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  • 8/12/2019 Advert Okk


    I. Introduction

    With increasing communication in the world and acceleration of economic

    globalization, English advertising has found its way into peoples life. Every day,

    people are exposed to a large number of advertisements no matter whether they like

    them or not. But what is advertising What are the ob!ectives of advertising What are

    the functions of advertising "nd what significance does a study of advertising

    possess #hese are the $uestions of which we must have a good idea before we

    proceed to explore the main features or characteristics of English advertising texts.

    1.1 Definition of advertising%n English, the word &advertise' has its origin in &advertere' in (atin, meaning

    &to inform somebody of something', &to bring into notice' or &to draw attention to

    something', etc.

    #here are different definitions of advertising. "bert (asker, father of modern

    advertising, said that advertising was salesmanship in print) *++-/.

    #his definition was given a long time before the advent of radio and television came

    into being. %n the past, the nature and scope of advertising were considerably different

    from those today. #he definition indicates that the ultimate ob!ective of advertising is

    to sell. 0bviously, this is not an all1round definition, for it can not cover all

    advertisements. "n advertisement may be defined as a public notice 2designed to

    spread information with a view to promoting the sales of marketable goods and

    services )3arris and 3eldon, *+456/, or defined as a vital marketing tool as well as

    a powerful communication force. "merican 7arketing "ssociation )"7"/ )

    *++ */defines advertising as &the non1personal communication of information

    usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by

    identified sponsors through the various media.'

    "lthough advertising can be defined in many different ways, the essential points

    concerning its definition may be summarized as follows5 "dvertising is a kind of

    extensive communication of information usually highly paid for and strongly


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    persuasive by nature.

    1.2 Functions of advertising

    Which type of advertisements is successful "nd what features does a successful

    advertisement possess "merican 7arketing 7anagers 3andbook points out that an

    advertisement should have four functions5 "%8", which represent four words9

    "ttention, %nterest, 8esire, "ction.

    Attention9a good advertisement should attract the consumer to direct their

    attention to the product being adverised.

    Interest9the introduction and publicity of an advertisement should arouse

    consumers great interest.Desire9the advertisement should stimulate consumers desire to buy the

    product, and make them realize that this product is !ust what they want.

    Action9advertising is supposed to make consumers respond to the advertised

    information and evoke them to take the action of purchasing.

    Broadly speaking, an advertisement has at least one of two functions5 informing

    or persuading, though overlapping may often take place in one single piece.

    %nformative advertisements inform &customers about goods, services, or ideas and

    then tell people how to get them by means of an identified sponsor' )Bolen, *+:654/.

    "n advertisement of this type supplies basic, factual information and sometimes

    shows a photo or an illustration of the product;service to give the target audience a

    better view of the advertised product.

  • 8/12/2019 Advert Okk


    been published at home and abroad. hina.The Language of Advertisingby #orben ?estergaard and @im

    Achroder, which was first published in *+:, is mainly concerned with the language

    features and communication functions of advertising. They support advertising

    takes many forms !ut in most of them language is of crucial importance"""

    advertising language is a style of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. The

    Language of Television Advertisingby an "merican writer named 7ichael (. =eis

    explores the linguistic features and non1verbal understanding of television advertising.

    Contemporary Advertisingby >ourtland (. Bovee, William C. "rens, which was first

    published in *+:+, discusses the characteristics of contemporary advertising, the

    effects of advertising as a ma!or form of communication, etc. Language in

    Advertising by =eoffrey D. (eech, which appeared in Britain in *+44, lays the

    foundation for exploration of the language of English advertising. #he above1

    mentioned works discuss language characteristics of English advertising from

    different angles, each of them emphasizing some particular aspects or a type of

    advertising in English.

