Absolutism and Scientific Revolution Chapters 5 and 6

Absolutism and Scientific Revolution Chapters 5 and 6

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Absolutism and Scientific Revolution

Chapters 5 and 6

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Absolutism: Period when a series of European monarchs who ruled alone and increased the power of their central government

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•Absolute Rulers:Centralization of powerMany believed in concept of divine right!

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Fight for the throne—Wars of the Roses

Lancaster (Red) vs. York (White)

Henry Tudor (Red) wins = Henry VII

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England was invaded by Philip II b/c he had grown impatient waiting for England to become Catholic again.

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1588 Sp. Armada-”Prot. Wind”

Elizabeth was successful in defeating the Spanish Armada!

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•Died with no heirs

•Cousins in Scotland – Stuart Dynasty—now begins

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Tensions with Parliament – Divine Right

Remembered for giving the Puritans an English translation of the Bible (King James Version)

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King John was forced to sign this document in 1215!

Limited the king’s power & protected the baron’s rights

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Son of James I

Divine Right Dissolved Parliament for 11 years

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Irritated the Puritans –Many left=Great Migration

Ireland Revolted, Scotland invaded-Charles needed Parliament

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English Civil War—Charles led an army (Cavaliers) and invaded Parliament

Cromwell (Puritan) leader of the Roundheads (supporters of Parliament) defeated the royalists/Cavaliers twice

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Royalists vs Puritans

Charles I vs Oliver Cromwell

Charles I tried for treason and beheaded!!

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Tried to establish a Republic with a constitution (people would elect leader)

Eventually dissolves Parliament—ruled as military dictator

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Restoration!!! Restored the Monarchy

Gave in to Parliament b/c of his Dad

Got New York from the Dutch

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Catholic—remarries has a Catholic son

His daughter—Mary is Protestant

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Wanted Absolute Authority

Eventually fled the country after invasion by William of Orange (son-in-law)

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James II was not liked, but they could not execute him…they knew when he died Mary (daughter/Protestant) would inherit the thrown. His son would rule first (Catholic) Parliament decided to invite Mary and William (husband) to invade country 1688

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Glorious Revolution 1688—no bloodshed—James II fled

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First dual monarchy They work well with Parliament and accept limited power (Limited Constitutional Monarchy-monarchs power limited by a constitution)

Parliament will pass many laws—protecting the rights of individuals

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Habeas Corpus—individual has the right to be seen by a judge w/in a reasonable amount of time either to be released or charged w/a crime

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English Bill of Rights-monarch could not interfere in the elections or operations of Parliament …and some basic rights to citizens

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Act of Toleration-Religious freedom to dissenters (not Anglican)

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1707 Act of Union—England and Scotland join together

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Act of Settlement—next ruler will have to be Protestant

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Estab. A cabinet (group of advisors)

Leader of the Cabinet=Prime Minister

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Act of Union (1707)

Joined Scotland and England into the United Kingdom

Last of the Stuart dynasty

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Colonies French and Indian War American Revolution

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Treaty of Paris

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Ended the French and Indian War

King George III of England forbid American settlers to go beyond the line along the Appalachians. (After England claimed the French lands from the French and Indian War)

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Mid-1500s—France destroyed by religious conflicts btwn Huguenots and Catholics

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King of France attempted to kill the leader’s of the Huguenots…once the killing started mobs of Catholic Parisians started to began a general massacre of Huguenots. (the king’s sister, Margaret, had just married Henry of Navarre—the leader of the Huguenots)

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1589—Henry of Navarre became Henry IV (Bourbon) a Protestant wins the throne helps to resolve chaos in France

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•Converts to Catholicism

•Edict of Nantes: Allowed the Huguenots to practice their own religion—Religious Toleration

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1610—Louis XIII

9 years old Appointed Cardinal Richelieu as chief minister

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Strengthened the gov’t•Destroyed power of the nobles & HuguenotsHand picked his own successor – Mazarin

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(wanted to turn France into an absolute monarchy and make it the strongest European power)

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1643—Louis XIV—72 years of rule

5 years old with Mazarin as chief minister until 1661 (23 yrs old then)

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Rebellion broke out when he was a child and vowed to never let it happen again

