Africa 8th 4 Period

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  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    4th PeriodOBJECTIVE: Study the characteristics of

    Africa from the 1300s to the

    Independence o!ements to identify thechan"es in the history of this continent#

    $EA%&I&' OBJECTIVE: (escri)e thecauses and conse*uences of the

    mi"ration of the Europeans to Africa#

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    Behave like a son of God

    'a+atians ,:- &e. /in" James Version&/JV

    7Therefore you are no +on"er a s+a!e )ut ason2 and if a son2 then an heir of'od

    throu"h Christ#

    Biblical principle

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    VI(EO https:...#youtu)e#com.atch4!53&6C,78,J


    9o. .as the +ife of a s+a!e4 (o you thin .e ha!e s+a!ery no.adays4 ;hy4 ;hat is the di

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    In the 1300s and 1,00s2 Europeanse>p+orers and traders came to Africa andfound that it had "reat resources#

    Soon many Europeans .ere comin" toAfrica .ith p+ans to )ecome rich#


  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    At ?rst2 Africa .as important to Europe foron+y one reason: 'oods from Africa cou+d )etraded in Asia# Europeans sent ships ?++ed.ith c+othes and too+s a+on" the Africancoast and returned to Europe .ith "o+d andi!ory#

    But in the +ate 1,00s2 many Europeans

    nations c+aimed +ands in &orth and SouthAmerica# They )ui+t +ar"e farms there ca++edplantations

    !"# $%A !RA'#

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    Su"ar cane2 cotton2 fruits2 and co

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    The prisoners .ere cro.ded onto +ar"eships# Then they .ere sent on a +on"!oya"e to America# This @ourney .asterri)+e# any peop+e died durin" the trip#

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    The s+a!e trade in Africa harmed e!eryone# ami+ies .ere )roen apart#Thousands of peop+e died#

    Those .ho +i!ed found themse+!es in astran"e +and2 una)+e to +ea!e#

    any !i++a"es .ere a+most destroyed )y thes+a!e trade#

    R#$(%! )F !"# $%A!RA'#

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    The s+a!e trade a+so a

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    any Europeans countries )e"an to fo++o. apo+icy ca++ed i*perialis*# Imperia+ism isthe contro+ of the economy and "o!ernmentof one country )y another#

    %easons fo Imperia+ism: Economic: resources Africa .as home to

    ra. materia+s such as diamond2 "o+d2 iron2

    coa+2 and copper una!ai+a)+e in Europe2and marets

    Gro+th of I*perialis*

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    o+itica+ and mi+itary: )ases for trade2po.er2 and security#

    Socia+: spread of Christianity and the

    .estern cu+ture# Science and in!entions: .eapons2medicines2 ships#

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    European imperia+ism created ethnictensions

    Imperia+ism +eft countries and their

    "o!ernments in !ery )ad conditions atmany +e!e+s and .hen europeans +eft2 theydidnt he+p at a++ in the reconstruction ofthose countries#

    $and "ained )y the Europeans .ere +ost tothe Africans# Territoria+ demands causedci!i+ .ars#

    Res,lts of #,ropean I*perialis*

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    The price to mae the materia+s .as +essthan distri)utin" them#

    Africa )ecame more dependent on an

    industria+iDed economy#Europe insta++ed their educationa+ system2causin" traditions to )e )roen#

    Europeans nations !ie.ed Africans as


  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    The ?rst African nation to )ecomeindependent .as 'hana#

    'hanas ?rst +eader .as -+a*,*ah

    &rumah +ed a mo!ement no.n asSe+fF'o!ernment &O;G#

    Them mem)ers of this mo!ement +ed

    bo/cottsa"ainst the European"o!ernments#

    I.'#P#.'#.C# 0)#.!$

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    (urin" a )oycott2 peop+e refuse to )uy"oods produced )y another "roup or"o!ernment# Boycotts can hurt a nationseconomy#

    Boycotts2 he+ped the peop+e of 'hana .inindependence on arch H21-#

    Some African nations didnt .in their

    independence peacefu++y# any peop+e .erei++ed .hen /enya tried to .in its freedomfrom 'reat Britain#

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    One of the +eaders of /enyas independencemo!ement .as1o*o -en/atta#

    In (ecem)er 1H32 /eny )ecame

    independent# The peop+e of /enya choseJomo /enyatta to )e the nations ?rst+eader#

    &i"eria .as another African country that

    .on its freedom from 'reat Britain in the1H0s# Today &i"eria has )een he+ped )ythe disco!ery of oil

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    The money earned from se++in" oi+ he+ps&i"erians de!e+op their nation#

    Other countries in Africa that ha!e "ainedindepenence inc+ude Kim)a).e2 Kam)ia2oDam)i*ue2 Burundi2 and Eritrea#

  • 7/23/2019 Africa 8th 4 Period


    1# 9o. did Europeans ?nd out a)out the resources ofAfrica4

    L# ;rite the de?nitions of the" .ords:




    3# 9o. did the s+a!e trade start4

    ,# ;rite L conse*uences of s+a!e trade for Africans## ;rite a)out ho. some African nations .on theirindependence#
