Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 248/Thursday, De(:emt)t,w 26, 2013/Rules and Regulations 78263 returning direcl] v l]'om such inaclive duly training. Authnrized travel sh.uhl take into account: (it The hour on which such individual h•:)oan st.) to [)rr)ceod 1. r to return; (it) Tht; hour on which such individual was scheduled h) arrive f<w. or un which such individual ceased I0 i)erform, such duty: (iii) The method of travol employed: (iv) The ilinerarv: Iv) The manner in which the mlvel wns l),:rformed: and (vi) The immudiah: caust)of disalfilitv. (Aulhorily: 38 U.f';.C. 11)1. IO(L 501. 1734 lind "1735.) [F'R Dec. 2013-30775 Filed 12-24-12.: 11:45 unH BILLING CODE 83•0-01-P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 [EPA-R03-OAR-2013-0058; FRL-9904-49- Region 3] Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Update of the Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Lancaster 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area AGENCY: Envir()nmenta] ])roh;('lhm Agency (EPA). ACTION: Direct final rule. SUMMARY: 'l'ht; Environinelltal l)roh;cti<.m Ag0ncy (EPA} is taking dirt:c:! final at:l i( )11 Io al)lll't )vt; I'evisi( )im h ) lhe (]onlnlonwoa]lh of ])0nnsvlvunia's (Pennsyh, ania} Sl•llt; hnl)]ernt:n),alion Plan (SIP). The revisions consist of an ulMah: h) Iho SIP-alq)rovud Mulet Vehicle Emissi[wm Budgels (MVEBs) I)n' nitrngen uxides {N()x) and volatih: organic compounds (VOCs). and an updah;d point sour(:u inventurv t',r NOx and V()(]s ftff thu 1(,197 H-Huur ()zont; National Ambient Air Qtmlity Slam tard (NAAQS) SIP for Lancash,'r Ct)unlv (hureafler ref(,'rrod to as the "'Lancaster Maintenanct; AnJa"). EPA's al)l)roval of Iht: updah;d MVEBs makes them awdlabh; for Irans[)orlalic)n conf+a'milv purl)(me, s. EPA is approving Ihese revisions to the MVEBs and point sour(a: if]vonlorv in a(:c(.)rthint:o wilh the requil'ernolats ,)l:the (]h;an Air :•('.l (CAA). DATES: This rule is t;ffec:tivu on February 24. 2014 wilhou! furthur noli(:u, unless EI'A receives H(I\'HI'Se wrillen (;()mnlelll by January 27, 2014. If EPA receives such t;(mml(;nls, il will publish a timely withdruwa] of the direct final rule in It-ie Federal Register and itaform Ihe l•ublit: lhal Ihe, ruh; will nol lake t!fl'et:l. ADDRESSES: Submil vc)ur comments, idenlified b\ Dut:kt,q ID Number EPA- R03-()AR-'•013-0058 b\, one of the I'))Jl, .wing nlulht)ds: A. www.t•:,g, lalions.gov. F()I h,w l hi' on-lirm inslructi(ms fur Stll)mittitlg c(tin fnents. B. Emaih.t•[email protected]. C. Muih EPA-R03-OAR-2013-0058, Crislina Fernandez. Assu(:iate Dire, uhw. ()tTict: of Air Program Planning. Maih:[)ch: 3AP30. I I.S. l'.'nvirtalm(:nht] Prolection Agency. Roginn 111. 1650 Arch Street, Phi lach;Iphia. Pennsvlwmia 1(,!103. D. Ihmd Dv]ivct3": At Ihc l)rt:vit)usly - lish;d [•.]I)A Regitm 11I address. Such deliveries are .nlv accel-)led during Ihe Dt)t;kel's n(n'mM l•,)urs of ()iteration, ;int] Sl));cial ;trrangelnents sht)uhl h(; made fi)r deliveries of boxed information. In.qtrtH:tions: Direct \'our comments h) Dt)(:ket ID N(). EI'A-R0"+-OikI'•-2013- 0058. EllA's policy is that all communts received will h(: in(:luded in Ih(: t)ul)liu docket without change, and may ht; mad. availabh: online at www.tY:•ulutions.gov, including any personal inf(,rmation prnvi(letl, unless Iht,' t:t)nlnlt;llt includes infurmalit)n ulai rm;d to be Cc.n fidenlial Business Informali(m (CI31)()r olhur inf()rrnalit)n wh()sc disclosure is restricted It\" stalutt;. Do n()l suIJmil inft)rmaliun Ihal \'t)u (:onsider It) It(: CBI t)r t)lherwis,; l))'()h)(:h)d lhrt)ugh wn'n'.r+•gultdions.gov or cnlail. The tvwn',rt;•ul(tlions..