3 TYPES OF MEMORY: Sensory Memory Short – Term Memory Long – Term Memory

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Sensory Memory Short – Term Memory Long – Term Memory

Page 3: 3 TYPES OF MEMORY:  Sensory Memory  Short – Term Memory  Long – Term Memory

And 3 PROCESSES of memory…

Encoding Storage Retrieval

Encoding: transforming info so the NS can process & store it We use acoustic codes

when we try to remember something by repeating it out loud

We use visual codes when we try to keep a mental picture

Semantic codes – trying to remember by trying to make sense of something

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The process of maintaining info in LTM over a period of time

How well this works depends on how much effort was put into encoding it

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TIP: You can think of the three stages of memory processing in the following way: encoding is like listening to songs, consolidation is like recording those songs (or burning a CD), and retrieval is like playing back the songs

Retrieval Bringing info

from LTM storage into working memory (STM)

How easily this happens depends on how efficiently it was encoded, and also on how many sense were used while encoding

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Sensory Memory

Sight and hearing hold an input for fraction of a second

Psychologists refer to 2 types of SM: auditory sensory memory = echoic memory,

and Visual sensory memory = iconic memory

Sensory mem serves 3 functions:1. Prevents being overwhelmed2. Give you some decision time3. allows for continuity and stability

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Definition & duration Capacity & chunking

Things you have in conscious mind at any one moment

To retain longer than a few seconds, we must use techniques like maintenance rehearsal (repeating the info to self)

Lasts about 20 seconds without rehearsal

Can hold ~ 7 unrelated items

Each item can consist of a collection of other items, but if they are packaged into one “chunk” they count as 1

Eg. DDT, COMSAT, phone #s, or to remember a list of things—figs, lettuce, oranges, apples, and tomatoes—make a word out of the first letters (e.g., "FLOAT") - acronyms

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STM cont’d

The PRIMACY-RECENCY effect: Recalling info at the beginning or end is easier

How does this relate to “working memory?” They are similar, but working memory also

includes info stored in long term, brought into consciousness for processing working memory is necessary for the control of attention (Klingberg, 2008).

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LONG TERM MEMORY TWO MAIN TYPES: Declarative: (we call this up

from memory as we need it) Episodic – memory of our

own lives Semantic – knowledge of

language, words, meanings

Procedural – involves skills acquired thru life eg. Driving, tying shoes, typing, texting Also things like fear of

bugs, habits, and things learned through classical conditioning

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MEMORY AND THE BRAIN – What physiologically happens when we learn? Change in the neuronal

structure of nerves? Molecular or chemical

changes in brain? Evidence shows both

are correct Complex chemical

processes happen before new connections are formed – protein synthesis, high glucose, potassium & calcium

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A few final points…

Amygdala is for emotional associations

Thalamus is for processing sensory information, crucial to creating memories

Hippocampus is for transferring words, facts, events from STM into LTM

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Interesting idea…