Athletic Training Program (ATP) Policies and Procedures Manual Revised Fall 2017 1

Athletic Training Program (ATP) Policies and Procedures Manual€¦ · ATP students must also remain in good standing with the University of Mobile according to the UM’s student

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Page 1: Athletic Training Program (ATP) Policies and Procedures Manual€¦ · ATP students must also remain in good standing with the University of Mobile according to the UM’s student


Athletic Training

Program (ATP)

Policies and

Procedures Manual

Revised Fall 2017

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Mission Statement

University of Mobile is a Christ-centered academic community providing liberal arts and

professional programs to renew minds through intellectual and spiritual development for the

fulfilling of one’s professional calling.

Vision Statement

University of Mobile is committed to being a premier Christ-centered academic community

providing comprehensive liberal arts and professional programs to distinctively transform the


Biblical Worldview

The biblical worldview serves as the pathway by which students are prepared to fulfill the Great

Commission as noted in God’s Word through:

• Proverbs 9:10 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” o Describes our calling to Him

• Genesis 1:26 – “Then God said, Let Us make man in our image, according to Our

likeness;…” o Describes who we are in Him

• Romans 12:2 – “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by

the renewing of your mind, that you may provide what is that good and acceptable

and perfect will of God.” o Describes our transformation by Him

Core Values

• Christ-centered • Academically-focused

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• Student-devoted • Distinctively-driven

Athletic Training Program Mission Statement

ATP Mission Statement

In keeping with the mission of the University of Mobile which encourages the

intellectual, spiritual, cultural and personal growth of learners in their search for meaningful

careers and their future lives as responsible, informed members of a global society, the mission

of the Athletic Training Program, under the auspices of the Department of Kinesiology, is to

prepare students to meet cognitive, psychomotor, and affective competencies and proficiencies to

not only pass the Board of Certification Exam, but to also excel in the profession of athletic

training. Graduates will be prepared as Certified Athletic Trainers who are able to provide,

administer and manage the health care of athletes; to participate in research and other activities

designed to advance the quality of Athletic Training Services; and to participate in the education

of future professionals, clients and the public regarding the profession of Athletic Training.

ATP Program Goals

The University of Mobile Athletic Training Program has as its goals the following:

1. Recruit students who can succeed not only in the Athletic Training Program, but also in the

profession of athletic training.

2. Provide all athletic training students with exposure to injuries and illnesses of the diverse

population of athletes and other physically active individuals.

3. Promote ethical standards of practice and professionalism.

4. Properly prepare students to succeed on the BOC Exam by offering an effective combination

of didactic instruction, clinical experience and formative and summative evaluations.

5. Provide progressively challenging opportunities for each athletic training student to develop

mastery of competencies and clinical proficiencies.

6. Provide progressively challenging clinical opportunities for the athletic training student to

apply, under direct supervision of Preceptors, their knowledge and skills in practical situations

working with men’s and women’s sports, equipment intensive sports, high and low risk sports,

upper and lower extremity intensive sports and working closely with team physicians and other

healthcare providers.

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7. Encourage professional development through mentoring, supervision and evaluation.

8. Prepare athletic training students who will be qualified for employment in a variety of athletic

training settings and other healthcare settings.

9. Actively assist ATP graduates in professional placement.

10. Continuously evaluate the reliability and validity of ATP course content and clinical

experiences to facilitate the best possible learning environment for the athletic training students.

ATP Objectives

The University of Mobile Athletic Training Program, utilizing didactic and clinical

education, shall, as measured by outcomes assessment:

1. Present an educational program that meets or exceeds requirements set forth by CAATE,

NATA, and the BOC as measured by both formative and summative evaluation results

and success on the BOC exam.

2. Use professional development to keep the didactic and clinical educational programs

current in terms of trends and issues in the profession of athletic training as measured by

student performance and student satisfaction with instruction instruments.

3. Incorporate the areas of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains and their associated

clinical proficiencies into the Athletic Training Program by utilizing various methods of

instruction and evaluation.

4. Encourage learning over time of the competencies and clinical proficiencies by athletic

training students by leading them through incremental and progressive courses and

through direct supervision and evaluation during progressive clinical experiences as

measured by didactic and clinical formative and summative evaluations.

5. Follow the Learning Over Time directives of background science, athletic training didactic

and laboratory courses, evaluation both formative and summative, practice and evaluation

during the clinical experience and clinical experience application to enable athletic

training students to develop mastery of the competencies and clinical proficiencies as

measured by ATP File Reviews and ATP faculty semi-annual reviews of each athletic

training student.

6. Place athletic training students in progressive, directly supervised clinical experiences that

allow the athletic training student to apply the theories and skills learned in the didactic

and laboratory portions of their education and to utilize these under direct supervision in

the clinical setting where they may exhibit integrated learning, critical thinking, rational

thinking and problem solving skills as measured by discussions with athletic training

students and Preceptors, evaluations of athletic training students by Preceptors and

evaluations of Preceptors by athletic training students.

Measurement Indicators:

Preceptor Evaluations of all students in professional phase

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1. Acceptable Target: 4 out of 5 for all students in the professional phase

of program.

2. Ideal Target: 4.5 out of 5 for all students in the professional phase of


7. Expose athletic training students to a variety of other healthcare professionals as measured

by adherence to CAATE directives, semi-annual evaluation of athletic training student’s

clinical rotations and presentations during the year to the Athletic Training Student


8. Prepare athletic training students to be successful on the BOC Exam as measured by

performance on the BOC Exam.

Measurement Indicators:

BOC Examination Results

1. Acceptable Target: 3 out of 5 of graduating class pass BOC

examination on the first attempt.

2. Ideal Target: 4 out of 5 of graduating class pass BOC examination on

the first attempt.

9. Providing athletic training students with the desire and tools to become lifelong learners

capable of contributing to the profession of athletic training as measured by alumni

surveys, employer surveys and by keeping in close contact with program graduates.

Measurement Indicators:

Post-graduate survey data

1. Acceptable Employer Survey: 80% of employers (from data received)

are highly satisfied with graduates performance as an entry level athletic


2. Acceptable Alumni Survey: 80% of graduates (from data received) are

highly satisfied with their professional preparation to effectively practice

athletic training.

Accreditation Status

The University of Mobile Athletic Training Program is accredited by the Commission on

Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). The program has been placed on

Probation as of February 19, 2016 by the CAATE, 6850 Austin Center Blvd., Suite 100, Austin,

TX 78731-3101. Students currently enrolled in the University of Mobile Athletic Training

Program are not affected by this change and may continue to graduate with a bachelor’s degree

in athletic training. However, the UMobile Athletic Training program has voluntarily withdrawn

their accreditation and is no longer admitting students. The date of voluntary withdrawal of

accreditation coincides with the graduation of the last cohort in May 2020.

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Faculty Information

Lori DeLong, PhD, ATC

Associate Professor of Kinesiology

Program Director, Athletic Training Program

[email protected] (251) 442-2302

B.A. Louisiana College

M.Ed. University of Louisiana at Monroe

Ph.D. Louisiana State University

Melissa Thomas, Ed.D, ATC, CKTP

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

[email protected] (251) 442-2324

B.S. University of Mobile

M.A. University of Mobile

Ed.D. U.S. Sports Academy

Nancy Huff. Ed.D

Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Professor of Kinesiology

[email protected] (251) 442-2362

B.S. Mobile College

M.A. University of South Alabama

Ed.D. University of Southern Mississippi

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University of Mobile

Athletic Training


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The University of Mobile is pleased to announce that we are making plans to start a new graduate program in Athletic Training, with courses leading to a Master of Athletic Training. We will begin working toward accreditation from the accrediting body for athletic training programs, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). A recent decision by CAATE to make the master’s degree the entry-level professional degree for athletic training professionals means the organization will no longer accredit undergraduate athletic training programs after 2022. Because of this change in the profession, the time is right for the University of Mobile to transition away from offering an undergraduate degree in Athletic Training and instead develop a master’s-level Athletic Training program. The University of Mobile Athletic Training Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). The program has been placed on Probation as of February 19, 2016 by the CAATE, 6850 Austin Center Blvd., Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731-3101. Students currently enrolled in the University of Mobile Athletic Training Program are not affected by this change and may continue to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in athletic training. However, the UMobile Athletic Training program will admit its last undergraduate class in August 2016. Students who wish to be enrolled in the university’s final bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training class must apply to the program by either March 1, 2016 or Aug. 1, 2016, to be considered for admission. This restructuring offers some exciting possibilities as the University of Mobile considers expanding its health sciences areas.

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Retention Policy for the

University of Mobile Athletic Training Program

1. Students are required to maintain 2.75 overall GPA and a 3.0 GPA in all Athletic Training

Program core courses.

2. All students must maintain current Professional Rescuer certification when enrolled in

Athletic Training Program clinical courses. Professional liability insurance is provided

for University of Mobile athletic training students when they are participating in clinical

experiences. Students are responsible for their own medical care if needed in the clinical

education settings. Students must abide by the Centers for Disease Control and OSHA


3. Athletic training students are responsible for personal transportation to off-campus

affiliated clinical sites.

4. ATP students must remain in good standing as determined by his/her results on the ATP

Master Assessment Plan, which is included in this ATP Policies and Procedures Manual.

ATP students must also remain in good standing with the University of Mobile according

to the UM’s student policies and procedures.

5. By Level IV (Senior Year), ATP Students must document that they have met all

requirements for the BOC Exam Endorsement by the ATP Program Director. These

requirements are as follows:

1. Commit to sit for the BOC Exam during their last semester of matriculation

(normally Spring Semester of their senior year).

2. Present a UM degree audit confirming that they have completed or are

concurrently enrolled in all courses for completion of the degree.

3. Must present documented proof of a minimum of over 1100 clinical experience

hours completed.

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4. Complete the BOC self-assessment examination (integrated test mode) available

at http://www.bocatc.org/candidates/exam-preparation-tools/self-assessment-

exams and provide results to the UMobile ATP Program Director. These results

must indicate scores over 70% to fulfill the requirements of the Senior Capstone

Course (HPE 422) which is a requirement for graduation in Athletic Training

Education. These self-assessment exams must have been completed with 60 days

of request for Program Director endorsement. If the results are under 70%, a

study plan to correct this deficiency must be submitted to the Program Director

for approval.

5. Provide proof of current Emergency Cardiac Care certification by one of the


1. CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer by the American Red Cross, or

2. BLS Healthcare Provider CPR by the American Heart Association

6. Submit the completed ATP Exit Interview document.

7. In the event that an athletic training student is not currently enrolled in the ATP,

then a formal interview with the Program Director either via telephone or in

person is required. The intent of this provision is to determine if past graduates

who have chosen not to sit for the BOC within one calendar year of graduation

from the Program have done the requisite intensive study necessary for success on

the BOC Exam since graduation. This issue is necessary as we have in the past

had graduates wait as many as six years (there is no BOC time limit) to attempt

the BOC Exam and that time passage adversely effected not only their ability to

pass the Exam, but also adversely effects the First Time BOC Pass rate of the

UMobile ATP.

NOTE: Failure to maintain any of the above progression requirements results in academic

probation and/or suspension from the athletic training professional program. In addition

to academic probation or suspension, the student’s enrollment in the athletic training

professional program may be terminated at any time if, in the judgment of the athletic

training faculty, the student demonstrates academic, social, or emotional behaviors or

physical problems inappropriate to the practice of athletic training. Students suspended

from the athletic training professional program may apply for re-admission to the program

through the Athletic Training Curriculum Selection Committee when the deficiencies are

removed. Students suspended twice from the program are ineligible to reapply.


Conditional Acceptance: Students applying to the athletic training curriculum with GPA in the

range of 2.5-2.74 for overall GPA and/or 2.75-2.99 for all athletic training course work may be

accepted into the program conditionally if all other application requirements have been met.

Students accepted conditionally will be placed on a probationary status for one academic year.

Failure to correct the deficiency(s) after one academic year will lead to suspension from the

Athletic Training Program.

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Probation: Deficiencies in admission or progression requirements may result in the student

being placed on probationary status. Probationary status is generally one academic year in

length except when a student has clearly corrected any and all deficiencies. A student on

probation may be limited in the total number of clinical hours allowed per week or may not be

allowed to enroll in a clinical course. Students failing to correct all deficiencies at the end of one

academic year from the date of probation will be suspended from the athletic training

professional program.

Suspension: Students suspended from the athletic training professional program will not be

assigned clinical experiences or responsibilities within athletic training. Students will not be

allowed to take any professional level athletic training course other than to repeat courses in

which they have earned less than a “C”.

CAATE Standards and Guidelines state the student:clinical instructor ratio shall not exceed eight

(8) students to one clinical instructor during the course of a clinical experience course. Students

enrolled in clinical athletic training courses must meet the following requirements established by

CAATE for clinical and field experiences.

1. Completion of Physical Examination. All Professional Athletic Training Students must

complete a medical history questionnaire and physical examination. Forms are obtained

from the Program Director of the ATP.

2. Students must present proof of immunizations for MMR and DTP vaccines.

3. Students must complete OSHA and blood borne pathogens training and submit

verification to be kept in athletic training student portfolio.

4. Completion and submission of an acknowledgment of the Technical Standards for

Admission Form.

5. Completion and submission of a Confidentiality Statement for Athletic Training Students.

Costs Associated with the Athletic Training Program

The following is a list of additional estimated expenditures beyond those of tuition, room

and board, if applicable, and fees for which pre-professional and athletic training students are


1. Purchase of appropriate athletic training attire such as polos, khaki pants, khaki

shorts, and athletic shoes will be expected to participate in clinicals KIN 225, 226,

325, 326, 425, and 426. Additional polos or shirts may be provided by the Athletic

Training Student Society fund-raising endeavors.

2. All costs incident to travel to and from clinical experience sites or special athletic

training events such as field trips and volunteer experiences.

3. Annual certification or recertification costs of American Red Cross Professional

Rescuer/AED First Aid and CPR or American Heart Association BLS for Health Care

Providers certification. ($40 certification for KIN 252, $20 recertification for KIN


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4. Costs incurred from Hepatitis B vaccination if no documentation of completed series

or waiver of Hepatitis B vaccination is completed.

5. Verification of a negative drug screen according to guidelines established by the

clinical agencies utilized by the athletic training program

6. Negative criminal background check conducted according to guidelines established

by the clinical agencies utilized by the athletic training program.

7. Annual fees for online clinical proficiency tracking software through NATA

membership for HPE 225, 226, 325, 326, 425, and 426. ($80)

8. Cost of BOC practice exam taken during HPE 422 Capstone course. ($30)

9. Cost of taking BOC exam for certification in final semester of matriculation. ($335)

Course Sequencing for Traditional Students

Level 1 (Freshman) Fall Semester Level 1 Spring Semester

EN 101 3 sem hrs EN 102 3

Core Elective 3 KIN 261 3

MA 211 3 KIN 269 3

FS 100 1 KIN activity 1

KIN 251 3 History 3

KIN 252 3 COM 101 3

KIN 127 Taping 1 Elective 1

Total credit hrs 17 17

Level 2 (Soph) Fall Level 2 Spring

KIN 362 3 BIO 202 (A&P) 4

KIN 213 3 EN 201/202 3

BIO 201 4 KIN 363 4

KIN 301 3 KIN 310 3

KIN 225 2 KIN 226 2

Total Cr Hrs 15 16

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Level 3 (Jr) Fall Level 3 Spring

KIN Activities 1 PSY 201 3

KIN 365 3 KIN 351 3

KIN 361 3 KIN 367 3

NU 303 2 CMS 110 3

KIN 332 3 KIN 421 3

KIN 325 2 KIN 326 2

Total Cr Hrs 14 17

Level 4 (Senior) Fall Level 4 Spring

KIN 422 3 KIN 410 3

KIN 403 3 Core Elective 3

Core Electives 6 CMS 321/331 3

KIN 425 2 KIN activity 1

KIN activity 1 KIN 426 2

Total Cr Hrs 15 12

TOTAL HOURS–123 *Chapel is required for graduation. (ZCH 007).

