s z- z K eS 1 RAGE EIGHT THB OCALA BAN MEII r COMISSIOIERSMEETIIIOi- I A m r f Read Petitions Read Three Pensions Brantae Other Regular Business u The Board of County Commissio- nen met Tuesday morning according- to t the order of adjournment with all nY present except Commissioner Pyles- A l number of voters made applica- tion to be reinstated on the regis ¬ tration list but only one was put back onHenry Grantham Commissioner Turner recommended that Mrs Wilson be sent to the poor farm which was ordered- Mr Tumerialso reported that he had been unable to investigate the Flewellyn road matter and asked x that more time be given him in which- to attend to same Henry Raymond Rou a mute was given a certificate of entry into the Deaf Dumb and Blind at St Aug- ustine ¬ t Petition of Edwin and M J Spen- cer ¬ y for a reduction of valuation on lot 1 block 36 O S Ocala was re ¬ P fused 1 Request of W T Gary that the I board recommend to the comptroller that he be allowed to redeem tax I r certificates at face value and pay back taxes on omitted years with ¬ out interest on certain lands was re ¬ fused m 4 The road petition of Mr Albritton- and others for road from Daisy to Anthony wasrefused- Pension applications of A L Eichelberger W L Ditto and Mrs- C W Turner were approved- At the request of his bondsmen the license of Frank Ross to carry fire ¬ arms was revoked The list of election inspectors after being examinedjwere approved Sse advertisement Oliver Snells application for per ¬ vS mit to carry firearms was refused as i aw he is not twentyone years old HP Griggs A O Harper W A ter Goin and J D Robertson were t granted licenses to carry fireams A number of applications were laid > over until next meeting A petition was presented asking r the boord to close the public road running between sections 1 and 2 and between sections 35 and 36 range 21 i i which was granted- The petition asking that the road 1 from Eastlake to Stanton be changed i was allowed provided the petitioners- put said road into travelling condi ¬ tionPetition r for changes on Summer field road was referred to Commis ¬ sioner Pyles ti Bond of W W Clyatt as notary public was approved Justices accounts were examined- and approved- The accounts of the treasurer were examined and found correct after i which the board adjourned r The Constitutional Lawyer There is a growing disposition to nave the nation take charge of quar- antine ¬ e and the yellow fever whenev- er ¬ we shall have a recurrence of it But the constitutional lawyer al- ways ¬ bobs up to preventit f Senator Gallmger of New Hamp shsre himself a physician considers- it an extraordinary condition of af- fairs ¬ if a branch of the Federal gov ¬ departme- nt can step in to prevent the s spread of disease among horses and cattle but can do nothing for the protection of human life x Those who treat the mater serious- ly ¬ whether from the south or the north see no great constitutional ob- jections ¬ 3 in the way of what is univer ¬ 0 sally recognized as being to the great advantage of the southern people protecting their business and their x lives Congressman Landis seems to have < lost his patience at this argument- for he expies3es a willingness to do whatever is necessary to get rid of the mosquitoes and the constitutional lawyers- We believe the matter in future will be handled by the general gov ¬ ernment and when it does Mr Mos ¬ quito has got to go = = x Marion county sent down a carload x of exhibits yesterday for the fair 4 She is putting her best foot forward t Mr Gist seems to be tha right man dn the right place o V 9 r T V J ices ag rt rEL- SpechlCorrespondenceto the Ocala Banner Mrs DAClarkanddaughterhaver- eturned from their summer outing in North Carolina Walter Bay the wideawake naval stores and mill man of Martel is on a business tour of two weeks in North Carolina A J Bryan architect from Louis ¬ iana made a social visit to relatives- in Martel Saturday Misses Nellie and Lillian Bryan of Ocala came out Saturday and spent Sunday with their parents and family- at Martel The Martel Lumber Company is running on full time Timber transactions are lively and an important deal will be effected in a few days Mrs J MBarco and Mrs Smith of Ocala made a pleasant visit to Mr and Mrs Newcomb Barco at their beautiful home at Sunny Slope the past week Dr Lindsay preached a soulstirring- sermon at Martel Sunday afternoon from the text And Peter to an ap- preciative ¬ congregation- Mrs H W Long who has been with her sisters in Jacksonville the past month has had numerous set ¬ backs has become despondent and will make an effort to return home this week On Friday night November 4 a fourhorse twohorse and onehore wagons loaded with the elite of Mar ¬ tel and a bountiful supply of flour hams coffee sugar turkeys chick- ens and numerous other substantial tokens of esteem hied themselves to the residence of Bro W A Weir at Cotton Plant where they were rein ¬ forced by people from LeRoy Cotton Plant and Fellowship on a similar mission of love and esteem They were courteously met by the amicable pastor at his gate