Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

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Page 3: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

The Domtowr Almo Drafthouse Chema has become knom for special promotioro md mad gimickry sudr as the Cmibai Filn Festival Asim Sundays,

Serourromd, Fole,vr.jsion md the like. We briag this sme ballyhoo spirit to our first m features at !'illage md Lake Creek. Below are a smpling of some of theunique features ard fun promotioro in store for our two first-run theaters in Au€frst and SePtember.



"A blissfully silly, character-driven road movie with inpressive laugh-per-minute perfommce specs."

(Michael Rechtsha{feo Hallqwood Raportr)

"What could have just pushed the usual youth comedy buttons is inttead a crafty spof on issues from racial

politics to American hi8hway monoffi;i,H:ff1?::ff?,,,llf;-0"**, "s

ody a dmb sross-out

The plotLine is lean, but the laughs arc not. Harold md Kumar smoke a lot of pot and get a serious White

Cmtle uaving. The next 70 minuLes chronides theh roadtrip to olinary satis{action as ii descends intoLrizme deptlc hardly tathomable. l'Vhy see it at ou place imtead of my other? The Alamo stafl has been

trained in the rvays of l\hite Castle preparation, and trust us, after seeing those tasty little burgers on the

silver scrcen, there is nothing else that is going to satisfy. (Tim League)

GRAilB TH:TT PANSOilSllPffts utll[st - luGu$r 20TIIGIU$M AU$TH TTGIGT]TEIIT!

ltut CIBfiil] Pnn$olls ftlu$lcllTRIBUTI0ll 0pHllll8 xlfiHT!David Ca{frey's gentle-spirited comedy-drama Grctd TheJI Parsons s based on a legendary rock'n'roll incident so

strmge ii could only haw happened in eal,v-70s Southem CaliJornia. This rollicking, nellol-rolliag film is a lightl)'fictionalized account of the pact made by country-rock icon Grm Parsoro md his wild-ass road manager Phii

Kaufnan: whoever died first would hare his body brought out to Joshua Tree National Monumen! in the SoCal desert,

by the one left alive. There, the corpse - prosumably still young and good-looking - would be set on firq thus settin6J the

spirit free...or something like that. People just did this sort of thing back then. On September 18th. 1973. Gram Parsons

fuifiiled the 'dynrg fust" part of the bargah. The cause was general overindulgence in alcohol and drugs. The fact thatParsons - late of the Byrds md the Flying Buito Brothers, compah'iot ol Keith Richmds and Emvlou Hanis - hadchecked out for good at age 26 wasn't surprising to myone who knerv him, md Kaufmm knew him better thmanyone. The story begins as Kaufinan, played with surpdsirrg grace and feeling by "Jackass" ringleader JohmyKnowille, gets the bad news only to find that he cm't spring Parsons'body from dre local hospital" Back in L.A., he's

confronted by Parsons' golddigging slrew of m ex-girlfriend, Brobta (Chrislha Applegate, pure heli-ol-wheels), mdfudher complications arise n'hen Parsons' straitlaced father Stanley (good old Robe* Forster) shows up to coilect hisson md fly with the body back to Nerv Orleans. Needless to say, this time Kaufmm won't relent md succeeds ingetting his grubby hq.4t on the coffin - and the chase is on. Hilarity and heartbreak, as they say, en-sue. The moviefeels like 1973 must have fell and dre sublime music certainl,v sounds like it. Top it off with a cameo by the real-life PhilKaufmarl and you've go1 a rock'n'roll road movie like no o*.her l4lherever he is, Grm should get a kick out o{ it.


RlrAGolrn[s!lIPHrs lflfi c[til - AUGU$I2t

1r$ lEil0rous $ilnffi wnfiilGLl llG 0ll 0P:1ll1lG lllGHT!tlilllY slllllEs 0ll THI scBltllffin oilY0uR PlnTt!

What's better thm one gim! mem, super-irtelligent maconda? Why a whole passel ol giant,

mearL super-intelligenl macondas! And whaf's better thm deadly snakes up on the movie

soeen? Well (and this point may be debatable) how about dozens of deadly vipers jn the hands of

trained rattlesnake hadlers Darryl Ackermm, Sean Jonas and world champion sacker JackieBibby. See a mm in a sleeping bag full o{ rattlers! See the feacherous palm of dealh! 9ee snalces

dou'n pmts! See the daring cobra kiss and more, more mote! 1'Ve'11 aiso have a frril-tilt snake

related preshorv betbre the film md actual snake on the nenu! Now reallli t'hy wouLl you go

anyvhere eise for your maconda fix?

p0 a -ilamo rraflhou$0 Ginema.00um0m tlu9 n coloradol ullla00 undo}?0nuGstoff,um0ltl lat6 cr8Gttl0l al leto gfcsl PlHyl -Hw.ilr0nh0us8.G,0m

Page 4: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

Rt$lnffrilltzrHT DOUB1T ]HTUBT$tPTttBIR 9 nflllnGl ltB lilfi GBIH0

As a huge zombie fan and a fan of the video game, I felt like I had to go see the first Resident Etilmovie in the theaters, even though I pretty much expected it to suck. I sat tiere watch.ing thebegiming, eating my popcom, getting all set to talk about $'hat they should have done better Andthen the vims got released in the office bidldin& people started dying and there was that bit w.ith dre

elevator md oh dim the movie just never let go after that monent. The only thing thai kept it ftombecoming one of the greatest zombie m(xies of all time was the daushophobic atmosphere frombeing in an underground fortress the whole time. But then there was the ending of the first filrr,$'hich I won't give arvay in this write up- except to repeat what I said to my friend when we left thetheater, "Oh my god, we hare to go see dlal again just to try to pressue the studio into actuallymakirg the sequel." Apparently my plm worked md this September Milla Jovovich will be back todeal a heaping helping of pain to the walking dead and some freaky mutmts that were always a painin the butt in the video games. The second movie picks up right where the first one left off, so we'll beshowhg them both back to back rvith the opshg credits of part two coming on imediately alterthe closing credits of part one have left the sceen. Time vour pe brealc accordingly. (Hemi Muza)

lu-01{llPHS UIll[GT - $tPT fi

t$ltHt( PnilERI lt0mltT0Hilt olt $IFT 5t(D- Takashi Shimizu, 2003, 92 min., R) Sometimes somedling happens that's so bad ahouse cm never recover When a husbmd murders his wiie, son md cat rqith boxrufter, alt the screams, all the bloodstains, md all the violence md rage is etchedinto the walls, doors, tatami mats and floors of a sweet little suburban home. \'earslater, a {amily moves in and, one by one, the mquiet dead of the house drag themdom into hell. Events kick off when a social worker shows up at the house to find a

hash-streM mess &'ith only the comatose fmily matriach lefl. lve jump back mdforth ir time to watch as every individual who comes in contact wi*r the house'shomicidal rage becomes infected b'ith violence and all of them vanish in a puff offea. Hailed as the rcariest Japanese morde of all tirne. JU-ON doesn't disappointryith its disorienting, non-linear slide dou'n a slippery slope to gibbering surrealmadness. (Grady Hendrix, Fantasia Film Festivai)

iltT tI c001 ililts Pnl$ilI$ [ $ilEil( pttutHil:

A ITIRTYSHAMTt0ltlt utArIR$ uut ilr Prnsolr!

IHUn$mY, $IPT 23, I:30 Pil, il.[]tl0 Ul11[0I"Cult movie heavet\!" (Ain't It CooI News)

(D. John Waters, 200492mn. R) 35 yems after lv{ondo Trasho, the selJ-ascribed "Pope of Trash" has hardlydeviated from his avowed purpose in life * to smash every middle-class value held dear by the mass movie-going public. Join us as we celebrate the proliferation of gleeful tastelessness with a screening of his latestcinematic tlilsgression - A Dirty Slume. When the owner of a Baltimore working class convenisrce store,Sylvia Stickles (Tracey Ullmm), suffes a conflssiorL &e injury causes a drastic change in her sexual drive,turning her ilto a sex addict p'iih q'azy, wiid md urgent desires and compulsiorm, much to the joy and thenfrustration of her husbmd (Chris Isaak) who has trouble keeping up with het as her new personalitythreatero to tear apart the remnants of what wasn't m entirely perfect family to begin with. Director JohnlVaters has clesaibed this movie as his "curnilingus con&ssion comedy." Also starring Johmy KnoxvillgSelma Elair, llaters regulrus Mhk Stole md Patty Heust, md some incredibly grotesque tatre breasts

- !0m!0m tf0S I G0l0nd0lfllltso ttudo$mue$t0l Bum0U lrlo Gro0l (183 rtlolG GrootPkscl -trsy.dtrffm$$0.Gom

Page 5: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004


OPHIS $TPT 1I, 1AI[[ GNITilRlt0ff l!0ilTnm BuiltP B[IIltS 0PHlll8lllttlfiiln!

"A love letter to the pulpera sci Fi / Adventure comict this is a serenade io Holllvood fi1m of ihe late

thirties. Every*ring fels so reho-rfic! " (Ain 'f if Cool Na:s)

(D. Kerry Coroan 2004 POThis science fiction adyenture set in the 1930s starts as New York City reporterpolly Peikins (Gwyneth Paltfow) investigates I'hy so many fmous scientists are stilting to be reported

missing. Sooa she starts io get clues, as strmge ilying machines md gimt robots threaten the city. Luckily, her

old flaine, aviator Captain Joseph Sulliym gude Law), AKe, Sky Captaira is there to battle the bad guys wiih

his friends, the Fl;ring Legioa in his lvarhawk P-40. smo Pollf is flying aivay wiih sky caPtain to NePal to

find a cay scientisi Dr. Totenkopf, who appmnily ivmts to destroy the world. When the dmger lurks

mder the waters of the seas, sky Ciptain seeks the help of naval adventurer caPtain Frmky cook (Argelina

Jolie), the commder of an ali-female mphibiou squadron - nuch to the chagrh oI Polly!

SHAU]I OTTHE BERITsltHl( Pnilill - ll0ulllr0lllll stPT 1

0P$l$ ulllnGt - $tPT ltstt tPls0ll$ 0r smcil BIt0Rt THI tllil!

"A side*plitting, head-smshing, gloriously gory horror comedy." (Nev Piere, BBC)

Hey folks, Harry here... ihis film is iust blmdy brillimt. Mmy that attended the litde screening Ihad here in Austin feel they t'ill not see a film they love more lhis yeu. Shaun of t\rc Dead couid

play agairot my of you favorite, played 150 tines horrcr films and come out smilhg. it is

really that fucking great. Englmd Sets ii next weeken4 md rnv eruy knot's no bomds. I wmtto go again, RIGHT NOW! I LOVE TIIiS MOVIE! (Harry Knorvles, Aia't /t Cool Nezrs)

Seriowly folks, it's that good. Jaded by one to many zombie comedy ri{fs? Think you've seen

'em all? Comider it a gere that cm bear no more fruit? IJ so/ you are wrong. Shaun of lhe Dead

delivers. You've nevet seen a tomantic zombie comedy (romzomcom) like this. It des the

inpossible and succeds on all three (and it's a damn fine buddy picture to boot). Plea$e trust

on this one, it's the real deal. (Tm League)

THT TIUT OB$TRUGTIOII$0PH{$ Ulluc[ - stPr 24

0PHll[0 lllGllT HllSIIll BY llllltllTl0ll ilntGT0n B0B Elll$mil,,watihing The Fite absfiuctjons is at once like witnessinS th'o chess masters playing dominoes md like

spying on a series of therapy sessions " (A.O. Scott, N'eru Yorl Tines)

',ln only 90 minutes it encotrages you to rexmirc the nafurc of cinema. the sowces of reativitV, the unexpected

joys of'the mmticipated moment. And it couldn't be more fur to watdr." (Kemeth Tur a\,14s Angeles'l\rcs)

"Leth leaves the vietrer both exhilarated and maybe even optimistic about the capacity of humm

intelligence md creativity." $ohn Andesotg Nmsday)

With Tire Fiae Obstructions, notoriously mischievous director Lars von Tiier performs yet another I'. i

cinematic experiment. This time uound the Danish pmnkster tlies to outwit his mentor, directtr Jmgen li .li

Leth,forcinglrintoremakehisclassiclg6Tshott,WePrfectHumaryfivediflerenttimes,with-aseri*tf ij;iinremingly"outlmdish guidelines. His goal is to break do*'n the abnomally stable Leih, teaching hin a j'valuable ljie lesson in fie process. tn the first film, von Trier sends Leth to Cuba and sets his fust t :

, ,

seemingly insumountable rule: make a film that coroists of shots that ile no longer than twetw !'m:s i-"jat a tfuie. Miraculously, Leth uses his forced limitations to create a beaudful work, which obviously irks ll iL

von Trier Von Trier ciiallenges Leth to retum to Bombay-which he calls the "mosl wlet&ed place on l, I

Earth',-ir order to confront sone demom Ircm his pas! nakes him remake his fiLm with no limiiatiom i: iiwhatsoever, and finally, reseated the film as m animation. The Five obstructions is a thoughtiul, i;:entertaining meditation on the filmmakjrg proress. Waking LIfe anmafor/art director Bob Sabiston also '

wrved m aiimation dtrector for The Fioe Qbitructions. Bob is orrently in town olcrseehg the mimation '

for A Scnnns Dmklv md has agreed to conduct a Q&{ following ihe opening night sreenings to discuss , :

his experiences with *ri. vuly urique filrn.

