HE INTERIOR JOURNAL ANFORD KV AVG 31 1900 W P WALTON OEMOCfiPTIC TICKET r Fur Pretident mill A si jEXSHfcs BRYAN OAVeIra8kn For tfcrPraldtnt ADLAl E STWEXSOy- Offllinoit For Governor J C Jr BECKIFAM t Of Kelson For Congreu GEORGE G GILBERT Of Shelby GOV BEPKHAMS tnessajjn to the jglslaturfc shoffs that he is a man up t whom the people can depend He oes not believe that the present elcc ion law enacted In Rood faHh to meet fa emergency has beett unfair or ua ust but opposition and dissatisfaction xt8 wltb the law nod whether reu onable or OHM o 1 III for a more satin cwry One It tI an improvement on- e law It supplanted and by proper kinondment can bo made eo fair that r faIr minded citizen be he victor vanquished can say that the verdict if tho peoplo has been faithfully re lorded and vijtory awarded to him ho deserves It He makes no suppes Ions as to the amendments satUQcd iat the Legislature will act patrlotl ally and so just to all parties that no boest citizen can find fault with It his Is what every good citizen de reL Let the body act intelligently itUfactorlly and quickly and If Ken cky docs not go overwhelmingly Bmocratlc this fall wo very much mis ke the temper of the peopie T National AfroAmerlcun Press Moclatlon in session at Indianapolis i the 27th refused to endorse McKln yalthougb he had two colored office Iders on the ground for the express rposo of geltng such a resolution rough The members of this asso LIDo presumably are educated and lucatlon always weakens the super Itlous adherence of the Negro to the publican party Although ho has sen the ward of that party stare his nanclpatlon the only thing It has at pted to do for him In the way of po > leal education is to insult in his mind e falsehood that the only aim and ob ¬ it of the republican party Is to keep m out of slavery while the demo ts lose sleep in devising means to oslaye him Those new constltu requiring an educated suffrage eventually lead to the education theNegro When he IB educated bo II go to reading and thinking for iiBelf and when he does that he will ow that the democratic party is the ty for him IU well as every other r man UK Louisville News which Is edit tan exdemocrat or at least one 6 formerly monkeyed aa a democrat e the democratic party Is fooling It fit it thinks that the Brownies will port BecUbum If the Goebel law lb inged A change in the law will A confession of guilt it says but lutloriof the ofllces alone will eiif This may express the sentiments i few of the nevcrtobesatUfled rd who justly merit the contempt U good people but we arc sure that e who are worth returning will e bick to their first love The iVs went off with the iutenVlon of Ing and as their room is fully as rable as their company may joy go them IL YERKES has not answered our lions but Juagu NIck Vaughan of Isvllle inuinlea acting db his e mau has rvr ban Ih u spaeoh other night be eald Yerkea will Is duty and pardon every man con ¬ ed by the democrats This assur 1 which was hardly needed should e democrats work the harder to n the smooth citizen of Boyle I iNATpu HAIWELL wno wrote a iool8h open letter to Guy Buck has apologized for it und will a amcna by helping the dutholJlat rty In every way ho can The tor means well but nllt baluucu 1 gets out of order occasionally and of course oe wurcs wrung S CHARLES A TOWNB In a h at Du uib characterized Rouse as an inwiiiCtual Couunehe predestined and incorrigible cc ie Thats bid enough but Ted even wor o than that 23IMMONS says ne must light Jef by Sept 1 or not at ull Ho Is ally anxious to UnUta in time to to Kentucky and ece the demo knockout the republicans on the hoso question lire over answer ey will bo published in pamphlet fur general distribution under Liu of The YerKos Outechtsiu n Odd Fellows reunion near le led over 100 people were ed on Ice cream It must have ade of stale goat mlk RE has been another terrible In lion Jn the North this time at 0LThe North needs recon bu badly YBIKB3 will soon ascertain it nt already done so that cndors ylor will result In his political iptcy CLAUENCB E WOODS who recently left tbo Richmond Climax of which ho was tho life because the management hampered him In his efforts to serve- the people Is not hiding his light un der a bushel but Is letting it shine through the Agitator in a way that thoso who would fatton by municipal plunder despise Whatever his hand tlnds to do ho does with all his might and in his Agitator be agitates with a courage born of the conviction that he Is doing his peoplo a lasting good Coy BECKUAM owes it to the law abiding people to have John L Powers brought to justice if it takes every man In the State He Is at his Knox county homo where the county judge and county clerk went Tuesday night and accepted his bond as school srpor intendcnt Powers says ho may re ¬ main In Knox county a week or more and may visit some of the schools Such a defiance of law should not be permit ted for a minute IF wo should undertake to publish the names of all the republicans who arc deserting McKInley for Bryan the alas of the paper would have to bo en- larged John J Valentino president of the WclUFiirgo Express Co and Prof Henry Wade Rogers oxpresi dent of the Northwestern University but now of Yale College aro the most prominent of ihu many recent addi ¬ tions to the endless chain MARK HANNA who went to New York intending to remain a few days and then go West now thinks that the exigencies of the campaign demand his presence in the East for awhile longer and has deferred his Western tour The exigencies of the campaign not only In tho East but all over the eoun ¬ try demand Marks presence and de ¬ mand It badly IT can be stated as an absolute cer tainty that Indianas next governor will bea democrat who of course will nut perjure himself bv refusing to dis ¬ charge the duties of his olllce Whet Mount can no longer protect them from the outraged law Taylor and Finley will doubtless call on the hills to cover them SINCE Dill Beckner has flopped en ¬ tirely into the republican party Sena ¬ tor Becks description of blm Is in or der Sala be I have seen hundreds of pictures of Judas Iscarlot no two of which were alike but fIery ono of them favored Bill Bcckncr RAUL LEICESTER FORD author of Han Peter Stirling and other works of slate is to be married to Miss Grace Kidder of Brooklyn The ladys sur ¬ name In this connection Is suggestive I but we refrain comment Gov PINGREE of Michigan refuses to campaign with Roosevelt When s