Branding and Brand Identity

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  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity



    In today's world, the market requires the business to business and stand out from

    other comanies! The roblem that arises is therefore how to make this distinction

    from cometitors and maintain its uniqueness! "ere is the roblem of the brand

    identity, which is to confer to a comany or firm a real identity from a #isual oint

    of #iew, a system of ima$es and si$ns that identifies the market and make it easily

    reco$ni%able to consumers!

    This is a task that is rele$ated to the $rahics! &nd 'in fact the $rahics that should

    translate meanin$s, models and #ision of a comany si$ns and ima$es that

    become the true face of the comany! The $rahic then becomes his identity,

    adatable to the media, to be able to combine #ersatile, liquid so that it can

    successfully cross all new mobile de#ices in short, to accomany e#erythin$

    about the comany from the T( commercials to the en#eloe of the store, and so


    The $rahic identity of a comany is so ublicly for all to see, accustomed buyers

    to reco$ni%e it, establishes relationshis with them, and seduces them with their

    own messa$es! "ence, the best way to ut on the market today is undoubtedly the

    creation of a #isual identity!

    I chose this theme because this is the world that awaits me at the end of my

    academic career! The life of a chart is accomanied by the creation of e#er new

    cororate identity, identity to be used in leaflets and brochures, $rahics to be

    declined in osters and other ad#ertisin$ materials! In a market in constant

    cometition, it is the work of a chart that can $i#e added #alue to a comany

    rather than another! In a war made with ima$es, who has the best tools you can


    I chose to desi$n the #isual identity of my future work as a $rahic desi$ner! I

    think that aroach the roblem of self)romotion is a $ood way to test their skills

    and addressin$ the real issues of the $rahic desi$n world!

    CO**UNIC&TION &ND I*&+


  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    Communication remains today one of the most imortant means of social

    e.chan$e between eole! This e.chan$e did not materiali%e in a mere transfer of

    information, but also of ideas, feelin$s and emotions! &mon$ this information,

    much of it related to the $oods and ser#ices you commonly buy or recommend to


    #en comanies and businesses ha#e the same roblems and communication

    needs! secially after the technolo$ical ro$ress of roduction of $oods, is

    always seen $reater imortance the need to reach otential customers,

    communicate with them about their roducts and be able to show why your

    comany is better than the other!

    &fter the industrial re#olution and the emer$ence of a caitalist economy that uts

    its bases on the mass roduction of ob/ects and roducts, the consumer society

    was born! 0rom this oint on, ob/ects lose their #alue of use and retain only an

    e.chan$e #alue, or ima$e! In so doin$, the consumtion becomes an acti#ity that

    has more and more to do with the communication and the ima$es with the real

    function of the roducts!

    The $oods be$ins to assume e.ressi#e connotations, it is loaded more and more

    of distincti#e si$nals, of di#ersified identity symbols that $o to make u for the

    aro#al of roducts which are no lon$er reco$ni%able from each other!

    This culture linked to the ima$e is then loaded further from the resentation of

    $oods on store shel#es and as told in ad#ertisements! The consumer becomes

    attracted by its si$ns and its many romisin$ messa$es, attracted more by the

    elements characteri%in$ and communication, than by those closely related to its

    erformance and real features!

    In summary1 the consumer, today, more than consumin$ roducts, consumes what

    roducts romise throu$h his ima$es! One can therefore say that they are recisely

    the ima$es to be consumed!


  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    3R&ND, 3R&ND, 4O+O, 4O+O

    0or a better understandin$ of the toic 3rand Identity should start by e.lainin$

    the basics of this area! Often hear, esecially from non)e.erts, seakin$ as a

    trademark, brand, lo$o, brand, brandin$, without makin$ any distinction!