    1.# $ain ideas and arrangement of the thesis

    >ontemporary advertising is so commonly ubi$uitous and so widely influential

    that it is considered to be part of modern life. %t also greatly influences our thoughts,

    feelings and outlooks, and of course our lives. Aince advertising in English occupies

    such an important position in modern society, we need to understand, assess English

    advertising and know how to create English advertising texts. 3owever, whatever the

    promotional strategies advertising takes, language is the main carrier of advertised

    messages all along. #o achieve this awareness, what is most important is to have a

    good grasp of the language characteristics of English advertising.

    %n modern society, English advertising has gradually formed its own features in

    several aspects. #herefore, an analysis of the linguistic features of English advertising


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    is worthwhile. #his thesis briefly deals with the most common linguistic

    characteristics of English advertising texts, which include characteristics of wording,

    syntactical features and rhetorical devices.

    #his thesis is made up of five parts.

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    understand and memorize.

    Cor example5

    )*/ &% couldnt believe it, until % tried itG

    %m impressedG %m really impressedG

    Houvegottatry itG

    % love itG'*

    #his is an advertisement of a microwave oven. #he words in it are very simple and

    oral. %t uses the slang &gotta', which means &got to' in "merican English, to give an

    impression that this advertisement comes from real life.

    )/ &Buyone,getmore.'

    #his is an advertisement of selling automobile. &buy' and &get' which are two

    simple monosyllabic verbs show the bilateral activities between advertisers and

    consumers directly. %t expresses advertisers sincerity, and on the other hand the

    advertisement lets consumers have the feeling of simple efficient afforda!le in

    order"""to increase the reliability between advertisers and consumers.

    2.2. $isspelling and *oinages

    %n some of advertisements, the advertising copywriter misspells some words on

    purpose, or adds some suffix or prefix to some common words. Dew original words

    are created to attract addressees attention and to meet their needs for curiosity and

    novelty. Auch freshly made words and phrases may suggest that the product or service

    being advertised possesses peculiar $ualities as well as the value of novelty. 7any

    words in advertisements, especially in trade names, are words newly coined, or

    deliberately misspelled and abbreviated. Curthermore, some misspelling words help

    the advertiser to disseminate the information effectively and also let the advertising

    become more charming.

    Cor example5

    )-/ &We know eggsactly3ow to sell eggs'-

    %n this advertisement, &eggsactly' not only has the similar pronunciation as

    &exactly', but it has connections with the last word &eggs' in this sentence, thus

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    impressing people a great deal.

    )6/ he Orangemostest8rink in the world.'6

    When one reads or hears example )6/, he or she may think & Orangemostestis a

    wrong word, but actually it is deliberately created by the advertiser, Orangemostestin

    this advertisement consists of three elements5 orange, mostand est. %t is well known

    that orange !uice is a popular drink liked by the old and the young for its nutrition and

    thirsty1$uenching $uality. #wo superlatives mostand estare added to orange so as to

    stress the best $uality of this product.

    )/ &=ive a Timexto all, and to all a good time.'

    %n example )/, TimexI time J excellent. %n English advertising the suffix ex isoften added to the root, showing the good $uality of a product. %n addition, &good

    time' here has a double meaning5 it may mean &pleasant time' or &showing time


    )4/ &>ome to ourfruice'4

    %n example )4/,fruiceI fruit J !uice. #his newly coined word arouses peoples

    attention by its novelty in form.

    >oinages of this kind are nowhere to be found in dictionaries, but they seem

    familiar to readers in appearance. 0ne can guess their meanings by means of the

    context without help of dictionaries. When customers come across newly coined

    words, their interest is stimulated, and they want to go on reading and take action.

    #hus, the aim of advertising is reached. But coinages must be well based on after1taste

    and implication, stressing the novelty and uni$ueness of the products, without which

    coinages can produce little effect and will be meaningless.

    7isspelling some common words is also a clever use of coinages. Dow lets see

    the following examples5

    )K/ &=oing East, Ataying Westin.'K)Westin is the name of the hotel/

    %n this advertisement, the advertiser wrote &Western' into &Westin' on purpose in

    order to win a seat in consumers memory. %n fact, this advertisement achieved the

    expected results which impressed people immensely.