•ov Web silo is •.II1 ";int)nvm()us +lt'(:esm" sysh,)m. which means Et)A will n()l know vour identity or conlact information unless w)u I)rt)vicl(: it in the b()dv t)f vt)ur commt;nl. If you sund anemail c()mmen! (lirecllv 1o EPA withoul going through un'w.tr,guhttions•ov, your email addrt:ss will l)t: auh)malicalh, c:al)turt;d an<l int:luth)tl as i)arl t)f the c.nmlt,'Xlt thai is plact;d in Iht' Imblic dt)c:kel and made a\,ailahle q m lhe hlternel. If you submit an eh;t:lronic :ommenl. EPA rec:t)mmends thal vou int:ltuh: \,our name anti t)tht,r ct)nhlt:t in furmal'it)n in lilt: h()d\' ()1' vt)ur commt;nt and with an',; disk or CD-R()M you su|)mil. If EPA cannt)t read your t:,)nunent due to lechni(:al diffit:uJti(;s and cannot contact voti tbr chirific.ation, EPA nlav llt)l It(; al)l•: h)tst)nsidt:r \'our vummt;nt. E](:ulrnnic files sht)uldavoH the us(; ))f special characters, any form t)f ent'ryl)titm, arm b(: frt)u t)f an•' tleffecls ()r viruses. Dockeh All documents in the oh;ctrtmi(: dockcl art) lish;(l in thu www.reguhttions.gov index. Allhough listed in the index, some infi)rmation is nt)l l)uhli(:ly avaihd)h;, i.t;.. Cl3l ()r t)lhur infi)rmatiun wh,)st; disclosure is r(:sh'ich;d by stalulo. (]orh:).iLI t)lht:r mah!rial, su(:h as u. )l)yrighh+(I mah:rial. is no! l)laced on tilt: Inl(;rnet and will lit: l)ul)licly awdlable <)nlv in hard copy fiJrm. Publi('h, available docket matt:rials are availal)h: t;itht:r ('h't:tr()ni(:alh' in n'ww.n:guhttions.gov ,)r in hard t:opyduring normal lJusint;ss hours at lhe Air Protectit)n Division. [J.S. Envirt)nmt:nlal Pr,)teclion Agen(:y. Region Ill. 11150 Arch Stre(.:l. I)hila(h;llthia, l).)nns\'lvania 1(`)103. Ct)l)it;s t)f the State submittal are availabh) at tht) Peimsvlvania Deparlmt;nl tJf Environmt)nlal 1)rote¢'titm, Buruau of Air Quulity Ctmh't)l. p.o. Box 8468. 4111,1 Mal'ket ,qtrt;t;l, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania 1 7105. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Asrah Khadr, (215) 8!4-207"1. or by email al kh,dr.,snth@etttLgov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background ()n Nt)w.:ml)er 1 !), 2012, l)ennsvlvania submitttxl formal revisiuns h) its Sll ). One SIP revision (:onsists t.)f Ul)(lated MVEBs I'()r N()x an(t V()Cs tor the 1(,t(,17 8-Hour (}zone NAAQS. Tht' other SIP rt,vision ul)dah;s the p(_)int snur¢:+: invenh)rv I't)l" N()x and V(}Cs. (}n ]ul.v 18, 1.q,()7 ((12 I,'R 38H511). EPA (:stablishe(I lhe 1(,)(,)7 •q-H()t.lr ()zont! NAAQS. ()n April 30, 2004 (69 I,'R 238611), Lancaster County was designated as nonallainlnenl for the 1(,)(.t7 ,q-Hour ()zt)nt; NAAQS. ()n Setm;mher 2ll. 21)1111. tht; Pt:nns\'h, ania Dt'l)artmt;nl ,)f Envirt,n mental }Jr,)lt)cl it)n (PADEI)) submitted a SiP revision which (:))nsisled ()fa m•-tinh.man(:(: l)lan, a 2002 base \'ear invt;ntorv and MVEDs for Iransl)ortalion conformih' l)tlrl)ost:s. ( }n N()v(:mbt,r 8, 2006, PADEP supp]t:n]ented lht;ir St)l.•tum])er 2(}, 20(}6 su[)mithtl. ()n July I;, 20[)7 {72 FR 3(;•),B9), EPA al)l)rovt;(I Iht: ,SIP rovisi(.)n as vve]l as Ihe rt;th;signalion rt:quesl math: hv I)ADEI ) and Lanc•.lSl(:,,r Ct)unlv was rt;d(,'signah:d as a nl;tinh;llail(-),* area. The (:urrt:nl].v Sll.)-apl)r(tved MVEBs fur the Lan¢:astur Area weru (h:vc.h)pud using the Iqighwa_v M()l)ih: St)urt:(, Em issit )n Fa(:h )r M()(hd (M()DILE6.2). ()n March 2, 2010 (75 FR (,,)41 1). EPA published a notice of availabilih, for the Moh)r Vuhicle Emissions Simulittur (M()VI'.'S20"I 0) model li)r use in th:vuh)lfing MVEBs tbr SIPs and for (:t)nducting Irarm|)orlalion ct)nft)rmih, ana]vs•;s, E])A commenc(:d a two \'(:ar grace l)t:rit)d afh)r which lira() Iht: MOVES2010 m()d()] wouhl have h)I)e USt;(] f()r Ir;LllSl)ortal i( )n ct)nfi.)rmitv l)Url)()ses. The Iw() \'eat" grace l)(:r•od was scheduled to end (m March 2,2012. ()n F(:l)ruarv 27,2012 {77 FR 11 :?)94}, EllA published a final ruh: extunding lht: gract) period for (..)11(.,' mort,' vear Io Mar(:h '2.21)13 t() ensure adequah; time

