Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models Alan Qi MIT CSAIL September, 2005 Joint work with T. Minka, Z. Ghahramani, M. Szummer, and R. W. Picard

Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

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Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models. Alan Qi MIT CSAIL September, 2005 Joint work with T. Minka, Z. Ghahramani, M. Szummer, and R. W. Picard. Motivation. Two types of graphical models: generative and conditional Conditional models: Make no assumptions about data generation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Alan Qi


September, 2005

Joint work with T. Minka, Z. Ghahramani, M.

Szummer, and R. W. Picard

Page 2: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models


• Two types of graphical models: generative and conditional

• Conditional models:– Make no assumptions about data generation– Enable the use of flexible features

• Learning conditional models : estimating (distributions of) model parameters– Maximum likelihood approaches: overfitting– Bayesian learning

Page 3: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models


• Background – Conditional models for independent and relational data

classification – Bayesian learning

• Bayesian classification and Predictive ARD– Feature selection– Fast kernel learning

• Bayesian conditional random fields– Contextual object recognition/Segmentation

• Conclusions

Page 4: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models


• Background – Conditional models – Bayesian learning

• Bayesian classification and Predictive ARD

• Bayesian conditional random fields

• Conclusions

Page 5: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Graphical Models

Conditional models

- Logistic/Probit regression

- Classification of independent data

Conditional random fields

-Model relational data, such as natural language

and images


iitpp )|()( w,xwx,|t a

aZp )(


1)( ty,x,


x1 x2

t1 t2

w x1 x2

t1 t2


Page 6: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Bayesian learning

Simple: Given prior distributions and data likelihoods, estimate the posterior distributions of model parameters or the predictive posterior of a new data point.

Difficult: calculating the posterior distributions in practice.

– Randomized methods: Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Importance Sampling

– Deterministic approximation: Varitional methods, Expectation propagation.

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• Background

• Bayesian classification and Predictive ARD– Feature selection– Fast kernel learning

• Bayesian conditional random fields

• Conclusions

Page 8: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models


Task 1: Classify high dimensional datasets with many irrelevant features, e.g., normal v.s. cancer microarray data.

Task 2: Sparse Bayesian kernel classifiers for fast test performance.

Page 9: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Part 1: Roadmap

• Automatic relevance determination (ARD)• Risk of Overfitting by optimizing hyperparameters

• Predictive ARD by expectation propagation (EP):

– Approximate prediction error

– EP approximation

• Experiments

• Conclusions

Page 10: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Bayesian Classification Model

Prior of the classifier w:

Labels: t inputs: X parameters: w

Likelihood for the data set:

Where is a cumulative distribution function for a standard Gaussian.

Page 11: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Evidence and Predictive Distribution

The evidence, i.e., the marginal likelihood of the hyperparameters :

The predictive posterior distribution of the label for a new input :

Page 12: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD)

• Give the classifier weight independent Gaussian priors whose variance, , controls how far away from zero each weight is allowed to go:

• Maximize , the marginal likelihood of the model, with respect to .

• Outcome: many elements of go to infinity, which naturally prunes irrelevant features in the data.


Page 13: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Two Types of Overfitting

• Classical Maximum likelihood:– Optimizing the classifier weights w can directly fit

noise in the data, resulting in a complicated model.

• Type II Maximum likelihood (ARD):– Optimizing the hyperparameters corresponds to

choosing which variables are irrelevant. Choosing one out of exponentially many models can also overfit if we maximize the model marginal likelihood.

Page 14: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Risk of Optimizing

X: Class 1 vs O: Class 2



Bayes Point

Page 15: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models


• Choosing the model with the best estimated predictive performance instead of the most probable model.

• Expectation propagation (EP) estimates the leave-one-out predictive performance without performing any expensive cross-validation.

Page 16: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Estimate Predictive Performance• Predictive posterior given a test data point

• EP can estimate predictive leave-one-out error probability

• where q( w| t\i) is the approximate posterior of leaving out the ith label.

• EP can also estimate predictive leave-one-out error count


wtwwxtx d)|(),|(),|( 1111 ptptp NNNN




iiii qtp


N 1\

1\ d)|(),|(1





\ )),|(I(1


LOO tx

Page 17: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Expectation Propagation in a Nutshell

• Approximate a probability distribution by simpler parametric terms:

• Each approximation term lives in an exponential family (e.g. Gaussian)








))(()()( T





Page 18: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

EP in a NutshellThree key steps:• Deletion Step: approximate the “leave-one-out”

predictive posterior for the ith point:

• Minimizing the following KL divergence by moment matching:

• Inclusion:


jii ffqq )(


~/)()(\ wwww


||)()((minarg \\









)( \ www ii qfq

The key observation: we can use the approximate predictive posterior, obtained in the deletion step, for model selection. No extra computation!

Page 19: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Comparison of different model selection criteria for ARD training

• 1st row: Test error• 2nd row: Estimated leave-one-out error probability• 3rd row: Estimated leave-one-out error counts• 4th row: Evidence (Model marginal likelihood)• 5th row: Fraction of selected features

The estimated leave-one-out error probabilities and counts are better correlated with the test error than evidence and sparsity level.

Page 20: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Gene Expression Classification

Task: Classify gene expression datasets into different categories, e.g., normal v.s. cancer

Challenge: Thousands of genes measured in the micro-array data. Only a small subset of genes are probably correlated with the classification task.

Page 21: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Classifying Leukemia Data

• The task: distinguish acute myeloid leukemia (AML) from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

• The dataset: 47 and 25 samples of type ALL and AML respectively with 7129 features per sample.

• The dataset was randomly split 100 times into 36 training and 36 testing samples.

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Classifying Colon Cancer Data

• The task: distinguish normal and cancer samples

• The dataset: 22 normal and 40 cancer samples with 2000 features per sample.

