A Note from Pam96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · Since dieting by definition is a temporary way of eating, it doesn’t work in the ... how to lose

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Page 1: A Note from Pam96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · Since dieting by definition is a temporary way of eating, it doesn’t work in the ... how to lose
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A Note from Pam

Hi there,

Before I share the anti-diet with you, I’ve gotta let you in on a secret. I may be a

health and transformational coach now, but that wasn’t always the case.

In fact, if someone had told me years ago that I would never have to go on a

diet again, I would have laughed.

I mean, I was the girl who was always on the next best diet and was convinced

that if I could just lose those annoying 10 pounds, EVERYTHING in my life would

be so much easier.

After years of torturing my mind and body - going up 10 pounds, losing 15 and

gaining 20, I was sick and tired of feeling gross and exhausted, both physically

and emotionally.

I finally took my health into my own hands after dealing with an ovarian cancer

diagnosis for more than a decade. The last of my five surgeries was my wake-up

call to commit to my health and well-being in a different way. I was tired of

chasing being skinny and shifted my focus from weight loss to health.

I began to incorporate nourishing foods into my diet and focused on all I CAN

have in my diet AND IN MY LIFE, rather than focusing on all the things that felt


This was MY game changer.

Instead of restricting and depriving myself, I began to explore more ways to

nourish my mind and body. This shift allowed me to experience food in a

pleasurable way. I got to know my kitchen and began preparing delicious and

simple meals which was a VERY big deal. I was the girl who didn’t know how to

cook with a skillet.

By opening this doorway, many other pleasurable paths began to open in many

different areas of my life. My relationship improved with my husband, my kids,

and lo and behold, I even found joy in my career. I was done running to

doctors, therapists and diet companies to “fix” me and started healing myself

from the INSIDE OUT.

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And now, in my health coaching practice, I’ve combined all my personal

experience and professional expertise into a powerful solution that can finally

show you how to get out of the diet mentality.

Wouldn’t it be great to lose the weight naturally without deprivation, obsessing or


I’m also going to reveal another little secret. I’m going to help you lose not just

the weight around your belly, but the extra weight that you carry around in your

mind too - stress, guilt, and shame.

Are you ready to never diet again and feel good in your mind and body?

Here we go!

Wholefully yours,


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Why diets don’t work…

If you’re like I used to be, you have likely been struggling to release excess

weight for a while. And, also like me, you’ve probably tried a number of diets

and strategies that haven’t worked. This is not a coincidence.

Studies show that 98% of diets fail. One in five people will gain back the weight

they have lost after completing their diet.


Since dieting by definition is a temporary way of eating, it doesn’t work in the

long run. Diets tend to be alienating, stressful, depressing and restrictive. They

also don’t take lifestyle and individuality into consideration.

If you feel like you’ve “failed” after trying diet after diet, you are not alone and


After trying diet pills, Slimfast, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, The

South Beach Diet (name it, I’ve tried it), I was just as confused and frustrated as

you might be.

It wasn’t until I decided to get off the diet roller coaster and focus on my health

(both physically and mentally) that I found success with my weight, mood, body

image and my overall life.

Wouldn’t it be great to free up some space in your mind and not have to worry

so much about food and your body?

I know how good it feels because I’m no longer a slave to deprivation diets.

Now I’m able to take cues from my body and create meals and snacks that

help me look and feel exactly how I had always envisioned.

I put this gift together for you, so you can start to investigate what’s holding you


What I’ve learned after coaching hundreds of clients over the years is that the

right recipes, meal plans, shopping lists and an exercise routine are GREAT, but

they’re not enough.

Even the most fine-tuned plan won’t work for the long haul.

You see, if we ONLY look at food and physical movement, we’re missing other

critical pieces of the wellness puzzle.

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Don’t get me wrong, those two components are a big piece of the puzzle but

there are three more pieces that are rarely discussed or addressed.

Do you want to know what they are?

The information I’m sharing is not about the latest fad diet; it’s about learning

how to lose weight and feel great, without ever dieting again.