and in his usual manner and polished style invited- his guests to walk in his home when to his surprise two robust young men seated the reverened gentleman- upon their shoulders and in the good old time corn shucking style con ¬ veyed him to a comfortable seat where the work of delivery began resulting in one of the largest and most substantial poundings that any preacher has ever received in these ends of the earth An hour was spent- in music and social conversation The preacher then delivered an elegant address of thanks read a scriptural lesson and invoked a blessing upon the liberal donors when all repaired- to their respective homes The Martel contingent in the exurberance- of poetical effusions made the welkin ring in beautiful songs from Cotton Plant to Martel Such gatherings bring the preacher- and people close together and ought- to oftener be participated in We are on the eve of hog killing potato digging and cane grinding which is a roy al good time with farm- ers ¬ X X X BUTCHTON Special Correspondence Ocala Bauner Mr and Mrs J R Thomas of Dut ton who are now temporarily at the home of the latters mother at Blitch I ton are rejoicing over the advent of a baby boy who arrived on the 4th instant Three persons will be baptized Sun- day ¬ at the Baptist church The Blitchton school seta several specimens to the fair Mrs Caroline Turner of Red Level is visiting Mrs J C Coulter Little Etta Willis has been sick for several days Mr Willie Mariow of Ocala spent Sunday with his parents I Several from this place attended the marriage of Mr Norton and Miss Stanley at Pleasant Hill church Sun ¬ day night- Joe and Will Taylor of Standard and E L and M L Ferguson of Blitchton are at Hodges Island fish ¬ ingMr John Freyermuth has returned from a two weeks visit to Istachatta I A train of cars is now in readiness to take Marion countys stock ex ¬ hibit to the Tampa fair If Marion does not carry oif a good portion of the premiums for blooded stock she will at least have a showing on the grounds that she may well feel proud- of d ACCIDENT fiT 3EDDICK Mr J M Mokinsen the Victim of a Painful Wound Mr J M Robinson was brought to Ocala from Reddick yesterday after ¬ noon in a serious condition- Mr Robinson was assisting in the moving or a turpentine still when his horses became frightened ran away and threw him from the wagon break- ing ¬ his right leg in two places just above the ankle in a most ghastly manner Some of the bones cut through the skin and made a terribly ugly wound Mr Robinson accompanied by his wife is at the Marion county hospital where he was sent by Dr Wilson of Reddick and is resting as well as could be expected SPARR Special Correspondence Ocala Banner W Luffman left Monday for Rich ¬ mond- J W Colbert visited Ocala Monday- and Tuesday Messrs Billingsley and Thaggard- of Reddick visited here Sunday Did you need some more boys to go with you 0 Mrs Noah Clemmons is on the sick list this week School is progressing nicely with Mrs Meadows as teacher Mrs Allen Stephens and children visited relatives at Oak Sunday- Mr and Mrs J J Colbert and daughter Iva visited > sr and Mrs Culbreath at Oak Sunday- Mr and rs Frank Meadows have moved to Mr Eminicors Mrs Mea ¬ dows father Mrs W L Colbert Alice and Tur ney are visiting Mrs J J Colbert this week Let everybody attend preaching- here next Sunday evening TATTLER GRAHAMVILLES- pecial Correspondence Ocala Banner Mrs Alonzo Long and children left for Astor Sunday on a visit to rela ¬ tives and friends- Mr George Smith of Ocala was here Monday Noah Waldon and family spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jack Randall- J R Peebles and Charles Long went to Esmeralda Friday Roscoe Marlon is now in Ocala where he has a position with the Smith grocery The report of nuns from dawn of day until sunset is sufficient evidence- the game law is out There must be some attraction over here for a Griner Farm gentlemen SAMANTHA Liquor Traffic The following resolutions were unanimously passed by the Marion Baptist Association in session at Mc- Intosh October 25 to 27 1 Be it resolved by the Marion Baptist Association in convention as ¬ sembled that we pronounce the liqor t traffic in all its phases and ramifica- tions ¬ to be in the light as we can I get it from Gods word and unmiti ¬ gated evil destructive in its work I demoralizing in its tendencies and i terrible in its results i That it is essentially a crime breed- er i and is antagonistic to the best 1 I good of the state the church and so- ciety I that it is one of the most pro- ductive j powers of covetousness t which is idolatry i i 2 Be it resolves that it is the I sense of this body that the position- of j the church and the church members should be against this evil both in j sale and use of any intoxicant as a I beverage j 3 Be it resolved that we as a Bap tist Association endorse the present local option campaign in progress in Marion county and do what we can to aid said campaign j 4 Be it resolved that the sense of this body is to encourage by lawful means the preservation of the local option law if the county