Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District Regular Meeting of the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) Board Of Managers, for Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 6:00 p.m. at the Great River School Conference Room, 1326 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota. I. Call to Order of Regular Meeting (President Joe Collins) A) Attendance B) Review, Amendments and Approval of the Agenda 6:00 PUBLIC HEARING – WATERSHED DISTRICT 2015 Budget and Levy At this date and time, the Board of Managers will hear and accept public comments regarding the proposed 2015 Budget and Levy of the Capitol Region Watershed District. REGULAR MEETING AGENDA II. Public Comment – For Items not on the Agenda (Please observe a limit of three minutes per person.) III. Permit Applications and Program Updates (Permit Process: 1) Staff Review/Recommendation, 2) Applicant Response, 3) Public Comment, and 4) Board Discussion and Action.) A) Permit Closeouts (Poland) B) Permit Program/Rules Update (Kelley) IV. Special Reports –– No Special Reports V. Action Items A) AR: Approve Minutes of the August 6, 2014 Regular Meeting (Sylvander) B) AR: Approve Accounts Payable/Receivables for July 2014 (Sylvander) C) AR: Authorize Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program Request (Zwonitzer) D) AR: Approve Grade Promotion for Lindsay VanPatten (Doneux) VI. Unfinished Business A) FI: MOU for Stormwater Management Master Plan for Como Regional Park (Doneux) B) FI: Lake McCarrons Aquatic Plant Harvesting Update (Zwonitzer) C) FI: Office Remodel Update (Doneux) D) FI: 2013 Audit Update (Doneux) VII. General Information A) CAC Update B) Administrator’s Report VIII. Next Meeting A) Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Meeting Agenda Review IX. Adjournment W:\04 Board of Managers\Agendas\2014\August 20, 2014 Agenda Regular Mtg.docx Note: Meeting location change due to office remodeling.

Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

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Page 1: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Regular Meeting of the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) Board Of Managers, for Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 6:00 p.m. at the Great River School Conference Room, 1326 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota. I. Call to Order of Regular Meeting (President Joe Collins)

A) Attendance B) Review, Amendments and Approval of the Agenda

6:00 PUBLIC HEARING – WATERSHED DISTRICT 2015 Budget and Levy At this date and time, the Board of Managers will hear and accept public comments regarding the proposed 2015 Budget and Levy of the Capitol Region Watershed District.


II. Public Comment – For Items not on the Agenda (Please observe a limit of three minutes per person.)

III. Permit Applications and Program Updates (Permit Process: 1) Staff Review/Recommendation, 2) Applicant Response, 3) Public Comment, and 4) Board Discussion and Action.)

A) Permit Closeouts (Poland) B) Permit Program/Rules Update (Kelley)

IV. Special Reports –– No Special Reports

V. Action Items A) AR: Approve Minutes of the August 6, 2014 Regular Meeting (Sylvander) B) AR: Approve Accounts Payable/Receivables for July 2014 (Sylvander) C) AR: Authorize Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program Request (Zwonitzer) D) AR: Approve Grade Promotion for Lindsay VanPatten (Doneux)

VI. Unfinished Business A) FI: MOU for Stormwater Management Master Plan for Como Regional Park (Doneux) B) FI: Lake McCarrons Aquatic Plant Harvesting Update (Zwonitzer) C) FI: Office Remodel Update (Doneux) D) FI: 2013 Audit Update (Doneux)

VII. General Information A) CAC Update B) Administrator’s Report

VIII. Next Meeting

A) Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Meeting Agenda Review

IX. Adjournment W:\04 Board of Managers\Agendas\2014\August 20, 2014 Agenda Regular Mtg.docx


Page 2: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

DATE: August 15, 2013

TO: CRWD Board of Managers

FROM: Mark Doneux, Administrator

RE: Public Hearing for Proposed 2014 Budget & Levy


Each year the Board of Managers must establish a plan of work for the upcoming year, establish a

budget based upon the work plan, and establish a levy for the budget. The preliminary 2015 Work Plan,

Budget and Levy was developed from meetings and input by the Board of Managers on July 9th and July



The required public hearing notice was published twice in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press, sent out to Ramsey

County, the cities within our watershed, all of the interested parties and posted at our office and on our

web site. The Work Plan, Budget and Levy were reviewed with the Citizen’s Advisory Committee at the

August 13th meeting. The full budget is available at our ftp site. I am including another print out of the

budget with this memo. I will review the MS Power Point presentation that I gave the CAC, during the

public hearing. The link to our Preliminary 2015 Budget was sent to you on August 7th via email and will

be resent on August 14th to ensure you have it available.

Requested Action

No Action Requested. Hold Public Hearing and receive Public Comment on Proposed 2015 Work Plan,

Budget and Levy.

Next Steps

1) Provide comments and recommended changes to proposed Work Plan, Budget and Levy for the

September 3rd Regular meeting.

2) Adopt and certify the 2015 preliminary budget and levy at the September 3rd regular meeting.

3) November - Review 2015 budget to better reflect actual 2014 expenditures.

4) December – Adopt Final 2015 Work Plan, Budget and Levy.

enc: Preliminary 2015 Budget & Levy

W:\02 Budget and Finance\Budget - 2015\Board Memo - Public Hearing for 2015 Budget and Levy 8-14-14.docx

August 20, 2014



Budget and Levy (Doneux)

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DATE: August 14, 2014 TO: CRWD Board of Managers FROM: Corey Poland, Water Resource Technician RE: Permit Closeouts

Background Construction activity is complete for permits 07-001, 07-015, 07-018, 08-006, 08-014, 08-031, 09-007, 09-025, 12-014, and 12-024. Issues

• 07-001 Stuart Care Facility: As-built plans have been received and approved. Proof of a recorded maintenance agreement with Ramsey County was submitted to CRWD on 1/9/2014. At the closeout inspection, conducted on 6/12/2014, inlet protection devices were still installed, the EcoStorm Plus unit (stormwater filtration system) needed cleaning, and the system was not draining. These issues were addressed on 8/11/2014: The EcoStorm Plus unit was vacuumed out and back flushed, a piece of wood blocking the outlet was removed, and the storage pipes were vacuumed out.

• 07-015 United Family Practice Health Center: As-built plans have been received and approved. Proof of a recorded maintenance agreement with Ramsey County was submitted to CRWD on 6/6/2014. At the closeout inspection, conducted on 6/18/2014, minor maintenance on the system was needed, and grass was dying near sidewalks. The site was inspected again on 8/13/2014. All problems were addressed.

• 07-018 Loeb Lake Fishing Pier: Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement is required since no permanent stormwater practices were installed. A final inspection was conducted on 7/29/2014. No problems were found during the inspection.

• 08-006 Rice Street Business Center: Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement is required since no permanent stormwater practices were installed. A final inspection was conducted on 7/29/2014. No problems were found during the inspection.

• 08-014 Rice Street Bridge: Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement is required since no permanent stormwater practices were installed. A final inspection was conducted on 7/29/2014. No problems were found during the inspection.

• 08-031 TBI Maryland Ave: This was a CRWD project. No inspection was required. • 09-007 SPPA Pierce Butler Site: This permit has been transferred to CRWD permit 11-001

Banbro Warehouse. As-built plans are not required since they were submitted on permit 11-001. Proof of a recorded maintenance agreement with Ramsey County was submitted to CRWD on 7/22/2014. At the closeout inspection, conducted on 7/29/2014, sediment was found in one of the catch basins. This will be noted in a maintenance report and submitted to current owners.

August 20, 2014 III. Permit Applications A) Permit Closeouts (Poland)

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

Page 8: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

• 09-025 Roseville Dog Park Erosion: Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement is required since no permanent stormwater practices were installed. A final inspection was conducted on 7/29/2014. No problems were found during the inspection.

• 12-014 Trout Brook Realignment: This was a CRWD project. No inspection was required. • 12-024 Johnson Brother Liquor: As-built plans have been submitted and approved. Proof of a

recorded maintenance agreement with Ramsey County was submitted to CRWD on 6/10/2014. At the closeout inspection, conducted on 7/18/2014, there were no plants in the back rain garden. The garden was planted prior to the 7/30/2014 follow-up inspection. The plants were being watered regularly and appeared to be establishing. This garden will be inspected again before the August 20 board meeting. Verbal update will be given at this time.

Action Requested

• Approve Certificates of Completion for permits 07-018, 08-014, 08-031, 09-007, 09-025, and 12-014.

• Approve a Certificate of Completion for Permit 07-001 Stuart Care Facility and return surety of $3,800

• Approve a Certificate of Completion for Permit 07-015 United Family Practice Health Center and return surety of $5,600

• Approve a Certificate of Completion for Permit 08-006 Rice Street Business Center and return surety of $1,000

• Approve a Certificate of Completion for Permit 12-024 Johnson Brother Liquor and return surety of $10,100

cc: Jim Mogen, Ramsey County Attorney’s Office W:\07 Programs\Permitting\Board Memos\2014-08-20 Permit Closeout Board Memo.docx


Page 9: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Regular Meeting of the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) Board of Managers, for Wednesday,

August 6, 2014, 6:00 p.m. at the office of the CRWD, 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4, St. Paul, Minnesota.


I. Call to Order of Regular Meeting (President Joe Collins)

A) Attendance

Joe Collins

Shirley Reider

Seitu Jones

Mary Texer

Mike Thienes

Staff Present

Nate Zwonitzer, CRWD

Michelle Sylvander, CRWD

Corey Poland, CRWD

Elizabeth Beckman, CRWD

Public Attendees Todd Shoemaker, Wenck


Samantha Kreibich, Ramsey

Conservation District

Charles Plowe, Plowe


Ann White Eagle, Ramsey

Conservation District

Jim Mogen, Ramsey County


B) Review, Amendments and Approval of the Agenda

President Joe Collins asked for additions or changes to the agenda. Ms. Sylvander requested the addition

of Action Item V. F. Approve the Administrator to enter into a lease agreement with Ford Motor


Motion 14-157: Approve the August 6, 2014 Agenda.


Unanimously approved

II. Public Comments – For Items not on the Agenda

There were no public comments.

III. Permit Applications and Program Updates

A) Permit Closeouts (Poland)

Mr. Poland reviewed completed construction projects for permits 08-022, 08-023, 09-002, 09-004, and

09-022. No sureties were collected for these permits.

08-022 Smith Avenue Parking Lot Erosion Control: Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement

is required. A final inspection was conducted on 7/25/2014. No problems were found during


August 20, 2014 Board Meeting

V. Action Item A) Approve Minutes

of August 6, 2014

DRAFT Regular Board Meeting


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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

08-023 Phalen-Arcade Trailhead: An as-built survey was submitted and approved. A Memorandum of

Agreement is in place. Final inspection was conducted on 7/24/2014. No problems were found.

09-002 Adrian-Thurston Extension: Project was constructed with a temporary basin. New development

has taken place at the Nova Academy and Victoria Park permits, and the basin was removed. Drainage

now enters Victoria Park

09-004 East Sixth Street: Stormwater requirements were met by the city though use of banked volume

reduction credits. Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement is required. A final inspection

was conducted on 7/25/2014. No problems were found.