Freshmen under the age of 21 are required to take FS 100

BOLDED classes must be taken in sequence as listed.

Course Sequencing for Transfer Students

Level 2 (Transfer 1st Year) Fall Level 2 Spring

KIN 127 Taping 1 KIN activity 1

KIN 251 3 KIN 261 3

KIN 269 3 MA 211 3

KIN 362 3 KIN 363 4

KIN 252 3 KIN 301 3

KIN 225 2 KIN 226 2

Total Cr Hrs 15 16

Level 3 (Jr) Fall Level 3 Spring

BIO 201 4 BIO 202 4

KIN 332 3 KIN activity 1

KIN 365 3 KIN 351 3

KIN 361 3 KIN 367 3

NU 303 2 KIN 421 3

KIN 325 2 KIN 326 2

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Total Cr Hrs 17 16

Level 4 (Senior) Fall Level 4 Spring

KIN 422 3 KIN 410 3

KIN 403 3 KIN 213 3

PSY 201 3 KIN 310 3

KIN activity 1 KIN activity 1

CMS 310 3 CMS 321/331 3

KIN 425 2 KIN 426 2

Total Cr Hrs 15 15

TOTAL HOURS–123 *Chapel is required for graduation. (ZCH 007).

Freshmen under the age of 21 are required to take FS 100

BOLDED classes must be taken in sequence as listed.

English – 9 hrs

Communications – 3 hrs

History – 3 hrs

Core Electives – 12 hrs

Electives – 2 hrs

Required Course Sequencing

Effective May 7, 2008, all pre-professional and athletic training students must follow the

course sequence contained in the University of Mobile ATP Policies and Procedures Manual.

ATP Courses KIN 225, 226, 363,361,365,325, 326,367, 425 and 426 require admission to the

Athletic Training Program as a pre-requisite for enrollment. Please do not ask for an exception

to the athletic training course sequencing to be made, as the sequence is important in maintaining

proper learning over time.

Students are free to take University of Mobile core courses or elective courses during the

summer to lighten their academic load during the Fall or Spring, but cannot take ATP courses out

of sequence. The University of Mobile only allows 2 transient courses to be taken and

transferred to UM once you are enrolled at UM. Refer to the University of Mobile’s student

catalog for all transfer requirements.

Learning Over Time

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The UMobile ATP Learning Over Time Policy spells out that a student must first be

taught a proficiency and practice it before he/she can practice or apply that proficiency in a

clinical setting under the direct supervision of the Preceptor. In accordance with the University

of Mobile Athletic Training Program’s commitment to Learning Over Time, an athletic training

student will be evaluated numerous times through various methods until the Program Director,

Clinical Coordinator, or Preceptor certifies that the athletic training student has met the criteria

listed above. The athletic training student shall have the right to challenge any evaluation by

notifying the Director of the Athletic Training Program in writing. The Program Director will

then assign another Preceptor to repeat the evaluation. The general progression of a student’s

learning process involves teaching the material in the class, clinical courses, integrating the

material into practical experiences at each designated site, and finally the ability to apply all

information learned into a concise evaluation. It is the goal of the University of Mobile ATP to

provide endless learning opportunities for students to become proficient in the skills needed to be

a competent certified athletic trainer.

UMobile ATP Academic Probation Policy

Once the student’s cumulative GPA has fallen below 3.0 in the ATP professional

curriculum or 2.75 overall, the ATP Director will place this student on academic probation.

Probationary status is generally one academic year in length except when a student has clearly

corrected any and all deficiencies. A student on probation may be limited in the total number of

clinical hours allowed per week or may not be allowed to enroll in a clinical course. Students

failing to correct all deficiencies at the end of one academic year from the date of probation will

be suspended from the athletic training professional program. Athletic training students, other

than those on probation/suspended, once admitted to the Program, must take a clinical education

course every semester during the academic year. Failure to schedule a clinical education course

will result in the student being placed on probation. If a student is placed on probation for failure

to schedule a clinical experience course, he/she must file a reconsideration statement, and if

reconsideration is granted, must sign up for the next appropriate clinical education course during

the next semester it is offered.

UMobile ATP Program Appeals

The student has the right to appeal any decision made by the athletic training program.

The appeal policy can be instituted if the student feels that they have been treated unfairly in

regards to the policies and procedures manual set forth by the University of Mobile’s Athletic

Training Program. In order for the grievance or appeal to go through the proper channels the

student must submit a letter to the Program Director of Athletic Training stating the reason for

the appeal or the specific grievance within ten (10) working days of receiving notification of an

adverse decision. The letter should contain the reasons the student is appealing the decision and

why the decision should be reversed. The appeal will be discussed at the next scheduled athletic

training education staff meeting and a decision will be made to the student in writing within (5)

working days after the meeting. The staff meeting will consist of the Program Director, ATP

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Faculty members, and the Chair of Kinesiology. If the grievance is not solved satisfactory to all

involved parties, then it will be taken up the chain of command.

Athletic Training Student Work Policy

The athletic training student must fulfill both didactic and clinical requirements in all courses

in order to progress through the Athletic Training Program. Students that work must arrange their

schedules so that clinical experiences are a priority. Students will be allowed to hold part time

jobs outside of the ATP only if the job does not interfere in any way with their clinical

responsibilities. At no time will an athletic training student take the place of a Certified Athletic

Trainer. Athletic Training Students are not to be paid for their participation in a clinical or be

used in any other capacity other than a learning one. Each student must coordinate their class,

clinical, and work schedules with their Preceptor and the ATP Clinical Coordinator and be aware

of the many demands that will be placed on them as a result of program requirements. Clinical

education experience time should not be “work”, but rather a learning experience since the pre-

professional or ATS is not there to take the place of a BOC Certified Athletic Trainer. Once a

student has successfully completed and been evaluated on an athletic training competency and/or

clinical proficiency skill, he/she may begin to utilize these skills on a daily basis, under the

supervision of the preceptor, during the field experience.

Athletic Training Student Clinical Hours Policy

Each student enrolled in the UM Athletic Training Program will be required to obtain clinical

experience on a weekly basis. These experiences will be measured in hours, documented on

paper, and documented on ATrack. The student’s preceptor will verify/approve the documented

hours by signature. Each student must obtain a minimum of 160 clinical hours per semester.

The maximum number of clinical hours a student can document cannot exceed 400 hours per

semester. If a student has extenuating circumstances that prevents them from obtaining the

minimum clinical hour number for a given semester, they must contact the Clinical Education

Coordinator to document the reason or rationale for their failure to meet the standard. If a

motivated student desires to exceed the maximum number of clinical hours per semester, they

will be performing these hours on a volunteer basis. The student cannot be required by their

preceptor to obtain more than forty (40) clinical hours within a given week. Each athletic

training clinical course (KIN 225, 226, 325, 326, 425, & 426) requires a minimum of two

hundred (200) clinical hours to successfully complete each semester clinical.

Intercollegiate Athletes in the Athletic Training Program

Because of the demands of courses, practice and competition it may take longer than the

normal four years to complete the Bachelor’s degree. Intercollegiate athletes are expected to

fulfill the clinical experience and coursework requirements the same as any other student in the


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Students with Special Concerns

The University of Mobile is an equal opportunity educational institution and, as such,

does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or disability in any of its programs, including

admission of students and employment, as required by, but not limited to, Title IV of the

Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. It is the policy of the University of Mobile to provide

reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities as defined in Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The University

coordinates support resources for students with disabilities and is an accommodation resource for

faculty and administration. Eligibility for service requires prior documentation of the disability. It

is the responsibility of the student to bring to the University’s attention the need for

accommodations due to a qualifying disability. If the student has submitted official

documentation to the appropriate official of a reasonable accommodation needed, we will notify

their faculty of these needs each semester. The student must submit a copy of their schedule to

the Coordinator of Student Services for ADA before the last day to drop/add a course. The form

requesting accommodation of the Disability Act can be obtained on the Admissions section of the

UM website.

Class Attendance Policy

Athletic Training students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled.

Class attendance is a vital part of the academic program. Attendance makes possible the dialogue

that is the foundation of the educational process between the athletic training student and the

instructor. Absence from class denies students access to the full measure of a college education.

Each college and school has an established attendance policy, which is published on course

syllabi. In the event an absence is necessary, students are accountable for work missed.

Remember, you have four years to obtain the knowledge and experience that will not only

prepare you for the BOC Exam, but also start you on the path of becoming a viable athletic

training healthcare provider.

Athletic Training Resources

The J. L. Bedsole Library provides support for the Athletic Training Program through a

collection of print, audio-visual and electronic resources. These resources are available to UM

patrons both on-campus (library, dorms) and from off campus (remote) locations. The print and

audio-visual resources include a collection of books, videos, and journals located in the JLB

library. The books and videos are cataloged and available for check-out while the journals are

available for in-house only.

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Electronic resources include on-line databases, e-books, e-journals, and Internet research

links. The library subscribes to over 70 databases, including SportDiscus, MEDLINE,

PUBMED, CINAHL and ProQuest Nursing. The e-journal collection provides access to

hundreds of journals including the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, Journal of

Athletic Training, American Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of the American Medical

Association, Sports Medicine and Athletic Therapy Today. The library maintains internet links to

numerous athletic training related websites including NATA, CAATE, JAMA, and ACSM. In

addition, patrons have access to over 30,000 e-books in the library’s collection.

Athletic Training Student Society

The Athletic Training Student Society consists of athletic training program students. The

mission of the student society is to provide students more hands on experiences with various lab

sessions and more involvement with other allied health care and health care professionals. The

student society’s main source of income is various fundraisers and the support of the UM Student

Government Association. The money raised goes towards providing shirts for students, various

field trips around the area, and entry fees for SEATA organized events. The society meets one

time a month and is designed to provide the student with new information about the profession

and any upcoming opportunities to enhance their education. Speakers include the University of

Mobile’s ATP Medical Director, UM’s Team Physician, Team Neurologist, Team Dentist,

Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and other allied health professionals within the

community. In April of each year, the society votes for the upcoming president, vice president,

and secretary. Committees are also developed to develop ideas for fundraising. At the beginning

of each school year, each student receives a calendar of events which allows him/her sufficient

time to clear busy schedules to attend the meetings.



Vice President-

Committees - Fundraising, SEATA Convention, Volunteer Opportunities, SGA Match Funds

Faculty Representative: Dr. Melissa Thomas

Characteristics of a Successful Athletic Training Student

1. One who has read, understands, and agrees to live by the Policies and Procedures of

the ATP.

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2. Dedication-regardless of what you endeavor; dedicate yourself to giving it everything

you have. You have three to four years to prepare yourself to accomplish your goal-use

every second wisely and productively.

3. Become a Critical Thinker-evaluate what you should do and why you should do it, then

make your decisions.

4. Poise and Self-Control-you must be the calmest person in an emergency situation and

you will accomplish this by being academically and clinically prepared, having poise and

having control of your emotions.

5. Fitness-Vince Lombardi, the famous football coach said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us

all”. Though you will be busy with classes, clinical experiences and studying, find time

in your schedule to maintain or improve your physical fitness level.

6. Be Competitive-strive to be the best at everything you do.

7. Become Skillful-the clinical proficiencies are best learned through repetition, so that

when they become appropriate to be applied, your mastery of them will be apparent.

8. Loyalty-be true to yourself, your faculty, your fellow athletic training students and you

will become a trusted student leader.

9. Believe in what you want to do and keep your eye on the goal and what it takes to

achieve it.

10. Be Enthusiastic-come into the ATP Program excited and stay that way-we do best what

we enjoy most.

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University of Mobile

Basic Information

University of Mobile Non-Discrimination Statement

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The University of Mobile does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color,

sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or age in the

administration or application of its educational programs and policies, admissions policies,

employment policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and University-administered


Consistent with its Christian mission and organization, UM is exempt from the religious

provisions of Title IX pursuant to the implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Section 106.12,

which provides the Title IX does not apply to an educational controlled by a religious

organization to the extent that application of Title IX would be inconsistent with the controlling

organization’s religious tenets. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries

regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Title IX Coordinator - Students

Kim Leousis, Vice President for Campus Life & Enrollment Services

University of Mobile, Weaver Hall, Enrollment Suite


Disability Access and Accommodation

Julia Lucy, Section 504 Coordinator

University of Mobile, Weaver Hall, Enrollment Suite


Inquiries about admission may be addressed to the office of enrollment services at the

University of Mobile. Satisfaction of the admission requirements as stated in this catalog does

not guarantee admission to the University. The University reserves the right to deny admission to


Academic Dishonesty and Conduct Code

Students attending the University of Mobile are expected to reflect a high standard of

academic integrity and conduct in accord with basic Christian principles and the mission of the

University. Any student found to be disruptive in class, or copying, plagiarizing (with or without

an intent to deceive), cheating, engaging in unauthorized use of a test, forging, or lying to a

faculty member in order to complete an assignment will be subject to disciplinary action.

Each faculty member has the responsibility of defining his or her academic expectations

at the beginning of each session or sub-session. If a faculty member discovers a student violating

the academic integrity code, he or she must either 1) assign a grade of “0” for the test or

assignment; or 2) refer the incident to a faculty committee appointed by the faculty member’s

dean. After the grading or ruling by committee, the incident, along with the evidence, is to be

reported in writing to the vice president for academic affairs with a copy mailed to the student.

The office of the vice president for academic affairs determines whether the incident is

the student’s second offense and, if so, refers the matter to the academic affairs committee for

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disciplinary action. A student found guilty of a second offense is subject to academic suspension

for up to one academic year. A third offense will result in academic dismissal. The student is

entitled to appeal any case involving allegations of academic dishonesty or misconduct, in

keeping with the appeal process outlined in theStudent Handbook.

