An Unsettled World His 1130 Rethinking Cultures and Reimagining Nations between 1890 and 1914 What was happening with indigenous peoples within these nations?

An Unsettled World His 1130 Rethinking Cultures and Reimagining Nations between 1890 and 1914 What was happening with indigenous peoples within these nations?

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An Unsettled WorldHis 1130

Rethinking Cultures and Reimagining Nations between

1890 and 1914

What was happening with indigenous peoples within these


Attendance Reading QuizCoates: Military Struggle and Identity

Formation, 1-325% each 1. How did Afro and Indigenous-Colombian

experiences in armed conflicts in Cauca between 1851-1877 differ?

2. How did Walker’s filibuster change conditions for Afro-Nicaraguans?

3. How was Afro-Cuban revolutionary potential limited?

4. What did you learn from these chapters?

An Unsettled World 1890-1914

1905: Kinjikitile Ngwale revolted in German East Africa

A. Progress and Upheaval

Rapid economic progress and opportunity of times lead to tensions throughout world.

Europe and US: left-wing radicals and middle-class reformers Colonized areas, resentment directed against colonial rulers China, Mexico, Russia, peasants, subaltern peoples toppled

aristocratic regimes in revolutionsWhy did such regimes represent colonialism?Profound social & economic transformations in lives of womenDevelopments in arts and sciences added to feeling of unease:

uneven spread of “progress”State attempts to unify nations led to the Great War of 1914 

B. Discontent with Imperialism

1. Unrest in AfricaAfrica witnessed many anti-colonial uprisingsEast Africa (Kenya) resistance intense,

savage British punitive expeditions

Most devastating of all South Africa: British against Afrikaners (Dutch)

South African War (Boer War) 1899-1902 

Boer War: 1899-1902

Violence again indigenous peopleGerman colonies in S.W. Africa, (Present

Namibia) 1904-6, warfare of genocide against Herero and San peoples See Coates, 19Also Maji-Maji revolt in German East Africa

What was culture like inthe Kalahari Desert?


2. Boxer Rebellion in China

Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Russia scrambled for concessions

Boxer Uprising of 1897, tied to missionary activities

Aug 1900, foreign army 20,000 men crushed Boxers

(Jap, Russ, Br, Gr, Fr, US)Forced China sign Boxer Protocol 1901

C. Worldwide Insecurities

Most Europeans ignored signs of unrest, faith in their superiority

Conflicts at home tore European and North American confidence

Political & military rivalry, ups & downs of Industrial Economies

Problems of uncontrolled industrialization

1. Imperial Rivalries Come Home -multiple conflicts b/w European Powers

2. Financial, Industrial, and Technological Insecurities

US and Europe dominated world economicallyHuge capitalized firms, cycles of boom

and bustFinancial circuits and industrialization

linked nations (exp. Porfirio Díaz Regime, Mexico)

 3. Urbanization and Its Discontents

City and city life epitomized modern era at turn of century, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro: revolts of 1904 

D. The “Woman” Question Politics of domesticity, missionaries preached in favor

New jobs: teachers, secretaries, typists, store clerks, phone operators

1900, 40% college grads were womenMost important change: control over

reproductionBirth rate dropped in half during 19th Century

 Still, most women in world were disenfranchised

5. Class Conflict in a New Key

Capitalism’s new dynamism and volatility shook confidence in free-markets

In Latin America, workers turned to syndicalism, socialism, anarchism for urban proletariat

Upheavals in 1905 in Russia, and Mexican Revolution of 1910, Porfirio Díaz

E. Cultural Modernism

1. Popular Culture comes of Age2. Europe’s Cultural Modernism

Emile Durkheim Sigmund Freud Charles Darwin

More changers of cultures

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)Gustav Le Bon


“rationality without passion = machine idiocy”

F. Cultural Modernism in China

Chinese also caught up in debate over what it meant to be “modern”

Self-conscious pursuit of single, Western-oriented modernity

Portraits, fantasy novels: forsake scholarly traditions, or exist alongside science?

Scholars saw Western science as way to acquire national wealth & power rather than as a means for understanding world.

ConclusionsCultures and history in an unsettled worldWhat was happening in Africa and Asia?What was happening in the U.S. during this

time?What was happening in Western Europe

during this time?What are you going to remember from

today’s class?