding a n d ^ ^ ^ H ea. VemltA Smith, H agcrj^^^H !0 queen and the c a n d ij^ ^ ^ H I 1050 queen are f e a t u r e d f l ^ ^ H t. BcleeUon cf the queetl nounced at tho final todeo y morning sgrieultural lUona wlll.be held and a I^H | d aaaembly la slated. Tho I f Tl riving contest will bo held U y^ nd a horee-pulllng contest L7jr|lr 2 p. m. The llvcatock par- if PT ir'j }c held at 3:30 p. m. • r iU winners. commcrcIal dlvi- .jiiJU ro Cndy'a Aulo company. llllM M n»U — PMt t. «) 3 D im ,.': jlj ib/Hea^ll ffice facilities, tQ ,« 7 IH build nga is the stanv I^D Tnorn ng at~a~iiie<tlng -I I ^B -if.-BlandfordFfOTmeP- boffice department; W. ijB HIT ui iVi La M ai^s Listed ||| y aoU and water conaerra- ll I rkets and officials Inspected ts of conservaUon Thursday I oa farma near Twin. PalU er and on Uie Salmon tract. J on Uie toar wero J tto Pa»- ternato member of Uie Twla ill conservaUon district tx>ard trvlaon; Charle* W. Kenn y EUenwood. members of th e , agricultural stablllzaUoa coa- 3n committee; Clarence Bed* oll conacrraUoa work nntt, raUonUt: Walter HankUiB; uerraUoa aide: Pontst Oloe- ta BCS eanaerraUonlat; Tom area engineer: J. Omer manager ot Uie counQ^.^90 Don Crabtree, oounty A80 laor, and 0. W. Dalgb. fcouniJS. itunU extension eerrlce.acenti: kina explalna that the toar rranged by Ui# tore* e o o w unlla ao Uiat pcnoanel and;' la from each “eould aee wbat- her guy waa doing.” group looked at concret* , s. underground concrete pipe- deep weU IrrlgaUng and land- M Bg projecta. Hanklna aay* th* rere interested In aeeing bow Ba of the conservaUon pimcUce* I 1 out before W58 had derd- | na Included In'the t<wr’t5= I 1 to N. V. Sharp, neat PUeri » V research center; !«■ H aa- . » srUiwest of Pller: John Crock- U] roa: W. R. lUy*. northwe*t oT Sj Palla, and Olenn Nelaoa. n tract. ^ Uns says Uie tour w u th* ' rranged by Uie Uireo unitfc i GHLIGHTS in l | doy*! Times-Nei™ ' g e l — HoepiUUied’woman 1 I jinx, weds on schedule: ; rda throni to Ooodlng coua- ,lr:HopeIorpbsto«lceljulJl- facmuea dhn in Twin Palla: recenion policy cbansed; I baf-iting EUenhower^ 0.}^. on Middle Eaat «e 3-Ooodlng fair m aJ^ - ie 4-Edltorial:. -DeOauUes' Jg#‘s-N ew aUughter law*.- lge »-^£BS0ula sweeps earu* , 7-1 win over oowbojf*: A coocb. Red Sanders, diet.', lge' U — Chiiroh- laacuaoer. .1 roaTNEB ii - J ;r liAKB ornr. ruiet.:w in PaUi, when he w a tbioim;ham at bla ranch In ^ l o a to was reported PridAy to M to :.-: ' condlUon at » bogpUtt ' la , Uke City,

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · —iST'Tofiic Death S c b r e b o ^ Vjl^^ S r tlB - W le y ._

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  • —iST'Tofiic DeathS c b r e b o ^

    V jl^^ S r t l B - W l e y . ̂_^ Z o P ' m S jo V *uey, » M - ” ------

    ĝ cessionPolicy Iŝ ■R e v e r s e d K

    ■!;;*“ f« u"o«* w

    ■ 1M 4 « ^ ^ “reder.r rwervc '^ B c i o c i t ^ r b o r r o « l n g money

    ■board actton -

    ■I ^ B ( U ,lst! « ; » in (Innnclal

    Hie ft wor»cnlnRI ^ B c l t t l c * c o u l d mftke( ^ ■ o l tbi • '“ . ' f f f i o o n e y . .I ^ H l i cbap* booft U k-

    i ^ H l n * ^ eliwr U reserve tfiVMmito lollow, iil- Or« Kli b* w m e Ume n l ih t ol

    f c f i ^■ ‘^ . r S f u d d ioother XncWr w «

    ■ itigat r« t« -- rled, lh . ' ■ , > - t i ' • ' • the weeLittle Change ,s>, b liM. lUte* re c « l« d W Tot«» „ u « t ( « r t b th i 14 imoKlclal t4 l-

    “ . laaabait Robert E. Bmylle. Rc*^ piaou. talned fl»# volea on the i t " ^ J■ oenn He waa im oppo«d. Tlie ■̂ ^ w iaed.bdlota ahowed the jov- ^

    «fw;w«l«d.J.M3*voU», ^ I h olb ODTwi 'dlseloMd th a t m an r Locked

    , a - J rf aa o*ndldat«* reodved more lo rc jj. I6 UU rh4 . . rms« II. Csl»m 0 ftclton

    -------------------- :------ cheate

    P Judge Allows Case Against

    _ T.F. Hospital, 1“ »0 damasB s u ll filed by a cou- '

    * •«»lMl Twin Falla county to '

    S ^ f d >Mt«(li\y.,^»rk dcnlcil a mollon to dLimUi H P - •« for lhe detcndnntR. Twin PalU X > ;Wly. »hlch niwrtHes MorIc Valleyw u iu m ' r r

    ^ couniy’s mollon contchded a

    , 7 , a ^ 'T ^ r s r s s ; «, / O « a of conunlMloncni before the

    ‘'• 'M filed by Mr. and Mra. Pete ST — 'WinR, Hamc.ilcfttl, Ore. U- S'

    «»• lnnnlng wiw Injured In an bye 1 “» »ccldent M nrch 0. 1050, Her slble* uitr wft» nmpulaled. In the ault “" d

    wupic charRcd neKllgcne# on m an >' 5»ri of lhe hOApliAl. vlct^

    Clnrk. In a memorandum No “ “‘t ‘i’c Idaho law th e ■

    WflnR presentation of claims to »^ ' r cBmmls.•lloncr. ̂ could no t bc

    "Uch a* an al- Vork In which the

    “‘‘SC miRiit continue Indefinitely0 , . -------------------- rx

    >res Are Under ^ wntrol Now in ‘'a

    gh Soutiiwest Idaho *c'?u'\ \ J / t (, Th« Attoclaled Preai0 1 IhouBonda »ko

    R i n ^ H t t ) or 1° 10.000 a c r u Idei¥ 1 | I ^ B “ M The Ilrca were T . I

    Of lh,” " “ “nd 30 mllea d r l ‘ ««nmunliy. a lo n g -. Imo

    . coa

    - - H 9 . — m ■ ~ i}--------- M - - M Ii ' ____________ * ^ 1:

    3 ■ A Regional NewB{orfiM.1 citf >■>n.waa Introduced by H . H. ihanan. locnl superintendent. «h e group voted U> support' e f- «Jl to s e n io r a talk In Scptcjnber "hm 170.0 by (Cy) Radcllfle on Uie rig h t- f w , M ai work InltloUve. ................. tabulaUoi

    — ------------------------ - D err untftln W ednesday. M K 12-mnn rescue team hended by roE U l inger John Ponda recovered Uiedy nenr th e lop of 12.000-foot -“ “j ;ewinot m ountain. ^ould liTerry* who waa vUltlng hU fnmlly dollara th e 'R u p e r t area, waa descending ycai

    sm the peak wlUi h is eon nnd [„ o ther-ln -law . Frnnk Andrews, R u- —Tt, and Andrewa* son, when h e tell om ft ledge. Mr. and Mra. Terry id chlidrcn wero guesis of Mrs. trry'a m olher. Mra. Estelle An- •ewai T lie fnmlly group was touring iC pnrk when the accldcnt occurred. 1 1 T he sons hiked to park hendqunr- MIAM ra Inte W edneaday and told offl- through ata T erry b a d failen. Becnuso of At 11 a.: le rugged country, the tr ip to re- 1,000 ml iver tho bodyw aa no t begun unUl fttena bi lyllgh t Thursday.Puneral acrvlce* will be held a t NATI' p jn . M onday a t the Rupey, M elh- worst in lU t church w llh the Rev. O . Rus- new an ill Oaks. Slockton. CaUf,, ofll- a i* m » ntlng. Concluding rites will be new Un eld In' Uie R upert cemetery, ufider •IB dlrecUon o t th e Qoodman m or- CAPE inry. R upert lodge No. 05. A P ftnd today it M will conduct rltea and th e Order weapon, r E astern S U r will bo In chnrge of owera. UEin

    ___________________ week-loINJUNCTION FILED le n « . ^

    WASHINQTON. Ailg. 15 lU P D - n e » te r 'he govem m ent filed ft ault ngalnst IB Btate of California and nenrly WAS M oll produccra todny to h n lt ac- to bar 1 ivlUea which. I t anid. a rc cnuslng of any : tie U. B. naval shipyard a t Long' d»crlb< leach lo alnk into the aea,' m ight i

    Nine Irr

    VUGUST 1 5 ,1958 .

    mony _ l W t

    H i SiH ' . ]» tlNlTGDt m b n c k in f ; a N '■ > E is e n h o w e r ';

    s p o n s o r s M on o f I h c 8 N o n v n y . h in lic n i 8or».

    Some nvutm Uie plnn > nlng the Jorlly.

    Mnln TllC

    would be mnklng whnt< believes Independence dan otUidte eountrli

    Hnmmnrj lo *ludy the

    . titnrium an economic " ; p r e v S Mt weddlnr .-.rat naplU t church, per-1£*_____________________— a.\kcd to slue

    Uibllsliing ft r

    deo Labor■......... - roUvry would

    y Troubles


    jrmed Over scmbly'se.Mle, , In form ed 1

    nNGTON. Aug. 15 (Spcclnl) „o specific abor depnrtment- feels con- mm-skjold g

    Uiat ••inl.iundcrstandlnBs'’ personally. I ics of pny for M exican lnbor |,g b a d ftmp en cleared up nnd th a t suf- be felt i t nc bmecros will be on hnnd D eU lls of

    k scnsonal demand* In mid- ihe nasen ber. • • lla th ird dn;;s nctunlly hnd come to a The allut bnd «t»le between th e ile- yesterdny wl n t nnd rcprc.ieiitnUvM ot nnnouriced cra early IhLi sum m er. Em* tt^deiy-pacxi

    fenred the ir workera would ob.wrvera in Ked away from them uryerc- Ish foreca. laly It more Uian 10 pe r cenl laborers recclvcd Ic.w than 50 T J ,n hour for piece work. I - ^ ^ Cir OftlclaU and apokesmen v k J ploycrs now have w orked out —recment providing fo r ’'self- I .Joo" ln ,the doicn a re as whcre 1 1ina 'are employed.' D nder thla *■ *5. Uie departm ent 1* n o t eon- rWlUl whftt Individual employ- F

    iy-the lr-w orkcr« -bu t- tn*UU n o t lu n ^ . . f b'lc.-B than '50 ccnta p e r hour b U n p f'b lo t d- for picce w ork -fo r-n t Knst w r (.hg T ■ cent Of Uifl Mexican* In a paVarea. . ,:n an. nrea falis behind, the 1 dcEftrlwienl will m ake a thor- | • ^Inm itgnU on—mnklHK "daim l^ ----------se io r employer*' clalm a, If ~Word^ h n t low piece wages, a re-ft re- m uch pr t indolence by th a w orken , for Mnglc lnbor spokesman juiya “The five daj •ntiniMi .n rnn » ' w eathcr

    ----------------------------- received

    rte Canvass lemoves 1 0 0 S t : ’ Of Derr TotalIVISTON, Aug. 15 t « - A n olfl- c anvus showed todny Uukt niountaiJ Sen. A. M. D err wn* credited (Proba 100 too many votes tn the 1

    Iclal tabulaUon in N et Perce _;y fcr th e DemocraUo nom ina- ^

    U could wipe out m ost o t tho " R p i ITO.vole Derr lend over Stale a * '' '] Max Hanson tn Uio unofficial BOISE.

    ........................................... ln A d a c <rr vaa given 786 votea and nr>T> a tn o n 2W2 In tho unofficia l Ne* t co«nl. . “ yt conva-«ers snid th ey found P™/ th s t prcclnct No. 3 in LewU- unofficial ;ftve Derr only 20 vote* Instead Democr le 129 originally lU ted fo r him. ^ r said there were only 20 mnrka

    to Dcrr-a nnme on Uio toiiy ‘t but th n t through a clerical er* *t somehow was w ritten ou t "one ired and tw enty-nine.- J J ^ u b l

    ’m o r e BOBROWTOO >EUR D- ALENE, A ug. 15 («V- ' . , Rulh O. Moon. Idaho 'a treaaur* -predlcled yeaterday th a t ab# __ . *Id hava to borrow 21 mllUon PO R Tl »ra on tax antlclpaU on notes L um ber 1 year, compared w ith XI mlUlcn ^ d

    N E W S B U L L

    :iAMl, Aug. 15 (U P I)—A g ian t o n r b O lUgh the AUanUo to d a y w ith how ling wl 11 a.m. EST the m igh ty tropical how ler, na0 mllea eaat-souUieaat of Ban Ju a n , P . R Ul but a menace to shipping lanes.