Grading Standards

The grading system of the University is based on a 4.00 scale. Final course grades are

determined by the instructor. The interpretations of grades and grade points are as follows:

A student is strongly discouraged from requesting an incomplete. However, an

incomplete (I) can be awarded with the approval of the instructor, advisor, and the academic

affairs committee when extenuating circumstances justify the granting of additional time for

completion of work. In order for a grade to be awarded in place of the incomplete a student

must re-register for the course in a future term agreed to by the instructor. This

Grade Interpretation Grade


A Excellent 4.00

B Good 3.00

C Satisfactory 2.00

D Passing 1.00

F Not Passing 0.00

V or CF Course Forgiveness 0.00

W Withdrawn - -

WP Withdrawn while passing - -

WF Withdrawn while not passing - -

I Incomplete - -

P Passed (credit by examination) - -

AU or T Audit Credit

IC Audit of Incomplete coursework

S Satisfactory - -

U Unsatisfactory - -

Q Administrative Withdrawal (extenuating circumstances

as determined by the academic affairs committee)

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registration must be completed at the Registrar’s Office. An incomplete not made up by the

indicated deadline is automatically changed to the grade designated by the instructor on the


Learning Management System (LMS)

The Learning Management System at the University of Mobile is the student’s window to

the classroom twenty-four hours a day. Our LMS is called MyUM and the webpage can be

found by logging into https://umportal.umobile.edu/ics. During your first week on campus, you

will receive a password and orientation to the use of MyUM. In the Athletic Training Program,

students will be able to view or download course syllabi, lecture notes, presentations and

supplemental materials for their courses by selecting MY COURSES under QUICK LINKS.

You will also need to check MyUM for announcements and assignments pertaining to each class.

You will also utilize MyUM to take exams in some of the ATP classes. In order to comply with

the Higher Education Act which requires verification of student identity in online work, all

online coursework submitted to the faculty member must be completed by secure login and

passcode or sent from the student’s official University E-MAIL ACCOUNT.

Counseling Services, Testing & Remediation

Tutoring and Writing Assistance

Tutoring in a variety of areas and writing assistance are available free of charge to UM students

through Tutor.com (online tutoring service accessible in all UM course sites). Writing assistance

is also available from student tutors on campus through UM’s Writing Center. Students may

schedule Writing Center appointments by calling 251-442-2377.

Counseling Services

The Student Success Center is available to provide referrals and assist currently enrolled students

in obtaining counseling appropriate to their needs, and to provide consultation and crisis

intervention services - 251.442.2639.

Academic Success Coaching

The Student Success Center is available to provide Academic Success Coaching (ASC) to

students wishing to improve their grade point average. ASC includes strategies for goal setting,

study skills and habits, time management, and test anxiety. Additional campus resources may be

identified and assistance offered in utilizing these resources. Contact the Coordinator of Student

Support Services at 251.442.2284.

Disability Support Services

It is the policy of the University of Mobile to provide reasonable accommodations for persons

with disabilities as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans

with Disabilities Act of 1990. The University coordinates support resources for students with

disabilities and is an accommodation resource for faculty and administration. Eligibility for

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service requires that prior documentation of the disability be reviewed and accepted by the

disabilities coordinator.

It is the responsibility of the student to exercise initiative in identifying and obtaining support

services. The student must arrange to have all documentation of his/her disability forwarded to

Student Support Services (SSS). The student must make an appointment with SSS following

registration to discuss possible accommodations. The student should arrange to meet with the

Student Support Services Coordinator after the first week of classes to determine any changes to

accommodations. Students will be able to obtain letters for course instructors within 48 hours of

request once official documentation has been received and approved.

It is the responsibility of the student to meet with course instructors at the beginning of the

semester to provide information regarding their disability and to discuss accommodations and

strategies that will be appropriate. The Student Success Center will provide supportive

assistance when requested by the student.

Student Support Services Coordinator - Julia Lucy 251.442.2284, email- [email protected]


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Liability Insurance

Every student that is enrolled in a clinical education course and assigned to a designated

clinical experience site is covered by the University of Mobile’s liability insurance plan. The

student will not be covered for events that are covered as a “first responder”. The coverage

plan is a 1,000,000/ 3,000,000 plan and is in effect year-round.

Clinical Experience Dress Code

The UMobile ATP dress code is used to create uniformity among its students as well as to

draw attention to the student’s professionalism and level of experience. Students are expected to

wear clothes that are appropriate for the site in which they are engaged. One site may prefer the

student to wear scrubs, and another may require the typical khaki pants and polo shirt. Other

requirements: hair should be maintained and cleanly cut, no excessive facial hair, no hats, no

excessive jewelry, no face piercings, no visible tattoos should be displayed, no clothing bearing

the name of another university, and no flip flops. These policies are reviewed with the ATP

students prior to beginning clinical rotations each fall and spring.

First Aid and CPR Requirements

Each athletic training student enrolled in a clinical experience course will be required to

show proof of professional rescuer CPR or concurrent enrollment in such a course before he/she

is allowed to report to his/her designated clinical experience site. The University of Mobile will

annually provide a course to instruct both new and returning students on the standards of first aid

and the role in which they play during emergency situations. This course will lead to professional

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rescuer CPR with AED certification. If the student misses the regularly scheduled class they

must take a similar class with either the Red Cross or the American Heart Association.

Transportation Policy for Athletic Training Students

Students must be able to facilitate personal transportation, at their own expense, that will

be necessary for travel to off campus clinical experience sites. Clinical experience sites cover

both the Mobile and Baldwin county areas and can reach into other parts of the country, therefore

increasing the need for the student to have his/her own transportation.

Sight & Sound Policy/ Direct Supervision

Clinical Supervision as defined by CAATE and the University of Mobile Athletic

Training Program requires that anyone supervising an Athletic Training Student “must maintain

auditory and visual contact with the Athletic Training Student at all times in order to be able to

intervene on behalf of the patient or the Athletic Training Student”.

This may be a new concept to many Preceptors because of how things were formerly

done and many of you were probably “on your own” a great deal while accumulating your

clinical experience hours. Many of you were in Programs where you were basically utilized as an

extension of the professional athletic training work force. Although you learned to make

decisions, your level of education and experience at that point was probably insufficient to

rationally and prudently be expected to make such decisions. With the advent of the mandate of

Direct Supervision subject to the Sight and Sound Rule, Athletic Training Students are not to be

put in positions for which they are not ready and comfortable, and patients/athletes are protected

from mistakes that a novice Athletic Training Student might commit.

If you, as a Preceptor, recognize that, for any reason, yours has become a position where

you cannot provide Direct Supervision of the Athletic Training Student assigned to your site,

please contact the UMobile ATP Director or the Clinical Coordinator and arrangements will be

made for reassignment of the Athletic Training Student.

Supervision Policy and Definitions:

• Athletic training students must be supervised at all times; the preceptor must be able to

intervene on behalf of the student and/or patient at all times. • Athletic training students may perform athletic training skills only with direct supervision. • Athletic training students cannot be required to perform any skills unsupervised. • If unsupervised experiences are available for students, students are not permitted to

perform athletic training skills during those unsupervised experiences.

Definitions: • Preceptor

A Preceptor is a certified/licensed profession who teaches and evaluates students in a

clinical setting using an actual patient base, and who has completed preceptor training. A

preceptor provides formal instruction and evaluation of clinical proficiencies in

classroom, laboratory, and/or in clinical education experiences through direct supervision

of athletic training students. Note that other content experts (e.g., exercise physiologists,

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nutritionists, mental health counselors, physicians) can be used to teach and evaluate

those Clinical Proficiencies that fall within the domain of their professional expertise.

However, a preceptor must evaluate the students' ability to integrate these skills into

professional practice. • Clinical Education

Clinical education represents the athletic training students' formal acquisition, practice,

and preceptor evaluation of the Entry-level Athletic Training Clinical Proficiencies

through classroom, laboratory, and clinical education experiences under the direct

supervision of a preceptor. Formal evaluation of the application and integration of clinical

proficiencies are completed by a preceptor. Related to clinical education is field

experience, in which students have the opportunity to practice clinical proficiencies under

the supervision of a preceptor. • Direct Supervision

This applies to the instruction and evaluation of the clinical proficiencies by a preceptor.

Constant visual and auditory interaction between the student and the preceptor must be

maintained. The preceptor shall be physically present for proficiency instruction and

evaluation. • Supervision

This applies to the field experiences under the direction of a preceptor. Daily personal/

verbal contact at the site of supervision between the athletic training student and the

preceptor who plans, directs, advises, and evaluates the students' athletic training field

experience. The preceptor shall be physically present to intervene on behalf of the

athlete/patient. • Clinical Education Experience

Clinical education experience provides an opportunity for integration of psychomotor,

cognitive and affective skills, and clinical proficiencies within the context of direct

patient care. A preceptor must directly supervise formal clinical education experience.

UMobile ATP “First Responder” Policy

When the decision was made to apply for accreditation candidacy in the fall of 2000, the

matter of athletic trainer students being utilized as “First Responders” was discussed by the

Athletic Training Faculty Committee. It was the decision of that committee to aggressively

discourage the utilization of athletic training students in this capacity at any clinical experience

site either at the University of Mobile or any other affiliated clinical experience site. This

decision was based on the following:

1. Lack of supervision by BOC Certified Athletic Trainer.

2. Very thin line between the duties of a “First Responder” and those of someone

practicing the profession of athletic training as defined by the applicable statute (Alabama

Athletic Trainers Act).

3. Possibility that the unsupervised athletic training student could be pressured by athletes

or coaches to perform tasks beyond the scope of a “First Responder”.

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4. Allowing athletic training students to function in “First Responder” capacity is not in

line with UMobile ATP’s Learning Over Time Philosophy.

However, since the UMobile ATP cannot prevent an athletic training student from acting

in a “First Responder Capacity” if he or she so desires, in the event that a University of Mobile

athletic training student should wish to get involved in a situation where he/she would be acting

in the capacity of a “First Responder”, the following criteria must be met:

1. The athletic training student must volunteer for the “First Responder” function and

must furnish the UMobile ATP Program Director a written statement that his/her actions

are voluntary.

2. The athletic training student must inform coaches and athletes involved that he/she is

acting in the capacity of a “First Responder” and not as an athletic training student.

3. The athletic training student must inform coaches and athletes involved that he/she is

not functioning under any standing orders of the University of Mobile ATP Medical


4. The athletic training student must inform coaches and athletes involved that the

University of Mobile liability insurance policy does not cover his/her actions while

acting in the capacity of a “First Responder”.

5. The athletic training student must review and sign a form stating that he/she

understands the provisions of the Alabama Athletic Trainer’s Licensure Act and that he/

she understands the role limitations while acting as a “First Responder”.

For the purposes of this policy, “First Responder” status shall be defined as “an athletic

training student providing care to patients or athlete’s while not under the direct supervision of a

BOC Certified Athletic Trainer or other duly authorized medical professional”.

**This policy has been published in the University of Mobile Athletic Training Program Policies

and Procedures Manual, appears on the University of Mobile Athletic Training website and has

also been furnished to all Preceptors working with the Program at the time of their attendance at

the Preceptor Seminar.

ATP Learning Lab Policies

Athletic Training Students are expected to come prepared to all clinical learning labs. The

information is posted on MyUM along with the outline for lessons covered. The student should

also be dressed appropriately to perform the necessary tests without any unnecessary exposure.

The labs will either be held in the athletic training room or the ATP classroom depending on the

instructor’s preference. Students should be in class for every scheduled class and be on time.

Remember, this is to enhance your learning and counts toward your weekly clinical experience

hours. Therefore, you should take this opportunity seriously and use your time wisely. Other

rules follow:

No gum.

No revealing clothing items.

No short shorts or cropped shirts.

No cell phones allowed.

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Do not only be a sponge, get involved.

Initiate class discussions.


The Athletic Training Program at the University of Mobile is a rigorous and intense program

that places specific requirements and demands on the students enrolled in the program. An

objective of this program is to prepare graduates to enter a variety of employment settings

and to render care to wide spectrum of individuals engaged in physical activity. The technical

standards set forth by the Athletic Training Program establish the essential qualities

considered necessary for students admitted to this program to achieve the knowledge, skills,

and competencies of an entry-level athletic trainer, as well as meet the expectations of the program’s accrediting agency (Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education

Programs [CAATE]). The following abilities and expectations must be met by all students

admitted to the University of Mobile Athletic Training Program. In the event a student is

unable to fulfill these technical standards, with or without reasonable accommodation, the

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student will not be allowed to continue in the program. Compliance with the program’s

technical standards does not guarantee a student’s eligibility for the BOC certification examination.

Candidates for selection to the Athletic Training Program must demonstrate:

1. The mental capacity to assimilate, analyze, synthesize, integrate concepts and problem

solve to formulate assessment and therapeutic judgments and to be able to distinguish

deviations from the norm.

2. Sufficient postural and neuromuscular control, sensory function, and coordination to

perform appropriate physical examinations using accepted techniques; and accurately, safely

and efficiently use equipment and materials during the assessment and treatment of patients.

3. The ability to communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and colleagues,

including individuals from different cultural and social backgrounds; this includes, but is not

limited to, the ability to establish rapport with patients and communicate judgments and

treatment information effectively. Students must be able to understand and speak the English

language at a level consistent with competent professional practice.

4. The ability to record the physical examination results and a treatment plan clearly and


5. The capacity to maintain composure and continue to function well during periods of high


6. The perseverance, diligence and commitment to complete the athletic training education

program as outlined and sequenced.

7. Flexibility and ability to adjust changing situations and uncertainty in clinical situations.

8. Affective skill and appropriate demeanor and rapport that relate to professional education

and quality patient care.

Students in the athletic training program will be required to verify they understand and meet

these technical standards or that they believe that, with certain accommodations, they can

meet the standards. The Student Success Center will evaluate a student who states he/she

could meet the program’s technical standards with accommodation and confirm that the

stated condition qualifies as a disability under the applicable laws. If a student states he/she

can meet the technical standards with accommodation, then the University will determine

whether it agrees that the student can meet the technical standards with reasonable

accommodation; this includes a review to whether the accommodations requested are

reasonable, taking into account whether accommodations would jeopardize clinician/patient

safety, or the educational process of the student or the institution, including all coursework,

clinical experiences and internships deemed essential to graduation.

I certify that I have read and understand the technical standards for selection listed above,

and I believe to the best of my knowledge that I meet each of these standards without

accommodation. I understand that if I am unable to meet these standards I will not be

allowed to continue in the program.

___________________________________ __________________

Signature of Applicant Date

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Alternate statement for students requesting accommodations.

I certify that I have read and understand the technical standards of selection listed above and

I believe to the best of my knowledge that I can meet each of these standards with certain

accommodations. I will contact the Student Success Center (251-442-2284) to determine what

accommodations may be available. I understand that if I am unable to meet these standards

with or without accommodations, I will not be allowed to continue in the program.

____________________________________ ____________________

Signature of Applicant Date


The Health Care Provider performing your physical examination must sign this form. This form is in addition to the Athletic Training Physical Form. This information will be kept in your student portfolio located in the Program Director’s office.

TO BE COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN: The below-named student is enrolled in the Athletic

Training Program at the University of Mobile. Athletic training students must meet technical

standards established by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education

(CAATE) in order to be accepted into the program. In addition to a physical examination, a

Health Care Provider (RN, MD, DO) must attest to the following statement:

________________________________ has the mental capacity to assimilate, analyze,

synthesize, integrate concepts and problem solve to formulate assessment and therapeutic

judgments and to be able to distinguish deviations from the norm; and have sufficient

postural and neuromuscular control, sensory function, and coordination to perform

appropriate physical examinations using accepted techniques; accurately, safely and

efficiently use equipment and materials during the assessment and treatment of patients.

Physician’s Name (printed): _____________________________________

Street Address __________________ City_________ State________ Zip Code ___________

Email ______________________________________ Phone (________) __________________

Physician’s Signature ________________________________

Policy Regarding Athletic Training Students

with Communicable Diseases

The University of Mobile Athletic Training Program recognizes the importance of

minimizing the exposure of athletes or patients in a clinical setting to communicable diseases.