Let’s get started…

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The 5 Secrets to Never Dieting Again


“You are what you eat so don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake.”

- Unknown

Clean and whole foods are essential for your overall wellness – and for weight


When you provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs, your cravings

go away, you’re less likely to overeat, and you will naturally lose weight.

By incorporating targeted foods into your daily routine, your body will receive

the nutrients it needs to thrive. When your body is getting exactly what it needs,

inflammation is decreased and unwanted weight will slowly be released.

Sounds like a good plan to me! So what should you be eating? …...

Choose F.O.O.D:

Fruits and veggies

Omega 3’s (flax and chia seeds, fish oil, salmon)

Organic Lean Protein (chicken, turkey, grass fed beef)

Drinking water will get your body feeling good

Your body can do without C.R.A.P – Carbonated drinks, Refined Sugar, Artificial

Sweeteners and Processed Foods.

I often hear from clients “I know what to do but can’t seem to do it.” So, how

can you make sure that F.O.O.D. becomes part of your daily routine and

C.R.A.P is left to a minimum?

It’s all about systems.

Create a system where you are prepared and know what’s coming your way. I

recommend sitting down on a Sunday night (or a day that works for you) when

you can dedicate time to look at your schedule for the week. Which days are

you running around? Not going to be home until late? Which days are lighter?

Pick three dinners for the week and double the recipe so that you have left-

overs for lunch and dinner for those busy days. Pick 3 vegetables that you can

roast or sauté and three proteins. Salmon, chicken and grass-fed beef are the

favorites in my house. I vary how we eat them and throw in different vegetables

to compliment them.

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One thing we want to avoid like the plague is the 5:00pm question, “Hmmmm,

what’s for dinner tonight”? At this point in the day, we’re tired and starving.

Without a plan, we’re setting ourselves up for failure. This is where fast, cheap,

easy, and fake foods start creeping into our day.

Preparation leads to rituals, rituals lead to structure and structure leads to

healthy habits that last. Being thoughtful in this way creates a space for you to

take care and nourish yourself. Creating this time for yourself is an act of love.

When Cara, a working mom with three kids, came to me, she wanted to lose 15-

20 pounds. She also complained of low energy and stiffness in her joints and she

felt run down. Cara knew the importance of eating whole and unprocessed

foods but couldn’t seem to figure out a way to incorporate consistently into her

life. Things started to shift for Cara when we created a system to plan out her

week of meals. Cara than learned how to take the meals and buy just the

ingredients for three days at a time and plug them into a shopping list. She then

found the days where she would either go food shopping, order her groceries

online and have them delivered. With this system in place, Cara noticed how

F.O.O.D was now consistently part of her daily routine. After three weeks, she

had more energy and lost some weight. She was enjoying all the meals she was

preparing and eating. Her family was on board too. Cara also noticed the

stiffness in her joints was gone. She became willing to see the possibility of how

C.R.A.P could be the culprit for all of her past ailments. She also started to

believe that her new energy, weight loss and lack of joint pain could all be due

to her new found system around the F.O.O.D she was preparing and eating.

After a couple of months, Cara was in a groove. The process and food system

weren’t as daunting, but exciting and nourishing for her and her family. The

structure she created allowed her to continue to shed some more extra weight.

Cara reported that she felt clearer, focused and energized.

Remember, preparation is key!

SECRET 2: Movement

“Movement is medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional

and mental states.” – Carol Welch

We’ve been conditioned to get to the gym to burn calories. So many of us hop

on an elliptical and work out for 60 minutes. We go in and out of phases of

being “good” about going to the gym or being “bad.”

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If you love the elliptical machine, then using it is a great option for you. If you’re

simply doing it because you think you “should,” you’re using a punishing

mentality. Many people who exercise based on what they “should” be doing

often find themselves in and out of phases in the physical movement

department. As humans, we innately avoid punishment at all costs and seek

out pleasure. No wonder we are in and out of a “gym routine,” leaving us

feeling guilty and defeated. We run from pain like the plague!

