89 _Renton Police Department Public Records

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  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    R E N T O N P O L IC E D E P A R T M E N TI N T E R N A L A F F A I R S

    O F F I C E R N O T I F I C A T I O NCQ-02-10

    Complaint NumberPPper Article 15, Section B of the Commissioned Contract, I am notifyinginvestigation is being conducted i n which you are considered a witness.

    The allegations of the investigation include the following violations of the General Orders of theRenton Police Department and the Revised Code of Washington:

    General Order 26.1.1.B -Unbecoming Conduct - Members of the Police Department shall conductthemselves at all times, both on ;an d off duty, in such a manner as to reflect most favorably on theDepartment. Unbecoming conduct shall include that which brings the Department into disrepute orreflects discredit upon the individual as a member of the Police Department, or that which impairs theoperation or efficiency of the Department or the individual.General Order 26.1.1.D - Conformance to Laws - Members of the Police Department shall obey all lawsof the United States, and of any state or local jurisdictions in which the members are present. Aconviction of the violation of any law shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.General Order 26.1.1.F - Neglect ofDutv - Me mbe rs of the P olice Department shall not com mit any actsexpressly forbidden or omit any acts that are specifically required by the laws of this state, theordinances of the City of Renton , these Rules of Conduct, or any other orders, policies, procedures,ordirectives of the Police Department.RCW 9A.56.050 Theft in the Third Degree - A person is guilty of theft in the third degree if he or shecommits theft ofproperty or services which (a) does not exceed seven hundred fifty dollars in value,....

    I have scheduled your interview fo r Friday, A p r i l 16th, 2010 at 1730 hours. The interview w i l l beheld in my office.

    Y o u have the right to Guild representationat the time of the interview,

    Deputy Chief Chuck Marsalisi

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records



    M E M O R A N D U M

    DATE: July 6, 2010TO : Off icerF R O M : Chief Kevin Mi losevichSUBJECT: Discipl ine CO-0210

    Ihave received and reviewed the investigation that was conducted by Deputy ChiefMarsal is i . Ihave a lso rev iewed the d isc ip line recomm endat ions of Co mm anderKarlewicz and Deputy Chief Marsal is i .On M a r c h 11, 2010 Val ley SWAT serve d a search warrant in Burien for the Val leyNarcot ic Enforcement Team (VNET). During the service of the search warrant, yourem oved a kn ife f rom the prem ise without permiss ion and without any form ofdocumen ta t ion .On Apr i l 8, 2010, the Ma yor received an anonymous em ai l s ta t ing that there has been atheft by a Renton pol ice off icer. This emai l a lso stated that the S W A T Comm ander andSupervisor were aware of the theft and did not take any action.Af ter obtaining som e prel iminary infor ma tion, a criminal investigation into the theft wasconduc ted by the Bel levue Pol ice Department at the request of the Renton PoliceDep artmen t . Th is invest igation was forwa rded to the King County Prosecut ingAttorne y 's Of f ice for rev iew.On M ay 5, 2010, Prosecut ing At torney Renee Wal ls formal ly decl ined to f i le charges.This decl ine was based on:

    You took custod y of the kni fe during the service of the search warra nt and in thepresence of several other off icers.

    You indicated in the investigation that the purpose of the kni fe was for tra iningpurposes. The cond it ion of the knife suppo rts the conclusion that the kni fe was trash andabandoned property .

    You made no attempt to hide or secrete the kni fe.

    This investigation was then assigned to Dep uty Chief Ma rsal isi for v iolat ions ofDepartment Pol icy.

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    Addressee NamePage 2 of3Date of Memo Here

    Genera l Order 26.1.1.II.XX - Arrest , Search and SeizureOfficers shall not make any arrest, search, orseizure, which they know, or shouldknow, is not in accordance with thelawand departmental procedures.

    Finding : Susta inedThe investigation clearly revealed that you seized proper ty from the scene ofa searchwar rant . W hi le you may argue that th is property was abandoned or of no va lue, noproperty shou ld be removed without l awfu l process.Genera l O rd e r 2 6 . 1 . 1 . L L - Processing Property and Evidence

    Property orevidence, which has been discovered, gathered, or received inconnection with departmental responsibilities, will be processed in accordancewith established departmental procedures. Mem bers of the Police Departmentshall notsolicit the sa le of, convert to their own use, manu facture, conceal,falsify, destroy, remove, tamper with, or withhold any property orevidence inconnection with aninvestigation or other police action, except in accordancewith established departmental procedure.