goes dry that we condemn as utterly demoral ¬ izing the socalled blind tiger and de ¬ sire the full enforcement of the law Miss Anna S Hall of Cincinnati t wishes to put to death all people in flicted with an incurable disease The j young lady might include dengue in her list- J J aJ iy fM s 4 HERE AND THERE The cry of fraud is an old old story What about that canal to Silver Springs In a poker game many are called but few wisely There are now nine inmates in the county hospital Hearst dies hard Ivins his repub ¬ lican opponent is his chief mourner The Bradford county farmers have saved a good many tons of hay this yearWe hope the new Gainesville paper will not have as many ups and downs- as the ordinary elevator- G L Taber has shipped nine car loads of oranges from Glenn St Mary very near the Georgia line By the timeGovernor Broward gets that drainage ditch dug it will be time to elect another governor Egg plants are being shipped from the Orange River section Florida has always something on the move- r William Randolph Hearst is not taking his medicine like a little man He is yelling fraud to beat a brass band Mrs W H Clark was the last one to be victimized by the dengue fever fiend as he was about to take his de p irture from our city Hon W A Rawls has taken time by the forelock and made his an- nouncement ¬ for the state senate from Leon county So the pot begins to boil Judge Stevens of Lincoln Neb holds that an editor who criticises public or semipublic concerns within reason and without malice is not subject to libel suits With her hard roads beautiful L drives quail shooting and other at ¬ tractions Ocalas hotels and board ¬ ing houses ought to be filled to over- flowing ¬ this winter Mr C J Josephs of the Verona Inn Clearwater is in the city He saya tourits are already beginning to flock in and all indications point to r almost an overflow of visitors this winter Mr Sato the Japanese diplomat- says that all American newspaper re ¬ porters are hypnotists We may be mistaken but it looks very much to us as if some of them were fakirs TimesUnion- A judge in one of the northern states recently decided that it was within the law for a man to hold out 10 cents a week for tobacco if he turns over the balance of his weekly stipend1190- Rev C C Carroll is hopefully op- timistic ¬ If he reaches the bibical limit of age he expects to see the whiskey traffic fall as compleely as the walls of Jericho He thinks its sins have reached unto heaven and its quietus is near Judge MeConathys friends are glad to know that he has reconsider- ed his determination not to run for mayor and will make the race The Judge was induced to do so under great pressure and under assurances- of strong and loyal support Ocala has had few better mayors than Judge McConathy Mr E E Cline of the firm of Cline S Yonge left yesterday for Tampa where they will make an ex ¬ hibit of their motive power at the big fair They have prepared a splendid exhibit and if they are granted sufficient space will make a fine showing- Mr Sam Rawls Buys More Property Mr Sam Rawls made another pur ¬ chase of Ocala property Wednesday- He is not at all a reckless buyer and this sale coupled with others that he has recently made tells of the esti ¬ mate he places on O ala realty The property he purchased Wednes- day ¬ was the residence on Dougherty street near Ocklawaha avenue and known as the Colby cottage It be longed to Mr J J Tillis who bought- it about a year ago and sold it yes ¬ terday at a handsome profit j W ir j < i c- f E C SMITH j V Ro ur I SMITH ROBERTS t Fnerol Directors and Licensed EmbulllersL- atestMAthorts < BestfGoods Work < Juarante xj c J Telegraph orders receive atsention and tmbalming dam anywhere on short notice I OCALA Fl1RITllRE COIANY- 4gy K REFLECT A MOMENT l Ni Have you decided on the kind of t fertilizer you are going to use Its r a I not a question of how much but j a what kind when the bbst result ii can be obtained You cant make a 4 fertilizers mistake when you use our high grad j Highest cash price paid ford bones J FLORIDA FERTILIZER MF6 COMPANY Gainesville Fla lt I QUIET NOW REIGNS- AT ODESSA RUSSIA Outward Calm Returned but Tension Is Stiii Grat APPEAL MADE TO COUNT WITTE Apprehensive of Fresh Outbreaks the GovernorGeneral Has Promised V Place Military Guards Over Home ¬ less Jews Business at a Standstill Odessa Nov 9Outward calm aas returned here but the tension is still great Reports that the Jews are pre- paring ¬ for terrible vengeanse on toe Christians are being industriously cir ¬ culated among the lowest and most ig- norant ¬ classes and it is feared they may lead to a rescrudescence of an- archy ¬ These reports declare that the Jews intend to blow up the chureli es and distribute poisoned foodstuff- to the Christians Prefect Neidhart to whom much of the responsibility of last weeks oc ¬ currences is attributed is still in lice despite urgent demands for his removal The prosecutor general has invit all eyewitnesses of the outrages tc give testimony at the forthcoming in- vestigation ¬ Apprehensive of fresh outbreaks the city councid