WEST KM). H»ppeui»i;n mitt liiciilciits ol it About the I lly. Oct. 5, HIM. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wilson returned Friday from a two weeks stay with relatives in Alabama. Mr. aud Mrs. Wilson were delighted with the .State and charmed with the people they met. Mrs. Brooks Livingston returned to her home in Columbia last Thursday after spend ing some time here as the guest of Mrs. J. F.' Livingston. Mr. G. H. Anderson was in Burmlngham the first of last week on business. Mrs Frank 1!. Gary entertaiu'-d the Kuchre club Friday evening. At the close of the: games an elaborate salad course was served. Judge J. C. K lugh ha* koo» to Cireeuville to hold court. Mrs. Kiugh a'Tompauled him and will go to a number of places, with him before returning h?re. Hon. Frank B. Gary Is in Anderson holding court. Mrs. W. H. Long has returned afteran extended visit to her sou Mr. Allen Long In Pennsylvania. Mrs. John E. Bradley ol Brndley, Is in the city visiting relatives. Mrs. W. W. Edwards was in the city last Thursday to attend the funeral services of Mrs. R. M. HAddon. Little Miss Sarah Norwood who is attending school here tills session left Satui day lor St. Louis, where she goes to enjoy the Fair. Miss Nelle Fdwurds has a position witb the Arm of P. Ro»>enburg <s Co. Miss Edwards Is H IDUrUUliu UUMUCSB woman .uiu uyj uvuui will please heremployers In every way. The friends of Miss Louise Brown will be glad to know that she Is better after being sick for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gilliam have cone to Spartanburg where they will make theii Rome Id the future. Mr. John Baskln of Lowndesvllle was in town Monday on business. i Misses Mary and Fannie Stark leave in n few days lor Greenville where they win spend the winter with Mrs. Sam Gower. They will tPke muBlc at Chlcora College while in that city. Mr. Henry Cason Is in the city the guest of his son, Mr. Fred Cason. Mr. L. T. Miller has been absent from hi* business for the past two days on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. John Clinkscales were in tlie city last Thursday. Mr. Philip Cromer has gone to Charleston to beeln his duties at the S. C. Military Academy. Mrs. R. C. Wysong was called to Atlanta Monday on account of an accident that befell Mr. Wysong. The lubricator on his en- gine expioueu ue»r u m mvo mjuuus ... his eyes very severely. It Is hoped that the accident will not result In the loss of his eye. Rev. John Edwards of Mexico wrr In the city last Thursday. Mr. Edwards has been spending the summer In the State, but wll return to his work In a few weeks. THE CLARK ALLEN CHAPTER. The Clark Allen Chapter of the D of C's met Monday a iteruoon with Miss Irene Ron enburg. At this meeting a Bazzar was decld/ ed upon to be given early in December Miss Lily Templeton was elected delegate to go to Spartangurg to Ihe State Convention. Captain and Mrs. L. W. White have moved in to their beautiful new and conveuien' borne. The wide cool verandas and broad windows give evidence of the many luxuries on the Inside. Mr. R. (£. Game and Mr. F. C. Link attended the Shrlners meeting la Spartanburg last week. The Roeetlng w as largely attended and carried through with Spartanburg's usual lavish style. The openings last week were well attended by the Interested crowd. The hats were unusually handsome, the work being beautiful and artistic. An elaborate assortment ot dress goods have been brought to the market. The colors, brown, blue and green are shown in all classes of goods. Mr. Perrin Quarles was In Spartanburg at the Shrlners meeting; he was the guest of Mrs. H. F. McGee while In theclty. Mr. J. R. Blssett, who for the past two year* has been at the head of the shops here, hue been promoted