Gent’s Knickerbocker Stockings in Blantyre Plaid From “Weldon’s Practical Knitter, Twenty-Eighth Series ” (published 1895) Project #9 from “My Year of Weldon’s

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Gent’s Knickerbocker Stockings in Blantyre Plaid

From “Weldon’s Practical Knitter, Twenty-Eighth Series ” (published 1895)

Project #9 from “My Year of Weldon’s”

"Our engraving shows a strong and comfortable stocking worked in Blantyre

Plaid with wool of two colors; this plaid is bold and effective, and the colors used

in the model (dark brown and light fawn) harmonize nicely together. The

stocking comprises a minimum of work, as it is one of a new and popular kind,

knitted with thick wool and coarse needles, and so the work is brought rapidly to

completion. The stocking has a ribbed top, which is intended to fold below the

knee to cling closely round the leg and hold the stocking in place. Depth of the

ribbing is 6 inches; entire length of leg, including ribbing, is 21 inches. Length of

foot, 10 inches".

Yarn: Sport Weight yarn (I used Dale of Norway “Heilo” in Red (MC) and

White (CC), with 109 yds per skein. I used around 3 skeins of each color.

Needles: US #3 (3.25 mm)

Gauge: 24 sts = 4”


K: knit

P: purl

Inc: increase

MC: Main Color

CC: Contrast Color

M1: Make 1 (increase) by picking up the bar between 2 stitches and knitting

into the back loop

St(s): Stitch(es)

K2tog: Knit 2 sts together

P2tog: Purl 2 sts together

SKP: slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over


Using MC, cast on 68 stitches: 24 stitches on needle 1, 20 on needle 2, and 24 on needle 3.

Join for knitting in the round and work in k2, p2 ribbing: 12 rounds MC, 4 round CC, 4 rounds

MC, 4 rounds CC, 12 rounds MC, 4 rounds CC, 4 rounds MC, 4 rounds CC, 12 rounds MC ,

This forms the cuff of the stocking; turn work inside out, knit 1 round in MC, increasing thus: slip

1st st, M1, *k5, M1; repeat from *, ending with k2. Stitch count is now 82 sts divided thus: 29,

24, 29.

Commence with the plaid pattern as in chart 1, knitting every stitch and working decreases

where indicated.

Cut yarn. Place last 16 sts from needle 3 and first 15 sts from needle 1 on separate needle for

working heel.

Heel (worked over 31 sts). Heel is worked flat; knit all stitches on right side and purl all stitches

on wrong side. Work Chart 2 over heel stitches.

Turn Heel: continue the “check” pattern as established in last 3 rows of heel.

Row 1: knit 1 MC and 1 CC alternately for 16 sts, then skp, k1, turn

Row 2: p3, p2tog, p1, turn

Row 3: k4, skp, k1, turn

Row 4: p5, p2tog, p1, turn

Row 5: k6, skp, k1, turn

Row 6: p7, p2tog, p1, turn

Row 7: k8, skp, k1, turn

Row 8: P9, p2tog, p1, turn

Row 9: k10, skp, k1, turn

Row 10: p11, p2tog, p1, turn

Row 11: k12, skp, k1, turn

Row 12: p13, p2tog, p1, turn

Row 13: k14, skp, k1, turn

Row 14: p15, p2tog, p1, turn.

There are now 17 sts on the needle.

For Gussets and Foot:

Work 17 sts in alternating MC and CC as established, pick up and knit 15 sts along the side of

heel flap in alternate colors, on 2nd needle work the 29 sts of the top of foot as shown in Chart 3,

on 3rd needle pick up and knit 15 sts along the side of heel flap in alternate colors, knit 9 stitches

in alternate colors on the heel. Your stitch count should be 23, 29, 24 sts per needle, or 76 sts

in the round.

2nd Round: knit all sts on needle 1, reversing the colors; work chart across needle 2, knit all sts

on needle 3, reversing the colors.

3rd Round: Knit all sts on needle 1 alternating colors and knit last 2 sts together; work chart

across needle 2, skp first 2 sts on needle 3 and knit to end, alternating colors.

Repeat these last 2 rounds until 9 decreases have been made on each gusset (58 sts left)

Work as established in the “check” pattern for the sole and the plaid pattern for the instep until

foot is 2” less than desired length.

Toe is worked entirely in “check” pattern, alternating MC and CC:

Round 1: Knit until 3 sts before end of needle 1, k2tog, k1; on 2nd needle k1, skp, knit until 3 sts

before end of needle 2 and k2tog, k1; on 3rd needle k1, skp, knit to end.

Round 2: Knit even in alternating colors as established.

Repeat these 2 rounds until there are 22 sts left (11 on instep and 11 on the sole). Graft these

stitches together using Kitchener stitch.

Finishing: Weave in ends, block gently.

Copyright © Laurie Kynaston 2012. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author.