has secured the promise of the governor general to place mil- itary ¬ guards at all places where the numbers of Jews recently rendered homeless are now being sheltered- The university has sent three profes ¬ sors to St Petersburg to present to Count Witte a fun account of last weeks atrocities with a demand for the instant removal of the authors The municipality the university off cials and the barristers are cooperat- ing ¬ in arranging for an independent inquiry as they are mistrustful of offi ¬ cial investigation- The chamber of commerce has of- ficially announced that the spirit trade- of Odessa has practically stopped as foreign houses have suspended busi ¬ ness with the local merchant because- of the dangerous situation in the town The foreigners the chamber declared feared to deal even with the wealthiest merchants who may at any moment be killed or ruined Grain is purchased- only when on board of a snip ready to sailThe American British and other con ¬ suls have all sent interesting detailed accounts of he recent events to their governments explaining the real char ¬ acter of the outbreaks and naming th supposed authors As an indication of the wide area of the disturbances the Glaziers cor ¬ poration has ascertained that over 7u 000 window panes were smashed Governor General Kaulbars denies the report that he has been transferr- ed ¬ to the governor generalship of Fin ¬ land Russian Troops Are Praised- St Petersburg Nov 9A govern- ment proclamation is published today calling attention to the difficult posi- tion ¬ of the troops during the disorders- of I the past week It declares that they simply performed their duty and should be praised rather than blamed- for preserving order especially in the streets of the capital Turpentine Still Burned Word was received in this city yes ¬ terday afternoon that the turpentine- still of Messrs Peterson McNeil near Trilby had been destroyed by fire dm ing the early morning hours Loss between 2500 and 3000 with- no insurance- The November number of the Flor ¬ ida Fruit and Truck Grower is out Among other interesting publications- it contains an illustrated article of the Florida East Coast Extension ti j K fi f From Thursdays Daily t I UNDER TIE SHOW TENT y Splendid Performances by the Park I Stock Company I The C W Park Stock Company continues to please large audiences I Ocala amusement lovers in their o splendid electriclighted canvas the ¬ atre Last nights bill was Dion Bouci I caults famous drama The Shaugh raun which was played to a 1 weUt filled house and received with hearty applause by the audience The all I star cast of characters was as follows Captain Molineaux Jno C Vernoa I Con the ShaughraunF G Campbell Mrs OKelly Elizabeth McKafai Claire Folliett Lillian Tucker 1 I Arte ONeill Bessie Lee Biddy Dngan Arcola Bridget Mary Orton Moya Dolan Madge Tucker Cory Kinchela u Geo Butler t Harvey Duff F L Maddocks J Sergeant of the GuardBill Paris Dugan Sam Park 1 Finnigan F LH Arne Father Dolan YYYYW R Render Robert Folliett Wm Price Mourners soldiers etc by the com- pany ¬ j Tonight the company will present the sensational Russian drama en titled Darkest Russia The cos- tumes J I used in this production were = imported from Russia at heavy ex ¬ pense and especial pains have be- taken to secure a caste to produce I the play in true and realistic style and those who attend may rest as- sured ¬ II of a real dramatic treat Spe- cial scenery is used in this play be ¬ J ing prepared at considerable expense- to the company Friday night Human Hearts Hal Reids pathetic heart story of the Arkansas hills will be presented- This is one of the prettiest plays ir the i companys repertoire and never fails < 1 to please wherever it is played TheM plot is one of deep heart interest l with a sprinkling of humor that is j quite catchy The specialties introduced are of 11 the best class and are received with deserved applause- ODE TO THE KING j u The following verses are from the p pen of Mrs Aurelie Marean Bernard < and were first published in the Pen J sacola Journal of the 3rd inst Dr f Joseph Y Porter state health officer 0 who has been stationed at Pensacola since the outbreak of yellow fever has from his cheerful sunny disposi ¬ tion been nicnamed Sunny Jim by the grateful Pensacolians- With apologies to Force 1 Lines respectfully dedicated to 1 State Health Officer Jos Y Porter 1t All hail to thee King Sunny Jim Thy reign is nearly done Preparest thou to abdicate r Thy throne to a mightier one r Oh Sunny Jim thou hast been lung And ruled with scepter bold But a King who will snow thee under- Is on his way were told 1 So call thy fumigation Knights That they may gather around Fasten thy mantle of royal smoke Put on thy sulpher crown Away away King Sunny Jim And without a tear or sigh Well see thee abdicate tliv throne And waft a fond goodbye Dear Sunny Jim we wish to roam On many a dark nights lark And really Jim we do not wish Tohave to get home by dark Clinb down climb down Sunny JtDl A And pass thy scepter bright- To King Jack Frost wfcoll reigns To all our hearts delight J Y 9 is41

