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This provide an overview of the latest microgrid technology

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  • November 2015

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  • Reliable supply even when the unexpected happens?

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    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World


    1Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    The Name GameBy Gene Wolf, Technical Writer

    which really hyped up the discussions.

    All in all, the query convinced me, as

    much as the term autonomous network might

    sound impressive, the industry has accepted

    microgrid as the name of choice. The term

    microgrid gets right to the point. It is a small

    grid, micro in nature compared to the larger

    centralized grid. It mimics the utility grid,

    so it is a grid. Combining the two says it all:


    The Past Is Critical During the terminology conversations, many friends kept

    telling me how this new technology was the key to the future

    of the grid. The idea this technology is new hit a humorous

    note for me and gave me another idea. I love history and, many

    of us tend to forget, as an industry, we are standing on the

    shoulders of giants. So I started asking friends, When and

    where was the frst microgrid?

    This brought about all manner of interesting answers, but

    none were correct until I ran into my longtime friend Reigh

    Walling. He answered the question without a bit of hesitation,

    saying it was in 1882 when Thomas Edison opened his Pearl

    Street station. I expected him to know because he had spent

    his career as a GE engineer before starting his own company.

    Remarkably, back in the day, Edisons Pearl Street station

    met all of todays criteria for a microgrid. It was small with a

    localized generation and distribution network. It even included

    batteries for energy storage. It was direct current, and direct

    current microgrids are a hot topic today. It supplied heat from

    steam generation to buildings around its facilities; we call this

    combined heat and power. Edisons design served as a model

    for the early power utilities that sprang up to provide electric-

    ity to consumers.

    The idea of microgrids dating back to the beginnings of the

    industry got attention, but admittedly, calling those systems

    microgrids is a bit of a stretch. Edison and his cronies never

    had to deal with the likes of Superstorm Sandy and the impact

    weather has on society when the lights are off for millions of

    people for weeks, but their straightforward approach to electri-

    fcation planted the seeds of the solution for us.

    The size and complexity of the mega grid are the critical is-

    sues. The simplicity of the microgrids modular construction is

    the solution. It provides utilities a way to enhance the security,

    improve the reliability, reduce the outages and increase the en-

    vironmental friendliness of the grid without a total redesign.

    While the new microgrid technology really has been de-

    cades in the making, it defnitely has made the move from

    niche to mainstream. As a result, the resiliency of the central-

    ized grid is being improved, but we must take advantage of it.

    Have you ever thought about all the

    nicknames, catchphrases and, in

    some cases, bizarre naming we

    lovingly apply to equipment, processes and

    technologies used in our industry? We love to

    use expressions rather than more technically

    accurate names. Heck, they are easier to re-

    member and, in many cases, better describe

    how a device is applied than a more formal

    term ever would.

    Take one of the latest technologies to be

    sweeping the industry: the microgrid. When

    starting work on this supplement, I contacted a lot of industry

    experts and many friends to get a fresh perspective on this


    One colleague indicated he does not like the term

    microgrid because it is inaccurate. He said the term autono-

    mous network, as used in Europe, is more correct. Autono-

    mous network suggests a network operating independently

    from other networks; therefore, it is his wish that everyone

    stop using the nonsensical microgrid term. I tend to think of

    autonomous networks more in relation to computer systems

    than power grids. For the IT department, it is a system that

    controls a group of networks, which is not a microgrid.

    Well, as luck would have it, the IEEE Power and Energy

    Society (PES) General Meeting was about to take place in

    Denver, Colorado, U.S., and I was scheduled to present a pa-

    per. The conference also gave me an opportunity to attend sev-

    eral sessions on microgrid technology.

    Opportunity at Hand Not only would I get to hear about the state of this tech-

    nology and its deployment on the grid at the conference, I

    would also get a chance to poll friends, colleagues and subject-

    matter experts on nomenclature (that is, autonomous network).

    After all, I have had some of my most proftable learning ex-

    periences sitting around a PES breakfast table or during coffee

    breaks, and this topic promised to be fun.

    As a past chair of the PES T&D committee, I have a wide

    base of friends and colleagues who love spirited discussions

    as much as I do, and they had some strong opinions on zany

    names. Interestingly, the autonomous network term usually

    brought a lot of blank looks from around the table. Generally,

    someone would ask, Do you mean microgrids? Then the dis-

    cussions would get interesting.

    Many of these individuals were working on applications

    still in development while others were installing them on the

    grid, but pretty much everyone favored the microgrid term.

    Of course, a few people present had to add terms such as

    mega grid, mille grid, nano grid and centralized grid,


    2 November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World

    The key to the future of the grid is understanding microgrid technologies.

    By Gene Wolf, Technical Writer

    The more complicated the system, the easier it is to break. If that is not a correlation to Murphys Law, it should be, and the T&D industry could be the poster child for it. The electric grid has been supersized to the point it is groaning under its girth. Increased demand for more and better quality power has pushed the grid to its limits in both size and complexity.

    What started out simply as regional islands of intercon-nected power networks has morphed over time into what the U.S. National Academy of Engineering described as the most complex machine ever developed by humankind. This mega grid is a marvel of interconnectivity that sup-plies a mind-boggling amount of electricity, but the mag-QLFHQWPDFKLQHLVQRWZKDWLWXVHGWREH:LWKLWVDUFKLWHFture of large centralized generation plants and reliance on a spiderweb of T&D lines to supply consumers, the mega JULGOHQGVLWVHOIWRRXWDJHGLIFXOWLHV

    According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a modernized master smart grid would go a long way to solving todays mega-grid-related problems. However, the obstacles of implementing this master technology solution are plenty, ranging from regulatory approval to an enor-mous estimated price tag. It is doubtful a super smart grid will be deployed quickly. A more reasonable strategy has risen on the global radar in the last few years: microgrids.


    QRW7KHGHQLWLRQKDVEHFRPHDELWKD]\LQPDQ\SHRSOHVminds because some promoters of microgrids have been XVLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVWRGHQHWKHWHFKQRORJ\UDWKHUWKDQWKHother way around. Fortunately, the International Council RQ/DUJH(OHFWULF6\VWHPV&,*5(KDVGHYHORSHGDGHnition gaining traction within the industry.

    According to CIGRE, Microgrids are electricity dis-tribution systems containing loads and distributed energy resources (such as distributed generators, storage devices or controllable loads) that can be operated in a controlled, coordinated way either while connected to the main power network or while islanded. 8VLQJ WKH &,*5( GHQLWLRQ WKH0LFURJULG ,QVWLWXWH


    cal utility network, such as an island.&DPSXV$PLFURJULG WKDW LV IXOO\ LQWHUFRQQHFWHG

    with the local grid but can maintain some level of service in isolation from the grid, such as a university or corporate campus &RPPXQLW\ $PLFURJULG WKDW LV LQWHJUDWHG LQWR

    the utility network, serving multiple customers within the community. It is a cluster serving a group of customers.