    ATIONAL PARK. M ont., Ang. 15 W et Aodll nurMB ef CIrt A»«»l«l«l r t ~ .nd Uat»«l r r ~ 1i

    est U.N, iupporti Using I

    2D N A T I O N S . N . Y .. A u i: . 15 ( /P H I N onvcRiim pliiii rIvImr Djir U im ir ,-er'j< M iddle E na t peacc p lan . In fo rr f o r a re so lu lion w hich m ay lie .mibr

    i'c 81-nutioim l g enera l a s sem bly; T hc h a v e (Iccidcd fo r tnc- ' so n s n o t to bc spon- i rm a n ls suid. YY!Utral dlplomaU Indicated ind a good chnnce ot win- ^required tw o-ihlrds mn- I '

    jln la wcrc: u , N. secretnry genernl n n n n i N f ! Riven rc.ipon3lblllty for . *•

    .hiilcver nrriinKcments he in R R l d in p t icce.vinry lo snfcgunrd U ie iG ood inR COUi: ;nce of Lebnnon and Jor* „ it.en (] jin c c r , to perm it the wlihdrnwnl : , g „

    marsicjold would be nsked B e R in n in R 111 th e quesUon of selUng up t in R n n d nh(im lc foundnUon for t h e ----------------------Saat to help rnUe living ^ ..

    im nrskjold would nl.io be o C 3 J l C l l sludy ihe 'p rob lem of es- w / * / » •

    s s r ' S ^ " - O f f 11th e proposed plnn. the see- -ould report bnck to the aa- ^ ^ S .y Sept. 30. T |iU m eans the X I V V.

    s h a n n o n ,Ile n t nnd a U. N . peace force wnreh)mc bclore th e ’ regular aa-e.Mlon opening Scpl, 10.led’ qunrlcrs said Uiere wns "Iflc directive Uiat Ham - ' 'Id go 10 m e Middle Ensl . A K m spoly. b u t I t w na.pointed oulftmple auUiorlty to do so If '^hcre m e pliit nccessnry white-cappedS of UlO plan bccame known northv,_est of ;lasembly pushed nhend wlUi ^ “I dny of general debnte,altunllon wna compilenled w hether Uie s,y w hen Jordnn unexpectedly doned nltogct:ed It. would n o t acccpt n b e ^ enlled 0jncked plan to suU on U. N, T he cause:a In Jo rd an to replace B ril- on the Amsica. ,___________ stal Building In T J ., Char,n I'alls Is actnnlly a lone way from iE.of.ajnew..buil41nE,jrheJackofJ b lo c k rT h c s e - c o n c lu s io n f l - a re -o r f lw i j s T w in - r f l l l f f - C h a m b c r o f - C o m m e r F a l l s a t t o r n e y , n o w n a s i a t a n t J ie n e r ________________________ _— I W . F r a n t z

    - M o E e J S e a t —iV* h o t w eather; w ithout. m itte 'C ', C .I p redpltaU on. la In s'lore u e membeiInglo Valley during th e nex t T egan. actli

    daya. according to Uie m anager,her forecast fo t Uie period T he chamlved he re via th e Associated roie m tiy liI. ■ ■ Improved piiiybo th e w eatherm an haa a m unlty forgo agalnat aomebody who . BlandfordVt llko, h o t wMUier,- ^ d ,p

    reporter a s bo read Uila p o su i raUj 1®»t: ., fo r non-loctem peraturea will continue bull0 and m uch above n o ^ congresslon

    l l t U o ^ no preclplUUon, jour-ccn t pp t foia&

    AM-A Bom arc mlssll# blazed a lo ft r je re lan d u t advanced guided a ir defenso Qjjicg-o .


    0„r.S"K.?r.“S?nŜ ‘.̂ 3 c^Me oveSholm lngly voted M a y ^to pay anyone td make a atudy

    h o u S t ^ t ^ ^ S ' u r ^ ' s t o t S e n t o r »tomlo war.

    1 ■


    f CIreuUtlan* PRICE

    L Envoy in g Pla: Ik e’s Id

    ;/p)__W este rn d ip lom ats w e re re p o rtim im arnkjo ld a m n jn r role in . in itiii ' fo rm e d quarter.^ Haid N o rw ay wa.s siib m itle ti before n iR hlfall. to - th e c T h c U n ited S tatc .s and B riU iin, whili

    wds Flock to ooding Fair, ]ING, A u r . 15— A hor.sc shnw nponson iR clul). Inc., w as Hlated fo r 2 p .m . county f a i r nnd rodcn w e n t in lo it.s se cc m ark ed th e openinR T h u rsd a y . ' 8 p .m . S a tu rd a y a f te rn o o n ’s f e a tu re im borcc u n d e r tho d irec tion o f K a th l iR a t 9 n .m . F ridny , th e -1-fi a n d F F

    show inR co n te s ts w e re held . Open --------------- ------------------open clnsa h o n

    ch Called w ill include 1^ , p le a s u re ; chll

    I 'M 1 V O C l l * weslern horsemn in. lo 10; men's w_ , barrel rnce. a ,w<

    . Survivorsof yealerdnys crash of a Y,"

    e plnne plunged Into the Sntu™'')'. ipcd AtlnnUc 130 mllcR SaUir^y mt t ot Shannon were told to demonatxftUona to their desllnallons. ipokcsmon did not say t™ctor -4 ;DOW co«odeacblck and M tt» ;,U tm an MLoUar. . , 7 ^ ,ahlngton a t BalUmott, Now >---------------a t Boaujn. Detroit a t S an u a ' TOI night gwnea. SALT IiA............ . . ___ o.-Fortier.jNA'nONAL LEAGUE jured when

    Isburgh a t ClnclnnaU. PhUa- horso a t b. lla a t Milwaukee. St. Louis a t July, waa r vngelea. Chicago a t Baa Pran- ■•fair" « n d , aU night gw e*. X*ke C

    ■ A. ---

    [AL 'n o N ' H H

    k ic e s c e n t s

    ys ' H ans 9 deaslitleported today to bo iil;!- ‘j J in itia lin g President II T-, J waji busy lininR up j •, fMm • j th e emcrRency se s - * f T J I w h ile w orking w ith | ■ y f *;

    to See , Rodeo|iyinsored by thc Good- p.m. Friuay as tho it.s second day. Good | | day. Thc rodeo will atu re will include an Kathlcen'Goi^oechea. ^ ■ W ll id FFA livestock f i t- ■ l y ^ l Open clans beef and H H I p I shor8e.swerc judRcd.:c show in the arena Jde l a d i e s w estem ; children under IS , orsemnnshlp for eh lld rea ^ ^ ^ ■ 1 ^n's westem p leantre: » e, a .western, reining e taas

    .boree will feature a c lover rel race, pole bending.’. roping, eow riding a n d ^ ^ ^ H ea. VemltA Smith, H a g c r j ^ ^ ^ H !0 queen and the c a n d i j ^ ^ ^ H I 1050 queen are f e a t u r e d f l ^ ^ H

    t. BcleeUon cf the queetl nounced a t tho final todeo

    y morning sgrieu ltu rallUona w lll.be held and a I ^ H |d aaaembly la slated. T h o I f T l'riving contest will bo h e ld U y ^nd a horee-pulllng con test L 7 j r | l r2 p . m. The llvcatock p a r - i f PT ir'j'

    }c held a t 3:30 p. m . • r i Uw inners. commcrcIal d lv i- . j i i J U

    ro Cndy'a Aulo com pany. lll lM Mn»U — PMt t. «)3 Dim,.': jljib /H ea^llffice facilities, t Q ,« 7 IHbuild nga is the s ta n v I ^ D

    Tnorn ng at~a~iiieard trv laon; Charle* W . K e n n y EUenwood. members o f t h e , agricultural stablllzaUoa c o a - 3n committee; Clarence B ed * o ll conacrraUoa w ork n n tt , raUonUt: W alter HankUiB; u e rraU o a aide: P o n t s t O loe- t a BCS eanaerraUonlat; T o m

    a rea engineer: J . O m e r m anager ot Uie counQ ^ .^90 D on Crabtree, oounty A 8 0

    laor, and 0. W. Dalgb. fcouniJS . itunU extension e e r r lc e .a c e n ti : kina explalna th a t th e to a r rranged by Ui# tore* e o o w u nlla ao Uiat pcnoane l a n d ; '

    la from each “eould aee w b a t- her guy waa doing.”

    group looked a t concret* , s. underground concrete p ipe - deep weU IrrlgaUng and la n d - M Bg projecta. Hanklna aay* th * rere interested In aeeing bow Ba of the conservaUon pimcUce* I 1 o u t before W58 had d e r d - |

    na Included I n 'th e t

  • M an Is Ja iled V y -O n F a U u re to 4^^..Pay H is F i n e »

    1 S S S K l - T s s : I S S S S S f l i l lI vin'WrlRhl »nd Jerome D eputy O or o„i,„I ? S S . r in M r.. f "

    tI Ue»Ud by » phyilclnn. P c try c a r g n.m, • damnBe wm taUm&twl n t »2M . chape ' 1 ■ m rlA n K. V/elRbt. 10. J e ^ T ’ ® ' ilkl I l « d IW *nd $3 cosW f^ d iv y m caihoI I r « iu police eourt io r speed- „ t K . T J? He cited Aur. J. durinR n ,.iu b

    '.1 .v jnue MUUI, WelBht w « cloclt^ed > S M miles an hour In a 25- bu:

    " mile » n e . • John _________ ____________ . . duclc

    jll Church U rges m'1

    I" eps to Help S

    ’otato Prices y

    T n “ ^ V «corulderttUon o t » prORrtim m

    thu e p o ta lo e* for Par«iMl lunch proBmms. c h w lU b e „ iUoni nnd perhnp* needy c lt • odls u a move to prevent complete ralUatlon of the l» U to m a r- —

    nrch tnlortnrf A itrieulturo Sec-rE n » B e n io n th iita -a e m o rf tl - —market already exist* fo r round and lone whites, w ith rUMCU L— n ln j affected, and " th is c o n ^ will wonen rnpidly un le ss ateps ̂Aken to alleviate lt.“ ,( Idaho Democrat u rg ed th a t »ej wram to-purchase po ta toea for anc K a to tarlous achooU and tuUons be considered. , “Ithouih I t m ight requlrt-JO toe He te s In p rese n t'l^B U la tlan l' 1 Bo’ r th# Incluslo;^ of Id a h o j» U - ^ would be a wonderful add ition J « 18 diets o r th e rec ip ien ts, he Ch

    Siith also ta ld h e u n d e r* l« d » Ha rvn had ended under m tar* departm ent a u b s ld l^ Bu ucar. lo r p o ta to « for t oai. potato flour or IJrestock feed. Joi QUMtloned If I t m ig h t n o t be ^

    i w . w w e d . ___________ _

    !V AcWevement Day :a Held in Richfield «

    lliiIlll day Wednesday a l th e h o m e of the III lender. M ortli Bwalnston. Membera j l f.iW'nir i^ i 'a a -p o tiq e icd ln . pI I I ner a t noon. . PI I Howard Manning. L incoln county y l l agent Instructed the g roup on f it- r I I ting and showing th e ir a n im a l in b< I I , preparation for th e fa ir . OII Paul Jftcobeen, Shoshope, Yeterl- n I I ■ narlan.«w ai present to vaccinate l

    1 ^ ' AU but ono of- the c lu b Tnemb»#£ , havo Holstein calvea a n d In »<

    th e lr first’ year for d a iry . K a ^ S flwalnston h as a H oU Uln cow » d b h In her third year fo r da lQ r. d

    Fairfield Reports 5 Journeys, Guests

    ?A m 7tE U }, Aug. 15—M ra. Mnr- g a t t t Collette and c h ild ren . Oro- < lino, are visiting h e r a u n t a n d unde, ‘ M r. and Mrs. C harles D i c k o n .

    Mr. and M n . Jo h n P a u lse n and 'daughter. H alne.: r e tu rn e d from a TacaUon w ith hU p a re n ts . M r. nnd Mr*. John B . P au lsen , N ew Ply-

    *” S ^ a n d Mrs. R ophcal Shav.% La- Grande, O re, apen t th o week-end

    I w ith their son and fam ily . M r. and

    B • ■ Iv a B a fd ^ n 'a n d son . Bammy.and gnmdson. R obert. P o s t Falls.

    i ^ B r and Mrs.- ' Alice D onald . -- ^ u r R R l - d'AUne, have been v lslto ra a t the n n n : E ari Pearson residence.

    IlH^ ’ Truck BurnsIHII : PAIBinELD, Aug. I S - A fire ot■ ■ ■ ! - unknown origin destroyed a tw o-lon U l l ' MTtlee tnidc a t 10:30 a . m . Tues- ■ ■ ■ I . day on highway eS fo u r m iles east H ^ l l *" of Palrtldd.■ M i l ̂‘ The truck was ou-ned b y th e H es ■ ■ ■ I ' ConstrucUon com pany a n d w u BHILl; loaded w ith tbree 60-gn llo i\ barrel: B l p | l of g u . pumps «nd o lb e r equipment

    f W Draft Quota Setf; ' f ’ ' WASHINOTON. A ug. 15 (U P !)-!' i The defense departm en t asked seleC'1 ; . Uve servic# today to d ra f t 1I.OO<

    men for th# arm y d u r in g Octobei W V R k V Tho same quota w ns establlshei M '. previously for Sep tem ber. Durln;Bl . • June. Ju 'y and •A ugust. InducUon

    I n il,IX ' : .have totaled lOflOO a m on lh .• The number o t m en d ra tted sine : 'a U rt of tho K orean w a r now »tan(. a t 2 J I 4 .m ________________ _

    GRID M EET SATVRDAY «1 1 RUPERT. Aug. 18—AU boys I

    • Uresled In p laying football n l I i H • Minidoka county h ig h nchool arel l ^ ‘ - meel a t 8:50 p. xn. S ^ r d n y a t i■■■' 'i > l l • ' football field In R u p e r t. Instead

    ‘ tonight as. previously reported.l u ^ ' p " ’ ' 'R r ; .11 K e e p t h o W h i te F la


    S 7/010 12 A s n d m i w3,45131 w rted work on UieU apron ^ ,ets. Plana for Uie fa ir were « d and refreshm ents scrvca. n j p ^ „ t

    I McCmilater. boU iT w ln T^lla.w bert Don Ragland. 0 < ^ ng.o«n Lee P ^ . T w in Palls.

    n « m coniphrd haa been received her# of IrUi of a d a u g h u r to M r ^ d Richard M orton, form er T w in 0 . Sheneb

    realdents. a t P o r t M organ, rep resen t 1 M orton, form er p rincipal a t s c o t t ad

    ilngton achool, wlU be p rln - chandise fi o f a new school In D enver. g n p h of t

    - -------- - i n th e apro From Vacation , took to n. and Mra. W. L. Lockhart, Uon froser rP a lla . returned from -ft l l - d a y ing of bak Uon tr ip to W allace w here they cakes and •d Ihelr daughU r. M ra. Jo h n ujb p rodu hew a and fomlly. and th e lr th e manui W . H . (Bud) L ockhart, a n d pin lnU ffs

    ly. BcnUiUon^ -------- fo r $8342,

    im to T . F . m a teria l .r. and Mre. W. A. O strander n o furl » retum ed from ^ w ouldn'tf.. where they n ttended funeral g^nU lner ices for Mra. A. R . O strander, l i a b l e . I H. O strander, haa accompimieQ jo r

    , r

    l l , " „ S n " T . l n M l . , « l n . » inge r of Uie UUih SUite un lver- ^ W S V

    aludent body council, wll! a t- bu rned r d th e NnUonnl s tu d e n t assodn- accordlnp 1 congress a t Ohio W esleyan u n i- m ariagw lu y . ^ l a w a r e . ,0„ beginning Butto 1« dnesdny. hlghwoy

    I . T lie ae;o Suit F iled ̂ ^ n e a r B ll^ toUil of »750 clnlmed due on a passing t imlssory no te la aought In a ^ y j l th e t r a d:lon filed 'Thuraday Jn ------------itHet court by Uie Boise W hite uck and Equipment, Inc,, agalnat « rg e Douglaa nnd W ayne Dougins. tc rcat and a ttorney fees a re a ^ ^ light. A ttorneys r e p ^ n U n g ^ e m | mpnny are Givens, O-Leaiy, Doane ■ id Glvena, Bolae.