5 -llimo Dnln0[$c GlnomiN- lt0Hmom 1409 B GoloredolsllatG ttndol$onuc$l0l !uno$ lal0 GTocltlffi arl.l0 ctcotFhryl'uwJtal&0us0.c0m

Page 6: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

BARBTGU* A TilN$ llluE $IONYnowrr0w* ru[s, 8/s - wtll$, 8/4 & Illu[$, 8/5, l:00izOO+, a. Chtl.' Ett.y,46 min., N& $6.50i $5 stulsen/AIS) Elley's documentary covers 3,350 mles of

i"xai burb"cu. stories ftom testaurmts, cook-o{fs, famly reunions, fundraisers, and political

satherinss. Narrated bv fomer Texas Gor'. Am Richards, it includes an all-star cast of Texan talking

fread.. n"cluding Liz Cirpenter, Caclus Pryor, md Kmkt FrieJman. From ihe personal teslirnonials

oi wirened barb"erue-joirit patrons ("When"you retire, hiI the back roads. Drinkyou a cold beer. Come

;; ilt,ty';. Eat you'somJ barbeme") und o*"rt (There's no such thing is.a sick.day") to the

bartrecue lesends o[ LBl s presjdency, Elley md his rew's nission to leave no dirt road unexplored

tft *,"* *itt igg-plus hou. of fuotage. fhe simered-down version we_get to see rncludes Brbie,

a spud,y hlon,t ijrefighter who rides-thc fastest lawnmower in the world md hclp. raise funds for

hei'fire 'department tfirough bxbecues, and Douhle Ttouble's Cluis Layton, w}ro, rvhile on tou in

New York, had Austin's S'im's on East 12th FedEx the band some authentic Texas cuisine. (Nora

Ad<rum, The r{asfin Chronicle\

BllsH's BnfillD0WllT0Wlft 8/11,9il5 - 8/12, lpm - 8/tn, tpmoPlts [T ilfiil0 llllllff fnl, 8/2?!(2004, D. joseph Mealey, Michael shoob, $5 50i $5 STU/sENi Ars) Karl Rove Hard to lind a more

compelling documentiry subject: the Svengali-esciue, ruihiess, remorseless, coid-blcroded-brrtcompelling documentary subject: the svengali-esciue, ruihiess, remorseless, cold-blooded but

bdliant p"olitical prrpp"i *uri"t whom mariy credit with mastermindrng not only George W,'s

improbable *.uni to th" gou.*orship - md, even more irnprobabl,v, to -dre

presidency - but alscimprobable ascent to thewith the end of bipartisan

- md, even mote irnprobabl,v, to the presidency - but also

tself. Filmmaker {andJirsltime politicai doc-maket) Midraelwiih the end of bipartisan"govemmenf itself. Fihnmaker (and first.time politicai do,c-maker).Michael

Paradies Shoob, aiong t'iti co-director anci cineinatographer Joseph Mealel', re1{ W1rye S]a1er.1n{parual"r St oof, uinng r,itf, codirector anci cineinatographer Joseph Mealeli re1{ WSyre S]a.tet.a1{

Jarnes Moore's i003 iook" Bush's Brain: Hru Kttl Ra* Made George W. Bush Prsid.ential, md.decided',

ihat there was a filn in there about the White House senior adviser who some call the "co-president "

Bush's Brain, the fi1m, is essentially a l{ore retrospective, a clxonological exmination oI the Rove

mndrrc nnprandi in the chess eame of American r:slitics - or. make that the "putative" Rove m.o.,modus operandi in the chess game of American pslitlcs - or, make "putative" Rove m.o.,

because Rove declined to participate in the film, and because the esserce of KaIl Rov€ is to not be

causht. iust shonslv suspected. 5o, x'hat we md the filmmakers are left with, essentially, is a casecausht. iust shonslv suspecied. So, x'hat we md the filmmakers are left with, essentially, is a case

burli bv'exanlnin"g'the entrails of the artist's hmdiwork. Or iieconstmcting I{ove's'Jmk1'ard dog

approicJr to politils,', in the words of UT presidential scholar Brr,rce Buchman. (Ame I Lewis, Tlre

Austin Chronicle)

Bmsl{$ml,Enll0WtlT0t{l* 8/10, lnm - 8/19, lpm' 8/22, l[mlu[rtttff mffint! Htllliltfi: BE$r mnnnrlu: ]t[T[nHsT[RRlilG Ron G0nD[nY ITIIE nillr sil0$lfinn inniuntl{G TltI G[sT 0] uPnlcllr elTlttll$ Bnmlm!lzoo+ o. r*rt s.tsoo $6.50/$5 STU/SEN/AJS) One timelegendBobl'y Dukes(Corddry), who 10

vears brck cle{iled tlte qreat game of painiball bv trying to dleat. is back and ready to prove himre)f

l chansed mar in the tiu.i"o"n Valley Paintball Gampiorohip Trouble is, nobody rvants to Plav with

him. D"Lrkes atlempi 10 put togethir a team out of the local pool-of freals md misoemts is the

or"*r" of this nii1, But the |erformers, mmy o{ whom have done theaire together for years,

i*fiouo. ""urty

utl tlre dialogue, meaning that plot takes a backseat to rmdom-hilarity The result is

u sloriou" brt bI ense'l.le conredv jn -which perlonrcrs prance giddily through a prrade of

;.:-[;"t;, non sequihurs. and over-the-top rants whose abrurdi$ leavgs^$e audience (ard

sometimes ihe actori themselves) in hysterics. (I{achel l'ro ctor \Lay , Tte Austin Chronicle}

ps 6 -flNmc llratrhouss clnoffa - l0rntffn ilog B Sototadolllllegs undcls0nf,ost0lBurntt0 L0lc GreGrltrSs lt Lsls Gtcsn Pff$ -mw.dttl[l0r$8"s0m

Page 7: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

t[$T ]il[l] sTfilllllllGnOWttfOWf:WGils, 8/25, tlm - iltuts, 8/26, lnm '$un' 8/29,IPm(2003, d. paul Stekler, 90 min, N& $5.501$5 stulsen/AIS) Expect a twofer fuom a Paul Stekler political documentary: a

iiim with a compelfing cinematic nmative mediated by a filnrmaker with genuine political expertise. In his new film,

Lnst Man Standiig, Steller takes a long look at Texm' transmogrification from LB| md Arur Richards comtry to today's

Republicm <tomiirmce and mk, esseitially, ''ls that allthere is?" After following the 2002 statewide md local cmpaigns

tha't Ste6er zerog3 in on, rhe kadn's Digai arsri'er to that question is: maybe, or then agai-q maybe not. But you'll draw

your om conclusions. (Anne S Lewis, Tlr Austin Chroniclel

[tln Pllt0wll0tltT0tllft HGdg 9/1, ?nm - Iltun, g/2, t ilm0Ptrs lT luto $lllcl fnl, 9/3!(2003, d. BrymPoyser,, 88 min, NR, $6.50/$5 ST! /SEN/AIS) For a movie explicit enough to use the.D ivord, V word,

md a smattering tf C words, it sems comterintuille that Dear PiIIoza- depicts nrr nudity or sex of m1' kind To its

filmmakery rvriier-director Bryan Poyser and producer-cinematographer Jacob Vaughar; ihis is perhaps the very

essence of tireir work When questioned about their blue-balling tactics, Poyser conrus, "We made the decision that this

is going io be a movie where-nobody comes. No one." While working its characters inio a ladrer, Dcat Pilloiu explores

tt J a"t"oi gefting off. Loma (Viviane Vives) makes obscene and truncated phone calis, Dusiy (Gary {_hason) mites

mastubatory {oider for t}re readers oI the tih:lar maguine, md Wes (Rusiy Kelley) makes do rvith the fuustratingl,v

limited sexuat outlets of the average tenager. Put these three in a room, md you have a veritable smorgasbord ot

dysfinctional sexuality that is at once funny md uingeinducing. Before long the shocking disrussions become

iriteresting noi lor whit is so frmkly said but for what iopics are soirdently avoided: iie dtaracters'.om desjres. 3o

where do"es the inspiration lor suih a bawd,v tea* of a sdpt odginate? The rvriter's own experience. of course.

Writer / director Poyser implicates himsel{: "One night I got a cail from this girl who basically did wirat Lorna does in

the movie: She stied having phone sex with me. .- t ptiyed along as myone would, md she hmglp_on-me right m

the middle oi a sentence. Asihe was talking she mentiored that hir boylriend rvas there, md s}re asked if I wanted to

talk to hinr, and I said, 'No, no, thafs all ;$l t t*e taking to you.' ... I started thhking 'Who is ihis person? W-hy is she

doing tlisi Was her bo,r'friend really theie? Was this a way to initiate *teir sexual encounters?"'Inspirafion indeed.

nega?dless of their sort*, th"r" qu"itioro girdthe loins of D ear Pillotn.Y.aughanmd ?r:yser bring,slowly,into focus the

tru"e desires o{ their trio but roll credits be{6re the motivations ue revealed, leaving the viewer exFraus:^l but certaidy

not spent. $ames l{enovitch, The Austin Chronicle)

A rill G00ll [YtIsll0fflT0f,lft lucs 9/I, tnm - llleils, 9/8, ${5 - Inur$ S/g' tnm(ZOO+, a. nAo*ru i.* Herru, NR, $5501$5 stu / sen/AFS) Everyone lows a womn in uni{om (even Iron Maiden had a

ro"gfy thut"u.n"),but und Au;tinfiknmaker Mocha_JemHerrup finishedher documentary onqueer uni{om fetishists

ti,ebyte U"itorrn Corps, few filrns had addressed the subjecthead on. By hrms playful, hilario{s, md inteliectually

stimiafing, A Fezu Gooi Itlkzs follows Hemp's involvemenf wrth this sartorially indined ou$it and ends up revealingas

rucJr aboilt so6ety's love'of a sharp-&essed dyke as it does about the DUC. "l rvas the fusi accepted" recruit to the Dyke

LJniform Corps, aCually," says Herrup. "I had ilways had fantasies about boot cmp md things like that, but once I grew

up u"a t ".rir.

u .onr&o6'udrlt I tdolired I nevei wmted to join the military.But you've got to admiJ i{s really hot."

Eirter the DUC, which offers all of the thrills of unifom play with none of dre bloody rigors of actua.l military seruice.

Unilorm fetishes cut aaoss all known gender boundary iires, in eff""t bltniog th"m, linking Joe Staight to Jane Queer

in rvays the trvo might never have imagined. (Marc Savlov ,The Attstin Chronicle)

TlrI llnlftll lttilllsTll0lilllilttll:W8ds, 9/15,


- tfi, 9111, llm - $un, 9/1$, ?Fm(iOb,t a.fouisaecLitte,S0i"[Nl,NR,$6.50/95stu/senlAFS) Whileforyearstheconventionalwi-<domwasthatwomen

were physically md ps1'chologically abused within the pom business, TIre Nakad Fernirisl {ocuses on women who have

1"umed io suci""d oi-, th"it o,[n t"ro, in the business of adult fi1ms. Among Achille's inten'ien- subiects ile actresses

Marilyn Chambers md Christi Lake, performmce artist Annie Sprinlle, Forn star-tumed-director md producer Tme

uamiiton. md Shmon Mitchell, a frmer aduit filnr star who now runs ihe Adult Indusrry Mcdital HealthCarc

Foundafion, a indusiry rvatchdog group whidr administers AIDS tests to performers. (Mark Deming, All Mouie Guide)

rut-Alrm0 [nltnoil$O 0lnem0 -llmmorn Hog X GelotrdolUll000 tfidors3nm$dnmffil lat0 C10Glt18il rl|JIG GioclPltuyl -wH.ilanhousG"Gorn

Page 8: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

. ,."

8 -Atamoltralth0use CinGma - t!0ril0un tfin rnd Colorauot IillagD Innders0nw0sl0l BumBU taftc gieot t183 at lrfie GlGe[ Plffrl'Uw.draftn0ilsc'com

Page 9: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004



:n:il;,ijjr ]:1!::r{f


To celebrote our new line of shirts, we ore throwing o lee

free heer snqcks - live DJ's - free movie lickels wilh ony shirl purchqse!

g - lllrmo llraltlrousc GinGmr - llomtowlt (fih and G0loradol UlllagG llndGr$on rG$t 0l BllrnGU lrlc Grecl t183 0t lolc G]GGI Plryl - wut dt0llh0usG.c0m

Page 10: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004


So|liitulilG'$ Bnclillll' It $lllttnll0WtlT0t{ft lil0ll0[Y, IUSU$I 2' I:00tp. frlit" W""U, ZOOS video - totj program ruming time 90min., acimission 93) 1f s ha'd to keep a secret in Shirer,

;;;Jtilt"t ;" iigg* ru""'t thL -Lut the'new beer is going to be from their om Spoetzl B:ewery. The

mavor, thc fire cliel fhe Otd Geczcr. - everyonc in this tom uf 1,070 ha' arr opiniort Scnrclhirtg liratrn- is a

fumv i0-minute docunrentary dral foilows $e true story o[ hou Shincr'. nc\rcrt bccr srs (ubmiltcd tcr ihe

"r"rirfi "i* ""*lre town. Music by The Gourds! PLLIS: The Academv Award nondnated shod: Ltrt 0/rhe llrlk

-gilr.1., iit* it?e), thc minA-Uowng flitrlstones Buscn Beer Episorie {20 mir'i a thi,Jy veiled Busch commercial

oackase.{ rvithin a lem Flirtstones story irc (Frecl md Bmey get iit on cheap beer) T}r Br3 Ililrir (10 min.. 35m)

i tr.t"orv of the Budweiser Clvdesddles nanated by :poken-word mogul Kcn Nordine as s'€ll ds other

iriffui,"ou, b*, oddiries! lt's a hopped-up night of pilsner pure entertainment ihat is not to be missed.

sunrn Bffn $PIGI[I- otllY $t00 !!!

