W1 Assignment What is Anger? Anger is a universal, natural, and understandable emotion. The dictionary describes anger as an unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling resulting from injury, mistreatment, or opposition and usually showing itself in a desire to fight back at the supposed cause of the feeling. Anger involves: Thoughts that trigger and/or maintain anger. Anger is likely to be greater if one presumes an offensive to be wrong, deliberate, or preventable, creating great hardship and/or deserving punishment. The thought that one's anger is justified also tends to intensify anger. Physiological arousal, such as flushed face, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, and the release of various stress hormones. Behaviors or tendencies to act that are culturally influenced, such as yelling, clenching fists, or pouting.

Assignments: Introduction to T&I, Week 1&2

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Page 1: Assignments: Introduction to T&I, Week 1&2

W1 Assignment

What is Anger?

Anger is a universal, natural, and understandable emotion. The

dictionary describes anger as an unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling

resulting from injury, mistreatment, or opposition and usually showing

itself in a desire to fight back at the supposed cause of the feeling.

Anger involves:

• Thoughts that trigger and/or maintain anger. Anger is likely to be

greater if one presumes an offensive to be wrong, deliberate, or

preventable, creating great hardship and/or deserving punishment.

The thought that one's anger is justified also tends to intensify anger.

• Physiological arousal, such as flushed face, increased heart rate

and blood pressure, sweating, and the release of various stress


• Behaviors or tendencies to act that are culturally influenced, such as

yelling, clenching fists, or pouting.

Page 2: Assignments: Introduction to T&I, Week 1&2

W2 Assignment (1/2)

Relationship principle 1

In romance, there's nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who

has dignity and pride in who she is.

In addition, you have to know your own mind. The more you focus on

elevating yourself, the more he will work to be at the top of your priority list.

He considers you a long-term prospect when you've added the key

ingredient: respect. And respect is the glue that holds everything together.

Kara is a perfect example of why smart, confident women come out on

top. Very early on, her fiancé tried to give her his two cents on how she

should dress. She was leaving for a meeting, and he told her to wear a

dress instead of the pantsuit she had on. Then he told her she was

wearing too much makeup. What the nice girl would have done is run out

and buy a new wardrobe. But kara playfully put him in check: " Listen here,

Versace. This outfit has always been fine. And I haven't had any

complaints about the makeup either. But if you'd like, I'll let you know when

I'm wearing this in advance. That way, if you don't want to see me in it, you

don't have to come over.

Page 3: Assignments: Introduction to T&I, Week 1&2

W2 Assignment (2/2)In order to be looked at differently, you have to think differently. He has

to see that you call your own shots and that you don't need input from

anyone about how to put your socks on. This says, “I'm secure.” The

biggest attraction killer is neediness and insecurity. The bitch doesn't

audition or try to be the "best in show.“ Instead of "Where's my ring?" or

"Why won't you marry me," she's thinking:

“What's the advantage of having this guy around?”

“How do I feel about myself after I've been in his company?“

"What's in it for me?"

And then a funny thing happens: He falls all over himself to be with her.

Kim Basinger said something interesting: " I don't have time to be

classified as difficult, and I don't have time to care.“ Men tend to feel at

ease with a woman who doesn't care so much because then he doesn't

have to be fully responsible for someone else's happiness. When a man

sees you are happy with him but you can be just as happy having nothing

to do with him, that's when he won't want to leave your side. When you are

happy, you are sexy.