    MICROGRIDS Are Everywhere


    3Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    La Gomera is one of the smallest of the Canary Islands with an electrical grid that is stability-challenged because of its wind and solar generation. A 500-kW fywheel-based grid-stability system was installed to improve that grid. Courtesy of ABB.


    4 November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World

    Nano grid The smallest microgrid network with the ca-

    pability of operating independently, such as a single building.

    Combining the CIGRE defnition with the Microgrid In-

    stitutes categorization provides the order needed to keep ev-

    eryone on the same page. These microgrid systems have ca-

    pacities and capabilities defned by customer requirements.

    Looking under the technologys hood, one can see a microgrid

    consists of components such as a controller (centralized or de-

    centralized, depending on the design), some distributed gener-

    ation sources, a fast separation device (breakers), a high-speed

    communications system and some local loads.

    The controller performs dynamic control over the system.

    It is responsible for regulating power production and con-

    sumption within the microgrids boundaries (that is, the ener-

    gy management system). It also performs actions such as grid

    synchronization, system protection, cybersecurity, load shed-

    ding and ancillary services to the grid. The controller closely

    monitors the interconnection with the central grid and, when

    called to, can seamlessly transition from parallel operation

    with the central grid to island mode.

    The distributed generation portion of the microgrid system

    supplies electrical power to the protected loads. These sources

    can range from fossil-fuel-operated resources such as diesel

    and natural gas generators to renewable-driven microturbines,

    fuel cells, solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind turbines. With

    the appropriate systems in place, microgrids also are expected

    to participate in energy markets one day.

    Why the Interest in Micogrids? The size of the load varies depending on the microgrid cus-

    tomer, but numbers today are defnitely pushing the market

    out of its pilot project demonstration phase. Frost & Sullivan

    released a report earlier in 2015 predicting the rapid growth in

    microgrids over the next fve years will redefne this segment

    of the marketplace. It also noted the landscape will be very

    dynamic with utilities, municipal governments, public power,

    energy management companies, independent power produc-

    ers, municipal utilities and independent transmission utilities

    being among the major players deploying microgrids.

    Part of the driving force behind this interest is the negative

    impact of extended power outages on the economy. Other driv-

    ers include fuel-cost savings, carbon footprint reduction and

    fuel independence. In some countries, even social drivers are

    playing a role, such as increasing the rate of electrifcation by

    deploying microgrids in rural areas. However, power outages

    remain the chief motivating infuence.

    The World Bank confrmed this when it published a survey

    on the global infuences electricity outages are having on the

    world economy. In the category of all countries, it reported the

    number of electrical outages in a typical month is 6.4 with a

    duration of typically 2.7 hours. It estimates the average mon-

    etary loss as a result of these outages is approximately 4.7% of

    a countrys annual sales.

    To put those fgures in perspective, a recent GE report es-

    timates power interruptions cost businesses in the European

    Union about 150 billion euros annually. The DOE estimates

    the cost of power-related outages to the U.S. economy is

    approximately $150 billion in damages annually.

    Eaton publishes a Blackout Tracker Report each year. In a

    recent report on 2014 activities, Eaton noted the U.S. experi-

    A microgrid has a group of distributed generation with control devices, a method to disconnect from the utility grid and a localized load. Courtesy of Siemens.


    5Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    enced 3,634 outages affecting 14.2

    million people, an increase of 12%

    over 2013.

    Amazingly, the DOE reported

    90% of all electrical outages take

    place on the distribution system in

    the U.S. This means of the 3,634

    outages in 2014, about 3,270 of

    them were experienced on the

    distribution system. With these

    numbers, it becomes clearer why

    microgrids are attracting so much

    attention in North America and


    Several years ago, the Electric

    Power Research Institute (EPRI)

    identifed the sectors particularly

    sensitive to power outages. EPRI

    found the digital economy, contin-

    uous process manufacturing sector and essential services were

    vulnerable to power-supply interruptions. These are segments

    where microgrids can provide relief by eliminating outages

    and their economic impact completely.

    Extreme Weather Brings It Into Focus Although there are many causes for power-supply interrup-

    tions, the DOE estimates severe weather is the single leading

    cause of power outages in the U.S. The agency says severe

    weather and, correspondingly, power outages are increasing.

    Superstorm Sandy focused everyones attention on mi-

    crogrids when it turned out the lights on approximately 8.5

    million people in the northeastern U.S. Microgrids provided

    isolated islands of electricity and heat when the utility grid was

    devastated, which did not go unnoticed. Stories about hard-

    ships the population endured were punctuated by reports

    of plentiful power where microgrids existed.

    In the months following Superstorm Sandy, a joint

    report was published by the DOE, the Department of

    Housing and Urban Development, and the Environmental

    Protection Agency. The report provided examples of how

    microgrid technology enabled some critical infrastructure

    to continue operation when the electric grid went down.

    The report described a large housing complex in the

    Baychester section of the Bronx, New York, that had

    power and heat from a 40-MW system until the grid was

    restored. Similarly, Princetons 11-MW microgrid pro-

    vided power to portions of its campus in Princeton, New

    Jersey, during the crisis. The U.S. Food and Drug Admin-

    istrations White Oak research facility had power from

    its on-site generation for two and a half days, and other

    microgrids fourished, as well.

    Many of these microgrid systems were powered by a

    distributed generation technology referred to as combined

    heat and power (CHP), also known as cogeneration. The

    joint report pointed out that CHP allows these segments

    Middle East and Africa 1%

    Latin America 3% Antarctica 0%


    Europe 5%

    North America44%

    Worldwide, the market for microgrids is growing substantially. Courtesy of Navigant.

    to function with greater resiliency during and after a storm.

    The agencies said CHP has proved its value as an alternative

    power source repeatedly for many years.

    Frost & Sullivan reported the CHP marketplace for 2012

    was evenly distributed among North America, Europe and

    Asia-Pacifc sectors, but marketing research shows North

    America is the current leader for overall microgrid installations.

    A Navigant Research report stated worldwide microgrid

    capacity had increased to more than 12,030 MW by the end of

    second quarter 2015. The report said roughly 66% of this ca-

    pacity is installed in North America alone. Future predictions

    by GTM Research projected an increase of about 1,843 MW of

    microgrid capacity in North America by 2017.

    Another Navigant report focused on the sales of microgrid

    systems worldwide. The Navigant report predicted sales of


    ue (m

    illions of dollars)











    -2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


    Rest of world



    North America

    Annual microgrid revenues for world markets 2011-2017. Courtesy of Pike Research.


    6 November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World

    microgrid technology will grow globally from the $4.3 bil-

    lion spent in 2013 to nearly $20 billion by 2020. The report

    also stated, Under a more aggressive scenario, revenue could

    reach $36.2 billion annually.