    S d i " o f Mra. M erle S ^ d a r d | - Ie invlled U. call a l ^ e John D e ^ ■ jller home, 2170 Addlaon avm ue ■s t , from 2 U) 8 p jn . Sunday. Mre. M,oddnTd and fnmUy a m lenytag | |r e to rrs, C onn- where Stod- “ |ird will a ttend tho U nlveralty of ■onnectlcut working on her m as- f p•r’a degree in speech therapy . T he mim lly haa apent tho la s t th ree yenre ■\ Honolulu.____________ __________ ___ ”

    K e n - B a l l a n t y n e _ I

    i s a g o o d ’ m a n ■

    t o k n o w ■

    H o cn W^ r o b n b l y g a v g — -̂----- ^v o u q u ite a b i t o f m o n e y s ■

    a n A lU ta te A g e n t . Bh o ’8 a sp e c ia lis t a t t A i n a | |th e r e d tn p o a n d h ig h =c o s t o u tv .o y ^ ttE ® "“ \ i i "

    S ean , Roebuck a n ^ J la . DMf.■ 403 Main Avenae Weat

    Phone REdweod 3-0821

    r ^ :W V o a - f m 90od with m ,I I

    MMI C

  • Pates Set forE n r o l l m e n t a t B BValley School H B

    ' " ‘“ a b W ' j m "

    S '“ »■■“;“" ■ ■w“' Sccordlntt u . Mark H.

    S S r» " f w r » .« , A.J;(.,uso I tn t tvo Rradt* will

    wP'ulSh'Kl'S *Wd“n« “'in

    5Sr*m* “" J ' S - K the dm e w lO i' the e u t H unt area

    itudenu the Ilaxelton

    ” “L'mS'VS. p““'S* “i ’ S ; ' “ S S ” 5 W MVlcrt jjaRgle HnmlU H HBt««- i - n e Johnson, see-

    m in i* rreslden

    >>«■ ^ t ^ a i o r t . fourth: N or- I •

    Helen A tkltuon. I---------------*'*'* ! f ^ U i» . P»fl Hehn-. f‘nit. u

    Bcmorinl chnpcl w ith tho :JlcT. BQ(h Wlnstenitecn and th e rop«, ■ mMRtr. 0. A. McKay olflclaUng. l^uli* «&Iol»t,*u Alfred Thaxton. a c- ‘ “i t j ; ! !

    eofflcanltd by Mrs. Helen H ender- E ,.ic ."i?.*on. PiUbnren Included J . H. Price. Aufii.rfirWi

    _E.Leir>twey,J5mnles.HlRRln*, Bob » -Wihenfr.-ADtn-WcOniw and Joe

    Bndmon. brom*: IJFloral irrangementa w e r # in «n . »ii.fr,

    ehir»e ef Emmn Qlenn, Zelma J.JIi.'.i Jn; Whlul*. Clalr* Holme*. Oenevlcve ciortim Sehodde, Abble .Emlgh, Clara Hus- sh.ron sci Job. Miy Ycamnn. Mnry Short, 5„niw l

    -SM e(h-nadbff-lA ieilto-4Iackne7 Md Ann* Power*. , . . ; . iiw .r: c«r

    Cweludlng rllM Wert In P lea san t i"" ___________ .S"'"Last Service Held »'S;s For T. F. Spencer s.;,”/.;

    0 1 ^ , Auit. 15-Puneral aervlccs M «ii^ ’ wniomas Pnrrell Spcncer. drown- Ekhfiwrw, lyiltUm. were held n l 2 p jn . T ues- }!nif(l by Joan Blauer. Pallbearers Und. Du » |ft Bob Tj'ler. Uwronco Berg. T ' i Glen Pice, James Robert, H erbert houuh. .MTOond and Leroy Hardy. «uii. loU

    carried by Louna

    Kny Eame*. Merllne Bent. ConnU li: VHUn Pace. Oerftldlno Roberla, Ben i ?>! n ^ o n d Lelha. Hardy nnd Eva f o 'J Iil 'i

    Membera of th# nntlonal ;u ." V -n n»rd folded nnd presented the

    •foumeys, Guests iSFs Told in King Hill S '“;

    KWa HILL. Aug. IB -M r. and ««>»''««—C. Dran. Ooodlng. (Itat.

    n l a j ot tnlnlslurfl 12 atema—/ . Canon. UlUa, flnt. and Jo- rrlngton, Ooodlng. third.

    ^ B imtiEton. Oooillng. aNonS. and■\ Uhupr. Ododing, th lrt, ^ ^ ^ B n n nr r l ^ i ^ . ‘ooMiiig?nraf; Wanda | ^ Q | b. Wrndrll.^teeosd. and ViolaElection of ^on> tlv* aplkro—ighrn. ooodlng. (Int.n VU—Roacs-Onn apedrntrn—yron Nelaon, Ooodlng. titat,,oom 'rarlgatM or two>tone —Mrarrlnirton, Ooodlng. UUrd.>eetal bloom yello*' or cream— on KHaon, Ooodlng, tin t, leclnl bloom—light jplnK—Edith ' aoodlnr. first; viola Ilaln- u , aeeond* and Lenore Wright,

    ’S sr.fis’r, Ooodlng,’ flrat: Idcll Varln., aocond. and Lenore Wright,'peclal bloom r d or acarict— yron Nelaon. Ooodlng. tin t; ziD. f ^ ^ n g .three ot thrM %-tm'eU(^Mn.>ga. Gooding, tin t: Leland Uur* odlng, aecond. and Min. Ulllan~ r o » ^ « £ ^ ^ i ik n e r i3 ^ n g T

    Ooodlng. lin t; Icloll Varln.:. . S ^ d aKd U nl noben Durke.. third.

    S s r - n ' s r . " a T ? s 3 i , ‘ . I Bc. aecond, and Lelaod Buttcm, m lm ^ U n . m a - rraga. third.Dial Phlox, three mlke^-Dmlna . nrrt: Wanda m rra g a . mc- Id m t h raulkner. thiM.••csav"n;”'’!s=¥"'i-ss ■ ■k o ^ a n d MrrU* Lr>ia. Good-

    liOTrrnl^bayld Dragi, Ooodlng. nd O, Dean. Ooodlng. aecotid.

    rrt: Vlota nalnllne. Bllaa, aeeond. ell Vann. Goodlnc. third. . irtluma, 13 aUnu—Oeorgla SUia. iin . lim , and Ulllan Uugbca. lM .*^vM na-r& inela 0 w lirnt (I’ ducllnn In plnntlr

    U . I B ^ ^ b B E S h Runrnnteemg to c per bushel.

    !IA 11. MOORB C om producllor ------ :----------- --------------- cast by USDA nl

    k)ntract Is S1 1 • TM * nvcniRp of 3,1irded in Bliss b u i u s me

    com plaints Irnm HR, 15—n ie conltnct {or lundcquale fJorn ilio-aUioul -bu.'.jfor_tlic ^orrlPS USDA o r- was nwnrded lo Dale ..pn^.g c.,Umatcd '0 m n-tlng nl the school bushels. hlRl IC Bliss school on Mon- Qijrd ovcr ln s t:

    n wns Riven Uie gas nnd n t ccnts per gnllon

    nt.-, per Rnllon for pump-

    eported th a t Uie house for Uic superintendent 0 / r ,

    cly to occupy about AtiR.(our-room house built byCity Roofing compnny of B | W A R

    members of the school present, Andrew Colvin, .

    conducted. ______ | a n o n w M

    \ / y O S />

    If "

    m3te's Big, New

    f tO N E Kl A R R E I1 CHOCK FULL

    F R I b A Y -

    f rUFFET SUIto rn SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:00 I I You Cah E o t . , . ■

    FUN SPOT— — ■' \

    .LS, TDAHO _________

    Agency Official I ôr Wheat Growe

    S. S.-; = :ilh iaw n y fo ra n iH h er "nie currcnt ciiro ' ,pn. iKxnn, the whole l»..800 million bii.ihe

    tf-Uip-trconl c.stlmntc year), thus slvlnc a lA'ofllclAl. who puts now of 2J billion bUf U»p of n lengtlim lnK 1.9 n yenr nRo, s'belni! prwhicfd th is USDA cxpccU to v islne ousnUllfs. n i l s hence wllh ft mlnlmu

    oikU. bnrley, flt*x- bushels tn stornRC. B It can nllot no le.is 1

    -lill sVm It. th r price ncrc.s (current prod Morlnr surplus w hi'nt the 50 million mark lin t a t «Ulch the con- next yenr It could ill pnys quite a b ll for swamped wlUv ever 1 111 ri'lK'l, Prtco-prop- -----------:

    7 Irom 500 mllUon .S: Study Rus,t y n ir li> well ovcr the MOSCOW. Aur. 1 nitric in the coining 1-- tjclegntlon of lc I. (illlllles cxccuUvcsI fore.«os only one wny j,pre lodny lo study irthcoiitlm: (according power InduMri', i\t debscle; Shni'p ro- m e group. hend« nntlnR nnd a lowering R etd. former fhn lrn ■̂ ûpport level, w hich Is of oeiiem l Electr: 1 15 prr cenl of parity , sponsored by the a 10 a fnruier nbout *3 nnd Ls In Mavrow u

    Americnn cultural cllon tills yenr Is fore- ment. A Busslnn del ^ nl 3iS7 million bas- uled to visit the I per cenl over la s t ycnr October, ivff the 10-year (10«7-,-==. —r ■ -z£ >f 3 ,m million baslielse tthenl crop—a n d -th e , — _rom th e eountry about ■ 1—fjornne fiiclllUc.s—that:^ iA .oflli:liila .in05t,_n ils ,tcd output Is U 41 m il- c

    hlghi'si In h lslo ry . up ; lnst year and well nbove

    2 2 0 6 M H H H h K 519

    t o . . N. RE 3 -7 0 8 3 I

    InS ' cd Stiilcs In 127 0 K C '

    :. M . W R IG H T M.,onnounces h.is Qssocidtion w ith

    ' BEN. E. K A T Z ) M .D .in th e co re and trca lm cn t of infonts,

    chiW ren ond odolcscenls.


    ICE ADDRESS ’O ftlce: RE

    vAoin A ve. W est Uome: RE

    i r e No wn Per so: O W B O C O P A !A N D H IS B A N I

    r z r ^ lr a i i i i - ^ ^ T u

    _ \ S m D

    4G IN G T H E T U h rH E Y M A D E FA»» . . M o o n ★ F l l l p l .r a n s . L i t t l . M o o n * T . n n «, S o o lo d o n d D o l iy o n J - k B r e o n

    KmV I N - W I N - W I N - W I I

    0 5 *V I N - W I N - W I N -

    1 0 0ia Y ^ ^ S O N D


    3SS' . l l ^^ B o o n Hion been n e a r - l d e ^ ^ ^ H of lh a w heat c o u t a ^ ^ B

    ) plnco th o b tm r H ^ ^ B ju rp lu s -a a - fo l lo w f l i j^ W Ish supports “e i u ^ ^ B ntU p ro d u e e rs ^ n c i I^ ^ B 1 K nnsns a n d C o Io n ^ ^ W hent. A ctually, w l t t f ^ H ^ lower, tn u U t lo n i o n B ] ,g n rcn t stUl coulflttj rW ;

    nnd m aka a Bfjlj|yfljj ; fo r th e m a r r a W ^ B m m ent w a rc h o u s w ^ ^ ^ H

    IS T IA NE N C E J l l f ’ i A l S

    S U N D A Y S ! jjl9:15 ' i f ,.. A.M. • j ;■

    M .D . I S

    ith V H


    fon ts,

    M E N T

    'H O N E1: R E 3-1032 : R E 3-0018

    on!'OYS ^N D I

    D A Y , |

    T J R D A Y l


    U N ESA M O U SPiliptnoBaby r«nn«ue« Woltx } r e « n ■

    5 "

    \oI - WINyi s n r r

    : u sB'SR

    . ' ' i i iPAGE thh™ i | |

  • I ijpAG E FOtIB__________■ ■

    . eaa»eUUl1«" ef

    l «Hit« I" ~*‘° '* ‘ • ----------bT^TdTTTl MUrl of-AU wffkif-1'1 »';wi*


    I «’,liM .flU l« .f ____________.1 nr ik« »«.tb-,.;------- _ z :Tt a t Oif»* tnontn«—. ‘fl ' Hr •!» ---- -——III I ?> ““ NATIONAI, IIkHkHKNTATIVMI .=. . . " i : ? - . i s " ; ; . ' a : . K - c . . rI DE GAUI.I.E'S POSITION■ T h e behavior o l F rcnch Prcm ti'akl do a a u llc d u rin g th e complcx In lo 111 tw cot. E ast a n d Wc»t over th e M dI e m s itu a tio n Is p erhaps n o t quite so

    ';■’ ‘"ll^oU B ho“u t ™ “ erIod De Oaulle

    I I IflBalnst a V c W session otthc ^ 1V ' assembly there which top Eost-We

    |k | ” !̂?iv a l l S a n c e s b e Gaulle has irI I I th a t the purposes of a high level c

    I I wouldjjot be well served In the supI l i l a tm ^ h c r e and the publlclly g

    Iw which New York would bathe such

    IH ^"t Ws may actually be a pretty s I I B ut «hen De Gaulle makes 11, he li I I InK 'It out the whole way.I I . The likely tru th is tha t In sucf l u BS Ncw York, where Khrushchev IU making his Ilrst American appe: y t oaullo himself would be thrown,fi■ background, especially If he were , I m any other heads of stale Invlt H part.B Do Gaulle has many reasons n B th a t senji-obllvion.■ Some are deep-seated. De Gau M .d e d to the concept of France as a ■ W c a C power. Thl.s was a driving K h i n d his often stubborn performan W -w a r H. He does not easily suffer 1 |B ing a secondary rolo in any In H assemblage.I f In addition, he has an lmmc(III tio n lo contend with. In less 'H m onths his program of constll r r form goes beforo the French vote

    It iW I t through to success, Do Gaulle l'i '.I ounce of prestlgo and influence

    I iw ' '̂^Ma'ny European observers feel .1 m lt meellng In an European c:

    \ Geneva would havo given De Gs |['i portunlly to play a bigger part tl H ■ In Ncw York -where TV camcri Bl ogling Khrushchcv Uke they wo

    . I _.frcak..AItcr.all..Khrushchey_;alrej fl In Geneva, London and other Ei I ters. And Eurojwans take their R I calmly th a n do we. •I "Do Gaulle may not have got

    \m B u t,In th o a ig h t of his fund.a 'U — racles and iiti uuiiuiiX pioblcmsr ™ la understandable.