    Finding : Susta inedW hi le your superv isor gave you several opt ions to dispose of the kn i fe , our Depar tmen tGenera l Order 's requ i red you to enter the i tem into ev idence. As the resul t of theopt ions pre sen ted, you chose to throw the kni fe in the garbage.The D e p a r tme n t does have an estab l ished process of convert ing i tems once thought tobe ev idence into Depar tmen t use. From rev iewing th is inve st igat ion, no form ala t tempts were made to convert th is kni fe for depar tmen t use .Genera l O rd e r - Unbecom ing Conduct

    Members of the Police Departm ent shall conduct them selves at all times, both onand off duty, insuch amanner as to reflect most favorably on the Department.Unbecoming conduct shall include that which brings theDepartment intodisrepute or reflects discredit upon theindividual as a member of the PoliceDepartment, or that which impairs the operation orefficiency of the Departmentor the individual.

    Finding : Susta ined

    h:\pd_adrrun\milosevich\restored h drive files\milosevich\memo!s\co0210JJ(^mal.doc

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    AddresseeNamePage3 of 3Dateof Memo HereThe Re nton Pol ice Departm ent isone of s ix l aw en fo rceme n t agencies that have fo rme da regjonal S W A T t e a m . The actions of one off icer on this team can have a negative andf inancia l impa ct on a l l s ix law enforce me nt agencies.The al legat ions surrounding th is inc ident were shared with the execut ives of the otherf ive l aw en fo rcemen t agencies. This inc ident has ref lected d iscred i t upon notonly youas a m e m b e r of the R enton Police Dep artmen t, but on the D e p a r tme n t as a w h o l e .This inc ident has also been a top ic of discussion be tween members of Val ley SWAT , andha s brough t into quest ion your judgme nt and eth ics.On Friday July 2 n d , we discussed th is intent to discipl ine in my of f ice. You expressedconce rn o v e r the length of the in tended d isc ip l ine (40hours) ; that reass ignmen t back topatro l resu l ts in a signi f icant r edu ction incomp ensa t ion ; and that the re was no ment ionof your 15 year history with the Depa rtment an d lack of pr ior d isc ip l ine.Af te r tak ing th is into conside ra t ion, th is ismy de c is ion .Disc ip l i ne :

    Tw enty - four (24) hour suspens ion without pay Loss of assignme nt and spe cia l ty pay in Special Opera t ions ( DE T / S W A T ) Reassigned to Pat ro l Opera t ions

    The Depar tmen t ' s Genera l Orders and thecol lect ive barga in ing agreem ent ou t l ine yourappea l r ights.Ihave received acopy of th is d isc ip l ine memorandum.


    h:\pd_admin\milosevich\restoredh drive filesWlosevich\me

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


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  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


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    M. j ;@Interne

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records



    M E M O R A N D U M

    DATE: June 30, 2010TO: SergeantF R O M : Chie f Kevin Mi losevich ^SUBJECT: Discipl ine CO-0210

    Ihave received and reviewed the investigation that was conducted by Deputy ChiefMarsal is i . Ihave a lso rev iewe d the d isc ip l ine recom me ndat ions of Com mand erKarlewicz and Deputy Chief Marsal isi .On M arc h 11, 2010 Va l ley S W A T served a search war rant in Burien for the Val leyNarcot ic E nforcement Team (VNET) . Dur ing the serv ice of the search warrant , Of f icer

    remov ed a kn ife from the premise without permission and without any form ofdocumen ta t ion .On Apr i l 8, 2010, the M ayo r received an anonymous e mai l s ta t ing that there has been atheft by a Renton pol ice off icer. This em ai l a lso stated that the S W A T Comm ander andSuperv isor were aware of the theft and did not take any action.

    Af te r obta in ing some pre l iminary in format ion, a cr imina l investigat ion into th e theft wascondu cted by the Bel levue Pol ice Departme nt at the request of the Renton PoliceDepa rtment . Th is investigat ion was forwarded to the K ing County Prosecut ingAt to rney 's Off ice for rev iew. On Ma y 5, 2010, Prosecuting At torn ey Renee Wa l l sformal ly decl ined to f i le charges.The investigation revealed that you were present dur ing the serv ice of the searchwar ran t ; that you were aware that Officer "acqu i red " a kni fe d uring the se rvice ofthe war ran t ; that once it was brought to your attention by O f f i c e r J ^ ^ ^ f y o uunderstood the gravi ty of the si tuation.