$uFEm$ffifffim-ht*-rtt=uum nua a,F'ca; nuG. g, I pu; nuG.10, I a 9'45; [uG. 12' 9il5D,LOf. a. U,o*un Spurlo.k, 35nm, 56.50l/$5 student/senior/AFs, $1 on Monday) The-United States is aboui to

',J",- ",it"ait sriit in r-he waY it eatt antl the success of Morgm Spudocks suPer€nteltainhg'

,rp.,,";r;;f,|;;1;-.n1.'ry'srpr -sirr ltr*il1have sometling to do withit. With anylu& Spurlocks od,r'ssey will

do{orortron ul\l.fr,r,Ji,i..Frrrg,,rKin6KFC,ctc.,*'hat.c]entistsdidtolthcsocropathicAlcrin,,4,Cloiliucrk;;r;;.';J,"; ;;, o, ..i rri...* "il*

nperi:dmiru'lered a drug to induce nau"er, md iotced him io ogle hou< and

ir.'"ri"ir,"l-",;.ri"iiiprr..uuiftnuiia*tiood-or.u{lea<t slortyoudom.spu-locksmaSnificentstunt-sye1d1s

a mon*& eating nothilg but il{cDonald's iood, three meals a day - is inter}aced with tacts md ngwes lhc calones ne

." ru*.u, ,nJ'r*ufts io iris heaith as r,olitored coniinuall,v by a team of doctols, the national average coroumption

offusifood.AnrfricJnol'r\rt\ral(r,lhcierrch:rdlorcfute.-lrlorealarmingarehis,visitslohospitals'i9P:l!:iJool. ,r-h".. nn" ,rould thiirk you cculd expect to find healthy food optiors. After the movie created a sbr at thrs

vear's Srndance festival, \4cDoroid's dici r'tigh in th" tontpunl' amormced the end of supersizng-and daimed &at

i#ililir;;;i*glo,rottitt spurro.tlSiue.ithassiroeiisuedastatementcallhg,superSiaMt"asuper-sized

Jiri"tti* "i

U.- q""fity, ihoice, md 'iaieiy available at lv{cDmlcl s " Do they mem th::t t*O:l $:ti:t-T:1ET:on to saV that the film is not about N{cDonall's but "Spugock's decjsion to act iffesponsibly€ gmntrck to. ma(ea nm'

i ""i.1.* ,".l,.., r trl uf brurd"iclcs from orgrniJr-ion5 likc tle ccntcr for consumer FreeJom arrd thc National

Ol"t"*l'"f.:i.i f* ,fr""Ju iit.u.a th. .rrrui. against calorie-laden fast food and its purueyors to dral other

lefiliberal scan, global waiming Next thing they'll be telling us drat cigrettes caure cmcer'

RRril l!t[h A llutsTl0ll l}r son$ilTll0sfilT0wlft totlllAY, [uGUSl 18, g'IblD. Bilh, Corben, 2000, 90mrn. Umated, video) Raru Deri has to be one of the most exposilg;and conhoversial

a".*,L,Jri", iboutiop" -.t fuaternity liie today. Billv Corben's remarkable expoce on ihe contesied raPe

of 27-veu-old Lisa Cier i(ng in Gainesvilie, Florida, is sure to provoke heated disrls>ions rverJ'where aboul

;, i;;*,{r;;hb ;";* privilege. On Friday, February 26, 1999, I}etta Chi frar brothers at the

Universitv of Florida held a partl at theiifraternity house and hired exotic dancer ]-isa Cier Kilrg to-perform'

;# f;i#;;;;"f ^ r'#"it"a *a distraugit Kirg ran from the house, claiming that N{ichaei Yarhaus

f."J *p"J ni. H"t -Srt rturtli.g ullegationwas"that hatbrother Tonv iv'larzu* l:1.1*:tt*f,"r:tiT.T;e;; i"U K*therseu wai arre'sted for filin' a false police report after authorities claimed the tape

rh"r""J;A".iy *'lJii.g *d consensual sex." Thecomunity rvas shtmed by King's **tl:lt"-i]i.l;i:consensual sex." The"comunity rvas shtmed by King's urest after it was

,!'*;rJ;.i i.;i;""trp; ;h";;-d Marzrllo himself repeatedly adclresing the carcra to gleetullv

desribe that u,hat lre was witnessing was a rape. under pressure {rom the media and campus Now to

.i"t* tfr" fr'", brothers with rape, dtate Attomey Rod Smith urogmtlv respondedly.maLi']g t" ltq*'- -.9. . ., , , --,-'^^..rr --^r,^,.- ir^;. -,.,- -,;,,i. Filmm,Lar Rillr Corhen iakes Smithsavailable to the Public so, neoole could make up their own minds." Filmaker Billy Corben iakes

the rcmdalizi.g, seruilly explicit footage aiongside interviews o{ parlchailenge and presents the qcildatzln& sexually_e)

involvei n ith {ire case to conduit an investigation theJcmdaLizing sexuilly explicit footage aiongside interviews o{ participmts

,drrcf an invistisatior th" r,oli." ."uui did. The result is a shocking imight oncl'ailenge andir"of""f *itf. ti" case to conduct an investigation the police never did. The result is a shocking iffiight on

ir"t*"i*y f if. *a rfr" politically conshucted ialure of "lhe lruth." (Shari Friiol SrndaueFilnFestiaal)

ps lll _&tam0 grefitu||rss Elfi8mfl - !!0wnroH[ t40$ B Cotorfldo! tfillagc lftndenonrGst0l lmm$ tltscrccltlSt fll l0tc 0rc0l Phry! -uHn'dtilltousG.com

Page 11: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

0uTroilEllll-0Wilf0Wil: TUE$ll[Y, EUEU$T 1?, 7:00(zooa, o. nor"rt coenwal4 90 min, N& $5.50/$5 STU/SEN I N$ Autfoxedha,sbeen made in secet. The

iilrn is an obsessively researdted exposd of the ways ir which Fox Newg as Greenwald sees it, distods its

.*"i"j- t" *-. tfie coroervative political agenia of its omer, the meciia tycoon Rupert Murdoch. It

ieatrrre"s rnteniews wiih Iomer Fox employies, leaked policy memos written by Fox rerutives md

""t.*ir. i"","g. from Fox News, whichCreemvald is using wiihoutthe netrvork'spermission The_result

i;;;;.;r;'.rft rtgument against Fox News thai combines the leftist patisan vigor of al4ichael Moore

df", *ith th. ro6"t ti* and ie1very oI a PBS special. A lage portion of the film's $300,000 budget cmre

u tr," ro* of contrib{tions in the-rmge o{ $80000 from both Moveon md the center for American

lt"g;s. brflr*a.as made in an mrisually collaborative-fashim ln Jmuary, Greenwald rigged,up a

aor!* pVO ,".ord"rs md programmed them to recorrl Fox News 24 hours a dap seven days a week' for

about six months. After scrutiiizing the initial footage, Greenwald and a team of researchers compiled a

fr;t;f ;# rh.tr^. as Fox's telltalithemes md techlniques: stories questioning the pairiotismdliberais;

,.f"r.tflrriV up'beat reports on lraq; belligermt hosts who.saeam it noncomPliant guests. Greenwald

planned for the list s categories eventuall1i to become organizing sectiors of the film. As he envisioned it,

ii.u fii. Jor *.ooo.d by"theme, togethei with voice-overs and commentary, would lay bue Fox s-tactics'

ir.;;yi#". 6n." ih. lit* of citegories w.as 5o1riet1 Gt:ti*{* as,ked. \4oveo,i * 1T9,ifi9

,"r*,.ir, "rJ J *ir";;;; ;rig""? , parti6ar time slot duing the day to monitor Fox, so that the

neh{orks news stories or commentaries were under obseruation lirhrally 24 hours a day when_a

MoveOn volmteer wouid spot m example of lootage that fit one of Greenwald's categodes, he voxld

noi. ttt" aut" ^a

ptecise time md send the information in m e-mail message to Grcenwald' who had m

assistmt code it and transfer it to a spreadsheet. By May, Greenwald had received enough exmples to

construct a rough outline o{ the film. He then hired five editors - politically passimate filmaken who cm cbmind up to $1,000 a dav {or TV commercials and

movie trailers but who accepted $tso a Ja|for ,i "

.t *." * *ott,i" tr." p"iJ.i. l" the eveni'gs, hvo editors.would consuit Greenwald's spreadsheets md iocate the

flagged footage in his vast rbr"r,t "r

ior il.*. ,*g;.n'.. ou*g thu day, tire ttuee other edi"tors worked simultmeously on separate puts oi the movie' stitching

togerher a coherent n*utiu* t o* 1," io^ ;;, ;i";tl ;; r,;;rH; tl;t*"";ald conducted with former Fox employees {some of them disgui"ed to proie(i &eir

identities) and comentators ltce the foil;&;N;;.;.L* wJi"i dt""li ".

Greenwald is pleased with the fini;hed product "I wanted to use lrox's own words

;;l;;;;r ,i"* ;r".tly *hut th"y,io;;i. ,uyr. "ro* it u n"publicm, not merely a conseroative, network " (Nn' York Tines)

iq$i?stt '#*rdeait4

irfar sfi Jssr&*ltr.B

rou illliltYou nE[llY llttOw ttt

tHr GnnYwlls0ll $T0RYn-owni0wn : u0ilnnL sff Ttil BIn

-2q, q{F

[imGion ulcHAEt w01l{ lll fiTIllllAHGl!(D. ui.huut wott 2003 72 min. uroated, $1 admission)25 years ago, thanks to a jzz-musician dad, a teen-age

*".o*"' *i.1.r.. .omposer lohn Cagc, and a pcrsonaLiryintlined.towud strmge habits (rolling in flow and

rug*ti,-r..otaing t"pJ. fn, .*utpl.ic"ry !r ilson emeqged irom his parents' bmement in Endicott NY with a

nori"o..ora"a *ir*, Youryink iouRealty (noa, Mr lhat"went ou to bicome the kares o/Grass of the indielock

*i.rgr"LJ- "

fnifrry intluential md rewlutionary vmitv cffort. Wilson's funky keyboards, creepy effects and

cheesrj'lills (ciescribed is "steely Dm on crack") inspired everyone ftom B€ck to Siflps0rs creator Matt Groening,

;;i;ir;;r;;;;;; t,rot oir, ona he ended up playing tounge music md workirg in a pomographic booletore.

The doc {eatures a surprising amassment o{ archival fmtage, and follows Motel Records' 6-yeal seaJch tol the_

elmire musicim ard their jtorfs to get him the credit he ieseres as a pivotal component of outsider rock' (Nau

YorLar I/lagazine\

Ftur stDr$ 0r r G0lu[owxrowtt' wrnffsn$ $HIttlBIR 29' 9il5eooej. puu r"n, 70 min, N& $6/M.50 stu/sen/AFS) Give it up for Paul Kell's pulsing cinematic essav - a

*f"Ui i*"., *d hirtory of hip-hop - a musical geroe, a way of life, a fashion statement a lmguage, an

i.",,"*. ."i p"ut;i;;-;". i relgron, for s"ome. Kell uncovcrs the movemcnt's orjBins {drd the iint

,f,i *." U"r, "",

* Detroit, the Soulh BrJu, or the West Bron?) md his drifercnt 'chapters" cover graffiti,

;;;il;;.*& t'mtabling and rap battles. lntemational somd bytes/beats come from Afrika Bmbaataa,

il;l ["r, pTrase Too, Gimdmasier Flash, Grmd lVizard The odorc, lmzy lay, Gil Scott-Hero-n, The Crash

C-i*, n* UV1C, U"tcedes Ladies, Pee Wee Dince, Jo-Jo & Frosty Freeze of the Rock Steady Cre*', Jurassic

i Co*.ot, De La Soul, Prince Paul The Beatnuts, Dilated Peoples, Bcat ]unkim, Del Tha Funky

Homosapien, O-Bert, Mix Master Mil<e, Rahzel, The Pharcyde' Michael Franti ol Spearhead' MC

ir""l"J""i ri. i-irutioners, rhe Automtor, D| Spooky, DJ Krustr, DJ Craze, DJ A-Trak, DJ Skizo, Scratch

fi;;,i; Stereo MC's, Miho Hatori of Clibo Matto & The Guti[-, The Herba]iser, Killa Keia, even

smgsta-r"p enemy #1, C. Delores Tucker. Things move so fast in this milieu that iruff Daddylecme I'j Diddy

8..i,* , ..i"al*g fabel be{ore ihis flick was firished - so get in lme early. (Cleveland Film Festival)

p!lt-trrm0 [nlff0ffis einGms-n0ffirtsH[ t|0$ I G0l0n[0][11il0 ttnil0ft0[uG8t0t!fflofit l|t0 Grs0It183 atlst0 Gl0ctrplu$-rfluir0t$0us0'c0lll

Page 12: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

[BBV, THE B]EGI( $(ONCISTrs7s, D.'wtnlal,{ GIRDLER, 89 MIN, & 812,9:45

Ard yes, you read it right. A black cast version o{ The Exorcist Suppressed for

decaies, but nqrt here ii is fbr Your viewhg pleasure. For mmy years, ever before

Nleivin Vm Peebles' St,rei Sileeibsck's Basd Asssss 5or3 ushered in the '70s

biaxploitation era, there exisied a "sePilate cinema" for Africm Americu audiences