    I DANGERS OF-.RADIAHTho Unllcd Nations commlttei

    which studied atomic radlatl avoided the alarm ist viewpoint, thelcss wound up with some con

    ■ are bound to s tir fresh concernI fallout i n the earth’s atmosphe

    I I A good m any study groups I I concluded th a t the dangers [1 radiation still are relatively sm I n commlilee seems to agrCe—up

    I I t shys th e added hazardI tests Is no t great In comparison

    I I tlon peril already existing | l | | causes, and even declares that Ih B 'would not increaso it sign

    But these scientists make v ■ B people will appear a . fresh ai

    even tho smallest dose of adc ■ H tion could have damaging ef | l l | B — -upon fu ture generations but.ui D i l l Uvlng population. Higher cat ■ H i ’ especially feared.I H n group asserts, too, tht■ f l UH H I nuclcar weapons but in pcace: H H B of' atomic energy.■ M H Every new report on nude ■ n i l grasped quickly by both thc ] ^ H l l • opponents, a t home and abr ■ I R I testing. Undoubtedly this one IRllSj^ ceptlon.W But it has to be pointed oi‘ i|i J*. jcct tho scientists arc dealli • 1̂ 1 : loaded with puzzling factors

    jii understood. There isM llllp conclusive report on this vltr M ! l “ | Furthermore, as always bcf Dl ‘ radiation fallout must beM U ilil undlminlshed hazards of i w IlK m world’s principal dclensiffiWiHyl communism.I -h'liM’ enough, we have ao l nuclcar weapons. But in theft U '; i-j we never know when the ad\ ■ ilsU ’r " t o tho Soviet Union if we'j H f TSI— ih^ .-vh tn -R ussuT snfu^m i

    fe tlonal weapons, we are co ̂B lT iR i ^ i 20 our c^go in thc nude I R f w ' • A nytim e tho world wanU ■EJ iW general disarmament. It r M m ■ .Kremlin to remove the rea W fl n ' Moscow th a t stands in the H y I ) - t h a t is responsible for cvc jH w l i of a nuclear device. Wc. wo

    m s la n t if -wb could gel cnti m U S m ent.^ I MATTER OF D» 1 I A S ov ie t w eather slattc

    IW w B Dole re p o r ts a n a ir tcmr

    S® " 8 __ -i.ioi^-dcSMCS-^ahrcnheW te m p e ra tu re ever rccordci W ' t h e r e d sc ien lls ls want t y to w e r tem p era tu re ih ty s t M n e s s w ith w h ich ihc Amc

    llffHBj M yHYlrg-thclr_chttrgcs-th: Ijn S fflllB ^ °g ff« aso r lotion.”

    r . . .

    ' _ -TUCKER’s I

    ■ !!!. w h i b :W A S lim O T O N -*IU l"« ;l

    »Biti*i>». any Is* Rt ihl* seifJon lo di

    ».« Uon nnd __________ * have snk

    — * U>« >̂ ‘b1iANCE phllOMPll

    1 1 n ou t the ir I '- i >'.(0

    ___ , ] (« deliveredU nnji m

    __ —--------» J “* for th e :— - ^ ludlclBl irtjchlnery UtrouVM * I t l a - t ^ c lo l ly ncccMor

    -------------------------now Klven.U) rellnnce u[’in V eloloslcftl fnclors oa wel ̂ . . betn one of th e chlcf crlt'm le r C h a r le s jjj jjjc g f tU o n decree. ^

    m S I T E ^ t - W llAT IS -A H ' . e s o m y s i i i y -

    dleaUd lh n t 11 would lea' a u lle h a s c o n - ~nu poMlblo apeed- to tlii n c e t ln g u n d e r A* a m u l t , one s o u ^ . w a s s im ila r ly! U . N . g e n e r a l n r .« cxtcm ion—th« t- W e s t le a d e rs recenlly henrd by

    Dut whcUicr l u declili a s m a in ta in e d '»«v e l c o n fe rc n c e g m juon pinBuinc judges ; s u p e rc h a r g e d a„d Uie k IjooI children ty g la re w l lh •sueh a gather-

    t t y so lid p o in t , “ i r r r a r ah e Is n o l sp e l l- ovi.ily embuniiM ln* Prt

    ncpubllcnns on tho eve is u c h a s e t t in g

    ic h e v c o u ld bC J_ggg school dlalrlet ip p c a r a n c e , D e gtnien bUU ore fully neRri w n f a r I n to th e Led hy v i r K i n i a . ^ i ,e r i Just one ol •” in v i t e d to ta k e flnnnced by

    . pronoun—It la doubltuins not to want

    M A lI .O a ir DEC181C a s -a c o n tin u in g u n llo ry decision,v ln g f a c to r b e - precise verblimc; has I ■m anec In w o r ld .n il p tr m lt t td c o n l ^ t ; r e r F r a n c e ta k - ly I n tc r n n t lo n a l

    H ere lhe suprem e coi n m c d la t e s l t u a - son m ust be

    Inco Ih n n tw o In th is spccitlc caae, ICM lh a n tw o „ rra l im m c n t,.n s t l l u t l o n a l r e - a u „n o n e d nnd h is sloi v o te rs . T o p u s h MBRlntmle.t hsve dlffi

    U lle n e e d s e v e ry phrase, na tum lly . ̂m c e h c c a n d e -

    House nnd sennte are t f e e l t h a t a su m - u,ia jua iciai knot. Th< m c a p i ta l o r in the house ,says th a t n

    % ‘? r " ' h “ "o°urd “ r . r u » " S " ;i r t th a n h e cou ld safeguards of personi im c r a s w o u ld bo eommlltce has Insert v w o u ld a c irc u s deflnlni; th c deRre« c a l r e a d y h M b e en

    e r EX iropean c e n - hopeless confusion in c lr R u s s ia n s m o re However, even thou

    forccm enl, systems reigotten his. way.

    i in d a m e n ta l . a i u - j^ ,u rt „ „ d nil o ihe r ; * m s r h l r v l e ^ ^ n t - w a K T S T i iR j r n n r e i

    ■ (R«icu«j tir X

    BIATION V I E W Si l t t c c o f s c ie n t is ts _ d i g g i n g k o p d la t lo n c a r c f u l ly Archeologlsta a re il in t . B u t I t n e v e r - as they so diRRinK u: ! conclusions th a t ' ,cern over nuclears p h e r e . power poliilcs of Uieju p s b e fo ro h a v e w ith th e snme old [c rs I ro m a to m i t "I,® y small. The U. N. ' - ' S S i- u p to a p o in t . Lydift. i t U In Uiea r d ^ ro m n u c lc a r a n d was in its he]r lso n to th e r a d la - Croesus wa* k ins. C

    'll ,"Cth?rTs;! = d t" r .”c.ft h a t f u r t h e r t e s ^ ^ d « n rs .w h lU anoUicr hns scllled J h w o n anneal by the NAACP against old otfsj V e .w -w d .a -h a l£ _ y c a rs , d e ly m oihcr d bv a circuit court a t S t. Louis, net. Uiet lectslon. which will be carried to miles « n atiy w ent, wlU solve Uils prob- Ti^’ln .F tilng of schools nex t m onth. Is a Idgcs. lawyers. poUUclans, parents .Two drcn Uiemselves; - free

    tPBEftJE COUnT-8 VAGUE LAN- Sne court's vague lan«uage h w inforlunate effect. I t m ay help to Ingese.■ Eock incidents nex t m onlh . aeri-• President E lsenhower nnd thc ‘ ’ eve of Uie congrcaslonal elections. D ear P r result Is th n t today, more mrm m a le dcsegregaUon dcclslon. 3.12S of th n t » slrlcls In 17 SouU iem nnd border buUt fc secrreirated. who bl a t least »l* s ta te s plnn to c1o.m w h e

    Dccomes Integrated. AlUiough they wnnted an educaUonal lya tem .fo r w hite u . n ’j by public 'funds-=-ft '« m 1-prlvate —ir ;-y

    b ltu l It the fjinds or fnclUUes wlU gu-lp, v Uie 1058-SS school yenr su irls. v o u ei ucaUonal chaos, perhaps.

    3I810N IN F U B IA T IN G -T he ia-slon. which llkewlso contained u n -la s handlcappcd law entorcemcn^l. poU :ifessed crim inals to escape punish- One 1 for vicious crim es o t violence. I t cnndlt ngress, police oftlcers a n d magls- adm it

    le court-held U iat nn arrested per-.Igned "without unneces.iary d e la^ <case, It Ipund th a t a n overnight D earen t, durlnk w hich th e prisoner w as Dids story checked, was "unnecwwary. « ,iv «

    differed in th e m eaning of th a t v /j- jt

    IAIN IN STATE p T COLtAP.SE-- nre ftl loggerhead In trying to untie .. T h e corrccU v^m easure passed by in t no delay ^ n rra lgnm cn t should

    his provision (would Jeopardise legal irsonnf llberly. n h o senate Jud lc la^ inserted the word, "reasonable.* In reo of permissible delay. B u l poUee. ludgM wUf. of course, tUsagre« againsoaable."_*niere_wlU.b9_endleas and ___jn In every law court In Uie land. | though the educaUonal and law en-

    ns rem ain In a stAte of seml>collapse. e Uiat Ui« period of frustm U on m ay i . nl purpose. I t may lead th e supreme •her ludfclal bodies to say Y,-h#l they | n a compreliBiiflblB-ltinKntuK r ltir MeClur. H»wip4p«r Brtn1le«H)

    s OF O T H E R SKOR MORE ADOUT CROESUS ivre a rem arkably p a tien t lo t of guys|

    lng up fact* and nrUtncU frbm a long-1 ling together the accounts o t ancient h e ir demollllon. >

    be exasperaUng to them when the if the m odem world repeatedly InUTide old rivalries to h a lt Uielr work, and

    e on Uie TcrRe o t discovery explaining I on Uie same scene centuries ago.

    take Sardis, th e cnpltnl of nnclent 1 Uie Sm ym a a rea of Aslnlle Turkey* heyday nbout 2.500 year* ago w htn ing. Croesus was "rich a s Croesus" be-

    n grent world trade r. He was oncc {rent A thenian sUUismnn. Solon, legend; may no t be so ), nnd Solon told Croesus ne nemesis whIcH wnlte upon overm uch'111 no mnn hnppy till he Is dead.'* Solon 9 hnve said to Croesus, bu t probably

    , politics were Just aa Involved in the Ll as today, w ith a coalition forrned be*. ngs of Lydia and Babylon, w llh the ops trom E gypt and a f lee t from SparlA,' Islng power of Cyrus, "king o t th e Per- / r a i storm ed Sardis, licked Cocsus, n n d , •ned him-nllve on a funerni pyre. : rthelcss remained a m njor world cupltal Uioroughly sacked by Tam erlane, Uie;

    leror. In U03. irid wur I. a professor from Princeton, lg amonic th o ru ins o t Snrdls to lenm :sus nncl h is Umes, and found evldenee 3, Greek, Itom an a n d Persian conqucsu. )ed when G erm anys K ntser tried t t con- •id. B ut they had alrendy found Lydian' jrehLitorlB sheds o t the Bronso nge. Rc* Etonian efforls In 1D20 wi-rc Intcrniplcd b c tice n Q rtcce nndl Turki-y. Archeology as once more Ju st'^ .ium lng w hen HlUerl mquer the world. IT a Joint Hnrvnrd-CorneU expedition diets mnde a smaU find of g rea t ImporUncc • fragm ent w ith an Inscription In the nn- 1 InngusRe th a t helps understand Uie ̂Croesus. Tlie expedition, looking tonvnrd ; of un interrupted excnvaUon, dreamed ot, ;he pnlnce of Croesus, a sud lun i, a civic a roynl cemeterj-.they hnve lo keep gliinclng over Uiclr

    I- they dlK. wntchlng w hnt Qamel AIjiIpI N lklia K hrushchev mny be up to. And

    : w inderlng If the dW n«-ocm ^ls.o f over- ^rrlty . Uyit _)ln^cd ^old-‘-Crae;ms . s ome 2Si {o mny not be se t to pu t a uhnmmy on Ito rls 10 Iciirn more abuut dm l fAbulou.%ly IB ot world trndeni,—Di-nvrr Pa.il.