    ):/ &Cor twogetherthe ultimate all inclusive one pricesunkissedholiday':


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    Example ):/ is an advertisement on providing a couple with a holiday inn.

    &Twogether' and &together' are similar both in spelling and pronunciation. o' is

    misspelled as wo' on purpose by the advertiser to indicate that the couple could get

    the romantic yesterday once more if they spend their holiday together in this inn.

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    "utomobile manufacturers will increase the mysterious atmosphere for their product

    by use of foreign words such as5 >ordova, Biarritz. #he commonest use of foreign

    words is in a restaurant, like their food labels5 8el #aco, ("uberge, and (a Acala.

    Cor example5

    )*/ &0rder it in bottles or in canners

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    advert to be too obtrusive, he;she is likely to react negatively to its message, or simply

    forget about it altogether. #he adman is therefore confronted with a problem5 on the

    one hand his advert should make people buy the productM on the other hand he must

    not say this in so many words lest they should take offence )?estergaard, #. and

    Achroder, @. *+:5 4K/. (eech )*+445*6/ points out that in advertising language the

    most fre$uent word for 2ac$uisition of product is 2get instead of 2buy. #he reason

    for this is undoubtedly that 2buy has some unpleasant connotations )money and the

    parting with it/ which 2get lacks. "dvertisers usually make very careful efforts not to

    use the word 2buy. %nstead they often use such synonyms as5 (try)' (ask for)' (get)'

    (take)' (send for)' (use)' (choose)' (look for).

    #he common verbs that indicate that consumers have some goods are such words

    as have' get' give' keep.

    The ver!s e'press the progress of using some goods are- take, use, have

    The ver!s e'press consumer/s favorite of some goods are-like, love, need???

    Cor examples5

    )*-/ &*ettingplaces in the business world is easier if your banker is there to

    meet you.'*- )Aecurity

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    contact the dealer;agent with greater or lesser urgency. &>all ;Aee your N agent.'

    &>ome to our showroom.' &>ome on ; hurry, book now.' #hese sentences are

    particularly fre$uent in advertisements for services such as insurance, travel, and

    provision of luxurious accommodation or for products in the more expensive range,

    such as cars.

    Cre$uent use of monosyllabic verbs can help kill two birds with one stone5 on the

    one hand, it makes the language of English advertising more concise and lively, and

    on the other hand, it saves space, time and money.

    2.0 se of Adectives

    #he primary function of ad!ectives with deep emotion is to describe head nouns.

    7eanwhile, evaluative ad!ectives and the form of &1er' and &1est' are very fre$uently

    used in advertising in order to emphasize that the product is better than the others and

    build a perfect and fuzzy image in readers mind, and to persuade consumers to buy

    the products.

    We can imagine that many businessmen extremely want to use evaluative

    ad!ectives to describe their products and services. #herefore, it is reasonable for

    appearing a series of modified ingredients in front of noun or noun phrase in all

    of &nglish advertisings."""

    =.D. (eech a well1known linguist in Britain, lists in his Language in

    Advertising )*+445 */ the following most fre$uently used ad!ectives5 )*/ new )/

    crisp )-/ good;better;best )6/ fine )/ free )4/ big )K/ fresh ):/ great )+/ delicious )*/

    real )**/ full, sure )*/ easy ,bright )*-/ clean )*6/ extra, safe )*/ special )*4/ rich.

    Cor example5

    )*/ &Whats on theBest1Aeller list in %B7 personal >omputer Aoftware'*

    )"dvertising for %B7/

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    become an even more astute games player. Every program in our software library

    makes the %B7 omputer a truly useful tool for modern times. #hats why a

    lot of buyers like you have made them best sellers. "nd the library is still growing.

