AL-HIDAYAH JANUARY 30 Grade 1 to Year 12 students commence 31 Foundation students commence FEBRUARY 1 No school for foundation students 8 No school for foundation students 15 No school for foundation students 22 No school for foundation students MARCH 1 School tour Important Dates AL-TAQWA COLLEGE CONTACT DETAILS [email protected] al-taqwa.vic.edu.au tel (03) 9269 5000 fax (03) 9269 5070 201 Sayers Rd Truganina VIC 3029 OUR MISSION Al-Taqwa College aims to produce good reflective self-directed learners who have problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. It aims to be a place where the individuality of each person is recognised, and where that recognition is reflected in the College’s curriculum diversity and flexibility, diverse teaching strategies and student centered processes. The College aims to create a school environment that instills in students love and obedience to Allah (swt) in accordance with the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and enables them to benefit from the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Message from the Principal ASSALAMUALAIKUM WBT Reflecting back on the year, I would say that the College has been extremely busy with great satisfaction having achieved all-round improvements in terms of our set strategies and targets. In the diversified activities, we need to inculcate good governance and follow our policies and procedures. Our hard-core leaders and team have been working hard throughout the year to implement new strategies and technologies to achieve our goals and improve our environment. We continue to develop processes and systems, where necessary, in order to excel each year, inshaAllah. It has been a fruitful year and I value the continuous support and effort for which I would like to thank my dear school community for making it possible, alhamdulillah! PROJECT 229 SAYERS This project is in the final stages of completion and pending the landscape design to be finalised will depend on when we move. There will be a nice landscape design to enhance the premises. We anticipate that the secondary female students will start their schooling in Semester 1 and parents will be notified accordingly, inshaAllah. Quality Education for Quality Life ISSUE 85 // OCTOBER // AL-HIDAYAH

[email protected] al-taqwa.vic.edu.au tel (03) 9269 ...al-taqwa.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/87-December.pdf · ASSALAMU ALAIKUM ENROLMENTS This year we have been inundated

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A L - H I D A Y A H

J A N U A R Y30 Grade 1 to Year 12 students commence31 Foundation students commence

F E B R U A R Y1 No school for foundation students8 No school for foundation students15 No school for foundation students

22 No school for foundation studentsM A R C H1 School tour

Important Dates

A L - T A Q W A C O L L E G E


[email protected]

tel (03) 9269 5000fax (03) 9269 5070

201 Sayers RdTruganina VIC 3029

OUR MISSIONAl-Taqwa College aims to produce good ref lective self-directed learners who have

problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.

It aims to be a place where the individuality of each person is recognised, and where that recognition is ref lected in the College’s curriculum diversity and f lexibility, diverse

teaching strategies and student centered processes. The College aims to create a school environment that instills in students love and obedience to Allah (swt) in accordance with the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and enables them to benefit from

the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

Message from the Principal A S S A L A M U A L A I K U M W B T

Reflecting back on the year, I would say that the College has been extremely busy with great satisfaction having achieved all-round improvements in terms of our set strategies and targets. In the diversified activities, we need to inculcate good governance and follow our policies and procedures. Our hard-core leaders and team have been working hard throughout the year to implement new strategies and technologies to achieve our goals and improve our environment. We continue to develop processes and systems, where necessary, in order to excel each year, inshaAllah. It has been a fruitful year and I value the continuous support and effort for which I would like to thank my dear school community for making it possible, alhamdulillah!

P R O J E C T 2 2 9 S A Y E R S

This project is in the final stages of completion and pending the landscape design to be finalised will depend on when we move. There will be a nice landscape design to enhance the premises. We anticipate that the secondary female students will start their schooling in Semester 1 and parents will be notified accordingly, inshaAllah.

Quality Education for Quality Life

I S S U E 8 5 / / O C T O B E R / / A L - H I D A Y A H

I S S U E 8 7 / / D E C E M B E R / / A L - H I D A Y A H 2China


The annual event was held on 10 November in the marquee. Once again, the attendance was overwhelming – almost impossible to fit in the marquee. This year’s theme was, ‘A Night in Africa’ and my great appreciation to the Primary and Secondary teams with supporting IT and administration staff with coordinating a well-rounded program. MashaAllah, it was a very colourful, vibrant and cheerful evening with student performances and award presentations. Noticeably, parents were very happy as there was much laughter and applauds from them during the event.


During the holiday season we ask that you are aware of your child’s environment. Keep them safe, especially whilst on external holiday programs.


The VCE night was celebrated for the graduating class of 2016 at the Grand Star Reception Centre on Wednesday 23 November. VCE Graduation Night has been noted as one of the most important and exciting events of the College where parents are happy and proud to witness the outcome of their duties and effort for supporting their child in completing their 13 years of schooling. That night, there were many motivating and inspiring speeches delivered to

guide our young graduates in facing the challenges ahead. Thanks to all speakers and participants for their articulate effort during the night. My appreciation and thanks to everyone who contributed a great deal of time and effort in the preparation of VCE night.

