Bidding and Bid Evaluation

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  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    Client’s Processes & Procedures

    Bidding and Bid


  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    “… for every contract there is the optimum bidder who is not onlycapable of fullling the Clients’ reuirements in terms of time!uality and ris" but also in respect of cost is also willing and ableto submit a bid lower than any competitor# $ fundamental goal ofany competitive bidding system is to reveal the identity of thisoptimum bidder and determine the bid price#

    “… too many clients are undiscriminating and still e

    with cost! selecting designers and constructors almoon the basis of tendered price# his tendency is wideone of the greatest barriers to improvement# he pubecause of its need to interpret accountability in a rasense! is often viewed as a ma'or culprit in this resp

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    Procurement )b'ectives

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


     he introduction of leading edge concepts! for e%ample! best pbenchmar"ing! total uality management and supply chain con

     echnological comple%ity resulting in specialisation reuiring opurchase goods from those with specialist e%pertise*

    Central & ,tate government policies & legislations*

    -ncreasing recognition of the nite nature of resources*

    -ncreasing proportion of revenue spent e%ternally*

    .ewer but larger suppliers* and

    -ncreasing environmental awareness#

    Procurement / ,trategic -mportance

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    Purpose of procurement 0 meet the user1s reuirem

    2euirement 0 specic level of uality or standard oservice 3need! cost0e4ectiveness and a4ordability5

    E%pressed in terms of output and performance 3to afavouritism5

    ,pecied by reference to recogni+ed standards! whrelevant! ma"ing provision for euivalents

    To purchase the right quality of material, at the right in the right quantity, from the right source, at the righ price

    Procurement ob'ectives

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  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


     imely delivery6completion Certainty of completion date and other time related


    Early commencement of wor"6fabrication6manufact

    :esign proposals to be submitted e%peditiously 2apid rectication of defects


  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    Certainty of cost estimates ;alue for money

    Ease of accountability

    Competition / lowest possible tender

    )btaining cost certainty or reduction in ris" of costoverrun

    2ealistic maintenance and running costs


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  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


     o supply the organi+ation with a steady

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


     o select the best suppliers in the mar"et#  o help generate the e4ective development of new products#

     o protect the company's cost structure#

     o maintain the correct quality/value balance#

     o monitor supply market trends#

     o negotiate eectively in order to wor" with suppliers who will semutual benet through economically superior performance

    $n alternative approach

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    Competition Best value6value for money

    ;alue analysis6engineering

    >egal obligations

    Emerging procurement themes

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    Procurement Policies

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    ?a"e or buy decision ma"ing

    ,ubcontracting 0 ability to do a 'ob* capacity! e%pertise! time!speciali+ation

    Buying commodities

    Capital goods

    Purchasing for resale

    Buying services

    )utsourcing / core6 non0core activities

    Buying internationally

    Purchasing :ecision ?a"ing

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    -n0house pro'ect – Be available full0time

     – Be the single0point contact for the organi+ation

     – $t the very least be able to answer all incoming uestions fully and promptly

     – @nderstand and organi+e the internal decision0ma"ing processes reuired for

     – 7ave the power to spea" and act for the organi+ation

     – $ct in support of any e%ternal pro'ect leadership appointment

    Pro'ect management

    Consultant advisers

     – Complementing s"ills available within the client organi+ation

     – ,upplying impartial advice on the need 3or not as the case may be5 to build a

    about building

    Procurement ,ystems! Policies & ays

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    :esign and Construct – esign and build



    evelop and construct/manufacture " # stage

     – $ackage deal " standardised/ semi standardised product

     – %urnkey " single administrative entity

     –$rivate &inance nitiative ($&) - he promoter designs! builds! nances the facility on behalf of the 3public5 client

     – *uild-+wn-+perate-%ransfer (*++%) - private client provides and operatbehalf of a 3usually5 public client for a %ed term & then transfers 3B))! :B

     – esign and manage " reuires specialist contractors 3Contractor! Consul

     – ?aintenance & )peration / special cases

    Procurement 2outes

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


     raditional .orm / ?easurement Criteria 3-tem 2ate>umpsum5

     – ,euential :esign

     – $ccelerated :esign

    ?anagement methods

     –?anagement contracting

     – Construction management

    Prime cost contracting 0 single point of responsibility 3thePrime Contractor5 between the client and his sourced supply c

    ,eparate :esign and Construct

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation



     – )rgani+ations agree to wor" together for a period of time! perhaps unspecied! on a basis common ob'ectives thereby optimising each partner1s strengths

     – partners still maintain a sense of independence with their own contractual arrangement anthat may or may not be based on a competitive6cost structure#

     – involves a client buying a product 3the pro'ect5 through a procurement process that may informs 3traditional! negotiated price! design and build! management contracting etc#5# Partnadvantages! lies in attitudes and behaviours governing a commercial process#


     – ?ore all encompassing

     – ;irtual company merger

     – trustworthy! committed and world0class professional and competent rms 'oin with the owpro'ect

     – 2is" and reward sharing

    &ramework agreements

    %erm contracting - e%ecuted over a given time period 3generally for repair



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  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    $requalifying proposals - reuests for information! ustatements and capacity statements

    nsolicited proposals - preliminary proposals! feasibildesign studies

    nformal proposals - o4er letters and presentations

    &ormal tenders - sealed bids! budgetary proposals! negtenders! open tenders! selective tendering and single ac

    Bid Classication

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  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    $chieve a better idea of the right price from a rangesuppliers and are better able to ma"e an informed 'udgement upon which to select#

    ,pecify closely what they need from the product anallow the manufacturers to interpret those needs anput a price against them#

