34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors

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  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    My College Defensive Playbook

    G~t ...ne,:r .~e.Glpt~ e.yery '~l~~ 8ll.aGl:TH:i:~ t~em.Qgce ~~T.;. ' 5eE't-rt~ .b,", ,tl t. aH11 d'e'fer isi'i 'El ,.?l' hit. 0:[" i l ) . . ! I . ! i : : e; , it..'GANG ,TACYLE' - 'T~is i~ w!l!tt 'daf-Gn!S;! 1:',; al:::.:~Q.ii.t..Ym:r c....~ t 'b 'o:z4~.::ade tense ,th~-t> .ira's 9v8,:'YQl\e, gc i{P 'O ''fti11 :: I !=Ie~d, t,o th a b.:in. C !1;rrj;e;t" G.i1:~ ~3. :I1ar.l' f' i!!0Ol:: 'e~hat. "an', :hit::. h-iln U;ri,Hl t'h~ w1" i .Ht lE ! l . ' t ll ~ ,, ! ,.$ ,_ 'l;'l:'.i!;is. h~~~e y.Ol.!~ 'd'efBmui ~a+n.s rfl,$pll!;::.:. 6~ ,~c 'i;-hj,g'.l1~J;'~rS,at,=I;]&:{' ~.i\d'p~op'le ~tl t .Ii!""el'l w~l"!t.-t:O 'I)'layyoU.. ,Itycu'i'~ :an aq.g-r!tutvs={)at~l..l pla,)'"Er .. 1.00':'1(i1,1. h~"e..a, lot' ;Qf; :to.~,al. ~a.';'k~IiI';H:;J~ FAR AWJIi .~ ; FROM "):,Sl: ~L , :wnc- .YOli'S;E. c . 1 ; ; E J . ; ' Til::",;wst1r D . l o O W . j ; O . ?


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    _______________ WIN TaE GAME________~~~ __ ~OLD OF~K~~TS TO 10 O~ FEWER PDINTS

    SCO~E 94~ ON HUS!tE9-0\ TACI PO NEN'1 'S O UD ER 3.3 YDS. /t;ARR

    ___________ -'__ NO r u m OV"ER :2 0 Y O!:::.________________ 0 RUN OVER 10 YDS. ~FTE~ RECE?!ION__~ ~ NO MORE THAN l~ lOS. IE F~ALI~IES PE~ GAML




    10.ll.'.la.19.Z O o


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    .r.\ _ . C~VE~NOR ~WARD STARS

    Team Awards1. wj.n.

    ~. Stop te~m inside 10yar~lin~~ .1st~ Goalfrom 6 or lelSs.5. For~e opponept to puntf rom in5ide their own

    S :ii!!.J;dl imi:

    - L OBe a Sta.lI: :

    Individual Aw~~d~

    2. Bloc,. Kick.3. ~ick-Qff ~~ckle inside 20 y~re:~~s_t. C~uge fumble or int@r~~Ftio~.S. Recover fum ble.G. Out~t&nding becond EffDrt orqre.at hit.,. ouarterba~k ~a~k.B. Key blo~~ on pu~t Ietur~ ~or

    touchdOWl1 .~. 2 passe~ broken-up.

    HI. Hustle pl-ay-et" or playe:..;cf t ; ; " . : . . . . " : " . ! : .liLa H'IlBtle 'H%.11. PUct return of 30 yarci5 or more.12. Scout player aoing best jobagainst D~fense. S ~ A~arcl13. Two tackles for a los~ on run~i~gpl~y.l~. Two knock-b~ck tackl@s per/~~~e.

    ~ Tak~ pdrt in 50~ of play~ t~I:]ualify.15. Never l~t b all hit g ~o~nd on p~~t.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    T.h~t ~e~t~in ~cmething that ma~e5 u~ 9 ~eat; th~t rullsus Out of the mediocr~ and oommonpla~ej that b u ildi into usPowe~. It glows qnd 5hine~; it li 9ht~ up our fac~B withEnth~eia3~-the keynote that m~ke~ ~B ~ing anc makei men ~it~us.

    EN'l'HU. J A S f ' ) 'The make r oJ fr iends ~ tile make r 0f ~rniIe ~ , theprod lJ cez of con f idf:llc e_ It i;:d.e;!Oto th-e wor 1Qr ., I Iv~ gQ t;.what it t~~e5.n It tlls all men th~t OUT job is a ~welljob , that the house W~ ~ork f o~ ju~t ~uits us: th~t the g oodsW~ h~ve a~e th~ beit.

    ..r> E:N'I"H.t.tSIASM: 'rhe inspiration t.hat. llIall;eB 1.l:5 M"NtB UP ';;;l.d L!Vt~It p ut s ~ ~ri ng in ou~ st@ p. spring in o~ r hea~t5, a t~inklein.our ~yes, an~ it qivG~ uS cO nf ide n~e i n ol. l~ s~l ve 5an~ ou~fellor..' :m~n.

    ENTHOSIASM~ It ch~ng es a cead pan ~ale~ ~a~ to ~ ptoducer.a pe8!!~ist to ~fi Optimi~t, ~~d a loafer to ~ go-getter.~tHUSIA5M: If ~e have it, we ~houlo th~nk God fo~ it. If~e don't have it, the~ ~e ~hould get d~~ ~n ou~ lI;nee~~ndpray for it.


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    '., 1-2 .

    3 6

    4 .

    5 .

    &,OM 1'ImS th S foothall on ua. .:Ifuo;f- Y O U 1 " gap and !lew to coatrol it.Wewst execttte 00 first cbm. If the opponent ga.1ns 4 or tn::Ire on firsdown then be dictates t.lle! teIlpo on t . b E t next two daIms.lk) not allow- the opp;lPE!Dt to dictate- flaw (lJl, third darn. Force lUll! to-pass or 1'0 for the- big play. Now ~ dictate his rn:wes.O::Dnmicate on de.!eose~. ' l "bim:I is. co roan on defense for "I thought1or IIm sorry" .B I . l a. b1if pla.y defense. Turnover$. ue COII'ITerted into ~lnts 801 ot thetime.

    s. PtIll tar eacb other. Play to~her. It dEmlralizes an offe:lS8 to plaagain.st the insane.7. Football 18 a gam of m:me!ltun. 1'0 he successful Y o u illUSt te able totold it and be abl$ to taB it ~y.a. No one can cont:rol t be football ~ us tor c::pre than 12 pIays .9. Force temr.a to tbrow and, set your ears back and. go get the:m10. Don It :iJ.low teamS to rove out of bad Held p::lSiHen 5itt.:a"t ions.11. :N o team can g o 80 yards con.sistently ~ thout YQ\U ' help such as penal ti

    : l I l . d . ~tal errors.

    ) 1. Get in the huddle a n d . CCIJ:@ out together.2. K I : l o w t . b I a defense -called.3. : K n J w the C01i@l"age called.4. Know- tbf!! c : ! o w n and distance.5. KDow the .field. posit1on and . how it rela.te-$ to you. (i.e.) aasu mark ,


    6. KnoW what YOW" key is.7. i(oo;f ho w to !Wt 1n eo ~ aligrJllll8'rl.t.8. Pre-read offensive aligrmgnt.9 . Is the Qff~ tipping t h e p l a y 10. Execute your respons ib1li. ty and tbEln pursue

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    Taka Charg:e PhyslcaL PhY9Arnb!UOH C o!!lel' ll! b-Iene s ~ A9~res.gion Loillltj en;lhip QUY Hard W~rlter '1'oll'''l,h nen TotlgD~Slr-e t < l k 89 adv1"ce AUger. 51lovts the Will Ulxe One of the Dew-lops NeW!fOr high ,(

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    '., 1-2 .

    3 6

    4 .

    5 .

    &,OM 1'ImS th S foothall on ua. .:Ifuo;f- Y O U 1 " gap and !lew to coatrol it.Wewst execttte 00 first cbm. If the opponent ga.1ns 4 or tn::Ire on firsdown then be dictates t.lle! teIlpo on t . b E t next two daIms.lk) not allow- the opp;lPE!Dt to dictate- flaw (lJl, third darn. Force lUll! to-pass or 1'0 for the- big play. Now ~ dictate his rn:wes.O::Dnmicate on de.!eose~. ' l "bim:I is. co roan on defense for "I thought1or IIm sorry" .B I . l a. b1if pla.y defense. Turnover$. ue COII'ITerted into ~lnts 801 ot thetime.

    s. PtIll tar eacb other. Play to~her. It dEmlralizes an offe:lS8 to plaagain.st the insane.7. Football 18 a gam of m:me!ltun. 1'0 he successful Y o u illUSt te able totold it and be abl$ to taB it ~y.a. No one can cont:rol t be football ~ us tor c::pre than 12 pIays .9. Force temr.a to tbrow and, set your ears back and. go get the:m10. Don It :iJ.low teamS to rove out of bad Held p::lSiHen 5itt.:a"t ions.11. :N o team can g o 80 yards con.sistently ~ thout YQ\U ' help such as penal ti

    : l I l . d . ~tal errors.