    Once awa re of the seriousness of th is incident, you gave Off icer several options todispose of the kni fe rather than insist ing on the correct option of p lacing i t intoev idence .This investigation w as the n assigned to Deputy C hief Ma rsal isi for violat ions ofDepartment Pol icy.

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    Addressee NamePage 2 of2Date of Memo HereGenera l Orde r 26.1.1.ILF - Neglect of Duty

    Members of the Police Departm ent shall not commit any acts expressly forbiddenor omit any acts that are specifically required by the laws of this state, theordinances ofthe City of Renton, these Rules ofConduct, or any other orders, policies, procedures, ordirectives of the Police Departm ent Mem bers shall not engage in any activity, orpersonal business, which could cause them to neglect, orbe inattentive to duty.F ind ing : Susta inedAs a superv isor , you sh ou ld have imm edia te ly recognized th is issue with Of f i ce rThe kn i fe shou ld have e i ther been returned at th e scene, or placed into ev idence . Theissue regard ing the decis ion making process to acqui re the kn i fe , shou ld have beeninvest igated. Th is invest igat ion shou ld have been docum ente d, and referred fcirdiscip l inary rev iew with your superv isor .O n June 2 5 t h , af ter you received my intent to discip l ine, we discussed th is matter in myo f f i ce . Iapprecia te how ser iously you have taken th is matter; that you were surpr isedby the act ions of Off icer and thatIhave conf idence inyou as a superv isor andl eade r to prevent th is from happening in the future.Disc ip l i ne :

    E ight (8) hou r suspens ion without pay

    The Dep artme nt 's Ge nera l Orders and the col lect ive barga in ing agreem ent out l ine yo ura p p e a l rights.

    Ihave rece ived a copy of the d i sc ip l ine mem orandu m.

    " 7 - h / oDate

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    Employe'e Name (Last, First, Initial)


    M O N T H

    7 16


    5-17 18 19e


    20 21 22


    23 24













    30 31

    R E A S O N FORL E A V E (if applicable) !T Y P E O F L E A V E

    Administrative LeaveCompensatory TimeDuty Related-Illness 'Funeral LeaveMilitary Leave

    j^grTpaid Leavehrnry Duty

    U S EC O D E

    A LC O M PJ lF LM LJ D

    T Y P E O F L E A V E

    Employee Health ApptPersonal LeavePersonal Leave Si ckSick - (Personal Paid)Sick-(Family Paid)Training Trade Day (Off) .Training (On) Day -(Actual Hrs)

    U S EC O D E


    I certify that this is true and correct and in accordancewith city policy. I understandthat unauthorized use ofleave timeor falsification of any informationcontainedherein is^ojinds *~ ^naMrifmr nrtim

    Employee Signature

    A P P R OV E D :RPD023-Rev. 01/21/08 Supervisor Signature

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records



    M E M O R A N D U M

    DATE: June 29, 2010TO: Officer F R O M : Chief Kevin Mi los evic hSUBJECT: Intent to Discipl ine CO-0210

    Ihave received and reviewed the investigation that was conduc ted by Deputy ChiefMarsal is i . Ihave a lso rev iewed the d isc ip l ine recom me ndat ions of Comm anderKarlewicz and Deputy C hief Marsa l is i .On Ma rch 11, 2010 Va l ley SWAT served a search war rant in Burien for the Val leyNarco tic Enforc em ent Team (VNET). During the service of the search warra nt, y ouremo ved a kn ife f rom the premise without permission and without any form ofdocumen ta t ion .On Apr i l 8, 2010, the M ayo r received an anonymous e mai l s ta t ing that there has been atheft by a Renton pol ice off icer. This em ai l a lso stated that th e S W A T Comm ander andSupervisor were aware of the theft and did not take any action.

    Aft er obtaining some prel iminary infor ma tion, a criminal investigation into the theft wascondu cted by the Bel levue Pol ice Department at the reque st of the Renton Pol iceDe partm ent. This investigation was forw arde d to the K ing Cou nty ProsecutingAttorne y 's Of f ice for rev iew.On Ma y 5, 2010, Prosecut ing At torney Renee W al ls formal ly decl ined to f i le charges.This decl ine was based on:

    Yo u took custody of the kni fe during the service of the se arch warran t and in thepresence of several other off icers.