Therewereblackwestems,biackgangstermo!'ies,andamazingbJackmusicals This

cinematic Jim Crow continued even into the boom times of the '7{)s' Seemingly every

breakout Hollpvood hit had its darker brother' Or sister' Thus there were

melmin-enhamed versions o{ The Godfather, Lhe fames Bond movies' Erler The

Drngan,Draculn;therervasevenS/aclSfuirrfool ButittookA'lV,'fheBltckExorcistls

realiy make the noguls (md their larwers) stand up md palrcttention ln truth' it is

" p.etty ug."giurt"tipoff and as sucl, it's comedy gold The great Carol Speed

@:"mmi,"Ii sig nira Cnge) etars in the Linda Blat role and sire pushes her

coroiderable histrionic abilities to the limit. In fact, she may very well have been

posressed by 01<1 Scntch in real life. Hard to say, we ca't stop laughing for long

enough to decide. (Lars)

bmboo ladders iving uornd, or out in the open wilh nothhS; but m mbrella m a

weapon. Once UPon a Time in China remaire one of the most Profitable motion

pichlres in HonS-Kong {ilm history anrl it's obvious why: Hark's manic shooting

style, a combimtion love story / action ILick/history lesson" lavish els, md powerful

acting combine almost samlessly in a hmrultuous riot o{ iropired filmaking' Now

if I c;dd only lem Chinese. (Mac Savlov, Th e Atrstirt Chrcnicle)

suPmsEtlrltioo+, n. uonceN spuRlocK, 96 MIN, PG, 819'7:00\\'lLile digesting his mo*ter's home-cooked 'liranksgiving dimer in 200f Morgan

Sprulock thought to himel{, "He1', I should eat nothing but McDonald's {or m enthe

mnth md thm make a dolmeniary about how sick I get!" (Full review available in

our docs sectiory page 10)

rHr sTrPt0Rll wluts trHt 0nlGl]lAll1975, D. BRIAN FORBES, i15 MIN,PG, 811'6,7:OO

Stepford is a town Populated by a bunch of borin& iritatiiS, physically uatlractive,

"uarug" ^ut , it et"ry s.*u of the word. Their wives, on the otlrcr hmd, are

flowei-print ,lress weiring, sexually 6ratefu1, perPetually clming mororo, which

Stepfori newcomer Katherine Ross finds oddly disturbing. !\rtren she h'ies to spu a

consciousness-raising goup among the rvomery the Stepford Wives rebel en masse,

and the proposed women'i Jib mcting turu hto a disessiol of spray' stmch md

other cleming products. Something about these rvonen is definitely o{f' And what of

the m,vtteriout "M".'s Society" that congregates on the grouds of a heavily gumded

nmoi house? Are the men really watching "dirty novies" md "reminicisirg about

old times" in there? Or is something more sinister going on? A great filn t'ith a

unique 70s cynicism, The Stept'oril tviaes was tnore than a hortor film - it rvas a call to


NAW Dt[lzooo, o. rn rv coRBEN,90 MIN, UR, 8116, 9:45

One of the most expttsing and controversial doementaries about raPe md ftatemity

life today. (Full Review available in our docurnentary sectior; page 10)

s[!tEll!zoo+, n. BRIAN DANNELY 92 MIN, PG-13, 8123,7:00

tr{ancly Moore plays a Christian "Mean Girl," and Macauley Culkin is ia a wheelchair

in thii teen corudy set itt an evangelical high school. {luli review available in our

quality studio fihs sectiort Page 21)

PUl]TIGTIOII1994, D. QUENT1N TARANTINO.92 MI\], PC-l3DOWNTOWN: 8123,9:45It's ben l0 years sinrc QT rockecl the indie fiim rvorld with Pzlp Ficlior' Sounds like

the perfect ine to see it on the big screen all ovcr again. (Full review available ir our

midnight movie sectior, page 27)

01tGr up01l ITlillt lll Gllllllrs9r, o. uam rsul. 134 MIN, R, 819'9:45

Set inthe turbulent wodd of 19th-centurv China, University ol Texas alumus Hark

has fashioned m epic tale o{ a counlry md its peopie in the'Jrows of societal

upheavai ard sudden chmge Martiai arLs exPert Jet Li sian as \{ong FeiHwg' lhe

leeend@ Chinese hero tnealv 100 films have been made about his outrageous

*r"ploltr ro tut1, who. along wiih his manv disciples (md it seems,as though neuly

ev'eryone in this film eitheiwmts 1o become a disciple of Master Wonp orvipe him

off &e face of the earth), acts as a savior to the common man by lending off the violent

at{ack oI the rival Shaho Tong and subvertilg the corruptive siren song of the

nattily-dressed Westerners whoie promises of m Anerica paved with streets of gold

." -"r"ly u hollot" *se to ensnaie slave labor' There ue subplols galore -- nost ol

them indecipherable in a single liewin& but )et Li's b!illianily choreographed fight

scenes ate ar adrenaline-friele.l ru-"h, rvhether it's in a warehome with too many

pglz-llan0lttiln0u$G 0lncms- 00mt0f,[ t|0s I Gololrilol riilruolfildcl$0nftst0t Buraolll l.116 GrecttlSs rtl,atG G166t ttH$ -tffi.dntu!0us0.G0m

Page 13: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004


lVizzard who have noi mjoyed the lasting sheei oed iharacteristic of the NYDolls. Begiming with clips from The Crzy iVorld of Arihur Brown and the Bee

Gees' obseure, made-for-TV Caarnbet Castle as a sign of the excesses to come,

Pretfu Things features clips from The Sweef Siade, Roxy Music, Bowie, T Rex,

Sui Quatro, Spark and much more. Prepare to be whisked through a glitterywhirlwind of glm fads - hits md misses alike! (Kier-La Janisse)

1993, D. COREY YUEN, & 100 MIN, 813A,7:A0Like the equally legendary Chirese lolk hero Wong Fe,v-Hon& compatriot Fong

Sai-Yul< rus also patial to defending his kung fu-impaired brethren from the

dishonest scormdreis that seem to in{est Ching dynasty China (not to mention

tlrat boti roles seem virhally created lor the ever-impressive, though

improbably named, Jet Li). This recent film chronicles the often hilarious

adventurei of the young Fong, as he tems up with his martial arts mother (Siao,

the star o{ mmy Sixties dropsocky-fests) to save fiis dad - who is a membel of a

secret society intent on overthrowing the iron rule of the l{mchuim - from

exeotion bv the cutrent govemment. In the meantinre, Fong is busily woorng

the daughter of a newiy mived busilessmm, the boisterous Tiger Lei. Sexual

politics -aside,

The Legmd of Fong Sai-Yuk dazzles with some of the most

Lreathtakingly choreographed fight scenes witnessed in yeus, including one

shor-stopper featuring a full battle waged atop the heads md shoulden of an

awestruck crowd of gat'kers. Norv that's entertajment! (Marc Savlor', Tle

AustitL Chntnide\

ilt1tE QUIHIS2001, D. FABTAN BIELINSKY, 114 MIN, & 916,7:00In this debut feahrre, Bielinsky rveaves a tale of suspense and intrigue around

two con a{ists who have always lvorked alone but come together for one day

and one incredible pay off. (Full review available in our quality studio fihns

sectioq page 21)

2004,D.L. NILSSON, A. HELLE& K. JANISSE,9l6,9:45pmCasualties of Rock is a progrm dedicated to the shining stus of populu muicwho left us ioo early for our liking. Rare videos md television perfommces are

interspersed with historical commentary in m effort to examine tle rock

stereotype of dying young (whidr has oft been used ac evidence that rock and

roll i,s the devil;s music) md in reverence of those unique voices that ue sorely

missed. Featuring ciips of Karen CarPenter, Johmy Thunden, Gram Pmsom,

ilarry Nilssen, Nicq Richard Mmuel, Joe Meek, Ian Curtis, Mama Cass, Keith

Mooo Epic Somdhack, Bon Scott, Darby Crash, Klaus Nomi, Brim Jones,

Jobriath, Stiv Bators, Tom Evans/Pete Ham, Wendy O. WilLiams as well as the

holy trinity oI Janis, Jirn and Jimi and mmy othert this collection also indudes a

small section on tho-qe visionaries who dropped out of dre scene due to personal

trauma. Special Thadcs to lvlike Fecmci md Kent Bmimin.

ilnPoltoll llYllHlllTl2OO' D. JARED HES' 82 MII{, PG,9 I 13,7:OO

I{e's out to prove that he's got nothing to prorre, and he also happens to be a {mof sweet jumps. (Full review availabie in our docs section, pa ge 21)


tm nU$G [Y 1t00il$0lY: !S89 fn0il SHilHPret$ Things started out as a video clip show that evolved into an original

dommntar;,'that dronicles the rise and {all of the 70s glitter {ad. Back inDecember, Lars and I - with the indisperoable help of our friends .- plmed on

compiling rare videos and intetriews and presenting them for hard-ue fans of

bubblegum excess. As humorous as this prospect was, we realized that some

histori;l context might be in ordex to help illminate bmds such as Mud or

BESI0t 0r II$T: llfi$llUlLlt GInl197t D. GUS TRIKONIS,9120, 7:00"Amerim is goia' country and she's in it hip deep every whidr way ... but good!"

Al exploitation staple since the dam of filmmaking has been the mbeatable"virhrous small-tom girl gms to the big city in search of fme and forhrne, is

used up md spit out by heartless degenerates, retum to the small tom,hopelessly jaded md no longer able to partake of the simple ioys md rewadsshe so recklessly eschewed" formula. WelL here it is again but with several

important twists. This time, instead of New York or LA, it's Nashville, and the

heroine is a 16-year old country singer, fresh meat for the music city sausage

mill. Which is great becaure as fa m we're conceme{ for sheer sruziness you

can keep your New York gmgsters and your Holllwood talent scouts, we'll take

music-business scumbags every time. And not since Lillim Cish has there been

a more heartbrea&ingl,v imocent heroine thm Monica Cavle. Miss Gayle,

perhaps best known as tough girl PatcJr in fa& Hill's great Saitchbladr Sisters, is

one o{ the most fascirating lost talents of the '70s, both ethereally beautiftrl and

wholesomely all-American. Ou credo is: if Monica Gayie's in the movie, we re

in the house. (Lars)

YOu rilffiY0u RI[llV l0l0w ]f,t:Tru G[nYwlLs0ll sT0nv2003, D. MICHAEL WOLK, 72 MIN, 9i 20, 9:115

A domentary about the albun many call the "Leaves of Grass" of the indie

pmk urderground. (Full review available in ou-r docs section, page 11)


We'r'e been longtime fans of bizarre Japanese advertising television, md vidm.We have temed up with local Japmese pop-dture enthusiast md achivistTony Salvaggio to compile the definitive collection of Japanese oddities: strmggsureal mimatiot A-list American celebrities plmping themselves out for cheap

Japanese products, cruel and inhumane game shows, bawdy situation comedies,

unexpected nudi$, exheme pro-wrestling, bizme mti-flatulence products,

noroensical English phrms, supreme goofiness, md more, more, more! We've

tempted your tastebuds in the past with Japmese preshow mixtapes be{ore

midnight features, but now, we are mleashing the full insanity of the rising sun


EGO[IffIIft TilU[ GT1TBRITY IIU$IG GENHN$2004 D. VARIOUS, 9 I 27, 9:45\N1f,t Egomania, the Almo will strain your eyebails with so much aazed

onsueen vocal "entertainmentl' that you may need to calJ you mom for a ride

home after the screening . Egomania featttres vocal stylings from dre likes ol ]ohnTravolta, Teily Savalas, Hewe Ville&aize, Dick Clark, the collected video rvorks

of the king of pain, Willim Shatuier, md mmt many more.((Full review

available on page 9)

pg 1A -ilam0 [r0Rilo0sc Gircmr - 00flnt0m t{09 I G0l0nd0lS[N00 tmduro[ueet0l !unc$ lat0 Gnct n83 rtltlo C1e0lPlfl$ -f$rl.dlNflt0usc.com

Glsufiflrs ff n0cl(

Page 14: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

tfuH'uf G 0x Tll t B I fi G E$TNIffi $GRNffi TU II{ TIIWIIGmgu funnv lnnulsHt ffi fllllTBau Gnffi [T lllt f,lntil0 lllltiltTlllilt!

UT ITOO1BALL ON THE BIG SCI{EEN! 'I'he AlamoDrailhouse Cinema has established itseli as the premietespot for watching UT l.onghr:m footbail in Austin. We

feature a1l games on our movie screen in Dolby StLrround

Sound and state of ihe al.t videc projection. Also, look forsr€at orize riveawa\s and the Alrmo Dratlhotrse CinemaEu*ry'*""ki it';th ihe possible erceplion o[ live in Lhe

*iadium, the Alarno Drafthuuse Cinema i. thc bcs{ spot for

the serious iootball fan. All eves in the auditorium are

focused on the movi.e sc.".., u"h.re the action on the fieldwill be larger thm life! We n'ill be showing everl'availableregular md Fosl-sea.on gdme, and ADVIqSION IS I:REF fOAaL CANltS, we rvill havc grcat i.ecr speciuls, and as

alrvays, our kitchen n'i1i be sen'ing up pizza, burgers, pasta

md iandt'iches sened to your seat! Ac-lmission to ali games

is free! Ac{mission is first come-first sene, cloors open one

hour before kick-off. ('Iim Leag:e)

ps l! - fiam0 nirnil0Er$6 glnsmi - o0*||tsffi ftllt$ I C0lsrad[l fllll*ge tflndG]$On uosl 0l BulllG[n l{tG Crcet nff 8l [at0 Crcs& PfwU! - rrsft"dralth0usG.eom

dffi'*,1-{d,- -.d*#"

Page 15: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

RIGIilrU$]H Hiln frSTrU[l3nl lnnual cel$lation ol a nGH [rGGd 0l suluerclre 8ftfistian lilmmalingI0ffitrourft tilnil-sultDAy, tucu$r 6-8The Third amual Ragmuffin Film Ilestival rdll premiere a rvide vadety crf shorts* including drama, cometly, documen-tuy, md foreign films. Ir4ost of the film come from a new wave of young Christim filnrmalers nho wish to foster filmsthai honestly represent dre humm experience in ail it.s beauiy and ugliness, its romance md despair, its silliness andgravity. The lestival organized by local independent lilmmakers (including the makers ol Butcher's 15), purports toencourage Christim to produce good filns, regardiess of the reLigious content. Tid<eis, showtimes and infomation areavailable at at wwu'.drafthouse.com

The Third Coast Activist Resource Center was created to help people in the Austin uea in their efforts at sustainable organizing. The Center's two main goals are (1) tocreate and distuibute educational resouces about U.S. policy around the world, md (2) to strengthen the local acti!'ist nehvork ihat is pari of a national md intemationalmovement for globai justice.