small a potato as Plngree Is ashamed to keep his company Teddy surely realizes bow disgraceful his conduct has been POLITICAL Roosevelt will speak In Kentucky Oct 12 and 13 Judge JEL Tinaley has announced for the judgablp in the London dis ¬ trict Ollle James justro turned from flew York says Bryan Is sure to carry the Empire State Senator Alexander pot in tho first election bill of the sessIon in tbat body and Emmett Orr in the House Hon George W Lieborth of New ¬ port has been teudered the clerkship of Judge W H Holti court In Porto Rico Arthur A Phlegar was appointed to the supreme court in Virginia to till the vacancy occasioned by tbo death of Judge Holley Chairman Richardson of the demo Catlc CongressIonal committee will rjinora his headquarters from Wash ¬ ington to Now York Capt Irwin republican nOminee for Congress at Louisville says the effort to get him oil the track wont work us be intends to stick if he gets but one voteMr Bryan decided after McKinleys declination not to attend the G A R meeting aa he desired to relieve the reunion of any appearance of partisan ¬ ship The fusion popullatd have substitutea the name of Adlal E Stevenson for that of C A Towne for vice president und tholr ticket Isnow Bryanand Stu VenijOD Moodywho claims the democratic nomljutlon for Congress In the 7th dls ¬ trict has applied to the Bourbon court to have his name eo on the ballot un ¬ der thu rooster Mr Bryan ha decided on at otten slvo stumping tour and will spuat in Illinois InJiaia Ohio Wisconsin Michigan Minnesota Now York New Jersey Maryland and West Virginia The House at Frankfort agreed ou the appointment of it committee of 12 ti consider all new election measures The demorcat are showing a growing disposition to adopt an entirely new lawTaylor told the Indiana republicans tbat In his opinion Goebel was either killed bv Jack Cnlnn one of SlU1drordlI ons or by some drunken tnoubulneer who did not know what he was doing lyiojt A caucus of House democrats was held to nominate candidates to fill va ¬ cancies caused bihe resignations of oRlcers Edward O LeIgh was nomi ¬ nated for chief clerk W P Thome Jr for sergeaniatarras and J E Miles for doorkeeper The colored lawyer R C p Bonja mm editor 6t the Lexington Standard says that tho lawyer for the dufenso IS the Powers case insulted snubbed d and I abused him George Denny befog es ¬ pecially offensive and ho promises to- i write them up in tbo next issue of his I paper TEACHERS INSTITUTE TUISDoYJOI1NINO- InUltuto opened at 845 Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev P W Allen Miss Myrtle Hughes was appointed regular organist by Chorls ¬ Iter M E Prultt Reading was then taken up and ably discussed by Instruc tor Patterson Messrs Raybourne North Hickle Pruitt Misses Bogle Thurmond Burch flicks and Bell ware At this point Rev Allen was made an honorary member and gave a- very Interesting talk followed byProf J A White of Lexington and Mr La born of Casey also honorary members of the Institute TUESDAY AFTERNOON After singing the subject of Reading was continued by the Instructor This subject being thoroughly elucidated Spelling was Introduced by Mr Hays and discussed by a number of teachers The subject of Writing was then very fully discussed by Miss Georgia Lewis followed by Prof Winfrey and the Instructor After recess School Management was taken up nnd some good talks were made by Miss Salllc Carter Dr fickle Messrs Raybourne North Martin Markham Prof White Miss Belware and others- WEDNESDAY MORN1NU Institute opened at 845 After sing inc Scripture reading and prayer by Rev R B Mahony the institute got down to work for the day Prof Pat terson took up Language work and gave the teachers some excellent hints on this important bubject He was fol lowed by Miss Hicks T J North K G Martin and Mrs Green T J Ray bourne introduced Grammar and Prof White Misses Yowelh and Thurmond made excellent suggestions This subject being exhausted Prof Patter ¬ son Introduced Psychology and a lively discussion followed and many good points were brought out by tbo insti- tute Miss Bellware then Introduced Composition and was followed by Mrs Philips who read a most excellent pa per Geography being the next sub ject on the syllabus it was introduced by the Instructor and discussed by the Institute In a very entertaining manner Several teachers came to during the day and Misses Paxton and Lydia Lew Is were made honorary members TIlUnSDAY MORNING Institute opened at the usual hour After several good songs by the choir Rev Britt read afew passages of Scrip- ture and invoked Divine blessings The teachers then answered to roll call with very appropriate quotations The next subject for discussion was Arithmetic which was Introduced by Prof Patter son Mr Mullins then gave an excel- lent talk showing some original pri ¬ mary work Miss Nora Philips also read a nice paper on this subject when a general discussion followed and many alTeredI Civil Government was Introduced by Prof Patterson He was followed by N W Hughes who made an eloquent speech which was highly appreciated and applauded by the Institute Prof White Q S Young and the instructor Ilubiject were sung Mrs Annie McClnry then made a nice little talk on Temperance In which she urged all teachers present to teach scientific temperance In their schools Thursday afternoon being the time set apart for the trustees of the county M P Rubble came for ¬ wnr and made a very interesting speech on education In general Ills tory being the next subject ootbe pro- gram it was very forcibly and interest- Ingly ¬ presented by the instructor and tome line talks made by the male mem oqrs of the institute MI s Georgia Lewis always first In everv good word and work has our thanks for the proceedings Prof L R Hughes also Is entitled to our thanksAn session of tho Teachers In eitiuie was hold at Waltons Opera Httuse last night with the following program t Chairman L R hughes Welcome Addresslr M E Prultt Declamation Robert Hardlug Waters Piano Solo MUiAllte Huffman Debate Resolved That Woman be Al ¬ lowed thu Right of Suffrage Aillrmatlve Prof While K G Mar ¬ tlnT J North Negative MO Winfrey ChasNorth T J Ruy bourne Flower GirlLange Mr Caswell Saulley Solo Miss Maude Varnon ReadingasaFineArttMr Mandolin Selection to Miss Nell Warren Oration JouN Wesley and Ills Age Samuel W Severance NovelettePaplni Mlis Borta Juan Penny Solo Miss Lltllu P yton The entertainment was a very pleas lag one and enjoyed by a theatre