    The brand is on the northern end 3randr, ie burnin$, and it was the act by which

    breeders marchia#ano focus their animals /ust lea#in$ a membershi mark on their

    skin! ach animal then bore the mark of his master! 5hilie 6otler, the famous

    marketin$ $uru, $a#e in 2772 a definition of brand 8or brand9, that is :a name,

    term, si$n, symbol, desi$n or combination thereof which is used to identify

    roducts or ser#ices of a seller or $rou of sellers and to differentiate them from

    those of their cometitors! : & further definition is from :3rand Identikit: by

    +aetano +ri%%anti, which instead defines the brand as :concetual entity,

    o#erseein$ the mental territory of an indi#idual, e#okes a set of redefined #alues,

    definin$ the market ositionin$:! This last definition hels to identify the modern

    brand as a set of elements that define a brand beyond /ust $rahics, but as a $rou

    of concets, emotions and feelin$s that the brand has the ability to stimulate the


    The term brand instead you are talkin$ about one of the $rahic reresentation

    that aims to identify the comany or roduct comared to his eers in the market!

    The brand summari%es the idea and the concet that a comany has ) or would

    like to $i#e ) himself! &nd 'from this ima$e which is then created and de#eloed

    around the brand! ;o the brand is only art of the brand!

    The mark consists of a few basic elements, which are1 the name, that is the real

    name of the comany, firm or sole ractitioner the lo$o, the set of a icto$ram

    and a letterin$ of the name of the comany the colors, that is, the color choices

    are established recisely for the communication and the symbol, an iconic ima$e

    is reresentati#e of the comany in the world, that sometimes ) but not always )

    coincides with the same lo$o!

    T" 3R&NDIN+

  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    3randin$ is not only the creation or mana$ement of a brand! It is a series of

    business strate$ies to aroach the market, and is uttin$ in lace a series of

    actions with the aim to increase its reutation! &ly a brandin$ strate$y, then,

    does it mean to sell not only the roduct, but also the brand that roduces it!

    ;ell the brand so it means sellin$ somethin$ intan$ible, which is the e.act

    oosite of the sale of a roduct! "ence the need to touch the consumer on an

    emotional and ima$inati#e lan!

    To better characteri%e a brand you resort to the use of brand equity! This can be

    translated as the set of all the #alues that the comany uses to differentiate

    themsel#es from others! In ractice are concets or feelin$s that the comany is

    attributed to better $et into the head of the consumer, influencin$ how this feels

    and ercei#es its roducts! 0or e.amle, the 0errari brand is ercei#ed in its

    consumer concets such as seed, but also the lu.ury and e.cellence! Otherwise,

    the *ulino 3ianco refers bind to concets such as authenticity, trust, old fla#ors!

    The equitiy brand is ultimately the set of meanin$s, ideas and emotions of which

    the comany is the bearer!

    4I0 O0 & 3R&ND

    To be successful, a brand must ha#e some requirements such as1 simlicity,

    understandability, distin$uishability, consistent with the roduct, ease of

    ronunciation, of remembrance and e#ocation! 0rom the oint of #iew of the

    consumer, the brand often allows to reco$ni%e the quality of the roduct because

    the urchaser has a brand ima$e that stems from ast e.eriences or is influenced

    by other eole! The brand hels to identify the roducts, to facilitate the urchase

    of new, and to reeat the urchase!

    Then for a manufacturer to affi. a brand is an ad#anta$e from se#eral oints of

    #iew! 4ets be remembered more easily, to rotect it from imitations or ) worse )

    from counterfeits, to re$ulari%e the urchase! If the brand becomes a symbol of

    quality and is able to offer resti$ious romises, e.tend its scoe and $oin$ to

    oerate on other markets with other roducts!


  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    The brand always fa#ors a hi$her le#el of quality because of the feared ne$ati#e

    reactions of a consumer, and fosters inno#ation 8as the manufacturer maintains

    ro$ress and stimulates the firm or the comany towards imro#ement!

    >ith the accetance of the brand, the comany hels customers address the

    acquisition, reassurin$ their uncertainties to urchase roducts they do not know,

    and causes them to ay hi$her rices if successful! In the eyes of the consumer

    thus seeks to establish a lastin$ ima$e of quality, and therefore is a safe urchase



    &s already mentioned, a brand must be autonomous, ha#e a unique identity and

    unmistakable! This identity is co#ered by all, messa$es and beha#iors that define

    the character of the comany! To define the brand is art of its ositionin$!

    #ery consumer has in his mind a sace reminiscent of the best brand for each

    roduct cate$ory! 5lace yourself in the buyer's head means to hi$hli$ht the

    distincti#e features of their own brand than its cometitors, so that it is

    remembered better and lon$er than the others!

