Authors Craft Of Mice and Men Year 9

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  • 7/29/2019 Authors Craft Of Mice and Men Year 9



    Of Mice And Men- Authors Craft

    In Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck engages the reader into a variety of emotions from

    feeling merry, to miserable. But unlike many other authors, Steinbeck uses a diverse range

    of components, that allow readers to interpret the feelings beneath. Steinbecks, choice of

    colloquial language, mirrors his characters. The language of the novel, is simple, yet very

    powerful. Steinbeck uses quantities of figurative language, which drive the reader into their

    own world of imagination.

    Although Steinbeck, does not engage his characters in any gush, it is clear they feel

    deeply. John achieves this by using simple language to build on characters who are more

    than what they say. For example, when George says, him and Lennie have just gotten

    used to each other, he really means that their friendship is really all theyve had to hold on


    I believe Steinbeck really focuses on each event, whether it is a major or minor. Although

    these characters are from a class where they have no approach to intense vocabulary, yet

    they are still capable of communicating their everyday matters. For example; Crooks, was

    a small character, only evident in some parts of the novel. It is significant in terms of the

    time period as, racial discrimination was prominent.

    The book is spread across three days, and four specific locations. The fast paced setting,

    and continuous flow, makes it seem more like a play, than a novel. Being set in the Great

    Depression, gives it a sense of realism. Every character was involved in the movement,

    they were depressed, however the love between George and Lennie, was very different.

    However, the depression, was bound to catch on to them too. Lennies wrong step, led to

    sadness, which then chained them to the depression. I believe it was inevitable.

    John Steinbeck, has lay out many hints and symbolic objects around in this novel. Firstly

    being the Mice. Mice represent the false hope for Lennie. The title of the novel indicates

    that Mice maybe important. The first mouse we come across being a dead one. Lennie

    pets it for comfort. This suggests Lennie does not care about death, he is more attentive

    towards comfort. Knowing this makes Lennies death a bit more acceptable. Mice, make it

    understandable, that Lennie tends to hurt what he loves. He adores to pet soft objects

    which leads him to kill them; his mouse, his puppy, and Curleys wife. Coming back to the

    Title, I believe that Lennie is just like a mouse killed because of his vulnerability, in spite of

    his innocence.

    Another recurring symbol, are the rabbits. The rabbits portray Lennies dream, and the

    impossibleness of it. Even when George tells Lennie about the dream, Lennie, keeps

    reminding him about the rabbits. For Lennie the rabbits are a sense of freedom, and the

    dream meant he could pet soft things all day long. However the existence of rabbits is not

    evident in the book, this depicts the the reality of his dream are highly unlikely to come


    As for the tone, I believe that Steinbeck, really incorporated real life aspects, such as the

    struggle for money, resources, social roles, and the dreams for love, wealth, health,

    friendship, loyalty, more or less The American Dream.Steinbeck is one of the best writers

    for naturalism.

    By Maninder Sachdeva 9A

  • 7/29/2019 Authors Craft Of Mice and Men Year 9



    To sum up, Steinbeck portrays all characters in a vivid, life-like way. Not only do his

    characters speak volumes, however he turns the reader into a character as well, torn

    between betrayal and sacrifice, making the reader feel as if he, himself is in between all of

    this tension.

    By Maninder Sachdeva 9A