    •HE RKCORD 18 lM I'O RTA N T_I motorist found RUllly o( druiiken driving :ed In district courl In Twin KnlU the other | :e a flvt-yeac Icnn tn Uic stnte penlien*'

    'cnuse llie rrco i^s shoned Ihe offender In cc. nrrr.'ted n t Filer lust July 22. hnd been if the anme offense a t Dlncktoot, on Augail yenr.

    thew ri'cords. I fs Quite llkrly Uml hc ■e KoU'en otf lo r ih ls second offense n.̂ ,e did for Uie flrsl.:ideiil atte.Nts to tlie vltiil *imporlnnee ot rds. Tliey nrc a mc»t Imporlnnl tnctor in 'c endeavor lo curb one of Uie m ost men- Uie most Inexcussble foes of snfety In trnf«

    pers of lhe.10 rccorcLn are well dc.'crvliig of JumKemcnt .to cnrry d ii-tfic lr good work le record.^ com pltte. aeournlr nnd rr:idlly JiC-Uie-Jnform;iUon-and-Ruld»iire-of-nll-lflw n t agenctri.i¥»-a-»aaed-U u»tr—Bolso'SU lcsm an.------- j

    ' ■ T i l

    poT W liI WASIUNI

    rInes went y W f token..-pro

    O L i 1 O owned prop

    I prlvnW cdh of one blllli

    I T S ALL A r t O T lar*. bookShots; This Is «I " I . B en Poisoned- If* n o t the inve**® ^; ra o t Uie U n k h e ’s drlnklnR. dtpreclaUoi Jie bottom of the river. Oo mprov^OTc I a n d U ke a look a t a ll Uie U probably jkUon growing In I t It you d o n t , ,

    ral som eiody accuscd pore ol' Li o"; Df cutU ng down th e w ater p rts-

    Ju s t- to get votes. Now h c s ployment ̂lng It U sU na.ity to l" lU le o f t h e • I. I suppose If by a n d By we j m e ^ n , en epidemic, folks wlU accuse die t o t f« U d y V oters of using germ war-

    sre-s anoUier possib le 'exp lana-U on dollnfor some of Uie local UUnken: 051. m w

    y w an l u s to vote Ui llQUor by d rink (whisky kills bad u s te U germs, too) to go along wlUi our

    ibUng casinos.

    ■ - . . ( T . t a M W

    ■PUPS FO K K ID S D t r - r .hese Uiree pups a re Uie 8 - v n k ' ^ offspring o t a G erm an shortnair confident Lhcr and n collie fniher. You can eomp«lhem -B t th e -S w ec t-r* n c h -t^e « investor;:

    cs sou th a n d two miles west ci gauntry In, FnlL*. ^ ^ , . company

    rwo dogs have sUnycd ln^th"Mbe rt LUta residence and Uiey I free to anyone who will care for ^ g •m. One Is U iought to be a male j,nW . Uia oUier a female Pck- 8U i lese. Phone DAvls 6-5133.

    NOT G ETTIN G OFFI iar P o t Shots: and U .iIn answ er to G erry and i-ynn. ^ n t #o-cnlled d rag “trlP Socony-'Ut fo r th n t purpose, so Uie adults 10 bu ilt I t nre n o t gelUng off.W hen 1 wns a teen-ager. »e m ted a youUi cenU r, so we built iraqanc

    I t 's a good policy. m iu mW 'y o u ^ te e n 'a t te r s -w s n t -a -drag pftiextinrip , why don’t you build your own? ,ou e an do It. Oman

    A. N . Adult conce.isl (Twin Palb) Iraq ]

    • • * opcmte:Iraq acj

    ols; easternOne nice th ing about n o t being a ju iita .

    \nd ldato Is th a t 'y o u don’t have to Tlicse j dm lt you losL „ „ .

    Two-Otto Pete again 1• • • Tlien

    ONE PROBLEM SOLVED owned}ear Potsy: East. <

    Did you know th e c ity boys have concesi olved Ui8 sewage disposal problem? runs I

    “'■""‘"“ '1“ c « u , „ m ™ u. s s' (Tft'ln Palls)^ • per cei

    . . • . TheFAMOUS LAST LINE islnnd

    . . She n e re r buys d fartU es, ^ I f . j

    lo s t i n THB and TFOUBTH BOW The

    Z t e i iB I G I I c u . f


    \ i cI M

    ;'! I 1 ^Ei \ V'VTJf:---------------\ ^Id I . 1

    a l • ' \le ; _ 1


    an] 1 0 . 8 c u . I

    .cd 1958 Sheeigy I


    I F R I Giclr I-------------------------------------

    S COM!---------— - S S S - O u r W o n d . r h . l - 1

    isly C o le b ro H n g 5 0 Y e a rIh ip .

    'lng ,

    E A S I E :jecn

    IN THEhe

    ! n.'

    (• of ' “

    .______ ■ r - e r



    [IINOTOM (N E A )-T J .S .m a - out of MuU

    SrSof d“l̂ «iMk^’value. unlverslly.

    Mr.ilv a l l m S m S ^K m tc m u

    b'i'o’sis “ uSir

    u“ler ecn t re tu m o n the vnlue of 3-5 mill on invesunenta today, Uiey would ,rUi 10 bUllon dollars. _ ̂akdowns o n Investm cnU and ngs i n . Uie M P « * l« , Middle t o U I ^ I countries o re n o t avallnble. f ‘e B reason l« U ia t figures are Uie weste

    to govem m ent agencies on a i dcnUnI bnali. A nd since one iimpany la usually the only big tor, In each, e oun try .-to -reveal [ - u^^ld Iry to ta ls w ould give away .any secrets. , a to r oficrlcan oil com pany concessions I le M iddle E as l a re known, how- j j

    and from these holdings It friends be show n w here Uie big United es tn le rests lie. m UIc

    Uie Immedliito trouble tone. largest holdings belong to Iraq and wb oleum compnny. I t Is Jointly „y nol: ed by B ritU h, F rcnch. D utch •},(, wak U .S . in te rests . T he A m crlcw g

    y per ccn t, Is Jointly held by j^ id t j )ny-V acuum a n d Jersey S u n d - rct

    aq Petro leum company holds 1 ^ ;e concessions covering m ost or i ^j,lch I and n ine oUier exploration per- s In C yprus, J o r d w . Lebanonesllne, Syria , H a d h r a m n ^ n n d _______an In a ou them Arnbla. T ruclal — — an nnd Q a ta r . Most of these 'T ce.islons ru n W th e year 2000. L .raq PcU oleum likewise owns nnd d e q I m tes tw o pipelines form eastern c o u n lo q across Syria a n d JordanH o Uic tem M ed ite rranean term inals in ^ Ifa, Isrne f nnd Tripoli. Lebanon. cse pipelines w ere saboUged dur- ^ j^jr, ; the S u e s cana l crUls, b u t^ r e lln In operaUon. and thim ere a re two •wholly ^ e r i c j i " * Jnnetle ned -concessions In Uie Middle ^ lu rno St. O ne Ll A rab ian American O ils county ncesslon in S audi Arnmla, whlcli ^ ns to 1009. I t Is owned 30 per n t by Je rse y S tan d a rd , California a ndard a n d T exas compnny, 10 T cen t by Socony Vacuum.T he o th e r la Uie valuable Bahrein M n. > :nnd concession In the / c r s l a a C l t^ l lit. also ru n n in g to lOOfl. 11 la of ^ r . InUy held by C alifornia SU ndard ^ i e _ Id T exas com pany. j h e DT he plcli K u w ait concession cut 'h a m .

    --------!H ERE IT

    > E A T €f t . S i r e ^ ^

    9 9 ’ :

    (sim ilar to lUuslr

    r f f . ^ ALL NEW leer Look — PLUS ERATOR - FROM

    G I P A I R IME IN TODAYh il-N ® w -G o M « n -X n n iv e t» o ry .M o d e li 'e a r t o f G E N E R A L M O T O R S L e#doi


    B U H L

    LLS, IDAHO , ________

    .'/TON J.H30NlOuUieaslem Ir* q U held 80 •it by A nglo-Iranlan and. 80 t by Uie U .S . Gulf Oil com-

    lit, w ith a populaUon of 200.-. d«tI an Income o t over 300 m il- ih r j. c ih .n i lia rs a year. I t has built a »«b.) lly. b u t i t wlU be six yenrs anyone In th e country will A t i g o t

    BOUgh to get in.s producUon, since the 1054 Jient worked .o u t by H erbert b a OHDA •. Jr., U he ld under a 35-yenr ^ refrigeral slon. renew able for Uiree five- j t a t :erma. I t Is he ld « per c cn t ^ne to a K s A m erican companies. T exas, aot

    Socony-Vacuum . C allfom la ^trscy S tandn rd . Brlllsh com - and tl

    ho ld a n o th e r « per cerit, Is Uii 14, r r e n c h six. ii„ ,e lag b

    tile Ea.1t o il production In 1057 a iaughicriti 3 billion barrels, or 23 p e r i , p,it Uie w orld 's toU l. requliy production was 725.000 b a r- onj-inu

    dby In I ra n . 440,000 In Iran .} lh Saudi A rabia, 1.110,000 In , ,It and 234.000 In oUier Midd e J"® 'countries fo r a toWl of nearly lUlon b a rre ls a day. _ ^ ‘s U about h a l t Uie site o t V 3 . cUon. B u t M iddle Enst oll r e - f 1 nre 71 p e r cen t of Uie world’s P " " ™ , T h is U w h a t makes Uie K d * ' ' ! . ,

    a s t holdlSgs o t such value to ,‘f * " .e s tem w orld. l i ^ t a r d H

    I ou t a lU r

    Also Saw Itm vld~M llIer/10,- T f t'ln -ra ils ,- lu rc,-w as

    of M rs. Isabel Miller, oper- in m atted r of th e Clark-M lllcr guest By wlpler ich also saw Uie ball o t fire . a m ass of It Jo h n E llls and some of h is I n t two to ends repo rted to clly police , A man mday n ig h t a t 0:30 p jn . ■ > .ilUItr sa id thc ball of fire ^0:30 p jn . looked "awfully close" d wns nccompanled by a " fu n - I nnoise," A t th e time hc saw It. wak a t Im ogene lake, high In ’

    e Saw tooth mountains. Hc Id Uie lig h t was bright enough r rending.EUls en rller said It wss " a s g as a iw o-story building '’ tilch exploded across the horJson o ”avlng a s tre a k of fire about 300 e t long. u-

    _ ded nnd

    Events Slated SIS.;?)ECLO Aug. iS -M em bers of th e goals. I in liy Cousins 4-H club were glv- d ln n e r.i

    asslgm ncnU to decoraU th e ir by. and r ^ t h T ueaday afiemoon w hen perience •y m e t a t Uie home of Uielr le a d - T h e n: Mrs. AusUn Wnlkcr. Angora,

    vchlcvemcnt day for Uie Cousins gn t dow; d Uie Sewing Chefs, lend by M rs, th a t s e r netle Schw aeglcr, will be Frldoy eonslsiei ^•rnoon. M arjorie Olllcsple. Cnsala a n d bro unty hom a demotisUikUon a g en t, of brass

    “ were priRFJLATIVE8 VISIT expcclct

    KING H ILL. Aug, 18 - Mr. a n d of n p n M lchncl Dobrtnsky. Snlt L ake canned ty hns been vlslUng ftt the hom e w” *“{ M r a n d M rs. R. D. G raham en The

    IS - ONCE »

    a f A S !

    ̂ \ d HH

    W HK m B

    liislraUon) _

    t t b ig -

    S.f>— -05ED~-RE-------- A L L T E S T E D

    S S A V t 4 ^

    ' V

    M t i

    K IN O HILLIlll— ■ VlslUng at- th t

    U aou i T U followlnc eolumn paren ts. Mr. ll*n br Kueoito llurm «nd for- wOOd, left thi:

    btn w«tt t>MUa lo dnik br * Icrlon. Rockfo visiting Mr. n

    --------- Fullerton Is'.gora Goat Sought M r. and m

    V - J ’e ft WFor Food uon outm g aHDAD, — T h e m an who sold Mrs. Lynn gerator to. an Eskimo would rcu im cd hom . a t least a s d ifficult to “ ie qualitum - l lu n ! S S ' . blB°

    a n d return^

    _ Jll th e fronlKI t m ust

    r < ' ■ T h e hom sed Uie goat over crillcnlly.'nod- Jong,.j»nd t and gestured to the boys to backw ard

    IB up another. W e went Inside, to th e t n atevcr Uie m nn’s InUrest In th e of th e M ts I wns sure U iat It wasn't for be lghtoned aer. T here wcrc some sbeep nenr- »• m om ent and on th e basis of past ex- edged by

    lence m u tton was InevlUble. T lic buck ■he m utton we got. however, was one could lora. so m e houm later, when w;e bosses tha down on the p a rt of Uie float vals, like

    tse rved as «fUblc, the main dish horn.islsied o t two goaU roosted whole v /h c n . h 1 brought In on enormous Irnys m en on c brass. T h e rice and malse dishes loudly. I ved w ith I t were good, and we them nud re properly Impressed, as wc were tu rned to' iccted to be , a t the rnre delicacy i go t U ' n nopulnr brftnd o t Amerlcnn ih e iMles tined tomatoes. B u t Uie Angora joudly In s superb. H was arh e ^ r k s . I was told, long pre- th a t hls » ■red A ngoras to nny olher breed th a t we 1

    b ^ 'm c n t '‘a r a i ‘r c o n i ^ 'u c n U y ^ ^ ISg

    M a i t E ’— —

    » L L O l

    i w n * ~ " i r r " 1

    ^ C L E A R A N i


    p r i c e d f r o i n . . •

    t W I N FALL

    TT,TDAY. A'