    In a press release from Navigant, Peter Asmus, a princi-

    pal research analyst, said, Microgrids are inching their way

    into the mainstream ... The number of companies active in the

    space, and the range of applications of microgrids, are growing


    Helping the Environment Not only do microgrids provide security, resiliency and

    reliability by adding a renewable energy component, they

    do so in an environmentally friendly manner. Thanks to the

    dropping prices of PV, panels and inverters have made rooftop

    solar installations grow exponentially in solar-rich environ-

    ments. Aggregating these small local PV resources enables

    microgrid-controlled large blocks of renewable generation to

    be connected to the central grid, thus becoming a demand-

    response resource.

    RnR Market Research released The Global Microgrid

    Market for 2015-2020 report with forecasts of the microgrid

    marketplace. The report estimates the microgrid industry

    will grow at 18.72% compound annual growth rate (CAGR)

    in terms of revenue and 17.29% CAGR in terms of microgrid

    installed capacity over the period of 2014-2019.

    The report also identifed the major manufacturers operat-

    ing in the microgrid enabling technology marketplace: ABB,

    GE Digital Energy, Siemens, S&C Electric, Lockheed Martin,

    Bosch, Schneider Electric, Chevron Energy, Echelon, General

    Microgrids, Microgrid Solar, Pareto Energy, Power Analytics,

    Spirae and Viridity Energy. With players such as these manu-

    facturers, it really shows how the technology is no longer a

    niche area for shade-tree enterprises of yore.

    The Role of Energy StorageBy adding energy storage to the mix, microgrids are im-

    proved further. Storage stabilizes the microgrid by providing a

    very fast response to power-delivery needs. It also enables the

    microgrids energy management system to drive optimization

    by allowing load management assets to vary based on factors

    such as demand and cost.

    A storage component also frms the power output, making

    it dispatchable. Time shifting the load profles is possible, too,

    which aids in demand management when a microgrid has an

    energy storage component.

    RnR Market Research also recognized microgrids with

    storage capability as a potentially important player in this

    marketplace. Its companion report on The Global Energy

    Storage for Microgrids Market 2014-2018 forecasts the

    microgrid storage market will grow at a CAGR of 19% from

    2013 through 2018. The report identifes the storage technolo-

    gies as advanced lead-acid batteries, advanced Lithium-ion

    batteries, fow batteries, sodium-metal-halide batteries and


    As in the frst RnR Market Research microgrid report

    mentioned, the research frm identifed the following com-

    panies as important manufacturers in this technology in its

    companion report, as well: ABB, EnStorage, NEC, S&C

    Electric, GE Digital Energy, Toshiba, Ampard, Greensmith

    Energy, Aquion Energy, Green Energy Corp., Raytheon Co.

    and Sunverge Energy.

    Turning the Corner The future grid is going to include microgrids installed on

    the utilitys grid, supporting industrial loads and providing

    power to residential customers. Microgrids and their com-

    ponent costs are dropping. Efforts are being made to stan-

    dardize microgrids, thereby easing their integration into the

    Remote islands like the island of Faial in the Atlantic Ocean are microgrids in themselves. They are adding more wind generation to their power mix, and that is causing problems with the power supply. Courtesy of ABB.


    7Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    power-delivery system. Regulatory groups, utilities and the

    public have seen the benefts of a strong resilient grid rein-

    forced by microgrid technology. As a result, the industrys

    emphasis on microgrids is shifting from demonstration proj-

    ects to deployment.

    Microgrids also are being seen as environmentally friend-

    ly, as renewable resources such as PV and wind are added to

    their generation capabilities. By adding a CHP component, the

    effciency of a microgrid increases to roughly 80%.

    Energy storage is improving the demand-response capa-

    bilities of a microgrid, thereby helping to reduce system loads

    during critical peak conditions. It also improves renewable

    dispatchability. With all these benefts, it is easy to see why

    the worldwide microgrid market is developing so rapidly. Su-

    perstorm Sandy and other extreme weather events have been

    hard to endure, but they had a silver lining by putting pres-

    sure on the industry to accelerate the use of technologies like

    microgrids and all their components.

    Microgrid technology can be used for energy management when connected to the utility grid and provide power when islanded. Courtesy of Siemens.


    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World8

    Marble Bar, located in Australias outback, has tremendous solar resources that require the stability a microgrid can offer. Courtesy of ABB.

    One Size Does Not Fit AllMicrogrids come in all sizes and shapes; therefore,

    ftting individual solutions to each application

    can be challenging.

    By Gene Wolf, Technical Writer

    Whenever there has been a problem with

    power delivery, the response has been to

    make the system bigger, to supersize it.

    It almost has been a mantra of bigger is

    better. These sacred words were chanted

    in every part of the grid: There is no substitute for wire in the

    air. As a result, the electric grid has become a gigantic maze

    of hubs, interconnection points and nodes connecting more

    remote centralized power plants to the customer, but this only

    has added to the issues.

    Despite the continuation of these old-school practices, the

    electrical network has not improved. If anything, it has be-

    come more fragile and easier to shut down, which has led to a

    debate on decentralization of the network. The idea is to place

    generation closer to the load centers and enable the load cen-

    ters to be sectionalized in times of crisis while still providing


    9Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    electrical power to the customer.

    This sounds pretty complicated, but it is

    actually a dialogue about grid reliability and

    grid resiliency. The driving force behind this

    discussion is the issue of how to deal with

    prolonged power outages brought about by

    extreme weather conditions and issues such

    as grid security. At frst glance, reliability

    and resiliency may seem like the same thing.

    However, the distinction between these

    terms has generated a great deal of attention

    in the industry, with microgrid technology

    becoming the focus of the reliability-resil-

    iency discussion.

    Reliability and Resiliency Reliability, as related to the power supply, is an electricity

    supply that is always available without limitations. Resiliency,

    as related to the power supply, is an electricity supply that can

    recover from adverse events quickly with minimal impact to

    the customer.

    Interestingly, the consumer has been demanding appropri-

    ate enhancements be added to the network, but defning these

    enhancements has been challenging. How has the industry

    reacted to the not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY)-centered pro-

    testers gone global, which is known as build absolutely noth-

    ing anywhere near anybody (BANANA)? Well, noninvasive

    technology would be a good place to start, which is one reason

    microgrid technology has been gaining such attention.

    A microgrid is unobtrusive and can be concealed in exist-

    ing facilities. It is adaptable and can be modularized and sized

    to meet the needs of the application.

    Dynamic Technology The versatile microgrid really came to center stage after

    Superstorm Sandy. The technology seems to have become

    the focus of the reliability-resiliency discussion. Helping

    that dialogue is a recent report from the U.S. Department of

    Energy (DOE), which listed severe weather as the No. 1 cause

    of power outages.

    The DOE predicts, The number of outages caused by se-

    vere weather is expected to rise as climate change increases

    the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. In

    effect, this implies the problem is not going away and the solu-

    tion must deal with it.