to Traveling Inspector of the road's machine shops, with head quarters in Raleigh. Little Katie McDill Is quite sick, a speedy recovery Is hoped for. Mrs. Winton Taggart has a position with W. E. Johnston and Co. Miss Taggart will be glad to show the beautiful line of vases, silver ware and Jewelry to her friends. Mr. Amos B. Morse was In Atlanta part 01 last week on business. Miss. S. Leona Blake Is In Abbeville, spending a while with her brother, Mr. John R. Blake. Miss Blake has been teaching nea: Brevard N. C., for the Summer months. SAD DEATH. Mrs. R. M. Haddon died last Tuesday, at nineo'olock, altera long and tedious illness. All that medical skill, careful and loving nursing could do for fcer, was done. About the middle of August she was taken to Baltimore, there to consult a specialist, hoping thus to restore her to health and strength \ As no encouragment was given, the loved ones, she was orougnt nome 10 live tier ism days, surrounded by loving friends aud rela tives wbo bad been her companions for yeariDeath came on this calm, quiet evening to bear her pain racked soul back to the God whogave it. The end was not unexpected as ^be weary, patient, suflerer had long since beeu given back to the "Lord who gave." Mrs. Haddon was a native of Virginia but bad been in Abbeville for a long time and been so closely-affiliated with our people ut< to seem as one of them. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, ever in attendance upon the service*upon the Sabbath She leaver a lov.ng husband and daughter, to mourn her loss. The sympathy of the entire community if. extended to the grief stricken husband and daughter, in this sore aflliction..West End. Oct. 12.1904. Mrs. William Durst and her handsome little son, of Greenwood have been In the city fortbe past week the guest of Mrs. A. B. Cheatham. Mrs. A. B. Cochran of Monroe, Ga. was the guest of Mrs. James Cochran several days last week. Mr. Lewis A. Smith has bought the house on Wardlaw Street owned by Mrs. H. F. Gilliam and has moved his family there. Mrs. \lena Coleman Stewart wbo Is teaching in the Greenwood Graded School spent Saturday and Sunday here with her sister Mrs. M. T. Coleman. MlssS. Leona Blake spent last week in Anderson where she went to attend the Missionary Union. jhiss ranme i..eaveii iibn remrneu to ner home In Newberry hfter spending some time herewith Mrs. Chalmers. Miss Ellse Long left Monday for Athens, Ga. where she goes to vi6ll friends during the Athens Fair. Mrs. Fannie Jay Haddon spent part of last week lu Due Went. Mrs. Haddon leaves In a lew days toe her home In Troy after spend log some time here with Miss Belle Haddon. Miss Margaret Miller of Laurens was In the city several days last week the guesi of Mrs James Cochran. Mr. W. W. Bradley was in Newberry part ot last week on business. Miss Mamie Major of Greenwood spent Saturday and Sunday here the guest of Miss WintOD Harks. DUKES.WAN-XAMAKEK. Invitations have been issued to the mar. rlage of Miss Pansey Duke* to Dr. J. G. Wannamaker, both of Orangeburg. The marriage Is to lake place October the 26th. I)r. Wannamaker lived in Abbeville for a short time and has many f) lends here who wish him every happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Roseoe Knox have the Graves bouse near the shops and are keeping house. Mrs. James S. Cothran of Greenville, is in the city the guest of Mr. J. Allen Smith. Judge Ernest Gary has been in the city spending some time with his mother, Mrs. Caroline Gary. Rev. J. L. Wilson and Mr. John M. Harden went to Lebanon Sunday to assist in the installation of Rev. L. W. Brown. Mrs. Willie K. Douglass and Miss Grace Kirk patrick of Due West were in the city Monday shopping. Mr. aud Mrs. William Miller of