    You indicated in the investigation that the purp ose of the kn i fe was for tra iningpurposes. The condit ion of the knife supports the conclusion that the kni fe was trash andabandoned property .

    You made no attempt to hide or secrete the k ni fe.

    This investigation was then assigned to D eputy Chief Marsa l isi for violat ions ofDepartment Pol icy.

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    Addressee NamePage 2 of 3Date of Memo Here

    Genera l Order 26 .1 .1 . I I .XX-Ar res t , Search and SeizureOfficers shall not make any arrest, search, orseizure, which they know, or shouldknow, is not in accordance with thelawand departmental procedures.

    Finding: SustainedT he investigation clearly revealed that you seized proper ty from thescene of a searchwa rrant . W hi le you may argue that th is property was aband oned or of no va lue , noproperty shou ld be r e mo v e d without l awfu l process. By defin i t ion this is theft, but dueto the restr ict ive filing guidel ines of th e King Coun ty Prosecut ing Attorney 's Of f ice, theydecl ined to f i l e .

    G e n e r a l Order 26.1.1.LL - Processing Property and EvidenceProperty orevidence, which has been discovered, gathered, or received inconnection w ith departmental responsibilities, will be processed in accordancewith established departmental procedures. Mem bers of the Police Departmentshall notsolicit the sale of, convert to their own use, manufacture, conceal,falsify, destroy, remove, tamper with, orwithhold any property orevidence inconnection with aninvestigation orother police action, except in accordancewith established departmental procedure.

    Finding: SustainedW hi le your sup erv isor gave you several opt ions to dispose of the kni fe, our Depar tmen tGenera l Orde r 's requ i red you to enter the item into ev idence. As the resul t of th eopt ions p resen ted, you chose to throw the kni fe in the garbage.The Depar tmen t does have an estab l ished process of convert ing i tems once thought tobe ev idence into Depar tmen t use. From rev iewing th is invest igat ion, no form ala t tempts were made to conve rt th is kni fe for depar tmen t use .Genera l Order 26.1.1.II.B - Unbecom ing Conduct

    Members of the Police Departm ent shall conduct themse lves at all times, both onand off duty, insuch amanner as to reflect most favorably on the Department.Unbecoming conduct shall include that which brings theDepartment intodisrepute or reflects discredit upon the individual as amember of the PoliceDepartment, or that which impairs theoperation orefficiency of the Departmentor the individual.

    k:\pd_admin\milosevich\restoredh drive files\imlosevich\m

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    Addressee NamePage 3 of3Dateof Memo HereFinding: SustainedThe Ren ton Pol ice Dep artmen t is one ofs ix l aw e n fo rcem en t agencies that have fo rmeda reg iona l SWAT t e a m . The actions ofone of f icer on th is team can have anegat ive andf inancia l impact on a l l s ix law en forcem ent agencies.The al legat ions surrounding th is inc ident w ere s hared with the execut ives of the otherf ive law enforcement agencies. This incident has ref lected discredit upon notonly youas a m e m b e r of the Renton Pol ice Dep artment, buton the Depar tmen t as a who le .This incide nt has also been a top ic of discussion b e tw e e n me mb e rs ofVal ley S W A T , andhas brought in to quest ion your judgm ent and eth ics.If it w e re not for the f i l ing decision of the King Coun ty Prose cutor , my d isc ip l inerecom me nda t ion wou ld have been te rmina t ion .Discipl ine:

    Forty (40) hour suspens ion without pay Loss ofassignment and specialty pay in Spe cial Operations ( DET / SWAT) Reassigned to Patrol Operations

    The Depar tmen t ' s Genera l Orders out l ines yo ur appea l r igh ts. Please noti fy SherrySmi th w i th in 5days of receiv ing th is me mo if you w ish to discuss th is discipl inere co mme n d a t i o n or request to exerc ise your appea l opt ions.Af ter not i f ica t ion,Iwi l l schedule the ap propr ia te m eet ing or rev iew boa rd . Iwi l l thennot i fy you of my f ina l decis ion.Ihave received acopy of the in tent to d isc ip li ne memo randum .