    Microgrids have the capability of dynamic energy manage-

    ment along with the ability to protect critical loads, that is,

    resiliency. The rapid spread of distributed generation, such as

    rooftop photovoltaic (PV) installations, also has played a criti-

    cal role in this decentralization undertaking. Many research

    groups say microgrids combined with distributed generation

    Ross Island is located in Antarctica, where electric power is not taken for granted. The microgrid used here must be dependable. Courtesy of ABB.

    The Capstone fuel cell is an integral part of the Oncor microgrid. Photo by Rick Bush.The Oncor microgrid uses Tesla batteries. Photo by Rick Bush.


    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World10

    are fundamentally changing the way electricity distribution is

    taking place.

    The old game-changer expression is constantly being used

    to describe the combination of microgrids with renewable gen-

    eration and energy storage. This emphasis is shifting the grid

    concept from a centralized grid toward the development of a

    utility grid combined with localized grids microgrids

    that are self-sustaining miniature versions of the utility grid.

    This has resulted in a slew of new microgrid applications

    for consumers ranging from individual facilities to large in-

    stallations. Microgrid technology allows these facilities to be

    separate from the main grid and operate independently (that

    is, resilient). It also increases energy effciency, ensures power

    stability and improves power quality (that is, reliable) when

    attached to the macrogrid.

    These microgrids with the ability to interface with the larg-

    er grid have captured the attention of consumers, utilities and

    regulators alike. The fact a microgrid can operate in parallel to

    the utility grid, or can island itself when necessary, checks the

    boxes for both reliability and resiliency in the overall plan for

    making the grid more robust.


    Often after a catastrophic event such as Superstorm Sandy,

    there is a great deal of talk and no action. As time passes, so

    does the attention span, but this has not been the case with

    microgrid technology. A great deal of activity has taken place

    in the U.S. with programs and projects developed to harden

    the grid.

    In Connecticut, the governor announced a statewide mi-

    crogrid program to power public services and some businesses

    in the event of widespread outages on the power grid.

    New York also announced big plans for microgrids in the

    state and has since become the leader of Northeastern states in

    incorporating microgrids into the utility grid. It currently has

    75 installations, both planned and operational, totaling about

    200 MW of capacity at last count and more coming.

    New Jersey also was hard hit by Sandy. It announced a

    $200 million energy resiliency program with microgrids and

    distributed generation for the state.

    The federal government has been busy, too. The DOE an-

    nounced a wide range of microgrid activities with both re-

    gional and state partnerships to improve the resiliency of cities

    and towns during extreme weather events and other potential

    electricity disruptions.

    Building in grid resiliency has gained greater urgency in

    recent years, as demonstrated by the economic and personal

    losses from electricity outages due to severe weather, said En-

    ergy Secretary Ernest Moniz. Keeping the power on during

    extreme weather events and other electric grid disruptions is

    essential, particularly so that critical facilities such as hospitals

    and water treatment plants can continue operating.

    Various Sizes

    One of the most successful microgrid adaptations to date

    has been the combined heat and power (CHP) technology. It

    is one of those new-yet-old categories of technology. Edison

    used this feature at his Pearl Street station. He provided heat

    from the steam generators to the buildings around the facility.

    Today, DOE estimates the U.S. currently has about 4,100

    CHP facilities in service. These facilities have a combined

    generation capacity of roughly 8 GW. The DOE also pointed

    out there are approximately 200 multifamily housing commu-

    nities in the CHP database, so this technology is versatile.

    A microgrid is a stand-alone power system complete with generation, distribution and loads. The technology integrates all the components into a reliable system. Courtesy of ABB.


    11Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    The addition of PV, distributed wind, fuel cells and natu-

    ral gas generation has redefned what size microgrid is cost-

    effective. Because of such a wide selection of generation, mi-

    crogrids can be supplied in a wide variety of sizes, ranging

    from a few hundred kilowatts to multi-megawatt applications.

    Generally, residential-sized microgrids serving one fam-

    ily or perhaps a neighborhood is usually less than 50 kW

    but could go up to 1 MW or 2 MW. Small industrial mi-

    crogrids are commonly rated more than 200 kW, but less than

    5 MW. Utilities have been working on feeder microgrids rang-

    ing from 5 MW to 20 MW. The substation microgrid is typi-

    cally larger than 20 MW. Rural microgrids come in various

    sizes defned by what the end user needs.

    Marble Bar, Australia, is a good example of a small mi-

    crogrid helping a remote community to take advantage of a

    rich renewable source. Marble Bar has a 300-kW PV-powered

    plant that was added to existing diesel generators to form a

    microgrid. The intermittent energy provided by 2,000 single-

    axis solar modules is stabilized by ABBs PowerStore kinetic

    fywheel grid-stabilizing technology, while the microgrid sys-

    tem is controlled by ABBs Microgrid Plus networked control

    system. Together, these technologies enable peak penetration

    of renewable-generated energy of 85%. On average, 60% of

    the energy demand of Marble Bar is being supplied by solar

    energy, which displaces about 400,000 liters of fuel a year,

    equivalent to 1,100 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

    Mix and Match PowerStream, a community-owned energy frm, has

    launched a hybrid microgrid demonstration project at its head-

    quarters in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada, with GE. The project

    will include a 1.8-kW wind turbine, 17 kW of PV solar panels

    and a 35-kW natural-gas-fueled generator with storage. The

    storage includes a 23-kW lead-acid battery, a 12-kW lithium-

    ion battery and a 6-kW sodium-chloride battery.

    GE is providing its Grid IQ Microgrid Control System as

    well as all necessary engineering design services. GE also will

    include its Durathon battery technology for the microgrid.

    The microgrid control system will monitor, track and fore-

    cast loads, generation and storage devices. This system will

    provide PowerStreams headquarters with lighting, air condi-

    tioning and electric vehicle charging while allowing Power-

    Stream to gain valuable microgrid operating experience in a

    controlled setting.

    A really challenging microgrid confguration came out of

    Antarctica at the Ross Island research station a few years ago.

    This is a very remote location and it is an extremely environ-

    mentally sensitive area. The New Zealand Antarctic Institute

    and Meridian Energy Ltd. wanted to reduce the reliance of the

    Scott Base and McMurdo station on diesel-generated electric-

    ity, so it planned to install three 330-kW wind generators.

    The wind generators would feed both research facilities.

    Backup diesel generation would still be needed, but it was es-

    timated the wind turbines would reduce the carbon-dioxide

    emissions by about 1,242 metric tons per year.

    ABB was selected to provide a microgrid solution for this

    project. One of the criteria for the microgrid was the ability

    of the wind farm to provide electricity to both research facili-

    ties. The diesel generation also had to be able to back up each

    facility, but there was a catch the power systems of the

    two research stations operated at different frequencies. The

    New Zealand system operated at 50 Hz (cycles per second)

    and the U.S. system operated at 60 Hz. Another critical chal-

    lenge was to eliminate the intermittency and variability of the

    wind generation.