4gy r t downs- a j a what cant j - University of Florida

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IA m r f Read Petitions Read

Three Pensions Brantae Other

Regular Businessu The Board of County Commissio-

nen met Tuesday morning according-

tot the order of adjournment with allnY present except Commissioner Pyles-

Al number of voters made applica-

tion to be reinstated on the regis¬

tration list but only one was putback onHenry Grantham

Commissioner Turner recommendedthat Mrs Wilson be sent to the poorfarm which was ordered-

Mr Tumerialso reported that hehad been unable to investigate theFlewellyn road matter and asked

x that more time be given him in which-

to attend to sameHenry Raymond Rou a mute was

given a certificate of entry into theDeaf Dumb and Blind at St Aug-



t Petition of Edwin and M J Spen-


yfor a reduction of valuation on

lot 1 block 36 O S Ocala was re¬P

fused1 Request of W T Gary that the I

board recommend to the comptrollerthat he be allowed to redeem tax I

r certificates at face value and payback taxes on omitted years with¬

out interest on certain lands was re¬


4 The road petition of Mr Albritton-

and others for road from Daisy toAnthony wasrefused-

Pension applications of A LEichelberger W L Ditto and Mrs-

C W Turner were approved-

At the request of his bondsmen thelicense of Frank Ross to carry fire ¬

arms was revokedThe list of election inspectors after

being examinedjwere approved Sseadvertisement

Oliver Snells application for per¬

vS mit to carry firearms was refused asiaw

he is not twentyone years oldH P Griggs A O Harper W A


Goin and J D Robertson were

t granted licenses to carry fireams Anumber of applications were laid

> over until next meetingA petition was presented asking

r the boord to close the public roadrunning between sections 1 and 2 andbetween sections 35 and 36 range 21


i which was granted-The petition asking that the road 1

from Eastlake to Stanton be changedi was allowed provided the petitioners-

put said road into travelling condi ¬

tionPetitionr for changes on Summerfield road was referred to Commis ¬

sioner Pylesti Bond of W W Clyatt as notary

public was approvedJustices accounts were examined-

and approved-The accounts of the treasurer were

examined and found correct after

i which the board adjourned

r The Constitutional LawyerThere is a growing disposition to

nave the nation take charge of quar-


e and the yellow fever whenev-er


we shall have a recurrence of itBut the constitutional lawyer al-


bobs up to preventitf Senator Gallmger of New Hamp

shsre himself a physician considers-it an extraordinary condition of af-


if a branch of the Federal gov¬departme-nt can step in to prevent thes spread of disease among horses and

cattle but can do nothing for theprotection of human life

x Those who treat the mater serious-


whether from the south or thenorth see no great constitutional ob-


3 in the way of what is univer ¬

0 sally recognized as being to the greatadvantage of the southern peopleprotecting their business and their

x livesCongressman Landis seems to have

< lost his patience at this argument-

for he expies3es a willingness to dowhatever is necessary to get rid ofthe mosquitoes and the constitutionallawyers-

We believe the matter in futurewill be handled by the general gov¬

ernment and when it does Mr Mos¬

quito has got to go==

x Marion county sent down a carloadx of exhibits yesterday for the fair4 She is putting her best foot forwardt

Mr Gist seems to be tha right mandn the right place o

V 9

r TV Jices ag rt


SpechlCorrespondenceto the Ocala BannerMrs DAClarkanddaughterhaver-

eturned from their summer outing inNorth Carolina

Walter Bay the wideawake navalstores and mill man of Martel is ona business tour of two weeks in NorthCarolina

A J Bryan architect from Louis¬

iana made a social visit to relatives-in Martel Saturday

Misses Nellie and Lillian Bryan ofOcala came out Saturday and spentSunday with their parents and family-at Martel

The Martel Lumber Company isrunning on full time

Timber transactions are lively andan important deal will be effected ina few days

Mrs J MBarco and Mrs Smithof Ocala made a pleasant visit to Mrand Mrs Newcomb Barco at theirbeautiful home at Sunny Slope thepast week

Dr Lindsay preached a soulstirring-sermon at Martel Sunday afternoonfrom the text And Peter to an ap-


congregation-Mrs H W Long who has been

with her sisters in Jacksonville thepast month has had numerous set¬

backs has become despondent andwill make an effort to return homethis week

On Friday night November 4 afourhorse twohorse and onehorewagons loaded with the elite of Mar¬

tel and a bountiful supply of flourhams coffee sugar turkeys chick-ens and numerous other substantialtokens of esteem hied themselves tothe residence of Bro W A Weir atCotton Plant where they were rein¬

forced by people from LeRoy CottonPlant and Fellowship on a similarmission of love and esteem Theywere courteously met by the amicablepastor at his gate and in his usualmanner and polished style invited-his guests to walk in his home whento his surprise two robust youngmen seated the reverened gentleman-upon their shoulders and in the goodold time corn shucking style con ¬

veyed him to a comfortable seatwhere the work of delivery beganresulting in one of the largest andmost substantial poundings that anypreacher has ever received in theseends of the earth An hour was spent-in music and social conversation Thepreacher then delivered an elegantaddress of thanks read a scripturallesson and invoked a blessing uponthe liberal donors when all repaired-to their respective homes TheMartel contingent in the exurberance-of poetical effusions made the welkinring in beautiful songs from CottonPlant to Martel