    ) 1. Get in the huddle a n d . CCIJ:@ out together.2. K I : l o w t . b I a defense -called.3. : K n J w the C01i@l"age called.4. Know- tbf!! c : ! o w n and distance.5. KDow the .field. posit1on and . how it rela.te-$ to you. (i.e.) aasu mark ,


    6. KnoW what YOW" key is.7. i(oo;f ho w to !Wt 1n eo ~ aligrJllll8'rl.t.8. Pre-read offensive aligrmgnt.9 . Is the Qff~ tipping t h e p l a y 10. Execute your respons ib1li. ty and tbEln pursue

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    &.1Il ' lm OW GE IS THE REAL 'lEST di' 1 GREJa tm m lSM TEAM . The score is7 - 7r>; ii" thi :fourth q_uarter a n a yoU have just ~ 0l.U' owonentSl CIRour 0I'i!l 28

    yard. .llD&. You b&vtI juSt sat da;m. em the benclJ. you feel go::rl and relieved..lou M.ve ju5t 5tapped tb!a I . a.!ter a lang drtve. You can sure W3E I the ~ . A : i I tbB < It t~ V8 team dri'leSl tbe be.ll out 1rm. tbe 28 : .;rut! litte .and jlets 900gaxl field po!IjIi t10n a (1m:bl t ' t on the first play IU1d your oppooen t has tbe bal lan . your 24 y.vd liae. ~ - Get back :b. the game quickly 1 THIS IS SU: :O~Q ! : A N ! ~ ~I'l'UATION'.What are tbli f"lings o t : the tw Q t~ at. th18 time =

    YOOR~1. \Ifua.t a. gntS.~ break ..2~ lie ruwe tbem OIl the ropes nrJ!R.3. Their deft3D59 will be tin;d.4. ~"3 lUt tba:l1 qu1ck.S. o.ir .defeMe did a. great job aetting the ball.

    1!Ml ' I1IJU'lIl 'S1 . .r=. 6.

    Wh a ~ a lousy break .!bey .~ U9 in a. big bole. .I am tired; t don -e kllcM whether I can bold out again.~. I bop9 ~ne catI!!'S up with a b~g play.OUr offense sure pU t 1.J,' ; i in a oole. Ho w could they 00 it?it jU$t isn't fair.I thPlk you can see . . m y 1t takas a ~t defense to O"o'"erct:IIE a S'I.lIld.en c.t : Iangesituation. Your oppQQEttt$ will he ftEQ.tall,y uP and l.lI11ess ~"OU ~ai'e yourse:'!,you. Wi l l DOt. lo u rnllS't be ~ ALLY 'l'OlliH! !

    1.. Alwayshuddle up n th coach before you go back into [email protected]. Gain control of your th:;lught~ and . pt yourself ready to 91~y deten.sea.p.in.3. RealUa th:lt you aru.st g@t rourself IlDd yow' team 1JI l rrM.'!ntallv4. Go;ill O ut 1;0 D J i I . k a too bill play jIOUl'5el!.5. ~ is the test ot your ~fense. kcept the challenge.S. Mlen you stop themnow you will have even a. greater psycoologicala.dv'untage THE sumEN at.m:R IS OLlIS!! !!~

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors




    :lNl1;NSlTYI - "lIltestillal. ! 'brtl tude. I' or IIDn' ~t ically ~ just plaiD. American "gut$' r -'l'bU ia IiIhat ! I : ' I I a . d . i i t Jlm&r1ca wba.t it is today and what can make your team and

    JCIU tile best iD JIlUI' ~mr.N- . ' N o i s e , . P ' DDt by 1DlUth , but tbrougb act i.oD. Tbe l1am of. the game isatill1 ' l o . l c J c : . k " Mmatter bow cmpl~ it get$. due to Oln" ll;$W vvied off-enses aoddM'ssecs. It you koock too otmr guy or team dew Jmr(I tima$ than ha or

    thay ~ S'QUtDJ WlNrT - 1TniIiing. Ii If yo u are &'Qing to participate ill a team sp::>rt ~ Uve by it~if B:It. ptout of it. 1'W.s rill be brt:tat' lQt" the spJrt ~~ tt:!r;Im and .yru.g - .:taersr... Svat7 Iivini' :subst~ Qll tbis earth 11Yes by 1tSI enerv. W1ttbis illCred1l1!1tt tbetv Ui: l: IO 11fe~iibether it i$ Ii the footba.ll !i.e;l~ or intM life 0 . 1 ' a . pI'O't02'D8n. ' t ' 1 : : I e WJU% l t ot eceru oorre;!tly applied in 'Ul ettois~ly Pl" ' l fIOl"t iQl)&l to the resul.t obta.1.Md. '!'bare is 00 d1sOOnc i l " inh e . 1 n I " bloeked; the disboror i.e 1.rt having such a. deficiency of energy th:ltallc:III ' yourself to stay bloc.ted.

    . , . . . . . . . ,

    N - ''N eed . .,t 1'!Ie grlIlLtest "need" in this pme or in li:fQ itself 1s pride . .Tak: : l .Di eID.lib pride in your team and yOIJ.l'Wlt 80 thILt you acquire the m : r w 1tb.tnIgb yoor C O B C b Qr t h % t lu I b Yatr aw n Bffo.rt:s and therefore CaD bonelit ly s.ttlDder the prevailin8: ci.ICWBt.lllceS. I ~ physically and Mllt3.11y. of ferM : f l Yteam :md my coach 100% ot my talent." .

    S - "S&crtftcs." U you al'f:I lK l t will;tng to sa c.:ri ti Clll ~ of rourse Uog : l : .VI! rour team your best etfort, then strengthen your tesm by ggtting- outand lett:1nc 5I!l!!eOlle put 1c1pa.te wb . l rill.

    [ - "Inta lllgenee" To play this iPJ '& you. h!we to bBsna.: rt - not smart alec.aetw arI. tbesa tIliIO. there 15 a trs:endous difference. tou are ri.r$1; asclJl.lar" m.1 ~ .an a.thlete. You do not play ball to I . iO to scl'lxl.1.~ yougo to school to play ball. If you are not eligible scholast1cally tmather All .;lmerican or not ~ yoo are ot 00 benetit to your tEl:i.Dl.

    T - .~~. < , If you 3.l'e tborough in.exeortioD 00one can crt ticf:ze you,If Y ' O U a re- oot - ther9 is . a . taabOa.t9 on the beneb IJIbJ sbould 'be \IIber@ youare.

    y - . 'You" Ityou don't have the desin to win and to pnc tice to ...-in I 00coa.ctl or employer, wb:I.chever the case may be, need.5 yOU or wants you.!.me of all, howtiNar. 'ritinut this need . for salt sa.tisfaction your Life-witl :e a fruitless, ~I' one. !Il"ature en .dcM:d us with. t o o aDbilityam t train to do with oursalV$$. what w e wi$h. If you 00 not use it to the.best Qt your ;;dvantage Y'O'l are not a ver; good atb1-ete~but e\'ell crot'ed1s:l,AX)1iit1ng. VOUU'EI not mucb of a man.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    T " " o - - . - _ . . . - _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .. . . : . . .-.: ....~-~.-- .--:

    . . . . . . . . . _ . - - -

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    Jl}.CK.nE~D J :: E : to:;;UTI {l:- .J

    1 B.ACKS S~LIT [lACK5. . . . . . . . . . . 0\ 0 0 00 0OOOO 004;)00

    WEAK I l1! .CKS S'IRD~G EJ>_Ck.s

    0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0OOOOO 0 OOOCl)OO 0W1S1tBONE l - : l N G - B O N ' E

    .. - . . . ..0 0 00 00 0OOOQ OOOOm u : : HACit SET NO BACK SET

    00 0


    0 0> 0 0- 0OOC3'OO OO~OO

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    FOR~A TI ON" P.E_COGNI 'l'1 0['1

    I'rO ~i'rl5

    :;, 0 0 0OOOct)OO 0 0 OOJOOO

    o S ) ct Pro 'I\dns

    0 0 0 0 00 00>000 0004900 0~ro slat 'l\.Iin.::: Open

    i-,- j 0 0 0 0000(3)00 00 OO~OO _SFl.ar.ker D ou b le F la nk er

    : : > 0 0 0 0OOOOOO OOOOOO

    Tiqht. Win9

    0 0. . . . .OOOfZloOOO


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    Slot OpfJ

    o oo OOc&lOO o':tripp.;. Tightlot 'tr ipp.5

    o o 0OOg"OO o oooooo

    Slot Trip~~ !ight

    a o 000O00


    o oOOO~OO o

    o o

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    M Q l . 1 .t ;" Ii _ _ _ S1:PFTS.z ~i'iJ1'-.t Z Fly

    . , . . . , . . " 0 0. . . . 0 C ( 'J. 0 ~ ......1 ,~

    0"- . . . .. - - -__.,-___,- " ' " ' 0 ~ 0000&00 0 OOO-OO" 1 ' Flop TB ~1ght

    0 ~_ : l

    .~0 0 00 C OOO~OO

    TE Shift TEl Sbift

    '~ /0~.,., 00 0 0 000OOOi&lOO 0 000""00 0TE ~1.ght

    0n 0 ' 0 , . " " ;0 CO~~:;4 0

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    ~ - Stro~g Inside LB~ - We~k Inside ~B~ ~ Strong Qu~sid~ L a~ We~k outside LaFAS~ FLOW - Both b&C~5 90i~9 in the ~~E diTection.SPLIT FL01-l - Sack g~:dn.g in dH fe ,,"e tltQi;t "e( ;'t. ions.PL AYSID - AetiQn your w~y.