    )*4/ &Why do our special teas make your precious moments even more

    precious'*4 )"dvertising for (ipton/'

    Crom these two advertisements you will find the &1er' and &1est' form of words

    as mentioned are also widely used in English advertisings. "d!ectives add vividly

    images into the advertising and help create a natural feeling so as to strengthen


    )*K/ &@ent.+resh& Calm& ,ild.@ent. #he taste youll feel good about. #he 7ild %nternational cigarette.'*K

    "s we all know, ladies are unwilling to get close to smokersM however, when you

    hear the advertisement of &@ent', you may imagine a picture5 a man is smoking a

    @ent and a beautiful lady is nestling beside him. #his advertisement wants to let you

    know that you need not worry about losing your lover, and that when you smoke the

    @ent, your sweet would love you more. Pust owing to these ad!ectives in this

    advertising, the advertiser get the effect expected.

    #he ad!ectives mentioned above are associated with products, showing their

    $ualities and properties.

    2. Fre,uent use of compounds

    %n English advertisements, you can see compounds everywhere. Aome

    compounds are written as single words and some with a hyphen, but others appear as

    two separate words. Because lexical restraints on compounds are few, the advertisers

    are relatively free to create English compounds which are appropriate to the copy text.

    "s a result, English compounds become a conspicuous characteristic of English

    advertisements. %n business advertising, compounds can express the thought that the

    manufacturers want to show exactly and completely. Cor this reason, compounds are

    fre$uently employed

    Cor example5


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    )*:/ &Chocolate-flavoredcereal'*:

    )*+/ &fresh-tastingmilk'*+

    )/ &top-%ualitybulbs'

    #he following are the main ways of word forming5

    ad!Jnoun5 short1term goal, high1fashion knitwear

    nounJad!5 the farmhouse1fresh faste, brand1new

    v1ingJad!5 shining1clean

    nounJv1ed5 honey1coated sugar puffs, home1made

    ad!;advJv1ed5 warm1hearted, perfectly1testured cakes

    nounJv1ing5 a relief1giving li$uid, record1breaking

    ad!Jv1ing5 innocent1looking, fresh1tasting milk

    advJv1ing5 hard1working, the best1selling soft toilet tissue

    nounJnoun5 economy1size shredded wheat, a state1of1the1art cell sorcer

    advJnoun5 up1to1the1minute sculling

    ad!Jinfinite5 easy1to dressM hard1to1reach place

    >ompounds are very flexible and embody the innovative spirit of advertising

    fullyM they can also make a profound impression on peoples mind when the

    consumers see the product for the first sight.

    Cor example5

    #here is a famous magazine called elfin "merica, the compound &Aelf17ade'

    that appears in the magazine encourages women to be independent.

    )*/ he elf-,adewoman. Ahes living better all the time.'*

    )/ &Evergreen,.ound-the-worldservice.'

    #he advertisement of Evergreen 7arine >orp is very short, but the compound

    &Oound1the1world' focuses on the different service form other company"".

    )-/ &@odak ingle-use-camerastake pictures where you wouldnt normally take

    your camera.'-

    The properties and usage of this camera is performed perfectly through the

    compound &Aingle1use1cameras'.


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    III. (ynta' in &nglish Advertising Te'ts

    "s a particular branch of language, advertising language should be concise and

    attractive. %t usually has its own characteristics in syntax, such as the fre$uent use of

    simple declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and imperative sentences.

    3owever, no matter what syntactical features advertisers are adopted, they should

    perform the following functions5 to get attentionM to show people an advantageM to

    arouse interest and create desireM to ask for action. #his part concentrates on the ma!or

    grammatical characteristics of English advertisements.

    #he function of declarative sentence is to describe the products reasonably and

    perfectlyM the function of imperative sentence is to persuade consumers to buy the

    productM the function of interrogative sentences is to raise a $uestion then answer it,

    which helps the consumer to eliminate the doubt of the product. #hese three types of

    sentences are all fit for the principle that advertising should have attention value and

    memory value.