This punishing mentality causes stress on the body. When the body experiences

stress it makes it harder for it to perform at its best. The body perceives any type

of stress as a lion attacking and will immediately go into protection mode. This is

when our flight, flight and freeze mode of operating is activated, allowing us to

survive the confrontation with the lion. This is a great survival mechanism if we

were fighting off lions all day, but that’s not usually the case in the 21st century.

Unfortunately, the brain is not able to differentiate the stress of a lion attacking

us from the stress of our toxic thoughts. Once the flight, fight and freeze

response is turned on, our system goes into survival mode. When in survival

mode, we shut off digestion and store fat. Also, a hormone called cortisol is

released, which studies show leads to fat accumulation. On the flip side, when

the body is in a relaxed state, it’s able to, burn fat and heal. Your metabolism

goes up and your system is able to rest and digest.

There has to be a better way than “shoulding” yourself to exercise, and there is.

Some people think that if they trade in the elliptical or treadmill for yoga or a

walk they won’t be burning enough calories to lose weight. The truth is, it’s not

all about calories in and calories out. Your goal is to turn off the stress response

and turn on the relax response. To boost metabolism you must relax and reduce

the production of cortisol. If yoga or a walk has that effect on your body, than

you’re in good shape!

How can you find a way to move your body that destresses both your body and

mind and excited at the same time?

Write down a list of things you like to do that require your body to move.

For example, hiking, tennis, walking, playing outside with the kids, dancing,


These may not be the right fit for you, but there are so many ways to move your

body that are pleasurable and fun.

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The first thing I’d like you to do is tap into your body. Imagine your body is your

closest friend and see what “she” needs.

If you take the time to listen to your body, I guarantee she will provide you with

the answer of how she wants to move today.

There are days when my body is craving a more vigorous activity and an intense

release. On those days, I will hop to a hot yoga class or run - giving my body

what she needs. Other days, my body is exhausted and is looking for something

gentler. This is when I either go for a walk, a hike, or do a gentle yoga class

(spending more time in child’s pose).

I used to be a crazy runner. I ran half-marathons, a full marathon and needed

to run to get me through my day. I started to have hip pain, which I knew was a

signal that this form of exercise was doing more harm than good. I began to shift

my exercise routine in order to heal and gave up running for a couple of

months. I replaced running with yoga and strength training classes. I didn’t

think I had weight to lose but sure enough a couple of pounds came off and I

physically felt so much better and stronger.

Yoga has also helped me find balance in my moods. Recently, after three

years, I felt the urge to go for a run. Running has become part of my physical

movement routine again, but in a less intense way. I’ll lace up and go out on

the pavement, for no longer than 30 minutes, two times a week. I’m enjoying

being outside, experiencing all of nature’s seasons and my body and mind are

responding well. What I learned from this experience, is that what your body

needs today might be different tomorrow, just pay attention!

Provide the movement that is just right for your body and you will see major shifts

in your weight and your mindset.


“If it’s important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” – Ryan


You’ve got to address your priorities. You can eat as clean as a whistle and

double up on spin classes, but if you’re feeling scattered, overwhelmed and

running around like a chicken without a head, you’re going to crash.

Trying to be everything to everyone doesn’t allow time for YOU to meet your

desires and needs.

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I’ve met many people-pleasers and “doers” who have come into my office

feeling completely burnt out. They complain about feelings of anxiety,

overwhelm and insomnia. Their doctors send them for bloodwork and other

tests to find a reason for their symptoms. In some instances, their blood work or

tests show signs to validate their ailments and other times there is nothing

abnormal to report. Regardless of what the tests are showing, these symptoms

are signs that their bodies are screaming at them to slow down and take better

care of themselves.

By getting clear on your priorities, you’ll reduce the chaos in your life and reduce

stress on your body.

How can you determine what your priorities are?

Imagine a big glass jar. Alongside the jar are 5 big rocks, a bucket of pebbles,

and sand.