    The identity of the brand has a hysical dimension linked to the roducts it sells a

    dimension related to his ersonality and character that is e.ressed throu$h its

    communication a dimension of #alues, that is, the brand is a recise cultural

    uni#erse a relational dimension, that is, the relationshi between customer and

    brand and finally an identification dimension, where the brand is a mirror of its

    current buyers! Customers of the brand identify with the characteristics of the

    brand itself and form a icture of how they would like to be seen, because of the

    brand consumers!

    The brand can be understood by its roducts, from its name, a character that

    ersonifies it, from the lace of ori$in, the tye of ad#ertisement or the acka$in$

    used! Its #alues can be identified by its main roduct, a name which is often

    e.ressi#e of intentions, from the character or animal that symboli%es the brand

    from lo$os or emblems $rahics!


  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    >ith communication, the brand creates a history and a cultural en#ironment,

    which hi$hli$ht the ositi#e asects! In short, the brand is a comle. e.erience,

    wide selection of hi$h emotional meanin$s!


    The actual creation of the brand starts from further clarify the salient features of

    its identity, that is, the #ision of the brand 8also called #ision9, namely the ima$e

    of a future scenario that the manufacturer ursues 8famous that of *icrosoft,

    which was :a comuter on e#ery desk:, or that of >alt Disney1 :*ake the haier

    world:9 deeen the brand's #alues, startin$ with the core #alues and de#elo

    them the mission 8also called mission9 that the comany intends to carry on the

    market, that is, what are the real actions to reali%e his #ision the territory in which

    it intends to carry out its mission the secific skills associated with the brand

    roducts and ser#ices that best describe the #ision and mission the style and the

    tyical lan$ua$e to use, si$ns and codes that you will find in all the messa$es and

    all the camai$ns and the so)called :reflection:, ie the customers to whom the

    brand is turnin$!


    The brand is sub/ect to chan$es necessary to $row o#er time! "e arado.ically

    finds himself ha#in$ to chan$e, $row, to e#ol#e to adat to new conte.ts, in order

    to maintain its stren$th on the market! &t a time when the brand $ets back in the

    $ame, you ha#e to be able to be faithful and consistent with the initial mission! ;o

    the brand has to e#ol#e while maintainin$ its distincti#e features and some


    The brand's communication, under$oin$ chan$es with the times, is the most

    sub/ect to chan$e aearance! 3ut to do so that a chan$e of communication does

    not become e#en a chan$e of identity, it is necessary that the brand maintains its

    #isual or #erbal meanin$s, so that a chan$e of style is not equi#alent to a chan$e

    of the basic themes!


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    3ecause the brand maintains its stren$th, it is necessary to take two asects li#e1 a

    co$niti#e and affecti#e asect! &t the be$innin$ of the relationshi that is

    established with the customer, the customer ercei#es the brand throu$h its

    messa$es and its differentiation! O#er time then they create emotional ties that

    make the familiar brand! >hen the ercetion of differentiation of the brand

    be$ins to shrink, starts the brand's decline, e#en if the emotional relationshi is

    #ery stron$!

    To a#oid the decline is always necessary to create differentiation, always

    inno#atin$ the roduct and reinforcin$ the stren$th asects, in#estin$ in

    communication and ad#ertisin$ on the brand!

    To defend and maintain the brand)customer relationshi, comanies often adot

    the loyalty ro$rams! & loyal customer sends more in the brand and sread a

    ositi#e ima$e!

    0or roer customer loyalty must be ket to a ma.imum roduct defects, and

    must be offered the benefits that reward loyalty, translated into discounts or

    secial attention reser#ed only to him!

    I*&+ CO*5&NA

    8>"&T &R1 brand identity, cororate ersonality, brand ima$e9

    >e use the term brand identity to denote the set of all the elements and #isual

    asects, $rahs and reorts that determine the comany reco$nition! &ll these

    shall be to establish a unified and coherent lan$ua$e code, thus $i#in$ the

    comany an established aesthetic rofile, reco$ni%able from the outside and then

    be stored by the customer! These findin$s re$ardin$ $rahics and communication

    determine the ercetion emotional le#el of a brand by consumers!