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records



    M E M O R A N D U M

    DATE: June 29, 2010TO : SergeantF R O M : Chief Kevin Mi losevichSUBJECT: Intent to Discipline CO-0210

    Ihave received and reviewed the investigation that was conducted by Deputy ChiefMarsal is i . Ihave also rev iewe d the d isc ip line recomm endat ions of Com ma nderKarlewicz and Deputy Chief Marsal isi .On M a r c h 11, 2010 Val ley S W A T served a search wa rrant in Burien for the V al leyNarcot ic E nforcement Team (VNET) . Dur ing the serv ice of the search warran t , Of f icer

    removed a kni fe from the prem ise without permiss ion and without any form ofdocumen ta t ion .O n Apr i l 8, 2010, the Ma yor received an anonymous emai l s ta t ing that ther e has been atheft by a Renton pol ice off icer. This em ai l a lso stated that the S W A T Commander andSuperv isor were aware of the theft and did not take any action.Af te r obta in ing some pre l iminary in format ion, a cr imina l invest igat ion into the theft w ascond ucted by the Bel levue Police Departm ent at the request of the Renton Pol iceDep artme nt . Th is investigat ion w as forward ed to the King County Prosecut ingAttorn ey 's Of f ice for rev iew. On May 5, 2010, Prosecuting At torne y Renee W al lsformal ly decl ined to f i le charges.The investigation revealed that you we re prese nt dur ing the serv ice of the searchwar ran t ; that you were aware that Off icer "acq u i red " a kn i fe dur ing the serv ice ofthe war ran t ; that once i t was brought to your attention by O f f y o uunde rstood the grav ity o f the s i tuat ion.

    Once awa re of the seriousness of th is incident, you gave Off icer seve ral options todispose of the knife rather tha n insist ing on the corre ct option of p lacing i t intoev idence .This investigation was then assigned to Depu ty Chief Marsal is i for violat ions ofDepartment Pol icy.

  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    Addressee NamePage 2 of2Dateof Memo HereGenera l Order - Neglect of Duty

    Members of the Police Department shall not commit any acts expressly forbiddenor omit any acts that are specifically required by the laws of this state, the ordinances ofthe City of Renton, these Rules ofConduct, orany other orders, policies, procedures, ordirectives of the Police Department Members shall not engage in any ac tivity, orpersonal business, which could cause them to neglect, or be inattentive to duty.Finding: SustainedAs a superv isor , you shou ld have imm edia te ly recognized th is issue with Off icerThe kn i fe sh ou ld have e i ther been re turned at th e scene, or placed into ev idence . Theissue regard ing the decis ion making process to acqui re the kn i fe , shou ld have be eninvest igated. Th is invest igat ion shou ld have been docum en ted, and referred fordiscipl inary review with your superv isor .Discipline:

    Eight (S) hour suspens ion without payThe Depa rtment 's G enera l Orders out lines your app ea l r igh ts. Please notify SherrySmi th within 5days of receiv ing th is me mo if you wish to discuss th is discipl inerecommenda t ion or reques t to exerc ise your appea l opt ions .Af ter not i f ica t ion,Iwill sched ule the appropr ia te m eet ing or rev iew boa rd . Iwill thennotify you of my f ina l decis ion.Ihave received a copy of the intent to d isc ip l ine me mo randu m.


    hApd_admin\rnilosevich\restoredh driv O f f i c e r a n d S e r g e a n t p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e V S W A T se rv i ce o f

    a n a r c o t ic s s e a r c h w a r r a n t f o r V N E T o n M a r c h 1 1 , 2 0 1 0 a t a b o u t 1 3 5 3h o u r s , a t 9 0 7 S . 1 4 5 t h S t ., B u r i e n W A .

    > Dur i n g the se rv i ce o f th i s searc h wa r ran t , O f f i c e r cam e intop o s s e s s i o n o f a h a n d le less a n d r u s t e d S O G k n i f e w h e n i t w a s h a n d e d t oh im to look a t by e i the r O f f i ce r 4 B m 0 t > r O f f i c e r j ( d |

    > A t the time O f f i c e r c a m e into poss ess ion o f th i s kn i fe , he a ndofficersHSHF* andfl^HV w e r e s t a n d i n g b y s e v e r a l g a r b a g e c a n sn e a r t h e e n t r a n c e g a t e t o t h e p r o p e r t y . T h e g a r b a g e c a n s w e r e i n s i d e t h ecur t i l age o f the p ro pe r ty .