Such gatherings bring the preacher-and people close together and ought-to oftener be participated in

We are on the eve of hog killingpotato digging and cane grindingwhich is a roy al good time with farm-ers




Special Correspondence Ocala Bauner

Mr and Mrs J R Thomas of Dutton who are now temporarily at thehome of the latters mother at Blitch

I ton are rejoicing over the advent ofa baby boy who arrived on the 4thinstant

Three persons will be baptized Sun-


at the Baptist churchThe Blitchton school seta several

specimens to the fairMrs Caroline Turner of Red Level

is visiting Mrs J C CoulterLittle Etta Willis has been sick for

several daysMr Willie Mariow of Ocala spent

Sunday with his parents I

Several from this place attendedthe marriage of Mr Norton and MissStanley at Pleasant Hill church Sun¬

day night-Joe and Will Taylor of Standard

and E L and M L Ferguson ofBlitchton are at Hodges Island fish ¬

ingMrJohn Freyermuth has returned

from a two weeks visit to Istachatta

I A train of cars is now in readinessto take Marion countys stock ex¬

hibit to the Tampa fair If Mariondoes not carry oif a good portion ofthe premiums for blooded stock shewill at least have a showing on thegrounds that she may well feel proud-of



Mr J M Mokinsen the Victim of aPainful Wound

Mr J M Robinson was brought toOcala from Reddick yesterday after ¬

noon in a serious condition-Mr Robinson was assisting in the

moving ora turpentine still when hishorses became frightened ran awayand threw him from the wagon break-ing


his right leg in two places justabove the ankle in a most ghastlymanner Some of the bones cutthrough the skin and made a terriblyugly wound

Mr Robinson accompanied by hiswife is at the Marion county hospitalwhere he was sent by Dr Wilson ofReddick and is resting as well ascould be expected

SPARRSpecial Correspondence Ocala Banner

W Luffman left Monday for Rich ¬


J W Colbert visited Ocala Monday-and Tuesday

Messrs Billingsley and Thaggard-of Reddick visited here Sunday Didyou need some more boys to go withyou 0

Mrs Noah Clemmons is on the sicklist this week

School is progressing nicely withMrs Meadows as teacher

Mrs Allen Stephens and childrenvisited relatives at Oak Sunday-

Mr and Mrs J J Colbert anddaughter Iva visited > sr and MrsCulbreath at Oak Sunday-

Mr and rs Frank Meadows havemoved to Mr Eminicors Mrs Mea¬

dows fatherMrs W L Colbert Alice and Tur

ney are visiting Mrs J J Colbertthis week

Let everybody attend preaching-here next Sunday evening



pecial Correspondence Ocala Banner

Mrs Alonzo Long and children leftfor Astor Sunday on a visit to rela¬

tives and friends-Mr George Smith of Ocala was

here MondayNoah Waldon and family spent

Saturday and Sunday with Mr andMrs Jack Randall-

J R Peebles and Charles Longwent to Esmeralda Friday

Roscoe Marlon is now in Ocalawhere he has a position with theSmith grocery

The report of nuns from dawn ofday until sunset is sufficient evidence-the game law is out

There must be some attraction overhere for a Griner Farm gentlemen


Liquor Traffic

The following resolutions wereunanimously passed by the MarionBaptist Association in session at Mc-

Intosh October 25 to 27

1 Be it resolved by the MarionBaptist Association in convention as¬

sembled that we pronounce the liqor t

traffic in all its phases and ramifica-tions


to be in the light as we can I

get it from Gods word and unmiti ¬

gated evil destructive in its work I

demoralizing in its tendencies and i

terrible in its results i

That it is essentially a crime breed-


and is antagonistic to the best 1


good of the state the church and so-


that it is one of the most pro-


powers of covetousnesst

which is idolatry ii

2 Be it resolves that it is the I

sense of this body that the position-of


the church and the church membersshould be against this evil both in j

sale and use of any intoxicant as aI

beverage j

3 Be it resolved that we as a Baptist Association endorse the presentlocal option campaign in progress inMarion county and do what we canto aid said campaign j