    3.1 $ore simple sentences fe)er comple' sentences

    #he function of declarative sentences is to describe the products reasonably and

    perfectly. %t will get better effect to use simple sentences than compound sentences,

    because the readers will get bored on reading complex sentences. "nother reason is to

    reduce the cost of advertising, and effectively stimulate the consumers. Ao &use the

    least words to express as much information as possible', that is the truth for the


    Cor example5

    )-+/ &%t comes with a conscience'-+

    )6/ &Atouffers presents *6days to get your life, on the right course'6

    Example )-+/ is an advertisement of 3onda cars and Example )6/ is a food

    advertisement. #hey are mostly made up of simple sentences, which render these two

    advertisements smooth and easy to understand.

    )6*/ he label of achievement.'6*)"dvertisement for wine/


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    &label' means &piece of paper describing the name, ect', and it also can explain

    that &famous brand', a simple noun phrase describes the product appropriately and be

    remembered easily.

    )6/ &Cresh up with Aeven1Qp'6

    #his advertisement only uses five words to describe the benefits of the beverage

    and to urge readers to buy.

    )6-/ &Datural herb, pure honey.'6-

    #he distinctive characteristics of honey which displayed through simple

    language and symmetrical structure persuade readers to buy it.

    Aimple sentences can not only make English advertising easy to read, hear and

    understand, but also leave a deep impression on the readers minds.

    #.2. $ore interrogative sentences and imperative sentences

    "ccording to statistics, in every - sentences there is one interrogative sentence.

    #he main reason is that interrogative sentences can effectively arouse readers

    response. 7oreover, especially at the beginning of an advertisement, interrogative

    sentences will excite readers interests in this product.

    Cor example5

    )66/&What)s so special a#out Lurpark /anish #utter0Well, can you remember

    what butter used to taste like 9 real fresh farm house butter 8o you remember how

    you used to en!oy it when you were young #oday 9 the taste of (urpark bring it all

    back to you 9 thats why its so special.'66

    #his is an advertisement of (urpark 8anish butter, the writer raises a $uestion,

    which attracts readers to read this advertisement. 8uring the progress of )atching

    advertising""" consumers get to know this product and develop interests in it.

    >ontrary to the ordinary description, interrogative sentences can catch consumers

    eyes easier.

    %mperative sentences have a meaning of claiming calling and

    commanding "s the goal of advertising is to persuade and urge consumers to


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    to emphasize those key or important messages, to render them more attractive to the

    addressees and to achieve the purpose of promoting consumption.

    "s can be seen from the examples, dis!unctive elements or sentence fragments

    end in full stops and look as if they were complete sentences. %n fact, they are !ust

    parts of the sentences concerned. #he separate parts are often the key ones that are

    emphasized in advertising texts. #hey are very attractive. #hey are to be read in a

    stressed falling tone. #hey usually pro!ect or highlight the special features, or

    characteristics, or fantastic functions of the advertised product or service.

    I4. *ommon 5hetorical Devices in &nglish Advertising Te'ts

    Ohetorical devices are various forms of expression deviating from the normal

    arrangement or use of words, which are adopted in order to give beauty, variety or

    force to a composition. 7any of them are used in English advertising to achieve three

    goals5 first, it is to form the brand image or corporate image in consumers mindM

    second, to stress the uni$ueness of the advertised productM thirdly, to stress the uni$ue

    sales proposition of the advertised product. "mong them, the third is the most

    important because of its attraction.

    3egel says, 2beauty comes out of image )"lbert E. 8ipippo, *+:45-/. #he

    beauty of English advertising is first characterized by its ideographic image. %t

    embodies the materialized labor in a lively and vivid way.

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    English advertising, which are discussed briefly in this part.

    3.1. 6ersonification

    "ccording to A 1and Book to Literature, published by the BobbsS7errill

    >ompany in *+K, personification is &a figure of speech which endows animals, ideas,

    abstractions, and inanimate ob!ects with human form, character, or sensibilitiesM the

    representing of imaginary creatures or things as having human personalities,

    intelligence, and emotionsM whether real or fictitious, by another person.'

