Developing Computer Based Training Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards Published: May 5, 2020 Revision 2

Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards · 2020-06-04 · Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards . Published: May 5, 2020 . Revision

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Page 1: Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards · 2020-06-04 · Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards . Published: May 5, 2020 . Revision

Developing Computer Based Training

Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards

Published: May 5, 2020 Revision 2

Page 2: Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards · 2020-06-04 · Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards . Published: May 5, 2020 . Revision


Scope This job aid will show the process for using EPRI U templates for Articulate Storyline 360. Intended Users Instructional Developers creating courses using Articulate Storyline 360 that will be hosted on the EPRI U Learning Management System. Required Resources This job aid accompanies the following files and explains their usage.

1. EPRIU_Storyline_player.xml 2. EPRIU.athmx 3. 2019EPRIU.storytemplate 4. 2019EPRIU-wide.storytemplate 5. EPRIUGraphic.png 6. EPRIU_EngagePlayer.xml 7. PublishingStoryline-JobAid.pdf

Prerequisites Users need to confirm the following items before executing this job aid.

1. A current copy of Articulate Storyline 360 is installed Author Carie Whitehead, Instructional Designer Reviewer Mark Kellerhals, Instructional Developer Questions Questions on this job aid should be directed to EPRI’s Training Department at [email protected]. Revision Summary

1. February 2019 - Updates to reflect 2019 template changes 2. May 2020 – Updates to reflect 2020 template changes

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Table of Contents Articulate Storyline Guidelines for Following EPRI|U Standards .................................................................. 1

Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Intended Users .......................................................................................................................................... 1

Required Resources .................................................................................................................................. 1

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................. 1

Author ....................................................................................................................................................... 1

Reviewer ................................................................................................................................................... 1

Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Revision Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 1

Player ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

Features ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Other ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Theme ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Template ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Standard Slides ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Title Slide ............................................................................................................................................... 5

About and Navigation ............................................................................................................................... 7

About ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

Navigation ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Publishing .................................................................................................................................................. 8

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Player All projects should utilize the EPRI U Player to ensure consistent branding. The player is provided using the file EPRIU_Storyline_player.xml.


The following modifications should be made for each new project:

1. Ensure that the EPRI U signature graphic is used in the Logo control. It is provided separately as EPRIUGraphic.png for inclusion if needed.

2. Enter the actual course title into the Title Field 3. A glossary can be included using the player glossary and/or as a link on the Topbar Right that

can: o Open a PDF glossary o Lightbox an Engage Interaction glossary o Lightbox a Glossary slide

4. If Resource links are provided for the course, update them in the player so they are available from the Topbar Right or add a Resources link on the Topbar Right that lightboxes a resource slide or interaction

5. Deselect Resources and/or Glossary if not in use and select Notes if they are provided 6. Deselect Volume, Captions, and /or Seekbar if there is no audio narration or any of these

options do not apply to the course structure 7. Recommended: It is recommended, but optional, to include links on the Topbar (right or left)

that lightbox the “About this Course” and “Navigating this Course” slides. This provides the user easy access to these initial slides throughout the course.

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Menu Standard EPRI U Menu settings:

• Make sure that Scene titles are removed if not relevant to the structure of the course. For example, do not leave “Untitled Scene” showing on the menu.

• Verify that slides are in the desired order and named appropriately. Specifically make sure no layout titles are still showing.

Options (gear icon below the menu) are typically set as follows but can be adjusted as appropriate for any given course.

Other From the Player, go to Other

The following options should be selected before publishing:

• Player size = Scale player to fill browser window

• Do NOT select – Launch player in new window

• Resume / On restart = Prompt to resume

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Theme The EPRI U theme is provided through the file EPRIU.athmx. This theme enables all default master slides, fonts, and colors. Template Standard slides including a title slide, About This Course, Navigating This Course, and a closing thank you slide are provided through 2020EPRIU.storytemplate and 2020EPRIU-wide.storytemplate.

• 2020EPRIU.storytemplate is in standard 4:3 ratio • 2020EPRIU-wide.storytemplate provides slides in a 16:9 ratio

These templates also include a wide variety of predefined slide layouts for content and quizzing that can be used in any course. Developers are not limited to these layouts but are encouraged to use them where appropriate and to change details such as cutout characters to fit the project.

Standard Slides The following slides must be used in all projects. All other slides are optional templates.

• Title/Welcome – see below for variations • About This Course – see below for modifications • Navigating This Course – This is designed so that it does not need modification and fits most

courses. Edit if needed. • Thank you – All courses should end with this slide. Remove the music if the course does not

contain audio. The following slides should be used in all projects, but are not required

• Objectives – All courses should contain learning objectives. Any of the instruction or objective layouts can be used, but no specific design is required.

• Summary or Conclusion – Most courses should end by revisiting the learning objectives and summarizing what has been presented. Any layout can be used. This slide is often a duplicate of the learning objectives slide with wording modified.

Title Slide The title slide is provided in the template four times. Choose the one that meets your project. All versions contain buttons to launch the Navigate and About slides, but you will need to set the triggers after adding the slides into the course. This slide is typically labeled “Welcome” for the menu. The Welcome/Title slide must:

• Contain the exact title of the EPRI Product as shown in SAP. Please get the actual product title from the Project Manager and ask them to update SAP (through their POC) if it is not accurate.

• Have the correct copyright year

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Title Slide Variations

Title Description Sample Title – audio • To be used when there is audio

narration throughout the course, but there is no prerequisite knowledge or courses to list.

• Contains background music and a notification that the course contains audio.

Title – no audio • To be used when the course does not

contain audio narration and there is no prerequisite knowledge or courses to list.

• Does not contain background music and has a notification that the course does not contain audio.

Title - audio and prereq

• To be used when there is audio narration throughout the course, and there is prerequisite knowledge or courses to list.

• Adds a button to display the Prerequisite knowledge.

• Contains background music and a notification that the course contains audio.

Title - prereq (no audio)

• To be used when the course does not contain audio narration and there is prerequisite knowledge or courses to list.

• Adds a button to display the Prerequisite knowledge.

• Does not contain background music and has a notification that the course does not contain audio.

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About and Navigation EPRI U is providing two slides that shall be used in each course. These can be edited with course specific details. After insertion, the triggers for the buttons on the title/welcome slide should be adjusted to jump to these slides them. If desired, links can also be added to the player topbar right to launch the slides as lightbox slides. This will enable easy access to navigation help during the course. Note: These interactions do not contain audio. If a course will contain audio narration, audio could be added in the same voice if desired.

About About This Course can be inserted from the standard slides in the template. The buttons on this slide change the state of the InteractionContent text box. Instructions for updating the slide are shown in the scratch area to the left of the slide content.

The following edits should be made.

1. Update the Normal State with the exact course name the Project Manager has in EPRI’s SAP database and the EPRI Product ID number. Verify that the copyright year is correct for the course’s completion and publication date. Update if needed.

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2. Update the Acknowledgement state with appropriate information.

3. If there are no Acknowledgements, delete the btn_Acknowledgements and redistribute the remaining three buttons across the bottom of the slide. Triggers may need to be adjusted.


Navigating This Course can be inserted from the standard slides in the template. The buttons on this slide reveal layers. This slide was designed to cover most variations of the player including courses that do and do not contain audio narration. In most cases, alterations or edits to this slide will not be necessary but use discretion to edit as appropriate for each course.

Publishing Publishing guidelines are provided in the document PublishingStoryline-JobAid.pdf and should be followed to ensure compatibility with the EPRI U Learning Management System. It is recommended that all course be published in SCORM 2004 3rd edition.