full of people Mr Prultts welcoming ad dress the debate on whether women should be allowed to vote Pry Patter ¬ suns excellent pap > on Reading as- a Flnb Art tbo musical performances of Miss Isabella Baileys class thu Ohio tion of Sam Walton Suvcrance the ef ¬ forts of the little ones and Miss Fey tons solo with piano and violin accom ¬ paniment by Miss Myrtle Hughes and- O E Cox respectively wore of a char acterto elicit much praise and applause The womens rights question was de ¬ cldodln favor of the affirmative by the judges Ed Hubbard JVI11 Severance atidJ H White though there were many who thought the negative pre ¬ dented the best arguments Instructor J H Patterson has given the greatest satisfaction to the tea bers all of whom speak of bis excellent aug gestlona and methods in tbo highest terms Sul t Singleton Is being con ¬ gratulated on securing him Music is a special feature and with Prof M E Prultt as leader the teach erA make melody tbat Invariably draws a crowd to the Institute IN NEIGHBDRINGC UNTIES Tom Mattock n 15yearold Berca boy shot himself fatally while fooling with n pistol Town Marshal Reynolds shot Samuel Graves of Scott who was drunk and flourishing a pistol at Joncsvlllo in Owen Capt Garrett Howard a Pinoville republican politician who has two sons in the Philippines has declared for Bryan as ho can not support McKln leys Imperialistic policy John Pevyhouse was badly cut by Glevo Wllcher another lad at thresh ¬ ur In Casey and tho latter is sojourn ¬ ing at Tom Bell8 howl in Liberty until Johns condition will favor judl ¬ clal Investigation of the affair Lizzie Small wood rind Mary Small wood sisters and Thomas Williams ono of their associates were arrested lu Laurel after a desperate struggle with the olllcer and lodged iu jail courederI ¬ MATRIMONIAL Marion Bingham IS and Miss Leo Kemp 12 were married in Adair coon ty John Avoy and MUll Rebecca lioake were married at Rev David Koaks WednesdayJohn broke the record at De ¬ troit Mich by marrying the day after his wife died He should have broken his neck Instead of the record 1 Tallow Dick Comb was arrested for selling whisky at Winchester Brescl who assassinated King Hum ¬ bert was given H life sentence only With a view to settllrg the Chinese situation Russia hrs protested against the alleged purpose of the admirals at Taku to seize LI Hung Chang and tbo United States has concurred In this protest The purpose of this Is to al- low ¬ the Chinese plenipotentiary full freedom with his government fbe plan also Involves the withdrawal of the allied troops from Pekln so as to allow the Dowager Empress and tbo Emperor Kwang Tsu to return A NEW PRODUCES HOUSE Oeoct up at Stanfoni Ky on IpoL UPet I will buy hides Wool Keathen Uonei Old Iron IJran Copper Ac Al- toPOULTRY AND EGGS Will pay Spot fuh and top market prlret tot eerythlng I1 11 DAVIS To Sell FarmsY- ou want to drop an ndrer tlscment In the bet mountain newspaper wlilh Is thp Somerset Journal Two Indies ono month for SI In advance K J OAMIBEIX Manager Someisjt Ky SEED WHEAT AND RYE I have 1000 buluU of i xtra good seed wheat and 300 bushels of excellent rye for solo Cull and see It Prices reasonable MOUIII9 FllEI Stanford Ky AN ORDINANCE To 9111Tbe tbtiClty of StinforJ Kjr The City Council do ordain at follow There tball bo exclude from the prncnt llinlU til the cl IT of Stanford all of Ihat territory ouulde of the lolloolng lines cud boundary towlt Ugln 1I101t at anke at flundteya Kast eat pMt near rightofway of the l iiliTllie A Na hTllle Kill rudlbence > orihSJa4 Kail 132 pulri lo > ortb wet corner of John llrtitbi and eroeotitailey In ioKlntclifi line thence North s3 East 2X1 poise IUllnlItOI cutrrof tb tanford and Crali Orchard turnpKe thence Sunlit ti4 East J 7lW foln in a Hate on South bank of Bt Aapht braseli on latd of Mn 1 Shank thme South 7 Vet IW poise 10 a dune In North abutment of bridge on the Stanford and laf t Creek turnpike near Ihlol ol W A Trll bie tlienr South US Writ 123 H 10 llOM to a 110101 Southeattcurntrof J S flock ers rard Ihmiw South 79 WeIIIIlf pole to a take si aouihwat mrntr of ti II llaughmint lulntin MorihealeTNurtlum t alututpnl of ho brl ge thenra North tsi Wwit IM ilta to a Hake In line of II K flout na the lIelr1Iol thence Norm West tt 210 1 0110 lBnlBdi enroer llundlrya Ku gate 11 SaW llote ahall be 11 enillluta the llmltt and houurtarr ot the Cite o MajorI Administrators Sale ov Boyle Co Farm Lands At admlDlatrator of the ettate of Captain Jacob sed I will aclllo the Mgucit blddr at public outcry on the prewlw ou the ere pike between the and lebanon pike nbout eta nilloe from Uanrille and tune mllu froni rarfciTllli on L AN It 11 Wednesday Sept 5 1900llt- xlnnlng at 10 orlork akirp the following de wrthieI lru1rty fillet lust a farm W acre belonging to laid cctate of fintclaubluinuiUbJ well luiprored well vitercd and in a good lijlitorlioud coureiileut lo tcboolt arid rliutcbM The reildeuie It a two story frame In good rrpilr cud there U an icy huttio cistern mo large brut mw house and all other crcotary ou buildlBgt Ioue lon cm MI KlrenatoncB This iauii bat Ucnglfen the very IL hit bandry her 20 jean Tieiu hat been hut little corn ralci 011 II during that time M It hat lawn kriit n rgrailnrf ill el and cattle Aliouia hundrrd acru out I Tlr lu toll IB lUuegraa lisa lermt on thlt propel will IJOt one fourth uubil nee in ejuiu NI > nieiOa of one iwo und thru viSta MX pr mil lelltealfer annum on drfurrid paymeuti and secure the me Second One tract of laud cootalnlng alxUt 10> acre adjoining Parktrllle Cemetery on the north and very djliatle gralng land Third Scrcnty acres ol KhO Und known aa tbe Latluier laud adjoining farktvllle and also good grazing laud Fourth A Iud of 62 acres ot land known n the titlrllng Vanandill tract one still south ul Jiekavlile At the tame Urns anti place we will also cell the Mlowlng rtonal lirolerhr Faiuilng Iniplementt Including a combined 5401cr and ciillltaor and a line bouroer manure ipreader nine toear old alma four or tire cow with calve and M nun her of 1 helter bull to raise I work hortrs 4 maret I suckling mule ivlt sod ono Kluiblo horse roll tuohetp a large lot of line hay etc Ou Ills fvliiwliig o- IlTUUSfJAV SEPT6TH 11100 at 10 oclock sharp I will sill tbe Uozatt 1100 mile nod qIrler weit of JlorrodhulJ ou llartodsburg and IVrrTille Ilku Jtiis place conlalu abut 1153 aelll with fair ImroVe lUenli cooolllog I two tourroom Ctugix gwid barn good crib etc salt river