bob Birth Date: 27 Jul 1999 Birth Place: Port Louis,


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  • bob

    Birth Date: 27 Jul 1999

    Birth Place: Port Louis,

  • Made by Astrobix.com


    Date of Birth 27 Jul 1999 Tuesday

    Time of Birth 02:18:00 PM

    Place of Birth Port Louis, Mauritius

    Ayanmash NC Lahiri

    Local Mean Time 14:08:00

    Sidreal Time 10:26:36

    LT Correction 10:0:0

    Obliq 23.44

    Avkahada Chakra

    Lagna Scorpio

    Lagna Lord Mars

    Rashi Sagittarius

    Rashi Lord Jupiter

    Nakshatra U.Sada

    Nakshatra Lord Sun

    Charan 1

    Tithi Chaturdasi Shukla

    Paya Silver

    S.S. Yoga Vishkumbha

    Karan Vanija

    Varna Kshatriya

    Tatwa Vayu

    Vashya Chatushpad

    Yoni Mongoose(M)

    Gana Manushya

    Nadi Anta

    Nadi Pada Ant

    Vihaga Bherund

    First Letters Bay, Bo, Jaa, Jee

    Sun Sign Cancer

    Decanate 2


    Rashi Kanya

    Months Shravan

    Tithi 3, 8, 13

    Day Friday

    Nakshatra Bharani

    Prahar 1

    Lagna Dhanu

    Yoga Vaidhriti

    Karan Taitila

    Favourable Points

    Lucky Numbers 9

    Good Numbers 4, 5, 6

    Evil Numbers 3, 9

    Good Years 18,27,36,45,54,

    Lucky Days Sun, Mon, Tue

    Good Planets Sun, Moon, Mars

    Evil Planets Mercury, Venus

    Friendly Signs Can Leo Pis

    Good Lagna Aqu, Tau, Can, Vir

    Lucky Metal Copper

    Lucky Stone Red Coral

    Lucky Time After sunrise

    Lucky Direction South

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    Planetary Positions at Birth Time

    Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---

    Ascendant Scorpio Mars 22:49:16 Jyestha-2 Mercury

    Sun Direct Cancer Moon 10:6:36 Pushyami-3 Saturn Father Friendly House

    Mercury Retro Cancer Moon 8:49:52 Pushyami-2 Saturn Intellect Enemy House

    Venus Direct Leo Sun 11:8:47 Magha-4 Ketu Spouse Enemy House

    Mars Direct Libra Venus 15:16:13 Swati-3 Rahu Courage

    Jupiter Direct Aries Mars 9:48:55 Ashwini-3 Ketu Wealth Friendly House

    Saturn Direct Aries Mars 22:21:8 Bharani-3 Venus Longevity Debilitated

    Moon Direct Sagittarius Jupiter 28:4:8 U.Sada-1 Sun Mother Friendly House

    Rahu Retro Cancer Moon 19:33:41 Ashlesha-1 Mercury Desire

    Ketu Retro Capricorn Saturn 19:33:41 Sravana-3 Moon Emancipation

    Uranus Retro Capricorn Saturn 21:24:52 Sravana-4 Moon

    Neptune Retro Capricorn Saturn 9:5:51 U.Sada-4 Sun

    Pluto Retro Scorpio Mars 14:1:28 Anuradha-4 Saturn



















    Jupiter Saturn






    Lagna Kundali

  • bob

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    Specific Characterstics

    You will have a sober mind, good judgment and a quick intellect. But richness of intellect and

    lack of concern for method may lead you to profusion and disorder. You will have versatility and

    capacity of general work. You will have a few enemies - sort of jealous people - but will always

    remain a victor over the vanquished. You will have studies in the fields of arts, literature, law and


    You will have restless activities of mind, together with the rich creative power. You will have

    much romance, fertile imagination and life in foreign / distant lands. These may conduce to high

    renown and give wealth and good fortune. You are likely to gain through an inheritance or a


    Your chief characteristics are philosophical and literary pursuits and in-depth researches of a

    scientific nature. You have a taste for lofty speculation and your strong passions are well-

    controlled. Your mind will be philosophical and the temperament sober. Although riches will be

    difficult to acquire in initial stages, riches are certain to you. You will have a few steadfast friends.

    Mental Qualities

    You will be inclined to philosophy and religion, eclectic. You will not have much of interest in the

    intricacies of analytical sciences. Rather than becoming a store-house of information, you will

    acquire the superior capacity to have a quick overview of varied circumstances. You will be just,

    frank, generous, magnanimous and even-tempered.