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Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 248/Thursday, De(:emt)t,w 26, 2013/Rules and Regulations 78263

returning direcl] v l]'om such inacliveduly training. Authnrized travel sh.uhltake into account:

(it The hour on which such individualh•:)oan st.) to [)rr)ceod 1. r to return;

(it) Tht; hour on which suchindividual was scheduled h) arrive f<w.or un which such individual ceased I0i)erform, such duty:

(iii) The method of travol employed:(iv) The ilinerarv:Iv) The manner in which the mlvel

wns l),:rformed: and(vi) The immudiah: caust)of disalfilitv.

(Aulhorily: 38 U.f';.C. 11)1. IO(L 501. 1734 lind"1735.)[F'R Dec. 2013-30775 Filed 12-24-12.: 11:45 unHBILLING CODE 83•0-01-P


40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R03-OAR-2013-0058; FRL-9904-49-Region 3]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans;Pennsylvania; Update of the MotorVehicle Emissions Budgets for theLancaster 1997 8-Hour OzoneMaintenance Area

AGENCY: Envir()nmenta] ])roh;('lhmAgency (EPA).ACTION: Direct final rule.

SUMMARY: 'l'ht; Environinelltal l)roh;cti<.mAg0ncy (EPA} is taking dirt:c:! finalat:l i( )11 Io al)lll't )vt; I'evisi( )im h ) lhe(]onlnlonwoa]lh of ])0nnsvlvunia's(Pennsyh,ania} Sl•llt; hnl)]ernt:n),alionPlan (SIP). The revisions consist of anulMah: h) Iho SIP-alq)rovud MuletVehicle Emissi[wm Budgels (MVEBs) I)n'nitrngen uxides {N()x) and volatih:organic compounds (VOCs). and anupdah;d point sour(:u inventurv t',r NOxand V()(]s ftff thu 1(,197 H-Huur ()zont;National Ambient Air Qtmlity Slam tard(NAAQS) SIP for Lancash,'r Ct)unlv(hureafler ref(,'rrod to as the "'LancasterMaintenanct; AnJa"). EPA's al)l)roval ofIht: updah;d MVEBs makes themawdlabh; for Irans[)orlalic)n conf+a'milvpurl)(me,s. EPA is approving Iheserevisions to the MVEBs and pointsour(a: if]vonlorv in a(:c(.)rthint:o wilh therequil'ernolats ,)l:the (]h;an Air :•('.l


DATES: This rule is t;ffec:tivu on February24. 2014 wilhou! furthur noli(:u, unlessEI'A receives H(I\'HI'Se wrillen (;()mnlelll

by January 27, 2014. If EPA receivessuch t;(mml(;nls, il will publish a timelywithdruwa] of the direct final rule in It-ieFederal Register and itaform Ihe l•ublit:lhal Ihe, ruh; will nol lake t!fl'et:l.

ADDRESSES: Submil vc)ur comments,

idenlified b\ Dut:kt,q ID Number EPA-R03-()AR-'•013-0058 b\, one of theI'))Jl, .wing nlulht)ds:

A. www.t•:,g, lalions.gov. F()I h,w l hi'on-lirm inslructi(ms fur Stll)mittitlgc(tin fnents.

B. Emaih.t•[email protected]. Muih EPA-R03-OAR-2013-0058,

Crislina Fernandez. Assu(:iate Dire,uhw.()tTict: of Air Program Planning.Maih:[)ch: 3AP30. I I.S. l'.'nvirtalm(:nht]Prolection Agency. Roginn 111. 1650Arch Street, Phi lach;Iphia. Pennsvlwmia1(,!103.

D. Ihmd Dv]ivct3": At Ihc l)rt:vit)usly-

lish;d [•.]I)A Regitm 11I address. Suchdeliveries are .nlv accel-)led during IheDt)t;kel's n(n'mM l•,)urs of ()iteration, ;int]Sl));cial ;trrangelnents sht)uhl h(; madefi)r deliveries of boxed information.

In.qtrtH:tions: Direct \'our comments h)

Dt)(:ket ID N(). EI'A-R0"+-OikI'•-2013-0058. EllA's policy is that all communtsreceived will h(: in(:luded in Ih(: t)ul)liudocket without change, and may ht;mad. availabh: online atwww.tY:•ulutions.gov, including any

personal inf(,rmation prnvi(letl, unlessIht,' t:t)nlnlt;llt includes infurmalit)nulai rm;d to be Cc.n fidenlial BusinessInformali(m (CI31)()r olhur inf()rrnalit)nwh()sc disclosure is restricted It\" stalutt;.

Do n()l suIJmil inft)rmaliun Ihal \'t)u(:onsider It) It(: CBI t)r t)lherwis,;l))'()h)(:h)d lhrt)ugh wn'n'.r+•gultdions.govor cnlail. The tvwn',rt;•ul(tlions..•ov Websilo is •.II1 ";int)nvm()us +lt'(:esm" sysh,)m.which means Et)A will n()l know vouridentity or conlact information unlessw)u I)rt)vicl(: it in the b()dv t)f vt)ur

commt;nl. If you sund anemailc()mmen! (lirecllv 1o EPA withoul goingthrough un'w.tr,guhttions•ov, youremail addrt:ss will l)t: auh)malicalh,c:al)turt;d an<l int:luth)tl as i)arl t)f thec.nmlt,'Xlt thai is plact;d in Iht' Imblicdt)c:kel and made a\,ailahle q m lhehlternel. If you submit an eh;t:lronic�:ommenl. EPA rec:t)mmends thal vouint:ltuh: \,our name anti t)tht,r ct)nhlt:t

in furmal'it)n in lilt: h()d\' ()1' vt)ur

commt;nt and with an',; disk or CD-R()Myou su|)mil. If EPA cannt)t read your

t:,)nunent due to lechni(:al diffit:uJti(;sand cannot contact voti tbr chirific.ation,EPA nlav llt)l It(; al)l•: h)tst)nsidt:r \'ourvummt;nt. E](:ulrnnic files sht)uldavoHthe us(; ))f special characters, any formt)f ent'ryl)titm, arm b(: frt)u t)f an•' tleffecls()r viruses.

Dockeh All documents in theoh;ctrtmi(: dockcl art) lish;(l in thuwww.reguhttions.gov index. Allhoughlisted in the index, some infi)rmation isnt)l l)uhli(:ly avaihd)h;, i.t;.. Cl3l ()r t)lhurinfi)rmatiun wh,)st; disclosure isr(:sh'ich;d by stalulo. (]orh:).iLI t)lht:rmah!rial, su(:h as u. )l)yrighh+(I mah:rial.

is no! l)laced on tilt: Inl(;rnet and will lit:l)ul)licly awdlable <)nlv in hard copyfiJrm. Publi('h, available docketmatt:rials are availal)h: t;itht:r('h't:tr()ni(:alh' in n'ww.n:guhttions.gov ,)r

in hard t:opyduring normal lJusint;sshours at lhe Air Protectit)n Division.[J.S. Envirt)nmt:nlal Pr,)teclion Agen(:y.Region Ill. 11150 Arch Stre(.:l.I)hila(h;llthia, l).)nns\'lvania 1(`)103.