09-016 740 East Seventh Street Erosion Control: Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement is

required. A final inspection was conducted on 7/25/2014. No problems were found.

09-022 Metro State: Neither as-built plans nor a maintenance agreement is required. This system has

been removed. A new system is being installed per CRWD permit 13-022 MSU Parking Ramp.

Motion 14-158: Approve Certificates of Completion for six permits 08-022 Smith Avenue Parking Ramp, 08-

023 Phalen-Arcade Trailhead, 09-002 Adrian-Thurston Extension, 09-004 East Sixth Street, 09-016 East

Seventh Street Erosion Control and 09-022 Metro State.


Unanimously approved

B) Permit #13-030 Western U Plaza Permit Amendment (Kelley)

Mr. Shoemaker reviewed Permit #13-030 Western U Plaza Permit Amendment in place of Mr. Kelley.

The applicant is St. Paul Old Home Plaza, LLC. Who is redeveloping and reusing the former Old Home

Property at Western and University Avenue. The applicable rules are Stormwater Management (Rule

C), Flood Control (Rule D), and Erosion and Sediment Control (Rule F). The disturbed area of this

project is 1.6 Acres with 1.24 Acres of impervious surface.

Motion 14-159: Approve the Western U Plaza Permit Amendment #13-030 with four Conditions:

1. Revise information in HydroCAD or outlet structure 101 detail to correspond. The HydroCAD model

indicates a 6” x 1.6” orifice at elevation 165.42, while the detail indicates a 6” weir at 166.25.

2. Document that a sufficient number of downspouts are proposed for the Parcel B building. Four

downspouts are identified, three of which are on the far east side of the building.

3. Remove draintile from Stormtech system. Outlet structure detail 101 indicates a 6” draintile will drain

into the structure, presumably from the Stormtech system. Soils are sufficiently permeable that a

draintile is not needed.

4. Specify the elevations for the weirs that direct runoff into the isolator rows of the Stormtech system.


Unanimously approved

Motion 14-160: Approve the banking of 6,233 cf for the Western U Plaza Permit #13-030.


Unanimously approved

C) Permit #14-023 McCarrons Pond (Kelley)

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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Mr. Shoemaker reviewed the McCarrons Pond in place of Mr. Kelley. The applicant is Norcutt Homes.

The permit is for the construction of five new residential units. The applicable rules are Stormwater

Management (Rule C), Flood Control (Rule D), Wetland Management (E), and Erosion and Sediment

Control (Rule F). The disturbed area of this project is 0.7 acres with 0.24 acres of impervious surface.

Mr. Charles Plowe with Plowe Engineering was in attendance. Mr. Shoemaker reviewed the project.

Mr. Shoemaker requested the approval of the McCarrons Pond permit with five conditions, and two

requests for variances for Rule C and Rule E. Staff recommends the Board of Managers add three more

conditions to the permit for a total of eight conditions if the variances are approved by the Board.

Mr. Shoemaker first described the reasons for the Rule C variance request. The current basin is

landlocked with the overflow located off of the applicant’s property – Therefore, if the adjacent property

were to increase the elevation, this could cause the McCarrons Pond buildings to flood. The applicant

and staff agree that they want to maintain control of the overflow. In order to prevent future problems,

the applicant has proposed an outlet pipe to the north that ties into the existing system and would

increase discharge rates compared to existing conditions.

President Collins asked if this pipe could prevent future flooding. Mr. Shoemaker confirmed yes. Mr.

Thienes asked about the size of the pipe outlet. Mr. Shoemaker confirmed that the pipe would be 12

inches. Mr. Thienes asked Mr. Shoemaker if discharge is expected in rain events under 100 years. Mr.

Shoemaker replied yes the pond would bounce.

Mr. Shoemaker described the reasons for the Rule E variance request. Mr. Shoemaker stated that the

applicant has made adjustments to the floor plans to maximize the buffer area around the wetland.

Mr. Thienes requested clarification of the eight permit conditions. Mr. Shoemaker reviewed the

recommended five permit conditions and the three recommended conditions for the Board to consider.

There was much discussion about the maintenance of the buffer. The Board of Managers stressed the

importance of proper documentation of the maintenance agreement to prevent future owners of the

property from mowing into the wetland area.

Attorney Mogen suggested it be noted that CRWD be made a third party beneficiary of the homeowners

association agreement covenant. This would help enforcing the association to take responsibility for

maintenance and this would be recorded. Attorney Mogen stated that there are limitations to the

covenant because the association is very small with only five units and no surety has been collected.

However, CRWD would have authority to direct the association.

Mr. Plowe stated that signage would be placed around the buffer area to make it very clear to the

homeowners the boundaries of the wetlands.

President Collins asked about the plantings in the area. Mr. Shoemaker replied that typical meadow

species would be planted in the area.

Mr. Jones asked about whether decks would require posts or if they would be cantilevered. Mr. Plowe

replied that the decks would require posts. Mr. Jones asked if the posts would be located within the

buffer area. The post would be located in the buffer area.

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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Ms. Texer proposed an amendment to condition 2 to include language in the homeowners association

agreement to protect and maintain the buffer as approved by Attorney Mogen. Attorney Mogen

suggested it include a covenant naming CRWD as a third party beneficiary in the Homeowner

Association Agreement.

Motion 14-161: Amendment to condition two to include covenant the homeowners association agreement that

names CRWD as a third party beneficiary as approved by Ramsey County Attorney Mogen.


Unanimously approved

Mr. Thienes noted that the numbering of variance request findings were off on page 5 of the permit

report. Ms. Texer noted that the numbering under considerations and permit recommendation were also

off on page 6.

Mr. Shoemaker confirmed that the considerations should be numbered 1-3 and the permit conditions

should be numbered 1-5.

Attorney Mogen clarified the Rule C variance request findings and the conditions of the permit.

Ms. Texer suggested that Rule C variance request finding number 3 be changed to read: Construction of

a new outlet pipe is required at the current normal water level of 892.4 and will result in 1.56 cfs

discharge for the 100-yr event.

Mr. Jones, Ms. Texer and Attorney Mogen suggested that the permit be tabled. President Collins and

the Board of Managers asked Mr. Plowe if the permit was time sensitive. Mr. Plowe stated that

construction is time sensitive.

Attorney Mogen suggested that a motion be made for Rule C.

Attorney Mogen asked Mr. Shoemaker if the proposed plan satisfies CRWD rate control standards for

the 2-year and 10 year storm events. Mr. Shoemaker replied that it did not.

Attorney Mogen proposed the following motion: to approve the variance from Rule C.

Motion 14-162: Approve the variance for the rate control requirements of Rule C for McCarrons Pond permit

#14-023 with 2, 10 and 100 year events based on five findings:

1. The existing wetland does not have a piped outlet, and does not discharge during 100-yr rainfall events.

2. The overland flow elevation was determined to be 894.0, and is on adjacent property.

3. Construction of a new outlet pipe is proposed at the current normal water level of 892.4 and will result in a

maximum discharge of 1.56 cfs for the 2, 10 and 100-yr events.

4. The proposed pipe will eliminate potential to flood adjacent properties, and protect proposed homes.

5. The increase in discharge is small, and the downstream receiving water body

(Williams Street Pond) will not be negatively impacted.


Unanimously approved

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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Attorney Mogen asked for confirmation from Mr. Charles Plowe that he understands the variance. Mr.

Plowe agreed.

Discussion took place about the variance for Rule E. Attorney Mogen clarified conditions vs. findings.

The variance will not be granted if the conditions are not followed. Findings justify the conditions.

Motion 14-163: Approve the variance from the wetland buffer requirements of Rule E for McCarrons Pond

permit #14-023 with three findings:

1. A minimum buffer width of 25 feet is required, a minimum width of 11 feet is proposed.

2. Adherence to the rule would make 2 of the 5 approved platted lots un-buildable.

3. The following actions have been proposed to mitigate buffer impacts, and protect water quality:

a. Reduce the Lot 5 setback from Elmer Street.

b. Locate the Lot 5 patio on the side of the townhouse rather than the rear.

c. Shorten the building length on Lot 5.

d. Remove patio in favor of elevated decks from the upper level on Lots 3 and 4.

e. Increase buffer width on Lots 1-3 to provide 2,314 square feet of buffer above and beyond

required area to account for 831 square feet of buffer impact.

f. Grade buffer to drain to rain garden and treatment areas prior to discharge to wetland


Unanimously approved

Motion 14-164: Amend finding number one of the variance for the wetland buffer requirement of Rule E: A

minimum buffer width of 25 feet is required, a minimum width of 8 feet is proposed.


Unanimously approved

Motion 14-165: Approve permit #14-023 McCarrons Pond with 8 conditions:

1. Receipt of $1,400 surety and documentation of maintenance agreement recorded with Ramsey County

2. Provide plans signed by a professional engineer per the Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID.

3. Revise draintile detail as follows: Perforated under drains shall be slotted single wall HDPE piping, at

least 4 inches in diameter, with circular knit polymeric filament filter sock per ASTM D6707-01. MnDot

3733 Type I sewn seam nonwoven fabric shall not be used.

4. Provide construction and erosion control phasing notes that indicate that grading within the buffer and

installation of the filtration basin shall not occur until home construction is complete, and up-gradient

soils have been stabilized.

5. Provide a planting plan for vegetation establishment utilizing species from the proposed filtration basin

seed mix. Establishing vegetation on basin bottoms through seed is ineffective.

6. Provide an updated Buffer Establishment and Management Plan that identifies acres of buffer impact,

acres of proposed buffer, and locations and species of proposed plantings.

7. Provide language to be included within the homeowners’ association agreement to protect and maintain

the buffer and to include a covenant naming CRWD as a third party beneficiary as approved by Ramsey

County Attorney Mogen.

8. Provide permanent signage identifying limits and purpose of the native wetland buffer.


Unanimously approved

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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Mr. Jones suggested that maintenance staff of the homeowners association go thru training on proper

care of the wetlands.

D) Permit #14-025 East 7th Street Mississippi Market (Kelley)

Mr. Shoemaker reviewed the East 7th Street Mississippi Market permit in place of Mr. Kelley. The

applicant is Mississippi Market. The permit is for the construction of a new Mississippi Market Co-op.

The applicable rules are Stormwater Management (Rule C), Flood Control (Rule D), and Erosion and

Sediment Control (Rule F). The disturbed area of this project is 1.09 acres with .89 acres impervious


Motion 14-166: Approve the Mississippi Market permit #14-025 with 8 Conditions:

1. Receipt of $4,450 surety and document maintenance agreement has been recorded with Ramsey County.

2. Provide plans signed by a professional engineer per the Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID.

3. Provide a copy of the NPDES permit.

4. In HydroCAD, adjust the curve numbers for pervious areas to be greater than or equal to the existing

curve numbers. It is unlikely that construction will increase the porosity of the soil.

