enrichment guide FEBRUARY 3 - 20 , 2015 Proud Cornerstone member of: Media sponsor: Sponsored by:

2015 20 3 - firststage.org Stage PDFs/Enrichment...Goldilocks and the Three Bears learn new lessons. Enclosed in this Enrichment Guide is a range of materials and activities intended

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Proud Cornerstone member of:Media sponsor:Sponsored by:


Dear Educators, Join Goldilocks, an adventuresome and curious little girl, as she goes exploring in the woods and into the house of the Three Bears. Through this journey, Goldilocks learns how to treat her friends—we do not act disrespectful to our friends and mistreat their belongings; instead we respect our friends and work to help others make kind and caring choices, too. This playful musical retelling of this classic folk tale will have your students giggling in delights as they help Goldilocks and the Three Bears learn new lessons.

Enclosed in this Enrichment Guide is a range of materials and activities intended to help you discover connections within the play through the curricula. It is our hope that you will use the experience of attending the theater and seeing GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS with your students as a teaching tool. As educators, you know best the needs and abilities of your students. Use this guide to best serve your children – pick and choose, or adapt any of these suggestions for discussions or activities.

Enjoy the show!

Julia MagnascoEducation Director(414) [email protected]

SETTING THE STAGEpreparing for the play

Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4About the Composer and Lyracist . . 5Recommended Reading . . . . . . . . . 6Pre-Show Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

FOR TEACHERSCurriculum connectionsbefore or after the play

HANDWRITINGBears, Bats, and Butterflies! . . . . . . . 7

MATHHow Big Is That? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9One, two, TREE! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

LANGUAGE ARTSAll Mixed Up! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8We’ve “Scene” Goldi! . . . . . . . . 13–14

DRAMAGoldilocks, The Play! . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Perfect Porridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

CREATIVE WRITINGWhere is Goldilocks now? . . . . . . . 12


Post-Show Questions . . . . . . . . . . 16Who Said It? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Who Said it? (ANSWERS) . . . . . . . 17

FIRST STAGE POLICIES• The use of recording equipment and cameras are not permitted during

the performance.• Food, drink, candy and gum are not permitted during the performance.• Electronic devices are not permitted in the theater space.• Should a student become ill, suffer an injury or have another problem, please

escort him or her out of the theater space.• In the unlikely event of a general emergency, the theater lights will go on

and the stage manager will come on stage to inform the audience of the problem. Remain in your seats, visually locate the nearest exit and wait for the stage man-ager to guide your group from the theater.

Seating for people with special needs: If you have special seating needs for any student(s) and did not indicate your need when you ordered your tickets, please call our Assistant Patron Services Manager at (414) 267-2962. Our knowledge of your needs will enable us to serve you better upon your arrival to the theater.



Our story begins in a forest where a family of bears is foraging and singing about their cabin in the woods. (A Family of Bears) Father Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear walk to their cabin filled with wooden chairs in different sizes as a swarm of bees fly around them.

Father Bear reads the paper with the headline about a new road coming through their woods. The bear family worries about the birds, and bees and asks, “Where will we live and why would people want to build a road here?” They decide people are always in a hurry, think animals are dangerous, but it’s the animals that should be careful of people. (Beware)

Mama Bear prepares a new breakfast dish called porridge. (Porridge) After several tries she serves the “nourishing dish in a bowl,” in three bowls of different sizes. The porridge is too hot, so the bears decide to go for a walk. (A Family of Bears)

On the other side of the woods, Goldilocks, her teddy bear and lumberjack father are seen walking through the trees. Goldilocks is bored and her father reminds her she could have stayed home with her mommy, “whose work can be boring.” Father also tells her about the dangers in the woods—foxes, wolves and BEARS! But, Goldilocks is not afraid of animals, not even wild ones. Mr. Locks warns her to be careful in the woods. (Beware) Goldilocks asks her father if he’d ever seen any bears. He admits he hasn’t.