Ct)l)it;s t)f the State submittal areavailabh) at tht) PeimsvlvaniaDeparlmt;nl tJf Environmt)nlal1)rote¢'titm, Buruau of Air QuulityCtmh't)l. p.o. Box 8468. 4111,1 Mal'ket,qtrt;t;l, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania 1 7105.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Asrah Khadr, (215) 8!4-207"1. or byemail al kh,dr.,[email protected] INFORMATION:

I. Background()n Nt)w.:ml)er 1 !), 2012, l)ennsvlvania

submitttxl formal revisiuns h) its Sll ).One SIP revision (:onsists t.)f Ul)(latedMVEBs I'()r N()x an(t V()Cs tor the 1(,t(,17

8-Hour (}zone NAAQS. Tht' other SIPrt,vision ul)dah;s the p(_)int snur¢:+:

invenh)rv I't)l" N()x and V(}Cs.(}n ]ul.v 18, 1.q,()7 ((12 I,'R 38H511). EPA

(:stablishe(I lhe 1(,)(,)7 •q-H()t.lr ()zont!NAAQS. ()n April 30, 2004 (69 I,'R238611), Lancaster County wasdesignated as nonallainlnenl for the1(,)(.t7 ,q-Hour ()zt)nt; NAAQS. ()n

Setm;mher 2ll. 21)1111. tht; Pt:nns\'h,aniaDt'l)artmt;nl ,)f Envirt,n mental }Jr,)lt)cl it)n(PADEI)) submitted a SiP revision which(:))nsisled ()fa m•-tinh.man(:(: l)lan, a 2002base \'ear invt;ntorv and MVEDs forIransl)ortalion conformih' l)tlrl)ost:s. ( }nN()v(:mbt,r 8, 2006, PADEPsupp]t:n]ented lht;ir St)l.•tum])er 2(}, 20(}6su[)mithtl. ()n July I;, 20[)7 {72 FR3(;•),B9), EPA al)l)rovt;(I Iht: ,SIP rovisi(.)nas vve]l as Ihe rt;th;signalion rt:queslmath: hv I)ADEI ) and Lanc•.lSl(:,,r Ct)unlvwas rt;d(,'signah:d as a nl;tinh;llail(-),* area.

The (:urrt:nl].v Sll.)-apl)r(tved MVEBsfur the Lan¢:astur Area weru (h:vc.h)pudusing the Iqighwa_v M()l)ih: St)urt:(,Em issit )n Fa(:h )r M()(hd (M()DILE6.2).()n March 2, 2010 (75 FR (,,)41 1). EPApublished a notice of availabilih, for theMoh)r Vuhicle Emissions Simulittur(M()VI'.'S20"I 0) model li)r use inth:vuh)lfing MVEBs tbr SIPs and for(:t)nducting Irarm|)orlalion ct)nft)rmih,ana]vs•;s, E])A commenc(:d a two \'(:ar

grace l)t:rit)d afh)r which lira() Iht:MOVES2010 m()d()] wouhl have h)I)eUSt;(] f()r Ir;LllSl)ortal i( )n ct)nfi.)rmitvl)Url)()ses. The Iw() \'eat" grace l)(:r•odwas scheduled to end (m March 2,2012.()n F(:l)ruarv 27,2012 {77 FR 11 :?)94},EllA published a final ruh: extundinglht: gract) period for (..)11(.,' mort,' vear IoMar(:h '2.21)13 t() ensure adequah; time

Page 2: arm - epa.gov€¦ · epa epa ((?.!), ¯ ¯ §..... §

78264 Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 248/Thursday. December 26. 2013/Ruh)s and Regulations

Ibr affoch)d parties to have Iht; capacilym use lhe M()VES model to (levehq• orup(late the applicable MVEBs in SIPsaml to (:omluct (:t)nformitv analvst)s. ()n

St;l)h)mbt•r 8, 2010, EI)A r(;h;ast)dM(}VES2OIOa, which is a minc, r up,|at()Is) MOVE,qEI)I0 anti which is used bvPeru]sylvania in lhis SIP revision.

H. Summary of SIP Revision

This MVEBs SIP revisi(m ul)dah)s theMVEBs fi)r NOx and VOCs for the years21111(,I (inh)rim year) and 21118{maintenant:e year) that were l)rt)dut:e(lusing thu MOVES2OIOa modol. Tho[)(tint sour(:() inv()nlorv SIP r()visi+)n

updates the point source inventory, forNOx and VOCs. A (:omparis{)n bt)lween

tht+ l)revious it, tint st)urt:e inv(mt,)ry andlht) u|)ditlt)d point source il]vent()rv is

i)r()vi,lo(l in 'I';d)h) 1. The previuuslyal)l)ri)ved MVEBs wt)rt) t)rotlu(:t)(I usingthu Mobil() Source Emission l"actorM()(h)l {MOBILE6.2}. A summary t)l" theup(lah',d M()VISS-Imsed MVEBs imdi)reviously al)l)rt)v()(l MOBlLEli.2-hase(IMVEBs for the years 2OO(.1 anti 2(}38 isi)rc)vided in 'I'af)h) 2. Evun lh )ugh thereis an emissions increase in the MOVES-I)asod MVEBs, the increase is not due t()

an incrt)ast: in (,'lllissi()ns fri)in ill<)hih•

sources. The in(:r()ast) is (Jut) to the fa(:l

Ihal Ih(.)MOVES m()d()l provi(h)s mort)

at:curale emissitms estimates thai]