    The frst challenge was answered with a frequency convert-

    er. ABB built this device into the microgrid system, allowing

    the two asynchronous (50-Hz and 60-Hz) power systems to

    Microgrid Projects

    Navigant identifed more than 12,000 MW of microgrid capacity throughout the world, up from 4,393 MW last year. Here are a few of the microgrid projects that are under construction, in service or planned in the coming years.

    Project Name Type of Project Country Description Completion Date

    Parker Ranch Hawaii Geothermal, solar and wind United States Integration of renewables to the grid Planning

    Nanyang Technology University Solar, wind, tidal and diesel with storage

    Singapore Design, develop and deploy microgrid system

    Under construction

    Kodiak Island Wind and diesel generation United States Stabilize island grid and increase renewables


    SP AusNet GESS Grid energy storage system Australia Storage batteries and diesel generation microgrid system


    University of Genoa Renewable generation and conventional generation with energy storage

    Italy Develop a microgrid that can be adapted to cities.


    Lanzarote Ancillary power systems services Spain 1.6-MW PowerStore unit 2014

    PowerStream Building microgrid Canada 5-kW PV, natural gas generatorand battery storage


    Blue Lake Rancheria Community microgrid United States 0.5-MW PV, fuel cell, battery storage system

    Under construction

    Faial Island Hybrid power system wind and HFO generators

    Azores Renewable energy integration 2013

    Doomadgee 1.26-MW PV and diesel generation microgrid system

    Australia Renewable energy integration Planning


    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World12

    be coupled together. This enabled the systems to operate in

    tandem, passing power in either direction.

    The second challenge intermittency and variability

    brought about by the wind generation was addressed by

    ABBs PowerStore grid-stabilizing fywheel system. This

    device is a fywheel rated at 500 kW that man-

    ages power fuctuations by power injection or by


    The entire system is controlled by ABBs Mi-

    crogrid Plus, which monitors the wind turbines,

    diesel generators, loads and fywheel energy stor-

    age device. The controller matches the loads with

    the most economical confgurations of generator

    sets. It also smooths out surges and optimizes fow

    control within the isolated networks.

    They Think Big in Texas Utilities are getting involved with microgrids,

    too. It is no longer a customer-side-of-the-meter

    phenomena, but no utility has taken the plunge

    quite like Oncor, based in Dallas, Texas. Oncor has

    seen how the emerging energy storage and control

    systems can better enable microgrids, so it was only

    natural for the utility to construct its own microgrid

    application to get some operational experience.

    What makes the Oncor microgrid unique is its

    topology. In April 2015, Oncor announced it had installed a

    new concept in microgrids on its system. It is a clustered mi-

    crogrid, actually with four separate microgrids integrated to

    work together. The four individual microgrids can perform as

    one operating microgrid or individual microgrids operating in

    AusNet Australia has installed a hybrid grid energy storage system (GESS) 1-MWh battery with a 1-MW diesel generator that is controlled by ABBs Microgrid Plus control system. Courtesy of ABB.

    Even parking can be used for microgrid generation, as shown here for the Oncor microgrid. Photo by Rick Bush.


    13Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    parallel, in tandem, or with the Oncor grid. The choice is de-

    pendent on the system conditions.

    Oncor selected S&C Electric Co. and Schneider Electric to

    design and build its microgrid. Other partners included ABB,

    Kyocera, Princeton Power Systems, SMA Solar Technology

    and Tesla.

    The interconnected microgrids have nine different distrib-

    uted generation resources including 104-kW PV arrays,

    a 65-kW gas microturbine, one 200-kW stationary battery, a

    25-kW community battery, a 200-kW diesel generator, two

    175-kW diesel generators and a 45-kW propane generator

    for a total peak capacity of 989 kW upon loss of grid power

    in emergencies, plus the Oncor grid for power selection in

    non-emergency operations. The microgrid is a combina-

    tion of S&Cs advanced distribution automation equipment

    and Schneider Electrics Microgrid Controller along with its

    StruxureWare Demand-Side Operation technology.

    The system uses high-speed communications and distrib-

    uted grid intelligence to determine the most effcient use of

    power resources and to guarantee power to critical site opera-

    tions in the event of an extended grid outage. The energy stor-

    age portion of the system can take power from the Oncor grid

    or the facilitys generation resources.

    Interestingly, one of the batteries is manufactured by Tesla

    Motors and the other by S&C. This style of microgrid is locat-

    ed on the customers side of the meter, but Oncor happens to be

    the customer. Oncor will explore how similar microgrids and

    services could be provided or supported by the utility for other

    This advanced lead-acid battery with S&Cs grid storage management system has been applied to a PV farm to reduce the intermittency of the solar power. Photo by Gene Wolf.

    critical infrastructures such as hospitals, 911 dispatch centers

    and computer centers.

    Microgrid Variety Microgrid technology is being adapted in ways never

    thought of when developers started deploying pilot projects to

    prove the concept. The Ross Island microgrid took grid stabi-

    lization to a new level with a fywheel smoothing out the wind-

    generated power while using a frequency converter to enable

    the microgrid to feed two asynchronous power systems.

    One innovative application was the combining of one fuel-

    based generator with one renewable energy generator to form

    hybrid microgrids. That has been surpassed with microgrid

    projects like Oncors mix of multiple-fueled generators and

    energy storage with PV.

    These project and others being developed are proving the

    concept of public-purpose microgrids. These clustered mi-

    crogrids can function like building blocks. Under normal con-

    ditions, they can operate in parallel to the utility grid. When

    an unexpected event takes place such as a feeder problem, they

    can be independent of the grid and each other. In the event of

    a much larger event such as a storm, they can operate in larger

    combinations to meet the needs of the community.

    Microgrids are changing the business models for industry

    and for utilities. Of course, it could be expensive and, in many

    cases, disruptive, but the shift to this old-yet-new technology is

    inevitable and a trend the industry cannot afford to sit back and

    watch. Besides, the challenge is too much fun to ignore.


    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World14

    Sustainable MicrogridsMicrogrids are being hybridized with renewable

    generation and energy storage.

    By Gene Wolf, Technical Writer

    Globally, one of the fastest-growing power-

    delivery technologies is the microgrid, yet

    when looking for the word on merriam-, the search returns: The word

    youve entered isnt in the dictionary. That is

    remarkable considering how long this technology has been in

    use by utilities, industrial facilities, military bases and resi-

    dential customers worldwide. It seems Merriam-Websters

    dictionary needs to play catchup in the technology sector.