    > O f f i c e r s ^ H f l ^ a n d j m | had re t r i eved the kn i fe from t h e t o p o fo n e o f t h e s e g a r b a g e c a n s a n d w e r e e x a m i n i n g i t b e f o r e O f f i c e ra r r i v e d a t t h e i r l o c a t i o n .

    > O f f i c e r w a s h a n d e d t h e k n i f e a n d h e b e g a n e x a m i n i n g it.> B a s e d o n t h e i r c o n v e r s a t i o n s a n d th e c i r c u m s t a n c e s , O f f i c e r

    be l i ev ed the kn i fe had been re t r i eve d from t h e g a r b a g e a n d that i t hado b v i o u s ly be e n d i s c a r d e d / a b a n d o n e d b y t h e o w n e r .

    > O f f i c e r d e c i d e d t o m a i n t a i n p o s s e s s i o n o f t h e k n i fe a n d s t a t e d thathe wa s go ing to co nve r t i t t o d ep ar tm en t use as a t ra i n i n g a id o r ranget o o l .

    > O f f i ce r rem ove d th i s kn i fe from t he p ro pe r ty an d b rou gh t i t t o theRen ton Po l ice De pa r tm en t wh e r e he pu t it i n h i s locke r .

    > S e r g e a n t s a w that Of f i ce r had the kn i fe i n h i s ves t as theyw e r e l e a v i n g t h e s c e n e o f t h e w a r r a n t s e r v i c e .

    > O f f i c e r HHHP c a m e t o S e r g e a n t o n M a r c h 1 2 , 2 0 1 0 , a n dtold h im that O f f i c e r h a d r e m o v e d t h e k n i f e from t h e s c e n e o f t h es e a r c h w a r r a n t a n d that h e w a s u n c o m f o r t a b l e with O f f i c e ra c t i o n s .> Officerfmp sa id that he con s ide re d Of f i ce r ac t i ons to be atheft.

    > S e r g e a n t told O f f i c e r j ^ m t o go and talk with O f f i c e ra b o u t t h e i n c i d e n t a n d t o c o m e b a c k t o S e r g e a n t with t h e

    resu l t s o f that c o n v e r s a t i o n .> O f f i c e r f m m ^ d i s c u s s e d t h e i n c i d e n t with O f f i c e r a n d r e p o r t e d

    t h e o u t c o m e t o S e r g e a n t> S e r g e a n t t a l k e d t o O f f i c e r a b o u t t h e i n c i d e n t a n d told h im

    that h is a c t i o n s w e r e i n a p p r o p r i a t e .> S e r g e a n t told O f f i c e r that he cou ld no t keep the kn i fe and

    d i r e c t e d h i m t o e i t h e r throw i t aw ay or g ive it to Of f ice r C lary as a t ra in inga id .

    Page2 o f 4

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    Disposition & Penalty Recommendations fo r Sergeant o n CO-0210 Cont.> A s d i r e c t e d , O f f i c e r threw the kn i fe a w ay in a ga rba ge can in th e

    m e n ' s l o ck e r r o o m a t R e n to n C i t y Ha l l .> In an in te rv ie w with D e p u t y C h i e f M a r s a l i s i , S e rg e a n t s a i d that

    h e u n d e r - r e a c te d t o t h is s i t u a t i o n . H e a l s o s a i d that he filtered t h ei n f o r m a t i o n that h e r e c e i v e d from O f f i c e r JBI^B b a s e d o n p a s te x p e r i e n c e s with h i m . S e rg e a n t ca l l e d t h i s h i s , " filter."

    T h e G e n e r a l O r d e r that is a l l e g e d to h a v e b e e n v i o l a t e d r e q u i r e s that m e m b e r s ," n o t comm it any acts expressly forbidden or omit any acts that are specificallyrequired by the laws of this state, the ordinances of the City of Renton, theseRules of Conduct, or any other orders, policies, procedu res, or directives of thePolice Department/' In th is case , i t w a s s p e c i f i ca l l y a l l e g e d that S e r g e a n t