    PLAY EI'>l 'i'RY S~cific area or hole whe.e the b~ll entersthe defensl!I.

    CRAC~ aL OcK - Block coming from outsi~e in. hy a wid~re~eiver ~n ~ defen~iye b ~ck or lineb acker.S L ~~ - Movewent toward the TB.OFF {AL L - Alerts the tackl~ O L a will be in cover~ge+IN CALL - ~lerts the tackle OLE will ~ ~ontain.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors





    ~ point g tanc~. Feet parallel, wit~ a b~nd ~t theankle, knees~ w~i~t. Back should b e s~~aig ht ~ithp2lc:s O\,Ter YOUI:: eoe s Arms l5houl{lhang dl;)WfIan[lrelaxed. W~i9ht should he ev~p~ balaneed in thehest po~ition to step straight ~head. lett at ~450 step. and ~i~ht at a 45~ step.4~ yard~ d!~p. ~~ ~ill adjust thi5 Qepenoin~ Ohthe offene~. AJignrnent-t~chnique depends Qn thedef on se c al lec .

    QOPOOL :: I . ~. . . .'10 Ji) o G

    cov~r~rl down linem~ t~rough b~~k.Key Center Snap~K~y b ~ll af id lin~~n On ~nap.?~o~ect responsibllity g~p first, then p~r~ue t~eODt bull. ~xch~n~e ~e~po~5ibility with defensive~acklc on d~n block by offen~ive line~an.st~p toward i~6ide leg of defen~ive t~c~le ornoee~uaTd. Do not round off scrape. You ~illQpen up a ~un~ing lane.

    READ PRQGR!.::$SlO~- 1. BliLse 5. Flow To2. ~acn El. Flow Away3. Cut-off 7. ! l; :t "op 1 :! I00ck I'>~ss4- Down 9 . Spr int. Out /Play A-r::tionPe;ss

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors






    :Feet pa.rallel to slight st~g9e-r wit.h outside toot.The~e should b~ a 51i~ht band at the an~le~, kne~E,and ~~ste. Pads ~hou1d be ov~r yo~~ toe~.Will va~ according to def onse ~alled.:5 'l.'chn;.sue- Inside foot will split the ~~ot~hof th~ OT, 12-18 inchee off th~ ball7 ' l' echnique- Outside f oot ".,illsplit the crDtchOf tb e TE, l2-1a incne~ of f the b all

    aead U~ on the TE. 12- 18 i~~he5 offt h E! b ~ ' i l.6 T e c hn i r :: :1 J -e -' :)echnique- InGid~ foot will split the c~~t~hof the TE. 12-1a inche~ off the hall~ost Te~hni9ue-

    :s '{)OOOOB

    Same a~ 6 Technique."DOODOOe. ,

    0-000006 .

    1>00000e .b'hell pl.aying ;1 5. 6~ 7 j o;t" 9 TechniquE: f you will relll(lthe ~e~d ~f t he o ff e nsi ve line~an. Wh8n in a Gho~tTechnique~ key OT to ~ear back.Key Cen~er Sn~p-~ey ba~l and linern~p on sna~.{ll Conoentrate on that part of the key ~bich i~ themost danqe~oo~ th~eat to block yon. Tight end,near ba~k, onside lineman.12) If f lo~ is away~ you have fold: .U ~lass a mov e-ment ~efen~e or stunt ha$ ~811ed you inside.Ba~e assignments call fo~ a vi~ual t~ail.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    READ PROGRESSIO~- 1. Ba.se L Lo,"!~oadr>. 2. R e a o : ; ' h ,. Drop ~ack Fz;:.l;sJ. I)o....n fi.. .5pr int Out. Pal l;; E O4. Arc Ralea:!l-e S ) . : O ou b l .e ' l' ea m~.tick Ou.t H. Cr~ck~JJUSTED ALIGSME~TS-

    ~!\.Lr- Hal f way btltween the OT and wide recie ..+er- Alignto tuXe a~~y 51~nt p~~~.HH~~- Play ~ te~nnl~~e on ~he wjce +eciever. Taxe

    Ol 'WOIy 1flSid~ r~le.e.8e r forc~ ~.,oici.~ out side relea:!e.get a ~ie~~ ~!X w~~Q~~ ~~~ning ~ho~lde=5, ~ye~back indde.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    r-. PA SS ' l' EC HNI QU ES1.. I I'.L:III id.$ - t:EI:i':oM

    HOokCut'lMan~o a$lp - (3~~kl (~,l~sideJClutgidep.!!njQ

    O ll ts id ~ - LaIQneCUrlPlat

    !:!!!1Po Help - !~)'Back)In61d.e/OutsideBanjo~Rl!!ad 8litzi'rol!ll1!1 ft.ullh

    RushJrrae !lUsh

    II. ~HOOX - Area b .tween the Qutsid~ leqs of the offensivetack18i. 15 y~rdB deep.CURL- Area froa. the! outside le.g of the tackll!! a to-- two ~A.rda insi4e the h!lsh IDII.t'k:l!. 15 ya..rd.deep.


    C.lll. A.


    )if~IV. ~~lUSU

    FLAT ~ Area ~rom two yard. in.i~9 tn. h.~htc thesid81ines.~o HELP - Cover a~~igngd man with nO deep help. KeepIm!;iCiu cu~tliDn.INSI~OUTSIO - Cov~r ~s~igned man with de~p zone help. Keep iaslde c U. hi cn .~ - M/ M Coverag e b etween a defenlive back and insideL B. (~cal Linel .1 N/M COYerll.gtI b~tweelll bot.b Inside LBIe rS/:2 . OIJl. I: ILB Banjo lilt"2nd back; out.

    ~ a L I ' l ' Z ~ Read Paas t h a n ~11tz a n d / o r c o v e r b a c k wben b ec:c:mIiil toward you.r ~ E RUSR - Rush passer with no ~ontaln rellpon&ibi11ty.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    OOTSIDE l/ l MIDDLE 1/ 3 OUTsrnE 1/ 1

    o o 0:.0000000curu. HOO JI : CURL

    15 Yare! L ine

    r>. IJJ

    O:aEP 1/2

    StArting 15 yd&. from the L.O.S.to the Goal line.

    Pa$~i~q ~on~ o&~crip~ionHook - Area between the ou tside le~s of the Qffan~!ve tackl~9.15 y a : r ~ . f I Jd e e p .Curl - Area f ro~ the outside leq of th8 ta~~19s to t~o yard,Inside the hash marks. 15 y~rd~ ~eep.Flat - Area frQm 2 y~rd8 in5ide h~~h ~arka to tha iideline.15 yard51 deep.Outaidf!l 1/1 - A~e~ f~om the h~~h MArk~ to the $ ideline; ~tartil

    15 ~ards trom the t.O.S. to the qoal line.Middle 113 - Ara4 h@twe~n th& hash ~~rka; startinq IS yardsf : t " O U I the t . O . S . to t h 8 q O O l l fine.

    Deep 1/2 - Area from the.middle of the ~iald to the ~idlln~~;:!it';'t"tinq.5 ya~dlil fJ;;Ol1\ th.e L. o. S. to the g'Q.i!.line.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    , . . . - . - . . -,





    ZONE ~~ - ~l of O~r IQ~O ~overaqe i~ ~ combinationof ~verinq ti.ld z~nea an d rout& readtn~.tut~ DROP AlfG(.l;: TO t'OIltT OF A,:M - !t.nQw fillld. pos!t.ton.RECOGNIT~O~ O r PifftiN - K~y , J R.cei~er ~or Bide. aewill c lu s y ou r r a8p on ~i b 1l it y.l I : E I ! : P 'R O P 2: $ t P ( J S 1 'l l .O N O R RC:B l ' i tE R S - X & ! l P insirje l t l W l r a . ' 1 a. whan pD~ ;!Ji b lHARASS RC!~VERS w Hand on ~.n rsca.tver t~ in your area.COKMVylCA~ - ~et teamm~t.& k~ what you ha~~ lea~n~f~ I 2 r@~ievers r&laa~~. (Listen f~~

    "Ilf;lrba.J_ help frmu. doJepdd'cndllu} .BRE~ ON ~~T O~ ~~SERS SHOULOIRS - A l w a ? s b r e a k on lonq~~!ae ~ n a free arm of pas~~r. AlwaYB ~eepcpin in ~ront of toet.SFRIHT OUT - ~au~es e~~~y th~ ea=e rule II dro~k concern-inq pr09~.siQq readl. Pla.y ru n fit~t.BOOTLEG - ~ed1~t.ly loo~ t~r the ~TO.~8r.H..awill adj!,ll;l1;.Q~r zona ll.C'Cl;l.l:'ding t-o th. PlJ.SSl!lrI!i role or ISipr.i.tlt

    The: tj,JUnq 'On defendinq .aq.!n~t. a !lot'"4.n V';lIIr.is.s from. M/M t.o ~ol'le.~n /M ~ttdct the receiver autsi~ in if poasib~e. tore. b~ to thein&ide. In zane, you mu.t aO~e~ the intGrmadi~t~ route firg~, ~e~break on ~~e sere~n.insidG~ou~. The man ~ith flat ~OVer.qe h~a o~tlid~in responsibility.