Anderson, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Starke. Mr. Wallace Harris has gone to the Citadel to resume his studies. Mrs. James S. Bowie and her little daughter have gone to Marion to visit- their home people. Ml8sLllIa Vlsanska left Monday for Atlanta after spending a week here with Miss Belle Vlsanska Miss Visanska will be in Atlanta lor two weeks before returning to her home In Georgetow'n. Mr. W. C. CothraQ of Greenville was In town Monday. Miss Daisy Cromer is in Greenwood visiting her sister Mrs. J. B. Burns. Miss Belle Visanskaspenlthreeor four days In Greenwood last week. Mr. Lawrence Parker attended the marriage of his brother Mr. Rhett Parker to Miss Frances Arnold in Green wood, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hillhouse have gone to Greenville to live. They have made Abbeville their home for a number of years and have a host of friends here who regret to see them leave. Miss Lily Templet on went to Greenwood Monday to see "Bonny Bell" given therei lor the benefit of the public library. The seasons are favorable, If yonr corns are growing too last and hurt, you try Blue Jay Corn Plasters, for sale at Speed's Drug .store. Ifltlspoi Jlar things you are hunting for, get on to Speed's Cinco Cigars, they arts "Xtie Werry Most" popular things, in town. Buy your Cinco cigars from Speed, the only agent for tne factory in town. You can always tell who leads by others following. Did you get an Invitation to tbe wedding ? If so, you will find useful and elegant presents at Millord's Drug Store. I LOWNDESVILLE. > - Sews from tin* Sovt'ii Hill C'iiy as Related !>)' an interesting Writer. Lowndesvlile, Oct. 10.1904. Miss Jeunle May Duuti left Monday morning lor Oca! a, Fla.. where she went to take charge of kindergarten department in the. High School in that plaee. Mr. It. II. Motley, as cashier, opeued tip the I.owndesvi le Hank, Monday morning pre-| pared to transact ilie usual banking bu»lness and will be pleased as f tr an may i>e possible to supply ihe needs oj aTwho may favor blni with a call. I>r. T.O. Kirkpntriek was called lo Abbeville Monday, oil i>umih«Severai more of our c»ti/.«iis went to Abbeville Monday, bavmi: business in the court, either as witnesses or jurors. The Jaie term of Court was very short, which was of much benefit to the p'auters, as it was a very busy time ot the year with them. Mr. .las. A. Haw thorn of Latimer, was in our town Monday The late Anderson County Fair of the 4, *> ami 6, at Anderson, C. II., caused Ihegolil!; to that place of some of our citizens every day. They were well pleased with the attractions furnished. Mr. \V. M. Specr, who has br>en on the sick list for several weeks, i>hs gotten much better and went to Monterey,Wednesday, to spend a short while at the delightful country home of his uncle,Mr. O. \V. Speer. that his restoration to tils wanted health might be hastened. H" came back Friday decidedly Improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hart Ha-kin ot Lebanon, who had attended the WaDace-Shtrrard marriage aud reception on Wednesday and "'diifii t»» itu.lr Thnrviiljii'. slopped over here, for a short time. Mrs. Carrie \. Latimer, of Anderson, came down Thuisday and spent a day or two at tlie Lome of her nephew, MY. J.T. Latimer. Mis. K. Floyd of Walhalla came down Friday, bringing with her tlie little babe of her daught> r, Mrs. Mason Miller who ditd a short time ago. Tney will stay for soiuetinie, with the family of Mr. D. K. Cooley, son-in-law ot the tirst. MIsk Mamie t*. Bowman left for Garden, Fin.. Saturday, where she will have charge of a flourishing Rchool. Mrs. Lillian Carsou and her little boy. of Mi. Carm^l spent some days last week at Mr. It W. Co Iyer's. Mr. R. W. Mason of