A A Art Curriculum

Art Curriculum - Greatwood Community Primary

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Art Curriculum

ART C Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 1 Texture





Year 2 Painting


Drawing & Painting

Painting and Digital Media


Year 3 Painting

Form and Shape



Textile Techniques

Year 4


Lines/Mark Making



Form and Shape

Year 5 Lines, marks, tone, form and


Drawing & Colour


Digital Media


Year 6 Perspective and Composition

Mixed Media

3D Structures



Art Overview

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Overview Texture





Autumn 1 Autumn 2

Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1

Summer 2

Final Outcome

Self portrait

African Sunset Still life drawings of


A flower or plant out of


A Flag for a pirate

Key Skills Make rubbings to collect textures

and pattern.

Mix primary shades and tones.

Use and know some of the properties of

different types of paint.

Roll printing ink over objects to

make a print. Eg. Bubble wrap, mesh, stencils.

Print using a

range of materials, eg.

Sponge, corks, etc.

Make simple mono prints.

Arrange and

glue materials to different


Experiment with tone by using various

media to create a

range of light and dark


Use glue and stitching to

join pieces of fabric.

Use glue and stitching to

apply decoration in

the form of beads, sequins,

buttons etc.

Create and use homemade

dyes, eg. Tea/coffee, onion skin

Use a variety of

brush types and sizes, exploring

different ways of using them.

Mix and match

colours for observational


Key Vocabulary

Sketch Line Form

Smudge Media Tone

Thick Thin Soft Broad Narrow Fine Pattern Line Shape Detail Mirror image

Texture, Print,

Colours, Arrange, Purpose,

Comparison Blend,

Shadow Rubbing

Smudge Image Reverse Shapes Surface Pressure

Decoration Cloth

Sketch, Line, Form, Tone,


Fabric Colour Pattern Shape

Texture Glue Stick Scissors Sew Needle Felt Hessian Scraps Wool Yarn Thread Fur Tweed

Silk Satin Net Weave

Arrange Purpose Texture Textile

Primary (colour) Light

Dark Thick Thin Tone Warm Cold Shade e.g. different

shades of red, green, blue, yellow Bright

Artists Covered

Joseph Thongo

Craig Daniel-Wildlife artist NW England

Resources Required

Paint, chalk, wax crayons. Acrylic paint, powder


Printing ink, bubble wrap, wire, sponge,


Drawing pencils,

cartridge paper.

Materials, needles, thread, sequins,

buttons, glue

Tea, coffee, onion skins, beetroot. Variety of brushes.


Year 1

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Overview Painting


Drawing and Painting

Painting and Digital



Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1

Summer 2 Final Outcome

Harvest in Provence style


Great Fire of London printing.

Penguin sketches Painting in the stye of

Nerys Levy

Digital printing of a


Seaside picture using a variety of


Key Skills Use a variety of brush types and sizes, exploring different ways of using them.

Mix and match colours for observational work.

-Identify primary colours.

-Mix primary shades and tones

Make simple mono prints. -Roll printing ink over objects to make a print. Eg. Bubble wrap, mesh, stencils.

Print repeating patterns. -Make rubbings to collect textures and pattern.

Create simple printing blocks.

Experiment with overprinting motifs and colour.

Draw lines and make marks from both observation and imagination.

-Observe shape and copy in own drawing.

-Experiment with tone by using various media to create a range of light and dark marks.

-Use a wide range of mark making media.

Use a variety of brush types and sizes, exploring different ways of using them.

-Mix different shades of paint.

-Use simple graphics package to create images, increasing skill levels- using different brush sizes, eraser, shape, fill tools etc. -Use basic selection and cropping tools. -Record using cameras, video. -Use basic selection and cropping tools

-Use glue and stitching to join pieces of fabric.

-Use glue and stitching to apply decoration in the form of beads, sequins, buttons etc.

-Cut fabric into desired shapes using scissors.

Key Vocabulary

Secondary (colour) Light

Dark Thick Thin Tone Warm Cold Shade e.g. different

shades of red, green, blue, yellow Bright Colour wash

Print Rubbing Smudge Image Reverse Shapes Surface Pressure Repeat Rotate

Mono-print Two-tone print

construct sketch

line form

media tone

Cut Paste Digital

camera Mouse

Programme Clone Move tool Magic

wand Enlarge Scale


Fabric Colour Pattern Shape Texture Glue Stick Scissors

Sew Needle Felt Hessian Scraps

Wool Yarn Mixed media Collage Appliqué Layers

Combine Opinion Thread Fur Tweed Silk

Satin Net Weave Artists Covered

Vincent Van Gogh ‘Harvest In Provence’

Nerys Levy

Resources Required

Variety of brushes, paints, colour wheels,

Van Gogh pictures.

Printing ink, cardboard,

bubble wrap, rollers for ink. Scissors to cut


Variety of paint, brushes and papers. Nerys Levy pictures.

Colour wheels, shades of blues and whites (swatches from DIY


Year 2

Year 3

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Overview Painting

Form and Shape

Printing 3D

Textile Techniques

Autumn 1 Autumn

2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer

1 Summer

2 Final Outcome

Roman shield

Observational drawings/ wire models

Rainforest art Artist

Greek Pot made from


Fabric landscape

Key Skills Know which primary colours make secondary colours and be able to mix them.

-Use more specific colour language.

-Mix and use tints and shades.

Plan, design and make models from observations and imagination.

Begin to show an awareness of objects being 3D. Use different grades of pencil to draw different different forms and shapes.