    =ains an ob'ective assessment! which they can revand audit#

    =ain an understanding of the uality that the supplcan achieve and within what time0scale#

     endering 0 advantages

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     he cost and involvement of the client are high in producing the specicatdocuments#

    .ully specied tender documents restricts value engineering6 innovation#

    >oosely specied tender documents may result in diverse solutions varying

    ,uppliers could uote too high! too low leading to dispute or failure of suppsupport or maintenance5! supplier defunt#

     he procedures for tendering are often slow# $cceleration results in low! po

    >owest price0 lac" of performance and uality of supply#

     endering procedures may be e%pensive to set up / tender charges

     endering can be unsuitable for some types of contract6low value# .or e%aof the product or service reuired

    Contractors declining tender to avoid alienating a client or consultant 0 throprice#

     endering 0 :isadvantages

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    )pen Closed


     ypes of Bids

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    -dentify the problem area and the possible reuirement

    :evelop plans to provide the solution

    $ssess potential solution providers 0 Preualication

    :ecide upon the tendering method

    Prepare tender documents! technical and commercial specicatio

    -nvite suppliers to tender and issue tender documents 2eceive suppliers1 tenders and proposals

    Evaluate the responses

    Degotiate with the preferred supplier3s5

    $ward the contract to the winning bidder

    Bidding procedures 0 Phases

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    .inancial standing and record 2ecent similar building e%perience / speed! costs! time

    =eneral e%perience! s"ill and reputation in the area

    $deuacy of technical and management structure for contype

    Competence and resources wrt E7,

    $pproach to uality assurance systems

    $deuate capacity at the relevant time


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    ,ingle stage tenders

     wo stage tenders

    .ormal presentations

    $ward criteria

     ender ,taging

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    !ommitment Clients’ initiate pro'ects! set the style and tone and are essentia

    .ole denition clients need to dene their own role and euip them to carryclient involvement in the design and management of pro'ects reuires appropriae%pertise#

    .ealism priorities and e%pectations! for e%ample! time frame and price! shouldfair#

    *rieng a clear brief is essential to establish e%actly what is reuired! includinservice! specication or product#

    0egotiate a willingness to negotiate with consultants! contractors and supplie

    1ariations2 restrict variations in design! specication or product to the eschanges are necessary a systematic approach is crucial#

    !ommunication communicate e%pectations both internally and e%ternaa clear chain of communication and decision0ma"ing / avoid confusion byvia a single voice

    =ood tendering Practices

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    ,elect advisers and consultants after careful consideration#

    ,elect an appropriate procurement methodology that best ts the pro'ect’s p

    $dopt and adhere to fair tendering procedures that include

     he publication of procurement contact points! ma"ing available as much infneed to respond to the bidding process*

     – he preparation of appropriate tender documentation*

     – he identication and selection of an appropriate number of suitable tenders*

     – $n appropriate period of time for the preparation of tenders*

     – $ method of dealing with errors within the tender documentation*

     – $ consistent procedure for the submission and inspection of tenders*

     –$ method for dealing with errors within tenders*

     – he provision of feedbac" to all tenders on the outcome of bids promptly and! within the bcondentiality! to debrief winners and losers on reuest on the outcome of the bidding properformance on future occasions*

     – he application of the highest professional standards in the management of contracts* and

     – Procedures to respond to suggestions! enuiries and complaints* and

     – Prompt payment procedures#

    .air endering

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    Bid Evaluation

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


    denition of the technical requirements2 product charactercost tolerances! ma"e or buy decisions! the demand for the comown products! the competitive environment in which the organisoperates#

    assessment of potential suppliers2 technical support6bac" uavailability of nancial credit services! geographical pro%imity! thcompetence of the supplier in purchasing! manufacturing anddistribution! the supplier1s delivery record and the past uality o

    rm1s performance bidding negotiations2 the characteristics of each individual o4

    including the price! delivery! uality and the vendor rating reachduring the assessment of the supplier

    Bid Evaluation Criteria :evelopment sta

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    34eighted point plan5 !ategorical approach

    5.isks, 1alue and 6ecurity7

     – 1alue

     – 6ecurity - .outine order products, $rocedural probleproducts, $erformance problem products, $oliticalproblem products

    Evaluation ?ethods

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    8eight2 the number of levels in the organisation 3its hierarchy5 that


  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


     echnical Commercial


    Generally, in two/three envelope bids, Contractors who pass the technievaluation only, shall become eligible for Commercial/ and or Financial


    Evaluation Criteria

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    performance and productivity standards uality inspection reuirements operational and maintenance costs professional competence technical6professional support standardisation after0sales service cost and availability of spares and6or consumables provision of manuals and training sample testing warranties

     echnical Criteria

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    compliance with the invitation to tender including

     – acceptance by the tenderer of the purchaser’s terms and conditions contract

     – compliance with delivery reuirements

     – compliance with tender validity period

     – acceptance of payment arrangements

    ownership e#g# in the case of a training course

    length of time that product range6design will be on the ma

    Commercial Criteria

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    life cycle costing comparisons 3where appropriate5

    uantiable nancial ris"s6 benets from technical eval

    %ed or variable pricing

    cost of components! spare parts! consumables and serv

    nancial ualications to full the contract

    $d'ustment for foreign currency and e%change ris"s

    ris" analysis and nancial appraisal

    cost of variations6additions to the product6service 3costchanging6addingL5

    .inancial Criteria

  • 8/19/2019 Bidding and Bid Evaluation


     ppendices of lecture ! Bid " Bid #valuation$pdf 

    %age &&' of Commercial (anagement ! )avid *owe

    Chapter +- Claims (anagement ! Construction Cost (anagethrough Case .tudies ! eith %otts

    .urther reading