    3owever, the definition in Oxford Advanced Learner)s /ictionary Of Current

    !nglish With Chinese Translationis more concise5 &treating sth. that is without life as

    a human being or representing it in human form' )*++*5*4-/. #hrough

    personification, animals are endowed with human form or feelings, and inanimate

    ob!ects, or ideas and abstractions are given life and personal attributes.

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    true and profound feelings.

    ):/ &Ahe has her own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near' :


    #he perfume, (auren, is personified as a graceful lady. &Ahe' refers not only to

    the perfume itself, but to the beautiful lady who loves the perfume. #he use of the

    feminine gender &she' indicates that the perfume is used exclusively by females.

    We can come to the conclusion that the use of personification in advertising

    attracts the audiences attention, stimulates their interest in what is being advertised

    and helps create an impressive image of the product or service.

    3.2. (imile and $etaphor

    Writers often use figures of speech in advertising English. Cirst, figures of speech

    are employed to describe the characteristics of commodities in a vivid lively manner

    so as to catch consumers eyes and leave a deep impressionM second using a simple

    and common sample to figure a complicated and unfamiliar product in order

    to"""achieve the effect of fresh1feeling, creativity and outstanding.

    -..*. (imile is a figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are

    comparedM in this kind of figure vehicle and tenor appear at the same time, which are

    introduced or connected by like or as.

    Cor example5

    )+/ &Breakfast without orange !uice is likea day without sunshine.'+

    #his example is a case of simile introduced by the word like. #he adman here

    compares breakfast without orange !uice to a day without sunshine. 3ow vivid and

    imaginative the simile isG "s we all know, a day without sunshine is not warm and


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    rhetorical devices in English advertisements.

    -... $etaphor

    7etaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily

    designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison.

    7yers describes metaphor in this way, 27etaphor sets up a relation of similarity

    between two referents, as if they were the same thing. N is described in terms of H

    )7yers, *++65*/. >. 3ugh 3olmanm defines metaphor in A 1and#ook to

    Literature as &"n implied analogy which imaginatively identifies one ob!ect with

    another and ascribes to the first one or more of the $ualities of the second or invests

    the first with emotional or imaginative $ualities associated with the second'.

    7etaphor, unlike simile, does not use likeor asto indicate the comparison. Without

    asor like, it becomes more concise and produces profound associations. 7etaphor is

    considered by many to be the most important and the most common rhetorical device

    in English advertisements.

    Cor example5

    )-/ &3odakis 0lympic color'-)"dvertising @odacolor Cirm/

    %n Example )-/,3odakis compared to the color of 0lympic. @odak shows the

    real color !ust as 0lympic shows the real essence of the sports. #he metaphor in this

    implies that @odak develops itself by the 0lympic spirit9higher, faster and stronger.

    )-*/ &Houd better off under the 4m#rella'-*

    )"dvertising #ravelers %nsurance >o./

    Aafety is the most important thing for travelers. #his #ravelers %nsurance >o.

    takes advantage of the typical psychology of travelers to complete this advertisement.

    #hey used &um#rella' to figure their services """letconsumers feel comfortable and

    en!oy the travel relieved. #he advertisement is short, but the advertiser chose an

    appropriate metaphor to affirm the services of their company and increase the

    reliability of their advertising.