Your job is to figure out how to fit all the rocks, pebbles, and sand into the jar.

How are you going to do that? What would you put in first? What would go


This is how I like to look at how to set myself up for success when it comes to

creating a life of peace and ease.

What you’ll find is that you’ll only be successful at fitting everything in the jar if

you start by filling the bucket with the big rocks. You can then add the pebbles,

and lastly the sand.

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If you start with the sand, then pebbles you won’t have room in your jar for the

big rocks.

You’ll end up spending time reconfiguring the materials over and over again,

trying to get everything to fit. No matter what you do, everything won’t fit, unless

you start with the big rocks. This “big rock” exercise is from Stephen Covey, and

its purpose is to help us schedule time for our biggest priorities first.

The “big rocks” are your priorities. These priorities become your non-negotiables.

They are the “big” things in your life. The things that you will value at the end of

your life (family, partner, health, fulfilling your dreams). They are the things that

need to be tended to first and foremost. Once you’re clear on your priorities,

and start by fitting them in first, you’ll spend more time nourishing yourself rather

than running yourself ragged.

A client name Briana came to me feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. She

wanted to lose some extra weight that she had put on over the last couple of

years and noted that stress played a big role in her weight gain. Briana was a

stay at home mom. When the kids were in school she ran from store to store,

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checking things off of her to-do list. By the time the kids came home from

school she had no energy left and knew her day was only beginning. She put

on her chauffeur hat and took her children from one activity to the next. She

continued to run! When it was time to feed her family, all she could do was heat

up frozen chicken nuggets or whip up some macaroni and cheese. Her own

dinner became her children’s leftovers. She was burning the candle at both

ends and knew she needed a major shift.

One of the first things Briana and I did was sit down and identify her “big rocks.”

Brianna recognized her non-negotiables were her family, “mom” responsibilities

and volunteering roles. Brianna needed to be stretched to see the bigger

picture. What was she missing? HERSELF!

We spent a couple of sessions figuring out how to make HER a priority. After

some time she saw the importance of re-establishing her “big rocks”, We both

agreed that physical movement and clean foods were something that needed

to be addressed to help her meet her health goals. We worked on making a

daily schedule around these five “big rocks.” The running around got less and

she started moving her body more often. Brianna started preparing F.O.O.D for

her family and on busy nights found a couple of restaurants where she could

order F.O.O.D. After three months, Brianna lost weight, had more energy and

had a love for life that didn’t exist before. The running around, chaotic ragged

woman that first walked into my office was now clearer, focused, energetic,

healthier, thinner and on fire!

What are your big rocks? Write those down.

Now identify your pebbles and sand.

The pebbles are the other things in your life that give it meaning (ie job, house,

hobbies, friendships). The sand represents the “smaller stuff” that fills your time

like watching TV, running errands.

Use this exercise to help you prioritize and navigate your day and life. I

guarantee that your day will feel different. You will create more space and time

to focus on whatever task is at hand.


“Taking good care of YOU means the people in your life will get the best of you,

rather than what’s left of you.” – Carl Bryan

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Can you imagine sitting for 20 minutes by yourself, writing in a journal, reading a

book, listening to music, meditating, or getting a massage?

When I bring up self-care activities with my clients, I often hear how “selfish” they

would feel if they took time for themselves in this manner. We live in a society

that defines success and accomplishment as long work hours, all-nighters, and

getting it “all” done. It seems, taking time and care of yourself is perceived as a

luxury rather than a necessity.

II wonder what would happen if our society saw the need for self-care as a

wellness priority? I wonder what would happen if success was measured by how

healthy, energized, relaxed and focused we were. What could get

accomplished with this shift? I can only imagine that our society would be more

focused on wellness rather than disease. Maybe, the leading cause of death

would shift from heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity and arthritis to

natural causes and old age.

The greatest lesson I have learned on how to take care of ourselves comes from

the flight attendants on airplanes. The emergency plan instructs passengers to

put their own oxygen masks on FIRST, before assisting children or other

passengers in need.