5. In HydroCAD, replace the orifice outlets with an exfiltration rate of 1.0 inches per hour (for sand filter).

6. Ensure all runoff is discharged into a well-defined receiving channel or pipe and routed to a public

drainage system. Area P-4 is not directed to a receiving channel.

7. Provide a cross section detail of the StormTech system and drain tile detail to include elevations of the

sand, stone, and underdrain.

a. Sand should be clean, washed sand with no limestone.

b. Stone should be clean, washed, crushed stone with no limestone.

c. Remove geotextile fabric.

8. Provide a detail for PMH103 consistent with HydroCAD. It is unclear how the three NE inverts listed on

sheet C2.11 correspond with the HydroCAD outlet devices.


Unanimously approved

E) Permit Program/Rules Update (Kelley)

No update was given.

IV. Special Reports.

A). East Kittsondale Subwatershed: Urban Stormwater Retrofit Assessment (Zwonitzer)

Mr. Zwonitzer stated that in 2013, CRWD contracted with the Ramsey Conservation District (RCD) to

complete a stormwater retrofit analysis of the East Kittsondale subwatershed. Monitoring data shows that

water quality of stormwater runoff in East Kittsondale is consistently the poorest in the watershed. The

goal of the retrofit analysis is to identify potential water quality improvement opportunities, develop

preliminary cost estimates, model pollutant removals, and generate a prioritized list of project

opportunities based on cost-effectiveness.

Ms. Samantha Kreibich with Ramsey Conservation District reviewed the East Kittsondale Subwatershed

Urban Stormwater Retrofit Assessment. A variety of projects were identified in the report. Some of the

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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

projects are very site-specific, and some are general concepts (alley treatments) that could be applied

throughout the subwatershed. The next step is for CRWD staff to further explore and pursue the high

priority opportunities. Since CRWD does not own land, staff will need to develop partnerships with

property owners where projects are identified. The results of the report allows CRWD staff to pursue

projects that provide the biggest “bang for the buck” systematically, and it provides much needed

information when applying for grants. The information provided in the report is tremendously helpful for

planning District activities, and additional areas for stormwater retrofit analysis are being considered.

Mr. Zwontizer and Ms. Kreibich requested feedback on the East Kittsondale Stormwater Retrofit

Assessment and approach. Recommendations from the CAC were shared with the CRWD Board to

consider funding for implementation of identified projects and future stormwater retrofit assessments. Ms.

Texer asked Ms. Kreibich if any benefits to sweeping the alleys has been analyzed. Ms. Kreibich said

that the benefits of street sweeping the alleys has not been analyzed, but agreed that sweeping could have

a benefit. Ms. Reider noted that it is difficult to get homeowners to cooperate in contributing to the

maintenance of alleys, just like snowplowing and lighting. Mr. Thienes requested to see a final copy of

the report. Mr. Zwonitzer thanked the Board of Managers for their feedback.

No action was requested.

V. Action Items

A) AR: Approve Minutes of the July 23, 2014 Regular Meeting (Sylvander)

Motion 14-168: Approve Minutes of the July 23, 2014 Regular Meeting.


Unanimously approved

B) AR: Approve Villa Park Inlet Design (Fossum)

Mr. Zwonitzer reviewed the Villa Park Inlet Design in place of Mr. Fossum. The pipe that connects the

Sedimentation Basin to Wet Cell #5 in Villa Park is the location of the District’s Villa Park inlet

monitoring station. This pipe and its upstream inlet structure have had a long history of becoming

blocked with debris following rain events. This clogging has required the use of significant maintenance

time and resources for the City of Roseville. Additionally, the debris around and in the pipe that cause

clogging has led to additional CRWD staff time to ensure high quality monitoring data. CRWD and

Roseville staff have recently been discussing replacement of the pipe and the inlet structure within the

Sedimentation Basin to reduce maintenance requirements and improve monitoring conditions.

Concurrently, in the Fall of 2014, Roseville Parks Department will be replacing three bridges in Villa

Park. Roseville and CRWD staff believe this is a good time to replace the Villa Park inlet pipe as well,

to reduce the construction impacts to the park.

Roseville and CRWD staff have discussed a 50/50 cost-share of the engineering and construction costs

for this project. The construction costs are unknown at this point but will be determined when the

preliminary design is completed.

Staff have solicited a proposal from EOR, Inc. to complete the engineering design for the project. Staff

have reviewed the proposal and believe the costs are reasonable for the level of work proposed. President

Collins asked about the replacement of the bridge. Mr. Zwonitzer replied that Mr. Fossum is trying to

coordinate the timing of the project with the bridge replacement.

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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Motion 14-169: Approve consultant agreement with EOR, Inc. for the Villa Park Inlet Design for an amount

not to exceed $15,000, subject to the review and approval of the Ramsey County Attorney.


Unanimously approved

C) AR: Approve 2015 Special Grants Request for Proposals (Zwonitzer)

Mr. Zwonitzer reviewed for the past several years the District has budgeted and levied funds for fund 440-

Special Projects and Grants. The District typically sets a preliminary budget amount and then solicits

applications for projects to fund.

Per the previously adopted process for special grants, staff have drafted a solicitation letter, application

materials, and new application form to be sent to potential applicants and posted to the CRWD website.

Also enclosed is a list of recipients for the solicitation material.

Motion 14-170: Authorize distribution of the 2015 Special Grants Request for Proposals to all District partners.


Unanimously approved

D) AR: Approve Grant Amendment to Twin Cities German Immersion School (Zwonitzer)

Mr. Zwonitzer reviewed that in September, 2013 CRWD’s Board of Managers approved a Stewardship

Grant totaling $10,000 for the Twin Cities German Immersion School (TCGIS). The grant was awarded

for construction of an underground storage/infiltration system, rain gardens, and an outdoor classroom

with permeable surfaces. The project was delayed due to soil contamination, and since then the

contaminated soil has been removed and an underground treatment system has been installed. The school

would like to have a majority of the project completed before school starts this fall.

As the school has refined its plans for the site, CRWD and RCD have been working with them to make

sure stormwater improvement projects are effective while still allowing the site to meet the needs of the

school. During that process, changes to the original design concepts will result in more water being treated

on site. Additionally, the school has changed the location of the outdoor classroom to an already pervious

space, but is interested in installing a permeable play court in place of a current impervious surface.

Motion 14-171: Approve Amendment #1 to the Twin Cities German Immersion School Stewardship Grant to

increase total grant to $20,000 and authorize the Acting District Administrator Nate Zwontizer to execute the

grant amendment.


Unanimously approved

E) AR: Approve Comments on Draft Rules for Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (Doneux)

In place of Administrator Doneux, Mr. Zwontizer reviewed that Capitol Region Watershed District

(CRWD) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the draft Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area

(MRCCA) Rules (Rules) dated June 2, 2014. The Rules were developed to fulfill a requirement of the

Page 17: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

1976 Executive Order 130 that established the MRCCA. In 2013 MN Stat. 116G.15 authorizes the Rules

and directs the DNR to manage the MRCCA and promulgate revised Rules.

In the process of reviewing the draft Rules Administrator Doneux consulted with the City of St. Paul,

Friends of the Mississippi River and the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization as well as

reviewing the draft Rules. During his review and the comments from partners Administrator Doneux

did not see a clear and consistent issue with these Rules but (saw concern, of the zoning related issues

for these Rules). Therefore, Administrator Doneux recommends that CRWD focus on the stormwater

management aspects of the proposed draft Rule.

In reviewing the draft Rules Administrator Doneux has identified three main comments related to Part

6106.0160 Storm Water Management:

1) Subpart 1. Purpose C. We do not believe that the purpose of the stormwater management in the Critical

Area is to promote infiltration and groundwater recharge. Staff recommend the purpose should be to protect

water quality by minimizing or mitigating untreated stormwater discharge from directly entering the river and to

prevent erosion from concentrated stormwater discharge.

2) Subpart 2 Performance Standards. The DNR has specifically asked for comments regarding the

requirement of stormwater treatment for areas greater than 10,000 square feet. (this is a lower threshold from

the 1 acre standard as per NPDES program). CRWD should supports this requirement because not only is it

consistent with CRWD and Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District Rules but also necessary due to the

impact sites in the Critical Area can have on the river due to their direct connection via storm sewers.

3) Subpart 2 Performance Standards. A and B. The State of Minnesota Minimal Impact Development

Standards (MIDS) should be used instead of the Federal NPDES program requirements. The recently

completed MIDS approach was locally developed with significant input from cities, watershed districts,

developers and state agencies.

Motion 14-172: Authorize Administrator to submit comment letter, including Manager comments, on the Draft

Rules for Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area.


Unanimously approved

F) AR: Approve lease agreement with Ford Motor Credit Company (Sylvander)

Motion 14-167: Approve the lease agreement with Ford Motor Credit Company for a 2014 Ford Focus with a

total financed cost of $21,705.25 and authorize the administrator to execute the agreement.


Unanimously approved

VI. Unfinished Business

A) FI: City of St. Paul Volume Reduction Plan Comment Letter (Doneux)

President Collins requested discussion when Administrator Doneux returns.

B) FI: Strategic Communication Program Update (Beckman)

Page 18: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

Ms. Beckman reviewed in the spring of 2014, CRWD staff met with the Administrators of Ramsey-

Washington Metro Watershed District (RWMWD) and Mississippi Watershed Management Organization

(MWMO) about the possibility of partnering on the hiring of a communications consultant in order to

share costs, reduce replication of communication efforts and improve the effectiveness of outreach

communication of the three watershed organizations.

Staff created a Request for Qualifications with an outline of specific communication needs of individual

organizations and general work products that could be shared by all three. The watershed organizations

also hope to work with the chosen consultant to develop common water pollution prevention education

messages and images that may be shared with WaterShed Partners.

Staff received seven responses to the RFQ. A panel of staff members from each organization interviewed

three excellent candidates and have tentatively chosen the collaborative team of Fourth Sector Consulting

and Cathy Kennedy Communications. They were chosen based on the experience of key personnel who

will be involved, cost and experience with similar projects. Staff from each organization met to finalize

contract specifics and are now meeting with the selected consultant to determine individual work scopes,

budget and billing procedures. A request to the Board to approve initial activities with the consultant and

the associated contract and budget is forthcoming. The Board of Managers thanked Ms. Beckman.

No action was requested.

C) BMP Database Update (Zwonitzer)

Mr. Zwonitzer noted that Mr. Castro is making progress on the electronic inspection reports.

D) Lake McCarron Aquatic Plant Harvesting Update (Zwonitzer)

Mr. Zwonitzer reviewed the Lake McCarron’s Plant Harvesting. Round two of the harvesting is scheduled

to begin next week. The launch is scheduled for Monday, August 11th. The majority of the harvesting will

take place on Tuesday, August 12th with wider paths being cut. The permits were received two to three

weeks after the first round was done.