    The ~~ ~eneral pri~iplea ap~ly on Dr~W5. conv.~.nee On th~ bal~5rri.ria ~ortant in relationship to ~ov~~~ge. ~en~r~l aula - ILB~ to ~k~ the ball flatten Qq~ and O~B inter play outside-Ln.

    ... ---~.

    1. Th~t itkill bur5t ~traj~ht ~pti.ld.~. ~h~t the runn8r will q a t on~ aid~ ofthe out~ida l!nsb&e~r.

    I n b o ~ h ~~eea it g ~ g t o t h e l a s td~fende~ in a hur~

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    r--...A. GRAB.& JERK1. Grab .bloCker & uan "fer hi I! ! lie ight bact.2. When h~ adjusts, jerk h~ in Qne a i r e e t i o na n d a Q c el Q r ~ t e pa~t ~ in t h e o th , r .

    B. QUICK MOVE1 . S p r i n t t o t h e I n s i d e o r o u t s i d e s h o u l d $ t a n duke him.IlOve his shoulders ;& feet. .2 . W h e n h e A O j u s t s h i s ~ h o u l d e r s , d r i v e b y t h eO P P o s i t e . h o u l d er .

    c. ARM UND!R


    1. Rip a . r m Unde1'his a.mpit & lift.K e e p c o n s t a n t pres9ur~.2 . R O l l b a c k t o the i n s i d e i t y o u h a v e n o t~ e a t h i m a n d y o u a r e p a r a l l e l t o t h e p a ~ s e r .

    D . ffl1!1 . U s e d p r i m a r i l y b y . O L B .2. Sprint to the ou~ida should~r o f . b l o c k e dmaking him tm;n outBide. When his shoulder:!iit u r n , c l u b ipli~ ~ r m a n d t h r o w him o u t s i d e .A c c e l e r a t e p a s t ~ l o c k e r ,

    * A g e n e r a l R u l e f o r p a s s r u s h i n q i s y o u d o n o t w ~ n tto create ~pace between yourself and the blecker.A 'l'TA Cn U !M I

    P~ ST nU SH C OAC HING P O I N T SA . A C C E L E R A T E ~ Close d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n y o u . & b l o c k e rq u i c k l y . .S . G A I N H A N D C O N T R Q L z G r a b C l o t h . D o n ' t a l l o w s e p a r a t i o n .C . T d i N . HIS SHOULD f iS t By us in q ha n c l c on ere 1 quic k iItO ve .D. 1m Fm kOViMTOWABDPA5SER~ Keep preul.lring thepa.s.er,E . ' S T A Y I N Y O U R R U S H L A N Z a On e y a r d e a c h s i d e o f t h e blockerr. G E T BAND U P~ W h e n p a i ; ~ r i s t~rowlnq in y o u r d i r e c t i e n .G. NEVERJUMP: When yo u hay!! a . clear path to the passer. Ca.. j u m p i f b l o c k e r i s b e t ~ e e n y o u a n d t h e PasserH . ~~? P R O P E t t P O S I T I O N : N e v e r b e b l o ~ k e d p a s t pas8e~.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors








    SLAM RELEASE - oelitt$t' blow on e:nd. feelral.a~e~ ride arid r~ad ball action. ()

    DRIVE !LOCg- Stap to ~ with in~ide foot,eQntrol hlocker witb underneath shoulderb low tram 1ns14e ~hcul~r ana h~nd8.Delivar blow with prope~ leve%aqe. keep::ibculd..:n .~e alld OUTSIDEAiU1 ~~.

    ~ a~ - Step with cut. ide foot firstand adjust laterally. ~ hand. Qn block-~r to control and move f t. R~p. on lewre~h. oon't get knocked off LOS~ fcrceuptiel~ it ball is etf LOS.

    D~ a~ - Step with inside loot fir8tAnd flatten end~6 ln~i~e ~ale~e~. YOUshould kaa~ ~E off ta~kl. and L B . ~e~t~aa come~ from n.ar back Qr inside~locker. Alao re~ if hall is on or of fL OS. Cloee of f t~ckle hqle b y ainkingycur t~il a nd ~ t ay 1n q 5qu~re.X DLOCK~ ~s yog read taakle driving foryou t~ke htm on with inside shoul~er:l!ita.yiog :!Iq1l&Ie _ Al.o t de not let. himreach you. Protect:. tackle and LB.

    neK OC'!'- AI -YOU.ead nea.l:' back ddvin9'for you take him. on with insideshoulder.stay inq square .. Clo:ile hole to ins ide

    ARC REtaASE - aide tig b t end and stayIiqY~ to W5. 3t.$p t.Q-- him .ll.1:I(l t)'EplCl~wi I:h qood hand aMvel' aanq on: ws. ra.ade l l : ! , locate next bl.OCM.t' II.fI.d :recQ9r)1:;ecourse of b ack's anqle~ 0 0 not run out-lIid .. widel1;inq i ilsi4e .rulLn.i~9' .e!l.1Q..




    ooDOO~ o


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    O U T S I D R . V E ! R - R e a d m e a h Ai y o u k e y n e a rbaeJc and tackle him if ho h.u ball.,el1taJ.nate binl as blocker if not~tll:l!!nbounce out to help on CB.

    ooa f b OG -B LOCK .. C lo se with do wn b lo ck. st.epup and attck guard ke.pin'l outside lever-~ge. C l c . e h o l e w i t h q u a r d ~

    oaD~toAD - step "" i th .d.mm block. T r Y to hapo u t . t a o l e v e r a g e . e n b a c k . K e @ p h ! n d ~ l o w .

    fpOODoB A S E - E x p l o d e m e e t i n g T K ~ s p r e i s u r e a n deent!:ol hilD on LOS. KnO'il 1Ihat ti'inq is .dcin9


    \ g O O DDOOBLE TEAM - EXplode to J~. '1'E. Read w 1 n 9 rS a p p r o a c h a n d t a k a l e v e r a g e o f f th~TE. Step an d daliver blow: into wing ,. f i q h t to o u t a i d e a n d a t a l l c o s t , h o l dyour 9round.. Stay square and lOW" . Donot use hands. Dip oU~i i ide shoulder 000

    \ ~ ? O DW 1NG CRACR - '1'E b locks down, let h im 9 ' 0 .Immediately eye ball the lrI"ing. As he. A p p ~ o a c h e S r s t e p i n t o h ~ u s i n g o u t s i d eh a n d s h i v e r . C o n t r o l i n s i d e q a p a l l o w i n q! L S t o s c r a p & o u t s i d e - C o m e accro~s T E t lt & c e a f t e r c u t b a c k t h r e a t i s g o n e . 000

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    OOpOt o o,oOOQO. tilpo

    OO~Oba .o

    000..,.0do0 0 'po0000" 0

    !lASE W ITH BACK TOW MU:lMeat guard with outside 1~v8rAge.

    BASE W ITH BACK A'O rl.P !.'i

    Shuf f la on b aekB-towa~, shuf fle out.P1A~ tea. then trBp


    shuffle on BackB-AwaYr Ihuffle to g uardinside hip.

    GOARD PUL L B!HrND CENTERscrape A qap On ~e opposite ~1~e ot b~11.

    GUARD PULL BEHIND TACKLEShuftle to the. ind.de lIIg of you r t ackb .

    'I'hinlc C Gap

    G UA JU ) B LO CK S oU!' O N 'raETACK LE " ' T A C l U . : e : BLO CXS LB

    Meet tackle with inside leverage.


    po0,..0 0 0b


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    TOSS SW ERPPhy.s1de - Invite VBinside the tackle t-t h e n 8crAp~ ~utside.B a~ k 5i de - K e e p i Q . L d e l e v e r a g e on b l o c k .

    P u x a u a b a l l i n s i d e - o u t +

    S PR IN 'r D RAWP l ! Y 5 i d e - S t a y i n s i d e ~ n Q k e e p o u t ~ i d eleverago8 0i'I. the block.B a c k a 1 d e - S h u f f l e t o w a r d p l a y s i d e A a a pl o o k i n g f o r ~ ' s B l o c k .

