asab Birth Date: 16 Sep 1998 Birth Place: Port Louis,


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  • asab

    Birth Date: 16 Sep 1998

    Birth Place: Port Louis,

  • Made by Astrobix.com


    Date of Birth 16 Sep 1998 Wednesday

    Time of Birth 01:18:00 PM

    Place of Birth Port Louis, Mauritius

    Ayanmash NC Lahiri

    Local Mean Time 13:08:00

    Sidreal Time 12:48:28

    LT Correction 10:0:0

    Obliq 23.44

    Avkahada Chakra

    Lagna Sagittarius

    Lagna Lord Jupiter

    Rashi Cancer

    Rashi Lord Moon

    Nakshatra Pushyami

    Nakshatra Lord Saturn

    Charan 2

    Tithi Ekadasi Krishna

    Paya Iron

    S.S. Yoga Parigha

    Karan Balava

    Varna Brahmin

    Tatwa Jala

    Vashya Jalachar

    Yoni Sheep(M)

    Gana Deva

    Nadi Madhya

    Nadi Pada Aadi

    Vihaga Vayas

    First Letters Hoo, Hay Ho, Daa

    Sun Sign Leo

    Decanate 3


    Rashi Mithun

    Months Paush

    Tithi 2, 7, 12

    Day Wednesday

    Nakshatra Anuradha

    Prahar 1

    Lagna Tula

    Yoga Dhriti

    Karan Naga

    Favourable Points

    Lucky Numbers 7

    Good Numbers 1, 2, 3, 7

    Evil Numbers 5, 8

    Good Years 16,25,34,43,52,

    Lucky Days Sun, Thu, Tue

    Good Planets Sun, Jup, Mars

    Evil Planets Mercury, Saturn

    Friendly Signs Ari Leo Pis

    Good Lagna Pis, Gem, Leo, Lib

    Lucky Metal Bronze

    Lucky Stone Yell. Sapph.

    Lucky Time Evening

    Lucky Direction North-East

  • asab

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    Planetary Positions at Birth Time

    Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---

    Ascendant Sagittarius Jupiter 25:16:6 P.Sada-4 Venus

    Sun Direct Leo Sun 29:28:15 Uttara-1 Sun Father

    Mercury Direct Leo Sun 21:11:6 Poorva-3 Venus Intellect

    Venus Direct Leo Sun 18:1:20 Poorva-2 Venus Spouse Enemy House

    Mars Direct Cancer Moon 23:3:58 Ashlesha-2 Mercury Courage Debilitated

    Jupiter Retro Aquarius Saturn 29:10:55 P.Bhadra-3 Jupiter Wealth

    Saturn Retro Aries Mars 8:56:39 Ashwini-3 Ketu Longevity Debilitated

    Moon Direct Cancer Moon 10:10:14 Pushyami-3 Saturn Mother

    Rahu Retro Leo Sun 6:12:14 Magha-2 Ketu Desire

    Ketu Retro Aquarius Saturn 6:12:14 Dhanishta-4 Mars Emancipation

    Uranus Retro Capricorn Saturn 15:23:38 Sravana-2 Moon

    Neptune Retro Capricorn Saturn 5:42:60 U.Sada-3 Sun

    Pluto Direct Scorpio Mars 11:43:32 Anuradha-3 Saturn



















    Mars Moon






    Lagna Kundali

  • asab

    Made by Astrobix.com


    Specific Characterstics

    You will be a person of kind and attractive nature, amiable disposition and generous character.

    You will have a social standing and may have some success in artistic field. You will have many

    friends, will be fond of pleasures and will have keen interest for personal decoration.

    You will possess a fertile imagination and piercing intellect. You will be fond of travel and lover of

    learning. You will be loquacious and will earn a living by the use of the pen : a correspondent,

    contributor, author or a writer. You may have a lashing tongue for which people may have mixed

    feelings for you. With your writings too, you may become controversial. You will have a love of

    romance, travel and adventure. You will have special interest in geographical mysteries and

    mystic literature of ancient origin. You will gain public recognition and considerable popularity.

    You will have money from overseas journeys and gains from people of distant places. You may

    earn a fortune in foreign trade, dealing in valuable and precious things.