Create printing blocks using a relief or impressed method.

Create repeating patterns.

Record using camera, video.

Experiment with paste resist.

-Join clay successfully in order to create a sound construction

Develop skills in stitching, cutting, joining.

Key Vocabulary

Abstract Natural Bold Delicate

Detailed Colour descriptors e.g. scarlet, crimson, emerald, eau de

nil, turquoise Watery Intense Strong Opaque

Translucent Wash Tint Shade

Background Foreground


Thick Thin Soft Broad Narrow Fine Pattern Line

Shape Detail Nature Made environment Comparison Still life

ceramic terracotta

adhesive pulp inscription Sculpture Structure Assemble Construct

Model Fold Bend Attach Statue Stone Metal Curve Form Clay

Impress Texture rittle

Tie and dye Natural

Synthetic Bunching Dip Soak Resist Threading Stitching

Embroidery Cross stitch

Running stitch Stem stitch

Shrunken Wool tops Carding Tease Matting

Artists Covered

Artist Leonardo Da Vinci

Henri Rousseau

Resources Required

Clay, paint, clay shaping


Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Overview 3D

Lines and Mark




Form and Shape

Autumn 1

Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Final Outcome

Canopic Jars Tudor Portrait

River collage Blitz Painting Lowry

Key Skills

-Plan, design and make models from observations and imagination. -Use papier mache to create

-Make marks and lines using a wide range of media, eg. Charcoal, pastels etc Apply simple use of pattern in a drawing. -Begin to show an awareness of objects being 3D

-Experiment with collage techniques such as tearing, layering, scrunching etc to create images.

-Experiment creating different effects eg. Colour washes, thickened paint -Know which primary colours make secondary colours and be able to mix them -Work on a range of scales. -Use more specific colour language.

-Work on a range of scales. Begin to show an awareness of objects being 3D. Printing -Print with two colour overlays.

Key Vocabulary

Form Shape Texture

Composition Profile Stylised Proportion Decoration Ornate

Symbolic Perspective

Plan Distance Direction Position

Form Texture Tone Weight

Pressure Portrait Past

Present Appearance

Character Personality

Daub Stamp Emblem Motif

Ornamentation Geometric

Stylised Abstrac

Seascape Representational

Imaginary Impressionist

Abstract Idealised

Natural Swirling Stippled

Transparent Opaque

Scenery Rural Urban Townscape Foreground Background

Middle ground Horizon

Artists Covered

Hans Holbein

LS Lowry

Resources Required

2x cups per child, Papier mache resources, gold


Sketching pencils, high

quality drawing paper.

Tissue paper, materials, glue,

material scissors,

Primary colour paints, a range of paint brushes, white and black paint, colour swatches from DIY store with colour names on.

Sketching pencils, wooden

mannequins, printing ink

and overlays.

Year 4

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Overview Lines, marks,

tones, texture and


Drawing and Colour


Digital media


Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Final Outcome

Starry Night and Starry night over the Rhone Paintings of the


Aztec clothing Make a

model of an Aztec god

Aboriginal art Collage of coasts /


Key Skills Lines, marks, tone, form and texture -Use dry and wet media to experiment Explore colour

mixing and blending using

coloured pencils. -

Start to develop own

style using various

drawing media.

Work from a variety of sources,

observation, photos, digital

images. Continue to

work in a sustained,

independent way

-Use different grades of

needles and threads. -

Experiment with batik. -Experiment with fabrics to create interesting

colours textures &


-Use a graphic

package to create and manipulate

new images. -Be able to import an

image into a graphics

package. -Understand

that a digital image is

created by layering. -

Create digital image from a sketchbook


-Add collage to a

drawn or painted

work. -Use different colours,

textures and media when

creating collage effects.

Key Vocabulary

spectrum palette tints expressive

media legacy Traditional

Representational Imaginary

Modern Abstract Impressionist

Stippled Splattered Dabbed

Scraped Dotted Stroked Textured

Flat Layered Opaque

Translucent Intense

Action Balance Direction Dynamic

Imbalance Movement

Poised Transition Viewpoint


Cloth Fray Taffeta

Organdie Poplin Tweed

Embellished Manipulated Embroidered

Warp Weft Replicate

Soft sculpture

Cut Paste Cloning

Opacity Scale Merge

Architecture Structure

Detail Textures Layer palette Text box Style


Manipulation Smocking Ruching

Batik Embellish

Accentuate Enhance Detract

Practicality Aesthetic

Artists Van Gogh – William Morris

Year 5

Year 6

Covered Resources Required

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Overview Perspective and


Mixed Media

3D Structure




Autumn 1 Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2 Summer 1

Summer 2

Final Outcome

Key Skills Key Vocabulary

Viewpoint Distance

Direction Angle Perspective

Bird’s eye view Alter Modify

Interior Exterior Natural form

Vista Panorama Image Subject

Portrait Caricature Expression Personality

Line Shape Pose

Position Gesture

Repetition Sequence Dynamic Flowing Motion Rhythm

Proportion Balance

Aesthetic Pattern Motif

Victorian Islamic Rotation

Reflection Symmetrical


Still life Traditional

Modern Abstract

Imaginary Natural Made

Inanimate Composition Arrangement

Complimentary Tonal Shading

Artists Covered

Look at photographs of performers

and athletes in motion and

compare with classical

sculpture – Photographs

by Robert Mapplethorpe

(care needed!)

compared to Michaelangeo

’s David

Resources Required