Therefore, athletic training students are instructed not to report to their clinical site if they have

active signs or symptoms of a communicable disease. They are further instructed to notify the

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Preceptor of their status and an estimate of how long they will need to be absent from their

clinical assignment. It is the option of the athletic training student whether or not to seek medical

attention when they have communicable disease symptoms, but seeking such attention is

strongly recommended. In the event that a Preceptor feels that an athletic training student

assigned to his/her site is missing an inordinate amount of time due to adherence to the

communicable disease policy, he/she should contact the UMobile ATP Program Director.

Communicable Diseases cited by the CDC:

Blood borne pathogens




Gastrointestinal infections, acute

Hepatitis A

Herpes simplex


Meningococcal disease







Scabies and pediculosis

Staphylococcus aureus infection

Streptococcus infection


Other Communicable Diseases



Common Cold


Infectious waste materials are those materials that may transmit infectious diseases from one

person to another. Infectious waste materials are any materials that have been exposed to bodily

fluids and secretions (i.e. blood, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, mucus, semen, vaginal secretions,

and any other bodily fluids). Because diseases such as AIDS, HIV, and Hepatitis B are so

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contagious and life threatening, extreme caution must be taken when handling any infectious

material and when disposing of these materials. All situations involving infectious materials or

bodily fluids must be taken seriously and treated in a safe manner. Therefore, one’s only

protection from these viruses is using precaution when handling infectious materials.

Following are rules and guidelines for the athletic training room and clinical sites that must be

followed when handling and disposing infectious materials. If you do not understand or have

questions regarding these guidelines, consult your preceptor/athletic trainer immediately. As

knowledge increases in the field of athletic training, procedures may change. Therefore, it is

important that each athletic training student check these guidelines regularly as changes may



1. All athletic training students must receive the Hepatitis B vaccination or sign a waiver

before they can handle infectious waste.

2. All athletic training students must have attended the in-service on infectious waste

materials and have a current copy of the infectious waste material guidelines outlined

in the Policies and Procedure Manual.

3. All students must have a current CPR/AED card before beginning clinicals.

4. All injuries that involve bodily fluids must be taken seriously, and treated in a manner

that protects the athlete and the athletic training student from the transmission of an

infectious disease.

5. Everyone must wear latex gloves when treating, managing, or handling injuries that

involve bodily fluids.

6. Always use extreme caution when treating any type of skin disorders, even if the

disorder is not secreting bodily fluids.

7. Everyone will wash their hands in warm water with soap after treating, managing, or

handling injuries that involve bodily fluids.

8. After every injury that involves bodily fluids has been adequately treated, the entire

area should be disinfected. This includes tables, chairs, or any other area the athlete

may have come in contact with.

9. Always clean tables, equipment, and workstations at the end of each day to

disinfectant any area that may have gone untreated earlier in the day.

10. All students will use extreme caution when treating, managing, or handling infectious

waste wounds in order to prevent splashing of bodily fluids. Eye protection is

suggested when handling these types of injuries.

11. All students will be issued face shields for CPR/rescue breathing, and will be

expected to carry the masks at all times during practices and competitions.

12. Any material that has been exposed to bodily fluids must be disposed of in the correct


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13. All materials that have come in contact with bodily fluids that do not have any sharp

edges will go in the red trashcan labeled “Biohazard”. DO NOT throw any material

in regular trashcans that has been exposed to bodily fluids.

14. All those materials that have been exposed to bodily fluids that have sharp edges will

go in the red container labeled “Sharps Biohazard”.

15. When biohazard containers become full notify the preceptor/athletic trainer for proper

disposal of these materials. These materials are picked up by trained personnel so

that they can be disposed of without endangering anyone.

16. All laundry that has been exposed to bodily fluids must be treated with extreme

caution. Always wear latex gloves when handling this laundry, and see to it that these

pieces of laundry are washed immediately.

17. All students must report and/or document any treatment of injuries that involve bodily

fluids every time they are treated to the Preceptor.

18. All students should report any exposure to bodily fluids to their supervising Preceptor

as soon as they occur. The athletic training student must fill out a report of exposure

to human blood or other potentially infectious materials. This report should be given

to and reviewed by the Preceptor and the Program Director. The student will be

referred to the school nurse. This is for the protection of the athletic training student

and the athlete involved. All costs incurred relative to exposure incidents, initial,

and follow-up, are the responsibility of the individual student.

19. Any exposure to such materials warrants immediate cleansing with warm water and

soap. If in the eyes, flood the eyes with warm water. If in the mouth, rinse with

warm water or some type of mouthwash.

20. The Preceptor or clinical coordinator should be consulted for any problems or

misunderstandings regarding these guidelines. Ask questions before handling a

situation in an incorrect manner.

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University of Mobile Athletic Training Program

Report of Exposure to Human Blood or

Other Potentially Infectious Materials

1. Wash the exposed area thoroughly. Use soap for skin; use only water if eyes, nose, or


2. Notify your Preceptor of this exposure.

3. Please complete this section. If you have any questions, please ask your supervisor.

Name:__________________________________ Date of Report:________________

Home Address:_________________________Home Phone:____________________

City:________________ State:____ Zip:_______School Phone:__________________

On ________(date) at _______AM/PM, at ______________________(location),

I received an exposure to: [ ] blood [ ] other potentially infectious body fluid (specify , if


This material came into contact with my:

[ ] right/left/both eye(s) [ ] nose [ ] mouth [ ] cut/scratched/

damaged/punctured skin

This exposure occurred while I______________________________________________



I was wearing: [ ] gloves [ ] protective clothing [ ] face protection

[ ] protective eyewear

Immediately after I received the exposure, I:

[ ] washed the exposed area thoroughly [ ] reported the exposure to

my supervisor

I [ ] have [ ] have not been vaccinated against the hepatitis B virus.

I [ ] can [ ] cannot identify the individual to whose blood or body fluid I was exposed:



4. When you are finished, sign and date this section and give this report to your preceptor.

5. Promptly report to the school nurse on campus.

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Signature:________________________________ Date:_________________

Zeigler, T. (1997). Management of Bloodborne Infections in Sport. Human Kinetics. Champaign, IL.

Assessment of ATP Students

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Master Assessment Plan (MAP)

All of the instruments in the Master Assessment Plan are designed to provide feedback to the

Program Director, Clinical Coordinator, ATP faculty and adjuncts, ATP Medical Director and ATP

students as to whether or not the ATP is accomplishing its objectives. More importantly, the data gathered

is utilized to assess the effectiveness of the program and decide what, if any, changes need to be made or

issues addressed to make the ATP stronger, more efficient, and able to provide a superior athletic training

program. The instruments included in the MAP are the Affiliated Clinical Experience Site Evaluations,

Learning Styles Evaluation, Bloodborne Pathogens Training Evaluation, Clinical Preceptor Evaluations of

ATS, Athletic Training Student’s Evaluation of Clinical Preceptors, Annual MAP Exam, ATP Program

Evaluations, and Clinical Proficiency evaluations, as well as results from didactic courses and evaluations

of didactic faculty.

The UMobile ATP Master Assessment Plan strives to evaluate clinical and didactic education both

from the instruction viewpoint to the ATS performance viewpoint, clinical sites to assure the proper

learning in a clinical experience environment, and Preceptors in terms of teaching style and adherence to

the Program’s cumulative learning over time philosophy. The UMobile ATP MAP evaluates ATS

knowledge base in terms of athletic training competencies and skill base in terms of clinical proficiency

mastery over time. Employer survey, alumni surveys and BOC exam performance are also evaluated as

tools to be used to improve the Program. Some evaluations are validating in that they indicate that

current methods being utilized are successful while other evaluations lead us to areas that can be

improved to better prepare the athletic training student not only for success on the BOC exam, but also for

success in the profession of athletic training.

The UMobile ATP MAP philosophy is that no single evaluation is sufficient to indicate anything.

The frequency and use of multiple evaluations are an attempt to cover every aspect of the Program. The

MAP seeks trends that tend to indicate issues that need to be addressed in order for the Program to

function properly for the benefit of the athletic training students.


Another aspect of the learning process is self-evaluation. This self-evaluation component allows

the student to not only learn a skill or concept, but also requires the student to utilize critical thinking

skills regarding the when and how of application. Where applicable, didactic classes have a laboratory

and an oral practical component. These laboratory assessments require the athletic training student to not

only be able to demonstrate skills, but also be able to “Think in Action” by explaining the how, when and

why of application of the skill. The University of Mobile encourages athletic training students to take an

active role in their learning process and practice amongst themselves to improve their skills.

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Clinical Experiences

Clinical experience evaluations are the heart of the evaluation system. In this setting, the ATS is

able to work closely with the Preceptor and practice and ultimately apply, under direct supervision of the

Preceptor, the skills and competencies which the ATS has learned didactically. The clinical experience

aspect of the program is designed to stress those skills and competencies which the athletic training

student has previously learned in class or is learning in class the same semester. The Preceptor evaluations

during the clinical experiences are extremely important because they are the dynamic of the profession. It

is the University of Mobile’s goal that students will look to the Preceptor as a means to fine tune the skills

they have already learned and been tested on in the clinical courses. We realize that many Preceptors are

bombarded by the many tasks of their jobs and hope that they feel their primary goal is to assist and not

teach these vital skills. Retest is one aspect that the Preceptor is in control of and can be done in the form

of controlled evaluations. Retest is a method that aims at long-term learning rather than short-term

accomplishments keeping the information fresh in their minds as sometimes students place information

into their heads for the sole intent of passing a test. Each clinical, although designed to be intensive for

one particular area of study may indeed add more insight into other aspects of the student’s learning

process which keeps the students sharp on skills that may or may not be utilized on a regular basis for

every clinical rotation.


Assessment, in line with the UMobile ATP Master Assessment Plan comes in several forms, both

formative and summative, by way of mastery forms, tests within the classroom, oral and practical exams

each semester, and finally the comprehensive MAP Exam given each Spring semester. This method is

most helpful to the instructors of the program as it is an opportunity to evaluate teaching styles and the

students’ learning and test taking styles in order to better assist the student. This test covers the level the

student has just completed and all other levels prior to that year. It allows the athletic training student to

identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and understand how far they must reach to achieve their goal

of being a BOC Certified Athletic Trainer. The University of Mobile ATP also encourages students to

attend the SEATA conference in Atlanta, Georgia, to gauge their knowledge base.

Comprehensive Examinations: Level I and II (Sophomore and Junior) ATP students are required to take

an annual MOCK BOC Exam during the Spring Semester based on the ATP didactic and clinical courses

they have completed or are concurrently enrolled. There will be NO Make-Up Exams unless due to

exceptional circumstances which will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Chair of Human

Performance and Exercise Science. There will be a two hour limit for the 150 question examination.

Questions will be based on materials from lectures, text, and other supplemental materials used in the

completed courses. If a student fails to meet the stated level criteria (60% for Level I and 70% for Level

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II), they will be allowed to retake the exam one time only in order to demonstrate attainment of the

threshold score. As stated, the threshold pass rates for these exams are as follows:

Level I (Sophomore) 60% Program Level 1

Level II (Junior) 70% Program Level 2

If a student fails to attain the threshold score on the MOCK BOC Exam for his/her level on either the first

or second attempt, they will be unable to register for ATP didactic or clinical courses during the following

Fall Semester and will need to reapply to the Program for reconsideration or retake those courses for

which the MOCK BOC Exam for their level showed deficiency.

The final portion of the Master Assessment Plan is met during the last year of an ATP students

matriculation whereby he/she must show documented evidence of the attainment of scores of 70% or

greater on the BOC Self-Assessment Examinations during the Senior Capstone Course (HPE 422).

Failure to achieve this threshold during the pendency of that course will result in the student receiving a

grade of “I” (Incomplete) in HPE 422 which is a requirement for graduation in the Athletic Training

major. As with any incomplete at the University of Mobile, the student will have one semester to show

documentation that he/she has in fact met the threshold on the BOC Self-Assessment Exams to remove

the grade of “I” and get credit for the course. If this is not accomplished within the one semester, the “I”

will become a permanent grade of “F” and the course will have to be repeated to fulfill graduation

requirement in the Athletic Training major.

Competencies/Proficiencies Students will be allowed to utilize skills and knowledge in their Athletic Training clinical

experience under direct supervision of the Preceptor once these skills have been taught and

assessed on that particular skill. These techniques are associated with competencies and

proficiencies which will be taught and demonstrated in didactic classes and evaluated either

through didactic courses or in Clinical Experience courses. If you are asked to perform a skill

that you have not been taught in the classroom or assessed, please decline and inform the

Preceptor that you have not learned that particular technique.

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Preceptor Guidelines

Preceptors must uphold the mission of the Athletic Training Program of the University of

Mobile. When UM athletic training students are assigned to a clinical site and a Preceptor, it is

essential that all personnel understand that the athletic training student is in the clinical education

setting to enhance his/her education, not simply to provide a service to athletes, patients,

coaches, or Preceptors. The following are guidelines and definitions provided to insure that all

parties understand their responsibilities during the clinical education period.

Direct Supervision- the constant visual and auditory interaction between the athletic

training student and the clinical instructor allowing the clinical instructor to intervene in

any situation for the protection of the athlete, the athletic training student, or to facilitate a

teachable moment.

Preceptors must agree to the following to serve in these capacities with the University of Mobile

Athletic Training Program:

1. Accept all Athletic Training Students assigned to his/her site without discrimination.

2. Assign responsibilities to the ATS that are clearly delineated by their particular

clinical experience course outline.

3. Provide directly supervised opportunities for the ATS to participate in the

rehabilitation programs of athletes or patients following injury and/or surgical


4. Provide directly supervised opportunities for ATS to evaluate injuries and conditions

sustained by athletes and patients.

5. Provide directly supervised opportunities for the ATS to document injuries and to

interact with physicians responsible for athlete/patient care.

6. Preceptors will review and critique the ATS proficiencies designated to his/her

academic level and clinical education course.

7. Allow ATS to become critical thinkers.

8. Assist each ATS in setting and obtaining personal goals throughout the semester.

9. Directly supervise each ATS in the context of direct patient care.

10. Remember at all times that this clinical education experience is a part of the total

athletic training program at the University of Mobile.