    Mental Qualities

    You will be changeful, fond of movement, prudent, sympathetic, imaginative and romantic. You

    will be ambitious and inclined to public life. You may have a roving disposition.

    Physical Attributes

    According to your Horoscope, you will have a rounded, top-heavy fleshy body with wide chest,

    broad forehead, full face with pendulous cheeks and grey eyes. In mature age, you may have a

    double chin. Your limbs are comparatively short and your walk as such is likely to be swaying

    and laborious

    General State of Health

    Your zodiacal sign rules over the heart, spleen and the spinal chord. These, together with aorta,

    upper back and spinal chord are your susceptible areas for which you may require medical

    attention sometime in your life. Your tendency to drive yourself hard and neglect the body's

    needs may lead you to become a victim of heart diseases, back problems or spinal meningitis.

    You must remind yourself that health is wealth. Possessing good health today is not good

    enough ; it should and must be maintained for the days to come. Brisk walking, eating oranges,

    peas, almonds and saffron will be of special benefit to you.Since the Ascendant has no affliction

    in your chart, you will be in good health.

    Since Saturn afflicts the Moon in your chart, you are likely to suffer from colds, contractions,

    obstructions, constipation and weakness.

    Since Jupiter afflicts the Sun in your chart, you may suffer from blood-pressure related diseases.

  • asab

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    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Cancer in your chart, the heart and the Stomach are

    the areas which are likely to be affected.

    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Sagittarius in your chart, the part of body prone to

    affections will be the thighs.

    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Aquarius in your chart, you may have affections in the

    regions of buttocks or shank portions.

    Education and Profession

    You will achieve a good level of education and will hold a Bachelor's degree at least. Besides

    formal education, you will have your interest in some other fields also in which you will excel.

    You will be intelligent and clever as well.

    You may have some specialization or professional training. You will do well in the fields where

    certain special abilities find prompt utilization while the academic learnings do not have much of


    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born businessman.

    You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a fortune by trading

    and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass through some slack

    patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most part you will do brisk


    Wealth and Inheritance

    As regards family-wealth, you will be exceedingly fortunate as this happens to be one of the best

    positions for the lord of wealth. You will have gains through artistic pursuits, entertainment fields,

    children's dreamland and application-oriented education / training. You will have fruitful love-

    affairs. As regards domestic environment, you will be blessed with peace and harmony. You will

    have bright children with charming appearances. The first child will be endowed with some

    artistic faculty.

    In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the favourable 9th house has given rise to auspicious

    'Dhana-Yoga' ensuring influx of money through various sources. But you should not be overly

    optimistic in speculative investments as chances of incurring losses are also there; you may

    have some problems from foreign lands or distant inland places and during long journeys.The

    favorable lines for you are institutes for higher learning, charitable organizations, museums,

    libraries, foreign affairs, evangelistic foundations, etc.

    In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in it's own house gives rise to auspicious

    'Sarala Yoga' which makes you very fortunate in respect of inheritance. You will have enough

    from your parents and your marriage-partner will also bring in a legacy. Your life-mate will come

    from a wealthier family, yet will be modest and sober.

    Marriage and Married Life

    Your chart indicates that you will be married at normal age-period.

  • asab

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    In your chart your Ascendant-lord and the 7th-lord are in Square aspect. This indicates possibility

    of having emotional outbursts and even quarrels at times. You may have certain differences in

    attitude and outlook which may be the root cause of troubles. You will have your relationship

    much improved when you would understand that marriage is not a field of romance but of


    Travel and Journeys

    In your chart most of the planets are situated in 'fixed' signs which indicates that you will seldom

    require long-distance travelling. You will not require changing places in connection with your


    Lucky Stone

    Among auspicious gemstones YELLOW SAPPHIRE (Peeta Pukhraj) will be favourable for you.

    You may take 5 to 7 Rattis of Yellow Sapphire in a ring of Gold which should be worn on right

    hand index finger on a Thursday.

    Cheaper substitute of Yellow Sapphire is Topaz (Sunhela) which may be taken instead in a ring

    of Gold.

    While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

    Devanam cha Rishinam cha Gurum Kanchana Sannibham Buddhibhutam Trilokesham tam

    namami Brihaspatim.

    The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the

    weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced

    to 1/2 to 1/3 part.