Pac.ilet, came over Saturday to stay some time at the home of the writer. Mi*s Annie.iiawtborn of Latimer came yp Saturday aud will stay for a time at the home ol Mr. E. VV. Harper. Word eame to us a few days ago through the Southern Christian Advocate that Mrs. W. R. Buchanan had passed away. She Was the wife of Rev. W. R. Buchanan of the South Carolina Conference, who has charge of theCordesvllle Mission. Mrs. Buchauan was a native of this sectiou, having Oeeu born and reared near here. Since her marriage her home lias been wherever duty called her husband, which gave to her the opportunity of greatly enlarging the circle ol her acquaintances aud friends. During the years spent in this community, she had a largnuii ber of relatives Ga lid friends h.Te, but time the great destroyer has lessen. <i ihem till comparatively lew are ieil. A few ol her then klnspeoplp and old tlra* friends nre leit, who were much saddened to kno« that li»-r long and useiul life had come to au end. These well know that tier days and years numbering more than man's alloted lime were weil spent In the giving of her time and her taients to the Calls imd dutlesas they were presented. Her daily walk and acts, whatever were her surroundings left no room to question her sincerity, nor doubt her high, noble, christian purposes, and doubtless she is in that rest, that remalnetb for tliV people of God. With ber oiher dear ones, we luourn the departure of this beloved cousin. Her remains were laid to rest in Rehoboth cemetery near her home. Troupe. l>ou't be a ('linn. A Clam a thousand years ago, was ns now, and a tbouand years hence will be tho same. Keep up in the race. Cse modern paints as they are sure wear. White lead made Into paint by hand labor belongs to the past. Its a clam, ft chalks. It lets I he wood rot. Every Church or Institution sustained by voluntary contribution will be glveu a libera*I quanlty of Longman & Martinez L. a M. Paint whenever they paint. Its Lead and Zinc. Its non-cha!kable. Its the best. I\s the cheapest. Takes the lea-t. Every gallon must be mixed with nearly a gallon of oil, making paint cost less than Methodist Church In Georgia, used62 gallons L'. & M. mixed with 24 gallons of oil. .From use of otber paints they calculated to use 100 gallons. The L. & M. saved them over eighty dollars. Wears and covers like gold. The Celebrated Paints are sold by Speed Drug Co. TIIIIEE Jl'ItOUS CURED Of Cholera Morbus with One SmalS Bottle ol Cbtiniberliilu'N Colic. Cholera, and Diiirrlioeii Rvinrily. Mr. G. W. Fowler of Hightower, Ala., relates an experience be had while nerving on a petit Jury in a murder ease at Edwardsville, county seat of Clebourne county, Alabama, lie says: "While there I ate some fresh meat and some souse meut aud It gave me cholera morbus in a very severe form. I was never more sick In my 1 lie and sent to Che drug store for a certain cholera mixture, but the druggist sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy instead, saying that he had what I sent for, but that this medicine wjih so much betier he would send it to me in the fix I was in. I took one dove of it and was better in five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were afflicted !n the same manner and one small boiiie cured the three of us." For sale by C. A. Milford, Abbeville. H. >5. Young, Due West. J. W. Morrah, Mt. Cartnel 1'niou MeetingThe combiued Unions of the Abbeville Paplist Association will meet with the Hodges Baptist Church at 10 a. m., Oct. "3, :i0,1001. 1(1 a. m. Devotions, lead by J, \V. Pusshart. 10:30 a. m. Orgnuizatiou and brief reports fmm the* r>hnrnlw>K 11 a. m. The need of a position as distinct fr.iio a Deeatlve religions life. C. W. Brl««ey, J. A. LeBoy, W. B. Acker, G. C. Duseuberiy, A. C. Wilkins. 