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Believed in divine right Never used the Estates-General (similar to Parliament)

Took the sun as his symbol—sun=center

SUN KING=center of French nation

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Louis XIV•Strengthened the gov’tTax collections—intendants (middle class)

Army=strongest in EuropeDiversified economy: Home-taxes-wealthiest state in Europe


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Louis XIV•Extravagant Lifestyle•Palace of Versailles (p. 141)•Sponsored the Arts

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Louis XIV—Setbacks•Costly wars—Esp. the War of the Spanish Succession 1700-1713 (France tried to unite France and Spain)

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•Persecution of the Huguenots: revoked the Edict of Nantes—Huguenots fled and hurt the economy

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•Louis XIV outlived his sons and grandsons died in 1715—his great grandson inherited the throne as Louis XV

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Powerful German state and part of the Holy Roman Empire

Charles VI was king of Austria and leader of the Hapsburg Family and the H.R.E.

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Had no sons; wrote the Pragmatic Sanction to allow daughter, Maria Theresa, to inherit the throne

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Sanction signed by other European nations and Pope honored it as well, but must marry and husband will be H.R.E.

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Began over territory, religion & power over the ruling families


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Ferdinand was Catholic so Protestants feared him & revolted

Ferdinand II paid his army to plunder/rob German villages

Destroyed everything!

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Hapsburg Triumphs

1st 12 years H. armies from Austria & Spain crushed Protestant troops

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Hapsburg Defeats:

Sweden drove Haps. Out of Northern Germany

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Cardinal Richelieu & Mazarin feared Haps more so sent French troops to help!

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Peace of Westphalia

1648 Weakened Hapsburg states of Spain & Austria

Strengthened France by giving it German territory

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Made German princes independent of Holy Roman Emperor

Ended religious wars in Europe

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Charles VI daughter

Heir to Hapsburg empire

Enemy was Prussia

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Now part of the country of Germany

Frederick William—the Great Elector—was founder of the Hohenzollern Family

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Hohenzollerns ruling family in Prussia

H: had the best standing army

H: militaristic society

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Frederick William I was the first king of Prussia

Started the military and Potsdam Guard, personal body guards, had to be 7 feet tall

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Son’s friend is beheaded because Frederick II and friend tried to run away

Frederick II had to watch

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Frederick II—known as the GREAT because he introduced culture to the country and expanded the borders of the country by using the army against Austria and Poland

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He enabled Prussia to become a major European power—seized Austrian territory

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Ivan the Terrible was an awful ruler and caused Russia to develop slower than the rest of Europe

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After Ivan’s death and the death of his son, the leaders of the country elected Michael Romanov to take over

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Romanov Dynasty: founded by Michael, and this dynasty will last until 1918 when Nicholas II and his family was assassinated (Anastasia). Longest running dynasty in European history—over 300 years

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Peter the Great—studied in Europe in order to westernize Europe, created city of St. Petersburg “Window to the West”

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changed diet, hygiene habits, and dress of Russians, expanded borders by acquiring Siberia, created modern army and won against Sweden to gain access to the Baltic Sea…never won a warm water port!!

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Catherine The Great

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Catherine the Great—German princess

Married Russian Czar…had her husband killed and took over

Took territory away from Poland Punished serfs Created schools for girls

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Greatest accomplishment—gaining a warm water port by defeating the Ottoman Turks=access to Black Sea for trade w/Europe

Last of great absolute monarchs of the century

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With its emphasis on reasoned observation and systematic measurement, the Scientific Revolution changed the way people viewed the world and their place in it!

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Geocentric Theory: earth center of universe

Supported this view

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Scientific Revolution

Ppl were willing to question accepted beliefs

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Heliocentric Theory: sun-center of universe

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Continued Brahe’s work & discovered planetary movement

Proved this through math!

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Copernicus was right!

Planets did revolve around the sun

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Discovered law of the pendulum

Built his own telescope used it to support the heliocentric theory

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Went aga church teaching & authority, warned not to but did it anyway!


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Logical procedure for gathering & testing ideas

Developed from previous guys’ work!

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Law of universal gravitation

Earth & heavens

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Discovered circulation of the blood!

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World’s 1st vaccination

Small pox vaccine!