    : Hill Relates avels, Visitotifcfat- the home of h i T J ? ®

    Mr. nnd Mrs. c,!ft Ultl wteic forler rclatlvM, .Mrs. iiinhic. ^ ■ .■ « i i Rockford. Is.,M r. nnd Mrs,

    in Is AUood'i c o u n a .^ ^ ^ R « i i ind Mrs. Jnme* Q t,^ le fl W«dnc.vlay for 4 ting a t Cn-^cndc. ^ ^ K l v e ' Lynn Sherman in j f i . I^K lc r* d honie TucWfty ( o i io t ^ f l lB R-

    the home o( Mr. tad v I ^ B n g Solletl. Rupert. ^ ' | K h * £

    nily honored In anlmnls sinuithlertd tlon,Judging trom the our host tintl his le roust Ronl, I am they rtRnrtlrcl our »pp w f« !^ K f'* , IS an excuse for a soo4 i S ^ » « P ' inythlng else. Thst “ircnglhened wlien i 'Ily's carcass was moH Ible .to us thnn lhe ! l ^ | t o ^ r’s, and presumnbly th a t WAS quite sll r iih t . :h ^ B M i h is enormous apptitit b l J ^ K n r

    lid no t fnU lo be InKro^ ‘jrc lled hc was unable ta * pasang. one ot the wild pq •;

    In thc mount.ilnoui ,; th e Iranian botdt; andoi "? s u n where hc wed w r . •: lUth beto;e the RuMlsnj c: ̂ .b n l le r . '....................... .7> pasnngs have s tute tim and stroiix. In ketplc{ k -* qualities of the uilmil Ci • v

    I t IntcresUnn Bsme. Ki tn ■ a b lg o n eo n c e-ln lM l.h tlii : im s .

    nodded toward a dirtedi' o t th e tent, snd oaeeini;;.'Bt the fool of the cloih.ni. 1 jclng told, dlsappeited bi'.jCj m returned wlUi tlie hona. t: r ho st handled Uiea e w -.;, then passed thus iloaf Jld us o t Uic lu jn fh tf r ttr* frontiers o t the i m lu ; •. recognized only b; e>;eti(ri. m u st have been q-oiUitixL h o m s were a good U bfiia

    , lind they had a sdiiUt-Uj w ard sweep. Tlie rttcaito he tradlUonal eulUn* w ja he Middle Ensl w u f="ie iitoned by their sharp tdi«. f t jm e n t I thouglil Uit; h»l ^ d by maB»*T»iey hidni bm buck had done 11 htautlf. u could tcU by the *cir cn tH cs th a t lay a t IrrtiuUr lal«- , like small knobt, »loa| thi.

    l ic n . he. IlhWifd th»_itory, t>.i I on elUicr side ot si* burpri Hy. I remained slIenL One d m nudged me. He belched si I ned toward hta. got UlO hint. Hsslenlxi* to obey

    tMles of etiquette. I burped dly in spprcelstion of the fent. was a lilKh trlbuta to our hojt Lt hls slory hsd tnchanled u j u i t we hod InadvctlcnUy deUyri s importsnt tlw.

    mcT I


    M i

    ■Y, AUGUST 1 5 ,1 , ,■

  • WASIIINOTON.M8j » of live- The «*" »“ . . .lo h u r sWR® aI been unca >

    : 2 s durlM 5 « n th e nub- InR ol call "W m ane- nboui live

    i t b f pw«*‘ InM sr to h«ve Jtem lor l

    " B l i

    » | S Pj-ujhtBlnS lha t the « n il-ioSrer. iheJ 7 “ ot th e bl« -t-K ur^l

    thS t soon « t- bon dwxl< tutjugh “ '’*!??•„ maitem of d irec t sevcrnl u j .rtl «IU on ,a .i4 a ilo n , ever.

    3 K « * “ *® FurlhcK th n t fo r ihl.s piK ^ o d l n r . lA J^ e o s will be Blve lor m.MTh. u » of *!>*'"*“ ■ USDA lin.i

    S S S m

    =.‘n T „ r :i■tO H W O e «P , ' j ? m WllnR Jive- th e U.S. w K i b i V w e*lenAlve ex- m eat prodR S e n U i n ^ ' ^ »tocky«rd arena, unl^css ̂ n̂ni

    approval o f ' "atunnliit:"



    W ^m K g S m k n .

    TOWE■ Large Green Cc

    ICELEi1 0 s


    I large green

    j P E P I

    ■ l a r g e TEXAS-REI

    p i i


    i e ” G r o i i i ) s ««K .™ h 'At nny rati

    ilaujrhtcr Act ™™"meI ^ ■ f ' onlv n lic r nr

    L Ix a propi-lli'cl bolt «lilcli'.iciulblc. Tlie ulhfjn Oillfornlft yesler-d one^U , S. forcjil servk-e ' “'‘ " t " '

    E u i S ™(ire.it aer\'lce anld Don NVe.it, T lie reviewon a routine hre pntrol near tax roll* *lifValley lnke In the Snn countlea nnd i

    :llnn m oiinulan when the In 12 countiesIK boll struck »■ rock and Uie heaviest eted 25 feel lo atrlke him . per cen t In It

    ^SHEIONED sale

    IEEE i' «ver-po;

    I B T OLocal Solid Heads^


    LA. F

    m r W s A f

    For th e finest,Lorgost,Freshest,

    (election o f quality F ru its

    and V egetobles— --------— S hop-our— ------------------Produca D epartm en t '

    PRICED TO SAVE ^ 1 6 0 1 1 YOU M ONEY.


    T I M E S - N E - W S , T W I N F A L I

    Building Ups StaU ^alue by'82 MiUioi

    S fe .rn w - i . X c S J S . “ ““

    eport lo Oov, Robert _E, p e r cent nnd lhe coinmLwlon anld lla cent, ere bn.wl on n review of T he commU^ personal tJix rolla from tlie he re lliLa weekla well na te n ta tiv e n.-ucaaeil « jun llin tio ii t<I on'railronda nnd utlllllea. ndiustm enU lieommented th e r e p o r t aewW vnlucs

    •lurther /evidence of tlie publle Id stendy Rrowth ot Uic

    mml.wlon snld Uie.cte’ntest a rc levied f o n were due lo construction t Iib report

    ulldhiRs. Johnson, excciimp wna nchleved despite rctnr>-. aald sl net p ro fit of mines In Icrltatlvc IBSB ny one year diirliiR Uie pnst roada a n d ut he commlaalon a;.ld, Thl.i wa.n nn I

    and decreaaea In vnlinitlons H eductiona ,nllea, Lemhl com ity showed five p e r een; ;lcal row of m ore tlinn 20 meaauro o f rc In IU valuatlona. nnd S h o - 'ro n d s. Jonnao

    IB Y '!OF

    ,w Bbout tre a tln c tl\e family lo some com ed :f and cabbnRe? Yiiu couldn’t pick a b e tler « Jor It. becnuac rlKlit now wc're running Uwlfty apeclal of Uio Icaheat, tendereat, lUeit com bcof th a t ever glorified tWa sr-popular dlaht



    W Q C

    f M E q c \aned. Cooked, Ready

    LIBBY'S - No. 2


    ; r « «CHOO

    With E « h Vi

    ^ SHE; 1913 Addison

    • ■...................... '

    ^LLS, TDAHO ,

    . / - ' I I to la l decreoaa ol

    lte L ash , '’̂ ;̂f„„,mlr-MoI 'V n of t82.100.000 aa 1on Dollars

    Ity. tini)iner heavy niln--‘creiuicd vnluatloi shim i-(|, 11 , decrt.isc of vn lue ., _ , , .

    ire Umn ai'vni pcr cem. ’ ------------ounty Kiiliird by 15" J’it T ) 1 - * » -

    coinillrs Wllh lncriM.-.rd were rim ore with IB fit . ,o tn l ot $20 nd nu iie with IS.B8 per T i(;,„d „ y with

    for overtime pn mU.sioii hns l>ei'n meetliiR i’osllnR Sl boi «eek as n Mali- boivi'd of RIchnrd W allc, ll to henr ren E a s t-" M o dern in

    ” Gospel MliMlon snld Ita eatlmnte d ^ 4 - » v 4I aa Uie cash v.ilue add- , O l & t G Q . p roperly wns renchedIf th e IlKurea on in- EDEN. Aus. IS-

    o , c . . . «

    •• _______ - — - - Brad Urumley.cducatlonnl depa

    i n s F i n e s .'S™ «.'.b5°S^ . bcRln n l a p jn . e

    $20 In bonda wna posted - M ondnv vu .I th T u ln Fnlla pollee

    r ra n k . V cni Hanson, ., Mra, Melvin W ollers. a t t t i i iMra, F rnnk Dncon. Pred . E van Robinson. Mnrk PHOENIX. Arl .loya K cnnei, Dnvld Fix. Mra. Mnry IU tci H. A rrhifttcn. M aninret historian, world Ull D ondnnvlllc. H. P . nr. died yeatcrdn; .1 Lee Holjowny.

    IFFA IIIS MAN NAMED D R . L . A . ND. Ore.. Aur. 15 (U P I' O s te o p a th 3t. C lnlr loday waa nnmed s h idusirla l developm ent! 5 3 7 2 nd tor th e U. S. burenu of, • p -fall'a in Idnho nnd lla,R NorUiweal atatea.


    tNEDBEI:e Beef—Swiss or Round

    E A K S 7T ~FRE

    5 s

    • Vz

    L -- . Gc

    ± 1 ‘leXein-of______;hey's

    fRUPIce Cream!

    in Q i ^ e r vice. Old Fa

    Meetings Incomeled for Edenr. IS—A aerlea of gospel n e fln c o m e for Uio I bcfitn Sundny n l th e 105a declined to1 of Clirlat. to Sl n ahare from $nicy.-chnlrm nn of th e n sh n re on a'jllRhldeparUncnt of Freed- i,er o f oulatnndlni colleRe' n t Henderson. . u „ t hn lf a yenr 1“ " 'S f , '™ , ' , ! ! : " * Fi™l-li«ir cm lmjn . ench evemng. AtIccU^d by ft 80-day. vncnUon Dlble achtwl E xploration compaillh cln-wes for all nRca, „ulcnm nln, Clille.will s ln r t nl 2 p.m. .nnd jc tU ed Mny 20 and111 end Aub, 22, re tu rn e d lo normi lave Inatnlled reat rooma try In the chureh nnd jc ted ft cinderblock c n -

    — ---- Radicc m iO rt DIES:. Arl*.. AUK. 15 ( U P D - „ . ,l i t t e r Bcnrd, B2. au thor. S cm fcfl Jorld txavfllor nnd achol- f » L ——« D t•crdny a t her home herc ̂ r n o n e IVK

    'iV T ~ j- | An Typci

    A.PETEKSON j C L Y Ipath ic P hysic ian . . RADIATC2nd Avo. N orth ;RE 3-0123 I

    ■ E F . . . 6

    8• • • • • c . w^ESH ,'N T A S T T B M

    Food with F r u i t . . . C h e rry - Pineopf



    CREAM/ z - G o L . . . 7 9 <

    S d . ........ . . 1 . 4 5

    TO ^Delicious FLAVORS


    Fashioned in O iir Frier

    n e I s D o w n - i | | yIK . Auk- iny reportedor Uio I l r s t s ix m o n t h a l ^ m ned to $I0.'IS3,303 from $27.Q07,S15 or I 'i llR h tt7 'sm B l]e r 'm u a-H |^ H H landing sh a re s In t n e j l ^ ^ n

    cnmlnga th is y e a r w e n l l ^ ^ K t SO-day Btrike a t O h i u | ^ H | company m ines in O h u * P U |||H | Clille. T ho atriko 20 and operaUons haTOjSl;

    nonnal. a e p o k e sm a n H |y |M

    diators SW AND OSED I jB f ln Wrvlce tl R e p a ir t ■ | ' l u ^ |l e R E 3 ^ 0 8 0 i y i V, t y p e ^ K l a t a V f-YDE'S | i>1 ATOR SH O P l ' L ; JSB—On T rack L u e I ; M B

    • Ar« O or BialDe»- I . IfT W » StaeUne | jl . 1

    f > s q

    iT k K E i i r r — - -

    ineopple - O ro n g t

    • 3 9 cC A K R .

    t I9 c 1

    ►’ I


  • h : ____________-1 '

    i page 3g ------

    Xpplaiise andScorn T o U o w L -j^M i d e a s t P l a n s «• -

    IXJNOO-'; I L ' ^ d T ' S i : S „ „ .

    s 3 S'I s f e s a i l li*' S c ^ A s E S : s i ; i SS' H*-’

    s S S i? H ® 1■' :S’'‘fl we nwUcd out troop*. . • - i:ib-HI A rtOKh “'• ‘.i! S

    ■ i X “»“ M 5 i S . » r VSSI Wllh the criticism. Imwcvrr.̂ M «iu c

    = S ' 5 S S | l T es i i f ^ - r i / f . r ™ r c £ s p .

    r r « « r o r . l m / » . j ;Afiiir̂ i Qrotnyko, who lold Ino ws as. .̂mhiir the Ilrst order of bu»lncM ts An o-W « t ^ S- “ 'I ‘ P'ot Utittcon Mid Jordan. clvUl

    G ranger Seryice S Book . I s Shown 3

    A t R e g u la r M eet

    The book > *■»'■ **“

    Mlln.r N BC.n.t '6■ M” -. tw n i-»'‘ M lill. Jay Ut S-S'J *;®v 'Slckei. (•) In.Konrt-

    on T .10H ciUVPAl.U I1 Judge PlilrkI KB«lnr«r. DRCfl,

    fo r a Sn.k. Rl«r Wal.rmut.r. |Nam pa , s u t . cl i.i.h»

    « ---------V. S, HELPS TUNISIA _r i ro il. WASHINGTON. Aur. 15 WV-The ient ot U nited SU tes Is shipping a new s ^ .nn Tlje ply o f m ilitary equlpmctJl lo Tunisia ^ will to strengU ^n Uml north A lrlcw

    I counry'a polloo loKe- __

    VALUE B U Y S ...

    TB BUYKEUYSlP R E S T I G E ' l f e rrAm -sTop“ n « A o .

    i w m k

    f u a n n t A S i ^ m iM O S O N O T ^ S m £ $ A | ^ R | ^ J ^ \

    M s i ^ o f .

    =BEE 0gfW NG t m w A t u to t u r tA tt

    s Priced Accordingly Low!

    E f f i ^ i l r C O rw d . . Twin'F o i l )

    T I M I

    / ^ ^ R A mk e e p

    ■ ------(l«5« KJloeyelW) (ISIO "Kl

    ritlUA* *'«'p.m.1.00 l.»"i'»N .»i ' tiOD Ynur*tluo VounK •> »>•'< t : 0 And.Ii 'm Spotu «.iin Junr.1:H iS;: ‘ITn M ’ iwtlu j Mnr. Miolc SinO N««r.