VII. General Information

A) Administrator’s Report

1) Administrator Approved or Executed Agreements

a) Stewardship Grant Agreement for one curb cut rain garden at 795 California Ave. W., Saint Paul – not

to exceed $4,284.53

b) Stewardship Grant Agreement for one rain garden at 1548 Fairmount Ave., Saint Paul – not to exceed


c) Consultant Services Agreement with EOR, Inc. for development of the Central High School Master Plan

– not to exceed $6,000.

2) Board Approved or Executed Agreements

a) Construction Agreement with Veit and Company, Inc. for the Curtiss Pond Improvement Project – not

to exceed $329,692.84.

b) Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Roseville for CRWD to manage the maintenance of

stormwater facilities within Roseville and CRWD.

3) General updates including recent and upcoming meetings and events

Page 19: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District

a) Public Art St. Paul – Mobile Art Lab, Tuesdays from 1:00-4:00 at the Western Sculpture Park thru August


b) Anna Eleria and Forrest Kelley will be attending StormCon in Portland Oregon from August 3-7.

c) CRWD and MinnAqua are hosting Loeb Lake Family Fishing on Thursday August 14, 6 – 8pm.

d) Corey Poland’s last day at CRWD will be September 5, 2014. We are currently accepting applications for

BMP Inspector through August 15.

e) The 2014 Clean Water Summit is September 11, 2014 8:00am – 5:00pm at the Minnesota Landscape

Arboretum. The topic is “Green Infrastructure for Clean Water: Costs & Benefits to Our Communities”.

President Collins plans to attend this event.

f) CRWD and the CAC are co-sponsoring the September 18 Moos Family Speaker Series, “Dwindling

Groundwater Reserves as Viewed from Space” with Dr. Jay Famiglietti. The presentation begins at

7:00pm at the University of Minnesota St. Paul Student Center. Register at


g) Saint Paul Open Streets celebration with be Saturday, September 21, 2014.

h) Mark Doneux, Nate Zwonitzer and Bob Fossum will be attending WEFTEC in New Orleans, Louisiana

from September 27 – October 1.

i) Mark will be out of the office August 6-8 and 14-19.

4) Upcoming events and meetings

a) Ramsey County Commissioners tour of Green Line, August 11, 2014 from 9:00 – 11:00 am.

b) Next CAC meeting is Wednesday, August 13, 2014 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. President Collins and Ms. Reider

plan to attend this meeting.

c) Next Board meeting is Wednesday, August 20, 2014 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.

d) BWSR tour of Green Line Green Infrastructure, August 26, 11:00am – 1:00 pm.

5) Project and Program Updates a) Frogtown Green Partner Grant: Maintenance work has been done at the Minnehaha Mall rain garden and

a Water Fest will be held August 8, for the Somali day care and youth farm groups.

b) Communications Consultant: CRWD, RWMWD and MWMO are moving forward with Fourth Sector

Consultant as a shared communications consultant for the three organizations.

Next Meetings

a. CAC Meeting, Wednesday, August 13, 2014

b. Board Meeting Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Due to the office remodeling project, the Board of Managers meeting planned for Wednesday, August 20th will

be held at the Great River School located at 1326 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108.

IX. Adjournment

Motion 14-173: Adjournment of the August 6, 2014 Regular Board Meeting at 8:10 p.m.


Unanimously Approved

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Sylvander

Page 20: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

DATE: August 14, 2014

TO: CRWD Board of Managers

FROM: Michelle Sylvander, Office Manager

RE: July 2014 Accounts Payable/Receivable and Administrative/Program Budget




Enclosed are the Accounts Payable/Receivable and the Administrative/Program Budget Reports for the

Month of July 2014.


Summary of Accounts Payable/Receivable Report: Accounts Payable $ 228,519.77

Accounts Receivable $1,614,917.24

Summary of Preliminary Budget Report:

Administrative Budget $ 48,551.54

Program Budget $ 98,264.65

Project Budget $ 31,236.16

Capital Improvement Budget $ 40,367.42

TOTAL $ 218,419.77

The accounts payable total reflects a surety return to Jaeger Construction for $10,100.00. Sureties

are not a budgeted item so this was not reflected in the budget report.

Request Action

Approve July 2014 Accounts Payable/Receivable and June Budget Report and direct Treasurer and Board

President to endorse and disperse checks for these payments.

enc: July 2014 Accounts Payable/Receivable

July 2014 Preliminary Budget Report

W:\02 Budget and Finance\Board Memos\Board Memos 2014\BD Memo AP Budget Report 8.20.2014.docx

August 20, 2014

Board Meeting

V. Action Items – B) Accounts

Payable & Budget Update


Page 21: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014



Project/Program: 2014 Budget

2014 Budget



2014 Amended

BudgetCurrent Month Expenditures YTD Expenditures

Balance of Budget

Remaining% of Budget Expended

ADMINISTRATION Administrative Budget 419,800.00 419,800.00 48,551.54 402,208.34 17,591.66 95.81%

200-Administration 80,081.00 80,081.00 - - 80,081.00 0.00%

201-Groundwater 7,950.00 7,950.00 623.40 2,549.49 5,400.51 32.07%

207-Rulemaking/Rule Revisions 28,650.00 28,650.00 204.37 3,500.34 25,149.66 12.22%

208-Permitting 177,482.00 177,482.00 25,458.93 116,847.68 60,634.32 65.84%

210-Stewardship Grants 210,152.00 210,152.00 28,518.71 106,072.40 104,079.60 50.47%

211-Monitoring and Data Collection 489,802.00 489,802.00 27,249.77 314,525.42 175,276.58 64.21%

220-Education/Outreach 224,530.00 224,530.00 6,046.90 98,288.56 126,241.44 43.78%

225-Technical Resources & Information Sharing 48,080.00 48,080.00 3,507.48 24,104.50 23,975.50 50.13%

228-Future Trends: Research & Positioning 98,000.00 98,000.00 126.74 126.74 97,873.26 0.00%

230-Geogrpahic Information Systems (GIS) 71,490.00 71,490.00 459.07 8,838.79 62,651.21 12.36%

240-Safety Program 28,140.00 28,140.00 6,069.28 22,010.71 6,129.29 78.22%

PROGRAM TOTAL 1,464,357.00 0.00 1,464,357.00 98,264.65 696,864.63 767,492.37 47.59%

300-Administration 39,169.00 39,169.00 - 0.00 39,169.00 0.00%

301-Shoreline & Streambank Maintenance 20,920.00 20,920.00 - 12,150.00 8,770.00 58.08%

305-Como Lake Subwatershed 185,594.00 185,594.00 706.41 12,074.66 173,519.34 6.51%

310-Lake McCarron's Subwatershed 30,000.00 30,000.00 258.09 18,780.32 11,219.68 62.60%

313-Loeb Lake Subwatershed 11,920.00 11,920.00 - 0.00 11,920.00 0.00%

315-Trout Brook Subwatershed 219,230.00 219,230.00 22,752.70 62,836.08 156,393.92 28.66%

317-Crosby Lake Subwatershed 11,920.00 11,920.00 - 0.00 11,920.00 0.00%

325-Wetland, Stream and Ecosystem Restoration-Planning 76,320.00 76,320.00 2,285.90 9,747.83 66,572.17 12.77%

330-Mississippi River Subwatershed 107,398.00 107,398.00 5,233.06 18,394.66 89,003.34 17.13%

PROJECTS TOTAL 702,471.00 0.00 702,471.00 31,236.16 133,983.55 568,487.45 19.07%

TOTAL OPERATIONS BUDGET $2,586,628.00 $0.00 $2,586,628.00 $178,052.35 $1,233,056.52 $1,353,571.48 47.67%

Capital Improvement Project 2014 Budget

2014 Budget



2014 Amended

BudgetCurrent Month Expenditures YTD Expenditures

Balance of Budget

Remaining% of Budget Expended

401-Shoreline Restoration Fund 48,380.00 48,380.00 254.32 254.32 48,125.68 0.53%

405-Como BMP Fund 599,620.00 599,620.00 12.32 45,113.94 554,506.06 7.52%

410- Lake McCarron's BMP Fund 67,700.00 67,700.00 32,796.62 73,220.70 (5,520.70) 108.15%

415-Trout Brook BMP's 35,400.00 35,400.00 261.33 34,088.42 1,311.58 96.29%

417-Crosby Lake BMP 45,600.00 45,600.00 2,087.08 26,423.31 19,176.69 57.95%

420-Other BMP Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 272.10 (272.10) 0.00%

425-Wetland, Stream and Ecosystem Restoration - Implementation 151,920.00 151,920.00 - 0.00 151,920.00 0.00%

430-Mississippi River Subwatersheds BMP's 76,520.00 76,520.00 - 12,485.83 64,034.17 16.32%

440-Special Projects and Grants 539,510.00 539,510.00 4,955.75 219,515.76 319,994.24 40.69%

490-Debt Services 372,000.00 372,000.00 - 222,281.38 149,718.62 59.75%

TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $1,936,650.00 $0.00 $1,936,650.00 $40,367.42 $633,655.76 $1,302,994.24 32.72%

Fund Balances Unaudited Fund

Balance @ 12/31/13

2014 Fund Balance


Unaudited Fund

Balance @ 01/01/142014 YTD Revenue

Current Month

ExpendituresYTD Expenditures

Unaudited Fund Balance

@ 07/31/14

Operations 1,865,627.00 - 1,865,627.00 1,260,309.24 178,052.35 1,233,056.52 1,892,879.72

Capital Improvement 3,086,409.56 - 3,086,409.56 1,809,832.16 40,367.42 633,655.76 4,262,585.96

TOTAL FUND BALANCE: $4,952,036.56 $0.00 $4,952,036.56 $3,070,141.40 $218,419.77 $1,866,712.28 $6,155,465.68
























Page 22: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Report Date 8/20/14

Date Vendor Name Vendor Address Invoice # Description Amount Total Check # G/L Code G/L Description

07/21/14 Al's Coffee820 Decatur Ave. North

Golden Valley, MN 55427120945 Coffee/Mtg Room supplies $125.12 --- 101-14970-4210 Office Supplies

08/01/14 Al's Coffee820 Decatur Ave. North

Golden Valley, MN 5542735429 Oasis Filter Cooler $10.76 $135.88 16068 101-14970-4210 Office Supplies

07/30/14 Applied Environmental Sciences, Inc.8441 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 103

Minneapolis, MN 5542630021 Program Audit $4,204.00 $4,204.00 16069 240-14395-4430 Consultants-Other

07/24/14 Barr Engineering4700 West 77th Street

Minneapolis MN 55435-480323621150.00-2 Rain Garden Renderings $710.60 --- 210-14140-4470 Engineering

06/25/14 Barr Engineering4700 West 77th Street

Minneapolis MN 55435-480323621150.00-1 Rain Garden Renderings $2,289.40 --- 210-14140-4470 Engineering

07/24/14 Barr Engineering4700 West 77th Street

Minneapolis MN 55435-480323620944.12-2 TBI Five Year Inspection Services $16,264.50 --- 315-14551-4470 Engineering

07/24/14 Barr Engineering4700 West 77th Street

Minneapolis MN 55435-480323620944.05-42 TBI Engineering Services $1,493.00 --- 315-14550-4470 Engineering

07/24/14 Barr Engineering4700 West 77th Street

Minneapolis MN 55435-480323621154.00-2 District 6 Natural Resources Inventory $1,861.50 $22,619.00 16070 325-14632-4470 Engineering

07/10/14 Ben MeadowsP.O. Box 5275

Janesville, WI 53547-52751020210018 Yellow Helmets & Headlamps $353.85 --- 240-14396-4210 Office Supplies

07/14/14 Ben MeadowsP.O. Box 5275

Janesville, WI 53547-52751020214173 Chem BFFR $34.66 --- 211-14200-4210 Office Supplies

07/23/14 Ben MeadowsP.O. Box 5275

Janesville, WI 53547-52751020227039 Flashlight, gloves, backpack $172.14 --- 240-14396-4210 Office Supplies

07/22/14 Ben MeadowsP.O. Box 5275

Janesville, WI 53547-52751020225069 BG Write-on, batteries $94.59 --- 211-14200-4210 Office Supplies

07/30/14 Ben MeadowsP.O. Box 5275

Janesville, WI 53547-52751020236516 Multi Prmtr Meter $52.16 $707.40 16071 211-14200-4210 Office Supplies

07/18/14 Cabela's

Accounts Receivable Dept.