    Fa nAPP l a y s i d e - S h u f f l e b a l l o n a c t i o n s t ~ p cutB a c k s i ~ a - R u n h a r d t o p l a y s i d e A G a p .

    TB ~RAPSame as FB Trap.

    POWER"" GP l ~ y s i d e - K e e p c u t , i d a " l e v e r a g e " o n g u a x d ." S h u f t l e t Q C ~"Backside - Keep inside leverage on guard,s u e b a l l i n s i d e - o u t .

    IS O LA'l' I O NP l l y ~ i 4 a - K e e p OUtSi~8 l e v e r a q e o n F a ,take him on hi.s side of the ball

    " "

    B a c k s i d e - K e e p i n & i d e l e v e r ~ g e o n q u a r d ,s h u f f l e t o p l & ~ 8 i d e A .

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    1. AlwajllS pad under pad of h i 9h ilgg'nl:IIfdve bl.o:::b ..2. Alwaya tld.n:or bl.od;ars.3. Always h!n:ig en leubl.odai:.". ~ ha nds on p!!.Ss nlSh.5. Al.mya ~ feet en ccnt:act.6. Alway8 eJIPk:da on ~.7 Always aJce. proper angles of p.IrSIJit._8. Always taka betU CIIn'ier back Wen taddi.rJ1.9. Always atudc. tlm l..ine of ac::rimaqe.

    10. hl\lll!l,YSMi.nta1n proper l.a!lH We:n pa.i! ls ~.11. Al...af1o play dr.ut t~ on drop l:a:k ~ aprlrrt. draw action.12. lUwayi: ~ :inside out pes!t10n on rooe.1ver.13. Al~:f8 keep inside po:iII;l,.f:!Qn Ol:l noel.Wl> witil. no help.14. Al\liil.}'S gc for the 1ntel:aIptiQn il'I ~ Inim.15. Always \I.dlen beat ~ in 1IIMl ~; ~ reoaivvr ful ~to CUCh up r o:n::entratinq Q:l t:liB ~vera twm. tIlarI his harda90 I JP , place your handg in his ~. (Don't look back to :soon,itwill skw you Ibn)16. After an ~~ took bUl ~. ibm l'lP t;he; naan.st. liIidsl1l'Ie.17 Always f1n1sh up drills full 9pea::i. Dc:n. tpill. up short.111. AlMlys~. a LtNEBN:l I :ER kl.M'l'OD.I!: on the pl .ay .! .nq . :fWd.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    Tackling th~ ball car~ier is the primary objective ofdefensive football and s~oula be taught step by ~~@P. just~s w~ t~a~n 5t~nce or technipue. It should be emphaslz@dand taught as Dne of the most important factor5 in defensivefootball.

    The prerequistite tc teaching tackling is the basicfootball posi~ion bO that the tackJer c~n have his HEAD UPana his rEET UNDER HIM WHEN cONTACT IS MADE. Th ere sh ou ldbe a SL IGH1' BEND AT THE KNEES. with his SHOUL DERS PARAL L ELwhen he gathers to tackle. Th@ wei9ht SHOULD BE O~ THE BALLSOF THE FEET in a good football position. FEET SPREAD SHOULDERS~IDTH, ARMS DANGL ING ana SL IGHTL Y BENT AT THE EL BOWS. Whena teckler makes CON~ACT. he should SROOT ARMS! GRAB CLOTH!ROLL HIPS~ and PHYSICAL L Y RUN "THROUGH THE BAL L C~RRIER~!


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    Tackling th~ ball car~ier is the primary objective ofdefensive football and s~oula be taught step by ~~@P. just~s w~ t~a~n 5t~nce or technipue. It should be emphaslz@dand taught as Dne of the most important factor5 in defensivefootball.

    The prerequistite tc teaching tackling is the basicfootball posi~ion bO that the tackJer c~n have his HEAD UPana his rEET UNDER HIM WHEN cONTACT IS MADE. Th ere sh ou ldbe a SL IGH1' BEND AT THE KNEES. with his SHOUL DERS PARAL L ELwhen he gathers to tackle. Th@ wei9ht SHOULD BE O~ THE BALLSOF THE FEET in a good football position. FEET SPREAD SHOULDERS~IDTH, ARMS DANGL ING ana SL IGHTL Y BENT AT THE EL BOWS. Whena teckler makes CON~ACT. he should SROOT ARMS! GRAB CLOTH!ROLL HIPS~ and PHYSICAL L Y RUN "THROUGH THE BAL L C~RRIER~!


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    ~OT DROP \If. l 'p_RQl.ineback@f"S-~- 10-12 Yi'il".o5 c1eep, 10 ya~a5 o~tsice hash.M.t_C- 10-12 y.!lr'ds deep, 2 Yl;Lrds inside- hash .SUC- IO-l1 y~r-ds d~ep.1 y!lTQ:$ 1n.siae hesb .C ; ; : o @ c h i n g Points- SAME AS SPOT DROPP1NG v s . TWINS.

    o.0 o000000 o

    - - - - .

    PASS DROP PROGRESS1ON.; Spot DroppingReleasE! Readin gIMPQBTP~T: When OB sets to p~ss, Le's must be set, with

    shoulders square. and ready to bre~~ on ~h@ball.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    .~SPRINT- OUT PASSSPOT DROP vs. PROLinebackers

    STUB- 6- S yaras deep. 10 yards cllt.dde hash. ..FL1>T ,r.RE~"Mll&:- 10-12 ya.rd!: deep. :;: YHL'"ds inside ha$h. "CURL APEA"BUC- lO~12 yardE: deep. 2 YRrd!; inside ha sh , "HOOKAti:Eh"c~~hing point$- SAME ~ SPOT DROPP1NG Vs. TW!~S.

    o. . OOO!OO o

    PASS DRQP PROGRESSION: spot DroppingR@l@!.se ~eading:rMPORTANT~ "WhenOB sets to pass. Llli S must be set, witll

    sbolllders squ~re. a~rl reaay to b re~y. on theball.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    .r -..


    9 b0000

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    o o< D ( } ) o [ J o m o

    33 STI NG ? 3 : : . z . . . u HlI.LI:'o. oS T T


    o oa o000000

    . . . . . . . . . . , . . -...... 5 1 TI O ?oJ 1o.i._.IGN~EN'! l=:ESPO~SI BI LI_TY_ ?OSITto A'"I GNf> ' r.'~,!, .RE:S~C')r-.: .

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    o o


    STDlG READ HAWK0 a0 0

    OO[]OCB 05 T ' " T -..NM Bo o


    /_ ...5-:;:rrON ALIGNMENT RES?ONS1Bl1,I'IY POSIT'IO lo.L1GNME~'T' aFl'SPr)NSIBII TSTUE 6!Ghost D rs 10-1.1 1/3L T. T~C)(U. 41 E R

    NOSE 1 A 0 .5-4 Curl to FlaR'l'. T~O:LE: S .. .. . . . . .WILL f-lawk D LC ' 7 . .. . . 1/3MAC - : ! " IT " . ~ c or.s Lde A RC 7-1 )./3BUC .30 B away ,\

    NOTES:Will-Collision. force wide~utsid~ releaser t~keaw~y inside rele~se.

    cnvERAGE O.-Ll.s~33221{:;;Tee)

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    J3 STlNG PIl':CH0 00 0.. - - - - - ~;o~o~\ 0M B

    0 a0 . 00 /o /OClO~~5 TNTM 6

    7' _'SIlTON ALl;J NM i NT Jl F:SPONSI S IL r IT POS!'!IOl 1-_LIGNr-

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    13 S'l:'I'NG NOSeoo o

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    STDlG ~05E RIP0 (J0

    0:) TNT . . . . ; o JM 6

    0 00 a0 mo [ ] O f D < D

    : ' 5 . T N T ,M B

    ......sITIm~ AL!GN~EN';' RES;lOt-lSrSILI '!".( POS1T!O~ ALIGN .....ENC' P" ' : '>~t1~.O: : :TFlTT. TSTUB 6/Gl'losc. D r s lO-"J.l 1/3LT. n,,('lo!:LI. 41 B

    , NOS~ 1 A fl 3- 4 curl-FlatR'T- 'tACKLE 5 CWILL ( ,~ "'" I , D L C 7-1 In-MAC 30 C on s Ldo A RC 7-1 InEltrc 30 B away A

    r : fOorES: COVER1-_GE CALLS:Will-contain Bllt:t, go ~

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    ' 1 ] : ; 1 : ; < ' \o. a0Q) g / c > ~ a (]:-: 0S TNTM J 30 00 00 (BO [] 0 (lJ o

    S T N T WM f)

    ,. - JSl'tIO['i! A L I G NM .E "~ T RESPONSrBILI_TI_ !lOSIT1N .A LIGN~EN'C PL_

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    ... . . ..... ~---. . . . . . . . . . . . . - .. .. . . .._ __ ----r.__ . .. . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......._..........._-- - ..66 SPL:T (StI"ClIlg), 0 0-0 0

    rr-;()()O O()O 05 T N T W

    M B

    0 0a 00 ()()0:00 ()S T IV T w/ V I B

    ..! IJSIt'ION i;.LIGNMENT R~S?ONS 1B! LI 'IT ~OS1T!O ~ . T . 'ta..'iMFhJ'" R"SP.CN

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    oB Spli t~""~ako 0oOO{)O()OwT NT5