Tiltnlr G0[$r fiGTr$$ n$0un$ cHIrR pnlsHrs

cllilTnot Rootrtll0HllT0ltlft IUIS, IUG 24 ?:00; lfl[0, IUG 25, 9{5; TilUn$ IUG 26, 9{5(D. Jehme Noujaim 2004 84 min. 35m) Control Room, made by the co-director of the wonderfirl Stadap.com, is acluonicle which provides a rare windon into the intemational perception of the Iraq Wx, courtesy of MiddleEastem nens agenry Al lueera. Romdly criiicized by Cabinet members md Pentagon of{icials for reporting witha pro-lraqi biag and sirongly condemned for frequently airing civilian causalities as *eli as {ootage of AmericanPOWs, the staiion has revealed (antl continues to sholt the world) everything about the Iraq War that the Bushadminishation did not want it to see. A1-Jazeer4 lamched in 1996, rvas the fust intlependent news chamel in theMiddle East, and soon became the most populu news chmel with over 40 miliion Atab viewers. Noujaiminterruts the film among several members of Al-Jazeer4 including producen Sameer Khader and Deema Khatib,and the disgusted and bitter Hassan lbrahim, a journalist who used to work for the BBC. Corirol Roon shows howpropaganda rvorks onboth sides and how tlre huth is oflen somewhere in betwmn.

ililRlr Go[$[sTnrFr n$ounH GltrEn pnE$ilT$

II IIAGIII T G CRTN$TR|| PH Tg/11, fHn a TII $tlllil0 0t TllE l]ilttl0ilt ltrlPlRt[0HilT0wttrilunsmY, $EPr $0 sils( D. Jeremy Earp & Salli' Jhut video, umaled) Hiiacking Cafastrophe: 9!11, Fear E the Selling $ Amerimt Emptre

exmines hon' a radical fringe of the Republicm Pu{' has used i}re trama oi the 9/11 te{or attacl$ toadvmce a pre+xistjrg agenda tc radically translbrm American foreign policy while rolling back civil libertiesand social progranu at home. The documentary places the Bush Administration's false justificatiom for lvarin Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neoconseryatives to dramatically increasemilitary spending h ihe wake of the Cold War, and io expand American power globally b;' mears of militaryforce. At the sme time, the documentary argues tiat dre Bush Administration has sold this raclical mdcontroversial plm for aggressive American militarv intervention by deliberateiy manipulating intelligence,political imagerJ', md the fears of the American people a{ter 9/11. Narrated by JukmBond, HijackitgCst{tsh'aphe features interuiews with nmre than tlventy prominent po}itical obserutrs, induding Pentagon

whisdeblower Lt. Colonel Kaen Kwia&owski, who wifnessed first-hmd how the Bush Administration sei upa sophisticated propaganda operation to link the auieties generated by 9/ 11 to a pre-edsting foreign poiiryagenda that included a preempfive war on lraq. Joining Ku'iatkomki in a wide-rmging accessible, mdtltimately empowering malysis of Americm foreign policl', media mmipulaiion" and their globai mddomestic implications, are fomer Cihief UN Weapons Impector Scott Ritter, famer Pentagon analyst DmielEllsberg Nobel Peace Prize Laureate ]ody trViliiams, author Norman Mailer, N,[T professor Noam ChomskyiCode Pink fomder Medea Benjamin, deferee policy anaiyst Wiliim Harhng, author Chalmers Jolurso4 mdAm1' Special Forces Masier Sergeant Stan Coff (Ret.). At its core, the fiLm places the deceptions oi ihe BushAdminishation within the larger frme of questions seldom posed in the mainstrem: I4hat, exactl.v-, is theagenda that drove the administration's pre-war deceptions? How is 9/11 being used to sell this agenda? And*'hat are the stakes tbr Americ4 Americans, and tlre wmld il this agenda succeeds in being fully implementedduring a second Bush temr?

flerytuFrytd & eftmBM, Cm6 a*r, MB'dn*...... tqqsrlqk* qBsry d Fsdm d d. Icn*tua

n*E#sdriwudw ffittrd*ffi- PituSa e prffisuf tou* e plt4e

tl a*{e irq*tut*et}d644ilisJe 4 ,ol'


- llvient i Paris le 26 mai^


P0t5 -iltn0 lttfflt0u$e CiilGflr - [0$ml0m (|09 t 00lsnd0ltilhle tlndcffi0nn0$0tBurno$ hlG Grccltl83 iltlrl0 CIG€IPhr$ -rtrfJrNl$0|r$0.G0m

Page 16: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004


9n lA - tl4mn ntrfthntr(e ninemt - llnstnun ltoo n n.lniadnl Uilhtrn llndDKnE Dect nl Rnrn.lll Irh nrerl llR3 tt Itle nrcnt Dtwl. w dhllhnilcn com

"'' 1:' l?'i ' '

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Page 17: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

Deuh Rue 2000 's pmbably ole of the fner

former sert 0fgoyendm! The TRR doubles as populdtiol:co'btrof with women of child-bearirg age worth 10 points, teens 40,chitdr€n undertwelve 70, atrd fotks over75 a whopping lfrl poirb. The rffin themselves are perforcdlarger thatr life, with names like blonde Nazi Matilda the Hun (Roberta Collins), mrcissistic Nero the Eero(Martin Kove), cowgirl Cclsnity Jse (the ever-uquisite $qry Woronov), Chicago gangster Mrchine Gun Joe Viterbo (Sylvster Stallonet) rnd the dmt popular (andoklest sunir'rng) Trenscoutineatel Racen Frankenstefu (David Carradine), wirner ofthe two previous races. The Rme is urderuay. but wit[ sevual hihhes. the biggest

being that the bleeding-hsrt AEeriBn Resistance, Pbr$ is attempting to end the Race forever by kidtrappiug Frankenstein! (StonpTokyo) Join us for a Road Rally ofepic proportiom! Prim will be ewarded not oily for best score; but for most rbsurdly fortified future carl Stay tlned to rrywdraftbouse.cdm for details!

P! lt-iltmo [lrl$0usc CinGm - llnilm0m t|0o I G0l0nd0l Ulllf,lo nndG]sm rc$ 0l [unGU lalc Greet lt83 at lalo Glect Ptwl -urr.ilnlth0u$G.00m

Page 18: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

killer mutant animals to cheesy'8G siashers to wonlen in pdrol. N{anv of these fllms are so obsare that ljttie is known or has been rritten about them. Some ofthem ie

be{ore the fihn, ur,!e-cs the feaiure of',he rveek rras made afler December 31, 1979, the last day of quality cinema, according to the gospel o{ Lus.

AUGU$I 4: llE lltUll iltilI$ HllI 1r9zs d. Sean l,tcGregor) Let's face it. Kids are treep\,-. Not att kids, ofcour-ce, and not all the time. But in movies like The Exorcisl and David Cronenberg's The Brood the kids arc av,,hole lot scarier than any hulking maniac or black-gloved mystery killer. But imagine, if yog 4r.i an all-starilream teatn o{ hiller kiris led bv fuhrre teen idol Leif Garrett md you'll have your nighirnares all mapperl out forthe nexL -- oh, lorly or fifty years. And even though this is a schlocky, laughably bad ..outu, r"" cil pretty muchglaliltee dead silence in the theater when this bmd of spunlv youths brings the evii. We'I1 leave it up to you toCecide which kid is the scariest: the cross-dresset the pyro, the "nun", the kid in miiitary fatigues rvho barksorders like a marile drill sergean! or Leif Garrett, who, for some reason, acts like a cynical, tvodd-weary-40-year<rld backgammon champion. For our monev it's Leif all the rr.ay He makes Hannibal Lecter look [ke amuppet babl Don't sav n'e didn't r.arn yon. (I-ars)

AilG$SI ttr: Tllt 8l[1$ ]n0il TllUl{lllt $TnlP (re56 d. David L. !te'*iti) tvhen an all-femalemoonshining operation on the m from the law teams up lvith a sadistic motorcycle gang, thry set the lvoods oniire. Cirsey Kasem is vew funny as the constipated federal agent sent down south [o shut down the illegalt'hiskey business. Kasem is teamed with easvgoing soulhem sherifl (and walking Juicv Fruit gum commercial)

Jack Starretf, v'ho later went on to direct such ciassics as Race \Fith'lirc Deoil, Tirc Lasos,'l'\rc Dion tsrofhers, nd.Citopntm lotics. r/fe lotorv this sounds clazy but Kasem md Staffett could have beeir a I'orid-class comedv team.Brtt maybe we should all feel grateful th at Giils From Thund# Stip wasn't a breakthrough Wild Angels cdiber hit,astiratnighthavealteredKasem'scareerconsiderably. Wemiglrtneverhavehaclscoll'irDoaor,|nterica'sTop40.When', rve really elodged a bullel didn't we? lVe're proud to say that tlie main scuzzv biker is played byle8endary Austiniie Gary Kent. (Las)

f,USU$I 18: Gt0GlWllRl( Itf,fi0$ (rszs d. Ekiy De La lgiesia) Ivlaybe you thcught Sue Lvon gave theperfom.ance oi her brief career as the title character in Stanlev Kr6tt"O'r klltc. \{ell then, rou ve never seen thislmpossibly ol.gcure Spanish Clockaork Onnge :.l'po6f. It's a very stimge movie a'.d Ll on is out of control. $hepiavs a iilky nurse who likes to dress [p ir odd ouLfits, seducing md killing nen ir some sorl oI bizarre {utuervhere S&tr4 has gone mairsh€am. As in ihe film thai inspired ii, gmgs of pr enile clelinquents roml the streettraphg and killing with imltmity. But never fea4 the social engireers are hard at rvork, trying to pedect asyntbesizer that will nue deviant behavior Featuring Chris (son of Robert) l,litchum as Sire Lyon': dune buggygooD lole interest. lleird and perverse. And essential. (l-ars)

AtlG$$T 25: BtA&l{ $lSffn'S nruIflGE (1e76 d. Jarnaa Fma&a) From Jmraa Fmaka ("the tdack Edl!bod"), direclor of crowd tar;aite Penitentiart and many other classics, comes this earlli ulheraldedbiarploitation clas;ic. Emma Ir{ac', shaight off the farm, (omes to liye with her arint and rncle in the projects oiSouih Central LA when hcr mother dies. At iirst Emma Mag with her southern draw!, un{ashionable Sundayclotites,

"rnd ciJunirv ways, seerns totally unequipped to deal rrith the big bad gtietto bu'! pretty soon she's at *ietop of lhe heap, rnainlv dre to the fact that she cm kick ass like Jchn trVayrle, as .lemomirated ir several amazhg,ovtFthe-top fights. And w'hen her bovfriend is framed by the racisi I-APII she expiodes. As in all of Fmal<a'shi51h1y idiosvncretic rnovies, the dialogue is the star of the show Noborly cm do as murh witl the mdime-ntaryarsenal oi ctttse words as Jamaa Fanaka and that's a very high compliment. Fanaka also takes the time to createfleshed-orrt, memorable characiers. 5o that rrhen the time comes for Emma Mae to kick ass you may besurprised lo find yourself standing up in your seat cheering her on (L.rrs)

$EFTffiBEn * BCIEffiHATt$ (1973 d. Ar&ur N{arks) one of the great things about Lhe cirematic gotr-lenage of t1re '60s and'70s is the sheer nunber of sex- md violence-laden exploitation mo\iies that werc mdde. Butas an,vone with a passing;rcquaintance with the films of the era knorys, some 0f them are ure]l, sorta borinp;. Forevery mind-blou'ing, third-e),e-clemsLrg movie like Rnce WitiiTiLc Devil ar Simtn, Kirig Of The w*itcires, there's mequivalently slritia Nursts For Sale ar tsury Me An Angel. Fortunately s'€'re at lhe helm to steet you tlu.ough lheserocky t'aiers. And like my navigator worih his sa1i, the lirsr thing we look lbr rvhen enbarkilg on a perilousvoyage is the North Star, the great beacon that leads the u'ay'. in l{'eircl tr{edresday terms, this mem Arthulvlarks(Borrle's(lrls,Detloit9000,Frido4Foster). IfyouseethenameArthurMerksinthecreditsyoecmpretiymuch sit back arrd relax, assured of an evenirg's t'orih of pime tasteles-q enterlainment. And that's eractly rvhatRaamnais is: iitillaljng sex, shocking violence, aad dialog-ue thal rvould make Shakespeare himself green witheruy We're taikhg about pure entertaiment babli (Lars)