Last but not least, I would like to thank the School Board members, staff members, parents and community for their endless support to the College throughout the year. I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday break and the very best for 2017, inshaAllah.

WassalamO M A R H A L L A K

I S S U E 8 7 / / D E C E M B E R / / A L - H I D A Y A H 3

c o l l e g e w i s d o m a n d i n s p i r a t i o n f r o m c h i n a

An entourage of ten delegates from Al-Taqwa College travelled recently to Yunnan Province in south – eastern China to visit schools and a university that not unlike itself in Truganina, western Melbourne offer quality intensive studies for Muslim students.

The delegation consisted of Principal Mr Omar Hallak, his wife and key education and administration leaders. It was revealing to learn that this region has more than 40 million Chinese Muslims, hundreds of mosques located in regional cities and towns, and in those the delegation had opportunity to visit, mosques were impeccable in their presentation, dignified and serene, and attended by polite and helpful locals and travellers alike. The calmness and orderliness of the schools were equally impressive.

A major interest centred on the teaching of languages (first language Chinese speakers studying both Arabic and English as additional languages), and Islamic Studies, including values, and memorisation of the Quran. Discussions with students and staff generated more questions than answers as reciprocal fascination and curiosity grew between the Chinese and Australian delegations. The visits also succeeded in building valuable partnership and goodwill, and a strong desire for more

intercultural school initiatives that foster Islamic values be invited and supported for students and educators both here and in Yunnan.

The college has already established its own campus in Sentul, Indonesia and intends strengthening healthy intercultural educational partnerships within our global neighbourhood.

I S S U E 8 7 / / D E C E M B E R / / A L - H I D A Y A H 4

Dear Parents, Students & FriendsA S S A L A M U A L A I K U M

E N R O L M E N T SThis year we have been inundated with enrolments for 2017. We have had our last assessments for the year and no further enrolments will be assessed in 2016. The next round of enrolment assessments will be held later in Term 1. Enrolment forms for 2017 will be accepted however students will be assigned to the waiting list for a position next year.

P A R E N T / T E A C H E R I N T E R V I E W S & R E P O R T SOur last Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday 14 December commencing at 9.30am. Please check the parent portals to book your appointments. School reports will be accessible on the parent portal only if your fees are up to date. Please ensure that all fees are paid to access the reports before the Parent/Teacher Interviews.

B O O K L I S T SAll book lists are to be handed into the Administration Office no later than Friday 9 December to ensure delivery on time. The preferred payment for booklists is by credit card.

T R A F F I C S A F E T YOur traffic duty staff are still witnessing many students and their younger siblings entering the College without seatbelts. Parents please ensure that your children are restrained correctly even on the school grounds. Minor accidents can still cause major injuries.

Select Entry Enrichment Program (SEEP) 2017 (Years 3-6)A S S A L A M U A L A I K U M

We are pleased to inform you that the 2017 Al-Taqwa SEEP selection process of students from Year 3 to Year 6 has been completed and the program will commence at the beginning of the 2017 academic year inshaAllah.

Throughout this program, students will be provided with a learning experience that is tailored to meet their learning needs. The program also aims to nurture the characteristics and talents of our learners allowing them to achieve further academic success.

Students in the SEEP program will be streamed into a class of high achievers for the entire 2017 academic year and are provided with a Victorian Curriculum aligned BOOKLIST that is different to the mainstream booklist for that year level.

Further information regarding SEEP will be provided next year through an information session, inshaAllah.


AsiaWise ChallengeThis year the College was involved in the AsiaWide Challenge which is a broad based introductory research program consisting of multiple choice questions for students to answer online. Topics are drawn from the Australian Curriculum.

We proud to advertise that Al-Taqwa College is an AsiaWise School! For further information visit asiawise.org

a m e s s a g e f r o m a d m i n

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Nursing DepartmentAnother successful year draws to a close and what a busy year it has been!! There are several important announcements and reminders that I would like to bring to your attention:

A L L E R G Y & A S T H M AAllergy and Asthma season has hit us HARD this year. It is now peak season for allergy and asthma sufferers. The recent severe thunderstorm in Melbourne had caused breathing problems to more than 2000 people across the city.

Thunderstorm asthma is a potentially dangerous mix of pollens, weather conditions and rain. Thunderstorm asthma occurs when wind and moisture cause pollen to burst into small particles that can be inhaled, rather than being filtered by the nose, causing an asthma attack. Breathing these small particles can irritate the lining of the airway causing swelling and extra mucus to be produced, hence narrowing the airway and inducing an asthma attack in people who have never had symptoms before. The symptoms of asthma can occur quickly and include shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing and wheezing. Recognising the cause of asthma and allergies can help prevent and treat attacks.