runt hit ugh he place The sale ol tlilt larm will be held oil the preuiltei Nwdlug prltllrge 00 16 acrm chIt btt when dulred and lthIIaestoIt MAT 20 TKHMS O C fourth fa < hb < laocelu equal jay manIa I1fooo Iwo and threw Jeers tlx lcr cent I- nknI pet a nuns on dcfemu We will at tho Kime time and place tell 20 Ihreaymrold cattle about 73 cheep ouv ball lu 16 acres uf corn thucked on ground Ternx ou jniMoualty nude known on day of saleit COZATT Admlnlatrator T 0 HSULISII Auctioneer i4t i GUS HoOOBUAOK Is a candidate for Asosorof Lincoln coun- t ¬ subject to the action of tlio democratic party GEO A KUHANKS- ft a candidate for JaIler of Lincoln count subject to Site action of the domocratlo party JAMES T JONES Is a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln county subject to tlio action ut the democratic par t- yw11 LANDGRAF Is a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln court ¬ tYI subject to democratic action THASJES H WRIGHT Is n candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun- ty ¬ subject to tho action of the democratic party DINK FAKMKR- I n candidate for Jailer subject to the ac ¬ tlon of tho democratic party lie solicits your support JOHN C PEPPIEStsa- candldato for Jailer of Lincoln Couuty pitttr ISLT7GGRASS SEED ro11Iullr lforo yea LIly L C mNN Mr KAIKU KY FINL FARM FOR SALE I > r I W Lnjant ana of 156 sores of Sit 1 IIangloicFiirklaBd li for sale privately It las upon It a aplenJlil two Ilor brisk houw large oharra barn 0001 onhnl aol nwiutrr out aIII s flntelaa Cams Lorotrtt on Stanford ft 4iiledge- cilia iuruplkc conveulent todepota on C S end proStable For Sale Or Trade I Two No1 Ulnhn Clover Ilullrn t years old nne Champion Kxk Cru hn one pony Saw Mill lltvnmu A CoOs make good u new one 12 hors power liULer traction engine UTO year oldune ItillLo l f feet onler Ttrmiraib W J DelUtN Kyp TWO FARMS FOR SALE 111U linebollo lnIhllolOl trickIssuing irmioae water at the door two good tenement 01liloulldlDII1wllh stock wa er make thIs lb mit dnlraMe larm la this end of lb county trabOrcbardKyon MouCrabOrehinl Spring All In grass with a argcutork barn and an abundance ol water with oeof the flocat site In tho neighbor 004AlaoanicerothageinMtanford Ky on Lancu ler trevt with good eltern Kinlen 4c altarhed or lurttie aililmiIt rd Ky Drs SlavinS PhillipsO- STEOPATHISTS Will INJ In Dintlll Mondays WedOtlJaod Fridays Will lii In Stanford Tooli Thursday and Sat urdaya- Ofureln the l nnlniton lIulldl Stanford 01 Sceiours9tol2asritolrwOSTEOPATHY i ThliSrlene nrtlnatrd aol doIel1 by lit A T Sllll of Klriarlllx Mo ilpmli on the jrinipit of Anatomy slid 1hytlulufy far IU to suits It require no faith DO drug no tabbing noturxltaloperatloni auilelaluit bine super natural Otixjinth slows luau ai S macliln oho many pert lu keynote II acijuitnirnu When all pars ma prulrt adjusted and not orrworkitl health illIe result Nerealrustralion taiarra Weak lyst iruolaud Lids Shalt Constipatinthlts ndJolnll larall Incontlnrno of Urine UxunHitor Max oussliationFree FOX LOGAN LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE DANVILLE KENTUCKY Ilorsun anil OlulIIII constantly on baud and forVnln all times W Logan Wood Manager itwS PARKHILL M Dt HOHEOPATH10 PEYSI5IAW t oxperloncoIn offers hliiervlc < to the pabllu of Uttinfpril rue vicinity gjievlal iittontlun given to chronic riiniM UtUrn oi Oltu Court Hoifto over llonzlny tiros Livery Stable Olllco bourn from 1 to 5 r M SANK stD KA ID UA E TATE I I AT AUCTION highestbidder llonday Sept roth 1900 County Court day In Stanford 3n or 40 hliurca ot Lincoln Count National Hank Stock my C Hooni HosldetiCM In Itowlsnd Ky wltli good burn ondotlicr outbuildings anti a Storolious In Rowland Ivy 23x60 21 foot high and two stories A splendid lo ¬ cution 1oasosslon given lit once Unit If youdesire TEHMS Oliothird cah I balance lit ono antI two years ISAAC HAMILTON Itowlfind Ky Administratrix Sale IAs administratrix of J F iettus I will sell at public auction hU late real ¬ dence on the Lancaster it Crab Orchard pike near 1reucliersvllle on MONDAY SEPT 3 1900 To the lilgliCNtand best bidder tho follow lug purhonul proportyi 3 horse t mule milt 4 milk cow 4 calves 2 yearling Iiclf nrx 1 bull 8U ahcerIII hogs about 30 acre corn In field 44 bushels oats 4 tucks Timothy J mower nearly now 1 hay rake 1 disc barrow 1 corn I corn Hlieller and other farming iDipIomonU sot lilackaralth tools 1 surrey 2 buggIes and harness 1 spring wagon fiO gallon kettle Jot fencing organ und household and kltchnn furniture TEUUS Sum of 110 und under casbi ov¬ er that amount four months time without Interest Nptes with approved security re quired itlihi ltEmCO PETTUi Cook Auctioneer Admx f C 5s EVftYTH n G GOES I It must go we cannot nail will not carry over any tftlnij In Summer Good WoI have only n few weeks left to dispose of them but vro will pny you to help us For every dollar In value thAt goes out of our house wo only expect to receive 75c In compensation Head below and see If you dont think wo menu every word wo my a Domestics and Dress Goods 44 Urown elseoti ngt 4J0Dcnlmm 1a wI- A small quantity of71c Scotch lawns to cloeo 3c V line of Cropon effects In Iowiix worth lOc goes for 60 710upcrb 35c f- orHEAVY ISlc DRESS GOODS olioIIrrltbt llX1Doubl READYTOWEAR GARMENTS lenB Linen coils only 02c 2Soicna McI Notions and Furnishings 2 Boxes wire hairplci 5c 5cfaen All Shirtwaists p > this week for 39 1 ISoltn8 Mens tan bUck or white foot Hose worth 20c only Do SoIen rIene patent elastic roam Drawers worth 75c go for only iS 26cI BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES 4SoLrlies 49cUl Mens solid calf lace or OongrcMkhocs worth 12 60 go tbU week foronlyI 48o Louisville Store SKLINCER BROS PRORS 1 T D RANEY MGR Ifc S S S e S S SS I e S S I r CLEANUP On SALE I Womens And Childrens Shoes I And Slippers If you wnl Bargains see our BARGAIN COUNTER Wa E PERKINS Crab Orchard Ky 4 6 4 4 WaIL ID1l8l < Jffi E Iffi TS DRUGGIST 4 Sells The Best Paint Made Try Neals Carriage Paint Prescriptions carefully filled day or night Talent Medicines of almost crory IJtlnJ Beautiful lino of Stationery Blanic Book of every description Office Long Distance Telephone CLOTHINGSUITS OvercoatsI And Odd Pants NEW FALL STYLES Buy early while you can get what you want Seethe New Oxford Creys Cuipmlns McGlary J A ALLEN C 0 Contractors Axd ISuilder STANFORD KY floors51h cut POStS 4c We rnakeeatimate on any kind of work wanted offlco opposite Dr L U Cooks 5