    D M or-

    o oo o()()OOOON

    B M

    r>~I7-T 0::.1 ;".L~G~~~E);:- RES?0HSIBIL!'I'!" FOC:I'II0~ . ' : ! . L: : (. ; .~~_"'~E~ ?ESF )!-l~~I'lTT. T~- - J -rus r;ho~t I I : f D YSL~- : J :. .C " K T . f. 3/5 3/f: R ~. : . - : . 2 rl-CU~l-F 1a~NOSE 21 1- RF1'- '['ACK :...~ ~/~ C/3 7 il~LL 7) $' c L: -r!-lAC ~C '} 13C B -r3UC :t o ~

    1< :O 'TES;G.L~ .;Ig3~ na t, te

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    . . -- .. . _ _ _ , . _ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .----.- ..66 SHADEO. 0

    0 0r=. ()()OUOO 0.$ T N T 'V'oIM S

    0 00 00 ()O(]QO()

    5T N T \JIJM 1 3

    f1"05TTJQt ALl GN['/I~\I"t' RF.SPQNSIBH t..Js1:r.:;:~ ALIGNMEN'! RESPQNSrBr LI " " Y

    STUB 9/G~,,~t 0 "FS 11-12 Sky-CloudL~. ' tACKLE . S C R 8,NOSE; 1 Shace. A RRT. T;"CKl..E ) B

    5/7 D/e ~ l/ 3~lI L!. LC'.3 C E ""T sky-clouC:r-tAC F.e ,

    a~c 10 " -

    NOTES: C('lVERAGE C.Il,LLS ~str~ngth call 66. . 22 1rEO::0


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ---.-- ..66 S. ()()O [JO() 0:) T tv T -vv

    M 1 3

    0 00 00 ()OIJOO()ST j\ J T w

    M 1 3

    .1'_ ~SI1IDN AI.IGW.o:ENT R~SPC)l sr SrI, I I 'Y PO$ItIOI ~T.T'::'M.vEN~ R~S"pr:',J

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    33 SHJ\.DB WEAKo. a0 0r- OOf) []O(} 0w T N T 5B M

    0 a0 00 O()OO()()w T N TS

    (3 M

    r - . . .ALJGN.! .o 'E I" l 'T _RRSPCYNSTE!T- ;-51TIOt-l 1o_L I GN. I< lENT RE 5 PON srB I L I TY POSITIO~

    STUB GhD~t/9 D E 'S rc-t i 1/3~~. TACYL& 3 a

    NOSE 1 A R 2 x:Z Curl FlatRT. TACKLE ~ CWILt 7 c LC 7 1/ 3MAC H B ~C 7 1/3BIJ

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    6-3 FLUS0 00 0r>. ()OOOOO oT N T \,Ns M B .

    0 00 O0 ()() OVOl'

    'V'J T fI T ,B Nt

    r--..-. $1Tl:O~ A Ll O r- ;M .E Nt R:ES t'ON:HB T LI 1"( iPQSI'tIO~ J..T."T~t.JMl':~'" 'IF.SP()NR:r~rr _ISTUB Hip D r s 10-11 Sky/CloudL~. TACKLE 7 / 3 c/ a

    ~OSE H A R 6 1/3RT. TACKLE 3/7 B!ewn,i, :. c r . . c I 1/3MAC 40 B RC 7 Sky/:;loudsue 20 A

    NOTES~ COY F..J..GE t;~LLS ,~ac has to b~ physical . . 6-3wit..h the OT 2-4 (rn!l.n~ TIGMT CALL DEFENSE

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    " "

    6-3 :>1I~US0 a0 0" . . - - . . 000 D()Ct 0T N , . . . . . wM 1 3

    0 00 00 ()OO(}O()

    " " J ' J "T N T .

    ,'-""-,SITIOK ALl G~1'-].EKT P.ES~ONSIB::: LITY ~OSI'l'IO ALI(~N~EN: ~ l"C; :" ''' ''" '- l< :T1' !TT T

    STUB Hip P FS 1[1-11 S\y .. C~Ol,.l,;l1,..... 'T'ACY!...t iin C/A

    1 NOSB 3" B R 9 1/3R'I. ' T ' A C 1 < L i : : ; 21/7 Me",rILL '; > D LC 7 Sky/CloudMAC l(l . z " , ftc: 7RUe 30 B

    NOTES: COVERPGE CALLS tGr~at ~Q~ p~ss rush Bala.ijced 6-3to b oth sides . 2-4 {I'!lt:l:l.} Tight :al1 Defense

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    I~ our Nickal. w@ will $ubetitute a Nlck&l baak tor &de!en& ive lineman. W@ will use our Nickel d8f@ns@ tD h ~ l pus aqai~lJt strong ItlCOnd lind. third down poaiiili i.ngtlilIUllS. Ourschem~ will b8 man to man. tone. and a ~omb1nation und@rn@4thm a n a n d deep z o n & h A l p . tron time totime. W l i l w i l l ~tunt our. ..secondary ~nd linebAck.r2. Qu~ Alignment will be ve~y lJimilarto 11 . W'i..detal;:xle, ther.forllll ~ WIllI ,l!!bould .be a1iccelJl!I-ful stoppingthe run.

    - - - - .

    we must acoomp li ~b th~ fcllow1D9 to be ~cesatul withOUI N l c k e l P a c ~ g e t1. Hold ~ 1 1 third a n d long ruDninq p l a y s to 11 . m i n ~ u m .

    2. Execute ~ g reat pa5~ rush. (Mak@ th@ OB hurry).(sack Q8 with ~a.il"eJ

    J. ~l5y tlawle~s underneath ~cva~~e f~om ihcrt to1nte~dia~ routes.

    - 4 ~ get b E ! . at deep-.5 . Aa A te i!!Jl , w e alUIi-"t h a v e 9Oo.d p a . : 5 I i i I. n d b e 1 1 c a 1 1 : 1 1 i


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    000 0

    ()OCOOO 0S 'l' N V I!M I!i

    ooooo O"[] 0'0 o

    1 1 1 ~ 'I' S.0

    B M

    ~ 1 r;n T!: --------------- C Ga pT1rt ' l ' Z I d : J .a - 3 al. ~ B ~)me - 10 m~ J,. . G ; ! q : >~ 3 en cen~ trcm 'Ti .ght: Jl G a f !J3gc- J O OQ Gui:I+d 1 1 GIpWill- 3 t:K'I 'nIdole C Gc!p


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors




    l]-Nicks!l 3 -N i c k e l C o v e r O i 9 " & i.l - o u r l - d e e ~ , (-und.r 2 ; ~ t t e q 1 ; l v e J t ' < l g e W e m U . I ! I tplay mistake fre~ t O G t h a l l in ~ h i ~ e Q V ~ r ~. . Our J-deep Nickftl cover~qaallo~ us ba19nced strength ~erSua the Q&eP b~ll and ~oun~ ~nd.r cov&r~qewth ~hc weak a~ea b ~ing the BtrOng eid~ out route~. ~e mu~t ~a~eO ?PQ ~ n. t IIt.hrow the out cut to b eil. u iii. 1 f Wt!I C lan L nsu r e t he !a .trong II decurl ar@a~ take away the deep ha1l and make ~.ople throw ~ out to ~atU~, ~e ~ill b~ ~~y t ou gh in 3- oover~g e. (Fly.moti~n-wA a~s balanced sono~o~y needs to adju~t.)33-Nl~kel. HawkJ3-Nickel Hawk 1~ t~e S~~ as ~-~i~~el fer .very~ne &~ept ~e aovcr ~nd~ ie k@ l b il .c ~. t~ H~wk is cal le d thei~ al1~nt ch&n~~ to ~ tne1de hippo~ition Q~ ~ !i~5t ~pli t re~~~~e~ ~counting ~rom inSdie aut) to thairl i d ~ . Th ey ~ hou ld funnel the r e c e ~ v e r out and play t h ei r r e~ pon~ tb t ~ i ty .T& ch niqu as f O~ e veryon~ alsB re m~in~. ~h~ ia~e I r l y matlo~- ~ ars halancedn o ~ dju !t ma nt ij n ee d t~ b ~ mAde ~cept fO~ ~1ri9 b ack to th~ i n~ id@ spl itr~el""'r. )l-Hic~~l ~le Barrell - H i e k e l bouble aarr~l La ou r in~i4~ pr~~I~re defens~ coming fram bothi n s i ~ e LBe+~. ~Qth ~a.ra ,hould el~~ate any in~ide ~l~ys on the atrongS1Q8~A G.p and we ak i l~ .- B Gap, plus ad~in9 tr~ndoUi pres5u~ on the~, al1avin9 on~-on-one ~ss blocking f or ~eryone up f ront. W8 can'task f or a b e~ter situaticn. our OOrnarm and ReV er m u ~ t plqy t o u g h t ~ e h ~1q:uema n I :l ot te ra ~ o n the pl'ilIIuy ~II.SII rtlcE!iv!!!rl!5 and the Safety a nd l ij ie :k .e l~ k o n their .b.Cks. I t i E L important : f ! < l rGur Rova~s~ L o .t n e r ! ; l .; = d o u t -~ide L Bers to play th~ir ~echnique8 p.rf4~t to st op any , ou t ~i d e plays,Our fl;QDt II-IIIVe.n~at keep any i nl il iderunning play : l" !romreo!J.k:inq clean.Thex~ will b e no lI~cand~~ b ack up. tr~y ~ o~ion- CO rneri wi ll b ump wi thR O V e r . )