    0bviously, appropriate application of metaphor plays an important role in

    English advertising, which can not only render advertisements attractive and

    pictures$ue, but also informative and persuasive. Qndoubtedly, metaphor contributes


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    to promotion of the sale of products and helps make advertised service thrive and


    3.3. 6un

    "ccording to We#ster)s Third 5ew 2nternational /ictionary)*+:45*46/, the pun

    is &a humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or

    applications of words having the same sound or nearly the same sound but different

    meanings5 a play on words.'%t is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and

    meaning of words. Dida ) *++-5:K / describes it as follows, &oca1>ola/

    %n this advertising, &can' maybe understand as a bottle for drink, and it also can

    be used as an auxiliary verb. Ao this sentence has two meanings5

    Cirst is &>oke refreshes you like no other can )can refresh you/'M

    Aecond is &>oke refreshes you like no other )drinks/ can )refresh you/'

    )--/ &"sk for,ore'--

    &7ore' is an "merican cigarette brand, &7ore' and &more' has the same

    pronunciation and different meaning, consumer will connect &7ore' with the

    meaning of &much, more' when they heard the advertising. #he pun help the brand

    promote itself and guide consumer buy their product.

    )-6/ &>utex trongnailwith nylon for long , strong, beautiful nails'-6.

    &nail' means &' and & ' show the $uality of &>utex Atrongnail nail oil'

    to the highest level.

    )-/ &A /eal WithQA 7eans " =ood 8eal #o Hou'-

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    )"dvertising for 8epartment stores/

    &a good deal' means &many, much, more' , the advertising is combined meaning

    with &a good business' increase the interesting of this advertising.

    )-4/ &Every @id Ahould 3aveAn Apple"fter Achool'-4

    )"dvertising for >omputer/

    %n example )-4/,Applerefers to either the fruit we eat, or the computer with this

    brand name5 "pple. "merican children usually eat some fruits or candies as their

    desserts. #he advertisement means that children should not only eat apples, but also

    have an "pple computer, which is the spiritual food for them.

    )-K/ &Hou dont have to be an angel to wear it'-K)3eaven Aent/

    &sent' is past participate of &send' ,&sent' and &scent' are homophones. &sent'

    means &take', and &scent' is a kind of perfume, so we can understand the meaning of

    this advertisement1111&heaven sent' is &angel', it showed the perfume which is

    expensiveform heaven. """""

    )-:/ he role of the ?olunteer Oeserves is changing, %f youve got any


    &hoot' is slang in this advertisingM it means &please say it'. "s this advertising

    is about "rmy reserve and shooting, so the writer used pun made the language

    humorous and vivid, and also the topic is closer to us.

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    4. *onclusion

    "s English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, it is necessary

    to study and analyze the language features of English advertising. >urrent

    advertisements reflect radical changes in the technology, media, the social and

    economic relations, the sense of personal and group identity.

    Qp to now, we have discussed briefly the language features of English

    advertising, focusing on the main features of diction or wording, ma!or syntactical

    characteristics and common rhetorical devices. #he thesis is intended to enable the

    readers to understand English advertising texts better and to design and create them

    when necessary. "lso, by learning English advertising texts, we can improve our

    language competence. #he author hopes that this thesis can trigger our interest in

    English advertising texts, which will help raise our language level.

    %t goes without saying that research into the language of English advertising is

    both interesting and rewarding. #o achieve this awareness, we should not only have a

    good understanding of the language of English advertising, but also know its

    influence on the English language.

    0ne obvious influence of English advertising on the English language lies in the

    fact that English advertising contributes a lot of new words to the vocabulary stock of

    modern English. #he other type of words contributing to the English language are the

    advertising coinages, whose abundance is one of the lexical features of English

    advertising. Another main influence on &nglish advertising""" is so1called

    movement of &collo$uialisation', which is also a main contribution of English

    advertising to the English language. #he influence of English advertising !ustifies the

    relationship between a language and its users5 people create a language form as

    desiredM this form, in turn affects peoples conception of the language as a whole.

    (anguage is a carrier of advertisements. "dvertisers must continually ad!ust their

    language to conform to changes and grammatical rules.

    #his thesis is !ust an initial and brief discussion of English advertising language.

    7ore detailed and more comprehensive research is needed on English advertising

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    languageM also, it is necessary to make a detailed comparative study of English and

    >hinese advertising texts.

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  • 8/12/2019 Advert Okk


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