a 4J0Dcnlmm 1awI- courederI pitttr 710upcrb ro11Iullr SEED ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jbf64/data/0305.pdf · HE INTERIOR JOURNAL ANFORD KV AVG 31 1900 W P WALTON OEMOCfiPTIC TICKET

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Page 1: a 4J0Dcnlmm 1awI- courederI pitttr 710upcrb ro11Iullr SEED ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jbf64/data/0305.pdf · HE INTERIOR JOURNAL ANFORD KV AVG 31 1900 W P WALTON OEMOCfiPTIC TICKET





Fur Pretident

millA si jEXSHfcs BRYANOAVeIra8kn

For tfcrPraldtntADLAl E STWEXSOy-

OffllinoitFor Governor

J C Jr BECKIFAMt Of Kelson

For Congreu


GOV BEPKHAMS tnessajjn to thejglslaturfc shoffs that he is a man upt whom the people can depend He

oes not believe that the present elccion law enacted In Rood faHh to meetfa emergency has beett unfair or uaust but opposition and dissatisfactionxt8 wltb the law nod whether reuonable or OHM o 1 III for a more satincwry One It tI an improvement on-

e law It supplanted and by properkinondment can bo made eo fair that

r faIr minded citizen be he victorvanquished can say that the verdict

if tho peoplo has been faithfully relorded and vijtory awarded to himho deserves It He makes no suppes

Ions as to the amendments satUQcd

iat the Legislature will act patrlotlally and so just to all parties that noboest citizen can find fault with Ithis Is what every good citizen de

reL Let the body act intelligentlyitUfactorlly and quickly and If Ken

cky docs not go overwhelminglyBmocratlc this fall wo very much miske the temper of the peopie

T National AfroAmerlcun PressMoclatlon in session at Indianapolisi the 27th refused to endorse McKlnyalthougb he had two colored office

Iders on the ground for the expressrposo of geltng such a resolutionrough The members of this assoLIDo presumably are educated and

lucatlon always weakens the superItlous adherence of the Negro to thepublican party Although ho hassen the ward of that party stare hisnanclpatlon the only thing It has at

pted to do for him In the way of po >

leal education is to insult in his minde falsehood that the only aim and ob ¬

it of the republican party Is to keepm out of slavery while the demo

ts lose sleep in devising means tooslaye him Those new constltu

requiring an educated suffrageeventually lead to the education

theNegro When he IB educated boII go to reading and thinking foriiBelf and when he does that he willow that the democratic party is thety for him IU well as every otherr man

UK Louisville News which Is edit

tan exdemocrat or at least one6 formerly monkeyed aa a democrate the democratic party Is fooling Itfit it thinks that the Brownies willport BecUbum If the Goebel law lb

inged A change in the law willA confession of guilt it says but

lutloriof the ofllces alone will eiifThis may express the sentiments

i few of the nevcrtobesatUfledrd who justly merit the contemptU good people but we arc sure thate who are worth returning wille bick to their first love TheiVs went off with the iutenVlon ofIng and as their room is fully asrable as their company may joy gothem

IL YERKES has not answered ourlions but Juagu NIck Vaughan of

Isvllle inuinlea acting db hise mau has rvr ban Ih u spaeohother night be eald Yerkea willIs duty and pardon every man con ¬

ed by the democrats This assur1 which was hardly needed shoulde democrats work the harder ton the smooth citizen of BoyleI

iNATpu HAIWELL wno wrote aiool8h open letter to Guy Buckhas apologized for it und will

a amcna by helping the dutholJlatrty In every way ho can Thetor means well but nllt baluucu1 gets out of order occasionally andof course oe wurcs wrung

S CHARLES A TOWNB In ah at Du uib characterized Rouseas an inwiiiCtual Couunehe

predestined and incorrigible ccie Thats bid enough but Tedeven wor o than that

23IMMONS says ne must light Jefby Sept 1 or not at ull Ho Isally anxious to UnUta in time toto Kentucky and ece the demoknockout the republicans on the

hoso question lire over answerey will bo published in pamphletfur general distribution underLiu of The YerKos Outechtsiu

n Odd Fellows reunion nearle led over 100 people were

ed on Ice cream It must haveade of stale goat mlk

RE has been another terrible Inlion Jn the North this time at0LThe North needs reconbu badly

YBIKB3 will soon ascertain itnt already done so that cndorsylor will result In his politicaliptcy

CLAUENCB E WOODS who recentlyleft tbo Richmond Climax of which howas tho life because the managementhampered him In his efforts to serve-the people Is not hiding his light under a bushel but Is letting it shinethrough the Agitator in a way thatthoso who would fatton by municipalplunder despise Whatever his handtlnds to do ho does with all his mightand in his Agitator be agitates witha courage born of the conviction thathe Is doing his peoplo a lasting good

Coy BECKUAM owes it to the lawabiding people to have John L Powersbrought to justice if it takes everyman In the State He Is at his Knoxcounty homo where the county judgeand county clerk went Tuesday nightand accepted his bond as school srporintendcnt Powers says ho may re ¬

main In Knox county a week or moreand may visit some of the schools Sucha defiance of law should not be permitted for a minute

IF wo should undertake to publishthe names of all the republicans whoarc deserting McKInley for Bryan thealas of the paper would have to bo en-

larged John J Valentino presidentof the WclUFiirgo Express Co andProf Henry Wade Rogers oxpresident of the Northwestern Universitybut now of Yale College aro the mostprominent of ihu many recent addi ¬

tions to the endless chain

MARK HANNA who went to NewYork intending to remain a few daysand then go West now thinks that theexigencies of the campaign demand hispresence in the East for awhile longerand has deferred his Western tourThe exigencies of the campaign notonly In tho East but all over the eoun ¬

try demand Marks presence and de ¬

mand It badly

IT can be stated as an absolute certainty that Indianas next governorwill bea democrat who of course willnut perjure himself bv refusing to dis ¬

charge the duties of his olllce WhetMount can no longer protect them fromthe outraged law Taylor and Finleywill doubtless call on the hills to coverthem

SINCE Dill Beckner has flopped en ¬

tirely into the republican party Sena ¬

tor Becks description of blm Is in order Sala be I have seen hundredsof pictures of Judas Iscarlot no two ofwhich were alike but fIery ono ofthem favored Bill Bcckncr

RAUL LEICESTER FORD author ofHan Peter Stirling and other works ofslate is to be married to Miss GraceKidder of Brooklyn The ladys sur¬

name In this connection Is suggestive I

but we refrain comment

Gov PINGREE of Michigan refusesto campaign with Roosevelt When ssmall a potato as Plngree Is ashamedto keep his company Teddy surelyrealizes bow disgraceful his conducthas been


Roosevelt will speak In KentuckyOct 12 and 13

Judge JEL Tinaley has announcedfor the judgablp in the London dis¬

trictOllle James justro turned from flew

York says Bryan Is sure to carry theEmpire State

Senator Alexander pot in tho firstelection bill of the sessIon in tbat bodyand Emmett Orr in the House