12 m. The evils of intoxicating liquor and profanity, T. J. Grltlin, Ja«. T. Lyon, J. 1>' Edmonds, G. H. Burton, T. II. Edwards. 1 p. ra. Intermission. 2:80 p. m. The correct attltu le of our churches toward higher educa'iun, R. B. Cheatham, Chat". E. McKay, T. 1', Rook, H. A. Bauby, J. A. Brown. 3:30p. m. Christian giving a so'crnn nct of worship and the duty ot all, E. H. Ctu-aijiatn, E O. CI Id k scales, T. L. Hadd^u, D. A. Swindler. E. A. McDowell. 7:.S(J p. ju. sermon, II. A. Ba^by. SfNDAV. 10 a m. The Sunday School as a'departmentof the church,.!. R. McGc«'.*H. K. Ilitt.J. W. Chiles, Thon. W. Miller, A. D. Woodie. 11 a. m. How may we secure regular attendance upon the Sundtiv School, .1. \V. Vermillion, J. M. Gaines, J. R. Lowell, T. H. Edwards 11:45 a. m. Sermon, A. C. Wiikins. 12:15 Intermission. 2 p. m. Why Baptist insist on restrictions nt the Lord's Supper, S. P. Brooks, S. P. Wright, J. W. Muilinax, A. D. Woodie. J. A. Brown. 8 p. m. The duty of weekly services in the churches and the universal attendance of the members, l>r. J. B. Britt, W. (\ Martin, K. M. Stone, T. X. Tolbert, I). A. Swindler. 7:.10 p. m. Sermon, K. A. McDowell. Study all the topics; conie ou time; stay to the end; bring money for missions. A. C. Wllklns, Committee. -T. A. limwn J. M. Gaines, "Uiircrcncc ol' Opinion." In a recent Issue, Mr. Editor, under this heail. you say: "Dr. J. L. Stokes, prohibitionist, trying to obllteiale the twelve hours of prohibition which we now have, charges up the Ivnchlng habit In this State to Senator B. R. Tillman. Mr. Til itnau Is no doubt partly to blame for tue lynching business, but he by no means deserves all the credit. We would apportion blame for this state of affairs in part to the following causes," etc. Now. Mr. Editor, why will you be so "naughtv ?" Don't you know I arraigned Senator Tillman its "one of the causes" of our pre-ailing lawlessness? Jn tbie indeed you seem to agree with me, I also included President Roosevelt, whom you also put in the Indictment. So where is the "dlllereuce" between us! But let that pass. What I sin really concerned about is your charge that in jiiy advocacy of the Brice bill, 1 am "trying to obliterate the twelve hours of prohibition which we now have*" Now I ask again, how could you? You know as well as 1 do 1 hat under our present constitution only these three alternations are possible : (1.) Prohibition ; (2.) Dispensary; or (3.) High-license under dlspensury regulations. Now the Brice,bill Is no such revolutionary measure as you make it. It does not propose to change this constitutional provision, it simply to-ks that each community shall have the Democratic right of a fair and square vote on as be "established" iu Yorkvilleor anywhere! eUe. Doubtless there arc men of many shades; Of opinion Fupportinc, or indeed r»ppf»sin_r, tills measure. Ihlt this Is the sole question.I ' local option".ami let us not becloud it. I thank you iu advance for the privilege of this protest. J. I.einack* Htoktc. Underware, pure wool, mixed wool, fleece lined for men, ladiefl and children. I*. Rosenberg & Co. ! Estate of Robert W. Haddon, d< By virtue of the authority vested me as executor of said estate, I v sell at public outcry, *011 the Co Hous-o steps at Abbeville, S. G\, Kaleday in NOVEMBER next [7t all the land belonging to said est:: embracing 751 Acres, 'situated front .} to "J miles south Due West, S. C. Said land will sold iu teu (10) tracts, as follows : TRACT NO. 1. Containing 1 1-0acres, situated o half mile from center of Due We.