Background Information Adam Wilson Esteban Murguia Information - 4 buildings w i 4 units per building each unit is 1000 sq/ft Objective - Build stair less residentialunits vvithin tho stoop landscapo oftho SITG I Without stairs th e floor plans would gain more square footage I a n d would allow tho unit to open to as many as 3 sides,

Alvar Aalto Final

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Backg round In fo rma tionAdam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia


- 4 b uild in gs wi 4un it s pe r bu il di ng

e ac h u nit is 1000



- B uild s ta ir le ss

res ident ia luni ts vv i th in

th o s to op la n ds capo

o f th o S I T G I Without

stairs th e floor plans

w ou ld g ain mo re

square foo tage I andw ou ld a llo w th o u nit to

o pe n to as m an y as 3


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Site Re la tionsh ipAdam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

- T he to po gra ph y

was used to

de te rm ine t he lo cationa nd o rie nta tio n o f

each structure,

- R oad s C orresp ond

an d rea ct to

to po gra ph y o f the

rough ter ra in

- T he a pa rtm en ts

are loc ated u p th e h ill

from th e p ap er fa cto ry

th e re sid en ce a re

emp lo ye d b y.

-- _____..-----__

S ite P lan

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E levations and SectionsAdam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

- T h G s toop to rra in

a llow s fo r u nits to

stack and over lapone anotho r,

" " .. . ~I

....:..._ .:

- - <- -, I"~. (

" . " ; > •

- The roof of the

lower u nit b ec omes

an e xte rio r p atio fo r

th e o ne a bo ve it "

- T he build ing is

in te nd ed to r ela to tO J

and become a part of

the h ill.

. E levation

4 ) ; r ,..

~ " "J



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-,!' ,

. c " ! ' _ : _



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Typ ical Build ing ConfigurationA dam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

Axonometr ic

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- T he sta ir lo ss

dosign a llows fo r

w indo ws on three ofth e fo u r soos which

lets good na tu ra l l igh t

e nte r m o st s pa ce s.

- T ho storag e units

ar o lo ca to d o n th e w all

neares t t he h ill s i de

b ec au se it r eq u ir es

n o n atu ra l lig h t, T h isg iv es o th or s pa co s

th e oppo rt un it y to

h av e mo re n atu ra l lig ht

A dam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

F lo or P lan

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CirculationAdam W ils on

Es teban Murgu ia

- U nits a re lo ca te d in

c lo se p ro xim ity to th o

Pape r Fac to r y

- Each u n i t has

an ind8penden t

e ntra nc e, a wa y from

o the r un it s,

- Each u n i t has

e xte rio r a cc es s o n

throo sides,

~rG b - 6

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Backg round In fo rma tionAdam W i ls on

Es teban Mu rgu ia


- 2 bui ld ings:

36 un it s i ii none

buil lding60 u nits in th e o th er


- each un it is 450

sq/ f t

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Site Re la tionsh ipA dam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

- U nit lo ac tio ns a re

near th e island whore

th e r es id en t w ill w o r kat th o p ulp m ill.

-C o rro sp on ds to

topography o f t he s it e.

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E levations and SectionsA dam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

- T he build in g w as

stack od w th 3 levels

of resident iaJuni ts

- W orks wthTopog raphy in r ela tion

to c i rcu lation

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Typ ical Bu ild ing Confiu ra tionAdam W ils on

Es teban Mu rguia

- F lo or P la n R ep ea ts

in r ela tion to le ve l


3rd L evel F loor P lan

- U nits ar e entered

fr om bo th sides

2nd L evel F loor P lann.L _______jjjjL_J. liLt,- JllL--------fiL1- fiL

lJL :L O J : I Y to II O J : r:t"""5 CI ::t: O J : I./ \::L.r::L I : : . r : J'CL I O J: O J : I J -'C'11 J : O J : j['j' ~

1 st L evel F loor P lan

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LightingAdam W ils on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

- S tora ge is lo ca te d

n ea re st th e h ill d uo to

la c k o f na tu ra l lig h t.

- 2nd and 3rd floors

g et lig ht from th e e as t

a nd we st.

- The 1s t flo or o nly

g et lig ht from th e

west .

3rd L eve l F loor P lan

2nd Level F loor P lan

1st L ev el F loo r P lan

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Site C ircu la tionAdam W i ls on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

- U nits are in close

p ro x im ity to th e p ulp


- l.c ca te d w ith in

the v il lage o f w o rk e r


- R oads are

de te rm i ned by


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- F irs t f to or is e nte re d

from the w est a t

g ro un d le ve l o n th elo we r s id e o f th e h ill

- S econd ~oor is

e nte re d from th e e as t


h ig h s id e o f th e h ill

- Third ~oor is

a cc es se d th ro ug h as ta irc as e o n th e e as t

s id o o f th e b uild in g


• -8 -8

2nd L evel

Adam W i ls on

Es teban Mu rgu ia

3rd L evels t Leve l

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Typical F loor Plan

- S in glo O c cu pa nc y


- M irr or ed ~ oo r p la ns

b y le ve l

- Each level has its

own p riv at e e x te ri or


.. - _ _ -_ --_----_. -

Adam W ils on

Es teban Murgu ia

1'",,1/8" 2nd L evel F loor P lan -8

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BibliographyA dam W ilso n

Es teban Mu rgu ia

Je ts onen, J a ri. A J va rAa lt o Apar tm .en ts . He ls in k i: Ra kennust ie to , 2004.

P e ar so n, P a ul D . A Jv arA alto a nd th e I ntematio na l S ty 1e .N ew Yo rk , NY : VVhitn ey L ib ra ry o f D e sig n, 1 97 8 .

S c hild t, GO r an . /lJ va r A alto : T h e De cis iv e Y e ars . N ew Yo rk , NY : R iz zo li, 1 98 6 .