    l -~ i c l o i: .l ! l u l! . etl-rH e k e 1 Bu ll!!t is our out e.ide prl;!;1 suze dee enio& O O l l l i n . . gf r O l l l bo Ot. hsi de, sOu~~e~ and Niekel ba~k will elimina~ the pi~cb Vi any o pt io n i m m e d i -3 . t : e l y ;!.nd i : ! " ha,,~ h . e . r d eontain v s . ! l n Y ~i1.5Ses. O u r C o r n e r a a n d S a e t . y1II'IUt.play t ou g h t =h ni qu e lI'IM on thfl pr im .! l. ryac : - ei..ra and the insideLB&~s On t he Lr b ac ~. It i~ v ery l rn po~ ta nt t or the front seve to keep


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    4l-Nic~el ~ullet (cont.)any In&i~ ~inq playa from b reaking ~l@ An ba~~uaethe~e will be no~econdary back up. W!th.h~rd pre~~u~e from both .id8S~th@ r~ ~houl~b8 oft~-Qn-Qp.e palilll p;c-otect,ion up front. Wecan t t.ak for a l)e1:.te+"d till!!t..1cn. IFly motion -CO::-nere will b1.1l1\Pwi th SIlfee y . }

    I-Hl~K.l 8ullet~ DoUbie Barrell-Ritikoli!lBuUeh b oub l-e Barr~l 16 an &11 out preltliltlrest-Wt. S l il ian, :'uljl bwith thre8 m~n ip cQV~r~ge. We ~Ullt not l~t ~ back C~O~ our [Ace withoutoove:dng- him 01: knoekinq h"i.ll'l down.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    000 0000000 0

    S r N ~~ :eR ,/ - , Nl l~ "-f C w i GI " / ' 1 1 lJ


    ~ :Ii r So

    " J Rs i cI

    1 0 1-,l i S, Til leLStnng C'On1.l!!T"--"-~~tTm\g InRover----- :rlatSs.fl!ity----:----_ fofj(ldl~/JW & & ' K ~QnH!"l'~. ~. -~~,,!I!. In14illkd llBot;:k---~PLlllt .

    . . - . - .

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    000 0000000 0s T N ~R H Il m .J ,/ '\ 1

    " S I C " " PIS ' W I C.;

    000 a0 oO[jooo

    w N T s

    I~"" M Nl lR \" l . a~ w esIc \'Il/8

    J" "MBc---------------cuTl

    Bul::-----~---~~-curl8tron~Corn~r------~----Strong1/3Rav~---~-----~-------.-~lat (~)SBhty-----~-"-------pMiddh 1/3Olea't. Corner----------Wsa1: In"Nil:kdll!lo::k---------~J'll1t ell.wid


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors




    ooQ' , 1 0 1 0 0 0,N T S \.

    E ,M , '~lC

    0a0 01 '0 o l D o t o 0I Is '! N 'o f Ir I JI ~ B IsIc B . '!f/C

    F/:!I Nl l

    t{ ao ::; - !.1itz, $tTOlg-------A (:apBu~ - Blit%. ~~~k~~--r~~--~~B G.~S't:rIlD!l: C:J.'l'ner ~ til RI!~l! i'VeI ' Stl"(l!l.8 MfloJ] I.Q"' '' '", - f~ 1t.';;".i...~'E' .9tT~8 M / Y i~afety - Strong ~ack KIM'''e.~Co'rn,u - ~1 RI!I{)'!!iver iI'ak M/MNidt!!l' llII.ck ~ We,ak Side hek Y !r n ,

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    1NI:(K6L IlXllliiE: :aa.RRBL 80

    e a o r o 9 0 eb. 0 0 /J . 6-sc NB w cN /M Z 6 ~It FS ! 'l I M A M/MXM / Z O l Y M/MB

    e~ @ 0e o o l D 0 l o G I I.0 . . J l . 1 : ! .sc a . 1::K IM !- M i M I . A M /H x .PS I M ] " M/MB

    I0 I

    00010 l o eA 0 0 l::. ll.tc FS R, iHIM Y ~ M/MA M /M S M/MM'

    . M / M S

    Ii)Cl o .e . o l o O r 0 "o 0i: t.. AR 4 - 6 N::M/Mli M/MS l'S NfI M/KxN/JlA H/MB

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    oIIIIIS I c


    / /S T N 'W Nl!R'M ~I .



    l-NlCfEl.. "'OLUT. , , - - . . .

    0, . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ho~o~rl I II; W N T 6\. Ni lI J lI 1 B M \l J ~/csIc Ir/sKar;:------- ~--"-9.tTQ~ Side. B a , ; : : 1 ! M IXBuc-"'------__,---w!la); t;ideheltM{MSe.o~rCQr~~--~-~ Receiver St~~og~/MRovel!'---------'~~l~h - CD~tat"Stro~~i.-('et=y__---------~-#2 ~.,ce~....e'!' St'r'onji!:"fjH. .Weal;:Corner---------I'"l !leGl!'ive!!' weak M/MNict;et lIa.;,k-- .....~--1I1Hz .. CO"!1Uill wo!!d:.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    e / o o g o l o ta . ~ DO 69: : : NBM/It z b M / M A /j....J:F/5 M /M XH ! M Y

    eG l 0eo 00~ O " c J . _~ II 1 m 1 m . . 1 i Bse II: M / M Z . W l ' I A .

    c:4 - M::~y


    @ ). ' :0 i).

    ~OOfOO,O @ ).NIl -0 .. 0 h. 1 : J . . : : : .FS R 8:.

    b, M/MA MIN S w n w- w el 4 ! M Y (il

    .1) /06goo"8 ': m l I B 1 &I:.. b. .. !UMA H IM B b.sc FS It:M/MW . . M J M s {Sanjo) M{M x

    .~.chinq .Point..:!1. ILB to the trlPtI side will be :in ~.2. lL :B ~ frail i:ripe.' lri.llmib Gap ~I:y.


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    11 Ni ck~l Bulll cm Dou bl~ Barrel

    0., 00 ' 0'

    ~ 0~!~~"-.. as I r : ; W! Cl!/S


    /o logIoo~ 'fl ....', M t !I na Hr,'

    o'file PIS W / ( J

    Hac- lHtl::,Strong------' ----A Ca~~ - IIIi.t z, ...,e.ll:k.~--------------fI c..apStT~Dg Coru~r - fl ~ec~iveT 8trona M~Rov~r - ~li~z - Contain 5~rongS at et y - #2 Je e~ive ~ seron, M/ MWeaK CorneT - 11 tee@i~ W~ak M/ Mtli~~l ~a~~ - ~ l it ~ , - Contain ~eak

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    24-Niokal2.-NickeJ. is I!! ~ deetl 5 tmE!"~, ~ 5trong" ~t ~and c:tOIIs:b:g pa..sj: I :OUbi!II! , o.3:!;p3Ci ill J Y ~ wt PJUt:.. WMkpo.innI ~~ CQ Vfjl'ft9 I!I can ~ itwidi ~ up ill t:lJ e ~ nti.tIdle a m . _amM . i l i ;J;ng th Iio ~. "l'Q.~ w. ~ t3ffucti-ire.ly, ow:'C'On1Sr. l'ItIlSt colliltiorl the '4 de ~ \fQa;, ~ ~ IQ.7er C W 8' t ~ o i l .goo;! 4 technique ee MIIp ~ .recai~ ha:. ~ into id I II i& f u I ! _are;;! ' IJl 'J1DJa-tGd. ~.i.naide ~ IIIlSt take pttJper .~ m:Id .CP.a' 5:f;!lBt:y an:l NiCkel. Mck IlII.S!:. girt: ;!II gocd ~ ~ th;! O S Ii int8ltial. ..W~ their ~ fiald ~lity. ~ly 1I'Ot..i~ .run8 W : l :: t h It..).2~1ckel M o m24-NicI!al. Mm i.E ! ! I i .2 ~, '5wder IIID rI ~ vert :stn::n'q ~t 5 I J Y~ ras~.rcut-. W M k ~ in the 1:lDI7I;!r~ ~ ~ ~by the wida .~verJ!I. 0Qr ~~ I IJ . l8 .t S ' t< !y al thIt wide hip rurmJ..n;. .be!hind t : : i : I ! n IjIC tl:iey ~ not; ~ ~fi IlJ!I !tiding t hB"n rn t:hei:r OIl!: ~+~ LB mI:!t. ~ ~ :ta:):;B if they 000 't. 0CJIfII, wt f o ! I ' t t !kin'taJ..kM !!E!!p;Sntit;Jn, Cu:r ~I ara lltill ~ tot' aortEWE containIJO ~ for 1"rIIl fin.t 1!Illd cPl't grt iII .;lbig huuy. CW " ~ Mt1 .~ bB c lI ;: IIUJt ~ a. -?Xd b=ak en thI!I (Jl'!; :int.erIt.iat to p l.!I y ~I : : ! fielil ~iMlity. (Fly ~RI;P;Ier ~ lo'ith it.~