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Site Preceptor Cell Phone Email

University of Mobile Jacob Lewis, ATC 601-517-5011 [email protected]

Heather Nosky, ATC 281-923-6424 [email protected]


UM PT/ Encore PT Kristen Rather, ATC, PT 251-586-2700 [email protected]

UM Strength & Cond Coach Taylor Ledbetter 251-599-0107 [email protected]

Alabama Orthopedic Clinics Joy Crouse- Admin

Cottage Hill Joy Crouse- ATC 251-209-8043 [email protected]

Blount High John Gillespie, ATC 251-454-5029 [email protected]

Mary G. Montgomery High Alex White, ATC 731-267-8506 [email protected]

BC Rain High Kyle McDowell, ATC 251-504-0110 [email protected]

Satsuma High Patrick Friel, ATC 812-528-2507 [email protected]

Daphne High Brian Metz, ATC 251-802-4006 [email protected]

University of South Alabama Jinni Frisbey- Admin

Megan Harper, ATC- WBKB 251-643-3741 [email protected]

Caleb Forehand, ATC- SB 850-826-0918 [email protected]

Chris McDonald, ATC- BSB 904-536-4064 [email protected]

Karla Beasley, ATC- WTK 334-830-0361 [email protected]

Matt Brown, ATC- MBKB [email protected]

Josh Logan, ATC- Track 251-423-2408 [email protected]

Chad Stephano, ATC- FB 478-320-3584 [email protected]

GA- Zach Romig [email protected]

GA- Jack Mixner [email protected]

Encore Physical Therpay

Paige Plash- owner/

Stacy Harrelson- Admin 251-656-0948 [email protected]

UMS- Wright

McGill Toolen Gary Zakutney, ATC [email protected]

Murphy High James Hamm, ATC 251-455-4194 [email protected]

Baker High Jennifer Byrd, ATC 205-908-8356 [email protected]

Spanish Fort High Robert Milam, ATC 504-232-1286 [email protected]

Citronelle High DeShena Thomas, ATC 251-643-9801 [email protected]

Saraland Physical Therapy Brian Risser- Admin/ PT 251-689-6387 [email protected]

Saraland High Keven Carnall, ATC 251-272-6305 [email protected]

Brittany Banks, ATC 205-394-2726 [email protected]

Fleming Sport and Rehab Bob Fleming- Admin 251-380-1111 [email protected]

St Pauls High Chandler McCulloch, ATC 334-804-1436 [email protected]

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Mobile Infirmary

ProHealth Romie Asher 251-435-4785 [email protected]

North Baldwin Fitness Pauline Martin- Director 251-435-4782

Marisa Willimas, ATC 251-937-9099 [email protected]

Mobile Surgery Center Julie Saucier- admin

Keeli Lyles- contact [email protected]

The Orthopaedic Group PC

Jimmy Fisher, ATC [email protected]

Haley Kirby, ATC [email protected]

Darla Mathews, ATC [email protected]

Dr. Matt Busbee MD

Dr. Albert Haas

Allison Blythe, PT

Gulf Coast Occupational

Sports and Pain Medicine Dr. Ron Lee- Owner/Admin 251-223-3767

Personal Edge Fitness Garrett Williams- Owner 251-341-0927 [email protected]

Results Physiotherapy Matt Broussard- Coordinator [email protected]

Jamal Randall

Bay Minette PT

Baldwin County High Kerry Clewell [email protected]

Baldwin Bone and Joint

Andy Harcourt [email protected]

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STUDENT: _____________________________________ YEAR: ____________

CLINICAL (circle): HPE225 HPE325 HPE425

HPE226 HPE326 HPE426


CLINICAL SITE (location): _____________________________________________________

PRECEPTOR (name): _____________________________________________________



Verification by Preceptor: ________________________________ Date: ________________

Audit by Clinical Coordinator: _______________________________ Date: ________________

Action Required / Comments:









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ATP Clinical Hours Form

STUDENT: ____________________________________ YEAR: _______________

CLINICAL (circle): HPE225 HPE325 HPE425

HPE226 HPE326 HPE426


CLINICAL SITE (location) : ____________________________________________________

PRECEPTOR (name): ____________________________________________________


How hours equate to a clinical grade

200-180 hours= 90 A

180-160 hours= 80 B

160 or below- repeat clinical course

(Applied Experience) –

**Clinical experiences will not stop when you have accrued your 200 hours.

**You must continue to attend your clinical site until the last day of reporting has been



Days Time in/ Out Type of Exposure





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TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday










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University of Mobile

Athletic Training Program

Student Evaluation by Preceptor – PART A

YEAR: ________





Place an “X” where appropriate.


O HPE226 O HPE326 O HPE426




PRECEPTOR: _________________________________________________________________________


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Directions for completing this form: The Preceptor will please respond to the following items

regarding the Athletic Training Student’s (ATS’s) performance during the clinical experience

utilizing the Likert Scale as follows: Place an “X” where appropriate.

4 = Outstanding- Demonstrates skills above expectations for this level 3= Good- Meets expectations for this level 2= Average- Skill mastery and performance average for this level 1= Unacceptable - Skill and performance level is below average for this level and may

show serious deficiencies

I. Performance Evaluation: Place an “X” where appropriate.

1). Student is on time and remains until assignments are complete.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

2). Student dresses appropriately for clinical experience.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

3). Student follows directions and does not exceed instructions.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

4). Student completes tasks as assigned.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

5). Student demonstrates an initiative to learn.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

6). Student has learned and follows clinical site policies and procedures.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

7). Student demonstrates knowledge of use and respect of clinical site supplies and equipment.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

8). Student demonstrates effective communication skills.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

9). Student demonstrates a positive professional attitude in the clinical setting.

O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1

II. Narrative Section:

10). Identify the student’s strengths. (Required)

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11). Recommendation for improvement of the student. (Required)

III. Evaluation Summary: Place an “X” where appropriate.

12). Has this student made satisfactory progress and improved skills during this clinical experience.


13). Has this pre-professional student met clinical experience site expectations.


14). Has this pre-professional student demonstrated competence at his/her respective level.


All letter grades for clinical experiences for University of Mobile Athletic Training Program courses are assigned by University of Mobile faculty.

The total # of points allowed for this evaluation will be tallied using the Likert scale above and the evaluation will account for 25% of the total clinical grade. Subjective comments will also be included in the students overall grade.

However, if you were asked what letter grade would accurately depict this student’s performance during this clinical experience, what grade would be appropriate in your opinion? ______________

____________________________________________ ___________________ STUDENT Date

____________________________________________ ___________________ PRECEPTOR Date

________________________________ ___________ ___________________ COORDINATOR OF CLINICAL EDUCATION Date

• This is only a useful evaluation tool if it is discussed in detail with the

student regarding their strengths and weaknesses. Several problems can be

alleviated by just sitting down with the student after midterm evaluations and

reviewing this form.

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47 Total points

Total Points Per Section

36 points- Questions 1-9

6 points- Questions 10 & 11

3 Questions 12 & 14

45- 40.5 total points= A

40.5- 36 total points= B

36- 31.5 total points =C University of Mobile

Athletic Training Program Athletic Training Student Evaluation of Clinical Site/Preceptor Experience

Date: _________________

Athletic Training Student: ___________________________________

Clinical Experience Course: HPES ____________________________

Clinical Experience Site: ____________________________________

Preceptor: _______________________________________________

Please respond to the following statements regarding your clinical experience using the Likert Scale as follows:

5 Always 4 Almost Always 3 Often 2 Occasionally 1 Seldom

1. The clinical experience provided me with a positive learning experience: 5 4 3 2 1

2. The supplies and equipment at the clinical site were sufficient to provide me the opportunity to practice athletic training skills:

5 4 3 2 1

3. The experiences I had during my clinical experience course reinforced knowledge and skills learned in the classroom at the University of Mobile:

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5 4 3 2 1

4. The emergency plan, protocols and procedures at my clinical experience site were explained to me adequately during my initial orientation period:

5 4 3 2 1

5. There was adequate exposure to various athletic activities at this site including high risk sports:

5 4 3 2 1

Narrative Questions

1. The strengths of this clinical experience site are:

2. The weaknesses of this clinical experience site are:

The University of Mobile Athletic Training Education Program should continue to use this site for clinical experiences

Yes No

Evaluation of The Preceptor:

1. The Preceptor is a positive role model for athletic training students: 5 4 3 2 1

2. The Preceptor cares about athletic training student learning in the clinical setting: 5 4 3 2 1

3. The Preceptor communicates effectively with the athletic training student: 5 4 3 2 1

4. The Preceptor challenges the athletic training student to improve his/her skills: 5 4 3 2 1

5. The Preceptor respects athletic training students: 5 4 3 2 1

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__________________________________________ ___________________ Athletic Training Student Date

__________________________________________ ____________________ Program Director / Coordinator of Clinical Education Date

Requirements for Successful Completion

of the Athletic Training Program

Requirements for successful completion of the University of Mobile Athletic Training Program

follows these three paths, namely:

1. Satisfaction of University of Mobile requirements for graduation

2. Fulfilling the requirements for admission to and retention in the Athletic Training Program

3. Documented mastery of the athletic training competencies and clinical proficiencies

4. Successful completion of all 3 Gateways of the Athletic Training Program.

The University of Mobile’s general requirements for graduation are listed in the latest version of

the University Catalog. You should read these carefully and discuss your progress with your

faculty advisor on a regular basis.

Requirements for admission to and retention in the Athletic Training Major are listed on the ATP

webpage in the Athletic Training Program Policies and Procedures Manual You should read

these carefully and discuss them with your faculty advisor on a regular basis to assure that you

are staying on track.

Beyond the factors listed above, success for the Athletic Training Student should involve “giving

back” to the Program by leading study groups, taking an active part in the Athletic Training

Student Society, getting involved in special events, and mentoring lower level students.


I have read this document entitled “Requirements for Successful Completion of the Athletic

Training Program and I understand what is contained therein.

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_______________________________ ___________

Athletic Training Student Signature Date

UMobile ATP

Athletic Training Student Commitment to Excellence

The Athletic Training Program at the University of Mobile is committed to providing athletic

training students with the best educational experience possible. An important component of that

learning experience includes the clinical education experiences in which athletic training

students are involved. Each athletic training student enrolled in the Program plays an integral

role in determining his/her own success. To assure that Learning Over Time makes the

transition from the classroom to the clinical situation, each athletic training student must accept

his/her own role in the clinical education component of the Athletic Training Program. UMobile

ATP wants the clinical education component to be an optimal learning experience. In order to

accomplish this, the Program believes that each of the following must occur.

1. Insist on a thorough orientation of policies and procedures for the site on your first day

at the clinical site.

2. Advise Preceptor of clinical expectations and paperwork (evaluations) and timetables. 3. Determine with Preceptor what your clinical hours are. Always be on time. 4. Attend all classroom components of the clinical. 5. Limit yourself to practicing skills you have previously been taught in the classroom. 6. Always dress appropriately for the clinical experience. 7. Conduct yourself as a professional at all times. 8. Observe the Sight and Sound Policy restrictions. 9. Be sure that any clinical proficiency masteries are properly documented. 10. Do not exceed your authority or skill proficiency level. 11. Ask questions at appropriate times. 12. If in doubt, refer to the UMobile ATP Policies & Procedures Manual or contact

UMobile ATP faculty.

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I ________________________________, acknowledge my support of the UMobile ATP Clinical

Policies and Procedures and the Athletic Training Student Commitment to Excellence and agree

to do everything that I can to assure that each of the aforementioned items is adhered to when I

am assigned to a clinical experience.

______________________________ ______________________

ATS Date

OSHA Requirements

Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following shall apply:

Blood means human blood, human blood components, and products made from human blood.

Bloodborne Pathogens means pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood

and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B

virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Clinical Laboratory means a workplace where diagnostic or other screening procedures are

performed on blood or other potentially infectious materials.

Contaminated means the presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other

potentially infectious materials on an item or surface.

Contaminated Laundry means laundry which has been soiled with blood or other potentially

infectious materials or may contain sharps.

Contaminated Sharps means any contaminated object that can penetrate the skin including,

but not limited to, needles, scalpels, broken glass, broken capillary tubes, and exposed ends of

dental wires.

Decontamination means the use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate, or

destroy bloodborne pathogens on a surface or item to the point where they are no longer

capable of transmitting infectious particles and the surface or item is rendered safe for handling,

use, or disposal.

Engineering Controls means controls (e.g., sharps disposal containers, self-sheathing needles,

safer medical devices, such as sharps with engineered sharps injury protections and needle less

systems) that isolate or remove the bloodborne pathogens hazard from the workplace.

Exposure Incident means a specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or

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parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the

performance of an employee's duties.

Handwashing Facilities means a facility providing an adequate supply of running potable

water, soap and single use towels or hot air drying machines.

Licensed Healthcare Professional is a person whose legally permitted scope of practice allows

him or her to independently perform the activities required by paragraph (f) Hepatitis B

Vaccination and Post-exposure Evaluation and Follow-up.

HBV means hepatitis B virus.

HIV means human immunodeficiency virus.

Occupational Exposure means reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or

parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the

performance of an employee's duties.

Other Potentially Infectious Materials means (1) The following human body fluids: semen,

vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal

fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid that is visibly contaminated with

blood, and all body fluids in situations where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between

body fluids; (2) Any unfixed tissue or organ (other than intact skin) from a human (living or

dead); and (3) HIV-containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures, and HIV- or HBV-containing

culture medium or other solutions; and blood, organs, or other tissues from experimental

animals infected with HIV or HBV.

Parenteral means piercing mucous membranes or the skin barrier through such events as

needlesticks, human bites, cuts, and abrasions.

Personal Protective Equipment is specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for

protection against a hazard. General work clothes (e.g., uniforms, pants, shirts or blouses) not

intended to function as protection against a hazard are not considered to be personal protective


Regulated Waste means liquid or semi-liquid blood or other potentially infectious materials;

contaminated items that would release blood or other potentially infectious materials in a liquid

or semi-liquid state if compressed; items that are caked with dried blood or other potentially

infectious materials and are capable of releasing these materials during handling; contaminated

sharps; and pathological and microbiological wastes containing blood or other potentially

infectious materials.

Source Individual means any individual, living or dead, whose blood or other potentially

infectious materials may be a source of occupational exposure to the employee. Examples

include, but are not limited to, hospital and clinic patients; clients in institutions for the

developmentally disabled; trauma victims; clients of drug and alcohol treatment facilities;

residents of hospices and nursing homes; human remains; and individuals who donate or sell

blood or blood components.

Sterilize means the use of a physical or chemical procedure to destroy all microbial life including

highly resistant bacterial endospores.

Universal Precautions is an approach to infection control. According to the concept of

Universal Precautions, all human blood and certain human body fluids are treated as if known to

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be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens.

Work Practice Controls means controls that reduce the likelihood of exposure by altering the

manner in which a task is performed (e.g., prohibiting recapping of needles by a two-handed


University of Mobile Athletic Training Program

Report of Exposure to Human Blood or

Other Potentially Infectious Materials

1. Wash the exposed area thoroughly. Use soap for skin; use only water if eyes, nose, or


2. Notify your Preceptor of this exposure.

3. Please complete this section. If you have any questions, please ask your supervisor.

Name:__________________________________ Date of Report:________________

Home Address:_________________________Home Phone:____________________

City:________________ State:____ Zip:_______School Phone:__________________

On ________(date) at _______AM/PM, at ______________________(location),

I received an exposure to: [ ] blood [ ] other potentially infectious body fluid (specify , if


This material came into contact with my:

[ ] right/left/both eye(s) [ ] nose [ ] mouth [ ] cut/scratched/

damaged/punctured skin

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This exposure occurred while I______________________________________________



I was wearing: [ ] gloves [ ] protective clothing [ ] face protection

[ ] protective eyewear

Immediately after I received the exposure, I:

[ ] washed the exposed area thoroughly [ ] reported the exposure to

my supervisor

I [ ] have [ ] have not been vaccinated against the hepatitis B virus.

