Bahan isian sojitz

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  • 8/17/2019 Bahan isian sojitz


  • 8/17/2019 Bahan isian sojitz


    school nobodies 3ithout any achie"ement becomes seseeoran pretty proud o .%imilarly 3hen oin to colle e one thin that is "ery concern 3as 3hen 6 raduatedhi h school parents say boy 67m sorry or not bein able meye&olah&anmu mother toa hi her le"el a ain. > ter sma else 6 had to 3or& hard or a scholarship rom the

    o"ernment o 'est

  • 8/17/2019 Bahan isian sojitz


    others and 3ill be the trac& record and 6 do not 3ant to tarnish my ood name onlybecause the material

    salah satu &elebihan saya adalah memili&i &esun uhan dalam mela&u&ansesuatu a ar dapat mencapai apa yan diin in&an &erja &eras tetap o&uspada pe&erjaan dan men erah&an se enap &emampuannya untu& meraihtar et yan diin in&an perusahaan &reati saya berji3a &reati yan mampumen eluar&an ide ide yan dibutuh&an untu& penin &atan &inerjaperusahaan inte ritas saya berprinsip bah3a dalam &ehidupan san at perlumenja a inte ritas yaitu men ata&an apa yan dila&u&an dan mela&u&an apayan di&ata&an &arena setiap hari &ita seperti dipan un apa yandila&u&an menjadi penilaian oran lain dan a&an menjadi trac& record dansaya tida& mau mencoren nama bai& saya hanya &arena materi.

    . our 3ea&ness

    D. 'hat are the 3ea&nesses and needs to be repaired is sometimes too trustin oothers or co 3or&ers . 6 realize this is "ery detrimental to me and the companythere ore as much as possible 6 try to detail in e"ery job that no manipulation by the3or& team. By bein this detail 6 ma&e sure that e"erythin 6 did 3as appropriate andnot "iolated procedures or hurt the company

    E.>pa yan menjadi &elemahan dan perlu diperbai&i adalah ter&adan terlalupercaya terhadap oran lain atau re&an &erja. %aya menyadari hal ini san atmeru i&an saya dan perusahaan oleh &arena itu sema&simal mun &in sayaberusaha detail dalam setiap pe&erjaan a ar tida& ada manipulasi yandila&u&an tim &erja. (en an bersi&ap detail ini saya memasti&an bah3asemua yan saya la&u&an itu sesuai dan tida& menyalahi prosedur ataumeru i&an perusahaan.

    10.'hy are you interested in 3or&in in japan and at sojitz 2000 character/ -50&ata

    In my view and the provision of work experience at Japanese companies operating inIndonesia that I thought for a Japanese company was very appreciative employees andmake employees as partners to be treated well and a growing awareness of thecompany and the employees that they need each other. I think in working condition as itwill improve the performance of employees and the company. Besides why I aminterested in the company Sojitz based on the information contained in the website andwhat the presentation I assume that Sojitz is a great company with an extensivenetwork and engage in various activities that will create financial stability for thebusiness in various sectors will reinforce each other if there are sectors that aredeclining. Sojitz also offers a range of benefits that are very attractive to prospectiveemployees. So I believe that Sojitz is a great company and a Japanese company if Iwork here will be able to develop properly and get an incredible experience. By workingat Sojitz I get two benefits at once that may be traveling to different parts of the countryand be able to work in a big company. !his is a very rare occasion that attracted me toapply in this position and Integration. I hope that can be accepted into this program and

  • 8/17/2019 Bahan isian sojitz


    then make a positive contribution to the advancement of the company. In addition theideals of small to me that I wanted to go to Japan either for school or work and my racethat Sojitz is a way to realize my dream to work even for schools in Japan. In conclusionwhy I am interested to work in Japan and Sojitz is I really liked the work culture of Japanhighly appreciates its employees Japan is the country of my dreams to be able to stay

    there either for work or school and Sojitz is one of Japan sya believe that the workculture to apply Japanese work culture and Sojitz has a large industrial sector andspacious which allows for me to work in different countries and is challenging me to joinwith Sojitz.

    (alam pandan an saya dan be&al pen alaman be&erja di perusahaan

  • 8/17/2019 Bahan isian sojitz


    11.'hat do you thin& is the most important point 3hen choosin a company to3or& or 2000 character.

    The most important point in choosin the company 3e 3or& or is ho3 the 3or&culture in the company. 'or& culture is "ery important because it in"ol"es thecom ort o people in 3or& 3e need to &no3 ho3 the company treats its 3or&ers is

    re arded as a partner or partners 3ho need each other so hrus mutual cooperation inhand to the company7s pro ress or e"en the company considers 3or&ers as people3ho must meet 6nte ration desire no matter ho3 the 3or&ers 3or&. The second mostimportant is the credibility o the company in terms o both mana ement and,nances. 6 the company already has branches in "arious countries continues to

    ro3 has a ood reputation then no doubt it is a company that is loo&in or acareer. The three companies concerned 3ith the 3el are o employees it can be seen

    rom a3ards to employees that is ho3 competiti"e their salary bene,ts and more. The ourth important point is on the sustainability o the business that they do3hether the business ,eld produced by the company has a prospecti"e ood or the

    uture or not this is "ery important because i 3e are 3ron choosin a companythat doubt its sustainability in the uture is not impossible a ter so lon 3e laid oFbecause business is run is not easible anymore. 6 thin& the our it airly represent us

    in assessin a company that is un,t or 3or&

    oint pentin dalam memilih perusahaan tempat &ita be&erja adalahba aimana budaya &erja di perusahaan tersebut. Budaya &erja ini san atpentin &arena menyan &ut &enyamanan oran dalam be&erja &ita harusmen etahui ba aimana perusahaan memperla&u&an pe&erjanya apa&ahmen an ap seba ai mitra atau patner yan salin membutuh&an sehin ahrus salin &erja sama bahu membahu untu& &emajuan perusahaan ataumalah perusahaan men an ap pe&erja seba ai oran yan harusmemenuhi &ein inan perushaan tanpa peduli ba aimana pe&erja itu be&erja.:edua yan palin pentin adalah men enai &redibilitas perusahaan bai& darise i mana emen dan &euan annya.

  • 8/17/2019 Bahan isian sojitz


    dreamed since childhood to 3or& in