-t a adjoining the town limits. Conta a beautiful oak grove and makes a desirable building lot. TR ACT NO. 2. Contains 43 6-10 acres, bounded Tract 2so. 1, Abbeville.road, Tract ] 3 and Mrs. T. C. ,yCowan. Conta about 8 or 10 acres of good bottoms Parks creek and a very desira building site on Abbeville road.i grove. Nearly all in cultivation. TRACT NO. 3. Contains 59 acres, bounded by Ti No. 2, Abbeville road. Tract No. 4 i Mrs. T. C. Cowan. Situated al one mile from Due West. Very ] laud and plenty of water. T>r> \ "VY"* A i ivn.v i L Home trat-t.containing 2031 ac This tract contains a large two-st dwelling, well improved, ou Abbev road, also barn, tenant houses other necessary out buildings. ' dwelling is 1A miles from the cente Due "West. About 6 or S acres of torn land. This is an exceedingly sirable tract for persons de.-iring improved place near the town and leges. TRACT "SO. 5. Gin House Tract.Contains 8S acres, bounded by .Tract No. 4, T Xo. C> and Mrs. T. C. Cowan. Ls gin house on this tract. P en in water, two-horse farm open. On be'vilie road. TRACT NO. 6. Contains 117 3-4 acres, bounded Tract No. 5, Tract Xo. 7, J. \V. 1 son and W. T. Cowan. Contt about S to 10 acres of good bottom 1; and plenty of timber. Situated miles from Due West on Abbev road. TRCAT NO. Contains o9}-2 acres, bounded Tract No. 4, Stevenson estate, J. Bryson and tract No. G. Well wa ed, tenant houses. On Abbeville re TRACT NO. S. Contains 99 1-2 acres, bounded H. P. McGee, Tracts Nos. 10 an and Stevens6u estate. This tract part of tbe Miller place and cont.* about 12 or 15 acres of very line I torn land and a tenant house. It wo tu'A.hnroa fa LUUt\C i* QpiCUUlU I » U-uvmow IM About two miles from Due We9t. TRACT NO. 9. Contains 62 1-2 acres, bounded Tracts Nos. 8 and 10, J. W. Simp and Stevenson estates- This is ah part of the Miller place and coutii about 12 to 15 acres of fine bott< and about 20 acres of splendid timl Situated two and one-half miles fi Due West. TRACT NO. 10. Contains 10 85-100 acres, bounded H. P. McGee and Tracts Nos. S ant Part of Miller place. All line l>ott< except about 1-8 acre. A good cha to buy bottoms and nothing else, uated two and oue-half miles ft Due West. TERMS OK SALE-Cash. I chaser to pay for papers. Possess given January 1st, 1005. P. L. GRIER, Executor Est. R. W. Haddon, < Sept. 21, 1904. Wut f7vi» flu» \'aw WW (t AVJL U ^ Bread Wagon We will soon have new wagon to supply YOUIl WANTS. No mnrp Rread delavec The New Bakery, J. W. Breihahn Proprietor. Frajrne Your Picture \V. D-, Ad die has just received a f line of picture moulding. lie is rea to serve >*011. Call and see liis li you will be sure to find what j waul. As usual your wants anticipated, an eletr line of Import'-d china ware etc. for wedd presents,at .Millord's 1 stoie. Slay at home and telephone. Take .Millord's Parsaprilla lor ehood h|t SHOO pairs of shoes lor men, women 1 children. Kverypalrof them solid lent I i\ Rosenberg Jc Co. | j Chamberlain's Con^h Remedy Aids Nature. I j Medicines ;ii»i nature iirc always most j ,'*!ltctnn . «-11 11 11 in: 11% Cod ill U.-iiu <i.v :tets I on lliis !>(; ti. It illiiiyh the rough, relieves | the lun^« aids exploration, opens ihe secretion*, and aids nature iu restoring the system 0 to a healthy cimditiim. Sold by C. A. Mllford Abbeville. II M Vniic.', ])ue \Ve«t. J. W. Morrah, A! I. Ciirnii'l. About ten years ns;o a brand ol Clears known as Cinco's, w;ik introduced In Abbeville by Speed's Drug Store, as the years have L/L" none by t)i< y have Krovrn In lavor, and t'--day you can *eareely In ar of hiiv oilier Cigar. Kveryihmti has gone down before it about an quirk ly as ihey appeared. All pel. opposing jn brand" Infe been laid ;v-ide and they acknowledge "We can't do business wltnniit 'heClneo .ill we arc not In It." Agency for the factory, ut Uritu SJtnri*. u rt A JuilicloiiN Inquiry. li.] A well known traveling man who visits the drug trade «wys he has often heard drui;' yts's inquire of customer* who a«ked for a cough nitdicln.