Pg 18 - ruam0 llrslthou$e gi|lsma - B0Krllo*il {fin 8nd Gsl0rfldo! Uillsss lMil0rs0n nG$l0l Burne8 hlB CLGI lt83 rt tele grs8l $8Hy! Hw'drsfthGilsc.eom

Page 19: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

$tPTIffBIn 8: f,Ll TllE tllAY ll0Wll (rsao a. zoltan Spencer) This is a great, cheap, slezy-as-all-hell blackand whjte sex film from the golden age of the "roughies". W}en a rididously pneumatc stripper (the hcrediblePat Ba$inBtor! star of O/jy Of The Ltead and. The Acid Ealers) muscles rn on their niehtcldt, the local lesbianbondage girls make her life a living hell. In otier words, this is a can't-miss movie. Tlese'60s skid row slezysoaP oPerds are about as good as it gett in our opinion. All We Way Down is like a passport into a wonderfui,cheap-perfune-scented dimencron oI peroersity and degradation. lVe are proud to proride this sorely-neededdose oi culture to a panting and eager pubJic. (Lars)

STPTEIIBIR 16: $lillltfi$ 810011 Ugos d. Neil Douglas.) sinner's Blootl is a tteird wednesday classic iusth'ritin8lohappen. AtcnverycheaPmofiqthatbicndselehentsoibikermovies,LSDscarefilms,sexploitationartl horror. ai! in one.,ur\Jr littJe.package. At first rt- an absud irrceshrous fmily gothic, with fwoiwingingChicagolud srsters sent to ljve with their amt anrl uncle in Smalltowrl USA. And of cr"rurse, as we all know, oumcdem metropoL_, m l lrokl a tmdle io the'e tiitlc dogwaler bugs when rt comes [o grotesquerie md peruersion.Firsl. ihe aurrt anJ tncle ue disgustingly uglv gugor les. Secondiv t-he girls couins are hopelessll iefarded orinsatrc. Fest o[,all is rousir Aubre;: m mtmtile child-mm rvho watches the sisters tJuough peepholis md weasnothing but hght wfute "horl. and red socks. e\ en in .ihratioE thaf would seem to call

"foi more Lhil iust tight

white shorts and red socks. The rvhoie thhg takes m even more demented hmr when the local bike. g#g sho;sup u'ith ple"nfl' o{ I-SD and bad r"ibes for ereryone. This movie is so dreaply il1d incompetently irad"e you]]foreet it s a fictiomi fi1m and not the greatest dosmentarir you've ever seen. (Lars)

$EPTfHBffi 22: AS$ALI fflTH I ltH0lY WI[PBll (rszo a. umberto r,enzi) Maybe the nasriesr mostvi0lenf mean spirited Italian crime movie ever made. Ard a real crorvd pleaser Maurizio Merli stars as a roguecoP, out to single-handedly shut down the entire ltalim criminal underworld. He's ljke a u'aLking time boirb,Lilling.inJisrriminrtclvanddi"hingoul5avdgebeatilrgsatlhcdropclahl. Andaloiofhatsgetdropped. Inilv olhcr conlcYt lte would b| a (andidate for lifctime imprirunment in d crimirtrl insanc asylum, but since this isan'Italim crime movie he's the hero. ,{s his adversary, crime-bosg Tomas Milian is even mor! psychotic, a rmtingsneerilg hmchback rtho urirates on the police station floor just lbr kicks. Hc's so evil that"when he hiiacks aiambulancc he machlne-gun" cleryolc on borud. And that s iust the hcgiming. Vaybc yuu think you;ve semmovic v jolerrit'bctorr. You ha\en t 5een shitl Thrs muvic rviU permmcntly warp yuu i{n,i. lLars)

$IFI 20: 010[T YOU lllilB (rszo d. skip Shenvood) one of lhe staalgest moyies ever presentecl on iheAlamo screen. And thai's saying somethilg. An impossible movie to synopsize, as it's lugely a series of nreirddream sequenr es. mo:tlr a halluchogenic pirate-rhrp fdntasl. lt': a{.o a Codudim philowphcal discourse onthe nature of ireedom We could sal, iti-like Demis Hopper's ltrre Last Motieb* iflacks Hopper's disciplinedapproach, Frarkly we don't knoiv what the hell the deal ii with this novie but it s fumy and iis'cinatinq ild weliLe it- sample Jirlogue: From ron orr... lile s goilg to be iust otre big horvt of fi<h eyjs." He didr't kiow howngh l he u a,. Starring Demis Chrisiopher lFade To Blot& Breokmg \t iyt and Gan. Busey; as two guys who mayor may not be Pirates but u'ho are definitety rremblirrglv high on something. If we can find out nliat'it is we'llb'eb€tter^equipPed to describe this one-oi-a-kind psychedelic mi fi1m. D] alirt: the old schooi elechonic music byNlort Garson rvas released as a soundtrack album. (t,as)

















Pg 19 " [lsmo Drsffi0u$s Cinsmr - ooffrtoflfi I4t[ aM 0$l0rud0l sille$ {AnG0n0n ru$r d 80mGd hto [rGcl uSil at tate crcct ptf,rt ffis-dnilil0t60.00tl

Page 20: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

DrRrY ltffictHGIn 8fi37& S{i, S0t8lt{?& $fA, lrl, S/l0l e $d5, fil, tl?t? & ${5$rt 8/28 ? & Sil5, Id, 0A r & 9:t15, f it, Sno l & S'r5, Sa[ 9111 t & g{S

"llo[ody rut$ Ba[y in a corngr!"(1982 d. Enrile tudolino, PG-13, 96 nin) Let the nockery of hlr. Sinu-s Theater be the

exorse you need to finally see (or see again) Patrick Srvayze recite these immortaiwords, Starring a pre-nose-job Jemiier Grev (Ferris llueils, lt's Like...You Kn.owl nd a

testosterone-laden Swayze (Red Dnun, Point Breal), this sizzlingl;' cheesy tale of loveand dance was the one rnovie John (oi Mr. Sinus) su'ote he'd never subjcct to ihe Sinus

heatment...LrNTll NOWI Ditty Darcng tell," the storv oi a young giri's coming of age

at a Catskills Resort in the early 60's. Crey is adorable as Baby, an idealistic young

]ewish princess, md Swayze is at his ridiculous best as the macho dance inshuctorfrom the wrong side of the tracks. Featuing Jerry Orbach \Lna and Arder\, t{ayne

Knight (Newman from Seinfeldl awJ. abery of dreesy 80's hits on lhe soundtrai:k ("The

Time of My Life", "She's Like the Wind"). Break out the capri pants and perms fcr thisperfect smer movie.

We can't tell you what movje dte Simrs boys rvill be skervering on septernber 24th md 25th. the only thing we can say is that you -should definitel)r get your tickets

waaay in advance, lr{a.ybe vou shorLid have gotien drem a iong time ago, from somewhere far, fa awarr

Tunru$il litHnmu ff 0I$at 8/21,I a 9:65 - $a[ 9/4,I & 9:45Those mad lurk are at it againl lv{uch tike in'llurkish Star Wnrs, the images flashing across the screen ile ai

once naggingly {aniliar md compleiely foreign. Itollow Dorothy aomd the magical world of Frank

Baun{s Oz, but in this near eastem version, the nundrkins are all homy bastards eager to 8et to second

base wi'.h our heroile, lhe Lil man and the scarectow need to gei a room, ild jnstead of monkey, m amyo{ cavemen are rvarded oilivith a magic midget cmon. Loaded throughoutare tasty little nuggets of low-budget tomfoolery': $2 sets, thrifi store coshmes, kindergarten caliber mimation sequences, md more

styrofoam boulders. Once again, the Folervision rew has lovinglv hanslated the entire film md rsill dub

the movie live ior ihe lirst time in bistory Haven't experienced the joy that is Folewision or the diiferent

yet equallv fine joy oi Turkish plagiaristic cinema? Conte on out this July and expand Your mind.

ERTElll(: THt llllllll IAW$$a[g/18,t&945/aas was such a universal mega-hit that it was hevitable it rvould prove ripe source maierial forzany Hindi filmakers hoping to cash ir. It's all here - the mbber shark (which I tliink has a

cardboud stmd-in for the more dmgerous stunts), the song numbers, anci dir.e-store speciai

effects. Congruent with Bollywood tradition, they've taken Spielberg's chilling aqua-horror mdsomehow morphed it into a romantic musical comedy with a subplot of supematural menace.

The shark even features as an extra in one of the dance numlrers. Never before available inEnglislr, norv is your chmce to experience dre rich tapestw of Bollyn'ood tluongh the fiitet ofFOLEIMSIONI Which mearo all dialogue, sounri eftects - mcl most imporianti,v the SONGS -

will be per{omed live in the theatre! You haven't seen ANYTHING untii vou've seen four whiteguys t1ing to sing like Shashi Kapoor And you certainly haven't lived until vou've seen

A,4TANKI (Kier-La Jmisse)

Pu 2S - Slamo Errtlir0uss Clfionn - ll0Bntoull [d00 I -ffi.dr8ttil0ir$0.G0m

Page 21: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

$IIRTf; 2AUG 3,${S;ilUG4, $:45;ilUG S,945(2004, d. Andrew Adamson, 92 mi4 FG, g6.50195 student/seniori Ars) The Jolly Green ogre is at his prad<s again,ihis time broadening_his appeal to adult atdiences with a liberal sprinkling of;mature" hirmor rvhich is aimed faabove the heads of the tots in the crowd._ Slv satire, movie and pop-cultm relerences abound lor your hivia IDsatisfaction. Doubie entendres lvinking al homosexualiry drug use, fetisl'res and generous amounts oJ iartoon nookiehrm subvemiveness into an_acceptable fom of family fur. Yau may have seen it with the sueming kids, now see itwith a few beers, it makes all the difference. (Krrie League)

Bmlnss$$!nUGfi,g{5;lEll,g{5(2003, d. Mrio Va Pebles, 108 nin, & $6.50/$5 student/senior/AFS)Melvin Van Pebla, *io m,c, djrected, edited md stmed in Swect Sweetback s Badasss Song, the1971 fiLn credited rriti spaa:.hg the bluploitation getre, was tired of seing blacks depictedsolely as slavs, s-ms ..; shshire boys. His film, by contras! was by, for, md about blaclc ina way theyhadr't sm il*rei1'F on ffin before. Only a few people ittended the first showiugol Sweetback, ahat ahu+ia rho beconc a fugitive afler beating up some compt rvhiie cops. Buiit went on to beome !T= oi $r su:prie hits of the yea1, even though it H'as ',Rated X by an allwhileiuy,"_d rhe frh s ls-r deiativ proclaimed. Brdnssslis Maio Vm Peebles'homage to hisfather md ihe semin:i -;:\ snrerultuE film. The yomger Van leebles porhays his {atier (andlooks eerily like hlz e=c:-r wi-.ile rvearing Sweetback's trademark black hat) and easijycapt-ure_s the obssive m+i== megalomaniacal energy behind his father's vision. Despitedeath threats md ic+.?T'ie'r.e sight ir one q'e Melvin somehow mraged to udip intoshape a rag-tag muJ5-air c* ad rinish the fikn drat would give birth to birth of a nry erawhich was about to u .r.Je b.dmdenr Black Cinema.

ffi-.,,Savedg';# $,*|lFlIJ* .,*t,.-5' v%'

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ffiT'n ;ffiiftg*fr+';*ryfr.tf#*$#*:"*;i,"r*iltuffiir1i,::rF;r.' a .r.. fiu.ffir$ru;'ffi*m*g,t**ltilrun*:rg'j",*******

Jesus.to spice it up. when Mary' flena Malone, best known as Donnie Darko's girltiend\ decides tosSglti-eler yirginijy in m attempt to save her bo1'friend from the horrors of hom"osexuality, she thinksshe's doing the right thing ir codt eyes. A{ter she ends up pregnant, however, her old iesus-lovingfriends turn on her md she seeks solace in Lhe world of hei evangehcai high school's notley rew oioltcasts, md_they a1l hy to come *ith their orvn answer to the most-asked [uestion in America today:'1Vhat wouid Jesus do?" (Hemi Mazza)

1lm0E0H 0Yt[]rIlIISIPIl3,l:00; SffI1{7:00 r $i5;$tPIl5 9:45(2003, d. lared Hess, 82 min, PG, $5.50/$5 student/senior/AlS) A hysrericaily tunny high school comedyabout the eponynou delusional nerd (Jon Heder) md his misadventures with his pasty older brother Kip,oeepy, 80s-ob*sred Unde Rico (Jon Gries hom RenI Gerfusl), exheme-living grmdm4 md mis6t buddiasPedro md Deb- Facing the daily hell of high school, Napoleon daydream of'ligers' and tater-tots and uses hisaeative 'skills' to full tilt despite the ridiculous odds siacked agairut him. uproariousiy fumv with uniqueproduction design" costuning and hair-styles rnakes this nrisocosm of middle-America come to life withbiting t'it and style. A real sleeper in th e vein of Election, Webome to the Dollhotse and, Rushmorc - and a1 odeto the dork in all of us. Get your 'VOTE FOR PEDRO T-shirt in the lobby after the show!