P.O. Box 39

Sidney, NE 69162-0039

470826305 Revivex Air Dry spray $22.64 $22.64 16072 211-14200-4210 Office Supplies

08/01/14 Computer Revolution2395 Fairview Ave. North

Roseville, MN 551134458 Monthly IT Service Fee - $990.90 $990.90 16073 101-14970-4430 Consultants-Other

07/12/14 Dynamex2100 Old Highway 8 NW

New Brighton, MN 551121604123 Delivery for Wenck Assoc. $25.79 $25.79 16074 101-14970-4300 Postage

08/07/14 Anna Eleria1410 Energy Park Dr

St. Paul MN 55108Expense Report July Expense Report $1,708.71 $1,708.71 16075

315-14550-4330 $1692.47

330-14620-4330 $3.36

415-14818-4330 $7.84

417-14801-4330 $5.04

Staff Expenses

08/05/14 Fleet One LLC

MSC 30425

P.O. Box 415000

Nashville, TN 37241-5000

4560990006 Gas for Edge & Focus $73.49 $73.49 16076

210-14141-4635 $15.19

220-14275-4365 $15.19

208-14000-4635 $12.93

210-14141-4635 $12.93

220-14275-4635 $8.62

315-14550-4635 $8.62

Equipment Lease/Purchase

07/29/14 Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC

Ford Credit Dept. 67-434

P.O. Box 67000

Detroit, MI 48267-0434

1091169 2014 Ford Edge Lease - August $535.81 $535.81 16077

208-14000-4635 $160.74

210-14141-4635 $160.74

220-14275-4635 $107.16

315-14550-4635 $107.16

Equipment Lease/Purchase

07/29/14 Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC

Ford Credit Dept. 67-434

P.O. Box 67000

Detroit, MI 48267-0434

2014 Ford Focus - Sept. $454.44 $454.44 16078210-14140-4635 $227.22

220-14250-4635 $227.22Equipment Lease/Purchase

07/29/14 Bob Fossum1410 Energy Park Dr

St. Paul MN 55108Expense Report Expense Report $1,576.74 $1,576.74 16079

208-14000-4330 $1.12

220-14250-4330 $6.72

315-14550-4330 $28.48

405-14700-4330 $12.32

211-14200-4330 $1507.38

310-14750-4330 $20.72

Staff Expenses


Page 23: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Report Date 8/20/14

Date Vendor Name Vendor Address Invoice # Description Amount Total Check # G/L Code G/L Description


07/29/14 Frattalone3205 Spruce Street

Little Canada, MN 55117Pay App. #6 Villa Park Pay Application #6 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 16080 410-12750-4510 Construation Expense

07/25/14 Fresh Color Press7625 Golden Triangle Drive, Suite C

Eden Prairie, MN 55344-370032120 2013 Lakes Monitoring Report $1,205.40 --- 211-14205-4210 Office Supplies

08/04/14 Fresh Color Press7625 Golden Triangle Drive, Suite C

Eden Prairie, MN 55344-370032203 2013 Stormwater Monitoring Report $2,954.31 $4,159.71 16081 211-14200-4210 Office Supplies

07/14/14 Carol Habgerg696 Shryer Avenue West

Roseville, MN 55113Well Sealing Well Sealing Cost Share $490.12 $490.12 16082 201-14130-4710 Grants/Cost-Share/Partner Funding

08/07/14 Health Partners

NW 3600

PO Box 1450

Minneapolis, MN 55485-3600

50287680 Sept. Health & Dental Benefits $10,907.77 $10,907.77 16083 Various Employee Benefits

07/31/14 Redpath & Company, Ltd.4810 White Bear Parkway

White Bear Lake, MN 55110150416123 Accounting & Payroll for July 2014 $6,497.09 $6,497.09 16084 101-14970-4440 Accounting Expense

07/07/14 Houston Engineering, Inc.140121st Avenue N.

Fargo, ND 5810220726

BMP Database Hosting & Maint.

$2,635.00 $2,635.00 16085 225-14303-4430 Consultants-Other

07/07/14 Impressive Print1995 Oakcrest Ave.

Roseville, MN 5511373509 Fact Sheets & Panel Card Inserts $372.39 --- 210-14143-4210 Office Supplies

07/15/14 Impressive Print1995 Oakcrest Ave.

Roseville, MN 5511364421 Fact Sheets $64.58 $436.97 16086 210-14143-4210 Office Supplies

07/11/14 IntegraP.O. Box 2966

Milwaukee, WI 53201-296612174142 Monthly Phone Service $561.63 $561.63 16087 101-14970-4320 Utilities

07/31/14 Jaeger Construction2317 Waters Drive

Mendota Heights, MN 55120Surety Return Johnson Brothers Liquor Surety Return $10,100.00 $10,100.00 16088 208-12024-2330 Surety Release

07/09/14 Seitu Jones1410 Energy Park Dr

St. Paul MN 55108Expense Report 2nd Quarter Expense Report $466.95 $466.95 16089

101-14970-4000 $450.00

101-14970-4010 $16.95Manager Per Diem/Expense

07/30/14 Forrest Kelley1259 Avon St. N.

St. Paul, MN 55117July Cleaning Monthly Office Cleaning $600.00 $600.00 16090 101-14970-4320 Utilities

07/29/14 C Lanphear Design3715 45th Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 554060714-01

Stewardship Grant, Loeb Lake Fishing, Note cards, Facebook

features, Arlington Rice Postcards$519.09 $519.09 16091

210-14146-4430 $125.00

220-14275-4430 $350.00

220-14275-4210 $44.09


07/17/14 MarcoP.O. Box 790448

St. Louise, MO 63179-0448257863548 Konica Minolta Copier contract $893.01 $893.01 16092 101-14970-4610 Equipment Purchase/Rental

07/22/14 Metlife

Group Benefits

P.O. Box 804466

Kansas City, MO 64180-4466

Sep-14 Employee Beneftis - Sept $580.83 $580.83 16093 various Employee Benefits

08/01/14 Outdoor Lab147 10th Street East

St. Paul, MN 5510114-126 Green Line Weekly Maintenance $3,275.62 --- 330-14624-4530 Maintenance Expense

08/01/14 Outdoor Lab147 10th Street East

St. Paul, MN 5510114-125 Arlington Pascal Maintenance $599.90 $3,875.52 16094 305-14421-4530 Maintenance Expense

07/31/14 Pioneer Press345 Cedar Street

St. Paul, MN 55101714424071 Public Notice $148.20 --- 315-14570-4310 Legal Notices

07/31/14 Pioneer Press345 Cedar Street

St. Paul, MN 55101714506825 BMP Inspector Ad $948.00 $1,096.20 16095 208-14000-4340 Employee Recruitment

07/30/14 Corey Poland1410 Energy Park Dr

St. Paul MN 55108Expense Report Expense Report - July $12.32 $12.32 16096 208-14000-4330 Staff Expenses

07/15/14 Ramsey County - Attorney

90 Plato Blvd. W

P.O. Box 64097

St. Paul, MN 55164-0097

Atty 4797 Attorney Services - June 2014 $1,795.50 $1,795.50 16097 101-14970-4420 Legal Services

07/25/14 Ramsey County Conservation District

1425 Paul Kirkwood Dr.

Highway 96 & Hamline Ave.

Arden Hills, MN 55112

72514CRWD Wetland Monitoring Assistance $945.00 --- 211-14215-4430 Consultants-Other

07/24/14 Ramsey County Conservation District

1425 Paul Kirkwood Dr.

Highway 96 & Hamline Ave.

Arden Hills, MN 55112

71414CRWD Inspiring Communities Program & Stewardship Program $18,915.00 $19,860.00 16098210-14145-4430 $6,890.00

210-14142-4430 $12,025.00Consultants-Other

06/30/14 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150

Minneapolis, MN 55447-444307896.00-12 Lake McCarrons SW BMP CWP $5,712.84 $5,712.84 16099 410-12751-4470 Engineering

Page 24: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Report Date 8/20/14

Date Vendor Name Vendor Address Invoice # Description Amount Total Check # G/L Code G/L Description


07/10/14 State of Minnesota

Office of the State Auditor

Suite 500, 525 Park Street

St. Paul, MN 55103

64916 St. Audit 5/7/2014-7/1/2014 $2,493.00 $2,493.00 16100 101-14970-4440 Accounting Expense

07/26/14 Staples

Dept. DET

P.O. Box 83689

Chicago, IL 60696-3689

8030728111 Office Supplies $72.27 --- 101-14970-4210 Office Supplies

07/12/14 Staples

Dept. DET

P.O. Box 83689

Chicago, IL 60696-3689

8030566409 Office Supplies $59.83 --- 101-14970-4210 Office Supplies

08/02/14 Staples

Dept. DET

P.O. Box 83689

Chicago, IL 60696-3689

8030817137 Office Supplies $68.86 $200.96 16101 101-14970-4210 Office Supplies

06/03/14 St. Paul Parks & Recreation1100 Hamline Ave. North

St. Paul, MN 5510818849 Como Park Streetcar Station $230.00 $230.00 16102 220-14275-4210 Office Supplies

07/30/14 Michelle Sylvander6593 Albert Ct.