MOBILE6.2. ralht:r than orowlh thai hadn,)t I)(),)n anli(:il)att)d in the mainh)nance

i-)lan. Also, l)art of the update of theMVEBs is lh,; a(t(iili()n of Iw() lens parday {tp(I) safety margin fi)r h{}th N()xantl V()Cs iv] 2018 as wall as a 2 Ii)(l

safi)l v nmrgin for N(Jx in 201)9. TheMVEBs lhal wil] l)t) uli]iz()vl fi)rIransporlali+m conformity purpost;s andinclu(.h: the safety margins ar\.' presento(]in Tahle 3. Thesa safnly margins wereaddt:d bt)cause emissit)ns in the interim(2tl()(,)) and nlah]lenan(:t) (201P)} year.,.; aresignifi(:antly less than the attainmt)ntyear emissi,ns, which is the year thaiihe Lancaster Mainh;nan(:t) Areaaltaint.)d Iht) shin(lard. A detailedsummary ()f EPA's rt;vit:w aml rat i(mah)

for proposing h.) appr(w() Ihis SIPrt)visi(m may I)t) f()ull(I in tht)'l'e(:hnit:al

SUl)lmrl Do(:umt;nls {TSDs) pr\)pare(I insupporl (ff this propost)d approval andare availabh) ()n lint) al hilt)://www.roguhtlions.gov, Do(:kol numberKI)A-I,?,03-OAR-2013-.411}58.



Cu rrent i Updated

2009 2018 2009 2018

VOCs (tpd) .......................................................................................................................

NO× (tpd) .........................................................................................................................


11 5.54.6 3.2



Model MOBI LE6.2 MOVES2010a

Year 2009 2018 2009 2018

VOCs (tpd) ....................................................................................................................... 14.33 7.77 14.29 8.14

NOx (tpd) ......................................................................................................................... 22.32 8.99 33.18 18.57


Year IVOCs (tpd) ........

NOx (tlx:l) ..........

2009 I 2018

14.29 10.1435.18 20.57

HI. Final Action

EPA is apl)rt)ving Pt)nnsylvania's SIPrevision from N()vomber 19, 2012 I+)

update the SIP-al)proved MVEBs for theLan(:aslt)r C()untv Mainlenance Area t()

rellt)(:t the us(; or the MOVES mnd()l.

EPA is also al)l)r()ving the Ul'l,lal() I() theSil)-apl)rove(I polnl s()ur(:(," invonlor\'.'l'ht)se SIt) rovisit)ns all+)w the LancasterCounty Maintenan(:e Area t() ctmtinue t<)

I)t) in altainment ()t' the 1(.t,(}7 8-HourOzone NAAQS. The updated MVEBsIrl()t)t Ih() a(](rqua(:y i'(}(}Uillenlenls stttti)rlh in 40 (:[:R •13.118(t')(g)(i)-lvi), antihave I)()en (:()rrectlv calculaled to ref]t)(:l

the us() ()f th(; M()VES mo(h)], tJl)onfil"la] apprr)va], those updated MVEBswill b()I)olh adequate anti SIP-al)provedt'•)r purposes of transportation(:onformil\'. EPA is publishing this rulewithout prior pn)posal because EllAviews this as a noncontroversial

amentlnl()nl and ai]tit:it)ate• n() adversecomment. However, in the "ProposedRuh)s" s,)t:lion ()f I()dav's FederalRegisler, EPA is i)ul)lishing a s()l)arah)do(:umenl that will serve as I he proposalt<) al)l)row) the SiP revisit)n if adverseCl)mln()flts ill't} filed. This rulu will ht)effe.(:tiw) ()n Ft)l)ruarv 24, 2014 with{)ul

furlh(w Il()lic() urllt)s• EPA re(:eivt)s

a(lw)rst) c()mmi)nl Ivy lanuary 27, 2014.If !SIVA re(:0ivt)s a(Ive,rse comment, EPAwill publish a limelv, wilh(h'awal in lh()

Federal Register informing the publicIhal lilt) rub) will n()l take t)ff()t:i. EPAwill athlress all pal)lit: c{)rnmenls in asul)st)(lUt)rtl final rule based t)n theI)r.i)()st;tl rule. EI'A will n+)t institute asecond c+)mmont period on this a(:tit)n.

At]), parties inlt;reslt)d in (:()mmenting[nusl (1() s,) at this time.

IV. Statutory and Executive OrderReviews

A. (h,nertd Itequi•,mt,nts

tinder the CAA. the A(Iminish'at()r isrequired tc) appr()vt)a SIP submissionIhat (:()ml)lies with the i)r,)visii,ns ,)f th(!

CAA and applicabh} Federal regulalions.42 if.S.C. 7410{k); 40 (;FR 52.02(a).Thus. iv] revio.wing SIP sul)missi()ns,

EI)A's role is tt) al)pr+)ve state t:h+)i(:t)s.l)r(_,vided thai the), met)t the criteria ofthe CAA. Accordingly. Ihis at:lit)n

merrily api)rt)vos Still() ]a•' as meetingi,'oth)ral requirements anti does notin]pc)st; a(hlilional requirt)rnt)nls I)()y()nt]lh()se iml)osed I)\' state law. Ftir thatroast)n, this at:tit)n:

¯ Is not a "significant regulatoryac:ti()n" suhje(:t t,) review l)v the Offic:e,)f Managemenl and Bu(tgei underExecutive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735,('}c:t<)l)er 4. 1 .tl.q3);

¯ (lives n{)l iml)om) an infi)rmatiiln

c()l]eclion bur(h)n under the provisions{)f the Paperwork Re(lu(:lion Act {44t I.S.C. 3501 el svq.}:

¯ is (:t)rtlfie(I as not having asiqnifi(:ant e(:,)nomic impact on asubslanlial number of small enliliesunder tht,' Rugulatt,ry l"h)xibilitv Act (5[J,S,(:, Viii1 ot s•].):

¯ (I()HS nl)t ci)n|ain anM unfundedman(latt) ()r signifi('ant]y ()r uniquelyaffect small govt)rnmenls, as (h.:s(:rihe, Iin the t h'ffunth;d Mandates Rt)form Actof 1995 {Pub. L. 1(}4-4}.