    Different howe#er is the cororate ersonality 8or Cororate Identity9, which

    indicates how the comany wants to be ercei#ed to be on the market! #erybusiness, definin$ its #ision, and its mission, seekin$ to build a mental icture of


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    herself in it and sell it to the ublic! This is an office /ob marketin$, he has to $o to

    establish a $enuine ersonality of the comany, its characteristics on an emotional

    le#el, and its core #alues!

    It can haen, howe#er, that the ima$e that the comany wants to $i#e of himself

    does not match u with the ima$e that the consumer has really done the business!

    The concet of Cororate ima$e 8or 3rand Ima$e9 describes this asect, that is,

    the mental reresentation that the consumer market has made the comany! It may

    haen that a comany that wants to resent itself as a youn$ and inno#ati#e is

    instead ercei#ed antiquated and obsolete!

    ;o in summary, a comany must be able to build a #ery stron$ Cororate

    5ersonality, by definin$ the characteristics of his ersonality! These characteristics

    must then be translated #isually into ima$es and si$ns, creatin$ a brand identity

    consistent with the messa$es re#iously established!

    &nd 'therefore essential to the #ery close link between the identity of the brand

    and its consumers, because the ima$e of the comany will deend on its osition

    on the market, and thus its success! In fact, the Cororate Ima$e measurably

    influence at the time of urchase! If, as we said re#iously, the consumer buys not

    only the roduct but abo#e the ima$e associated with the brand, it is necessary for

    the comanies to ensure that their brand ima$e is ositi#e, and this remains true

    o#er time, that is, maintains the same initial #alues, and remain reco$ni%able e#en

    desite future de#eloments!

    >hen the Cororate ersonality and 3rand Ima$e ercei#ed do not conform to

    each other, we ha#e a structural roblem that must be corrected with the

    redefinition of the ima$e!

    IDNTITA '(I;U&4 CO*5&NA

    T" 5RODUCT

    The roduct is the cornerstone of marketin$ of a comany communication! 0or a

    technician, the roduct will be a set of comonents, shaes and materials! 0or the

    consumer, in addition to the functionality, will also count the aesthetics, desi$n,

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    style, and of course the brand, the ima$e, status that the roduct romises to

    achie#e! The sycholo$ical dimension sinks directly into the affecti#e emotional


    The roduct is then a set of tan$ible elements, such as wei$ht, shae, color and

    finish and intan$ible, such as style, ser#ice, quality, warranty, and $enerally the

    roduct ima$e! These two cate$ories influence each other and define the real

    roduct! 3ecause consumers do not buy hysical ob/ects but means to meet their

    needs and desires, the roduct is bou$ht for what it means!

    Once identified the benefits that the roduct erforms, we will define the quality,

    acka$in$, style! 6nowin$ the roduct is therefore essential for those who must

    then communicate the #alues of the brand and imlementin$ the communication


    They should be analy%ed in the first lace the basic functions erformed by the

    roduct! & differentiator is to see how the functions are carried out, and here some

    comanies try to add items or fashion or lu.ury features!

    &nother imortant element is the quality, which is a comle. concet! Euality is

    on the consumer and his sycholo$ical satisfaction! Total quality is $i#en not onlyby the true quality and the actual roduct, but also that linked to user satisfaction,

    functionality, ser#ice and suort comany! The concet of quality, howe#er, is u

    and shaed by the comany itself in its communication, always aimed at

    enhancin$ the roduct!

    &dditional elements of differentiation and enhancement of roduct ima$e are the

    shae, style, color and desi$n! Often some firms reort the name of the roduct

    desi$ner to add to it more recisely #alue!

    The form co#ers the structural asects of the roduct 8color, materials9, but the

    imortance of desi$n is also e.ressed by the resentation and dislay of

    merchandise! The comany seeks to aly the desi$n not only to the roduct but

    to all media! If you use an effecti#e and distincti#e desi$n can transfer a unitary

    identity ima$e 8from the lo$o, the si$ns, the establishments, to transortation, to

    outlets9! The same acka$e becomes as simle ackin$ a owerful tool of

    communication, it takes aesthetic and e.hibition functions! The role of acka$in$


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    is central in the urchase stimulus! The acka$e attracts the customer's attention

    and stimulates an emotional reaction, re#eals references and buyin$ leads!