    Nic!keJ. o:.t;c ita ~ d!:dlle ~ of. the ~r wide~ver!;I. ~igmIBnts.are lIXBCtly l~ 24--Nid:aL. Rln ~t1M:=e just. lib!I 24~. 't: l: E ~ will l'Illw o . : :mai r I (n&ll wtianB!md oc.t:l!Iide +\WIJ.ng ~. 'l'lw ~.~ miw tte ]:;Iackj: 1WiIlL-to-I!wl. t:o tl'Bi..r !!l id!!! .m1 thE lhom: plays t:b!! nmiEr i2 A l D c i V ' E ! I ' I!3tD:lIJgman-frn'-Inan. ~ ~ ~ 5 t. 1" o: J g ' ~ !;)lay a. iruI~i6!! II'IMI00 I . I ' Im I9 I en 'th& II I F8oIJ.wr strong. 'J be ~ ~ and Nidu!!l brl.ck

    12 .

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    h ow e 'the ~ ~ en t:r. ltl Paca1W1r NaDk. Wi!! can m I l : k ! ! ! adjuat:lDerrbo; . : ! nthi.!; ~ ~ ~

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    o1~lS / - c


    ooo'000000J s : l' NJI

    oII\fIeR .


    oIIIS I C : :


    aaoOODOOq'ii' .. :N l' . El \

    b :O ( t } / r : .R

    . "N Il

    )!ac----------~----!ittcflJt UoieBackM/M~Q-------------------~~~akSide Back ~fMSt t'Ong .COMt.er-----..Jl R~C-I! i '~ r StT1J1=L!IMRDve~------------~----~2~~ceiv~t StrQn~M'~Safity- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - 5tron~ Side ~iI~lI. CO'rner~~----~_,l :ih!c-l.!:iw.rW~!lle~/Mttid.eI. B"~\t~------O;te"'tt. ~

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    UNlo:m)M 16. 0 000000 .

    lit]t. ~ i i i i I M/MA9: . R MiMBM}M . . z K IM y i : : J ..ll. II w : : : :F/ S N B M/M x

    e~ 0 0OODOQ eli. .A /1.sc li!; 51 m iC

    M J M II I. M /MA M!MY M/M B M/M~A.t1. N I B'E ' /S

    I0 @ )0000DO 0mtJ . . m MjM A 6. .b..R: M/MB 'R BeJo t h i . Y b. A Z 4 I M s . . M / ! o ; w:NIl F I B

    . C l . 0

    @ I 00000 .4 A 1 m G l I IJ.sc ll. MIX A K IM B .il. K:M ! M W KIM S (bImjol M / M : XI t s He

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    U NlOlmo l>m 16. 0 000000 .

    E Dt. ~ i i i i I M/MA9: . R M/)!1lM iM .2 : M/M y o I : : i .. 1 : . b. ~F/ S N B : H I M Ite

    ~ 0 0OODOQ eb. b. 1:..sc B; 51 m f i l i i ' . : :

    M / M . I i ! i . M /M . A M!MY M/MB M/M~A.il. N I BF!t.

    I0 l~OOOOO 0BItJ . . m Mj,M A 6. .b -.H: M/MB A BeJthi Y a A KIM s . M / I o ( WW F I B

    c . 0@ I OOQOO .4 b. III l S I h.sc a MIX A . M / M 13 .il. fCM / M W . M /M . S (bmjol M / M : XI t s He

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    18G ) - o IS9:; lOOOOO eI : J . l E i ) -~M/M Ii : . L Y I B I M / M 1 I h ..'W!PS e'S M/MB NB M/MxA .0 . I H ' / N BMIN .Z M J M KWJpe W / t !r .

    4 Dl S I 0' 0

    R .:%lODDOD G IlOC t: .A MilOL. i i i ! ! til tcM /M I ! ' : f'S f ~XK{FS /l.

    M/MY : M /MB g{Il!iX W/FS. M /M "2 wI\'(:.-.W1~

    I0 .:-@ >~OOOO.O : '- R . l, ;6.. s e~. II M/MA l'I/l'J S A.-.~~ ... M!HWM/M Y HB L : W wfI$W ! N B .0.~"l"

    sI) a(II .. OOIJOO RSC ~S J L A & J w :6- !!VMS W 0 -I o l / M w IS ISanjo) b .. M / M . xW~ t: . ","X w / N l lI t ! /M i i lWIS: W i l e

    coaehJ.n; Pointa ~1. Ni.drel &d:. C8n IMke "~~ call W ~ ~ if Y is the! Tight. .nngl.ereceiver.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors



    II' 0ltlOODOO ~A 0 A 1\ 0se D 0 .6 -M/M : w ewill 'S .h. KIM M/M HIM X

    R S A .KIM (~jQ). tJ .y NB~ F:reeFSM i l t lWise

    !3e 09 00000 .

    b 0 Il ~ 04- o :SC R 0 0 h. w e!'lIM li M/!ol: M/ M MIM M!M xW / P " S S II A NB~Blmjo~ E ' r & @ IA -

    rs. M / M 2 ;w/w:

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    ~ o::HIO SIR:N3 20e 0 000000 sc ~ Iiil ":IJ. I : J . ~B H IM JI .k/I( s M / M y 6W/FS .f'S NB M /M xI:. tJ,.M / M . t rz-w/~

    elit 0 0< D 0on00 ~sc RA . t J . . HI 1 m iI(:M/M. z M/MA M /M Y M/MB Afl /FS

    rs M/)tXIl 1mAM/Il: . z ~.w t a ce0 . ~OODOO R @ )'It:: ii i l J . .iJ. SCH IM Y M / M A :M/M S t..[!jJ.le H IM B FS H l M ' H 't J . . ~W liMFree

    " " O C .

    10 08 OOQOO .sc R w . : .0. .t.. 'II IIiIlI(/Kw l~S M/MA . M /M . B ~(bljol liB . M / M xW / ! 'S A

    w / E C . P ' r & e

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors




    AgeM/K :2 :

    o~OODOOo " A 0o aHIM . M / MB A h ..NllKIM XW!WC6HGKI M Xli/IUI .

    M JMY ~FSFree

    .. . - - - . . 0e 00000 o A J\ 0 11s : .6.. D 0 NCSC R M/.M ! I ! / " M . t ! J . MfMXHIM r n !tIM B A NBs (IlanjO) t o . I /M X tlf~W/WC


  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    22 .. : 0 r&OCIOODOO eec . t B I w : :4- R Sl M/MA 0.W 'M .ll f V M V H/MB NB JihtXF5 W ! N B.6 AMJ)I X:~ W I N :

    t)( % J 1 8 0

    fI . @OODOO (JI.sc. : : : . 0 .- 1 i I . iii ~.MjMl ' ; M/MA M/MY N/MB tJ.NB l! M / M X.il w / F ' SP'nIe . M / M Xw/IICl I D0 ~ !!bOODOD R e: w : r a J a s c.0 . M/)l:A M IM S I : . .M /H Y NB EIl4/M II . N B M/MllW /N E ! ~ 6

    M / M Y .n.W;W : :

    t> 018 OOQOO ..~ l h 11 .8] ~M/M S. M / M w H/MA M/MB M!MXHi! ~Bme~ NB .wiNS.A_ 6~ a.,x.

  • 7/23/2019 34 Defense College Playbook by Bobo Majors


    2.1 NICP:EL !iTOIm


    ()0 C) ~ 1 0 \ oS t' N T.. F/SS I C l't K E !H t I : i ! . 3 NIB if/et I I ~ n

    00/-, 0 0, 0 ( . { ) F (J00ow ~ 'r S oR B MU

    W/CSIC F/9 UIi t- , N/~~l

    ~ C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 3 Re c~ iv .~ st ron~ H !M( po~ijib le tr~d. wit h NB)


    B~--~-------~--------BlitJB G~pserQ"g C~rn~r- -- -- -- -- f 1 Strong ~/MR ov er -- - - - ~- - - - - -- - - - - Pr D- i 2 S tr on 9 H /HSl ot -L ig htning Bli tz$afety---------------~pro_cowhoy Stll~t{akl. S lot- f 2 S trong ~/M

    Nickel ~~ck- - - - - - - - - - - f 2 We~k M/ M(pO~j1b18 trade with Mae)