1 Beta Ray Absorption Method for Beta Ray Absorption Method for Measurement Respirable Measurement Respirable Particulate Matter Particulate Matter Sardar Wasif Ashraf Sardar Wasif Ashraf 15-MS-07 15-MS-07 Mirpur University of Science And Mirpur University of Science And Technology AJ Technology AJ

Beta Ray Absorption Method for Measurement Respirable Particulate Matter

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Beta Ray Absorption Method for Measurement Respirable Particulate MatterIntroductionExplanationFormulasApplicationCompiled By Sardar wasif Ashraf

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Measurement RespirableMeasurement Respirable
Particulate MatterParticulate Matter
15-MS-0715-MS-07 Mirpur University of Science AndMirpur University of Science And
Technology AJ Technology AJ 
  !elation"  The relationship between intensity of beta- ray transmitted and dust quantity is expressed by the following equation I = Io exp(-um/Xm) I : eta-ray intensity transmitted through !lter and parti"ulate Io : eta-ray intensity transmitted only through !lter um : $ass absorption "oe%"ient ("m&/g) Xm : $ass of parti"ulate matter (g/"m&)
'rom this equation the mass of *$ is "al"ulate as Xm = +/um ln(Io/I)
,lso the "on"entration of *$ is expressed as = /.Xm 0 +12 = (/.)(+/um)ln(Io/I) 0 +12
: on"entration of *$ (mg/m2) : olle"tion area ("m&) . : ,ir aspiration 3olume (m2)
Chaa!"ei#"i!#Chaa!"ei#"i!#$$  A broad class of
chemically and physically diverse
diameter less than or equal to 2.5 microns.
Chaa!"ei#"i!#Chaa!"ei#"i!#::  A broad class of
chemically and physically diverse
diameter less than or equal to 10 microns.
Heal"h E%%e!"#Heal"h E%%e!"#: Inhalation of particulates
increases chronic and acute respiratory
Ma#or SourcesMa#or Sources $iesel engines$iesel engines %o&er plants%o&er plants 'ndustrial processes ('ndustrial processes (
incineratorsincinerators Wind)lo&n dustWind)lo&n dust Wood stovesWood stoves *ther sources*ther sources
+eta !adiation ,lpha radiation "onsists of helium nu"lei and is readily stopped by a sheet of paper4 eta radiation "onsisting of ele"trons or positrons is halted by an aluminum plate4 5amma radiation is damped by lead4
+ouguer .a/)ert+eer"  The eer67ambert law also 8nown as eer9s law the 7ambert6eer law or the eer6
7ambert6ouguer law relates the attenuation  of light to the properties of the material through whi"h the light is tra3eling4 The law is "ommonly applied to "hemi"al analysis  measurements and used in understanding attenuation in physi"al opti"s for photons neutrons or rare!ed gases
%MMA" %oly/ethyl /ethacrylate (%MMA) is a transparent thermoplasti" often used in sheet
form as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternati3e to soda-lime glass4 The same material "an be utilised as a "asting resin in in8s and "oatings and also has other uses4
2eigerMueller counter3 2eigerM4ller counter also "alled a 2eiger counter is an instrument used for measuring ioni;ing radiation used widely in su"h appli"ations as radiation dosimetry radiologi"al prote"tion experimental physi"s and the nu"lear industry4 It dete"ts ioni;ing radiation su"h as alpha parti"les beta parti"les and gamma rays using the ioni;ation e<e"t produ"ed in a 5eiger6$ller tube whi"h gi3es its name to the instrument4 In wide and prominent use as a hand-held radiation sur3ey instrument it is perhaps one of the world9s best-8nown radiation dete"tion instruments4
A t&o-piece )ench type 2eigerM4ller counter &ith end-
&indo& detector3
X-ray 'luores"en"e pe"tros"opi":  , *hilips *?+@1@ X-ray Auores"en"e spe"trometer with automated sample feed in a "ement plant quality "ontrol laboratory
6-ray uorescence 6!8 is the emission of "hara"teristi" Bse"ondaryB (or Auores"ent) X- rays from a material that has been ex"ited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays orgamma rays4  The phenomenon is widely used for elemental analysis and "hemi"al analysis parti"ularly in the in3estigation of metals glass "erami"s and building materials and for resear"h in geo"hemistry forensi" s"ien"e and ar"haeology4
The schematic of a beta attenuation monitor (BAM. The detector
allo!s to assess cumulati"e mass concentration of suspended
particulate matter (PM in the ambient air. #otation$ 1 % air inlet&
2 % cyclin' ribbon& and ) % beta radiation sources& *1 and *2
 % beta radiation detectors& 5 % air pump& + % air e,haust
 The s"hemati" of a beta attenuation monitor (,$)4 The dete"tor allows to assess "umulati3e mass "on"entration of
suspended parti"ulate matter (*$) in the ambient air4 Cotation: + 6 air inlet & 6 "y"ling ribbon 2 and D 6 beta radiation sour"es E+ and E& 6 beta radiation dete"tors F 6 air pump @ 6 air exhaust
Applications GG Immissions measuring systems for monitoring !ne dust GG $obile immissions-measuring GG Eust measurement in health and safety appli"ations GG Interior dust measurements GG $easurement and "olle"tion of dust parti"les for hea3y metal analysis
GG 7ong-term ba"8ground studies in ambient dust "on"entration
GG Eust measurement and "olle"tion at problem sites and repositories GG Eust measurement for se"ondary emission of repositories (e4g4 "oal) GG Eust measurement in supply air and exhaust