    The ser#ices are elements of differentiation, because they can enrich the romise

    of roduct! & ser#ice can ran$e from a simle instruction booklet to an entire

    warranty ro$ram and ser#ice comany!

    In conclusion, all asects of the roduct require communicational contributions,

    but amon$ all the $reater imortance has desi$n! This e.resses the ower of the

    ob/ect and can $i#e a unified look to the entire cororate ima$e!

    T" N&*

    The choice of name 8namin$9 is an imortant initial decision! ;o far the market

    has seen #ery different names amon$ them1 the names of the founders of the

    comany 8such as 3arilla, 5irelli, &rmani9, fantasy names 8such as Coca)Cola,

    0anta, 5esi9, acronyms 8such as 0iat, Tim, I3*9! +i#en the #ariety of names, it is

    imossible to know what will be successful, but you can build on some criteria to

    be met!

    The name is thou$ht deendin$ on the brand and its future e#olution, and then

    based on its national or international territory! The name, therefore, must be1

    Ori$inal, that does not already elsewhere, and must not conflict with the

    ori$inal identity ad/ustable, meanin$ you should be able to record in all countries

    simle, easily ronounced and remembered, always in line with the brand

    ersonality ronounceable and assonant, that besides bein$ able to be

    ronounceable by all countries, must not ha#e ronunciations of dubious taste inother countries international, in the sense that it has no counterroducti#e

    meanin$s in other lan$ua$es 8consider the case of the 0iat Ritmo, which chan$ed

    its name in the U6 market since :Rhythm: in n$lish is a term linked to the

    menstrual cycle9 $lobal, that is, to use a name that is free from recordin$s




  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    Re$istered the name, you ha#e to desi$n a brand that has always been art of

    human communication! There is no comany or $rou that does not ha#e its own

    brand! This e.resses a sense of belon$in$ and differentiation from others! Its

    function has always been to distin$uish and mark with a si$n, but each brand is

    more of a $rahic si$n is the reresentation of an or$ani%ation, its asirations and

    its romises!

    The matter of trade marks is $o#erned by the Royal Decree of 2- $i$uno -F=2, n!

    F2F 8with subsequent modifa%ioni of -FF2 and -FF@9, and is entirely focused on

    its distin$uishin$ feature1 it must therefore distin$uish and identify a certain

    roduct or comany! This distincti#e feature is rotected by law, so that it rotects

    the ri$hts of its owner in case of coy, likeness, and any dan$er of confusion!

    IDNTITA '&ND (I;U&4 I*&+

    The #isual identity system of a comany 8also called cororate identity9 is the set

    of ways in which a comany or or$ani%ation resents to its audience! &nd 'the

    #isual e.ression that sums u e#erythin$ that the comany reresents, its

    reutation, and what we want to become! ;o the identity is a #isual code thatreresents who is the comany, what it does and how it does it!

    ;ecifically is the set of si$ns, colors, fonts, sounds and smells, which or$ani%ed

    or$anically identify an entity! ;ince the ima$e is the ercetion of the comany by

    its customers, it can not be searated from the identity and #ice #ersa!

    To start with the creation of a #i#isa identity, should be identified asiration of a

    business! Its history, structure, strate$y, #alues and mission are art of the

    cororate DN&! The union of all this emer$es a new #ision of the comany and

    defines the character of the brand!

    The character of the brand is a concet that is #ery close to the idea of the real

    ersonality of a erson! #en eole ha#e identity as a unique and distincti#e

    feature that differentiates them from other comanies! The more the character of

    the brand will be stron$, credible, lus the $rahics fail to reresent the force!

    The #isual identity can be constituted by a simle lo$o, or only by the name and

    symbol, or from an entire enterrise communication system! 'referable that


  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    there is a reresentati#e symbol, because this $i#es enormous otential as re$ards

    the communication of content and the ability to e#oke emotions! & si$n lo$o is

    much more effecti#e than any words to elicit ideas and su$$estions, in#ol#ement

    8think of the stron$ Nike brand character9! In addition, the brands that ha#e

    multile le#els of readin$ collect more successful because tri$$er direct

    relationshis with the customer, who decides to take questions and interret it

    freely! 0or e.amle, the &le brand is not actually a comany that sells ales,

    but comuter roducts, and the bitten ale induces the customer to ask quite a

    few questions!