Hon George W Lieborth of New ¬

port has been teudered the clerkshipof Judge W H Holti court In PortoRico

Arthur A Phlegar was appointed tothe supreme court in Virginia to tillthe vacancy occasioned by tbo death ofJudge Holley

Chairman Richardson of the demoCatlc CongressIonal committee willrjinora his headquarters from Wash ¬

ington to Now YorkCapt Irwin republican nOminee for

Congress at Louisville says the effortto get him oil the track wont work usbe intends to stick if he gets but onevoteMr

Bryan decided after McKinleysdeclination not to attend the G A Rmeeting aa he desired to relieve thereunion of any appearance of partisan ¬

shipThe fusion popullatd have substitutea

the name of Adlal E Stevenson forthat of C A Towne for vice presidentund tholr ticket Isnow Bryanand StuVenijOD

Moodywho claims the democraticnomljutlon for Congress In the 7th dls ¬

trict has applied to the Bourbon courtto have his name eo on the ballot un ¬

der thu roosterMr Bryan ha decided on at otten

slvo stumping tour and will spuat inIllinois InJiaia Ohio WisconsinMichigan Minnesota Now York NewJersey Maryland and West Virginia

The House at Frankfort agreed outhe appointment of it committee of 12

ti consider all new election measuresThe demorcat are showing a growingdisposition to adopt an entirely newlawTaylor

told the Indiana republicanstbat In his opinion Goebel was eitherkilled bv Jack Cnlnn one of SlU1drordlIons or by some drunken tnoubulneer

who did not know what he was doinglyiojtA caucus of House democrats washeld to nominate candidates to fill va ¬

cancies caused bihe resignations ofoRlcers Edward O LeIgh was nomi ¬

nated for chief clerk W P ThomeJr for sergeaniatarras and J EMiles for doorkeeper

The colored lawyer R C p Bonjamm editor 6t the Lexington Standardsays that tho lawyer for the dufenso ISthe Powers case insulted snubbed d and

Iabused him George Denny befog es ¬

pecially offensive and ho promises to-i write them up in tbo next issue of hisI paper


TUISDoYJOI1NINO-InUltuto opened at 845 Devotional

exercises were conducted by Rev PW Allen Miss Myrtle Hughes wasappointed regular organist by Chorls ¬

Iter M E Prultt Reading was thentaken up and ably discussed by Instructor Patterson Messrs RaybourneNorth Hickle Pruitt Misses BogleThurmond Burch flicks and Bellware At this point Rev Allen wasmade an honorary member and gave a-

very Interesting talk followed byProfJ A White of Lexington and MrLa born of Casey also honorarymembers of the Institute


After singing the subject of Readingwas continued by the Instructor Thissubject being thoroughly elucidatedSpelling was Introduced by Mr Haysand discussed by a number of teachersThe subject of Writing was then veryfully discussed by Miss GeorgiaLewis followed by Prof Winfrey andthe Instructor After recess SchoolManagement was taken up nnd somegood talks were made by Miss SalllcCarter Dr fickle Messrs RaybourneNorth Martin Markham Prof WhiteMiss Belware and others-


Institute opened at 845 After singinc Scripture reading and prayer byRev R B Mahony the institute gotdown to work for the day Prof Patterson took up Language work andgave the teachers some excellent hintson this important bubject He was followed by Miss Hicks T J North KG Martin and Mrs Green T J Raybourne introduced Grammar and ProfWhite Misses Yowelh and Thurmondmade excellent suggestions Thissubject being exhausted Prof Patter ¬

son Introduced Psychology and a livelydiscussion followed and many goodpoints were brought out by tbo insti-

tute Miss Bellware then IntroducedComposition and was followed by MrsPhilips who read a most excellent paper Geography being the next subject on the syllabus it was introducedby the Instructor and discussed by theInstitute In a very entertaining mannerSeveral teachers came to during theday and Misses Paxton and Lydia LewIs were made honorary members


Institute opened at the usual hourAfter several good songs by the choirRev Britt read afew passages of Scrip-ture and invoked Divine blessings Theteachers then answered to roll call withvery appropriate quotations The nextsubject for discussion was Arithmeticwhich was Introduced by Prof Patterson Mr Mullins then gave an excel-lent talk showing some original pri ¬

mary work Miss Nora Philips alsoread a nice paper on this subject whena general discussion followed and many

alTeredICivil Government was Introduced by

Prof Patterson He was followed byN W Hughes who made an eloquentspeech which was highly appreciatedand applauded by the Institute ProfWhite Q S Young and the instructorIlubijectwere sung Mrs Annie McClnry thenmade a nice little talk on TemperanceIn which she urged all teachers presentto teach scientific temperance In theirschools Thursday afternoon beingthe time set apart for the trustees ofthe county M P Rubble came for ¬

wnr and made a very interestingspeech on education In general Illstory being the next subject ootbe pro-

gram it was very forcibly and interest-Ingly


presented by the instructor andtome line talks made by the male memoqrs of the institute

MI s Georgia Lewis always first Ineverv good word and work has ourthanks for the proceedings Prof LR Hughes also Is entitled to our

thanksAnsession of tho Teachers In

eitiuie was hold at Waltons OperaHttuse last night with the followingprogram

t Chairman L R hughesWelcome Addresslr M E PrulttDeclamation

Robert Hardlug WatersPiano Solo

MUiAllte HuffmanDebate Resolved That Woman be Al ¬

lowed thu Right of SuffrageAillrmatlve Prof While K G Mar ¬

tlnT J NorthNegative MO Winfrey ChasNorth

T J Ruy bourneFlower GirlLangeMr Caswell SaulleySolo

Miss Maude VarnonReadingasaFineArttMrMandolin Selection to

Miss Nell WarrenOration JouN Wesley and Ills Age

Samuel W SeveranceNovelettePaplniMlis Borta Juan Penny

SoloMiss Lltllu P yton

The entertainment was a very pleaslag one and enjoyed by a theatre fullof people Mr Prultts welcoming ad

dress the debate on whether women

should be allowed to vote Pry Patter ¬

suns excellent pap > on Reading as-

a Flnb Art tbo musical performancesof Miss Isabella Baileys class thu Ohio

tion of Sam Walton Suvcrance the ef¬

forts of the little ones and Miss Feytons solo with piano and violin accom ¬

paniment by Miss Myrtle Hughes and-

O E Cox respectively wore of a characterto elicit much praise and applauseThe womens rights question was de¬

cldodln favor of the affirmative by thejudges Ed Hubbard JVI11 SeveranceatidJ H White though there weremany who thought the negative pre ¬

dented the best argumentsInstructor J H Patterson has given

the greatest satisfaction to the tea bersall of whom speak of bis excellent auggestlona and methods in tbo highestterms Sul t Singleton Is being con ¬

gratulated on securing himMusic is a special feature and with

Prof M E Prultt as leader the teacherA make melody tbat Invariably drawsa crowd to the Institute