A C T I O N P L A N SStudents with a medical condition will require an action plan. A medical practitioner will need to complete the form. Please bring the completed form back at the start of Term 1. If your child requires medication to be administered daily, please supply the First Aid Department with a letter from the doctor stating the dose and frequency, be sure to supply the medication in its original packaging.

S U N S A F E T YTime spent outside on sunny days can be good for us, promoting a sense of well-being and an active lifestyle. Following the Five S’s of sun safety can help children enjoy the sun safely from an early age.

SLIP: on sun protective clothing that covers your body as much as possible.

SLOP: on SPF 30+ sunscreen at least 20 mins before going outdoors. Re-apply every 2 hours.

SLAP: on a hat that shades the face, neck and ears.

SLIDE: on sunglasses

SHADE: from the sun between 11am and 3pm

I hope this information is helpful to you. Enjoy a healthy holiday! Wendy and I look forward to see you back next year! R O S L Y N & W E N D Y

a m e s s a g e f r o m f i r s t a i d

I S S U E 8 7 / / D E C E M B E R / / A L - H I D A Y A H 6

p r i m a r y d e p a r t m e n t

Grade 2-3 Another successful year draws to a close. It is amazing how much has been achieved by the Grade 2 and 3 children in one year. The achievements extend from the academic, to the sporting and to the numerous fun activities. We achieved so much because we worked together as a team and this is one of the greatest strengths of our school. Thank you to all parents who have been very supportive throughout the year. Your interest and participation as partners in education of your children deserve much credit.

It is always impossible to list all of the highlights but from the smallest achievements to the limelight moments we have adored watching the children grow socially, academically and personally. It has been a year filled with laughter, a few tears and some outstanding accolades! While there have been many notable achievements, the best celebrations of all, are the small ones that happen almost every day in every classroom and are accompanied by huge smiles from proud students. That is the best part of our work as teachers.

Thank you to all teachers for their professional dedication and commitment to the wellbeing and education of our students. The teachers are very proud of many successes and accomplishments that all our students have experienced this year.

Finally, the Grade 2 and 3 Department would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing holidays and inshaAllah, we will see everyone in 2017 for another amazing year!


Acting Head of Grade 2 & 3

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s e c o n d a r y d e p a r t m e n t

Year 7-8A S S A L A M U A L A I K U M

As the school year is coming to an end, the secondary department is extremely busy trying to finish off this academic year and prepare for the next.

An information session was organised for parents of the Year 7, 2017 students for the laptop out. Representatives from Al-Taqwa’s IT Department, Dell and Campion presented the options parents have to purchase the laptops. More information on the purchase is posted on the SkoolBag App.

Last Friday was the last day for semester two exams. Exams ran very smoothly especially with senior classes sitting for their exams one week earlier.

While our senior students were transitioning to the next year level, our juniors were enjoying their activities week. So many fun educational activities were planned for our students to finish off 2016 on a good note.

On 6 December we had our fresh batch of Year 7 students attending their Orientation Day in preparation for next year. They were so happy and excited to have a taste of secondary school for a day. In addition to our Al-Taqwa College Grade 6s, we also had the new enrolled students participating in the fun.

It was delightful to see them happy searching for clues around the school in the scavenger hunt activity.Finally, please have a safe enjoyable summer holiday hoping to see you all in 2017 inshaAllah.


Year 7 & 8 Head of Student and Teacher Services

I S S U E 8 7 / / D E C E M B E R / / A L - H I D A Y A H 8College Registrar

Jenny Dunstan

Parent Liaison Of ficerMichelle Dimech

Enrolment Off icers Susan McAsey

Enas Ali Transport CoordinatorSameh Aghbash

Accounts ReceivableMalak El-Ashey

Fadile JekaAccounts PayableJanice Mudge


The Islamic Schools of Victoria (Werribee College) Trading as Al-Taqwa College ABN 32 079 146 958

C O L L E G E T O U R STours of the College are available by appointment only. If you wish to visit the School and view our

facilities, please contact the Administration Office on 9269 5000 to arrange a booking.

2017 College tours will be held on Wednesdays commencing at 9.15am on the following dates


This is a great way to see the College in action.

ABN 76-172-192-277

Houda BadawiB . A . ( M E L B ) , B . B U S . A C C ( R M I T )

One-on-one lessons, specifically tailored to your child’s needs, in the convenience of your home

15 years experience in the private tuition of students from Prep to Year 12

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H a p p y h o l i d ay s f r o m A l-Ta q w a

C o l l e g e