Ps 21-llam0 0nRn0u$0 cinemr - llOm!fln (ltlls B c0l0nd0l Ulllru0llftilcr8onuG$t0t [uru00 hks cresluSS at tate 0ru0k plsyt -wrfl.ilr0luouso.c0m

Page 22: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

IIIHI llUETil$$tPI6,I:00; $tPI I, 9:45; $EPT 12,4:S0(2002, d. Fabir{n Bielimky, 1i4 min, & $6.501$5 siudentr/senior/AFS) Argentina has Lreen faliing apart so

b)atantly, for so long, that a fough, cvnical crime drma like Nirr Qrccls is a grin on the corpse - but for an opencasket sen'ice, it's a lively one. Fabim Bielinsky's movie is a clever gme of con men" The young grifter Jum(Gaston I'au)s) is caught messing up his scam at a Buenos Aires convenience store by m older crook, Marcos(Ricardo Darir). ltraril,v, juan sigrs on as jmior partner for a day, md after a iew ireity "bicks" a rrindlall seems

to blow in- selling {ake Ceman siamps called "the nine queers" to a very rich, sleazybusinessman who is beingkicked ont of the counhl: Bielinski'''s story is a shetihing and scraping of nerves. Juan is a fltc devii with a hintol conscience, while Marcos is purified srum - bear{ cruei eyes, sLrave mamer. instmt amoralit}: a betravd notonly oi a past puhrer but his onn sister md a kid brother whose imocence simply becomes crne of the cards irolay. There is one of the most startling physical surpdses I hare seen in a rnovie, a real gasper At it-q sliming,sidervlnding best, "Nine Queens" rivals those modern beauties aboui sneak-cheats, House of Csntts, Tne SwtndlendThe Grit'ters. (David Elliott Scl Drrgo Union-Tribune\

IHT BHIIIR TRII||GY$tPt21,100&g{5srlRntflG GRlSPtt Gl0UtR s, $tA]{ Ptilil AffoRI rilEY Hffil $mn$!"The most exciting and heart-breaking oiece of cinerna in vears." (Ind.ieWjre)

(2001, d. Trent Harris, 83 min, UR, 56.50,l$5 studeni,i senior/AFS) \4h1le w;rkhg as a ner{s cametamm jn

1979,Tren| Harris n'as accosted in a Salt Lake City parking lot by a fellow ramed "Groovin' Gary".'lhehaml', seli-proclairned "Rich Littie of Beaver, Uiah" oi{ered up a siew of impersonations for Harris'bervildered camera, but the real gem came l eeks later at a Beaver High School iaient show when Gary domeda platim wig md black leather pr,ts md revealed himsel{ to be none other than...C)livia Nenton-Johr. Asif Harris' docurnentary x'asn't absurd enough on its otil, orer the next few years he filmed ftctionalsupplemenis to/remakes of the original, r'ith a Spiccoli-era Sean Penn portraving "Croovin' Larry" in Benaer

Kld 2 and a yomg, already eccenh'ic Crispin Glover as ihe protagonist i;r 1984's ?he Orkly Krd. Only in recent

years have the tfuee iilms been touring as a whole, and the etfeet is astourding. Also starrhg dre vastlymderraied 80s fixture Elizabetl (E.G.i Daily,


NrcIGR Hffi TTSTIURI.$IPT g,$ilS($6.50/$5student/senior/AF5) Flickerisabi-monihiyfilmiestivaltl',atfeahrresshortfiJrnsbyloralfilmakersmd all other enthusiasts who dare subnitvia mail. Evervthing screened at Flicker must originate on film md beunder 15 nrinutes in length, Flicker guarantr:es an array of projects and intriguing juxiaoositions a'i evew shor,rvith thear narratives buitilg up againsi radical experiments, polished production-< ioilon'ed bv eamest firste{forts. Come for your chmce to win your olvn free roil of Super I and see rvhidr local filmmaker wins the nextFlicker Fiim Grant! For morc infomatlon, please gc to wrvuflickerausth.com



Pc 22 - ileil0 0nltlr0uss ol[Fmil - llomt0sn l{09 [ Solorrilol lillrsc llnd8r$0n He$l 0l SumGlt] tale 8re0n l1S3 at taks Creok Fkr{x! - HrflHdraffnouso.c0m

Page 23: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

ilfi PTOPIEU$. HRNY rHilIll0llltlT0tltft ilon, fiug 30,9f5with thelelp of our friends ai BmkPmple, The Alamo Ls proud to welcome fellow free-speechadvocate Larry r'lynt to Austin. Larrv n.it] be signirg copies oihis new book ser, L ies and politjis: TheNakzd rruth in the lobby starting at 8:30pm. He rvill do i brief inti'oduction to the 6lm md answer afew questiom if time pemits.

(1996, D" Milos Fomm, 129 min, R) Leave it to Czech director h{ilos Formm (One Flelv Over to Cuckoo,s Nest)to make the most entertaining md offbeat celebration of the American Comtitution that the mor4es have evergiven us. You think the First Amendment was designed hr protect you from offensive speech? Think again. Thereal giory of the Constihrtion and ihe Bill of Rights--as broughr ro iife rn this splendid\- quirky and al%rmtelyrercrent md ineverent comedy-is thdt it enttr.s ut'uryme's ireedom by protecting u *irot raigu of expression,from.the bmalto dre ouhageous. Scripted bv the udters ot E,J Wood (another afflcdonately tw"isted biographyof a disreputably eccentric entertaiment figure), The.Propie vs. Lury Flynt applies a similai sort o{

"*ugf"rJt"aand telescoPed editodal-cartoon seroibility to the wild life and trmes of Husiler skin-magazine publishl"r LarryFlynt. It's the great (and fictionalized-but-true) American story o{ horv Flynt ended up"upp.uing a iibel casetfgf\l.ll televangelistJerry Fahveli) to,the Supreme Court ind winnirg a malor tegh viitory tfiut utr..t, usall rmific perfomaces by wcody Hanelson asllynl gnmge-star-fumej-glmour-fuss Courtney Lou. u, hi,nife Althea, md Edwud Norion as their lan yer. (Jrm Emcr:Jnl

S0ilEfHIt8 HlGll[ll Tlll$ WnY G0lrI[$ll0lltilT0ttft sal aug 29, Itoon, rrcG!983, D. Jak Claytor,, 95 min" PG) Ray Bradbuy adaFted his own no!€I fot Sonething WicktdThis Way Core, Jack Claytons beautiful rendering of i.he turn-of-the-century t'mtisy of amysteriom cmival that literallv blows into a small town to taunt and tempt tire inhailiimts.Jonathm Pryce (Errzil), the 6*6"o.. Out demonic proprietor of Dmk'spardemonim Camival,preys upon the vmitic, the deluioro, and the regrets of the tomspeople by grmting their*ishes at-the expere of their souls. Jason Robards, as the meek lrbrarim chaies ualLrvay:,

leggmes_lns- udikely nemesis whten hjs son Will, with his best friend Jim Nig.htshade (a

d$ciolsly dak me ia its own right), discovers the secret of Dark,s nightrnuiih camival.When they become hmted b1' Duk's minions (including pm Grier as*ihe beautifr:l mdmysterious Dust 1\5tch) Hallorvay must coniront his om fears and regrets to sa'e the boys.clafon(The lnnocmts) captues the idyll o{ childhood irr the fall with riih autmai colors, hiscmera gliding along with the energetic boys as they tear through fieltl and {orests. (seanAxmaker)

Tffi pilnilI0ts r0l.1B00Ttlll0llltlot{il: $at, $Glr 25, lt00n, IrGe(197Q D. Chuck ]ones. 90 nin, G) The Fhautom Tollbaoth was one oi a host of chilc{ren's films macle in the late1960s/ealy 1970s that embraced psychedelia to create memorable spectacles of nonseroe absmdism. Othersrncluded the lik€s ot Yellaw Submarine (1968\, Pufnsluf (197A) nd Wt|ly \\ronka and ihe Chocolnte Fsctory (79y1). ThePhanlomTollboath was made by Chuck Jones, perhaps one of the lvorld .s greatest cartoon animators, *d th" .ru"tn,

included the likes olYeIIaw Subflsrine 0968\.

ofBugs Bunnv DaIlv Duck and ihe Road Runnengreatest cartoon animators, md the creator

ViifrtThe Phnntam Tollboolk, his one and only venhrr-^ hto feature-iength aninatiory Jones adapts a 1961 book bydrildren's writer Norton Juster into surrealist play. In il young lliio tal6s a ride through a mysterious t6ijbooth mifinds himself in a magical world wherelc takes it upon himielf to unite the warring"lands of Dictionopclis, whoskin8,insists on the supremary of t'ords, and Digitopolis, where nurnbers reign sluprerne. The resuli is akin torvatching a rcmake ol Disney s Alke ln Wan,krtq'td tlilll Lhal is iry.ing to be an'educjtional film. Visually Jones isdemly having a great deal of frm, with a dizzying aray of visual pus md pure plays of abshact .Jlou. uoahmfornation of shapes, This may be the closest m animated film has come to capfuiing the essence of a Dr Seussstory

P[23-ilm0 [nt$0us8clnoml - 00xmtom t{09 B 00l0ad0l$llsgs tmilff$on H0$t 0l BumMlt lsk0 l:r6s[ {18i1flt 18kG Gr00tplHyl-{$ts.drsilt0us0.0llm

Page 24: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

Gheck out video and more info for both of these shows at wwwtwonotesolo.com

Page 25: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

ffi/} ASIAN-L clN 6;r-rA4L AND# CVlSl),*l €gI.I






D o\^/NTo\^/N

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IHT IIIORCI$T[owt{T0utstlG 5 -}(1973, D. Wlliam Freidkin, 122 mirr, R, $5) Prior to becorning a staple of after-school specials (BorrInnocent, Sarah T: Portt'ait af a Tunage Alcoftolic) and B-movie box office bombs (Samge Streets, RoIIer

Boogr) the purigy-faced Linda Blair hacl e*ned her place in the cilematic pandreon as RegmlvlacNeil - dre possessed littie girl who becme m impiration io holv rollers md juveniledelinquents everyn'here. ller head could spin. She found obscene uses for reiigious iconography.She could levitate, vonit green, beat a priest, what a teen! \Atren scientific techrology provesuseless, her urotirer (Eilen Burstyn) calls in the big gun-s, runely redred Exorcjst Father N{arron(Max Von Sydorr) and his bewildered assistant Damien Karras (Jason N{iller), who prove no matdrior the scabb\', trucker-mouthed hellcat. See Puuzu's pre-teen putti as she rvas nemt to be se€n -on the big saeen! (lvriteup freely adapted from Alice Donut song ivrics)

TRRIH$P$TffiHSulltlffinlle 6,r,ls,&t4(i996, D. Danny Boyle, R, 91 mir, $3) \'Viih its haiiucinatorl'visions of crawling dead babies

and a gnrngy plunge into the filthiest toilet in Scotiand, you might nct thinkTrainsptttngcould have been one of the best rnovies of 1996, but Dannv Bcyle's film about unrePentanlheroin addicis in Edinburgh is ail that and more. That doesu't make il everybody's cup of tea(so unsuspecting r,iervers bewae), but the fi1m's blend of hyperkinetic hrmor md reai-li{ehonor is constantly fascinating, md the entire cast (led by Ewm l{cGregat nd Full hlontystar llobert Carlyle) bursts off of the screen in a supernovil of outrageous energy. Adapted by

Tohn Hodge from the acclaimed rror.el by Jrrjrg ltrelslr, the film wa-" a phenomenal hit ilEngland, Scotland, and (io a iesser extent) lhe U.S. For all oI its comedic vitalig and

invigorating filnuraking, the movie is no ode to heroin, nor is it a straight-iaced cautionarylaTe.Trnin.spotfingis just a very honest and rreil-made film abcui the nature of addiction, adit doesn't pull any prmches rvhen it is ijme to shorv the altemating pleasure and pain oisubstance abuse. (Je{f Shannon)

FNIORY IIIE T3Til 3.NEI}HIilTIIWH AUG 12.I4(SLevehfiner,95Min,R"$6,lncludes3-dCiasses) Youknowwecan'tjustletaFridaythel3thpassusbyrvithoutexploiting it with dre hands-down BEST of the serie-"| You will be sheilding your eyes in horror rrhen you see:

EVE$ P|IPPIHG MOilffiflN $CIGIfiIS!NRR|IT{S BEIfl& $IIllI ffIGHT[TYllUIpffGHrlln[s Gllilt]{& T[R0ilfilt Ttil sGnfffi! t[TRIilHy silt$ P0PPttE G0nil!tr[t[, THt TtTtts f,ulilt tiillr llAllE Y0ll clfirnrr{8!!!!!

Haven't seen.J-D at dre Alarno? I4re're not taiking that crappy red/blue junt ihey pam off on TV, this is the real

deal: silverscreen polarized 3-D actioq and there is only one theater inTexas declicated to showhg you classic 80's

horror h all it's multidimentionai glrrry... that's right, the Alamo Dralthouse, baby. (Tim League)

P0 20 - llamO ltrfiflfi0{$c llin$ma - l!0#iltsun t40$ B C010r0il0! fillo$c ([nilGr$0[ fissl 0f [ilnGll lils Gr8cl llES al hlc C]ccl plwl - HH.inff0uso.con

Page 27: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

uDlts & GtltiltilHt,IH[ 1RBU10U$ $Tillt$[0wltr0t{tAuc t9 - 2t(1982, D. Lou Adler, 1982, 87 Min, & 35mrrt g5) Lou Adler's tarl ies and Gentlemen, tlrc Eabulaus Stains is afascinating oddity of the punk geme in that it was made for a major studio (pmmrount) - but the execswere so unhinged_by the film's strmge, bitter tone that they refused to release it. This consigned stains toa foohrote in film history md ended Adlels movie career - ^ever

prolific (his onlv previous redit wasCheech and Chong's Up in Smoke), he never directed again. That said, Stains desewes notice fust mdforemost as a weicome respite from all those mush-brained John Hughes teen epics f the ,80s. Thefabuiom Dime Lme (only eler better n Streets of Fire) plays Clorime "Third Degree,, Bums, a sexy,mgst-ridden teen who's ready to take out her miety on m urouspecting rvorld. With a couple of hermates - including a lanky young Laura Dern - she forms a rock group without bothering to leam howto sing or play. The Stains get their first taste o{ success tagging along with a punli band, The Looters(featuring staple British thesp Ray Wimtone), md a bnsload of fading rockers *induding ex-Sex PistolsPaul Cook md Steve Jones md Clash bassist Paul Sinonon. In the inexphcable way such things happen,Corime md her pals leapfrog the men and become ovemight stars - while the rival bmd threatero toexpose them as frauds. Don t miss this ffe 35mm screening of the film that - despite only being availablein bootleg form since its release - inspired el'ery contemporarv female rocker worthy of note.