Tom Mattock n 15yearold Bercaboy shot himself fatally while foolingwith n pistol

Town Marshal Reynolds shot SamuelGraves of Scott who was drunk andflourishing a pistol at Joncsvlllo inOwen

Capt Garrett Howard a Pinovillerepublican politician who has two sonsin the Philippines has declared forBryan as ho can not support McKlnleys Imperialistic policy

John Pevyhouse was badly cut byGlevo Wllcher another lad at thresh ¬

ur In Casey and tho latter is sojourn ¬

ing at Tom Bell8 howl in Libertyuntil Johns condition will favor judl ¬

clal Investigation of the affairLizzie Small wood rind Mary Small

wood sisters and Thomas Williamsono of their associates were arrestedlu Laurel after a desperate strugglewith the olllcer and lodged iu jail

courederI ¬


Marion Bingham IS and Miss LeoKemp 12 were married in Adair coonty

John Avoy and MUll Rebecca lioakewere married at Rev David Koaks

WednesdayJohnbroke the record at De ¬

troit Mich by marrying the day afterhis wife died He should have brokenhis neck Instead of the record

1 Tallow Dick Comb was arrested forselling whisky at Winchester

Brescl who assassinated King Hum ¬

bert was given H life sentence onlyWith a view to settllrg the Chinese

situation Russia hrs protested againstthe alleged purpose of the admirals atTaku to seize LI Hung Chang and tboUnited States has concurred In thisprotest The purpose of this Is to al-


the Chinese plenipotentiary fullfreedom with his government fbeplan also Involves the withdrawal ofthe allied troops from Pekln so as toallow the Dowager Empress and tboEmperor Kwang Tsu to return


PRODUCES HOUSEOeoct up at Stanfoni Ky on IpoL UPetI will buy hides Wool Keathen Uonei Old IronIJran Copper Ac Al-toPOULTRY AND EGGSWill pay Spot fuh and top market prlret toteerythlng I1 11 DAVIS

To Sell FarmsY-ou want to drop an ndrertlscment In the bet mountainnewspaper wlilh Is thp

Somerset JournalTwo Indies ono month for SIIn advance K J OAMIBEIXManager Someisjt Ky


I have 1000 buluU of i xtra good seedwheat and 300 bushels of excellent rye forsolo Cull and see It Prices reasonable

MOUIII9 FllEI Stanford Ky

AN ORDINANCETo 9111TbetbtiClty of StinforJ Kjr

The City Council do ordain at follow Theretball bo exclude from the prncnt llinlU til the clIT of Stanford all of Ihat territory ouulde of thelolloolng lines cud boundary towlt Ugln1I101t at anke at flundteya Kast eat pMt nearrightofway of the l iiliTllie A Na hTllle Killrudlbence > orihSJa4 Kail 132 pulri lo > ortbwet corner of John llrtitbi and eroeotitailey InioKlntclifi line thence North s3 East 2X1 poiseIUllnlItOIcutrrof tb tanford and Crali Orchard turnpKe

thence Sunlit ti4 East J 7lW foln in a Hateon South bank of Bt Aapht braseli on latd ofMn 1 Shank thme South 7 Vet IW poise10 a dune In North abutment of bridge on theStanford and laf t Creek turnpike near Ihlolol W A Trll bie tlienr South US Writ 123 H 10

llOM to a 110101 Southeattcurntrof J S flockers rard Ihmiw South 79 WeIIIIlf pole to atake si aouihwat mrntr of ti II llaughmintlulntinMorihealeTNurtlum t alututpnl of ho brl ge

thenra North tsi Wwit IM ilta to a Hake In lineof II K flout na the lIelr1Iol thence Norm

West tt 210 10110 lBnlBdi enroerllundlrya Ku gate 11 SaW llote ahall be 11

enillluta the llmltt and houurtarr ot the Cite oMajorIAdministrators Sale


Boyle Co Farm LandsAt admlDlatrator of the ettate of Captain Jacob

sed I will aclllo the Mgucit blddrat public outcry on the prewlw ou the erepike between the and lebanon pikenbout eta nilloe from Uanrille and tune mllufroni rarfciTllli on L A N It 11

Wednesday Sept 5 1900llt-xlnnlng at 10 orlork akirp the following dewrthieI lru1rty fillet

lust a farm W acre belonging to laid cctateof fintclaubluinuiUbJ well luiprored wellvitercd and in a good lijlitorlioud coureiileutlo tcboolt arid rliutcbM The reildeuie It a twostory frame In good rrpilr cud there U an icyhuttio cistern mo large brut mw house and allother crcotary ou buildlBgt Ioue lon cm MI

KlrenatoncB This iauii bat Ucnglfen the veryIL hit bandry her 20 jean Tieiu hat been hutlittle corn ralci 011 II during that time M It hatlawn kriit n rgrailnrf ill el and cattle Aliouiahundrrd acru out I Tlr lu toll IB lUuegraa

lisa lermt on thlt propel will IJOt one fourthuubil nee in ejuiu NI > nieiOa of one iwo undthru viSta MX pr mil lelltealfer annum ondrfurrid paymeuti and secure the

meSecond One tract of laud cootalnlng alxUt 10>

acre adjoining Parktrllle Cemetery on the northand very djliatle gralng land

Third Scrcnty acres ol KhO Und known aatbe Latluier laud adjoining farktvllle and alsogood grazing laud

Fourth A Iud of 62 acres ot land known nthe titlrllng Vanandill tract one still south ulJiekavlile

At the tame Urns anti place we will also cell theMlowlng rtonal lirolerhr Faiuilng IniplementtIncluding a combined 5401cr and ciillltaor and aline bouroer manure ipreader nine toearold alma four or tire cow with calve and M nunher of 1 helter bull to raise I work hortrs 4

maret I suckling mule ivlt sod ono Kluiblo horseroll tuohetp a large lot of line hay etc OuIlls fvliiwliig o-

IlTUUSfJAV SEPT6TH11100 at 10 oclock sharp I will sill tbe Uozatt1100 mile nod qIrler weit of JlorrodhulJou llartodsburg and IVrrTille Ilku Jtiisplace conlalu abut 1153 aelll with fair ImroVelUenli cooolllog I two tourroom Ctugix gwidbarn good crib etc salt river runt hit ugh heplace The sale ol tlilt larm will be held oil thepreuiltei Nwdlug prltllrge 00 16 acrm chIt btt

when dulred and lthIIaestoIt MAT 20TKHMS O C fourth fa <hb < laocelu equal jay

manIa I1fooo Iwo and threw Jeers tlx lcr cent I-nknI pet a nuns on dcfemu We willat tho Kime time and place tell 20 Ihreaymroldcattle about 73 cheep ouv ball lu 16 acresuf corn thucked on ground