    ‘ iVni »p’l*kliB^K“ 'J'**' *


    )**“’ tioo K«l-^Kiil.cl»l"*0 Llf* of lu in NRO senato a]

    ...... - S J r .10 U«*r.iit* W.lli Bha* *00 gestlllg I

    , i q u o r F u n d s i n S t a t e D i s t r i b u t e d

    B O ISE . Aug. 15 WV-DlsWbullon Ho sa■ H 60,000 In stato liquor profits to of the Ittho elites, villages counUes and

    y F re d Chnrllon. superintendent of .?o s ta to liquor dispensary. d

    C hnrlton . In a « p o r t to Oov. to b e rt E, smylle. said ^IS.JSO ^ up 33.C0 Uio slate Ueasurer Io r Incliulonn the Rcneral lund. He said 150. omy," : S o w ent to clUes and villages a n d «"y- 1375,000 to counUes and jun ior col-

    '^ ^ i s o Junior coUege rec tlved ••w S nnd NorUi Idaho Jun io r J colleae a t Coeur d'A lene received$7,040 of the profits from sta te salea jo f botUcd Uquor. snld y

    — ---------------------- th a t 1

    Smylie-Expenses SS5. Reported a t $338 'V

    •BOISE. Aug. 15 t« - I d a h o Oov. R obcrt E. Smylle lUted b la “ * s a id .' pcndltures yeslerday In th o IMS p r t-feSrrc«n'PJ«'K’™ ^ 3 ® ‘-------------------S i t u

    Rmviip u’ss unopposed T uesday shoul fo r the nepuliUeari nomlnaU on Ior Uon?oV«rnor iS h o law requires-cand - h wdntca to fUe s ta te m e n t Stu res within 20 days of Uio elec- ^

    ■ Uon.o n a form provided by SecreU ry

    1 of S late James H. Young. iJmylle i - juvld he spent *124 for th e filing Ice.l | e h is greatest single expenae; *12 J. ' lioo C»rnlv.l In Round p rice trOUbli i u »:~p|* by nn asrlculV ll nV».“ ripoTl Monda»':00 CrnlY.l In Bound ord feed Rl

    . . . . . . .11:00 N .»t IIm JI'b**, The s ltua t

    which couldL i” Mu:iVbr Su"”^^^ alon tn lives'ur* ii:t8N » i.i consequen ts

    11:00 Hltn off ftnd hog prlSATUIIDAT warned

    ^M•8l^n«n / panslon.' I ' m N*"'’" " * Big Crops

    " *1m Vi” ‘ « • • • prices. Tlie«:4S Mornlnc M.lodIn dUqh Lf ORRt

    ! i i S S s “‘ sioo Tin*w.n'. N.wt Ior price siSiU Marnlnt M«1

  • ^ m ^ A O G U S T lS ,M 5 8

    Marry in Glenns Ferr

    H B. AND MBS. EDDIE H . I (C»tapbeU phot»-« ta< f W K t

    * * * Cd the cft!

    Vows Repeated By Miss Decker, b»rl” F m

    Eddie H. B o s t i c k'O U N N S PERBV. Aug. whlUs aullson* P«yo !)«(*« , daughitr of W.V Q n r(Baer Dawson. BUeWeot, they will 1Detker. Rogenon. became w a oriuc j y vihi^e l el Zddle H. BosUc. » n of Mra. o o i- gj^ 'um d» BMti:. «UP“« T he brto mUTlaje In an 11 o clock c « e - oicnrw F BOOT l u t SAtardijf m om lnj in o u r u ,c I Udy ot UmerJtk Camollc churcjj.•Ttn'ROT. John J. Qulnn ofUclftted lll lhe double r ln i ceremony. A nn O rerThe hrlde. given In jnarrlnge by recen t we

    fcwJaUier. wm gowned In white - . — CSitnmijr laee orer aUpper aatln^, • tuhloned wllh * lUled bodice wllh fi lolloped neclcllne trimmed w ith ' V . Bqulni and pearls, and long Meeves.|Thi Iklrt WM gathered with aequlns•ad pe»rl deslgnj a l the hip line [-------------ind hid * full aklrt wlU> an nllnr n g y , y inln. Her elbow-length veil of 11- iMlon net wm held In place by n tpml crown. She wore a chain with .( j . , ,

    1 1 Usste penti and cnrried a brldnl■ touiuet of red and while rosebuds■ xWhribbon streamers entwined with "somcboc■ ratiuds and hcr rosao'. vour bod■ Un. Fred llller wna matron oC ■honor. sbB wore'*, yellow a ireet- , ■ iK ijth drtM ot jUlow pollahed cot- * lon^ th jw leh lB j^ |jlcU ire:hat and |

    “ w a T h r S i l i r a i - H n d - M r . : “ S i * ”K n M a h u o p h tm n , ooodln ., “ f j ,. «trehrldeijMldi.They wore IdenU- at yellow polbhed cotton drewca ® nth matching picture hn ts ' nnrt ^ houqueu Of while cnm a^

    TairenPrWCrEh'SrSh Rose, tla -tr ot the bridegroom. She v,-as "V,® ® f.

    Robert perrln, Hatelton, wa.n beat u Md John shrum and Jo h a ,«hm were ushen. «ffRliliig music wa.1 plaj-ed by r ' „?°rt »• Pftsion Honlst who wns nUo e wlolst. Terry Sima « rv ed M ^ ^ “r tay, vnlda niom pM a wna In t p e Of the guest book. Y*"> ^ e r dBughter'a wedding. Mr*. D h„v »»n chose t blue suit, with red “ J,"* » “ liu and a while cam allon *Olf. Mrs. Rojc wore a two.pleced « and white suit'w ith white nc- " n u in d a cnrnntlon corMge.

    J ,‘i*? 't««P tlonfortho3JO guesla«held » t tho o . P . Shrtim real- f l .

    B tf ““ - ^ e hrlde’# Inc# covered table ^ ‘ etnlered with « four-tlered e t o ^ d with a miniature bride I waegroom. Mrs. o tto Neuer. ^ ^

    S S S - o V n & S " “ " C OjtK 'n d Diane HeUer served

    iVli j*"- P ’ Shrum cul and a e rv - ______1

    3 IADGE614...1;;; dan dani

    JFFENSE:a p p l y in g HOOFING

    May Be Working in YouV 15 years he has been applying

    money can buy.

    ̂JOB TO BE DONEI j H ab'Jb * “ “PPli=ator d o 'j

    OR AND m a t e r i a l s c myou with "Ccrlined" X

    m H ' ôl> W ffc or SmaU,e s t i m a t e s . . . Nl

    ■ No Payments Until

    S dan DAIROOFING (

    r o s e FALI

    srry Seryjce Camp tS u u n n e On

    MelLviii rcporleii

    BlTii-\Vnil-KA I weelc a t the

    — l on. Snm H ie Rlrls

    2 4 Icnrned At cncw prr.ildent ted lllc mceii

    f c i 'N lk 5̂ Plans werefjf,'. ' V the •K ffp '1

    w hich will en C.nnir

    * ' V 0 | r tlie praleci a•. A' ^ jI ^ ^ H Brown nnd

    \ one; Jonn All' Sh^uon Vnn I

    ̂U ^ H Slnclnlr. grou hou.w. Llndn

    ■ ■ ’• t f l K alhlcrn Tr tnnn and 6u .three.

    , , . • *• .• Helreahmeiy ' * . ■ . . Alnsworlh, I

    » . Mla* Aln-iuoi► , v ' » ' J th e program

    “7 meeting to bl

    f J.' Joinl-F B .y ' By J(J , ' , • » . * '* • JEROME,i , / i . . ' : • Jiiy-C-Etles

    __ niM llnRlasta i i i ^ I ; ^ Thc monilP w T S W i- V - Z Jny-C-Ette.s

    " ■ or Mrs, Dfl Mrs. Jerr>- I

    z. decided Mrs 1 . : D < J Phiiiiiis‘ ‘ Ill 1̂ — —. » ,

    11. BOSTIO pnrnde Aug.engraving) Mny, June.

    ---------:----------------------------------- presenied tole cftkc. Mrs, James C arpen ter Mrs. Rlchni

    S r . m S ,3. John Dnvey nnd M rs. Bor- Lniicoster. Freem an, ouiits of tlic bridc- ■ II wns nnt

    71. dlsplnycd the gifts, d istrict Jay-r h e r golng-awny ensemble the honoring sI chose n two-piece brown and Bowen, Natt e aull with matching ncceasor- dny a t the , 3 n return Trom a wtddlng U ip Tw in Fniin. will be ftt home In O ienns Per* sen t n gu t.

    here Uie bridegroom U emiJioyed a rummnt lirum Motor compnny, 20 nnd 30 a le bride was grndutvled Trom lng. 'ins Ferry high school In 105B Tf,e grouc th c bridegroom Li n 1083 gr.id- making floi o f the (wme school. fnre projec

    Jd ii Rne Thompson nnd Doris slnte projec O renalreel were hoslessea for a drens home

    n t wedding shower for th o bride, will be Mra

    Care of Your ClBy ANGELO PATRI

    )y.n. you who are petlmpn 17 or fru ll Juice, nrt entering lull mnnhood, feel- There nt th e trium phant liirlii o f youlh great coum sU ength nnd the world open- safety guai to you; you wiio have high *ct in an 1

    sa nnd grenl nmbtllon to be and from ncbodlc.i." wlil bo If you keep aJeohDlI • body strong nnd your mind ens the cl r. T he laat point U p tirllcu lnr. your mlna, npo rlftn t to you for y o a r m ind .II Im p o rtim t-ll Is llie aource of d o « not tr ?our power nnd consequently th e Urlght, I tt_ lm p o rtn iit_ fQ C W r_ ln _ y o u r Jng w ^e j j Irol of yol3U know this dimly. In th e baclc don 't need rour mind, and you d o n 't pny fear It, ,ao :h ' atlcnUon ib ll. You take It courage lo cran lcd as you do your nblllty you nro, us brcfttlie,* Better give It « ^ec- do ao. ,■ tlw unhl n ow .ftn d .ae a iiL- YjU -.-L nlfly^ c a car nnd you know th n l your had 'w me Ine Is whnt powers I t and you tlie roada, [0 aiire It ..Is clean, oiled nnd pnrlles at ao It cnn furnlih you full pow- drlnka. Th W hy n o t give th n t care to your quite. In I engine, your mind? a t Uie encT int la uppermost In my thoughta Tliere. rig ^diking lo you about thin in tiic {earing th k some of you have th a t d rink- Tliere 1; alcoholic bevemgcs Is ncces.sary ft„, ancrgi

    jrove your own m anhoods T h at 'a u jg g^igi, nUinke If ever there wn* one. ,t, ,n d ha I reed no alcohol. Indeed you d to forget nil about ll and . .Ik when you are ihlr^ity. good M i c r. A ginger ole, a cola, o r eome n«ki----------------------------------------------- • Cncl

    C o ll 'sC o lo n ia l

    for Quolityl O N C R E T E

    D ia l RE 3 - 5 5 0 0 S & H G reen S to m p i

    jwS dINIELS4G and SIDING I 'fo u r Community ' | Jj'infT t h e f i n e s t m » tc r id la o

    NE? 'd o y o u r w o rk . . . A L L g G U A R A N T E E D , . g _

    r J O H N S - M A N V I L L E | t h o l a t e s t In, H O M E I M - g

    lall. Give Dan a Calll |. N O TH IN G DO W N | ntil August I

    VNiELSS CO.>d n i Eoo* U » World-FA L L S RE 3 - 2 1 7 9

    TIM E

    p Activity is ■ Miss Ad< lorted at. Meet -C. PasIle Onrmlre. U nda KiU'km^. I r i M o r^:ldtmnn nnd Judy M o iin cr___ * * ' 'b n ihelr BctlvUlM m Canip JEROME, Ai Hi a t liie meetlnK of Ihc Adnms. fosler <• Ka Cnmp Pire Kroiip l,m .Mrs. K ennelh £ the homc of ihclr sunril-'O re., nnd Curtls Snm O nrm lre,' ' of Mr. nnd Mr>

    rls also pre.nenled the K>tiw ome. were unl n t cnmp, Llndn llnsktns.. «:30 p jn . TOur ildent of Uie-group, conduc- home Of the t :nceilng, J T h e gardenwere inade_ror cnro'tne [b™ L D s’’'c»ru?i ■ep-Tdnho O rern" Pr'>Jrcl;Ill enm lhe club.a n»ti’cecs nnd wore a pInk s itles held a Joint plcnle nnd a fte r thc brld< : lnsl week in the Soulh pnrk, nnd carried 1 nonlhly eollto p.irly ol 11,e plMt 2ttes wna held n t the homc Serving W' ; Dnrbnm Cnrpenler wllh mnn woa P a t rr>- Dyknon n.vlntlng. I t wns T h e brldegi

    Mrs, Jnck Olsen nnd Mrs, wlilte nylon liiilps will be co-chairmnn whlto aeccsso lont commlilee for thc rodco plnk rosebuda Aug. 21, BlrUidny g liu for Inimedlatel;

    une. July arid August were mony. n recei ed to Mrs. W aldo Fletcher, couple under Llchnrd Lowe. Mrs, -Dewey Alice Lec. J« Mrs. W llllam GlbMn, Mr*. charRO of the I Cnrpenler, and Mrs. Ron nrranged by B ;er. ho ll a n d JuniJ announced th n t the fourth T h e four-U

    Jay-C -Elte dinner meeting decoroted wli lg suile president Bhlrley w hite bells w

    Nnmpa, will be held T hurs- w iui satU> I the American Legion hall In bride 's Ubla-' 'nils. The group voted to pre- n ti ecru lace' glfl. .1 on ench sidemmnge sale Is slated for Aug. candles In c 30 a l the old H arder build- eharge of sei

    Stanliope angroup acccpUd the project of { flonnel bonrds for a wel- M rs. LMia n irojecl to be given to, the F o r Ihelr )roJect. the exceptional ehll- U tah , tho brl home In Gooding. Chairman w ith w hile a I Mra. Jack Olsen. of plnk. carr ___________________________ I m ake Uielr )

    Children sfCiE- P , Jerom e high

    U nded Brig ' Provo.