PU1P TIGII|I]Iuun$ EUff 2a,21,21*28,[0til1tr0uil nuG 2E(1994 D. Queniin Tuantino, R $5) Ten yea$ ago, Tarmtino brought independent film toHolllryood's doorstep with this story about a bunch of peopie who say really cooi ihings mdget involved h all sorts of violence. Remember the fust time you saw this movie md JohrTravolta rvas talking about horv great Europe is because you cm have a glass of beer in amovie theater? lVell, gress what - now you can be drinkirg a beer and watching the film ina theater, all at dre same tine. But you don't have to dip your French fries in mayonnaise,unless you really *'mt to. (Hemi Mazza)

NU$HIIIllnElr0wlrr0ultluG 26 -28ullllG[SIFTS&4(1998, D. Wes Anderson" 93 Min, It $5) Mu Fischer is a relentlessly enthusiastic tenth-graderat Rushmore Academy. He producr.s crowd-pleasing school plays, presides ovir thecalligrapl-ry club, and everything h between. Ruslmore is his life, but his grades are bati, mdhe's put on sudden dea& academic probation. Soo4 he falis in love with ischoolteacher, Ms.Cross. So does his new friend, steel tycoon \{r. Bloom. An unusual lore triangle develops mdthey go to lvar.

Rushnore is like a knowing storybook. Curiosities abound: throwing stars, fake blood exoticfish, blorv darts, rope hicks, a crossbotr', rernote conhol aiqplanes, iflmetfuower, box kites.The chmacters hclude school bulfies, h"usty sidekicks, a headmaster in twee4 and agromdskeeper nmed Mr. Littlejems. There are no pop orlhrre references, so the story cm,tbe linked to mv partidar time.

Max Fischer was my role model. Ma Fischer had style. To say ihat I imitated him is munderstatement. I W.{S &{u Fischer. I drcssed i* high waters, Rod Laver temis shoes with redshoelaces, md briefly considered nonprescripticn glasses. I bought a red bere! a BB gm, mdDiving {or Sunken Treasure by Jacques Cousteau" I made his voicemail message mine. "Hmdjob" entered my vocabulary. When I met someone new I'd ask, "Wanna shake hmds?,' Mudraracterized my idea of well rouldedness. With my newly refhed tastes in place, writingplays, fisi fighting, md starting up chbs would come naturally, I thought. I would have aneccentric coterie of friends, maybe even score chicks. Ras/rnore was my li{e. (Josh Duty)

PI2l'll0m0llalfi0usG elnoila - 00r$l0m tfin n G0bnilol Sll00c tlnd0$0nHcst0tBunoftl lrk0 Glccl t183 0t lato Cruel tttryt - ntU.dntft0u$G,s0n

Page 28: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

EUI1 nmil 2[0wlrT0wil $tPT 2 - 5urllilst $IPTl0 &11(1987, d. Sam Raimi, & 85 mir1 $5) Eoii Decri 2 single-handedly put Sam "Spider-mm" Raimi md Bruce

"Ash" Campbeil on the map and is probably the film responsible for makhg more ianboys discover theirtrue calling thm my other movie ever. When Ash inexplicably retums to the saLrne cabin ir ihe sanewoods filled witlr the same body-possessing demons that he met there in the fust ILvil Dend, he's snllreally surprised when the whole thing happens all over again, Oh, sure, ftis time he only brings hisglrlfriend instead oi a whoie crew of college friends, and he's ieamed a thing or two aboutrvise-oacking,but still, he should have larown better. And n-hile some peopie (the filmakerE for irsimce) will say thaithis is a remake of the first movie, I say you jrrst have to lorrk at ihe title md notice that it isn t caled E?il

Derrl Psrt I:'fhe Rernake to prove that ihey're all lius.

Arnazingly, tirere are still people out there who have never seen this masterpiece of 80s horror. We can

not understand that and cm'L sit idly bv t'hile newbies are forced to get initiated on dreir TVs at home,

so ive're brir,ging ED? back to the big screen once agair. Fanbovs, it is now your solem duty to talk to

everyone you knorv and make sure they'r,e all experienced ihis film's maiesty at least one time, md ifanyone hasn't, you have to bring them. As an added bonus, we'll be givhg away one of our coveted

"Bruce Campbell's Cans ofWhoop Ass" at every scteen:ing for the fanboy with dre most virgins and we'llhave mother one for rshoever can answer the most trivia questions correctly! (Henri Mazza)

TRllII00lllllT0Wll: SIPT g - ItutlllsE $[Pr fl 8,18Being m independent theater, the Alamo has always had a soft spot for other folk in the filmcomunity who share a DIY aesthetic. lVhether ii be exploitation film pioneers like Russ Mel'er (Fcsfr

Pussycat Kill KiII),lndependent dishibutors like lJon Coscuel.li{Bu.bba Hotepl,iack of all trades directors

like Robert Rodriguez, or, rvith signifigance to the Tror wrjte-uP Jay lvlaynard. While Jay nay not be

as household a nane as these other champion-. of lhe inCependent spirit, there is no doubt in our nrinds

that he should be consiciered ir dreir rank. When Jay Ma;rnard fomd no acceptable luminescent honcoshure available commercially, he set out to patrstakingly create one by hmd. Jay's website, which

tlocments the step by step evolution o{ hjs suit has become m internet phenomenon in it's orvn right(check out tie link to his site at drafthouse.com). He's right up there with the Star Wars Kid in terms

of rult fmdom. The Alamo is proud Lo welcome Jav md his suit to the Alamo Dratlhouse Citema for

his first celebrily appeararce in support of Tror. Tay will !:e signing black and white autoglaphs beiore

ihe screening and expiahging the constructlon of the suit via siide presentafion (note Jay will only be

here for the Alamo l)orvntown midnight screenings, frofl will play without Jay at the Village )

rEB U$ BlUh $tilS0ll2ll0WllT0lilll $[pT t6 - 18, 23 and S0, llGT 1-2UlLL[GI $tPT 24 a 25(2001, D. Bumie Bums, 90 Mio LR, $5) Aiter having a blast with the gang from Rooster Teeth

for lwo lveekends of packed houses tuli o{ fans who couldn't get enough of their Halo-based

mimation, we were thrilied when &ey said they could come back with fresh-ftom-the-bumercopies of their Season 2 DVD. 1I you'ie never experienced the rnagic that is Red Vs Blue, hop

onihe riglrt now md check it out, because its genius deties description. With a saipt thatplays rvith video game conveiltiors, 1o"vs with annv stereotl?es, and still mmages to find timeto come up with inventive new varialions on the word "fuck" this popular u'eb sedes is sure

to be around for many seasons to come. As rve're all waiting for Halo 2, come on out md check

out Red Vs. Blrc Season 2 in the meantlme. There'Il be more opporhrnities to play multiplayergames of Slaver up on the big screen, md tire boys from Rooster'Ieeth willbe in attendance forrvhat's bound to be another highlv memorable Q & A.

p[ 28 -llsmo Dnftfi0u8e Cinsnia - lt0ilrtosm ulls B G0l01ad0t lillago tlndGft0n rGst 0tBllrnGtl] lrtc clccltt80 at lrls GleG[ Ptnyl -f,il.ilnlnous0.Gam

Page 29: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2004

GllTUIUG 29, 9il5;AUG 3l ?:00 & 9il5, $tPT 2, 0il5(2004, d. Takashi Miike, 130 nin, & 96.50/95 student/sentior/AFS) If David Llnch moved to Japan and sttrtedy1ki1q lakrza gmgstc.thrillers, the result might be Gozu. The latest film frim Japm's one-mm film {actoryTirkashi Miike could be the fatherless offspring o{ sone illicit midnight union between Mu[hollantl Driae, Blueveloet, anJ lhe director's orm Dwd or Alioe,t:ilogy. opening with i scene in which oazy ozaki mistakes aChilruahua for a "yakuza aftack dog", and then reutralises the threai with inimitable ove;kill, Gozn takes noprisoners lt forues on the haditional yakuza movie themes of loyaltyl, camaaderiq md a blood-soaked code ofhonour, with Miike taking Minmi on a iomey into his guilt-riddm psyche as he's forced io kiii the n6 he callsbrother-Trapped in a psychotic town where no one is what they ieim while searching {or ozaki's nissingcorpsq Minami is pursued by a lactating womm, a harovestite coffee shop o*ner, m American who reads thefapanese dialogue off giant cue cardE md a ghostly minotaur's head (the 'gozu' of the title). from the sex warhonor of Auditior-to the sPlatter gore ol Ichi The Ktltr, lvhike's films have

-always been edgy a{fairs, but none

have seemed as ridt or as perverse as this. A one-way ticket to !\reirdsville, Gozt proves thaii'liike is one of themost consistently innovative md unpredictable directors in the world. (Jamie Russel ru)

III BOG IllUB:OUTRIIN. ilt TIIffTG O] PIITY IIHRSI$IPI8,l:00(2004, d. Robert Stone, 89min. Uroated) Born out of the still smoldering embers of the 60scormter crrlture movement and with the spirit of Cubm md Black Pmther"revolutionmies, theSlmbionese Liberation Amy sought to position themselves as the Robin Hoods of Americansggety - stealing from 'corporate nazis' and giving back to the disaffected poor Their initialefforts went Iargeiy unnoticcd until the spectacular kidnapping of Patricia Hirst, daughtcr ofmedia $rcoon Randoiph and granddaughter of William Ranaotph (the real life CitizeiKane).Camped outside the Hearst's mansion after the 1974 kidnapping, the media tumed the eventinto ; nightly.soap opera but when.Paity tumed from victiri io aitive SLA member this soapietumed into a bving nightmare that becme more bizare with every turn. Bv using pristine #dmind-blun,ing archival footage, this explosive work traces the historv of the SLn"wjth particu-lar attention io the yea md a hatf Hearst spent in captivity and participated h i*mousmed robberies mdviolent actlvity of the mo'st extreme'nature. Alorie the wav, Stone paints ameticulousiy craftcd md researched picture of a prcfound time w'6en some of Arirerica'schickens cme home to roost. Sensaiional.

T[rs s0-cillHt lilsfl$TrnsIPr 28,29,30,1:00Shot in 200i, {ullng 5]re_mgats for the Sm Irancisco premiere of Sam Shepard's play, The LateHenry Moss, Michael (Nadja) Almereyda's This So-Callell Disaster docnments the mysterious nutsand bolts o{ the dramatic process. Fragmented read-throughs md rehcarsals arc interspersed withinterviews during rvhich shepard md cast rnembers sich as Nick Nolte, scar pdnn, woodyHarrelson, Cheech Mrin and James Cammon strug,gle to articulate the "hows" and "whvs'oftheir chosen field. The film urges us to regard tfie theit"er professional as one who speaks thoightsmd.emotions that seem inexpressible, md whose reconfigurafion of past experierices mav vergeon the pathologrca-I. As Gammor says (or ra&er, croaks)i'Acting_is desperlte because u'ctirgtit1eve1ling." Directing Nolte and Pem as estra-nged brothers, *{th Gammon as their deceaid,drunkerq violent fatheq, Shepud ruminates aborit the 'fragile terril.ory" that isolates actors anddirectors, which they must find a way to inhabit during theJong rehearsal period. Shepard calls it"finding a language [with which.l to enter" that shared' metaphirical space, dran'ing lHention tothe perfoming arts' Sreat contradiction: lvhereas preparatidns must b'e fiercely intimal, successdepends upon the actors' ability to communicate, first wiih their collaboraiors, and then anaudience. This territory renlains iloubly charged for shepard, as The Late Henrv Moss is rooted -like so much of his work - in his onm troublid relatioruhip wjth his alcoholic father.(Michael Heaiey, PopMatters)

RoGt(ffilt n0H. HIGil SGil001wtHlpwtfiTp(1978,D. Allan Arkush, 93 min, PG) "Riff Randell, rock rlroller." Thus we were introduced ioone of cinema's rnost beloved heroines, who reaffirmed that the primary obligahon of theyoug was to rock. Pj Soles plays the irrepressible (and heinously-dressed) chimpion of alJthings rock, in prticu lar her very favorite band, The Rmones. Riff''s only goal in life is to scorefront row tickets lo a Ramones concert, and when the bovs hit town I- srvingmg chickenvirdaloo from their spindll' fingers as a convertible chariots ihem onto the scene fke"the kinesthat they are - Riff's drems become a realiry In the quintessential role of her career, cas{ratingcult goddess lr{ary Woronov plays Ms. Togar, the tightly-wound new prhcipal on the scenirvho outlaws rock music and takes a particular disLiking to the dangerously popuJr RiffRandell. When Togar orchcstrates a bonlire of valued 70i vinyl, Rtff decidcd t6 liead up arevolution, taking over the premises md inviting the Ramones to become lronorary studenti ofthe newly drristened 'Rock n' Roll High Schooll (Kier-la Janlsse, Rock n'Roller)

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