¯ (h)+•.s not haw.) l"ederalismiml)lications as specifit:tl in KxecutiveOrdor 131 :}2 (64 FR 4"}255. Augusl 11},

1 !19(.I);

Page 3: arm - epa.gov€¦ · epa epa ((?.!), ¯ ¯ §..... §

Federal Register/Vol. 78, Nt). 248/Thursday', De(:umber 26. 2013/Ruh;s and Regulations 78265

¯ is n(.)t an (;c,momicalh' sigoificantregulatory aclion based ()n h(.,ahh •)r

sal'(;ly risks subje(:l Io Exe(:ulivt; ()rder1::)045 (62 I"R 1(.)8•;15. April 23. 1997)"

¯ is n(Jl a signil'i(:anl rcguhnll)ry ai;li.nsubjecl h., Executive Orth.;r 13211 [66 I"R28355. May 22. 21}01);

¯ is not suL)ie(:t I,) rt;(luir(:ments (..)f,'qe(:lit)n 1 2((I) oI' lhe Nalit)nal

'l't,+chnr)h)oy Trrmsfur and Advancem0ntA(:I of 1(.1(.15 (15 [ L,'q.C. 272 not(;} he(:ause

applicalion •)I' th()se requiremml.ts wl)uhl

he inconsistent with Iht; CAA; mall¯ does not provide EPA with th,,

discrelionar\' auihorilv h) addrt,ss. ;as

approprial0, dispropoi'lionatc humanhealth or environmuntal P, fft.)cts, usingpraclicabh; and h,'gally l)t'rmissibh•methods, under gxx.,'culivt, Order 12(B(.)8

(5<.) FR 762(.1, l,'t)hruarv 16. I (.)94}.In addition, this rule lhlus not haw;

Iribal imldi(:alillns as Sl)()l:il'id hvExecutive ()rd(;r 1317,5 [6,5 FR 67249,Now:rnh(•r 9, 21100). I)l:(:ause the SIP isnot approved 1¢) apply in Indian country

]t)(:at(;(I in lhu state, anti EPA noh;s thatit will not impose suhslantial direclcc)sts ()n tribal W:)v(;rnmt,nts or l)ret)mj)tIril)al law.

IL Hulm)i.•sion to Congtr>ss lln•l thPComptrulh;r ( ;tm•txt]

The (",ongn:ssinnal Review Ax:t, 5t!.,":,.C. 801 Q] seq.. as added hv Iht; SmullBusiness R(;guhdory Erfl'orcemenll'airnx;ss Act of 1 (.I(.)(L generally i)rovidt.)slhal I)el't)re a ruh, may lake eft'eel, theagency i)r()mulgating th,.: ruh: musl

submit a rule. report, which in(:lu(les a(:()l)y c)f the ruh;. h) ea(:h House cxf the

(](:)ngrt:ss ail(l h) lh(: (]t)ml)Irolh,r (h:rmra]()f' the Ilnited States. EI)A will sul)rnil arepurl cunlaining Ihis a(:liun and x)lherr(;quir()il infilrmati(m t() tht, I.J.S. S(,)nah),Ih(; 11.S. House ()f R(:[)r()sl,nhdiw.;s. andthe (]()ml)h'cJlh:r (;eneral t)f the I lnih;dShth;s prior h) pul)licati()n ()l'lhc ruh; inthe Federal Register. A maillr ruh;cannl!l tak(; ul]'cl:l unlil 6tl days afh,'r ilis publish('d in I]lt, Federal Register.This at:lion is n()l a "maj()r ru]t:" its

defined 1)\" 5 U.S.(]. 804(2}.

(?. P+.,litions fin" ]udi<'i(H lh'view

t Im h,,r st,el itm 307(b)(1 ) ()1" the CAA,petilions t'•n" judicia] review of thisat:tliin must l)x: Iqh.,d it] I11(! llnih!(I •hitllS(il)ui'l (JJ' Aplit)als for Iht: alll)rt)l)rialccircuit by l"(.'hruary 24, 2014. Filing ai)t:lilit)n r<)r rt;(:t)nshh.'rali()n l)\' Ihl,'

Administrator of this final ruiu (lcn;s not:.ifft)(:l lht.t finalih' of this acii)in f(lr the])LIrIXoSeS (xf judicial rtlview n(ir (iol;s iti;xhln(I tht; timt) within which a l)eliti()nfor iudicial review may be filed, andshall not lit )st i)l )nt) the," e, ffe(:t ivxme.ss ()f

such ruh.: or action. Parties withol)jt;uli<)ns It) this ilirecl final rule aret)ll(:i)uraga;d h) fih: a C()lnnlllllt inx'i:slliJns(; ix)the l)aralh:l rl()titlt; ofl)r()l)()st:d ruh:making Ii)r this actionpublished in Ihe r)roposed ruh)s seclion()f t(l(lav's Federal Register, ralher thanI'ile an inlmedialu l)(:liliun fi)r judicialrt:view o1" ii]is direcl final ruh;, st.) IhalEI)A can withdraw this direvi final ruh;and addr()ss the (:r)mm(tnl in thepnq)()stxl rulemaking acli(m.

This aclion pl.'rlaining to the updale ,ff

the SIILal)prow•.d MVEI3s and point

sour(:(,' ixlvt;nl()rv for the LaflCasterMainhman(:P, Area may nt)t h(:

(:halh.:ngeil lah.;r in i)n)(:eedings h)

enforce its re(luirt;mt;nts. {See section307(b)(2).)