    fa i l ed to ac t i n a manner that w a s r e q u i r e d b y l a w o r d e p a r t m e n t a lp o l i c y , p ro c e d u re s , d i r e c t i v e s o r o rd e rs .In e x a m i n i n g t h e totality o f t h e c i r cu ms ta n ce s p re s e n te d i n t h i s case , Ic a n n o tfind a n y i n s ta n ce w h e re S e rg e a n t f a i l e d t o d o h is duty a s re q u i r e d b yl a w o r d e p a r tm e n ta l p o l i c y , p ro c e d u re s , d i r e c t i v e s o r o rd e rs i n h i s initial r e s p o n s eto t h i s i n c i d e n t . S e rg e a n t h a d s ta t e d that h e " u n d e r - r e a c t e d " t o t h efac ts i n i t ia l l y p re se n te d to h im fo r a va r ie ty o f r e a s o n s . H o w e v e r , t h is " u n d e r -r e a c t i o n " d o e s n o t co n s t i t u t e a n e g l e c t o f duty.G e n e r a l O r d e r 8 4 . 1 . 1 1 . A & B s t a t e s ;

    "A All property is required to be logged into Renton Police Departmentrecords (MS P) as soon as possible following acquisition, and prior to securing forthe day.

    1. A sequentially numbe red log will be completed by personnel submittingproperty to the locked temporary evidence lockers.

    B. Property is required to be placed under the control of the PropertyMana gemen t Unit before personnel end their shift."

    I n s te a d o f d i r e c t i n g O f f i ce r t o f o l l o w t h i s G e n e ra l O rd e r a n d e n te r t h e k n i f einto e v i d e n ce , S e rg e a n t d i r e c te d O f f i ce r t o e i t h e r throw th ekn i fe a wa y o r g i ve it to O f f i ce r C la ry as a t ra in in g a id .I t w a s S e rg e a n t duty t o d e m a n d that O f f i ce r p l a ce t h e k n i f einto e v i d e n c e a s r e q u i r e d b y G e n e r a l O r d e r 8 4 . 1 . 1 1 . A & B . As a resu l t o f Sergean t

    f a i l u re t o d o t h i s , h e v i o l a t e d G e n e ra l O rd e r 2 6 .1 .1 .F .

    Recommended D i s p o s i t i o n : Al legat ion I I : Sustained

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  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    Disposition & Penalty Recommendations fo r Sergeant o n CO-0210 Cont

    Allegation IIViolation o f General Order 26.1.1.B - Unbecoming C o n d u c t

    "Mem bers of the Police Departme nt shall conduct themselves at all times, bo thon and off duty, in such a manne r as to reflect most favorably on theDepartm ent Unbecom ing conduct shall include that which brings theDepartm ent into disrepute or reflects discredit upon the individual as a memb erof the Police Departm ent, or that which impairs the operation or efficiency of theDepartm ent or the individual."

    A s a resu l t o f the " S u s t a i n e d " f i n d i n g o f A l l e g a t i o n I,S e r g e a n tco n d u c t h a s b ro u g h t d i s c re d i t t o h i m s e l f a s a m e m b e r o f t h e Po l i ce D e p a r t m e n t .T h e re fo re h e h a s v i o l a t e d t h is G e n e r a l O r d e r a s w e l l .Recommended D i s p o s i t i o n : Al l e ga t ion I I: S u s t a i n p d

    Recommended Act ion:S e r g e a n t a c t i o n s in t h i s in c i d e n t co n s t i t u t e m i n o r v i o l a t i o n s o f t h eR e n t o n Po l i ce D e p a r t m e n t ' s G e n e r a l O rd e rs . S e rg e a n t h a s n o t b e e ni n v o l v e d i n a n y o th e r d i s c i p l i n a r y a c t i o n s . F o r t h e s e r e a s o n sIa m r e c o m m e n d i n ga Written R e p r i m a n d f o r t h e v i o l a t i o n s co m mi t t e d i n t h i s c a s e .

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  • 7/28/2019 89 _Renton Police Department Public Records


    Driving Directions from17005Des Moines Memorial Dr Burien, Washington toHighline... Page1 of2

    M AP l ^ l i JC C S o r r y ! W n e n Printing directly from the browser your directions or map may not printfT l r ^ T H V { 9 f * ' correctly. For best results, try.clicking the Printer-Friendly button.Starting Location17005 Des Moines Memorial DrBurien, WA 98146M646

    Ending LocationHighline Medical Center16251 Sylvester Rd SWBurien, WA 98166(206) 244-9970

    Total Travel Estimate; 4minutes / 1.67 miles Fuel Cost: Calculate

    17005 Des Moines Memorial DrEditBurien, WA 98148-1646

    mmm Start out going NORTH on DESm* 1 MOINES MEMORIAL DR towardS168TH PL. 0.7 mi