    Juice. Quest* frore nre tlme.i when it tnkcs -------------------coumge to be afrnld. I-'enr ls a . > y

    guard, a wholesome Instinct an to keep us Irom danger

    rom m aking mlslflkcs. Fenr ^lit Fenr I t because ll th re a d w hj« clarity and th e power d t n^ cn tc n s t

    S 'n o m bU ke obouL this. I t f lot mnke you quick, alert and “„ I t slows down your Uilnk-'orps I t and les.iens your con- 'ify o W b o d y o n d i 'm ln f ln r o u —rir«

    In control of himself bu t e end was disaster and death. ■:. righ t off. la one reason for lg the stuff;:re la anoiher: Some of you Ullcrgle lo alcohol and for you r i ,sulcldnl. Lenve It alone, sliun id have the cournge to sny so.

    MiT/ilLiziNG~!HmI « llMTlni SurUm I fCnck ll»dnd I ' \

    " s t e p - K E NA U T O 'P A R T S C O .

    _________ ___ tj-r-u-»r «j-J

    FINAL (

    H otA P P t

    W E HAV


    — . . . e nd m u t t a lim tio> to o n a t poll

    SAVE up to Vz o During th is S(

    . . L O W D O

    W t wHI continue to carry H 6 T

    T W I N F A m

    m e s -n e w s , t w i n f a l l s ,

    Kdams an d „ , : J e i '° nii asi■' hea lth of your gW hy tnko onything th n t ■ ■

    ns th c sourcc o t nli your ^lo be It leader Iti your field. ,• • •lg, elenr-Uvlnklng. w ell-doing N 0Use your hend fr-ond save ■linds. -■_____ j • I U

    »rfd"''IVf«u*’'iiViM^ ,'••'’'̂ "1 'B b q iiII b«n-rlc

    F I The n e v . Mr.-rc lur:icd..hom e thrcc-wcefc tr ip to MiMOUlll, Mot

    H y Ictuled Uie confnE nlsA t(Ok p n r t llt J Tliey nlso v:

    Canada, .a n d nl

    ■ " s

  • p — — - il ■f p a g e EIGHT ___________

    C o n d l e H g h t - S B r v ^

    ' ''

    ! l MR. AND MBS. DEWA (AmbroM pbolo-«v

    I * ^ * Z[Judy W hite Wed'

    To D. Cathay/ay «In Gooding Rite «

    M o n « ” i . S ■' ill 'J £t toe aoodliw Methodist church. 8 1 % Shli Judy Kwen Whlt«. dnughter of Mr.

    ; I a ^ M T * . Eivrl W hite, north Bho- « . ; ' 'l .S ? n e V w < l DclmoB C w r a W .

    i- S Mr. »nd Mr*. R alph Anderson. »Bho»hone. exchanBed weddlnR v ^ .

    IolflclftUnB a l tho ceremony wm

    H ^^,iphiwinmii enhnncad the tcUb1ou«

    I K-BMi M r, ■"'< Mt». Ren*II n e th W entw orth nnd John "AdKlns.I a ll Shoahone. lH o weddlnft musicII was Dlnycd by Mrs. D elorts Ohesllck.

    SS Jd ll^ . M rs. W en tw or^ m RI “Bccftuso'" W entw orth. "Always.

    " ■ H l i bride; jlven ^e r ta lhcr. wore % gown f O bonttllr laeo over bridal salln. ■ht gown WM deslitned with a m i lled S abrina neckline, chapel train n d lUy-polnt sleeves, Bcalloped lice and panels of p leated tulle nc-

    f t o s ^ l p ' veil ^

    oesrlB and sequins. S hs carrled.her

    M arian Martin P attern

    til ill ^t i n i r : ! ' qUICKEST>TO-SEW

    fashion’s fa\-orit« e IC 'f lB K S 1 Jum per In a day or ImsI No w

    scams—stralBhtnway sewing. T I f i l t t V '* I) blouse, in'cludfd In Prl;

    P a lte m , for claw, carccr, ca

    ' ' t i n t e d P a tte rn 0074: Ml i| i slics 10.13. M , 18. Ifl. Slie 19 iu r;t i r t i 'V r takes 2 \ yards 35-lach lal ; h blouse 1!4 j-ards.' P rin ted d irec tio n s 'o n tachI )i I u) ( ■ te m po rt. E asier, accurate,; j! ||' L f '' Send 60 cent* (coins) Ior thisI 4 M4 U'. i------ te rn —»dd-IO-ccnt».Xar.xaclij)>t; i n liv'.' ' If you wish first-class mailing, f I IW !f.i W M urlim-M nrtln. Tlpjea-NewB,; I'a il l te m Dept.. 232 W est 18lh St..

    i l l l l ' V o rk '11, N. Y . P r in t plainly n;address w ith sone, sixe and <

    ^ e U n i t e ^ ^ T w i r

    z .

    son o( t

    T h c lm r '

    ■ tn r adoi f l nnd wh

    y i m f l candclft- ■ -1 LO

    & ^ w W ■ lse MC■ vlR ncc<

    lv vii# I Olvci• I th e brl

    ■ h u i ' ' - 1 atyle bI under

    v V > - r t - . m '{J ^A»;i ' p o ln tig iW B - M by t.cc7 j m veil, sf f l f l n . ; . J H of pir

    A t e e w - / °na*)e■W llllf w ith I

    " 1 \ \ B B ricd I\ \ mlnia

    \ . ter, D

    ______ turqu

    \ \ . ham\ i ushei

    li' \ \ :• whm

    ■*■ \ ' \ ^ ^ . bride\ i ter,\__________a _ canJ


    \ - 'r - cess(---- ^ 0( 11•’\ . . whlt'Vn , -

    cors’ . A

    ^ brldDEtMAS CARRAWATto- « ta t f enfrav ltH ) ■____________ ___

    bouquet, a w hile orchid and steph- M k imollB on p ink not wllh stream ers hy^ cascndlng over the sides, on a wh U 1>

    , Ince-covered Dlble. She wore a dou- ' bio Blrnnd of penrls. a «lft of Mie w t , brldccroom. H er ROwn wns dcslRncd e rt t e and mnde by Mrs, Myron Johnw n. ^

    Mnld of honor. Joyce Drawn. Sho- nj?' Tna shone, wore a sreen bftllerlnn-lcnRlh wii

    gow nof co-stflm ne.llcr cprsaRewfts moi , ' nprlcol Bladloll on a white n c l fnn thlhn,; w ith w hite auenmers. ."nn T h e brldesmolds. Yvonne Onbrlel <' “n and O aca CnroUicrs. bolh Shoshone. Ht5 ^ ’ wenrlni? pink nnd blue, nylon n e t M^ bnllcrlnn-lenRth Rowna. carried bou- W

    quels of p ink Rlndloll on while no t Etc lu fn a i w ith w hite strenmcrs. « i h,'“ Flower Rli’lS' -Ccmrd nnd B) ,uu j Mnrleno Lowry, wore pink and b ue «'— nylon.drc4Jjcs„wrlsUcta.oLtlny_p.'nk pc ,n . roses and cnrried tiny while bae- sc J.n. kets w ith pink streamers. tc“ J d cnndiellRhters, Judy Mftthlson nnd ir llSc Verdeno Johnson, nlso from. Sho- c

    shone, w ore pink and blue nylon n e t sl 15.5 balle;lnn-lenB th gowns with pink d

    b f ^ m ’K n T w i e ^ ^ Wnyno P e r- olln. ron. Shoshone, and Ferrell C nrra- nod- wny. Shoehone, a brother of th e train brldeRroom. 'oped T h e bride’s mother wore a pink g > nc- laco over crcnm colorcd sntln ROwn i

    In prlnccss style, l l wes designed j h H- w ith S abrina neckllno nnd cnp

    Uce slctsves. She wore white accessories, « MCd ThebridcRTOom’srfioU ierw oreablue

    l .h c r laco over blue sa tin dress w ith w hile-------accessories.

    T h e bride’s erandmolher. Mrs.11 O uy W hite. . Shoshone, wor* a bluo

    nylon p rin ted chiffon drc.u .with w hile accessories. They nil three wore w hite Rladloll corssRes.

    M ario Porter._Shoelione. was In charRo o t . th e Ruest book. T he Rift table wns handled by Deity Jo Bur> Royno, L eah Chnpman, Cnrol Coffmnn, M rs. Morris Oerard, Mm. Robe rt Halnllne. Mrs. Ellon McCnuley, Mrs, A nn Donar and Mrs. W. V.

    _____ Gnbrlcl. _ .....................T ho recepilm was held a t ' the

    . church baaemenl with 300 guests In attendance. ArranRtmenla were

    \ directed by the Ooodlng M ethodist ehurch Woman's Society of C hristian Service.T h e bride's gmnilmolhcr. Mrs.

    Ouy W hite, MsLilcd with lho serv- V ing. T lie weddlnR cake, in fouf-

    tie red design. wa.i « rv ed from n tablo In vfMte nylon flounce ovci

    • pink. T h e Jiunch and coifce wcn ■ Jf* served from a lable covcred wltl ^ a crocheted cloth m adi by Mrj

    W hite., M ra. re r rc ll Carrawny. Shoshont4 played background music for th

    I D^ooBUStf

    I I 2,000,Cf " S In tho next five yeors A

    M more women for o ffice jcX o re employed todoy. O lX W om en sehstj th e f a c t •S p a r t of our notional life0 ipoto In business.

    rite ensy- S . N a lINo^-ala 7\n P rln te^ g

    ; Misses’ ( j G oc19 jum per M

    " ‘““ ■ S ' FA LL TERtach p a t- • d ren and Mr. nnd- r ln g to n and chlltlren. a ll Declo. Mr.1 a n d Mrs, Reuben K ing, .H eyburn:

    m a n , Rocklnnd. ^ ^ ■

    t E d e n M i s s F e t e d!v EDEN, aur, 15 -R acd lne M eycr- •t h o ff. who left T hunday fo r Sunny- ; va le c a llf was fcU d Tuesdny eve- ,U n in g a t Uie home of Llndny Meyer

    w ith RuUi Klotz, eo-h“ te8s.- M iss Meycrhoff will teach In a

    L u th e ran school there.____________

    ;t t a n n i r ' s

    t e " r a -£ t i L X . - . - — k a»nd • R in g B an ds R e p a i re d

    vie- • Loose Stones T ig h te n e d -• W o rn M o u n tin g s R e p a i re d

    a n d • N ew M o u n tin g s C r e o te d

    all • L ost S lo n es R e p lo c e d

    • P in s , B rooches M o d e N e w '

    315 ’̂ 153 WEST M A IH »

    j 7 n i I D o o o =


    I• D ir e c to r of R e se a rc h f o r t h e | /o m e n w ill r e f u s e - e m p lo y m e n t '‘ i le ir c h i ld r e n o re s m a ll . . J o d o y Z

    r e t a i l e x ec u tiv e p o s i t io n s , a n d * v r t i s i n g , b a n k in g o n d jo u r n a l i s m . . j r y o u . S t a r t you r t r a in in g n o w .' _ W

    -E N R O L L N O W I

    ISSJOLIEGIJENTRAINED" ............. i - ----------

    O O O O G O O O O O O * * '

    i 'A 'L L S , I D A H O

    idist C hurch iRuper

    ITo L

    In ‘

    RUPER- [umphrl* IM, Roy 0 Lowell on of Mn •eller, In daho Pt nornlng / t. Kllpac;

    Accomp :emple wi Shrles. M tn d Mrs,, mull,. Mr er. Cnrl Olen Woc Mr. and W. Loui Douglas goyne. N Hnle.i.

    Polowi a lunclK was helt Mrs. Oi«

    Tlie b length If cd wim sleeves i the 'fron veil WM ^laco b} flowers camaUc

    A l Ul a t the I bride's- Mrs, O H umph T heir fl

    T he 1 pnle pll groom’« m e y whiu> <

    T J . BHOWN- ’ Ocon ’f fo rrav ln j) of cerei ------------------------------- -------------------rell Ct

    ioodvAttendance- Noted a t Reunion K j|lIEYDURNptUgrJO'-— T h e Jo h n ^ ewman Darker fam ily reun ion lnst ward eek on Frenchm an 's Islnnd was Your larked by Uie la rgest n tlendnnce In "One ) years. -A program, plcnlo nnd business Mla?1

    iccUng was held u n d e r Uio d lrec- The lon of Reuben H urd , Elba. an orT he program consisted of a ^ k l t

    V the Dnrker fam ily of E l ^ j w U i Ing, Jld J .c U . H u rt . B u r l ^ r a S . : Ojuni unnlU Tnylor gave n r e a d H B » .- 3nrker grandcJUldren. U U ih T ^ g a ^ luct, and Uie p rogram closed wiUi C a m

    ‘" lZ re ‘ uinn‘'i35 relaU ves a t te n d ^ O ^ rrom Utah. MonUina. O regon and DurU

    “ S J - .111 b . M d n o t p ™ . year in UUh.________





    ' 1'--------------

    I FAVORS-A ■ ___ for (

    ]_0----1---- —— :-----------or

    j e r t M i s s W e d 1 E n i

    ) L . W . P e r k i n s | | B [ | n T e m p l e R i t e spmT. Ml. 1! -thrWsr- daughlcz—o r M r._nndRoy H umphries, wns m a rr ir tiwell W . Perkins. Idaho Palls, I ft Mrs. W. l« u ls Perkins. MonU' In rites perfonned a t the; Palls LDS u m p le Friday E MlngA ug.6,byPrcflld.entW UUnm

    :om?anylnR th e co u ^e to; th e ,le were Mr. and M rs. Roy Hum- a . Mr. nnd Mrs, Dnvls O rctn.Mrs, Mne Jones, M rs. Alma C at- i

    Mr. and M rs. LeRoy Block- :arl J . WllllaiKs, M r. and Mrs.Woodwnrd. Mrs. Sherm nn Peck,

    nnd M n . George Catm ull, Mrs.Louis Perkins. M r. nnd Mra. jlns Perkins. M rs. Elmer-' Bur- ic. NetUe Penrtfe and Mrs. Vera

    llowlng t