    Along with providing power-outage protection, these de-

    vices have been very successful at supplying black-start power

    and providing reinforcement of the centralized grid in times

    of heavy demand. To be clear, a microgrid is a much smaller

    version of the centralized grid. It comes complete with genera-

    tion, a control system and load. It is capable of operating in

    parallel with the utility grid or completely separate from it.

    The technology can be found in large metropolitan areas

    as well as in remote corners of the world and everywhere in

    between. Microgrids have been part of the utility scene for de-

    cades, but extreme weather-related outages such as hurricanes

    and ice storms, along with weak grids requiring backups, have

    put the technology front and center.

    Kodiak Island is isolated from the mainland power grid. Its power system is critical not only to the economy but to life itself. Courtesy of ABB.


    15Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    The Early DaysWhen microgrids rst appeared,

    cost was the biggest challenge affect-

    ing their deployment, but increased

    usage has brought down prices and

    enhanced features have made them

    more cost-effective and justi able.

    Another factor encouraging the

    installation of more microgrids has

    been improved regulatory and utility acceptance,

    although there is still a way to go. For example, in the United

    States, federal, state and local governmental entities have not

    only increased their support of the deployment of microgrids,

    but many also are offering incentives with their grid-resiliency

    programs to give the technology a boost.

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has funded an

    $8 million microgrid program. The DOEs National Renew-

    able Energy Laboratory (NREL) will be working with compa-

    nies to develop more sophisticated controllers for microgrids.

    NRELs energy system integration facility will be used to test

    these devices with real-time simulations at full power.

    One noteworthy project is located on the National Grids

    system in Potsdam, New York. The microgrid will use local re-

    newable resources as much as possible and have underground

    components. The proposal calls for a combination of technolo-

    gies including 3 MW of combined heat and power generators,

    2 MW of solar photovoltaic (PV), 2 MW of energy storage and

    900 kWh or more of hydroelectric generation.

    It also will include underground distribution lines from the

    microgrid to its protected loads because of the areas propen-

    sity to ice storms. Prior to Superstorm Sandy, this area held the

    record for the most damaging weather-related outage caused

    by the infamous 1998 ice storm.

    Clarkson University is designing the underground distri-

    bution system, which will be built in parallel to the existing

    grid. GE is developing an enhanced microgrid control system

    to integrate these different power resources into a system that

    can power Potsdams protected loads and enable National Grid

    to use these resources for energy management.

    The entire microgrid system will be tested at NRELs

    facilities prior to deployment. The goal of the Potsdam mi-

    crogrid project is to develop a system that can be adapted to

    other towns and communities susceptible to extreme weather-

    related disasters like Potsdams ice storms.

    Solar Microgrids One of the most exciting attributes of todays microgrids is

    the role renewables have taken in the technology. Environmen-

    tal friendliness is becoming an important feature to stakehold-

    ers. Back in the day, anyone installing a microgrid was limited

    to generation that burned fossil fuels. Although fossil fuels are

    used still, the push is on to limit them. Elements like PV solar,

    wind and fuel cells are being integrated into microgrids.

    Interestingly, at the very time the cost of microgrids is be-

    ing reduced, the prices of PV panels and inverters also have

    been dropping steadily. This has made microgrid technology

    very desirable in underdeveloped portions of the world where

    there is no electricity. A recent paper from the International

    Energy Agency pointed out more than 1.3 billion people do

    not have access to electricity. International Energy Agency

    said getting fossil fuels to those areas can be challenging and

    expensive, but they have solar and wind resources that can be

    tapped for electricity.

    Not only is this concept popular with remote areas need-

    ing electricity, it is becoming important to communities in the

    developed and developing countries committed to improving

    their carbon footprint by reducing their dependency on fossil

    fuels. According to GTM Research, installations of microgrid

    technology are experiencing record growth worldwide.

    In the U.S. microgrid market, GTM predicts the cumulative

    capacity of microgrids will reach approximately 2.8 GW by

    2020. More importantly, that 2.8 GW represents a $3.5 billion

    investment during that period, which will encourage further

    development of the technology.

    HIS Technology reported approximated 45 GW of PV was

    installed globally in 2014 and estimates 2015 installations will

    be in the range of 53 GW to 57 GW.

    GTM said, 2014 was a transitional year. It predicts the

    Asia-Paci c region will install about half of the projected

    global installations of PV in 2015. China will install about

    14 GW of the regions projected 30 GW of PV. GTM stated,

    The Leinster Mine needs both the voltage support of the microgrid and the ability to provide power to its loads. Courtesy of ABB.

    Todays microgrid components have a very small footprint and can be installed anywhere in the world. Courtesy of ABB.

    been improved regulatory and utility acceptance,

    although there is still a way to go. For example, in the United


    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World16

    Europe will begin an upswing and North America, primar-

    ily the United States, will continue its year-over-year growth.

    The Solar Energy Industries Association points out low PV

    costs are driving the record PV installation. The association

    also noted most of the major solar companies now offer some

    form of energy storage with their systems.

    Microgrids with Storage Figures from GTM show battery storage technology is cur-

    rently integrated into 44% of the installed microgrids in the

    United States. If renewables are playing such a substantial part

    in the generation component, it only makes sense customers

    are adding storage to mitigate the intermit-

    tency of PV systems.

    Storage also improves the capability of

    a microgrid. Energy storage gives the mi-

    crogrid an enhanced ability to be used in de-

    mand management and energy management

    systems, but there are more storage options

    available than batteries.

    Alaska leads the world in microgrid de-

    ployments, according to Navigant Research.

    One of the more interesting microgrid in-

    stallations took place on Kodiak Island off

    Alaskas southern coast. Kodiak Electric

    Association is a rural electric cooperative

    serving a population of 15,000 with no inter-

    connection to the mainland. Many years ago,

    the cooperative committed to producing 95%

    of its electricity using renewable generation

    by 2020. Today, the majority of its 28 MW

    of power is produced by hydrogenation and

    9-MW wind generation with some

    diesel backup.

    The system also has two 1.5-

    MW battery systems, so it is truly

    a hybrid system. The city of Ko-

    diak decided to upgrade its die-

    sel crane to an electrically driven

    crane with more capabilities than

    the diesel crane. The electric crane

    was expected to generate power

    fuctuations, which could destabi-

    lize an isolated grid like the one on

    Kodiak Island. Something had to

    be done to the cooperatives grid

    to address this issue.

    Kodiak Electric Association

    selected ABB to provide an en-

    hanced microgrid. The system

    included two ABB 1-MW Power-

    Store grid-stabilization genera-

    tors. These devices are based on

    a fast-acting spinning fywheel

    technology with ABB inverters to

    store short-term energy to absorb and inject both real and reac-

    tive power onto the microgrid. PowerStore also can be outft-

    ted with batteries or whatever the customer specifes, so it is


    The ABB microgrid provides voltage and frequency sup-

    port to the Kodiak Electric Association grid. The fywheel

    component also extends the life of the two battery systems

    by reducing the wear and tear during charge-discharge cycles

    caused by the electric crane. Its energy management capabili-

    ties reduce the intermittencies from the islands 9-MW wind

    farm, which is why this is such an interesting application of

    hybrid microgrid technology.
















