Anointing “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” (Hebrews 1: 9)


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Anointing is an important sacrament that the scriptures indicate was practiced before, during and after the coming of Christ. What is a sacrament?....a ceremony or physical act that represents holiness, perfection & sacrifices of righteousness. This presentation will unveil the spiritual meaning & the importance of anointing.

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Anointing “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity;

therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”

(Hebrews 1: 9)

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Anointing is an important sacrament that the scriptures indicate was practiced before, during and after the coming of Christ

What is a sacrament?....a ceremony or physical act that represents holiness, perfection & sacrifices of righteousness

This presentation will unveil the spiritual meaning & the importance of anointing

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What Is Meant By Anointing? To anoint is the act of putting on oil as a sign of sanctification, consecration & dedication unto the Lord

Lets define a few terms....

Sanctify: means to set apart, to make holy or pure

Consecrate: to declare as sacred; to dedicate solemnly to a service or goal

Dedicate: to set apart for a special use; to commit oneself or something to a particular position, duty, course or action

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History RevealsGod gave Moses very specific instructions on how to make the anointing oil with ingredients such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, cassia & olive oil (Exodus 30: 22-25)

This holy anointing oil was then used to consecrate the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant (carried the laws of God), the holy vessels & the priests (Exodus 30: 26-30)

The bible also reveals that anointing oil was used for healing the sick, casting out devils and of course to consecrate not only priests but the kings as well

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Closer Look at IngredientsMyrrh: a precious spice taken from a small bushy tree that was used for its aromatic smell, healing purposes and anointing the dead (note: Christ’s body was anointed with myrrh after his death)

Calamus: is also called sweet cane or sweet flag. “It has an aromatic smell, and when its knotted stalk is cut and dried and reduced to powder, it forms an ingredient in the most precious perfumes.”

Cinnamon: a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees that was used in ancient times for perfumes & oils

Cassia: a spice derived from a slim evergreen tree with an aromatic bark, similar to cinnamon, but darker, thicker and coarser.

Olive oil: an oil pressed from ripe olives that was used in ancient Israel to light the golden lamps in the tabernacle, prepare various sacrificial offerings and for medicinal purposes as well

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Purpose of Anointing TodayOur church anoints today for many of the same reasons it was done in the bible

All members of our church have been anointed to symbolize that they have been set apart from the rest of the world to keep God’s laws, making them holy

Any individuals obtaining a special position or duty such as a minister, elder or teacher

It is used on any individuals that are sick with prayers that they be healed (James 5: 14)

Any vessels, items or objects used for the sole purpose of serving or praising God including an alter, songbooks or church artwork

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Anointing: Not a Light Matter

As with all sacraments, the physical act of being anointed means nothing if it is NOT done with a sincere heart & the desire to serve God

When you choose to be anointed as a servant of God, you are stating that you are set apart from the wickedness of this world and that your life is completely dedicated to keeping his laws

If parents choose to have their child anointed they are stating that their child will be dedicated to the Lord as evident by them teaching him or her the word of God

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Anointing: Not a Light Matter

When a person is anointed for a specific position, such as an elder or teacher, they must be sure to fulfill all duties, using the scriptures as a guide on how to conduct themselves in this particular role

It is better for a person NOT to be anointed if they cannot commit 100% to the laws or their specific calling or duty for the Lord

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Board of Elders

Teachers & Class

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Christ Was AnointedThe name Christ means “anointed”

Christ is the anointed one of the Father

Christ was anointed by the Holy Spirit after he was baptized by the John Baptist to prepare him for the work that he was to complete on this earth as well as his death ( Acts 10: 37-38)

Christ was also anointed by Mary Magdalene for his burial (Matthew 26: 7-12)

God the Father anointed Christ as King of Kings after his death & resurrection (Psalms 45: 6 -7)

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Anointing Signifies Remember when an individual is anointed it symbolizes sanctification or to be set apart and made holy

The saints of God are considered to be a peculiar & holy group of people within this world because they choose to keep the laws of God in a place that is abundant with sin & wickedness

Like Christ, we also look for the anointing from the Holy Spirit

Through the anointing of the Holy Spirit we receive his teachings which include the laws & the truth found in the word of God as well as his gifts and the fruits of the Spirit ( I Corinthians 12: 4 -11 & Galatians 5: 22-25)

The anointing of the Holy Spirit prepares each individual saint for their particular calling and to gain salvation

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Anointing Signifies

One day, Christ will present his saints as a holy & peculiar offering unto God the Father in heaven

Before we can be presented, all sin & death must be removed our from hearts, minds & bodies

The anointing of the Holy Spirit will permanently be upon us, meaning the laws will be written upon our hearts & we will possess the fruits & gifts of the Spirit

We will no longer be subjected to sin & death and will forever be God’s anointed & chosen people

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But Wait....There’s More

If you have or know children that would benefit from lessons on the word of God then visit our new

Kidz Corner Page. For the month of November we will be discussing the 3rd & 4th commandments.

You can also go to the link below:


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Special Thanks

This presentation was developed by:

Elisabeth C. Pointer

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For questions regarding this presentation please contact us via email

at [email protected] or by phone at 219.949.9308

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