Ternx ou jniMoualty nude known on day ofsaleit COZATT AdmlnlatratorT 0 HSULISII Auctioneer

i4t i

GUS HoOOBUAOKIs a candidate for Asosorof Lincoln coun-t


subject to the action of tlio democraticparty

GEO A KUHANKS-ft a candidate for JaIler of Lincoln countsubject to Site action of the domocratloparty

JAMES T JONESIs a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln countysubject to tlio action ut the democratic part-

yw11 LANDGRAFIs a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln court ¬

tYI subject to democratic action

THASJES H WRIGHTIs n candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun-ty


subject to tho action of the democraticparty

DINK FAKMKR-I n candidate for Jailer subject to the ac ¬

tlon of tho democratic party lie solicitsyour support

JOHN C PEPPIEStsa-candldato for Jailer of Lincoln CouutypitttrISLT7GGRASS SEED

ro11Iullrlforo yea LIly L C mNN Mr KAIKU KY


I> r I W Lnjant ana of 156 sores of Sit 1

IIangloicFiirklaBd li for sale privately It lasupon It a aplenJlil two Ilor brisk houw largeoharra barn 0001 onhnl aol nwiutrr outaIII sflntelaa Cams Lorotrtt on Stanford ft 4iiledge-cilia iuruplkc conveulent todepota on C S endproStableFor Sale Or Trade I

Two No1 Ulnhn Clover Ilullrn t years oldnne Champion Kxk Cru hn one pony Saw Milllltvnmu A CoOs make good u new one 12 horspower liULer traction engine UTO year olduneItillLol f feet onler Ttrmiraib W J DelUtNKyp


111UlinebollolnIhllolOltrickIssuingirmioae water at the door two good tenement

01liloulldlDII1wllhstock wa er make thIs lb mit dnlraMe larm lathis end of lb county

trabOrcbardKyonMouCrabOrehinl Spring All In grass with aargcutork barn and an abundance ol water withoeof the flocat site In tho neighbor004AlaoanicerothageinMtanford Ky on Lancu

ler trevt with good eltern Kinlen 4c altarhedor lurttie aililmiIt rd Ky

Drs SlavinS PhillipsO-

STEOPATHISTSWill INJ In Dintlll Mondays WedOtlJaod

FridaysWill lii In Stanford Tooli Thursday and Sat


Ofureln the l nnlniton lIulldl Stanford 01



ThliSrlene nrtlnatrd aol doIel1 by litA T Sllll of Klriarlllx Mo ilpmli on thejrinipit of Anatomy slid 1hytlulufy far IU tosuits It require no faith DO drug no tabbingnoturxltaloperatloni auilelaluit bine supernatural

Otixjinth slows luau ai S macliln oho manypert lu keynote II acijuitnirnu When all parsma prulrt adjusted and not orrworkitl healthillIe result

Nerealrustraliontaiarra Weak lyst iruolaud Lids ShaltConstipatinthltsndJolnlllarall Incontlnrno of Urine UxunHitor Max

oussliationFreeFOX LOGAN


DANVILLE KENTUCKYIlorsun anil OlulIIII constantly on baud and

forVnln all timesW Logan Wood Manager


t oxperloncoInoffers hliiervlc< to the pabllu of Uttinfprilrue vicinity gjievlal iittontlun given tochronic riiniM UtUrn oi Oltu Court Hoiftoover llonzlny tiros Livery Stable Olllcobourn from 1 to 5 r M



highestbidderllonday Sept roth 1900County Court day In Stanford 3n or 40hliurca ot Lincoln Count National HankStock my C Hooni HosldetiCM In ItowlsndKy wltli good burn ondotlicr outbuildingsanti a Storolious In Rowland Ivy 23x6021 foot high and two stories A splendid lo ¬

cution 1oasosslon given lit once Unit IfyoudesireTEHMS Oliothird cah I balance lit onoantI two years


Administratrix Sale

IAs administratrix of J F iettus I willsell at public auction hU late real ¬

dence on the Lancaster it Crab Orchard pikenear 1reucliersvllle on

MONDAY SEPT 3 1900To the lilgliCNtand best bidder tho followlug purhonul proportyi 3 horse t mulemilt 4 milk cow 4 calves 2 yearling Iiclfnrx 1 bull 8U ahcerIII hogs about 30 acrecorn In field 44 bushels oats 4

tucks Timothy J mower nearly now 1

hay rake 1 disc barrow 1 corn I cornHlieller and other farming iDipIomonU sotlilackaralth tools 1 surrey 2 buggIes andharness 1 spring wagon fiO gallon kettleJot fencing organ und householdand kltchnn furniture

TEUUS Sum of 110 und under casbi ov¬er that amount four months time withoutInterest Nptes with approved security required itlihi ltEmCO PETTUi

Cook Auctioneer Admx f





It must go we cannot nail will not carry over any tftlnij In Summer Good WoIhave only n few weeks left to dispose of them but vro will pny you to help us Forevery dollar In value thAt goes out of our house wo only expect to receive 75c Incompensation Head below and see If you dont think wo menu every word womy a

Domestics and Dress Goods44 Urown elseotingt4J0Dcnlmm1awI-A small quantity of71c Scotch lawns to cloeo 3c

V line of Cropon effects In Iowiix worth lOc goes for 60710upcrb35c f-


DRESS GOODSolioIIrrltbtllX1DoublREADYTOWEAR GARMENTSlenB Linen coils only 02c2SoicnaMcINotions and Furnishings

2 Boxes wire hairplci 5c5cfaenAll Shirtwaists p> this week for 391ISoltn8Mens tan bUck or white foot Hose worth 20c only DoSoIenrIene patent elastic roam Drawers worth 75c go for only iS26cIBIG BARGAINS IN SHOES4SoLrlies49cUlMens solid calf lace or OongrcMkhocs worth 12 60 go tbU week foronlyI 48o

Louisville StoreSKLINCER BROS



S S S e S S S S I e S S



SALE IWomens And Childrens Shoes I

And SlippersIf you wnl Bargains see our BARGAIN COUNTER

Wa E PERKINSCrab Orchard Ky

4 6 4 4


4Sells The Best Paint Made Try

Neals Carriage PaintPrescriptions carefully filled day or night Talent Medicines of almost crory IJtlnJ

Beautiful lino of Stationery Blanic Book of every descriptionOffice Long Distance Telephone


OvercoatsIAnd Odd Pants

NEW FALL STYLESBuy early while you can get what

you want Seethe

New Oxford CreysCuipmlns McGlary

J A ALLEN C 0Contractors Axd ISuilder

STANFORD KYfloors51hcut POStS 4c We rnakeeatimate on any kind of work wanted offlco opposite Dr LU Cooks