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Have you ever run across an article over the internet which stated: "Only 2% of humans can pass this test..." and you go and try to do that test?I did.I was curious.But why? Why was I curious to know if I belong to that 2% (more than I wanted to know if I belong to the other 98%)?I might say: "Well... to know myself better!" But what if the title stated: "57% of humans can make this test!" Would that catch my attention? That's less likely...So you see..., whenever you stumble upon a title like: "...only a fucking small % can do this or that..." a little light turns on in your head, shining over your ego and all of sudden you become a statistic: that big percent of self-centered suckers that will increase views of an article.Yes! It's a marketing thing and you need to realize that is quite smart: turning a non-touchable value as your ego into something more down-to-earth product like money. But before drawing the wrong conclusion, do not feel offended: it's not a good nor a bad thing either, it's just a way how humans can obtain something. It's like religion, whether you like it or not (I don't!!!).And so I hope you came to the conclusion that, ironically, while you were hoping to be in those 2%, you were actually in those 75% (I'm just playing with these numbers right now) that just bite the bait.You wanted to feel special (as most of us do, or at least they used to), but you failed to wonder yourself: Why am I doing this? What's the real reason behind my curiosity? And you can go further with your questions,... down the rabbit hole. That is the fun part, ... and the scary one! You'll start to wonder who the fuck are you! Or what!I like to see myself as a program: shit in ---> processing ---> shit out. The messed up part is when you realize that even the processing part is pre-determined! Don't believe me? (That's good! You don't have to!) Check this link: becomes even more fucked up when you become aware that the pre-determined processing program that you are, realize that he his pre-determined. Then the fun part comes when you start to wonder how much of yourself is ... your-self.So...What made you read this article?;)

Why we tend to be so hypocrite?A bunch of lunatics starts killing in an european town and everybody seems to go nuts.There are daily horiffic events arownd the world, but we take them as a footnote on the news screen (if they even apear n the news...)Yes, maybe we are affected since these things are more close to us that we were used to, but why all that fucking mourning and praying bullshit? How come a nation is more equal than others? There are no prayers for the deads n Palestine, is it?! Nobody seems to be horrified by the thing happening n Ucraine, all because it takes place somewhere outhere.People don't care about the others, they care about themselves; they want to feel that they are a part of that story, but from the safety of theyr home where the fridge is full, the water is running and the couch is warm. They care because they might loose these things, not because of the ethical principle. Pray for Paris...are you fucking real? Religion started this shit in the first place..., why continuing the madness?They speak about Liberte, equalite, fraternite! Ask them how equal they feel with theyr gypsy Romanian brothers.Stop. This. Shit.