    4TTRIN+ &ND 5&N +R&5"IC;

    No less imortant is the choice of a tyeface and the or$ani%ation of te.ts, ima$es

    on a a$e! The writin$ has a lon$ history, and the first systems of letters of -

  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity



    The cororate identity manual is a set of alication rules of the mark on all the

    elements and areas of the comany! It is inside of the trademark use rules, ie the

    rules on how to use, reroduce and effecti#ely imlement all the elements of the


    It usually starts with an official resentation of the ro/ect, summari%in$ the

    hilosohy behind, the #alues and the $oals of the comany! This hels to

    understand that concetual basis has left for the #isual identity desi$n!

    It continues with the resentation of the brand and its imlementin$ rules! ;hows

    its construction, the #arious #ersions in ositi#e and ne$ati#e, indicatin$ the

    colors, the rimary and secondary characters, readability tests in #arious si%es, the

    mistakes to a#oid, and so on!

    4ater, we $o to the alications of the mark on forms and other carteci media such

    as en#eloes or letters, business cards, folders! It then e.amines the alication of

    the brand on other e.ternal media such as license lates, totems, fla$s, clothin$,

    transortation, acka$in$, etc!

    The manual is the work of a $rah, and directed to other $rahics or desi$ners

    who will use it in the future to roduce new materials for the $i#en comany! 3y

    doin$ so, you establish a consistency of style, colors, fonts, roortions of each

    format! It therefore retains the fundamental rule of the firm reco$nition in all its



    *OTION; 8emotional 3rand9


  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    &ccordin$ to scholars, at the time of the final decision it is $i#en by the emotional

    asect linked to the roduct, that is, as the brand was linked to the consumer in

    terms of emotions and senses! In fact, emotions are the en$ine of society, and the

    more one mo#es, the more it hels the memory, and we are dri#en to action and )

    then ) to buy! 0reud himself says that often the thou$ht of man escaes rational

    control, and acts dri#en by desires, asirations that are unredictable from the


    The emotional brandin$ is the set of acti#ities that create emotional bonds and

    fidelity between the brand and the consumer, makin$ the customer feel art of the


    The consumer wants more and more that comanies are oen to their needs and

    desires, wants the make the ersonal knowled$e and incororates the e.eriences!

    The comanies aim to create e.eriences that eole fall in lo#e1 in#ol#in$

    consumers in meanin$ful e.eriences 8think of the many festi#als or e#ents

    created by the hone comanies, such as >IND *usic &ward, or the TI* Cu,

    etc!9, $eneratin$ sensory leasures in#ol#in$ e#ery sense, articiate in the

    e#eryday life of the eole 8creatin$ news ortals, blo$s, deeenin$9, tell stories

    that carry meanin$s related to brand 8think the storytellin$ in tele#ision

    commercials or on the internet9 all e.eriences in which the consumer can

    identify with!

    In fact, the emotional brand does not aim rimarily to romote a roduct, but to

    create a connection with the customer throu$h narrati#e rocesses and interaction

    with it! &mon$ the emotional brandin$ techniques include e.eriential marketin$,

    that is, the hysical in#ol#ement of consumers in the brand's e#ents the $uerilla

    marketin$, which is a set of uncon#entional $enerated by comanies but dis$uised

    as sontaneous action of communication and (iral ad#ertisin$, which is always a

    commercial communication but rather is able to sread sontaneously amon$

    eole throu$h word of mouth, embeddin$ them! Newcomer has instant

    marketin$ or micro camai$ns shared on social networks but e.loit issues or

    trendy e#ents! 0or the short time a#ailable, they require a articular seed and


    In this marketin$ strate$y, it is imortant to know the rele#ant consumers! In this

    field is essential the influence of women, esecially mothers, which is between


  • 7/25/2019 Branding and Brand Identity


    ?7G and 7G! >omen seek roducts that insire loyalty and to hel them li#e a

    better e#eryday life, and are rimarily achie#ed throu$h social networks, which

    today reresent an inno#ati#e and useful way to learn about the consumer, and

    share ad#ertisin$ with other eole!