Goldilocks is concerned her father will chop down all the trees to make the new road. He reassures her he will only chop just enough for the road. As the trees fall he will shout, “Timber,” to warn any people who may be near the falling tree. She practices shouting

timber and Mr. Locks explains how wood can be used to make many useful things. (Wood Is Good) Goldilocks is very excited about what she has learned and wants to help. Mr. Lock says no, because he concerned about such dangerous work for a girl. Goldilocks is disappointed and goes for a walk. As she ventures about she complains to Teddy Bear. (Just Because I’m A Girl)

Suddenly, Goldilocks happens upon a cabin in the woods. She knocks and there is no answer. She enters the cabin and wonders who lives there. Seeing the table and porridge, hungry Goldilocks tries each bowl, “The big bowl is too hot. The medium bowl is too cold. But the smallest bowl is just right.” She eats all the porridge in the smallest bowl.

No longer hungry, Goldilocks sees three chairs. She sits in the big chair, which is too tall. The middle chair is too wide. Now, if she wiggled a bit the smallest chair would be just right. As she wiggles, the chair falls to pieces, “Oops, I hope no one notices.”

All of her adventuring made Goldilocks tired. In the cabin are the three beds. The largest bed is too hard. The medium sized bed is too soft. The smallest bed is just right for Goldilocks and she falls fast asleep. (Just Because I’m A Girl) In the distance, we hear the sound of wood being chopped followed by, “Timber!” Ready for a break, Mr. Locks calls for Goldilocks to breakfast but cannot find her and begins to search.

In another part of the woods, the Father Bear and Mama Bear try to convince Baby Bear that there are no humans in their forest. Baby Bear tells them he is sure he heard chopping sounds followed by a crash. His parents tell him the sounds were a woodpecker and animals bushing through the brush. Just then, Father Bear’s shoulders begin to itch. (Itch And Scratch) Soon the whole bear family is itching and scratching!

Suddenly, the bears hear, “Timber,” followed by a crash. They wonder if people are near and soon see Mr. Lock. The bears hide .He is on a cell phone discussing the how quickly he can remove trees and the equipment needed. He also tells his co-workers that

Goldilocks is missing and asks that everyone keep a lookout for her. When Mr. Lock leaves, the bears walk back to

the cabin while helping Baby bear understand what a bulldozer is and the damage

it can cause.



When the bears enter their cabin, they discover someone has tasted their porridge and eaten all of Baby Bear’s porridge. (Who’s been…) Father Bear investigates further and finds chairs have been moved and Baby Bear’s chair is broken. (Who’s been…) Next they discover their beds are untidy and… some’s asleep in Baby Bear’s bed.

Father Bear says he will handle the intruder and picks up the Teddy Bear. Just then, a lump in the bed moves. The bears are frightened and hide. When Goldilocks comes out from the covers the bears scream. Finally Mama Bear asks, “Who are you and what are you doing in our house?” Goldilocks shouts, “You’re a bear!” The bears tell her these are our beds, chairs and house!

Goldilocks quickly explains how she came to be in their house. The bears ask her to speak slower and they will not hurt her. Baby Bear asks Goldilocks not to hurt them, either. Goldilocks wants to know why the bears think she would hurt them. Goldilocks explains she wouldn’t hurt animals and they are her friend. Father Bear tells her, “Friends do not break into other animals’ homes, break their furniture, eat their food and jump on their beds.”

When Goldilocks tells the bears about her father and his axe, the bears ask if he cuts down trees. She tells them that’s her father. The bears tell her about the road that will cut through the woods; right through their house! Father Bear shows Goldilocks the Grizzly newspaper article and tells her the woods need to be protected. (Woods Are Good)

The bear family begins to pack, when Goldilocks come up with the idea to persuade her father to put the road somewhere else. As they talk, they hear a bulldozer outside the cabin. Goldilocks runs out to her father. He thinks she is being chased by the bears. Goldilocks tells father the bears are friendly, but he disagrees. When Mother Bear asks if he would like a cup of tea, Mr. Lock is very surprised.