The message here is that you can only assist others once you’ve FIRST taken care

of yourself.

Is this selfish? I think not! Putting yourself first is actually an act of love for the

people in your life, because when you’re taking care of yourself, it gives you a

chance to refuel. This leaves you with MORE to give to your friends and family.

Sharon saw this first hand when she came to me determined to find her kids a

“good eating regimen.” I remember Sharon’s first session vividly as we discussed

how her children were awful eaters. After getting to know Sharon, I knew that

the only way for her to assist her children was to put her “oxygen mask” on first.

With a little hesitation, Sharon and I started to work on HER self-care rituals and


We looked at how SHE was fueling her body and mind. Over the course of three

months, we started to add in more activities that nurtured and nourished HER

body. Slowly, things started to shift for not only Sharon, but her family as well.

When Sharon was eating and living cleanly, she had more energy and was able

to reduce the feelings of stress. Sharon’s vision for her children’s eating habits

became clearer and she was making small shifts to help them.

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Sharon’s children started to want to eat the foods that she was eating and

slowly they wanted more of “Mommy’s food.” It didn’t happen overnight and

it’s still a work in progress. However, Sharon’s biggest take away from this

experience was that in order for her family to have a “good eating regimen,”

she would have to focus on herself first and be the leader of the pack.

As the responsibilities pile up in our adult world, so does the stress. We tend to

put ourselves last to make sure that our responsibilities are completed. I

guarantee if you make the simple shift of putting the oxygen mask over yourself

first and THEN assist others in need, you will start to lose weight, have more

energy and feel better about yourself from the inside out.

What does this have to do with weight loss? After a long day of being

everything to everyone, little energy remains to nourish you. When you put your

needs first, and start a system of getting nourishing foods into your day, you’ll

have more time and energy to deal with everyone else’s needs. The weight will

naturally dissipate without it even being a focus.

With this in mind, how can you incorporate self-care into your day?

Make a list of ways that you can REALISTICALLY nourish yourself. Taking off to

India for a month sounds great but it’s not always doable. A yummy meal,

fifteen minutes to close your eyes, a run, a chapter in a book, “quiet time,” a

game with your kids, manicure, TV show, or a conversation with a good friend

are all feasible. Make sure to incorporate at least one of these activities into

your day. You can always build on it once you get the hang of it.

SECRET 5: Mindset

Mindset (noun) A set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines one’s behavior, outlook and

mental attitude.

I was raised with the saying, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” As I got

older, I started to truly understand this concept. I became really good at taking

a sour situation and turning it into a sweet one. In my 20’s and 30’s after five

cancer surgeries, I was able to recognize that these challenges, “sour situations”,

were my greatest gifts. After each surgery, I was determined to get to a better

space with my health. I went deeper every time, tweaking how food and

exercise were showing up in my life. I looked closer into my relationships and let

go of the ones that weren’t serving me. I stopped finding the right time to do

things and jumped into life, committing to making it great. Seeing the good in

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difficult situations became something that I just knew how to do. I was a


The true challenge came when there was nothing left to survive as life was calm.

There was nothing to turn around. I wasn’t faced with anymore health

challenges, my kids were getting older and more independent and I was

working in a field that I was extremely passionate about. I had so many “sweet”

things in my life and yearned to be present and enjoy all that I was so fortunate

to have. This is where I truly realized the importance of MINDSET even in the

“sweetest “of situations.

I became a natural at finding peace amongst the chaos. But the wave of

calmness with no tsunami in sight frazzled me. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? Give

me a fire and I can figure out how to put it out. But there was no fire and I was

lost. I didn’t know how to be present. I couldn’t grasp how to appreciate all

that was right in front of me. My life seemed unrecognizable. I realized that I

might have been creating unnecessary chaos. It needed to stop. I turned to

what I learned when dealing with life’s challenges, the “sour” situations. I began

looking at the gifts and the lessons in everyday life. I shifted my mindset, and

focused on the present. I saw myself as a tourist in a foreign country and

became curious, exploring with an open mind. I was gentle, kind and patient

with myself and this is when I was able to start to truly enjoy my blessings.

