THE OBSERVER -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 -- PAGE 9A AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS PAGE 8A -- THE OBSERVER -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS -- AREA NEWS Vail native Eunice McCollough, now a resident of Eventide, is all smiles as she enjoys the caroling festivities last Thursday night. McCollough and all the residents received carnations during the event, as Denison HyVee once again donated over 600 flowers for the activities. Dale Crane, a former Vail resi- dent who now resides at the Reed House, enjoys a visit with Annette Boeck of Denison during the car- oling festivities last Thursday night. Over 70 carolers participated at one or more of the four loca- tions visited, including several lo- cal celebrities as well as sev- eral Job Corps students and staff members. The visitors sang a rep- ertoire of 11 Christmas songs at each location. Emily Sailer of Schleswig was a featured soloist on O Holy Night. Luetjes share love, structure with kids through fostering FOSTER PARENTING Continued from page 1 ones will overcome a lot. With the help of the church, our small community and our support system, they have come a long way. They try to give the children experi- ences they might never otherwise be able to enjoy. For example, they spent 46 days last summer camping out despite welcoming 12 different children into their home for respite care. Last weekend, they enjoyed a trip to Santas Castle in Storm Lake, and the little kids will be able to have the op- portunity to be involved in school and church activities as they grow older. Foster parenting can be scary, they add, but they say they have received tremendous support over the years from the kids grandparents -- Norma and the late Wendell Luetje and Paul and Kay Aschinger. Jay says they have met a lot of people through their fostering experi- ences who support each other through their common bond. For example, they met a train engineer from the Ogden/ Boone area at one meeting and now three or four times a week, their new friend gives a toot on his train horn as he passes by their acreage. The Luetjes started the paperwork for the adoption process back in July and, although the move became official shortly after National Adoption Day, they decided to stay local instead of trav- eling to one of the 400 events held all over the country. It just happened to come up at about the same time, Cat says, noting that each case is different as to the amount of time it takes to complete. In the spring, the Luetjes are plan- ning to have their new children baptized and to host an open house at their acre- age for friends in their church, their school and the community. It will be a good chance to wel- come them into the family, Cat says. Anyone who would like more infor- mation about how to get involved in fos- ter parenting can call Lutheran Services in Iowa, 263-9341, or the Department of Human Services, 712-792-4391. Watch for Part 2 next Thursday! Getting in the holiday spirit... Elise Cameron (left) and Laine Miller, fresh- men members of the Ar- We-Va Rockers, are caught in action during the dance teams Christmas routine per- formed during the boys halftime Saturday, De- cember 13. Basketball action will resume after the Christmas break with a home doubleheader vs. CAM on Friday, January 2. The Rockers will be performing during the boys halftimes of most home games for the re- mainder of the season and will present their annual spring show in March. Photo by Lanice Kock Senator-elect Ernst receives committee assignments Iowa Senator-elect Joni Ernst has an- nounced that she has been assigned to four Senate committees of importance to Iowans, beginning in the 114th Con- gress: Armed Services; Agriculture, Nu- trition and Forestry; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; and Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Of the assignments, Ernst said, I am honored to serve on these four com- mittees which impact Iowans everyday lives. Ensuring Iowans voices are heard in Washington is my top priority and these committees focus on areas of criti- cal importance to our state including strengthening our agricultural industry and growing our economy, advocating for Iowa small businesses, holding the gov- ernment accountable to act effectively and efficiently, and ensuring the United States remains safe and secure. Agriculture is our lifeblood in Iowa. I am eager to join Senator Grassley on the Agriculture Committee to continue fighting for the interests and values of Iowa farmers and businesses in Wash- ington. In addition, as a soldier and veteran I will work tirelessly on the Armed Ser- vices Committee to ensure the safety and security of the American people, as well as prioritize the wellbeing and opera- tions of those in uniform. Senator-elect Joni Ernst will take the Oath of Office on January 6, 2015.