    2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017




    Campus environment

    Military stationary base


    Microgrid capacity is projected to continue its growth at substantial levels. Courtesy of Pike Research.

    Isolated islands such as Kodiak offer unique opportunities to prove thevalue of microgrid technology when integrating renewable energy into theislands power grid. Courtesy of ABB.


    17Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    New Elements on the Scene

    There are solar microgrids, wind microgrids and storage

    microgrids, so it makes sense that we are now seeing com-

    bined elements like solar-plus-storage and wind-plus-storage

    microgrids coming onto the scene. Taking advantage of ad-

    vancements in microgrid controllers, these new elements can

    balance the microgrids loads with the renewable energy re-

    sources output.

    For example, the solar-plus-storage microgrid offers stand-

    alone operation and also can provide dynamic energy man-

    agement in parallel with the grid. Not only is the customer

    side of the meter taking advantage of the solar-plus-storage

    microgrid technology, but the utility side of the meter is ben-

    efting, too. One of these microgrid projects was installed in

    Borrego Springs, California, and recently made history with

    an unprecedented accomplishment.

    Several years ago, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) re-

    ceived an $8 million grant from the DOE to launch the Borrego

    Springs microgrid, which is an unbundled utility microgrid,

    according to the utility. SDG&E owns the distribution assets,

    but some or all of the distributed energy resources are owned

    by the customers. This was followed by a $5 million grant

    from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to expand

    the Borrego Springs microgrid. The project partners included

    Lockheed Martin, IBM, Advanced Energy Storage, Horizon

    Energy, Oracle, Motorola, Pacifc Northwest National Labora-

    tories and the University of California, San Diego.

    The DOE and CEC project is a hybrid microgrid with a

    total microgrid installed capacity of about 4 MW, made up of

    two 1.8-MW diesel generators, a 500-kWh/1,500-kWh battery

    at the substation (which will be instrumental in achieving peak

    load reduction), three smaller 50-kWh batteries, six 4-kW/

    8-kWh home energy storage units, about 700 kW of rooftop

    solar PV and 125 residential home area network systems.

    The grants provided funding to increase the size of the mi-

    crogrid to include all of the Borrego Springs community and

    tie NRG Energys nearby 26-MW Borrego solar facility into

    the microgrid. The NRG facility provided enough renewable

    energy to power the entire community of 2,800 customers.

    This expansion makes the Borrego Springs microgrid one of

    the largest microgrids in the United States.

    In addition to the NRG solar farm, the Borrego Springs

    microgrids distributed generation resources include two tra-

    ditional 1.8-MW diesel generators and several battery systems

    that allow the microgrid to fll in the power fuctuations from

    the solar facility.

    After completion of the DOE- and CEC-funded microgrid

    expansion, SDG&E was able to use the microgrid to eliminate

    a power outage needed to repair the radial transmission line

    feeding Borrego Springs. It had been damaged by lightning

    and the utility estimated the outage time to repair the damage

    would be about 10 hours.

    Microgrids come in various sizes that can power buildings or much larger areas. Courtesy of ABB.


    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World18

    The GRID4EU ProjectElectricity has been around for

    a long time. In fact, so long that we

    constantly hear the electrical grid

    is old and out of date. There have

    even be comments about how

    Thomas Edison would be at home in

    any substation or generation plant

    used today. If you think about it, that

    just isnt true. Sure, the basic compo-

    nents are similar to devices used in

    those early days, but that appear-

    ance is only skin deep.

    Todays digital grid is a smart

    grid, and its getting more intelligent

    all the time. As this technology

    unfolds, there is a great deal of talk

    about the electrical grid of the fu-

    ture. It is an exciting topic and many

    have let their imaginations run wild

    with science fctional ideas, but

    in the European Union (EU), they

    are doing more than talking

    about it; they have decided to

    take an active approach rather

    than the reactive posture many

    others in the industry accept.

    The European Commission

    proposed a large-scale demon-

    stration of distribution networks

    with distributed generation and

    active customer participation

    several years ago. It took form

    in 2011 as the GRID4EU project.

    Six major European distribution

    system operators (DSOs) pooled

    their expertise and answered

    the commissions proposal.

    These DSOs represent more than

    50% of the metered electricity

    customers in Europe, and they

    have a enormous stake in how

    the grid will develop as more

    advanced smart grid technology is deployed.

    The DSOs represented in the GRID4EU project are the CEZ Distribuce (Czech Republic), ENEL Distribuzione (Italy), ERDF

    (France), Iberdrola Distribucion (Spain), RWE (Germany) and Vattenfall Eldistribution (Sweden). The project is designed

    to develop and test new innovative technologies. It will also advance standards for these technologies with real-world


    In addition to the six DSOs, there is a unique partnership of 27 energy suppliers, manufacturers, system integrators,

    research centers and universities from the EU taking part in the project. This is the largest smart grid project in the EU. The

    GRID4EU project has received 25 million euros in EU funding and 29 million euros in industry funding.

    The project consists of six different pilot projects taking place in six different countries that seek to complement and

    enhance each other. GRID4EU will test the potential of new technologies in areas such as renewable energy integration,

    1. Secondary substation node (SSN) or LV and MV control infrastructure

    2. Automatic failure detection

    3. Automatic frid recovery

    4. Customer engagement

    1. Islanding

    2. Reduction of power demand

    3. Manage maximized PV production on LV network regarding constraints and exibility programs

    4. Encourage resident to adopt smarter habits according to network state

    1. Voltage control on MV grids

    2. Anti-islanding protection on MV grids

    3. MV measurement acquisition

    4. Demand response for MV customers

    1. LV grid automation of failure management

    2. MV grid automation of failure management

    3. Management of islanding operation

    1. Failure management in MV networks

    2. (dec.) grid opeation in MV networks

    1. Outage detection in the LV network

    GRID4EUs six major European distribution system operators. Courtesy of GRID4EU.

    The GRID4EU consortium. Courtesy of GRID4EU.


    19Transmission & Distribution World l November 2015

    resiliency, electric vehicle develop-

    ment, demand side management,

    microgrids and energy storage. It will

    also work toward improving peak

    load management, energy effcien-

    cy and load reduction, and keeping

    the whole system balanced.

    What makes the project unique is

    its approach. Overall, it is a large-

    scale demonstration project that

    has to be scalable and can be repli-

    cated over the entire European grid.

    What makes GRID4EU standout from

    the pack is the innovative methodol-

    ogy being used. There are many partners involved with the six pilots and all are working together in an effort to share the

    results of each of the pilot projects for their mutual beneft and improvement of their common knowledge.