• The dataset was randomly split 100 times into 50 training and 12 testing samples.

• SVM results from Li et al. 2002

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Bayesian Sparse Kernel Classifiers

• Using feature/kernel expansions defined on training data points:

• Predictive-ARD-EP trains a classifier that depends on a small subset of the training set.

• Fast test performance.

Page 24: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Test error rates and numbers of relevance or support vectors on breast cancer dataset.

50 partitionings of the data were used. All these methods use the same Gaussian kernel with kernel width = 5. The trade-off parameter C in SVM is chosen via 10-fold cross-validation for each partition.

Page 25: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Part 1: Conclusions

• Maximizing marginal likelihood can lead to overfitting in the model space if there are a lot of features.

• We propose Predictive-ARD based on EP for – feature selection

– sparse kernel learning

• In practice Predictive-ARD works better than traditional ARD.

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• Background

• Bayesian classification and Predictive ARD

• Bayesian conditional random fields

– Contextual object recognition/Segmentation

• Conclusions

Page 27: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

x1 x2

t1 t2


• Generalize traditional classification model by introducing correlation between labels.

Potential functions:

• Model data with interdependence and structure, e.g, web pages, natural languages, and multiple visual objects in a picture.

• Information at one location propagates to other locations.

Part 2: Conditional random fields (CRFs)

Page 28: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Bayesian Conditional Networks• Bayesian training to avoid overfitting

• Need efficient training:– The exact posterior of w

– The Gaussian approximate posterior of w

Page 29: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Learning the parameter w by ML/MAP

Maximum likelihood (ML) : Maximize the data likelihood


Maximum a posterior (MAP):Gaussian prior on w

ML/MAP problem: Overfitting to the noise in data.

Page 30: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

EP in a Nutshell• Approximate a probability distribution by simpler

parametric terms (Minka 2001):

– For Bayesian networks:– For Markov networks:

– For conditional classification:– For conditional random fields:

Each approximation term or lives in an exponential family (such as Gaussian & Multinomial)


afp )()( xx a

afq )(~

)( xx



)|()( ajaia xxpf x

)()( yx,x aaf

)|()( w,xw aaa tpf

),,()( wxw aaa tf





a fqfp )(~

)()()( wwwxt,|w

Page 31: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

EP in a Nutshell (2)• The approximate term minimizes the

following KL divergence by moment matching:


||)()((minarg \\

















Where the leave-one-out approximation is



Page 32: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

EP in a Nutshell (3)Three key steps:• Deletion Step: approximate the “leave-one-out”

predictive posterior for the ith point:

• Minimizing the following KL divergence by moment matching (Assumed Density filtering):

• Inclusion:


jii ffqq )(


~/)()(\ xxxx


||)()((minarg \\









)( \ xxx ii qfq

Page 33: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Two Difficulties for Bayesian Training

• the partition function appears in the denominator– Regular EP does not apply

• the partition function is a complicated function of w

Page 34: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Turn Denominator to Numerator (1)

• Transformed EP:

– Deletion:

– ADF:

– Inclusion:

Page 35: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Turn Denominator to Numerator (2)• Power EP:

– Deletion:

– ADF:

– Inclusion:

Power EP minimizes divergence

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Approximating the partition function

• The parameters w and the labels t are intertwined in Z(w):

where k = {i, j} is the index of edges.

The joint distribution of w and t:

• Factorized approximation:

Page 37: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models

Remove the intermediate level

Flatten Approximation Structure

Increased efficiency, stability, and accuracy!




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Model Averaging for Prediction

• Bayesian training provides a set of estimated models

• Bayesian model averaging combines predictions from all the models to eliminate overfitting

• Approximate model averaging: weighted belief propagation

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Results on Synthetic Data

• Data generation: first, randomly sample input x, fixed true parameters w, and then sample the labels t

• Graphical structure: Four nodes in a simple loop• Comparing maximum likelihood trained CRF with BCRFs: 10

Trials. 100 training examples and 1000 test examples.

BCRFs significantly outperformed ML-trained CRFs.

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FAQs Labeling

• The dataset consists of 47 files, belonging to 7 Usenet newsgroup FAQs. Each file has multiple lines, which can be the header (H), a question (Q), an answer (A), or the tail (T).

• Task: label the lines that are questions or answers.

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FAQs Features

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BCRFs outperform MAP-trained CRFs with a high statistical significance on FAQs labeling.

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Ink Application: analyzing handwritten organization charts

• Parsing a graph into different components: containers vs. connectors

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Comparing results

Results from Bayes Point Machine

Results from MAP-trained CRF

Results from BCRF

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BCRF outperforms ML and MAP trained-CRFs. BCRF-ARD further improves test accuracy. The results are averaged over 20 runs.

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Part 2:ConclusionsBayesian CRFs:

• Model the relational data

• BCRFs improve the predictive performance over ML- and MAP-trained CRFs, especially by approximate model averaging

• ARD for CRFs enables feature selection

• More applications: image segmentation and joint scene analysis, etc.

Page 47: Bayesian Learning for Conditional Models


• Background

• Bayesian classification and Predictive ARD

• Bayesian conditional random fields

• Conclusions

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1. Predictive ARD by EP Gene expression classification: Outperformed

traditional ARD, SVM with feature selection

2. Bayesian conditional random fieldsFAQs labeling and joint diagram analysis: Beats

ML- and MAP-trained CRFs

3. Future work

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Appendix: Sequential Updates

• EP approximates true likelihood terms by Gaussian virtual observations.

• Based on Gaussian virtual observations, the classification model becomes a regression model.

• Then, we can achieve efficient sequential updates without maintaining and updating a full covariance matrix. (Faul & Tipping 02)