Lino Lakes, MN 55038Expense Report July Expense Report $53.18 $53.18 16103

101-14970-4210 $36.38

101-14970-4330 $16.80Staff Expenses

07/14/14 Techware

17850 Kenwood Trail, Suite 216

Lakeville, MN 55044 85596 Sage 100 set up consulting $150.00 --- 101-14970-4430 Consultants-Other

08/05/14 Techware

17850 Kenwood Trail, Suite 216

Lakeville, MN 55044 85635 Sage 100 set up consulting $225.00 $375.00 16104 101-14970-4430 Consultants-Other

07/23/14 Michael Theines1410 Energy Park Dr

St. Paul MN 55108Expense Report Expense Report - 2nd Qtr $938.93 $938.93 16105

101-14970-4000 $675.00

101-14970-4010 $263.93Manager Per Diem/Expense

08/06/14 Tierney3300 University Ave. SE

Minneapolis, MN 55414672890 Paper for Plotter $63.58 $63.58 16106 230-14370-4210 Office Supplies

08/11/14 UPSLockbox 577

Carol Stream, IL 60132-0577Y348W8294 Shipping $6.60 --- 101-14970-4300 Postage

08/11/14 UPSLockbox 577

Carol Stream, IL 60132-0577Y348W8284 Shipping $41.88 $48.48 16107 220-14250-4300 Postage

07/29/14 US BankP.O. Box 790408

St. Louis, MO 63179-0408July

Intermedia.net $455.34, GoDaddy $249.12, Lynda $25.00,

Metro Transit $137.00, Modern Display $28.05, Weathertech

$307.55, Microsoft $225.00, Prezi $59.00, Midway Express

Car Wash $100.00, Global Industrial $13.81, Trapp Online

$149.00, Survey Monkey $24.00

$1,861.94 $1,861.94 16108

101-14970-4350 $704.46

101-14970-4280 $25.00

220-14250-4280 $137.00

220-14250-4210 $28.05

210-14141-4635 $153.93

220-14275-4635 $153.93

101-14970-4350 $284.00

208-14000-4635 $15.00

210-14141-4635 $15.00

220-14275-4365 $10.00

315-14550-4635 $10.00

210-14141-4635 $25.00

220-14275-4635 $25.00

240-14395-4210 $13.81

101-14970-4210 $149.00

220-14250-4260 $24.00

101-14970-4210 $88.76


07/18/14 Viking Industrial Center710 Raymond Ave.

St. Paul, MN 551143022415 Lifeline repair $177.78 $177.78 16109 240-14396-4210 Office Supplies

07/10/14 WaltersP.O. Box 67

Circle Pines, MN 55014914279 Trash/Recycling - July $51.60 $51.60 16110 101-14970-4320 Utilities

Page 25: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Report Date 8/20/14

Date Vendor Name Vendor Address Invoice # Description Amount Total Check # G/L Code G/L Description


07/22/14 Wenck

1800 Pioneer Creek Center

P.O. Box 249

Maple Plain, MN 55359-0249

11403045 Permit Inspections $9,639.68 ---

208-14000-4470 $80.00

208-13004-4470 $883.60

208-13021-4470 $1055.68

208-13030-4470 $280.00

208-13032-4470 $1004.96

208-13033-4470 $1072.48

208-14005-4470 $1164.40

208-14007-4470 $751.28

208-14011-4470 $1587.76

208-14013-4470 $665.44

208-14015-4470 $1094.08


07/22/14 Wenck

1800 Pioneer Creek Center

P.O. Box 249

Maple Plain, MN 55359-0249

11403042 Permit Engineering $5,514.40 ---

208-14000-4470 $16.80

208-06002-4470 $70.40

208-08028-4470 $44.00

208-09005-4470 $91.20

208-12022-4470 $76.00

208-12024-4470 $273.60

208-13013-4470 $240.00

208-13021-4470 $76.00

208-14007-4470 $1185.60

208-14017-4470 $397.60

208-14018-4470 $33.60

208-14019-4470 $1140.00

208-14020-4470 $532.00

208-14021-4470 $380.00

208-14022-4470 $532.00

208-14023-4470 $425.60


07/22/14 Wenck

1800 Pioneer Creek Center

P.O. Box 249

Maple Plain, MN 55359-0249

11403043 Highland Ravine Construction Observation $500.98 --- 417-12801-4470 Engineering

07/22/14 Wenck

1800 Pioneer Creek Center

P.O. Box 249

Maple Plain, MN 55359-0249

11403044 Monitoring Station Power & Communicaitons $406.00 --- 211-14225-4470 Engineering

07/31/14 Wenck

1800 Pioneer Creek Center

P.O. Box 249

Maple Plain, MN 55359-0249

11403943 Lake Fish Survey $1,432.80 $17,493.86 16111 211-14205-4470 Engineering

07/31/14 Xcel EnergyP.O. Box 9477

Minneapolis, MN 5548451-5064576-4 July 2014 Electrical Service $450.00 $450.00 16112 101-14970-4320 Utilities

07/17/14 Xylem

15 Graham Road

P.O. Box 9010

College Station, TX 77842-9010

169281 Water Level Logger repair $1,077.28 $1,077.28 16113 211-14200-4210 Office Supplies

08/01/14 Slate Holdco LLC4678 World Parkway Circle

St. Louis, MO 63134Rent-Sept Office Rent - Sept. $6,019.30 $6,019.30 16114 101-14970-4220 Rent

07/31/14 Nate Zwonitzer1410 Energy Park Dr

St. Paul MN 55108Expense Report Expense Report - July $827.89 $827.89 16115

325-14632-4330 - $9.00 440-

14910-4330 - $818.89Staff Expenses

Approved for Payment:8/20/2014


$228,519.77 Michael Thienes, Treasurer Date


Vendor Name Vendor Address Description Check Amount Check # G/L Code G/L Description

07/03/14 Ramsey County 15 Kellogg Blvd. W #270

St. Paul, MN 55102 1st Half - Tax Levy Settlement$1,525,699.52 EFT Tax Levy Settlement

07/11/14 Ramsey County Public Works1425 Paul Kirkwold Dr.

Arden Hills, MN 55112 Stormwater Impact Fund - 14-010 Maryland Payne Intersection$67,500.00 74363 208-14010 Income-Grants

07/16/14St. Paul Academy

1712 Randolph Ave.

St. Paul, MN 55105-2194 Surety$11,700.00 94486 208-14017 Surety

07/16/14Norcutt Homes, Inc.

6705 Crackleberry Trail

Woodbury, MN 55129 McCarrons Pond Permit Fee$2,000.00 12218 208-14023 Permit Fee

07/11/14Bob Fossum

1410 Energy Park Dr

St. Paul MN 55108 Apparel order$15.00 cash 101-14970-4210 Miscellaneous Income

07/25/14Twin Cities Housing

400 Selby Ave. Suite C

St. Paul, MN 55102 St. Albans Park Surety$3,650.00 20165 208-13005 Surety

07/28/14Midway Ford

Refund for liscense plates$258.00 75555

210-14141-4635 $129.00

220-14275-4635 $129.00Miscellaneous Income

07/28/14Mississippi Market

622 Selby Ave.

St. Paul, MN 55104-6614 Mississippi Market Application Fee$2,000.00 192882 208-14025 Permit Fee

Page 26: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Report Date 8/20/14

Date Vendor Name Vendor Address Invoice # Description Amount Total Check # G/L Code G/L Description


07/28/14Homestead Partners, LLC

525 15TH Ave. S.

Hopkins, MN 55343 Pleasant Ridge Application$2,000.00 1423 208-14026 Permit Fee

07/31/14 PMA FINANCIAL - 4M Fund

7th Floor

2135 City Gate Lane

Naperville, IL 60563

Interest Income $94.72 N/A 101-3700 Interest Income

TOTAL $1,614,917.24



03/17/14 Techware

17850 Kenwood Trail, Suite 216

Lakeville, MN 55044 85335 Sage Software $3,051.09 $3,051.09 Only paid 1/2 - balance when installed

03/11/14 Pitney Bowes Purchase Power 38926275 Credit for returned ink cart. ($0.92) ($0.92)

Credit for items returned from old meter,

moved $53.00 to postage credit remains

of .92

07/30/14 Goliath Hydro-Vac. Inc.24491 Dakota Ave.

Lakeville, MN 5504418759 1535 Vac services-water break $940.00 $940.00

Per Corey - Bolander or St. Paul Regional

Water Service to pay

Page 27: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

DATE: August 13, 2014 TO: CRWD Board of Managers FROM: Nate Zwonitzer, Urban BMP Specialist RE: Targeted Watershed Demonstration Grant Application

Background In 2013, the Minnesota Legislature passed a law requiring BWSR to award grants to local government units organized to implement projects that will result in a significant and measurable reduction in water pollution in a selected subwatershed. Based on this legislation, BWSR created the Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program with over $10 million available over the next two years and is seeking nominations annually for three to six project watersheds to participate. CRWD submitted a Targeted Watershed Demonstration Grant Application for last year’s 2014 grant cycle and was unsuccessful. Issues Staff are requesting authorization to submit a 2015 grant application for Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program for the McCarrons Lake watershed (as identified by USGS and map enclosed) that would be very similar to last year’s request, however it would include improvements and changes as suggested by BWSR staff. Staff still believe that CRWD is an excellent fit for the program since the watershed is almost entirely within CRWD boundaries, an extensive monitoring record exists that can help show improvements to water quality, multiple detailed reports on pollutant sources have been completed to target projects, and CRWD has a track record of successfully implementing projects in the watershed. A grant award would allow staff to conduct additional water quality improvement work and expedite work identified in CRWD’s Watershed Management Plan. Staff believe $2.0 million over the four-year grant term is sufficient to accomplish the work and demonstrate water quality improvement in the watershed. A 25% local cash match is required ($500,000) and already is or will be budgeted for work in the watershed. Currently staff are preparing responses to the questions in the Request for Interest (enclosed). The narrative responses will be submitted by the Aug. 29th deadline. Action Requested

1. Authorize Administrator to apply for a $2 million grant through the BWSR Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program for the McCarrons Lake watershed.

2. Commit up to $500,000 in matching funds over four years for the BWSR Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program.

Encs: McCarrons Lake Watershed Map

BWSR Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program Request for Interest W:\02 Budget and Finance\Grants\2015\BWSR 2015 Targeted Watershed\Bd Memo Targeted Watershed Demo Grant 8-13-14.docx

August 20, 2014 Board Meeting V. Action Items

C) Approve Grant Application for Targeted Watershed Program


Page 28: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014














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St. Paul


Little Canada

Falcon Heights

West St. Paul

L a k e C o m o

M c C a r r o n s L a k e

L o e b L a k e
















Copyright:© 2013 Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom

Capitol Region Watershed DistrictMcCarrons Lake Targeted Watershed DemonstrationHUC-12: 070102060801

0 1 20.5Miles I

DISCLAIMER: This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey, and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only.

LegendCapitol Region Watershed DistrictCity BoundaryCRWD SubwatershedsMcCarrons Lake Watershed (HUC-12)Trout Brook Storm Sewer

2013 Monitoring Sites!( Automatic Precipitation Gauge!( Full Water Quality Station!( Lake!( Level Logger!( Manual Precipitation Gauge

Page 29: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources • www.bwsr.state.mn.us

Clean Water Funding Amount


General Requirements

25% cash match: Match includes cash from landowners, non-profits, local and federal units of government, or private entities. In-kind landowner services are not considered match for this program.