List of Subje(.'ts in 40 CFR Part 52

l'.'n\'ironml.tnhl] i)rnlx;ciion. Airl)ollul hJn contrtJl, Inct)rpt)ral it)i] hvrilft)rt;nct;, Nih'�)gt.,ri dh)xhle, ()z(+rl(:,V()lalih: ()rganic (:()ml)<)untls.

l)ilh•d : I-ie(:em h,w !), '-'01 ,'1,

W.C. Early,,'b:ting th•iontzl Adntinislralor. Ht•(•ion IlL

40 CFR part 52 is amended as follows:


¯ 1. The authtirilv t:itati()n for i)arl 52c:tinlirlu(;s fix rl:itci its f()lh)ws:

Authority: 42 I,I.S.C. 741)1 et soq.

Subpart NN-Pennsylvania

¯ 2. In § 52.2020, the hihh; in l)aragralih1(;}{1) iS am(,lncl(l(I [)y revising the t:xlir\,

for the 8-Hc)ur (}zone Maintenance Planand 20(12 Bast; Year EmissionsJllvtlllhir\,. The revised h.l×l X't;i.l(is asfoll(wvs:

§ 52.2020 Identification of plan.

Name of non-regulatory Applicable geo- State submittal date EPA approval date Additional explanationSIP revision graphic area

8-Hour Ozone Mainte- Lancaster Areanance Plan and 2002 (LancasterBase Year Emissions In- County).ventory.

9/20,/061 11,/8/06 ...................... 7/6/07• 72 FR 36889 ...............

11/29/12 ................................... 12/26,/13 [Insert page number Revised 2009 and 2018 Motorwhere the document begins] Vehicle Emission Budgets.

Revised 2009 and 2018point source inventory. Seesections 52.2043 and52.2052

¯ 3. S(;(:ti()n 52.2043 is a(/dt;ll it) rcail asfi:)lhlws:

§ 52.2043 Control strategy formaintenance plans: ozone,

,•s +)f Dectmlbt;r 26.2013, El),'\

al)l)r()vx)s lhe f(x]lx)wing rl}vis()(I 2lil).q and2(111"• 1.1()1111 ,'q()Ul'(:c in\:•,+llhH'v ror nih't)gl,n•)xldt>'s (N()x) and volal ih: organic

(:omli()unds (V(.)Cs} for the Lancash;r1997 B-Hour ()zone Mainte,nance Aruasul)mitlcd by the Secretary {,f' thePt;nnsvlvania Del)artmt;nt+)fEr|\'irx)nmental Prcite(:l i<)n:

Page 4: arm - epa.gov€¦ · epa epa ((?.!), ¯ ¯ §..... §

78266 Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 248/Thursdav. Dect,,mber 26, 2013/Ruh;s and Regulations

Tons per Tons perApplicable geographic area Year day NOx day VOCs

Lancaster 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area ......................................................................................... 2009 3.2 5.5Lancaster 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area ......................................................................................... 2018 3,6 7,7


¯ 4. Se,c:tion 52.2052 is added to read ;is

f(,lh,ws:§ 52.2052 Motor vehicle emissionsbudgets for Pennsylvania ozone areas.

As of DecemL)er 26. 2013. EPAapl)r(w•:s Ihe tl)ll{)wing revised 2011.q and2018 Motor Vt;hi(:](; Emissions Budgets(MVEBs) for nitrogen ,)xi(h:s {N()x) anti

v()latih; organit: comp()unds (VOCs) forthe L•nc•sh)r 1997 8-H()ur ()zon(.,

Mainh}nan(:e Area submilted by theS,(:(:relarv ()t" Ihe PennsvlwniaD0partment of Enviroc]mentalProte('li(m:

Tons per Tons perApplicable geographic area Year day NOx day VOCs

•ancaster 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area ......................................................................................... 2009 35.18 14.29•ncaster 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area ......................................................................................... 2018 20.57 10.14

[FR I)o1". 2013-.;I)714 Fih.'d 12-24-| 3:•'•:45 ,mi



40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R04-OAR-2013-0629; FRL-9904-43-Region-4]

Approval and Promulgation ofImplementation Plans; North Carolina;Transportation ConformityMemorandum of Agreement Update

AGENCY: Environm(,ntal Prr)t(:ctir)n

Ag0ncy {El'A).ACTION: Direct final rule.

SUMMARY: The Envir()nmenta] t)r()l()cli()n

Agunt:y {El)A) is taking ttire['l finalat:lion to apl)rov(,' a rt)visi(m h) Iht; NorlhCarolina State lmph;mentatit)n Plan(SIt)) submilh)(I ()tl July 12, 2013,through the North Carolina D()i)arlm()ntof Environmenl and Natural Resources{NC DENR). This submission t:onsisls (d'rn(:morail(lum of agreements (MOAs}establishing lransl)(.rl;lli()n (:onfiwmilycriteria and i)rocedur(:s rt:lated toinleragt;n(:y (:()nsuhalion. (:[)nt]i(:l

resr)luti()n, lmhli(: parti(:ipatit)n anticnfi)rceability of certain transportalion-relah:(i (:(}nlr{)l measures and miligali()nIn(;;L"4LII'(:S. This at:It(in streamlines lhe(:twtl'ormJly pro(:ess h) alh)w dire(:t(:onsullation among agencies at theFe(h,q'al, slale and Icn:al h:v(;Is. Thisat:It(in is being Iak(;n i)ursuanl h) se(:li{)n

110 ()1" lhe (]h;arl Air A(:I {CAA or At:l}.