2014 Iowa Holiday Caroling

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12/11/2014 - 7th Annual Denison Iowa Christmas Caroling Festivities Featured in the Observer 12/18/14 pages 8 & 9 www.westsideobserveronline.com

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Vail native Eunice McCollough, now a resident of Eventide, is all smilesas she enjoys the caroling festivities last Thursday night. McColloughand all the residents received carnations during the event, as DenisonHyVee once again donated over 600 flowers for the activities.

Dale Crane, a former Vail resi-dent who now resides at the ReedHouse, enjoys a visit with AnnetteBoeck of Denison during the car-oling festivities last Thursday night. Over 70 carolers participatedat one or more of the four loca-tions visited, including several lo-cal �celebrities� as well as sev-eral Job Corps students and staffmembers. The visitors sang a rep-ertoire of 11 Christmas songs ateach location. Emily Sailer ofSchleswig was a featured soloiston �O Holy Night.�

Luetjes share love,structure with kidsthrough fostering

FOSTER PARENTINGContinued from page 1ones will overcome a lot. With the helpof the church, our small community andour support system, they have come along way.�

They try to give the children experi-ences they might never otherwise be ableto enjoy. For example, they spent 46days last summer camping out despitewelcoming 12 different children intotheir home for respite care.

Last weekend, they enjoyed a tripto Santa�s Castle in Storm Lake, and the�little kids� will be able to have the op-portunity to be involved in school andchurch activities as they grow older.

Foster parenting can be scary, theyadd, but they say they have received�tremendous support� over the yearsfrom the kids� grandparents -- Normaand the late Wendell Luetje and Paul andKay Aschinger.

Jay says they have met a lot ofpeople through their fostering experi-ences who support each other throughtheir common bond. For example, theymet a train engineer from the Ogden/Boone area at one meeting and now threeor four times a week, their new friendgives a toot on his train horn as he passesby their acreage.

The Luetjes started the paperworkfor the adoption process back in Julyand, although the move became officialshortly after National Adoption Day,they decided to stay local instead of trav-eling to one of the 400 events held allover the country.

�It just happened to come up atabout the same time,� Cat says, notingthat each case is different as to the amountof time it takes to complete.

In the spring, the Luetjes are plan-ning to have their new children baptizedand to host an open house at their acre-age for friends in their church, their schooland the community.

�It will be a good chance to wel-come them into the family,� Cat says.

Anyone who would like more infor-mation about how to get involved in fos-ter parenting can call Lutheran Servicesin Iowa, 263-9341, or the Department ofHuman Services, 712-792-4391.

Watch for Part 2 next Thursday!

Getting in theholiday spirit...

Elise Cameron (left)and Laine Miller, fresh-men members of the Ar-We-Va Rockers, arecaught in action duringthe dance team�sChristmas routine per-formed during the boys�halftime Saturday, De-cember 13.

Basketball actionwill resume after theChristmas break with ahome doubleheader vs.CAM on Friday, January2.

The Rockers will beperforming during theboys� halftimes of mosthome games for the re-mainder of the seasonand will present theirannual spring show inMarch.

Photo byLanice Kock

Senator-electErnst receives


Iowa Senator-elect Joni Ernst has an-nounced that she has been assigned tofour Senate committees of importanceto Iowans, beginning in the 114th Con-gress: Armed Services; Agriculture, Nu-trition and Forestry; Homeland Securityand Governmental Affairs; and SmallBusiness and Entrepreneurship.

Of the assignments, Ernst said, �Iam honored to serve on these four com-mittees which impact Iowans� everydaylives. Ensuring Iowans� voices are heardin Washington is my top priority andthese committees focus on areas of criti-cal importance to our state includingstrengthening our agricultural industryand growing our economy, advocating forIowa small businesses, holding the gov-ernment accountable to act effectivelyand efficiently, and ensuring the UnitedStates remains safe and secure.

�Agriculture is our lifeblood in Iowa.I am eager to join Senator Grassley onthe Agriculture Committee to continuefighting for the interests and values ofIowa farmers and businesses in Wash-ington.

�In addition, as a soldier and veteranI will work tirelessly on the Armed Ser-vices Committee to ensure the safety andsecurity of the American people, as wellas prioritize the wellbeing and opera-tions of those in uniform.�

Senator-elect Joni Ernst will take theOath of Office on January 6, 2015.