    Physical Attributes

    According to your Horoscope, you will have a tall, upright and well-proportioned figure. You will

    have an elongated face, rounded forehead with grey, brown or blue eyes - sparkling and

    expressive. You will have fair complexion and receding hairline balding about the temples. You

    will be of athletic building and will be fond of athletics and other expeditious activities.

    General State of Health

    Your zodiacal sign rules over the stomach ; So, to remain in shape you must take adequate

    preventive and precautionary measures. Your highly-strung nature may raise your anxiety levels

    and you tendency to brood over may lead to indigestion - even gastric disorders. If you are not

    careful enough, it may even lead to stomach ulcer.

    Your ribs and the sternum, breasts, alimentary canal, pancreas (and in case of women, the

    womb) are the areas which may call for medical attention sometime during your life.

    You must learn to stop worrying and start living. You should take less of water and liquid as your

    zodiacal sign has unusual water-retention capacity which would otherwise lead to overweight.

    You should take more cabbage, turnips, milk-products and mushrooms.Since the Ascendant has

    no affliction in your chart, you will be in good health.

  • bob

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    Since the Moon bears no affliction in your chart, you are less likely to suffer from any disease

    resulting from environmental causes.

    Since Mercury afflicts the Sun in your chart, you are prone to have some memory problems; you

    may be a little nervous, restless and worrying.

    Since Jupiter afflicts the Sun in your chart, you may suffer from blood-pressure related diseases.

    Since Neptune afflicts the Sun in your chart, you are vulnerable to sufferings resulting from

    canine animal bites and insect stings.

    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Capricorn in your chart, the region of body prone to

    affections will be the knees.

    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Aries in your chart, your head and face are likely to

    be affected.

    Education and Profession

    You are fairly intelligent and can grasp things quickly. But you may not have that much of

    patience and may not wish to waste your precious years. You may not complete your College

    education and opt for leaving it like many other celebrities did. You will have a successful career

    in a field where the prime criterion is not high education but certain special abilities are needed.

    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for application-oriented

    sciences. You will pursue professional courses and learn specialised skills. In addition to a basic

    degree you may persue a vocational course; Computers might be of great interest to you.

    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for Engineering. You will be

    fascinated by the working processes involving the machineries and their own functioning as well.

    You will do well in any branch of Engineering -- be it Mechanical, Electrical, Civil or Metallurgical.

    The planetary combinations in your chart make you specially suited for the Technological fields.

    You will be very inquisitive not only about the principles but also with the working mechanisms

    involved. In addition to a basic degree in Science you may have a degree/ diploma in


    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born businessman.

    You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a fortune by trading

    and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass through some slack

    patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most part you will do brisk


    Wealth and Inheritance

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    As regards family-wealth, you will have enough to satisfy your requirements and fancies, and still

    enough left to be proud of. Your family will have fondness for dainty and pretty adornments. As

    regards domestic environments, the good-all people will be somewhat moody, sentimental and

    demanding. Your health and bulk will improve after marriage.

    In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the favourable 9th house has given rise to auspicious

    'Dhana-Yoga' ensuring influx of money through various sources. But you should not be overly

    optimistic in speculative investments as chances of incurring losses are also there; you may

    have some problems from foreign lands or distant inland places and during long journeys.The

    favorable lines for you are institutes for higher learning, charitable organizations, museums,

    libraries, foreign affairs, evangelistic foundations, etc.

    In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the house of fortune is favourable in certain

    respects like having gains from foreign countries by foreign trade and through a legacy. You will

    undoubtedly become rich. But the position is not good for well-being of father; for having

    overseas journeys or for staying in foreign countries it is not good as possibility of incurring

    losses or facing accidental mishaps are there.

    Marriage and Married Life

    Your chart indicates that you will be married at normal age-period.

    The planetary combinations in your chart favours a fairly happy married- life. You will have

    considerations for each other and will be a loving pair. Occassionally arising minor differences

    you will accept as to be only natural but those will vanish soon as you will adopt a compromising


    Travel and Journeys

    In your chart most of the planets are situated in moveable and/ or common signs. This will make

    you a born wanderer who will have many changes in life. You will have many journeys in

    connection with your profession; you will also have travels and tours for pleasure and profit.

    Lucky Stone

    Among auspicious gemstones RED CORAL (Munga) will be favourable for you.

    You may take 8 to 12 Rattis of RED CORAL in a Silver ring which should be worn on right hand

    ring finger on a Tuesday -- after mid-day.

    Cheaper substitute of Red Coral is Sindoori Akeek which may be taken instead in a ring of

    Silver or Copper.

    While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

    Dharini-garbha-sambhutam Vidyut-kanti Samaprabham Kumaram Sakti-Hastam cha Mangalam


    The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the

    weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be

  • bob

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    reduced to 1/2 to 1/3 part.