I [ ] can [ ] cannot identify the individual to whose blood or body fluid I was exposed:



4. When you are finished, sign and date this section and give this report to your preceptor.

5. Promptly report to the school nurse on campus.

Signature:________________________________ Date:_________________

Zeigler, T. (1997). Management of Bloodborne Infections in Sport. Human Kinetics. Champaign, IL.

NATA Statement on HIPAA

Another dimension of risk management is covered under the Health Insurance Portability

and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA will affect the way that athletic trainers communicate

and handle medical records/information of our patient population. HIPAA is administered by the

US Health and Human Services Department and can be broken down into three rules. First, the

Transaction Rule is intended to standardize procedure codes and electronic billing format. The

Security Rule is designed to secure personally identifiable healthcare information being

transmitted electronically. The third rule is the Privacy Rule. This rule will have the greatest

impact on how athletic trainers communicate and share medical information of patients (NATA,


There are seven main categories that pertain to HIPAA that will have the greatest

potential on BOC Certified Athletic Trainers. First, the consent for treatment category requires

that direct health care providers make a "good faith effort" to obtain a written acknowledgement

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of receipt of the provider's Notice of Privacy Practices. Secondly, the authorization to release

information requires an authorization for non-routine uses and disclosures of personal health

information. The minimum necessary rule limits the use or disclosure of personal health

information to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose. The incidental uses

and disclosures category permits certain incidental uses and disclosures that occur as a byproduct

of a use or disclosure otherwise permitted by the Privacy Rule. The parents and minors category

provides parents with new rights to control the health information about a minor child. However,

athletic trainers should be familiar with state laws concerning minors. The uses and disclosures

for research category allows authorizations for research to be combined with an informed

consent to participate in research studies. Finally, the last category is the business associate

agreement which requires a contract with the business associate containing specific safeguards

about disclosure of personal health information (NATA, 2003). Thus, with the development of

HIPAA, the Department of Health and Human Services is impacting the way that athletic

training is practiced.

National Provider Number (NPI)

What is an NPI?

An NPI is a unique 10-digit identification number used in standard health care transactions. It is issued to

health care professionals and covered entities that transmit standard HIPAA electronic transactions (e.g.,

electronic claims and claim status inquiries). The NPI fulfills a requirement of the Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). It also replaces all provider identifier numbers

assigned by payers and is used by health care professionals. Covered entities under HIPPA are required by

regulation to use NPIs to identify health care providers in HIPPA standard transactions.

Why should I get an NPI?

NATA strongly encourages all athletic trainers to get for their NPI. Having an NPI improves recognition

of athletic trainers as health care professionals across all settings.

“An NPI number is a professional requirement that adds credibility to the individual and the profession,"

said Amy Callender, NATA Government Affairs Director. "NATA encourages all members to obtain their

NPI number, which will stay with them for the rest of their career, no matter their job setting or


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• Be a leader; only about 35% of the athletic training profession have their NPI.

• You only have to register once. This will be your NPI throughout your entire career.

• It is a requirement to serve on any NATA committee.

• It is mandated by many employers.

• State practice boards and electronic medical records may require it.

• There is power in numbers; NPIs can impact:

o Reimbursement efforts

o Sports Safety Legislation

o Lobbying efforts

o Recognition by CMS

For Students

As an athletic training student, you may or may not be familiar with the National Provider Identifier

(NPI). As a student of health care, and on your way to becoming a health care professional, you should

not only know what an NPI is, but should also have one. Approximately 750 athletic training students

have their NPI. Change the culture and be a leader, apply for yours today.

How to apply

Applying for your NPI is quick, easy and free. Visit the CMS National Plan & Provider Enumeration

System to complete your application today. Follow our Step-by-Step NPI Application Instructions (pdf) to

apply today.


Taxonomy codes categorize the type, classification, and/or specialization of health care providers.

• Taxonomy code for an athletic trainer is 2255A2300X - SPECIALIST/TECHNOLOGIST -


• As a student, you will enter 2 Taxonomy Codes to indicate you are a student of athletic training.

o 390200000X Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program


o Upon graduation and the receipt your certification (and state license if available), simply

log into your NPPES account and remove the 390200000X – Student taxonomy code and

set your primary taxonomy code as 2255A2300X - SPECIALIST/TECHNOLOGIST -


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Once you have applied you can update your NATA member profile with your NPI number.

Athletic Training Student Confidentiality Statement

1. The athletic training student demonstrates behavior that reflects integrity, supports

objectivity, and foster trust in professional activities.

2. The athletic training student respects the dignity of each human being.

3. The athletic training student strives to improve personal competence and quality of


4. The athletic training student represents truthfully and accurately professional credentials,

education, and experience.

5. The athletic training student refuses to participate in illegal or unethical acts and also

refuses to conceal the illegal, incompetent, or unethical acts of others.

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6. The athletic training student protects the confidentiality of primary and secondary health

records as mandated by law, profession standards, and the employer’s policies.

7. The athletic training student promotes to others the tenets of confidentiality.

8. The athletic training student adheres to pertinent laws and regulations.

As an athletic training student at the University of Mobile, I realize that I may come in contact

with medical information that should be respected as confidential and I hereby pledge to uphold

said confidentiality of medical information.

__________________________________ _____________________

Athletic Training Student Date

Univeristy of Mobile

Athletic Training Program Scholarship Application

This scholarship is a service grant. You must first submit a FAFSA to be considered for this

award. This award is on an annual basis and is renewable by request each year. Students will be

required to participate in ATSS, recruiting activities, fundraisers, community service

opportunities, and clinical classes. This grant can be revoked at any time if these guidelines are

not fulfilled to the satisfaction of the athletic training program.

Contact Information:



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UM ID #: ________________ Email Address:


Local Address:


Cell Phone: _______________________



Academic Information:

Cumulative GPA:_______________ Athletic Training


Certifications, Awards,




Please give a brief sketch of your athletic training experience and include why you

should receive this athletic training service scholarship.

Policies & Procedures Affirmation Form

By signing this form I, ___________________________, affirm that I have read and understood

the policies and procedures of the University of Mobile ATP and agree to abide by them. I also

understand that failure to abide by these standards warrants removal from the Program. This

manual is designed to be a formal guide to the student’s learning process while at the University

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of Mobile and therefore should be relied upon heavily as the student progresses through the

program. Please initial each section as a confirmation of your reading and understanding each


________________________________ ______________________

Name Date


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Appendix A



The National Athletic Trainers’ Association Code of Ethics states the principles of ethical behavior that should

be followed in the practice of athletic training. It is intended to establish and maintain high standards and

professionalism for the athletic training profession. The principles do not cover every situation encountered by

the practicing athletic trainer, but are representative of the spirit with which athletic trainers should make

decisions. The principles are written generally; the circumstances of a situation will determine the

interpretation and application of a given principle and of the Code as a whole. When a conflict exists between

the Code and the law, the law prevails.



1.1 Members shall render quality patient care regardless of the patient’s race, religion, age, sex, ethnic or

national origin, disability, health status, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

1.2. Member’s duty to the patient is the first concern, and therefore members are obligated to place the welfare

and long-term well-being of their patient above other groups and their own self-interest, to provide competent

care in all decisions, and advocate for the best medical interest and safety of their patient at all times as

delineated by professional statements and best practices.

1.3. Members shall preserve the confidentiality of privileged information and shall not release or otherwise

publish in any form, including social media, such information to a third party not involved in the patient’s care

without a release unless required by law.





2.1. Members shall comply with applicable local, state, federal laws, and any state athletic training practice


2.2. Members shall understand and uphold all NATA Standards and the Code of Ethics.

2.3. Members shall refrain from, and report illegal or unethical practices related to athletic training.

2.4. Members shall cooperate in ethics investigations by the NATA, state professional licensing/regulatory

boards, or other professional agencies governing the athletic training profession. Failure to fully cooperate in

an ethics investigation is an ethical violation.

2.5. Members must not file, or encourage others to file, a frivolous ethics complaint with any organization or

entity governing the athletic training profession such that the complaint is unfounded or willfully ignore facts

that would disprove the allegation(s) in the complaint.

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2.6. Members shall refrain from substance and alcohol abuse. For any member involved in an ethics

proceeding with NATA and who, as part of that proceeding is seeking rehabilitation for substance or alcohol

dependency, documentation of the completion of rehabilitation must be provided to the NATA Committee on

Professional Ethics as a requisite to complete a NATA membership reinstatement or suspension process.



3.1. Members shall not misrepresent, either directly or indirectly, their skills, training, professional credentials,

identity, or services.

3.2. Members shall provide only those services for which they are qualified through education or experience

and which are allowed by the applicable state athletic training practice acts and other applicable regulations for

athletic trainers.

3.3. Members shall provide services, make referrals, and seek compensation only for those services that are

necessary and are in the best interest of the patient as delineated by professional statements and best practices.

3.4. Members shall recognize the need for continuing education and participate in educational activities that

enhance their skills and knowledge and shall complete such educational requirements necessary to continue to

qualify as athletic trainers under the applicable state athletic training practice acts.

3.5. Members shall educate those whom they supervise in the practice of athletic training about the Code of

Ethics and stress the importance of adherence.

3.6. Members who are researchers or educators must maintain and promote ethical conduct in research and

educational activities.





4.1. Members should conduct themselves personally and professionally in a manner that does not compromise

their professional responsibilities or the practice of athletic training.

4.2. All NATA members, whether current or past, shall not use the NATA logo in the endorsement of products

or services, or exploit their affiliation with the NATA in a manner that reflects badly upon the profession.

4.3. Members shall not place financial gain above the patient’s welfare and shall not participate in any

arrangement that exploits the patient.

4.4. Members shall not, through direct or indirect means, use information obtained in the course of the practice

of athletic training to try and influence the score or outcome of an athletic event, or attempt to induce financial

gain through gambling.

4.5. Members shall not provide or publish false or misleading information, photography, or any other

communications in any media format, including on any social media platform, related to athletic training that

negatively reflects the profession, other members of the NATA, NATA officers, and the NATA office.

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Appendix B

Board of Certification Standards of Professional Practice


Introduction The BOC Standards of Professional Practice is reviewed by the Board of

Certification, Inc. (BOC) Standards Committee and recommendations are provided to the BOC

Board of Directors. The BOC Standards Committee is comprised of five Athletic Trainer

members and one Public member. The BOC Board of Directors approves the final document.

The BOC Board of Directors includes six Athletic Trainer Directors, one Physician Director, one

Public Director and one Corporate/Educational Director.

The BOC certifies Athletic Trainers (ATs) and provides exceptional credentialing

programs that support the protection of the public. An AT is a healthcare professional who

renders service or treatment, under the direction of or in collaboration with a physician, in

accordance with their education and training and the states’ statutes, rules and regulations. As a

part of the healthcare team, services provided by ATs comprise, but are not limited to, prevention

and education, emergent care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of

injuries and medical conditions.

The BOC is the only accredited certification program for ATs in the United States. Every

five years, the BOC must undergo review and re-accreditation by the National Commission for

Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The NCCA is the accreditation body of the Institute of

Credentialing Excellence.

The BOC Standards of Professional Practice consists of two sections:

I. Practice Standards

II. Code of Professional Responsibility

2 I. Practice Standards


The primary purpose of the Practice Standards is to establish essential duties and

obligations imposed by virtue of holding the ATC® credential. Compliance with the Practice

Standards is mandatory.

The BOC does not express an opinion on the competence or warrant job performance of

credential holders; however, every Athletic Trainer and applicant must agree to comply with the

Practice Standards at all times.

Standard 1: Direction

The Athletic Trainer renders service or treatment under the direction of, or in

collaboration with a physician, in accordance with their training and the state’s statutes, rules and


Standard 2: Prevention

The Athletic Trainer implements measures to prevent and/or mitigate injury, illness and

long term disability.

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Standard 3: Immediate Care

The Athletic Trainer provides care procedures used in acute and/or emergency situations,

independent of setting.

Standard 4: Examination, Assessment and Diagnosis

The Athletic Trainer utilizes patient history and appropriate physical examination

procedures to determine the patient’s impairments, diagnosis, level of function and disposition.

Standard 5: Therapeutic Intervention

The Athletic Trainer determines appropriate treatment, rehabilitation and/or

reconditioning strategies. Intervention program objectives include long and short-term goals and

an appraisal of those which the patient can realistically be expected to achieve from the program.

Appropriate patient-centered outcomes assessments are utilized to document efficacy of


Standard 6: Program Discontinuation

The Athletic Trainer may recommend discontinuation of the intervention program at such

time the patient has received optimal benefit of the program. A final assessment of the patients’

status is included in the discharge note.

Standard 7: Organization and Administration

The Athletic Trainer documents all procedures and services in accordance with local, state and

federal laws, rules and guidelines.

II. Code of Professional Responsibility


The Code of Professional Responsibility (Code) mandates that BOC credential holders and

applicants act in a professionally responsible manner in all athletic training services and

activities. The BOC requires all Athletic Trainers and applicants to comply with the Code. The

BOC may discipline, revoke or take other action with regard to the application or certification of

an individual that does not adhere to the Code. The Professional Practice and Discipline

Guidelines and Procedures may be accessed via the BOC website, www.bocatc.org.