    The utility industry members of the EU have taken seriously the application of this developing smart grid and mi-

    crogrid technology. The GRID4EU project will take a great step forward defning that grid of the future. It will require an

    integrated system of all these developing and developed technologies. We have the tools in the toolbox, but combining

    them into one cohesive future grid is the challenge. GRID4EU has taken that challenge and is raising the bar for the rest

    of the industry as it moves toward completion.

    Interactions and synergies between demonstrators. Courtesy of GRID4EU.

    Early on the morning of May 21, 2015, the microgrid was

    seamlessly switched, placing the Borrego Springs community

    on the microgrids power. Nine hours later, the maintenance

    was completed and the microgrid was switched back to the

    SDG&E grid.

    The utility believes this is the frst time in the U.S. a solar-

    based microgrid with energy storage was used to provide elec-

    tricity for an entire town, avoiding a signifcant outage. The

    results were so positive, SDG&E plans to incorporate more

    advanced computer software and sensors to continue to en-

    hance the microgrid.

    Isolated Microgrids The ability of the microgrid to island itself from the grid

    and supply power to the community is a huge selling point for

    the devices. This allows remote populations the ability to be

    self-suffcient energy islands, which is not the same thing as

    being cut off from the grid.

    For example, Native American reservation communi-

    ties are not always located close to a utility grid and extend-

    ing distribution lines can be super expensive, which is why

    microgrids are considered an attractive alternative to line

    extensions. GreenBiz reported, According to the Energy

    Information Administration, around 14% of households on

    Native American reservations lack access to electricity, 10

    times higher than the national average.

    The CEC has provided a $5 million grant to help fund the

    Blue Lake Rancheria microgrid project, located in northern

    California. The microgrid will be powered by a 0.5-MW PV

    installation, 950-kWh battery storage system, biomass fuel

    cell system and diesel generators.

    The Blue Lake Rancheria and Humboldt State Universitys

    Schatz Energy Research Center have partnered with Pacifc

    Gas & Electric Co., Siemens, Idaho National Laboratory and

    REC Solar to build this low-carbon microgrid. It will provide

    electrical power for the reservation, including tribal govern-

    ment offces, economic enterprises and a Red Cross safety


    Siemens is implementing its Spectrum Power 7 Microgrid

    Management System to dynamically manage and control the

    distributed generation resources providing power to the mi-

    crogrid. The installation of the microgrid will be completed

    in 2016 and will enable the Blue Lake Rancheria microgrid

    to operate independently from the Pacifc Gas & Electric Co.

    grid in the event of an emergency such as an earthquake. The

    microgrid project is being used to prove the validity of using

    microgrid technology to address limited access to electricity

    on tribal lands in more remote locations.

    In Africa, the potential of microgrid technology has just

    Remote villages are hard to supply with fossil fuels makingmicrogirds with renewable generation very desirable. Courtesy of ABB.


    November 2015 l Transmission & Distribution World20

    begun to be realized. Studies report that some areas of Af-

    rica have very good conditions for constant wind energy, not

    to mention solar resources. That makes microgrid technology

    very valuable for renewable energy integration and the most

    cost-effective solution to provide electricity to local communi-

    ties. One of those areas is Marsabit, an oasis at the edge of the

    desert in a windy area of northern Kenya with a population of

    5,000 that is not connected to any national grid.

    Located on top of a windy hill, a diesel generator has been

    the only generation source producing electricity. Socabelec

    East Africa Ltd. has decided to add wind turbines to the exist-

    ing installation and to stabilize the resulting microgrid through

    ABBs PowerStore. The grid-stabilizing generator will inter-

    face with both diesel power station and wind turbines and will

    allow for maximum penetration of the clean wind energy so to

    reducing reliance on fossil fuel and emissions.

    Microgrids are not just for remote locations or isolated net-

    works. Buildings can require microgrids, too, especially when

    they need to provide for their own power needs. This condi-

    tion is very common in countries where the main power grid

    is under-dimensioned or cannot keep up with the fast pace of

    additional power demand.

    In such countries, many buildings, facilities and industrial

    sites are forced to install their own generation plants to ensure

    uninterrupted power supply when main network faults occur.

    ABBs offces in Longmeadow, Johannesburg, South Africa,

    meet these requirements. This building will have a microgrid

    with a PV energy source, an integrated diesel generator and

    storage batteries. It is being used to demonstrate microgrid

    technology to the rest of the African continent.

    Mainstreaming Microgrids There has been a great deal of activity in the microgrid

    world in the past fve years. The technology has moved from a

    The key to successful microgrid deployment is having the necessary components for the project. Courtesy of ABB.

    specialized niche to being a mainstream utility grid asset. The

    cost of distributive generation continues to drop. In many parts

    of the world, solar generation costs are equal to or below that

    of utility-generated electricity, which has been a great incen-

    tive for the adoption of microgrid technology to integrate this

    generation into the transmission grid.

    Microgrids differ from the centralized grid by providing

    closer proximity between generation and the load. Their ca-

    pabilities have increased in both depth and dimension as the

    technology evolves. With the addition of renewable generation

    and storage components, microgrids have reached a new level

    of complexity.

    Customers may have solar, wind, fuel cells, hydro or a com-

    bination of these plus other types of generation resources. If

    they do, they will want to blend them into a sophisticated mix

    of environmentally friendly resources. The customer expects

    the manufacturers to develop resource management systems

    to control and protect such a mix, which they have.

    Storage has played a signifcant part in this process, too.

    Like the variety of renewable generation available, energy

    storage has many existing technologies to meet the demand.

    The principal storage technology used with microgrids has

    been the battery, but that has many offshoots such as advanced

    lead-acid, nickel-cadmium and lithium. There also are sys-

    tems coming available with fywheel storage, hydrogen stor-

    age and ultracapacitors, to name a few.

    Each renewable and energy storage technology has its own

    particular pros and cons, which need to be understood, ad-

    dressed and controlled to attain their fullest potential. Todays

    microgrid is defnitely not the microgrid of yore. It may bear

    the same name, but that is the only commonality. The mega

    grid has its shortcomings and problems, but one of the most

    promising solutions to these foibles is the microgrid and the

    modularity it can provide with all its bits and pieces.

  • Sustainable energy for remote industrial operations?

    Industrial and mining facilities are moving to increasingly remote

    locations while pursuing ever more sustainable operations. ABBs

    microgrid solutions allow for a stable independent energy supply with

    100 percent peak renewable penetration even in small-scale power

    networks. ABB is the pioneer and world-leader in microgrid solutions.


  • Clean and reliable power for isolated communities?

    Remote communities often rely solely on fossil fuel for their energy

    needs, even if it comes at a high financial and environmental price.

    Thanks to ABBs microgrid solutions, stable, high-quality power can

    reach the most distant locations with 100 percent peak renewable

    penetration. ABB is the pioneer and world-leader in microgrid solutions.