Goldilocks tells her father the woods belong to the bear. If he builds the road, their home would be destroyed. She begs him to build the new road around the edge of the wood.

Mr. lock looks at the plans for the road and thinks it could be moved a little to the East. Of course he’d have to get approval from the office. Goldilocks and the bears cheer! Then she asks if her father could repair Baby Bear’s chair. Yes, he can!

Mama Bear offers Mr. Lock a breakfast of porridge. He accepts her offer, asking if she would not mind calling him, George. (A Family of Bears/Porridge/Itch & Scratch)



“The dynamic musical theatre songwriting partnership that is George Stiles (music) and Anthony Drewe (lyrics) have been writing together since they met at Exeter University over twenty years ago.

“George and Anthony have written five musicals together:• In 2004 they composed the new songs, additional music and

lyrics, vocal and dance arrangements for the multi-award winning MARY POPPINS, currently one of the UK's and Broadway’s biggest attractions.

• Their first musical was TUTANKHAMUN (Northcott Theatre and Imagination Building); which they hope to revisit one day.

• JUST SO was produced by Cameron Mackintosh and won the 1985 Vivian Ellis Prize…none other than Steven Spielberg then secured an option to turn it into a feature animation. Just So most recently played at the Chichester Festival Theatre in 2004.

• HONK!– which was commissioned by the Watermill Theatre in 1993 – has been produced over 4,000 times and won the Olivier Award for Best Musical in 2000, the FNB VITA Award in South Africa, and the Elliot Norton Award in the USA.

• PETER PAN– A Musical Adventure, began life as a BBC concert presented in 2001 at the Royal Festival Hall starring John Thaw as a wonderfully menacing Captain Hook. Won Best Song and the Orchestras Award at the 1996 International Musical of the Year in Denmark.

“They have also written two revues and contributed songs to a variety of theatre, TV, and radio shows, including the RSC’s SHAKESPEARE REVUE, THE CHALLENGE, and Dame Edna Everage’s LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU.”

From: http://www.stilesanddrewe.biz/about_us.html


ABOUT THE COMPOSER AND LYRACIST: George Stiles and Anthony Drewe


Goldilocks and Just One Bear, by Leigh Hodgkinson

Yours Truly, Goldilocks, by Alma Flor and Leslie Tryon

Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Jim Aylesworth and Barbara McClintock

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs by Mo Willems

Goldilocks and the Three Bears retold by Jan Brett

Believe me, Goldilocks Rocks: The Story of Goldilocks as told by Baby Bear by Nancy Jean Loewen

Goldilocks Returns, by Lisa Campbell Ernst

The Ghanian Goldilocks, by Dr. Tamara Pizzoli and Phil Howell

1. Name three animals that live in the woods.

2. Can you think of another name for porridge? What are your favorite breakfast foods?

3. What does a bulldozer do? Name some other types of transportation and their jobs.

4. Wood is a natural resource that can be used to make houses, furniture, and paper! We must be careful to not deplete natural resources, which is why it is important to recycle. What things do you recycle?




Draw a picture of B words you know.

B bB b B b

BEARS, BATS, AND BUTTERFLIES!A Handwriting Practice worksheet


The story below is all mixed up! Unscramble the sentences so that it tells the story in the correct order.

• Goldilocks sits in Baby Bear’s chair and breaks it!

• The bears find Goldilocks sleeping in Baby Bear’s bed.

• The bears go out for a walk.

• Goldilocks sneaks into the bears’ house.

• Goldilocks runs out of the bears’ house!

ALL MIXED UP! A Language Arts Student Worksheet on Sequencing


To build reasoning skills, have students match up the correct sizes with the correct bear. Cut out the cards on the following page and match the biggest items with Papa Bear, the medium objects with Mama Bear and the smallest objects with Baby Bear. To further your exploration, ask questions such as, “Which bed is the biggest?” or “Whose chair is smaller than Papa bear’s?”