4 Be it resolved that the sense ofthis body is to encourage by lawfulmeans the preservation of the localoption law if the county goes drythat we condemn as utterly demoral ¬

izing the socalled blind tiger and de¬

sire the full enforcement of the law

Miss Anna S Hall of Cincinnatit

wishes to put to death all people inflicted with an incurable disease The j

young lady might include dengue inher list-

JJaJ iy

fM s 4


The cry of fraud is an old old story

What about that canal to SilverSprings

In a poker game many are calledbut few wisely

There are now nine inmates in thecounty hospital

Hearst dies hard Ivins his repub ¬

lican opponent is his chief mourner

The Bradford county farmers havesaved a good many tons of hay this

yearWehope the new Gainesville paper

will not have as many ups and downs-as the ordinary elevator-

G L Taber has shipped nine carloads of oranges from Glenn St Maryvery near the Georgia line

By the timeGovernor Broward getsthat drainage ditch dug it will betime to elect another governor

Egg plants are being shipped fromthe Orange River section Floridahas always something on the move-

r William Randolph Hearst is nottaking his medicine like a little manHe is yelling fraud to beat a brassband

Mrs W H Clark was the last oneto be victimized by the dengue feverfiend as he was about to take his dep irture from our city

Hon W A Rawls has taken timeby the forelock and made his an-



for the state senate fromLeon county So the pot begins toboil

Judge Stevens of Lincoln Nebholds that an editor who criticisespublic or semipublic concerns withinreason and without malice is notsubject to libel suits

With her hard roads beautifulL

drives quail shooting and other at¬

tractions Ocalas hotels and board ¬

ing houses ought to be filled to over-



this winter

Mr C J Josephs of the VeronaInn Clearwater is in the city Hesaya tourits are already beginningto flock in and all indications point to


almost an overflow of visitors thiswinter

Mr Sato the Japanese diplomat-says that all American newspaper re ¬

porters are hypnotists We may bemistaken but it looks very much tous as if some of them were fakirsTimesUnion-

A judge in one of the northernstates recently decided that it waswithin the law for a man to hold out10 cents a week for tobacco if heturns over the balance of his weeklystipend1190-

Rev C C Carroll is hopefully op-


If he reaches the bibicallimit of age he expects to see thewhiskey traffic fall as compleely asthe walls of Jericho He thinks itssins have reached unto heaven andits quietus is near

Judge MeConathys friends areglad to know that he has reconsider-ed his determination not to run formayor and will make the race TheJudge was induced to do so undergreat pressure and under assurances-of strong and loyal support Ocalahas had few better mayors than JudgeMcConathy

Mr E E Cline of the firm ofCline S Yonge left yesterday forTampa where they will make an ex¬

hibit of their motive power at thebig fair They have prepared asplendid exhibit and if they aregranted sufficient space will make afine showing-

Mr Sam Rawls Buys More PropertyMr Sam Rawls made another pur¬

chase of Ocala property Wednesday-He is not at all a reckless buyer andthis sale coupled with others that hehas recently made tells of the esti¬

mate he places on O ala realtyThe property he purchased Wednes-


was the residence on Doughertystreet near Ocklawaha avenue andknown as the Colby cottage It belonged to Mr J J Tillis who bought-it about a year ago and sold it yes ¬

terday at a handsome profit j

W ir j < i c-


E C SMITH j V Rour I


Fnerol Directors and Licensed EmbulllersL-


BestfGoods Work < Juarante xj c J

Telegraph orders receive atsention and tmbalming damanywhere on short notice I



REFLECT A MOMENT lNi Have you decided on the kind of tfertilizer you are going to use Its r

a I not a question of how much but ja what kind when the bbst result

ii can be obtained You cant make a4

fertilizersmistake when you use our high grad jHighest cash price paid ford bones


Gainesville Fla lt




Outward Calm Returned butTension Is Stiii Grat


Apprehensive of Fresh Outbreaks theGovernorGeneral Has Promised V

Place Military Guards Over Home ¬

less Jews Business at a Standstill

Odessa Nov 9Outward calm aasreturned here but the tension is stillgreat Reports that the Jews are pre-paring


for terrible vengeanse on toeChristians are being industriously cir¬

culated among the lowest and most ig-


classes and it is feared theymay lead to a rescrudescence of an-


These reports declare thatthe Jews intend to blow up the churelies and distribute poisoned foodstuff-to the Christians

Prefect Neidhart to whom much ofthe responsibility of last weeks oc ¬

currences is attributed is still inlice despite urgent demands for hisremoval

The prosecutor general has invitall eyewitnesses of the outrages tcgive testimony at the forthcoming in-


Apprehensive of fresh outbreaks thecity councid has secured the promiseof the governor general to place mil-


guards at all places where thenumbers of Jews recently renderedhomeless are now being sheltered-

