4 Sleep and the Older Adult

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  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    Geriatric Nursing

  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    Nonrapid Eye Movement(NREM)Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    ` Stage I Transitional period of very light sleep

    Easily aroused Lasts less than 7 mins.

    ` Stage II Period of deeper relaxtation and light sleep

    Predominant NREM stage in older adults

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    ` Stage III

    ` Stage IV Restores the individual physically, and tissue heling

    occurs during this time

    Most sensitive to advancing age; begins to decline during

    the 30s

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    ` Follows the 4 stages of NREM

    ` Deepest state of relaxation

    ` Large muscles become immobile

    ` Active autonomic nervous system` RR, BP, and HR becomes erratic

    ` Same brainwave patterns as those of wakefulness

    ` State of dreams

    ` Restoration of mental and emotional states

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    ` 90 mins long

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    ` Regulates sleep

    ` Governed by the Suprachiasmic Nucleus (SCN) in

    the hypothalamus

    ` Melatonin Hormone produced by the Pineal Gland at night

    Released in response to darkness

    Inhibits neurotransmitters involved in arousal

    ` Lack of sleep can lead to delirium in older adults

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  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    ` Insomnia

    ` Sleep Apnea Caused by CNS control mechanism disturbance

    Narrowing or loss of tone in the pharyngeal airway

    O2 decrease CO2 increase acidic pH of Blood

    HR drops brain interprets as fluid overload

    hormone release to wake individual get rid of

    fluid and sodium nocturia

    ` Restless Leg Syndrome

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    ` Must be referred to a sleep center for: Polysomnography overnight evaluation of sleep events

    ` Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Consistently improves symptoms of sleep apnea

    Decreases the individuals risk for somatic diseases

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  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    ` Hygiene

    ` Sleep habits Time of going to bed

    Rituals prior to bedtime

    Established sleep environment` Daytime sleepiness

    ` Depression

    ` Anxiety` Thorough physical examination

    ` Medication history

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    ` Measures sleepiness uninfluenced by

    emotional state or pain

    ` Useful for clients who are unable to read

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  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    Sleep HygieneEnvironmental Restructuring


    Aroma Therapy

    Herbal TherapyMedications

  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    ` Hospital Nursing duties should be



    Avoid Caffeine` Avoid Alcohol

    ` Smoking

  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    ` Florence Nightingale First to address environmental restructuring for optimal

    health outcomes

    ` Consider


    Noise (less than 35 db)

    Sensory stimulation

    Room color (soft mix of blue, green, and violet)

    Nature scene Artwork (decreases use of pain meds,

    lower BP and increase relaxation)

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    ` Music therapy Most common independent nursing

    intervention for sleep

    ` Massage

  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    ` Enhances immunity and promotes relaxation

    ` Examples: Lavander






    ` Consider allergies before prescribing

    aromatherapy to older clients

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    Calming effect and reduces


    Effective as tranquilizers

    Produces a sedative effect

    similar to benzodiazepines

    Safest of all oils with no irritation

    or sensitivity reported

    When inhaled olfactory bulb

    limbic system increase inGABA (same effect as


    Lavander (Lavandula angustifolia)

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    ` Preparations using Valerian Enhances sleep by influencing

    activities at GABA, adenosine,

    serotonin receptors promoting

    normal sleep

    Promotes relaxation and depth

    and quality of sleep

    ` Should be used with caution

    Drug-drug interaction can occurhepatotoxicity

  • 8/8/2019 4 Sleep and the Older Adult


    ` Not Recommended Benzodiazepines - long half-life

    Triazolam (Halcion) & Temazepam (Restoril) long half-life

    Flurazepam (Dalmane) long half-life and accumulatesin the body over time; assoc. with confusion and falls inthe elderly

    Benadryl hangover effects in the elderly

    ` Recommended Zolpidem (Ambien) Zaleplon (Sonata)

    Eszopiclone (Lunesta)