I often hear from clients, “I have so much to be grateful for, why can’t I enjoy it?”

Many of my clients have their dream job, a beautiful house, healthy children,

friends, and a supportive partner. Despite all of this, they still seem to struggle.

They feel guilty for even hinting that they’re not happy, with all that they know

they “should” be grateful for.

What if I told you that it’s possible to shift your mindset and start enjoying your life

more? What if it seemed feasible to enjoy all that you’ve worked so hard for,

without guilt or shame? What if your day could run smoothly without chaos?

What if by dinner time, you were prepped and ready to go? What if you were

getting nourishing foods and activities into your day and you didn’t have to

think about it? What if I told you that you would never consider another “diet”

again and know exactly what your body needs to thrive from this point forward?

What if you could explore other behaviors that didn’t involve food, to help you

navigate stress in a way that better serves you? What if you could replace old

habits with behaviors that nourished your mind and body? What if I told you

that the vision you have for yourself as an eater and the way food shows up in

your life can actually exist?

Ready to test the waters around MINDSET and see what magical changes


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Take out a piece of paper and title the paper with the words “GRATEFUL FOR.”

Then write five things or feelings that are part of your daily routine that might

normally be something you’d feel frustrated by or complain about.

For example:


1. Commuting to work

2. Laundry

3. Waking up early

4. Toilets to clean

5. Exhausted and depleted at the end of the day

Now, find the beauty in each these five routines or feelings.



1. Commuting to work – transportation to get me to and from a place that

brings in income

2. Laundry – clothes to wear

3. Waking up early – children to love

4. Toilets to clean – indoor plumbing

5. Being exhausted and depleted at the end of the day – I’m alive, healthy,

and was able to experience a full day

Congratulations! You just saw how a simple shift in mindset can turn even the

simplest and mundane tasks into ones that can be celebrated and


Melissa came to me wanting to feel better. She didn’t want to lose weight but

had an auto-immune disease which caused her great discomfort and a host of

other ailments. She knew that certain foods contributed to her discomfort but

didn’t have the “time” to make certain changes. She heard for years, how

gluten could be a contributing factor to her health issues but was dealing with

her family, her job and a husband that worked a lot. I knew that before we did

any work around food, we had to take a closer look at all the reasons why she

didn’t have “time” to do anything for herself. I had Melissa right down the top

ten things that were a nuisance in her everyday life. Melissa wrote a list similar to

the one above. We then found the feelings of fortune and appreciation that

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came with her list. After this exercise, Melissa slowly started to open up to the

possibility that she did have “time” to do things differently. Before, Melissa was

too overwhelmed for her to even be open to a different mindset. It was a slow

process but little by little, Melissa was able to shift her mindset with many of the

things that she perceived as challenging. Now, Melissa is proud to report she is

gluten-free and feels like a rock star. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns but she

has incorporated a grateful practice. This practice helps her to move past her

negative thoughts at a faster rate.

Remember the sun is always shining behind the clouds.

Mindset can change the way we view our day and the experiences we have

throughout the day

Your Next Steps

Now that I’ve shared the secrets to ditching diets and feeling

how you want to feel every day, you might be thinking:

“This isn’t going to work.”

“I don’t have time.”

“Why isn’t more of this about food?”

“I thought weight loss was all about calories in vs. calories out?”

“How do priorities, self-care or mindset have anything to do with the extra

weight that I’m carrying around?”

“How is this going to get me to feel more confident in my body and life?”

I hear you! I’ve been there. I remember trying so many different programs and

still putting on clothes and feeling gross. I remember having such a tough time

letting go of points, calories and ways to exercise to burn it all and trust my

body. I remember someone suggesting I incorporate preparation and cooking

into my crazy day of being a mom, working full time and feeling completely

overwhelmed. I was exhausted, and intimidated by my kitchen. I truly believed

if I could just get rid of the weight, everything would be better.