The university has sent three profes ¬

sors to St Petersburg to present toCount Witte a fun account of lastweeks atrocities with a demand for theinstant removal of the authors

The municipality the university offcials and the barristers are cooperat-ing


in arranging for an independentinquiry as they are mistrustful of offi ¬

cial investigation-The chamber of commerce has of-

ficially announced that the spirit trade-of Odessa has practically stopped asforeign houses have suspended busi ¬

ness with the local merchant because-of the dangerous situation in the townThe foreigners the chamber declaredfeared to deal even with the wealthiestmerchants who may at any moment bekilled or ruined Grain is purchased-only when on board of a snip ready to

sailTheAmerican British and other con ¬

suls have all sent interesting detailedaccounts of he recent events to theirgovernments explaining the real char¬

acter of the outbreaks and naming thsupposed authors

As an indication of the wide areaof the disturbances the Glaziers cor¬

poration has ascertained that over 7u000 window panes were smashed

Governor General Kaulbars deniesthe report that he has been transferr-ed


to the governor generalship of Fin¬


Russian Troops Are Praised-St Petersburg Nov 9A govern-

ment proclamation is published todaycalling attention to the difficult posi-tion


of the troops during the disorders-ofI the past week It declares thatthey simply performed their duty andshould be praised rather than blamed-for preserving order especially in thestreets of the capital

Turpentine Still BurnedWord was received in this city yes ¬

terday afternoon that the turpentine-still of Messrs Peterson McNeilnear Trilby had been destroyed byfire dm ing the early morning hoursLoss between 2500 and 3000 with-no insurance-

The November number of the Flor¬

ida Fruit and Truck Grower is outAmong other interesting publications-it contains an illustrated article ofthe Florida East Coast Extension

ti j K

fi f

From Thursdays Daily tI UNDER TIE SHOW TENT y

Splendid Performances by the ParkI Stock Company

IThe C W Park Stock Company

continues to please large audiencesI Ocala amusement lovers in their


splendid electriclighted canvas the¬

atreLast nights bill was Dion Bouci

I caults famous drama The Shaughraun which was played to a

1 weUtfilled house and received with heartyapplause by the audience The all

I star cast of characters was as followsCaptain Molineaux Jno C VernoaI Con the ShaughraunF G CampbellMrs OKelly Elizabeth McKafaiClaire Folliett Lillian Tucker 1I Arte ONeill Bessie LeeBiddy Dngan ArcolaBridget Mary OrtonMoya Dolan Madge TuckerCory Kinchela u Geo Butler t

Harvey Duff F L MaddocksJ

Sergeant of the GuardBill ParisDugan Sam Park 1

Finnigan F L HArneFather Dolan YYYYW R RenderRobert Folliett Wm PriceMourners soldiers etc by the com-pany

¬ j

Tonight the company will presentthe sensational Russian drama entitled Darkest Russia The cos-



Iused in this production were =

imported from Russia at heavy ex ¬

pense and especial pains have be-

taken to secure a caste to produceIthe play in true and realistic styleand those who attend may rest as-


IIof a real dramatic treat Spe-

cial scenery is used in this play be¬ Jing prepared at considerable expense-to the company

Friday night Human HeartsHal Reids pathetic heart story ofthe Arkansas hills will be presented-This is one of the prettiest plays ir the i

companys repertoire and never fails <1

to please wherever it is played TheMplot is one of deep heart interest lwith a sprinkling of humor that is jquite catchy

The specialties introduced are of 11the best class and are received withdeserved applause-



The following verses are from the p

pen of Mrs Aurelie Marean Bernard <

and were first published in the Pen Jsacola Journal of the 3rd inst Dr fJoseph Y Porter state health officer

0who has been stationed at Pensacolasince the outbreak of yellow feverhas from his cheerful sunny disposi ¬

tion been nicnamed Sunny Jim by

the grateful Pensacolians-With apologies to Force 1

Lines respectfully dedicated to 1

State Health Officer Jos Y Porter 1t

All hail to thee King Sunny JimThy reign is nearly done

Preparest thou to abdicate r

Thy throne to a mightier oner

Oh Sunny Jim thou hast been lungAnd ruled with scepter bold

But a King who will snow thee under-Is on his way were told


So call thy fumigation KnightsThat they may gather around

Fasten thy mantle of royal smokePut on thy sulpher crown

Away away King Sunny JimAnd without a tear or sigh

Well see thee abdicate tliv throneAnd waft a fond goodbye

Dear Sunny Jim we wish to roamOn many a dark nights lark

And really Jim we do not wishTohave to get home by dark

Clinb down climb down Sunny JtDlA

And pass thy scepter bright-To King Jack Frost wfcoll reigns

To all our hearts delight



9 is41