Code 1: Patient Care Responsibilities

The Athletic Trainer or applicant:

1.1 Renders quality patient care regardless of the patient’s age, gender, race, religion, disability,

sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law

1.2 Protects the patient from undue harm and acts always in the patient’s best interests and is an

advocate for the patient’s welfare, including taking appropriate action to protect patients from

healthcare providers or athletic training students who are, impaired or engaged in illegal or

unethical practice

1.3 Demonstrates sound clinical judgment that is based upon current knowledge, evidence-based

guidelines, and the thoughtful and safe application of resources, treatments and therapies

1.4 Communicates effectively and truthfully with patients and other persons involved in the

patient’s program, while maintaining privacy and confidentiality of patient information in

accordance with applicable law

1.4.1 Demonstrates respect for cultural diversity and understanding of the impact of cultural and

religious values

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1.5 Develops and maintains a relationship of trust and confidence with the patient and/or the

parent/guardian of a minor patient and does not exploit the relationship for personal or financial


1.6 Does not engage in intimate or sexual activity with a patient and/or the parent/guardian of a

minor patient

1.7 Informs the patient and/or the parent/guardian of a minor patient of any risks involved in the

treatment plan

1.7.1 Does not make unsupported claims about the safety or efficacy of treatment BOC

Standards of Professional Practice 3

Code 2: Competency

The Athletic Trainer or applicant:

2.1 Engages in lifelong, professional and continuing educational activities to promote continued

competence 2.2 Complies with the most current BOC recertification policies and requirements

Code 3: Professional Responsibility

The Athletic Trainer or applicant:

3.1 Practices in accordance with the most current BOC Practice Standards

3.2 Practices in accordance with applicable local, state and/or federal rules, requirements,

regulations and/or laws related to the practice of athletic training

3.3 Practices in collaboration and cooperation with others involved in a patient’s care when

warranted; respecting the expertise and medico-legal responsibility of all parties

3.4 Provides athletic training services only when there is a reasonable expectation that an

individual will benefit from such services

3.5 Does not misrepresent in any manner, either directly or indirectly, their skills, training,

professional credentials, identity, or services or the skills, training, credentials, identity, or

services of athletic training

3.5.1 Provides only those services for which they are prepared and permitted to perform by

applicable local, state and/or federal rules, requirements, regulations and/or laws related to the

practice of athletic training

3.6 Does not guarantee the results of any athletic training service

3.7 Complies with all BOC exam eligibility requirements and ensures that any information

provided to the BOC in connection with any certification application is accurate and truthful

3.8 Does not possess, use, copy, access, distribute or discuss certification exams, score reports,

answer sheets, certificates, certificant or applicant files, documents or other materials without

proper authorization

3.9 Takes no action that leads, or may lead, to the conviction, plea of guilty or plea of nolo

contendere (no contest) to any felony or to a misdemeanor related to public health, patient care,

athletics or education; this includes, but is not limited to: rape; sexual abuse or misconduct;

actual or threatened use of violence; the prohibited sale or distribution of controlled substances,

or the possession with intent to distribute controlled substances; or improper influence of the

outcome or score of an athletic contest or event

3.10 Reports any suspected or known violation of applicable local, state and/or federal rules,

requirements, regulations and/or laws by him/herself and/or by another Athletic Trainer that is

related to the practice of athletic training

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3.11 Reports any criminal convictions (with the exception of misdemeanor traffic offenses or

traffic ordinance violations that do not involve the use of alcohol or drugs) and/or professional

suspension, discipline, or sanction received by him/herself or by another Athletic Trainer that is

related to athletic training

3.12 Cooperates with BOC investigations into alleged illegal or unethical activities. Cooperation

includes, but is not limited to, providing candid, honest, and timely responses to requests for


3.13 Complies with all confidentiality and disclosure requirements of the BOC and existing law

3.14 Does not endorse or advertise products or services with the use of, or by reference to, the

BOC name without proper authorization

Code 4: Research

The Athletic Trainer or applicant who engages in research:

4.1 Conducts research according to accepted ethical research and reporting standards established

by public law, institutional procedures and/or the health professions

4.2 Protects the human rights and well-being of research participants

4.3 Conducts research activities intended to improve knowledge, practice, education, outcomes,

and/or public policy relative to the organization and administration of health systems and/or

healthcare delivery

Code 5: Social Responsibility

The Athletic Trainer or applicant:

5.1 Strives to serve the profession and the community in a manner that benefits society at large

5.2 Advocates for appropriate health care to address societal health needs and goals

Code 6: Business Practices

The Athletic Trainer or applicant:

6.1 Does not participate in deceptive or fraudulent business practices

6.2 Maintains adequate and customary professional liability insurance

6.3 Acknowledges and mitigates conflicts of interest

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Appendix C

Emergency Action


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University of Mobile Athletic Emergency Action Plan

Purpose: 1. Provide immediate direct medical care during practices and games to any injured UM athlete and activate the emergency action plan if catastrophic incident occurs. 2. Assist with scene management during an emergency medical event including coordinating with EMS, fire, and police as appropriate. 3. Direction of EMS to scene. 4. Make return to play decisions for UM injured athletes based upon physician orders and/or current standards of practice. 5. Serve as a liaison between visiting certified athletic trainers and UM’s medical resources. 6. Serve as a medical care provider to visiting teams traveling without a certified athletic trainer including return to play decisions. 7. Make referral decision concerning injured athletes. 8. Communicate with other healthcare organizations providing direct care to the injured athlete. 9. There shall be at least 1 trained individual at all practices, competitive events, and conditioning skills sessions.

Procedures for Emergency Personnel: Certified Athletic Trainers and CPR Certified


** In the event that an ATC is not available on-site at a specific practice or event, the head coach

and/or designee shall perform the duties listed below:

Steps in an Emergency

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student athlete

Check responsiveness- TAP and Shout

Unresponsive and Breathing

Lay the victim on their left side- and monitor them until EMS arrives

Unresponsive and NOT breathing- treat as an emergency

Activate EMS

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** The athletic trainer or a member of the athletic department will activate EMS and notify UM

campus police.

a. Identify yourself and your role in the emergency

b. Specify your location and telephone number (if calling by phone)

c. Give name(s) of injured/ill athlete(s)

d. Give condition of injured/ill athlete(s)

e. Give time of accident

f. Give care being provided

g. Give specific directions to the scene of the emergency

h. Do not hang up until directed to do so by the EMS dispatcher

i. Notify Campus Security at 251- 510-4273

j. Have a designated person notify the athletic training staff immediately

Jake- 601-517-5011

** Campus police will need your exact location and what to do when the ambulance arrives

** Once both calls are made- hang up and assist with the emergency as needed.

** Game officials and UM assigned game managers will assist with crowd control.

Position on back, on a flat, firm surface

Chest compressions- Push hard and fast

a. Place the heel of your hand in center of the chest and the other hand on top with

fingers interlaced

b. Push down on the chest at least 2”

c. Push at a rate of 100 per minute

d. Give 30 compressions without interruption unless AE arrives


Open the victims airway using the head tilt chin lift


Pinch the victims nose and form a seal over the mouth. Give 2 breaths that make

the chest rise


Begin CPR • 30 compressions • 2 breaths • Continue until AED arrives or someone else that is trained takes over • Do not stop to check for breathing

Things to Control as a Responder

The scene

Open locked gates for access of ambulance

Notify security to lead ambulance to scene

Limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

Emergency Equipment (On campus)

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Appropriate emergency equipment will be on site or readily available for retrieval from the

designated area at each athletic venue for all practices and competitions. All assigned emergency

care personnel should be aware of the location and function of all emergency equipment.

Supplies include:

• First aid supplies (medical bag) with breathing device (airway CPR shields)

• Blood Bourne Pathogen Supplies (small spill kit bags with gloves, mask, alcohol

solution etc)

• Vacuum Splints

• Crutches

• Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) (fully automated portable unit kept with

emergency equipment)

**One Automated External Defibrillator is located in the main athletic training room and one in

the gym athletic training room. AED’s are present at all home games.

**O2 supplementation is available within the gym training room.

**Every head and assistant coach undergoes CPR and AED training every 2 years for re-

certification. All cards are on file in the athletic training office.

Emergency Equipment (Off campus)

It is the responsibility of the coach that secures a game, practice, or conditioning event off

campus to secure a medical kit, insurance folder for athletes, medications needed, and

emergency equipment (including an AED). This also includes water and cups availability.

In terms of off campus sites err on the side of caution for all activities and constantly evaluate

the safety of the area and situation.

Support Personnel

In the event of a catastrophic injury:

1. Athletics Director

· Notifies or is notified by the head athletic trainer of a catastrophic injury.

· Notifies University Vice President of Enrollment, Athletics, and Campus Life and

University President.

2. Vice President of Enrollment, Athletics, and Campus Life

. Notifies or is notified by the head athletic trainer of a catastrophic injury.

· Enacts any catastrophic injury procedures for the university

· Notifies legal counsel

. Notifies university spokesperson

· Coordinates media plan with sports information director, athletics director, head athletic

trainer, head coach, and university spokesperson. No release of information can

be made until parents/guardians have been notified.

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3. Game Officials

· Assist in keeping the area around the injured athlete clear of individuals not directly

involved in the injury management process.

4. Certified Athletic Trainers

. Assist with the emergency

Emergency Phone Numbers

UM Campus Police.......................................................251-510-4273

Prichard Police ............................................................251-452-2211

Mobile County Sherriff ...............................................251-574-2423

Prichard Fire Department.............................................251-452-7817

Jake Lewis, Head Athletic Trainer ..............................601-517-5011

Joe Niland, Athletic Director....................................... 251-490-8252

Kim Leousis, VP of athletics....................................... 251-209-1000

Directions to Nearby Hospitals

Providence Hospital

I-65 South to Airport Blvd

From exit ramp take a right and go 5-6 miles

Hospital is on the left

Mobile Infirmary Hospital

I-65 South to Springhill Ave

From exit ramp go right about 5 miles

Hospital is on the left

Athletic Venues and Access

Baseball Field- EMS will enter through gates and follow road down to field.

Gym- Front and Back door access

Soccer Field- Gates at west end of the field. (Gates must be unlocked if going to practice


Softball Field- access can be gained from right field area

Tennis Courts- access from main entrance on west side of complex

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UM Baseball EAP Map:

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UM Basketball & Volleyball EAP Map:

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UM Softball EAP Map


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UM Soccer EAP Map


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UM Tennis EAP Map


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UM Golf Driving Range EAP Map


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University of South Alabama Emergency Action Plans:


Emergency Call: Campus police at (251) 460-6312, or 9-911

Address: 591 Joseph E. Gottfried Drive, Mobile, AL 36688 (Football Field House)

Venue Directions:

If traveling West on Old Shell Road, turn right onto Cleverdon Parkway; or If traveling

East on Old Shell Road, turn left onto Cleverdon Parkway; then Drive past “The Grove”

apartments until you reach a stop sign. Go straight through the stop sign. At second stop sign,

turn right onto John Counts Drive and follow the road around the intramural fields. At stop sign,

turn left and then turn left onto Joseph Gottfried Drive. The Football Field House will be straight

ahead. Entrance: Front Double Doors

GPS Coordinates: (in the event of a helicopter transport) 30.697502 x 88.1942

Emergency Personnel: Certified Athletic Trainers and/or Team MDs (primary care/sports

medicine and paramedics) may be present at scrimmages.

Emergency Communication:

- On Field: Certified Athletic Trainer cellular telephones: Jinni Frisbey (251) 454-8283

Chad Stefano (478) 320-3589 Caleb Forehand (850) 826-0918

-Land Line in Storage Shed: (251) 460-6304

-Land Line in Field House Athletic Training Room Offices: (251) 445-9551 or (251)

445-9552 or (251) 341-4036

Emergency Equipment:

AED and splint bag

Roles of First Responders:

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete

2. Emergency equipment retrieval

3. To Activate emergency medical system (EMS) by :

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4. Notifying campus police at (251) 460-6312-(provide name, address, telephone number;

number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific directions; other

information as requested ).

5. Direct EMS to scene

A. Open appropriate gates/doors

B. Designate individual to “flag down” EMS and direct to scene

C. Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

University of South Alabama


Emergency Call: Campus police at (251) 460-6312, or 9-911

Address: 591 Joseph E. Gottfried Drive, Mobile, AL 36688 (Football Field House)

Venue Directions: If traveling West on Old Shell Road, turn right onto Cleverdon Parkway; or If

traveling East on Old Shell Road, turn left onto Cleverdon Parkway; then Drive past “The

Grove” apartments until you reach a stop sign. Go straight through the stop sign. At second stop

sign, turn right onto John Counts Drive and follow the road around the intramural fields. At stop

sign, turn left and then turn left onto Joseph Gottfried Drive. The Football Field House will be

straight ahead. Turn left at round-about and follow the road around the South side of Field House

until you reach the next intersection. Turn left and then make the first left. Drive through the

gates. Practice Fields will be straight ahead. Gate: Entrance gates to field

GPS Coordinates: (in the event of a helicopter transport) 30.697502 x 88.1942

Emergency Personnel: Certified Athletic Trainers and/or Team MDs (primary care/sports

medicine and paramedics) maybe present at scrimmages.

A Medical cart is available to transport an injured athlete from field if necessary.

Emergency Communication:

-On Field: Certified Athletic Trainer cellular telephones: Jinni Frisbey (251) 454-8283 Chad

Stefano (478) 320-3589 Caleb Forehand (850) 826-0918

-Land Line in Storage Shed: (251) 460-6304

-Land Line in Field House Athletic Training Room Offices: (251) 445-9551 or (251) 445-9552 or

(251) 341-4036

Emergency Equipment: AED, trauma kit, splint bag, and spine board maintained on field during


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Roles of First Responders

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete

2. Emergency equipment retrieval

3. To Activate emergency medical system (EMS) by :

A. Notifying campus police at (251) 460-6312-(provide name, address, telephone

number; number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific

directions; other information as requested).

4. Direct EMS to scene

A. Open appropriate gates/doors

B. Designate individual to “flag down” EMS and direct to scene

C. Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

University of South Alabama


Emergency Call: Campus police at (251) 460-6312 or 9-911

Address: 171 Jaguar Dr

Venue Directions:

1.) Going West on Old Shell Dr. make right onto Jaguar Drive. Then make first left up sidewalk

towards old Student Recreation Center Entrance. Enter through double doors.

2.) Going East on Old Shell Dr. make left onto Jaguar Drive. Then make first left up sidewalk

towards old Student Recreation Center Entrance. Enter through double doors.

Gate :Double Side Doors on Student Recreation Center side

GPS Coordinates: (in the event of a helicopter transport) 30.692373x88.178289

Emergency Personnel:

Certified Athletic Trainer and/or Team MDs (primary care/sports medicine and paramedics)

maybe present at scrimmages. A medical cart is available to transport an injured athlete from

field if necessary.

Emergency Communication:

Fixed telephone lines in Athletic Training Room

On Field: certified athletic trainer carries cellular telephone Zach Romig (757) 358-5531

Home Team Land Line (251) 460-6874

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Emergency Equipment:(AED, trauma kit, splint kit, spine board) maintained on field during


Roles of First Responders

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete

2. Emergency equipment retrieval

3. To Activate emergency medical system (EMS) by :

A. Notifying campus police at (251) 460-6312 (provide name, address, telephone

number; number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific

directions; other information as requested

4. Direct EMS to scene

A. Open appropriate gates/doors

B. Designate individual to “flag down” EMS and direct to scene

C. Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

University of South Alabama


Emergency Call: Campus police at (251) 460-6312, or 9-911

Address: 5950 Old Shell RD

Venue Directions:

1.) Going West on Old Shell Dr make immediate right past Jumbotron entrance sign onto

Mitchell Center Drive. Continue on toward the loading dock (Southwest Corner). It will be on

the right

2.) Going East on Old Shell Dr. turn left before the Jumbotron entrance sing onto Mitchell Center

Drive. Continue on toward the loading dock (Southwest Corner). It will be on the right. Gate :

Loading Dock (Southwest Corner)

GPS Coordinates: (in the event of a helicopter transport) 30.692269x88.179676

Emergency Personnel: Certified Athletic Trainers and/or Team MDs (primary care/sports

medicine and paramedics) maybe present at scrimmages.

Emergency Communication: Fixed telephone lines in scorer’s table or in the production office at

the loading dock

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On Field: certified athletic trainer carries cellular telephone Matthew Brown (251) 581-5030 or

Megan Harper (251) 643-3741

Home Team Land Line (251) 461 1747 or (251) 461 1748

Emergency Equipment: (AED, trauma kit, splint kit, spine board) maintained on field during


Roles of First Responders

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete

2. Emergency equipment retrieval

3. To Activate emergency medical system (EMS) by :

A. Notifying campus police at (251) 460-6312 provide name, address, telephone number;

number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific directions; other

information as requested

4. Direct EMS to scene

A. Open appropriate gates/doors

B. Designate individual to “flag down” EMS and direct to scene

C. Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

University of South Alabama


Emergency Call : Campus police at (251) 460-6312, or 9-911

Address: 70 Stadium Drive Stanky Field. Mobile, AL 36688

Venue Directions:

1.) Going West on Old Shell Dr Field will be on just right past Mitchell Center Dr. Make first

right into gravel parking lot. Drive through small road gates and make immediate right then left

after chain link gate entry.