Adapted from: http://www.first-school.ws/

HOW BIG IS THAT? A Math Worksheet on Reasoning and Sizing


Baby Bear: I’ve never made porridge before. Is it difficult?Father Bear: Do you have a recipe?Mother Bear: It’s very easy. I’m sure even you can manage it. There are only four ingredients, milk, water, oats and salt. Now put your aprons on.

Porridge is a food made by boiling oats, or other cereal meal like rice, wheat, semolina or barley, with milk or water. It can be sweetened with sugar and honey or made savory with vegetable or spices. Try making your own porridge with a grown up for a tummy warming breakfast treat- the possibilities are endless!

1 cup cereal meal of choice (oats, wheat, rice, barley)2 cups water or milk

DIRECTIONSADULTS1. Place cereal meal and liquid in a bowl over medium heat.2. Add a pinch of salt and bring to a simmer.3. Simmer for about 5-6 minutes until the liquid is absorbed. Add more liquid to get the consistency you like.

KIDS4. Try these toppings: Mashed or cut up banana, diced apples, nuts, fruit jam, honey, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, cinna-

mon, raisins, even chocolate chips!



Follow the directions below to create your own bear puppet!

1. Color and cut out the bear below.

2. Act out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with your friends and family!

GOLDILOCKS, THE PLAY! Drama Classroom Activity


At the end of the story Goldilocks convinces her father to move the road so it doesn’t interfere with the bears’ house. Then they all sit down to celebrate with bowls of porridge! Fill in the sentence below and draw a picture of what you think Goldilocks and the bears will do next..



WHERE IS GOLDILOCKS NOW? Creative Writing Student Worksheet


Begin a discussion with your class about the play, GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS. Ask them what their favorite scenes and characters were. Then, write 3 columns on the board and label them Beginning, Middle, and End. Ask the students to put the parts of the play in the correct sequence, listing the moments in the correct columns on the board. After the discussion, distribute the worksheets on the next page in this guide and ask the students to draw their favorite moment from each column on the board.

WE’VE “SCENE” GOLDI!Language Arts Classroom Activity


Draw your favorite scene from the beginning, the middle, and the end of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

WE’VE “SCENE” GOLDI!Language Arts Student Worksheet





DIRECTIONSFold the worksheet in half to create a card. Cut along the dotted lines. Draw the number of apples left in the tree inside the card.

Adapted from: http://kindergartenkidsatplay.blogspot.com

ONE, TWO, TREE! A Math Classroom Activity on Counting

5 little apples sweet to the core.

1 fell down and then there were 4.

4 little apples sitting in a tree. 1 fell down and

then there were 3.

3 little apples one for you, and

you and you. 1 fell down and

then there were 2.

2 little apples shin-ing in the sun.

1 fell down and then there were 1.

1 little apple left all alone.

1 fell down and then there were none.


1. People do what people do. Bears do what bears do.

2. Porridge, it’s a nourishing dish in a bowl.

3. We don’t need shoes. We always have bear feet.

4. I’m not scared of animals.

5. Timber!!!

6. This axe needs sharpening.

7. Ah, that’s just right.

8. I need you to scratch between my shoulders.

9. Would you like a cup of tea?

10. My name is George.


1. Why should people protect the forest/woods?

2. What things can be made from wood?

3. Are there activities you have been discouraged from trying because you are a boy or a girl?

4. How was Goldilocks not a very good friend to the Bears? What did she do next to show what a good friend she was to the bears? How are you a good friend?



1. People do what people do. Bears do what bears do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FATHER BEAR

2. Porridge, it’s a nourishing dish in a bowl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE BEARS

3. We don’t need shoes. We always have bear feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BABY BEAR

4. I’m not scared of animals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOLDILOCKS

5. Timber!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MR. LOCK

6. This axe needs sharpening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MR. LOCK

7. Ah, that’s just right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOLDILOCKS

8. I need you to scratch between my shoulders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FATHER BEAR

9. Would you like a cup of tea? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAMA BEAR

10. My name is George. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MR. LOCK