Blogging Permission Letter

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Blogging Permission Letter.

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June 22, 2013

Mrs. Denise Hammrich641 5th AvenueLewiston, Idaho 83501

Dear Mrs. Hammrich:

You are receiving this letter at this time to request permission for the fourth grade to implement the use of WordPress as the blogging platform to be used as a learning tool in the classroom. It is important for our students to learn 21st century skills and blogging is one of many options to address this need. Students will improve literacy skills along with learning appropriate online behaviors. They will also learn the importance of online safety through continued instruction.

Not only is it important for children to learn about blogging, parents/guardians must also be educated. An introduction to blogging for parents/guardians workshop will be organized immediately following the beginning of the year to educate the families if this proposal is approved.

Please see the attached proposal for details on the intended use of a class blog and the safety precautions, which will be in place prior to any student participation. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this proposal.


Catherine Holthaus,4th Grade Teacher, All Saints Catholic School1811 Clearview Point DriveLewiston, Idaho 83501

Enclosure: 1

What blogging platform will be used in the classroom and why?WordPress will provide the blogging platform for the fourth grade to blog without any cost to the school. Other benefits of using WordPress as the class platform is that it is user friendly. WordPress can easily be accessed on any school computer and students can quickly learn how to navigate the site. The instructions provided on the site are step-by-step, so that even the most tentative, first-time blogger can create a site without difficulty. In the event of difficulty navigating the site, customer support is readily available. Most questions can be answered by using WordPress Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page. Although this site provides free blogging services, the user will not be at a loss for options. WordPress gives the user over 150 different themes or templates to select from. The variety available allows the blogger to select the theme most fitting for its intended use. The overall navigation of WordPress is user friendly along with the ease of being able to embed pictures, sideshows, videos, podcasts, and Google Docs into the blog. Will there be a single classroom blog or will the students have individual blogs?The fourth grade will be using a single class blog, which will be closely monitored by the teacher. The blog will be designed so that there will be individual pages for math, language arts, Idaho history, science, and religion. This will allow the students many opportunities to blog on a various subjects. There will also be a discussion of the week page in which the students will have the opportunity to voice their opinion on a chosen topic. Topics will be selected by the teacher and then posted. During the week, students will be randomly selected to blog and everyone will have at least one chance to blog. Outstanding student work will be published on WordPress along with weekly updates on the events happening in the various subject areas. At the present time, individual blogs are not being considered due to time management. If at any time this should change, parents/guardians would be notified. Will the students be blogging under their own names?Students will not use their own names on the Internet under any circumstances. At the completion of all student posts, students will use only their initials for identification purposes. No first or last names will ever be used in order to protect the identity of all children. Periodically photos of classroom activities will be shared however student names will never be used.What is the intended use of a classroom blog?The fourth grade classroom blog will provide a way to follow the events happening in the classroom. Students will have ownership of this blog with teacher supervision. Weekly updates of topics covered in 4th grade subject areas, special events, visitors, and opinions will be posted. Students will have the opportunity to blog throughout the week when all other tasks are completed. Additionally, by providing the students with the opportunity to blog they will use writing and social skills to communicate. It is important for students to learn how to effectively communicate in writing in various forms. Writing has taken on an entirely new format with the increased use of technology. Whereas it is still important for students to be able to write using a pen and paper, they must also develop keyboarding skills. Blogging will give the students an authentic, hands-on experience. Students will also have to collaborate with one another. The refinement of interpersonal relationship skills continues throughout life. Learning how to work with others at an early stage will take these children far. Skills such as these will be life long skills, which are necessary for success. Why are blogs the most appropriate tool to share the classroom with family and friends?Blogging is an authentic means of 21st century writing. Students will have a live audience who will comment on posts and student work. More and more people are relying upon technology to keep in touch with current events. Traditional means of communication are quickly becoming history. A classroom blog is a reliable and up to date, chronological review of classroom events. It is real-time. Family and friends who want to know what their children or friends are doing in school are able to do this by following a blog. Blogging is also a chance for students to show pride in their work and take ownership. When students realize that the world will be able to read their comments and view their work, they will want to do their absolute best. What preventative safety measures will be in place to prevent students from providing too much information, blogging inappropriately, or generally misusing the blog?Keeping students safe is my number one priority. Teaching students to be safe applies both in school and at home. Internet safety training will be mandatory prior to any computer usage. An Acceptable Use Policy will also be sent home for the students to share with their parents/guardians. A signed copy will be required to be returned to school before any computer usage is initiated. Instruction will be provided to all students with regard to safe Internet use. First and fore most, students will be told to never provide personal information on the Internet without an adults permission. Personal information encompasses the first and last name, city or state of residence, addresses of any kind, phone numbers, zip codes, or any other type of information that could put the childs safety in jeopardy. Regularly throughout the school year, students will receive instructions refreshing them upon the importance of Internet safety. Students will also be reminded to use their manners. Remembering to use our manners is an important part of our lives. We use our manners at home, at school, in the mall, and we need to not forget to use our manners online. Just because we may not be able to see whom we are talking with does not give us the right to not use our manners. Here is a list of good manners, called netiquette, to use when emailing, chatting, blogging, etc. Helpful Hints to Successful Netiquette 1. Remember the Golden Rule.2. Written words are just as hurtful as spoken words.3. Remember once the send button is clicked, your message is gone forever.4. Do not give out any personal information, ever!5. Always use caution!