2.) Going East on Old Shell Dr. Field will be on the left past Stadium Dr. Make First left into

gravel parking lot. Then make an immediate left through small road gate and make immediate

right then left after chain linked gate entry.

Gate :Right Field Gate

GPS Coordinates: (in the event of a helicopter transport) 30.69124x88.184703

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Emergency Personnel: Certified Athletic Trainers and/or Team MDs (primary care/sports

medicine and paramedics) maybe present at scrimmages. A medical cart is available to transport

an injured athlete from field if necessary.

Emergency Communication: Fixed telephone lines in Baseball Clubhouse or Press Box

On Field: Certified Athletic Trainer carries cellular telephone Chris McDonald (904) 536-4064

Home Team Land Line (251) 460-6101

Emergency Equipment: AED, trauma kit, splint kit, maintained on field during practice/games.

Roles of First Responders

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete

2. Emergency equipment retrieval

3. To Activate emergency medical system (EMS) by :

A. Notifying campus police at (251) 460-6312 (provide name, address, telephone

number; number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific

directions; other information as requested

4. Direct EMS to scene

A. Open appropriate gates/doors

B. Designate individual to “flag down” EMS and direct to scene

C. Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

University of South Alabama


Emergency Call: Campus police at (251) 460-6312, or 9-911

Address: 6080 Old Shell Rd. next to Stanky Stadium (Baseball) and Soccer Field

Venue Directions:

1.) Going West on Old Shell Dr field will be on right past Mitchell Center. Make first right onto

Mitchell Center Drive. Take first left through chain link gate entry, drive through open field

behind softball field. Right Field entry will be diagonally off to the left.

2.) Going East on Old Shell Dr. field will be on the left, before the Mitchell Center. Make left

onto Mitchell Center Drive. Take first left through chain link gate entry, drive through open field

behind softball field. Right Field entry will be diagonally off to the left.

Gate : Right Field gate

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GPS Coordinates: (in the event of a helicopter transport) 30.690997x88.182588

Emergency Personnel: Certified Athletic Trainers and/or Team MDs (primary care/sports

medicine and paramedics) maybe present at scrimmages. A medical cart is available to transport

an injured athlete from field if necessary.

Emergency Communication: Fixed telephone lines in Softball Fieldhouse, Department of

Athletics grounds building just outside the main gate to the field.

On Field: Certified Athletic Trainer carries cellular telephone Jinni Frisbey (251) 454-8283 or

Caleb Forehand (850) 826-0918

Home Team Land Line (251) 460-7102

Emergency Equipment: (AED, trauma kit, splint kit, spine board) maintained on field during


Roles of First Responders

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete

2. Emergency equipment retrieval

3. To Activate emergency medical system (EMS) by :

A. Notifying campus police at (251) 460-6312 (provide name, address, telephone

number; number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific

directions; other information as requested

4. Direct EMS to scene

A. Open appropriate gates/doors

B. Designate individual to “flag down” EMS and direct to scene

C. Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

University of South Alabama

Track Stadium EAP

Emergency Call: Campus police at (251) 460-6312, or 9-911

Address: 5950 Old Shell Rd. To the Left of the Mitchell Center

Venue Directions:

1.) Going West on Old Shell Dr. Make immediate right past Jumbotron onto Mitchell Center Dr.

Then make left past Mitchell center and before Bell Tower

2.) Going East on Old Shell Dr. Make immediate left past Jumbotrononto Mitchell Center Dr.

Then make left past Mitchell Center and before Bell Tower.

Gate : Track Entrance Gate

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GPS Coordinates: (in the event of a helicopter transport) 30.693213

Emergency Personnel: Certified Athletic Trainers and/or Team MDs (primary care/sports

medicine and paramedics) maybe present at scrimmages. A medical cart is available to transport

an injured athlete from field if necessary.

Emergency Communication: Fixed telephone lines in Mitchell Center Production Office by the

loading dock or the ROTC Buildings.

On Field: Certified Athletic Trainer carries cellular telephone Joshua Logan (251) 423-2408/

Karla Beasley (334) 830-0361

Home Team Land Line (251) 460-7656

Emergency Equipment: (AED, trauma kit, splint kit, spine board) maintained on field during


Roles of First Responders

1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete

2. Emergency equipment retrieval

3. To Activate emergency medical system (EMS) by :

A. Notifying campus police at (251) 460-6312 (provide name, address, telephone

number; number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific

directions; other information as requested

4. Direct EMS to scene

A. Open appropriate gates/doors

B. Designate individual to “flag down” EMS and direct to scene

C. Scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area

Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for Saraland High School

1. Emergency Personnel: Kevin Carnall, ATC and Brittany Banks, ATC

2. Emergency Contact a. Beverly Spondike (251) 586-4250 b. Jeff Kelley (251) 586-3175 c. Kevin Carnall, ATC (251) 272-6305 d. Brittany Banks, ATC (205) 394-2726 e. Ambulance, Fire, Police 911 or from school phone f. Poison Control (800) 222-1222 g. Custodians Office (keys)

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3. Emergency Equipment a. AED is found inside the fieldhouse outside the athletic training room while splints and

trauma kit are stored inside the fieldhouse athletic training room. All three will be brought on sight during games. An Auto-injectable Epinephrine device is stored in the AED storage cabinet in the school outside the North West corner of the competition gym facing the West side of the building.

4. First Responder: a. Follow Red Cross guideline. Check the patient’s CABB: Circulation, Airway, Breathing,

and if the patient is profusely Bleeding. Call local EMT, and provide appropriate care. b. The emergency medical system will be activated for all emergencies, including:

• Individual stops breathing or has no pulse • Individual loses consciousness • Possible spinal injury • Possible heat illness or stroke • Open fractures or displaced closed fractures • When there is doubt to the seriousness of injury or illness

5. Emergency Medical Response: Appoint someone to call 911 and if bystanders are present send them to direct EMS personnel to the scene, or if alone call 911 then provide care.

a. Provide the necessary information • Name, Address (1115 Industrial Parkway, Saraland AL 36571), telephone of

number of caller • Number of victims and condition • Current assistance being given • First Aid treatment initiated • Directions to scene (if asked) • Any information requested, and be sure to be the last one to hang up

6. Directions to Saraland High School a. Coming North or South on I65, Take Exit 13 and head east (right going N I65; left going

S I65) on to Hwy 158. Continue on Hwy 158 for ½ a mile and turn right onto (rd name?) passing the First Community Bank on the right. Continue on road until come upon the school main entrance.


The purpose of the following emergency action plan (EAP) is to provide necessary

guidelines and steps to handle any emergency no matter how minor or life threatening it is. To

promote unified guidance among athletic trainers, coaches, EMTs, and school administration to

increase the chance of full recovery in any situation. The components of an EAP are the

following: Personnel, Equipment, Communication, Transportation, Emergency Care Facilities,

and Documentation. The EAP should be reviewed annually with all individuals who are

involved: Athletic Trainers, Coaches, EMTs, Athletic Director, and School Administration.


Certified Athletic Trainers, School Officers, Coaches, and Emergency Responders all

have a part in emergency situations. All must be familiar with the EAP and their role in situations

requiring emergency medical response. Head Athletic Trainer Kevin Carnall will coordinate

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annual training through Athletic Director Jeff Kelley. In the case that a school official is the

victim Athletic Trainers Kevin Carnall and Brittany Banks along with all Coaches will know

where the EAP is posted. Certified Athletic Trainers, must maintain a CPR/AED certification.

Coaches must maintain a completion confirmation of CPR procedures along with TBI

Concussion educational material.


Emergency equipment is an important part to life saving actions. Two AEDs are stored on

Saraland High School’s campus. One is in the high school building on the north west corner

outside of the competition gym. The other is in the fieldhouse outside of the athletic trainer’s

room. An autoinjectable epinephrine device is stored in the AED storage cabinet in the school

outside of the competition gym. Trauma kits are stored in both athletic training rooms and are

carried to the competition with the Athletic Trainer. Splints are stored in the fieldhouse athletic

training room except during Basketball season and will be brought to the competition with the

Athletic Trainer and be stored in the school athletic training room. All will be maintained and

kept in good working order by the Athletic Trainer annually. A spine board is not kept at the

school due to limitations of practice in which all spine boarding has to be done by the EMS

responding members with our assistance.


Communication is key to a quick emergency response. Head Athletic Trainer Kevin

Carnall’s cell phone is the primary phone to call EMS (dial 911). Athletic Trainer Brittany Banks’

cell phone is the secondary phone to use (dial 911). If neither athletic trainers are present then the

coach’s cell phone of the athlete who is having the emergency or a school phone that is easily

accessible should be used to call EMS (dial 911). A list of emergency numbers will be posted as

well as street addresses and directions for the arriving ambulance or emergency vehicle.

Transportation and Location:

Transportation of the sick and injured will be by emergency medical vehicles. Medical

facilities will receive a map designating the pickup sight. The map will be reviewed on an annual

basis and any changes to the pickup sight will be followed up with the issuance of a new map

and directions. See map on last page.

Emergency Care Facilities:

There are no designated emergency care facility. The individual’s parent will decide

which hospital does the treatment. In the effect that the parent cannot be reached for any reason,

Kevin Carnall, ATC followed by Brittany Banks, ATC then the head coach of the athlete is

danger will determine which hospital to go to. The emergency action plan will be reviewed on an

annual basis with responding EMS services.


The emergency action plan will be reviewed and approved by Beverly Spondike

(Principal), Jeff Kelley (Athletic Director), and Kevin Carnall (Athletic Trainer) of Saraland

High School. Documentation will include: personnel training, equipment maintenance, review

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and rehearsal of EAP, emergency situation or injury involved, evaluation of the individual parties

response to the emergency, and pertinent medical and insurance information of victims involved.

All medical files for the students are kept with Coach Scott Crowley. Kevin Carnall and Brittany

Banks will have each athlete’s emergency contact numbers, insurance information, and medical

alerts such as allergies, current meds, and medical conditions online at

“Sportsware” (swol123.net); and will be accessable via his cell phone or laptop (on sideline).


Facility: Saraland Spartan Stadium

Emergency Personnel: Kevin Carnall, ATC, Brittany Banks, ATC

Emergency Contact Numbers:

a. Beverly Spondike (251) 586-4250 b. Jeff Kelley (251) 586-3175 c. Kevin Carnall, ATC (251) 272-6305 d. Brittany Banks, ATC (205) 394-2726 e. Ambulance, Fire, Police 911 or from school phone f. Poison Control (800) 222-1222 g. Custodians Office (keys)

First Responder:

• Follow Red Cross guideline. Check the patient’s CABB: Circulation, Airway, Breathing, and if the patient is profusely Bleeding. Call local EMT, and provide appropriate care.

• The emergency medical system will be activated for all emergencies, including: • Individual stops breathing or has no pulse • Individual loses consciousness • Possible spinal injury • Possible heat illness or stroke • Open fractures or displaced closed fractures • When there is doubt to the seriousness of injury or illness

Emergency Medical Response:

1. Appoint someone to call 911 and if bystanders are present send them to direct EMS

personnel to scene, or if alone call 911 then provide care.

2. Provide necessary information: • Name, Address (1115 Industrial Parkway, Saraland AL 36571), telephone of number of

caller • Number of victims and condition • Current assistance being given • First Aid treatment initiated • Directions to scene (if asked) • Any information requested, and be sure to be the last one to hang up

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3. Directions for responding EMS- If traveling North or South bound I65 then exit at Exit

13 and head toward Saraland (East). Pass Walmart and the First Community bank on the

right. Take the next right leading behind Walmart. Stay left of the school and continue

around to the Saraland Sport Complex Bridge. Go over the bridge and stay left and park

through the ticket gate and on the concrete just at the football/soccer field.

4. Facility Keys

a. Jeff Kelley, Athletic Director, has master keys to facilities.

b. Kevin Carnall, ATC, has keys to all locks for clear access.

c. Any Administration personnel and coaches.

d. Custodian

5. Provide appropriate emergency care until arrival of EMS personnel.

a. If individual stops breathing, has not pulse, or loses consciousness check airway,

breathing, and circulation and administer CPR if necessary

1. Attach AED as soon as possible to monitor the condition of the heart and

follow instructions.

2. Supply adequate depth for chest compressions (2in) at a rate of 100bpm

3. Continue with chest compressions until EMS arrives on the scene.

b. Monitor for signs of shock:

1. Restlessness or irritability

2. Altered state of consciousness

3. Pale or ashen, cool, moist skin

4. Nausea or vomiting

5. Blue tinge to lips and nail beds

6. Rapid breathing

7. Rapid pulse

c. Provide care for shock:

1. Monitor ABCs

2. Control external bleeding

3. Keep victim from getting chilled or overheated.

4. If victim is not having trouble breathing or if it is not suspected that the

victim has a head, neck, back injury or broken bones in the hips or legs,

elevate the legs about 12 inches

5. Do not give food or drink to the victim

d. Apply basic First Aid

e. If spinal injury, support cervical spine and do not move until instructed by EMS

crew. Do not move the individual unless the scene becomes unsafe.

f. If it is a major fracture or dislocation treat for shock and do not attempt to reduce

fracture or dislocation. Splint injury and test distal pulse and activate EMS.

g. If heat illness, remove the individual from the heat and attempt to cool the body.

If signs of heat stroke call EMS (911)

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6. The emergency contact of the individual will be notified of incident and hospital


7. Follow up:

a. Kevin Carnall will complete injury report and post emergency response


b. The individual’s recovery and rehabilitation will be closely monitored and


c. If the AED is used it is reported to its manufacturer by Kevin Carnall

Environmental Response: Beverly Spondike or Jeff Kelley will consult all local weather outlets

to monitor, chart, and predict any inclement weather always with the well-being of the students,

faculty, and stakeholders as first priority. Any game will not proceed if the threat of severe

weather is imminent. Once the game begins, the decision making process is with the AHSAA

officials. If the game is called due to weather issues, then the Saraland PD will assist in the

orderly dismissal of fans and make sure accessibility to their vehicles is safe.

1. Lightning/Thunderstorm/Tornadic Conditions

a. Flash-to-Bang: From the time lightning is sighted, count the number of seconds

until the “bang” occurs and divide by 5 to calculate the number of miles away the

lightning is. • 30 seconds – Inherent Danger; begin to head to safety area (inside school

or fieldhouse) • 15 seconds – Immediate Danger; seek cover quickly in safety area (inside

or fieldhouse)

b. 30 minutes should pass after the last sound of thunder or lightning is seen before

returning to play.

c. If a tornado threat is immanent we will shelter in place. If we are in the school.

Then all fans and players will shelter in an interior hallway until the threat has

passed. If we are in the athletic complex, then all athletes and coaches will be

escorted to the fieldhouse to shelter in place while the fans will be asked to

proceed under the stadium where they will shelter until the threat passes.

2. Earthquake/Fire

a. If an earthquake/fire occurs faculty will conduct an evacuation • Will exit the building at the closest exit • Meeting areas for head counts have been set up and is the same with the

high school’s evacuation plan • During basketball games people will exit out the north side of the

gymnasium and proceed to the north parking lot. • During football/soccer games people will exit the stadium and head to the

parking lot that is in between Spartan stadium and the softball/baseball


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