When I started to surround myself with people and mentors who were living al

life I envisioned for myself, I was able to see how it could be possible. I began to

work with a health coach and allowed myself three months to explore

something totally different without judgement. During my work with the health

coach I completely committed to the process. I knew that if it wasn’t working,

and I still felt like crap, I could always go back to how I ran my life before, so, I

had nothing to lose.

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You’ve got nothing to lose, right? You can always go back to what you’ve

always done. There are a million diet programs out there that you can try.

However, Tony Robbins said it best, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll

get what you’ve always gotten.” So why not give something you’ve never tried

a shot and see if you can get a different outcome? Maybe it could even be the

outcome you’ve been hoping for, all this time.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, and I guarantee that when you shift your

focus from being all about food, and look at all the different areas of your life

that need more attention and nourishment, you will start to experience shifts in

your weight, mind, and life. You will get off of the diet rollercoaster and start

eating, living and loving in a way that feels right.

As I mentioned earlier, 5 years ago my life was anything but “clean.” I struggled

for too long before I got out of the dark hole of obsessing about my weight,

feeling completely exhausted all the time, living a life surrounded by chaos, and

always looking for the next best thing to make it all go away.

It’s now my mission to help you get unstuck, so you can start living your life free

of food worries, and unnecessary physical and mental pain . My intention is to

help you to start living your life with confidence, energy and ease.

Like me, and my clients, you’ve likely spent way too much money and time

focusing on food in a punishing way. This diet mentality hasn’t satisfied your


The Anti-Diet works! It’s not about calories in or out - it’s so much more.

When you’re able to focus on the 5 Secrets I’ve shared, you’ll be able to

release extra weight, feel good in your body, feel calmer, more peaceful and I

guarantee your relationships will shift in a way that you never thought was

possible. You’ll be able to walk through your life wearing all your different hats

(boss, mother, wife, daughter, friend…) feeling more confident and secure.

Imagine all the other people in your life who will benefit when this unfolds!

Are you ready to ditch the diet and release the extra weight and stress in your

life - so you can have the life you always envisioned?

There’s a better way and I’d love to show you how.

Since you’ve gotten this far, I invite you to a FREE 30-Minute Anti-Diet Strategy

Session. In this phone consultation, I’ll personally help you move past a focus on

JUST food and help you to:

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Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to

release weight and stress

Create a crystal clear vision for your health and wellness that will help you

enjoy life more fully and get your “spark” back

Leave the session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to take action

immediately so that you can feel more beautiful, energetic, and

confident than you have in years…

CLICK HERE to schedule your FREE 30-Minute Anti-Diet Strategy Session

I can’t wait to see you on the other side!

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Meet Pam

I specialize in helping women who:

Feel stuck or unmotivated and are ready to try something different

Want more than just a meal & exercise plan

Want to feel more confident in their body and life

Are done just surviving and want life to feel easier and more fun

Are sick of suffering and sacrifice

My work is about guiding busy women to feel good about their bodies so they

can have more energy, neutralize their stress, and receive a clearer vision of

their life.

I received my training as a Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative

Nutrition’s cutting-edge Health Coach Training Program. I studied over 100

dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative

coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts.

This certification has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition,

health coaching, and preventative health.

My unique style of coaching is heavily influenced by my certification as a Master

Transformational Coach from Holistic MBA. This training allows me to help you

create healthy habits THAT LAST!

These two certifications as a Holistic Health Coach and Transformational Coach,

transform their relationship in a more effective way than any exercise or diet

protocol on the market.

My practice is in Maplewood, NJ but I support clients nationwide.

Change is not easy. Knowing what to do is one thing. Implementing it is a whole

other matter. This is where I come in.

I'd love to support you...

CLICK HERE to schedule your FREE 30-Minute Anti-Diet Strategy Session

Wholefully yours,