Projects and practices must be of long-lasting public benefit. Applicants must provide assurances that the landowner or land occupier will keep the project in place for the expected lifespan of the project. Such assurances may include easements, enforceable contracts, and termination or performance penalties. BWSR may request to review assurances prior to grant agreement execution.

Applicant Eligibility

Eligible applicants include Watershed Districts, Watershed Management Organizations, and Watershed-based Joint Power Organizations. Counties, Soil and Water Conservation Districts and formal partnerships of these organizations with a hydrologic watershed contained wholly within the partnership boundary are also eligible to apply. Applicants must be working under a current state approved and locally adopted water management plan.

The four pilot areas that are participating in the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Water Quality Certification Program are not eligible for this funding request.

About the program

In 2013, the Minnesota Legislature passed a law requiring the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) to award grants to local government units organized for the management of water in a watershed or subwatershed that have multiyear plans that will result in a significant reduction in water pollution in a selected subwatershed. Priority in making grants must be given to the three to six best designed plans each year.

Based on this legislation, BWSR created the Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program and is seeking nominations for three to six project watersheds to participate. Eligible watersheds are those where the amount of change to achieve a water quality improvement is known, the types of actions required to achieve those results have been identified, and a significant amount of those actions can be implemented within a four-year timeframe.

Priority will be given to watersheds where there are current water quality impairments or priority water resources near the tipping point of becoming impaired. Proposed watersheds should have the threat to the water resource clearly identified, a thorough understanding of the pollution sources and pathways within the watershed, and baseline water quality data against which change can be assessed. Preference will be given to watersheds that are 10 or 12-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes. While protection of high quality resources is important and a critical part of the Clean Water effort, this program focuses on demonstrating water quality improvements, not on sustaining high quality systems.

Targeted Watershed

Demonstration Program Request for Interest July 2014

Page 30: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program • Page 2

Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources • www.bwsr.state.mn.us

Targeted Watershed Nominations

To nominate a watershed in your area, provide a written response to the following questions. Written responses are subject to a five-page limit (maps are not included in the page limit).

1) Strength of watershed as candidate for this demonstration program

a. Why would the proposed watershed and its associated water resource be a good candidate for this demonstration program?

b. Describe the significance of the water resource.

c. Define the water quality concern to be addressed, and the needed reduction in pollutant loadings.

d. Describe land use/land cover, hydrologic connections, soils, topography and ownership patterns within the watershed. No more than 2 maps may be submitted.

e. Identify the specific comprehensive local water management plan, TMDL study and implementation plan, or Clean Water Partnership diagnostic study and implementation plan in which this watershed is identified. Include the plan title, section, and page number (web link if one exists).

f. Describe how action items in the plan listed above address the water quality concern in the identified watershed and will lead to significant pollutant reductions specifically identifying the percentage of the overall pollution reduction goal(s) this project is estimated to accomplish.

g. Provide one map that outlines the proposed watershed, monitoring locations, and all jurisdictional boundaries.

2) Extent of water quality and quantity monitoring

a. Describe the extent to which water quality and quantity monitoring has occurred to date in the proposed watershed.

b. Include a table in the format below that details the monitoring location(s) along with the year(s), month(s), and parameters monitored.

c. Describe any plans to monitor this watershed in the future.

3) Local knowledge of pollution sources and pathways within the watershed

a. Describe the breadth of the knowledge your organization has about the pollution sources and pathways within this watershed.

b. Describe the methods and results of inventory and source targeting done to date, or that are in progress, to identify the most critical pollution sources or risks within the watershed that are responsible for causing impairments or threats to the surface water quality.

4) Landowner interest in the watershed

a. Describe the known level of landowner/occupier interest and willingness to participate in implementing actions.

Year Parameters Station Number


Chl, DO, E. Coli, NH3, NO2,NO3, pH, TP, TSS, Sulf., Temp, Tube


2007-09 Fish, Macro Invertebrate IBI 15,17,19,20

Page 31: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

Targeted Watershed Demonstration Program • Page 3

Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources • www.bwsr.state.mn.us

b. What evidence supports the conclusion?

5) Financial and technical resources available, local expertise, and project budget

a. Describe the expected financial and technical resources available to the proposed watershed (local, state, and federal) and the relevant experience within the watershed area to successfully demonstrate a significant reduction in water pollution.

b. Include an estimate of cost that will be requested from Clean Water Funds. Please indicate the estimated cost for administration, project development, technical and engineering, and construction costs.

c. Describe any additional technical resources that would be needed locally to implement this project.


All responses must be electronically delivered to [email protected] and must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 29, 2014. Late responses will not be considered. The burden of proving timely submission is upon the responder.


1) All nominated watersheds submitted for consideration will first be screened by BWSR staff based on responses

to questions #1-5. The screening range for the response to each question will be 0 -20 points. Maximum score

per request is 100 points. Nominations that are the highest scoring will be deemed candidates for final

selection and will be invited for an interview with the Selection Committee.

Additional questions developed for use during the interview process will be provided to all candidates prior to

the interview. In addition to questions #1-5, the criteria that will be used during the interview process includes

1) efforts of proposer to address the long-term sustainability of soil and water resources within their jurisdiction;

2) a systematic way to identify and track non-point water quality efforts can be demonstrated; 3) an

understanding of social and cultural barriers within the watershed can be demonstrated; 4) the amount of

existing local effort occurring within the watershed and the commitment of other agencies, non-profits, and

private interest; and 5) the evaluation plan for the project.

2) 3-6 watersheds will be selected by the Board of Water and Soil Resources based on recommendations of the Selection Committee. The Board reserves the right to select watersheds that represent a variety of solutions in different landscapes.

*The Selection Committee will be made up of representatives of the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and the Minnesota Department of Health.


July 14, 2014 - Nomination period begins August 29, 2014 - Nomination deadline at 4:30 PM October 2014 - Interviews December 17, 2014 - BWSR Board selects watersheds February 20, 2015 - Work plan submittal deadline March 6, 2015 - Grant execution deadline

Page 32: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

DATE: August 13, 2014 TO: CRWD Board of Managers FROM: Mark Doneux, Administrator RE: Grade Promotion for Lindsay VanPatten

Background Lindsay VanPatten has worked at CRWD since 2012. She was first hired as an Education and Outreach Intern and was then hired on as a part-time Education and Outreach Assistant/Administrative Assistant. Last year her position became full-time. Lindsay has been classified as a Grade 5, Administrative Assistant, non-exempt employee. Issues Lindsay has consistently been a high performing and very important part of our organization. She has been a critical link in providing both Education and Outreach Support as well as handling Administrative duties. Lindsay does all this from the often busy and noisy front desk while keeping a great positive attitude and enthusiasm for her role here at the District. District policy requires that the Board of Managers approve any Grade adjustments (up or down). I have recently completed her two year review and recommend promoting Lindsay to Grade 6, Education and Outreach Specialist I. Action Requested Promote Lindsay VanPatten to Grade 6, Education and Outreach Specialist I enc: CRWD Salary Structure W:\03 Human Resources\POSITIONS\E&O-Admin Assistant Position Description 1-30-13\Board Memo - LVP Grade Promotion 8-13-14.docx

August 20, 2014 Board Meeting V. Action Item - D) Approve Grade Promotion for Lindsay

VanPatten (Doneux)

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

Page 33: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014
Page 34: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014

DATE: August 13, 2014 TO: CRWD Board of Managers FROM: Mark Doneux, Administrator RE: MOU for Stormwater Management Master Plan for Como Regional Park

Background The City and CRWD share goals of intentional management of stormwater as a resource, and protection of the water resources within Como Park. CRWD has a capital improvement program, education program, grant program, and permitting process to help achieve their goals. The City utilizes stormwater management requirements of Chapter 52 Legislative Code and the Sustainable Building Policy to guide development on sites over 10,000 sq. ft. to achieve their goals. In addition, both the City and CRWD have US EPA. – MS4 permits, which include planned actions to improve water quality in Lake Como. Some of the actions extend beyond the park into the larger watershed area of the lake. The Citizen Advisory Committee of CRWD requested that the Board of Managers recommend to the City that it develop a comprehensive stormwater management plan for Como Regional Park. Such a plan could improve efficiency for design and implementation of stormwater management improvements within the park, coordinate interdepartmental efforts such as maintenance and operation of stormwater facilities, and more effectively achieve our mutual goal of improved water quality in Como Lake. Discussions have occurred among SPPR, SPPW, and CRWD staff following the CAC request. The shared goal of improving water quality in Como Lake is easily agreed. The concept of developing a stormwater management master plan for the park is agreed to be an undertaking worth pursuing, and will require each organization to contribute their unique expertise. It is understood that the Como Regional Park Stormwater Master Plan would require significant efforts to complete. Issues Staff have worked off and on over the past several years to develop a MOU for a Stormwater Management Master Plan for Como Regional Park. This work has ramped up in the past year and the draft MOU is ready for Board input. See enclosed MOU. Action Requested Provide comments on draft MOU for Como Regional Park Stormwater Master Plan enc: Draft MOU for Stormwater Management Master Plan for Como Regional Park W:\06 Projects\Como Lake Projects\Como Regional Park Stormwater Management Plan\Board Memo - MOU Como Regional Park Stormwater Plan 8-13-14.docx

August 20, 2014 Board Meeting VI. Unfinished Business - A)

MOU for Stormwater Management Master Plan for

Como Regional Park (Doneux)

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

Page 35: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014




Between City of Saint Paul, Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Public Works,

and Capitol Region Watershed District BACKGROUND: COMO REGIONAL PARK Como Regional Park was first secured and developed by the City of Saint Paul beginning in 1873. The namesake Lake Como was the primary factor in choosing to establish this as a rest and relaxation attraction to the City residents, and was in fact named after the beautiful counterpart in Italy. The park was a distance from residential neighborhoods of the day, and started out as a tourist destination, much like its counterpart. Como Regional Park is placed in the jurisdiction of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation (SPPR) to operate and manage for the benefit of the citizens. The park is a total of 450 acres (378 acres land and 72 acres in Lake Como), and currently has a range of facilities including a golf course, park and picnic facilities, a sports complex, and a zoo and conservatory garden complex known as the ‘Como Campus’. Como is also part of various other citywide facilities such as the ‘Grand Round’ system, and Saint Paul’s system of parkways. As a regional park it attracts visitors from across the metropolitan area, and is one of the highest attended parks in the Twin Cities. Among the oldest facilities in the park is the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory, built in 1915. Some of the oldest developments have been recently renovated, including the Como Lakeside Pavilion, the Hamms Waterfall, the Como Swimming Pool, the historic Streetcar Station, and the Dutch Ovens. Other parts of the park are being developed with new ideas, including McMurray Field, and new exhibit facilities at Como Zoo. Como Regional Park Master Plan was developed by SPPR in 1984, and adopted by the Metropolitan Council. This document provides master plan guidance for the development and maintenance of facilities to meet the desires of the public for use of the park. SPPR regularly meets with the citizens of Saint Paul and the Como Park neighborhood to receive their input on park facilities and programs, and to provide supporting information for goals and objectives for the Parks’ Comprehensive Plan. The local area surrounding Lake Como drains to the lake through the City’s storm sewer system. Como Lake overflows to the Mississippi River through the Trout Brook storm sewer, which is owned by the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD).