DA'I'ES: This (lire(:l finul ruh,' is effecliw;(in Fel)ruarv 24, 2014 wilh()ul furlhernotice., unl•3ss EPA receives adverse(:()mrnt;ni by ]an uary 27,2014. If EPAreceives such comments, il will puL)lisha timely withdrawal c.f the dire,el finalru [e in "1 }1 e Federal Register ;-tn(J in I'( )rm

the l)uhli(: Ihal lhe rule will n()t takeeffect.ADDRESSES: •ubmit your (:ommenln.

identifit)(I hv Docket ID Number EPA-R04-()AR-•)013-1162(.I I)y on(: of thefollowing moth(iris:

1. www.t•quJalionn.gov: lh)lh)w thetin-line inslru(:lionn for suhmilting(:ommeflln.

2. E-Moth tt4-11DS@{•l)a.gov.3. Fox: (404} 562-(.)019.

4. Maih EPA-R04-OAR-2013•)1"i29.Regulatory Develt)l)ment ,'qe(:li(m. AirI'hmning Branch. Air. l)csticides and¯r.xics Management Divinion, l I.S.Enviromm.'ntal Proh,,ction Agency.Region 4.61 l.'orsvlh Sift,t:( SW.,AI l;u'lht. (;e,)rgia 31}311:}-8(,1(1(1.

5. tl,md Dolivetw or Courim': Ms.Lwlorae Benjamin. ChieL Regulah)ryD'ev(:h)pm(;nl S()(:li()n, Air PlanningBram:h. Air. Pesti(:ides and T,}xics

M(.tn:-ig(',m0,nl Divisi()n, I I.S.Envir(mm(;ntal IJr()h)(:li()n Agt)n(:y.Rt)gi()n 4.61 t"{)rsvlh •qlr()el ,qW..All•tl]ht, ('](;Ol'gi;I 31):}I)3-}}(.liii}. •ut:J'ldeliveries are ()nly a(:(:(:l)t(:(] (luring theR(.,gi.nal ()tTi(:()'s n()rmal h()urs ,•t

Ol}(;rnli(m. '1"he Regi(,na] ()ft'i(:."s (fffi(:ialhirers ,If i)tlsin(:ss are M,)nday throughFriday. 8::}1) a.m. h) 4::}0 l).m., ex(:lu(lingFederal h()lidavs.

Insh'(wtionn• Direct vt)ur c()mmt;ntn It)

D()t:kel ID No. E1)A-RI•,-()AR-2013-0629. EPA'n l)()li(:y is thal all c()mm(;nln

re(:t;iv(.I will I)(; included in Ih(; i)ubli(:(h)ckel with(ml (:hang(: anti may liematt(; availal)h: online atwuav.reguhttionn.gov, inclu(ling anvl)(,wsonal infi,rmalion i)rovi(h)d, uni(:ssIh(; (:()mm(:nl in(:Ju(len inf()rm;tli()n(:laim(,'(I h)l)(: {]()nfi(hmlia] BusinennInf()rmali()n (CBI} ()r (dher inf()rmalit)nwh()st.• (lisclonure is restricted bv statute.D() not submit Ilar()ughwww.tz'gululions.gov ()r cmail,infc)rmali(m thai vt)u (:onsi(h•,r h)be CBI()r ()lherwise pr()le(:le(I. The

www.t•gul, tions.gov Web nile in an¯ "anonymous access" sysh;m, whichmeans EPA will not know your i(ienlitv()r t:()tlUtt:l inti)rmati()n unless \q)u

l)rovide it in the I)r)(Iv of your comment.If w)u send an (,mail(eminent (lir(;ctlvt() EPA wilh()ul going throughwww.re.guhitions.gov, your ()mailad(lress will be automatically capturedml(I i(l(:ltJcJ(!(I as lmrl (d" Ihe (:{)mint)ill

Ih;tl is ida(:e(I in lh(; i)ul)]i(: docket antinl:-td(; av:-lilab](; on tht) lnterneI. If you

submil an t;h,'t:tronic comrm:n[. EIiArec()mmen(in that w)u in(:lude your

name and ()lher contact inf()rrn'ation inIht: b()(lv of v()ur commenl and with any

disk or (:D-R()M \'(m sut)mit. [f EPA(:ann{it r(;ad your comment due t()

te(:hnical (lifficttllies anti (:annol (:onlacI

v[)u fi)r (:larit](:ali()n. EPA m;tv not I)()itl)le t() (:()nni(ier vour (:()rnm()rll.

Eh;ctronic files should avt)id the use ofn[m('ia] characlt;rs, any fl)rm t)f

en(:ryl)ti•)n, and be free of anv (Jel'ecls orvirunes, l"or a(hiitiona] informational)()ut EI)A's l)ul)li(: (h)ckel visil (hi' EI)AD()ckeI C()nt()r hom(:l)age al http://www.el)a.gov/•,pahome/dor'kets.htm.

Dock•,q: All d{)(:umt;nls in lh(;ch;ctr()ni(: dock(,'t are listed in thewww.twguhdions.gov in(h:x. Ahh()ughlisle(I in the in(lex, s()me inf()rmali•)n isn()l pul)li('ly ;tvaihtble, i.e., CBI ()r ()thor

infrwmation whose dis('losure isrestricle(I l)v slatute. Curlain othermah:ria], such as (:(q)yrighh;d mah)rial.in not i)lat:(:d (.)ll the Intt:rrml and will bt;

publicly available only in hard COl).Vform. Publi(:lv awfilabh; docketmah:ri)tls ar(•awtil;d)h,' (titherele(:Ir()ni(:a]lv in www.regul.lion.,•.,qt)v ()r

in hard C()l)y at lhe Air QualityM()(leling and Transl)(.,rlati()n Set:lion,Air I)lanning Branch. Air. Pesticides and'l'()xi(:n Managemt;nl Divini,)n. i,J.S.En\'ir(.)nnlerlla] l)rotecti()n mg(;[lcy.Region 4, 61 Fr)rsvlh ,•,ll'eel SW..Allanla, (';e(wgia 303(13-8(.)(11). EPA