Page 36: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014


BACKGROUND: CAPITOL REGION WATERSHED DISTRICT Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) originated from a small group of dedicated citizens who wanted to protect Como Lake. They petitioned the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) to create a watershed district, and in 1998 CRWD was formed. CRWD is a special purpose local unit of government created to manage and protect part of the Mississippi River Basin, along with the wetlands, creeks and lakes that comprise the watershed and drain to the river. CRWD is governed by a five-member Board of Managers that guides CRWD in the implementation of goals and objectives set forth in CRWD Watershed Management Plan adopted in 2010. The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) was established in 1998 to assist the CRWD Board of Managers with organizational development, planning processes and program implementation, and strengthens the connections between CRWD and citizens The CRWD area covers approximately 40 square miles and includes portions of the cities of Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Maplewood, Roseville and St. Paul. The lakes in CRWD include Como Lake, Crosby Lake, and Loeb Lake in Saint Paul and Lake McCarrons in Roseville. GOALS IN COMMON FOR COMO REGIONAL PARK The Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, Parks and Recreation Plan, adopted in 2008, includes strategies to: 1) Promote Active Lifestyles; 2) Create Vibrant Places; 3) Promote a Vital Environment; 4) Respond Creatively to Change; 5) Innovate in Every Decision; and 6) Connect the Entire City. Strategy #3 includes actions to “3.2 Utilize stormwater as a sustainable resource”, “3.11 Help protect water quality throughout Saint Paul”, and “3.15 Approach Parks’ environmental responsibilities comprehensively rather than on a project-by-project basis”. Como Regional Park is a major location where all of these strategies are involved in development and operation decisions. The CRWD as an organization is intent on improving and protecting the water resources of the district, including Como Lake. CRWD’s Como Lake Strategic Management Plan (CLSP), completed in 2002, provides significant analysis of the water quality conditions and issues, and provides projection of a plan to address the findings. The “Como Lake TMDL” study was completed by CRWD consultants in 2010, and identifies lake water impairment, sources, TMDL allocations, and monitoring and implementation strategy recommendations. The City and CRWD share goals of intentional management of stormwater as a resource, and protection of the water resources within Como Park. CRWD has a permitting process to help achieve their goals. The City utilizes stormwater management requirements of Chapter 52 Legislative Code and the Sustainable Building Policy to guide development on sites over 10,000 sq. ft. to achieve their goals.

Page 37: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014


EFFORTS TO DATE Water quality treatment facilities have been developed in Como Park from a variety of initiatives over the years. Some facilities pre-date formation of CRWD, and include storm sewers flowing into stormwater ponds in Como Park Golf Course which are then used for irrigation, infiltration basins intercepting storm sewer piping before the lake, and rainwater collection cistern to provide Conservatory plant watering. Numerous facilities have been installed in compliance with regulatory requirements of the City and CRWD since their formation. These include rain gardens, storm-septors, and open field and underground infiltration facilities. Some of these have been installed by Parks and Recreation, others by St. Paul Public Works (SPPW), and some by CRWD. A number of major facilities were constructed in Como Park as part of the Arlington-Pascal RSVP project by St. Paul Public Works. Unfortunately, all the efforts to date represent individual project efforts, and are not part of a comprehensive plan. Como Park is currently providing treatment of stormwater that is not credited to the park, and water quality in Como Lake is affected by stormwater that is not generated within the park. No data base exists of all these facilities, so it will take considerable effort to inventory these facilities and calculate the stormwater management quantities they represent. THE PLANNING INITIATIVE The Citizen Advisory Committee of CRWD requested that their Board of Managers recommend to the City that it develop a comprehensive stormwater management plan for Como Regional Park. Such a plan could improve efficiency for design and implementation of stormwater improvements within the park, coordinate interdepartmental efforts such as maintenance and operation of stormwater facilities, and more effectively achieve our mutual goal of improved water quality in Como Lake. Discussions have occurred among SPPR, SPPW, and CRWD following the request. The shared goal of improving water quality in Como Lake is easily agreed. The concept of developing a stormwater management master plan for the park is agreed to be an undertaking worth pursuing, and will require each organization to contribute their unique expertise. It is understood that the Como Regional Park Stormwater Master Plan would require significant efforts to complete. Some of the subjects that must be addressed include:

A. Inventory existing park development, including impervious surfaces contributing to stormwater runoff, existing stormwater treatment facilities and developments within the park of past storm water management efforts, and existing water resources.

Page 38: Board of managers meeting packet for august 20, 2014


B. Inventory storm sewer facilities, including those bringing stormwater into the park from outside sources (both public and private), and those that manage stormwater within the park.

C. Analyze and quantify existing treatment facilities; establish credit system for stormwater management within the park, and identify existing and future treatment regulatory requirements.

D. Plan for future development needs of the park for the next 10 to 20 years including corresponding stormwater treatment facilities, and identify opportunities to develop and improve water resources for park amenities.

E. Establish an agreeable implementation and sequencing plan for facilities development, and determine application of stormwater management credits to planned needs.

SPPR recognizes that its staff would be lead such efforts in cooperation with SPPW and CRWD staff, and has identified the need to fund that staff time. In order to provide funding, SPPR may need to apply for funding grants. In addition, it is anticipated that a consultant would be enlisted to provide services involved with inventory and analysis of facilities and future need, as well as discussion of appropriate stormwater treatment BMP’s and water resource development. The level of effort could be significant, especially if City or CRWD staff is unable to provide the services. MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING It is mutually understood that the City of Saint Paul, Department of Parks and Recreation (SPPR) and Department of Public Works (SPPW) and the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) share goals of improving the water quality in Como Lake and other water resources in Como Regional Park, and that each body contributes unique objectives and expertise in achieving those goals. While each body fulfills specific purpose at a local level, the shared goals can be aligned to complement each other. Each of the bodies commits to undertake a joint effort to create a Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan for Como Regional Park which will provide guidance of future development of park stormwater facilities, and achieve mutual understandings of implementation and regulatory issues relative to compliance and sequencing. SPPR staff will lead the effort to create the Master Plan. The effort will be approached cooperatively through generation and sharing of available information and relevant long-range development plans, and efforts to secure funding needed for the planning will be jointly undertaken. The resulting Master Plan must satisfy and address common issues, such that future developments and implementation can be referenced to the plan. Each body will review the plan, and provide adoption by its management or advisory bodies, and will be signed by the administration of each.

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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AGREEMENT In agreement with the foregoing project description, and with the delineated goals in common for Como Park and Lake Como, we, the undersigned, commit our organization to precede with this worthwhile effort in cooperation with each other organization. FOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DEPT. OF PARKS AND RECREATION: Date: _____________________ Mike Hahm, Director FOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS: Date: ______________________ Rich Lallier, Director FOR CAPITOL REGION WATERSHED DISTRICT: Date: _______________________ Mark Doneux, Executive Director

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DATE: August 14, 2014 TO: CRWD Board of Managers and Staff FROM: Mark Doneux, Administrator RE: August 20, 2014 Administrator’s Report

1) Administrator Approved or Executed Agreementsa) Stewardship Grant Agreement with D12 for two large rain gardens on Raymond Ave. - $8,600.b) Consultant Services Agreement with Wenck Associates for RSVP Design Standards - $4,400.c) Amendment No. 1 to 2013 Stewardship Grant Agreement with German Immersion School to increase maximum

award amount from $10,000 to $20,000.2) Board Approved or Executed Agreements

3) General updates including recent and upcoming meetings and eventsa) Corey Poland’s last day at CRWD will be September 5, 2014. We are currently accepting applications for BMP

Inspector through August 15.b) The 2014 Clean Water Summit is September 11, 2014 8:00am – 5:00pm at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

CRWD is a sponsor and planning member of the conference. The topic is “Green Infrastructure for Clean Water:Costs & Benefits to Our Communities” and the Lowertown Regional Ballpark will be featured as a case study.Register here.

c) CREATE: The Community Meal by Manager Seitu Jones will be held on September 14, 2014 on Victoria Street inSaint Paul.

d) CRWD and the CAC are co-sponsoring the September 18 Moos Family Speaker Series, “Dwindling GroundwaterReserves as Viewed from Space” with Dr. Jay Famiglietti. The presentation begins at 7:00pm at the University ofMinnesota St. Paul Student Center. Register at www.freshwater.org/lectures.

e) Saint Paul Open Streets celebration with be Saturday, September 21, 2014.f) CRWD Staff will be participating in a mobile workshop of Green Line Green Infrastructure during the Rail-Volution

Conference, September 23, 2014 from 1-4pm.g) Mark Doneux, Nate Zwonitzer and Bob Fossum will be attending WEFTEC in New Orleans, Louisiana from

September 27 – October 1.h) Mark will be out of the office August 14-19.

4) CRWD events and meetingsa) BWSR tour of Green Line Green Infrastructure, August 26, 11:00am – 1:00 pm.b) Next Board meeting is Wednesday, September 3, 2014 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.c) Next CAC meeting is Wednesday, September 10, 2014 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

5) Project and Program Updatesa.) U of M Community Capacity Study update: The first phase of interviews with organizations and agencies that serve

communities on the Green Line is almost complete, the next phase with minority and new immigrant business owners and property owners along the Green Line and the east side of Saint Paul is beginning. A meeting of the Project Advisory Team and CRWD staff is tentatively scheduled for September.

Community Capacity Survey Project Advisory Team: Patricia Ohmans of Frogtown Green, Cheng Lee of Asian Outdoor Heritage, Craig Johnson of Model Cities, Melanie Peterson-Nafzinger of Great River School, Carol Swenson of District Councils Collaborative, Bill Zajicek of Payne-Phalen Planning Council, Jonee Kulman Brigham of U of M and Fullspring Studio

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

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b.) Watershed Partners, Partner Grant for Guard your Stormdrain: Focus groups were conducted to gather feedback on initial Guard your stormdrain messaging and design. In response to the feedback, the program name has been changed to Adopt a Stormdrain. Another round of public feedback on the revised information is planned in August.

c.) Highland Ravine Project: Pre-construction meetings with the contractor and homeowners will be held on August 25, 2014 from 3 – 6:30pm. Construction is scheduled to start on September 8 and be substantially completed by October 15.

d.) Eustis Street Stormwater Improvement Study: The project kick-off meeting will be held on August 21 at 8:30 am at Lauderdale City Hall, 1891 Walnut Street. Representatives from Lauderdale, Ramsey County and possibly the future developer of the adjacent private property will be in attendance.

W:\04 Board of Managers\Correspondence\Administrator's Report 2014\Administrator's Report 8-20-14.docx

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

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Presented by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in collaboration with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, with support from University of Minnesota Extension.

*Photo courtesy of Barr Engineering Company

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Rail~~Volution September 21–24, 2014Minneapolis + St. Paul

Bui ld ing L ivable Communit ies with T ransi t