*, whether it wa< wanted for h child or an adult, and II lor a child they al most Invariably recomend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Tiie reason for this Is that they know there Is 110 danger Ironi it and that r it always cures There is not the least danger 1 in giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup he it is unsurpassed. For sale by C. A. Mil ford, Abbeville. H. M. Young, Due West, J. W.I Morrah, Alt. Carmel. On'y solid leather shoes, for ihe children. Stions: comfortable school shots..1\ KoseiiIH>. berg it Co. il'(l Sumc Si'iiMiunlilc jtilvico, ins It may »e a pieee of superfluous advice to 11 rue people at this season ot the year to lay ury in a supply of ChaniherlRin's Coueh l{emedy. It is almost sure to be needed before winter is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained wheh taken as soon as a cold is contracted and before Jt has become settled In the system, which can only by h0 done by k<eping the remedy at hand. , This remedy is so widely known and so alNo. together food that no one should hesitate itic about buying- It. in preference to any other. 1 It is lor sale by C A. Milfotd. Abbeville, H. Al on Young, Duo West, J. W. .Morrau, ah. carmei. blf Oi:r ciiKlf mers snd trierfls will Lave to par.. a don us lor not giving them a lew locals the last lew wtt'kfi, l>ut we hsve been so busy until It lias been Irnpossible to do so. Yours to please, Ml Word's Drugstore. A REMARKABLE RECORD, Elliott's Emulsified Oil LlulmenthaB made a remaikable reeoid asacure lor stiffness of 111(1 muds ami joiuts. It mutters not whether ( the trouble was caused by a spraiu or strain, °ul Rheumatism or other conseR. It will relieve line ">e soreness and pain at once and soon reduce ihe swelling and remove the Rtlll'ness. Every bottle Is guaranteed. Full halt pint bottle 25 cents. (J. A. Ml!ford. Tlie Ladies' Friend, re*. What? Neuraiglne. Why? For it cureB ory ihelr Headaches when all others fall. When it 'hey once try it,you cannot say, I have some'ill** thing Just as good, for they know better. Try i it and see II they are not right. Cures In fi auu minu'es and is harmless. Mold everywhere Hie by drue dealers. 4 doses 10c. Manufactured oy, 12m. Neuralgine Co..Augusta, Ga. bot- Cured of Lame Back After 15 Yerrs of SufTerde- ing. ai, "I had been troubled witb lame back for flf vi'isrs and I tound a comDlete recovery in col- lite tw« of Chamberlain's Pain Balm." says John G. Bi-her, Glllam. Ind, This liniment is >1'so without an equal for sprains and bruises. Ills for sale by C. A. Ml Itord, Abbe villi'. U. M. Young, Due West. J. W. Mor 11>h, M|. Carmel. 1-2 >oiioe. raet I will be nt Abbeville on first Monday ol ll'ge each month and two we< ks following Jor the n| r'lK'io^e of treating Hernorrhoiils (Piles.] Tr< a; ment consists in purely aseptic metbodf. Ah- 's fminlcM and without the use of chloroform toil thekullc. Cure guaranteed. All parlies interested will find me at the Glenn K'hei Inn Hotel, Abbeville, S. 0. or Dr. B. A. Mattlson. McCoririlcU. ?*. C. Office Incurs from 10 A.M. till .'{ 1'. M. on i_. >uove mentioned days. D> Jno. R. Brltt. M. D. Jry- ? litis We are Sole Agents here for The most famous Cod Liver Oil preby paration known to medicine. \V. Contains ALL the medicinal ele. ments of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop >'d. 0r oil. Delicious to the taste and recognized throughout the world as the greatest j >3 JL VT A AA i-» CREATOR 1 l,S for old people, weak, sickly women J()l" and children,.nursing mothers aud afuhl ter a severe sickness. rin. Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronic Colds, bronchitis aud ali Throat and Luug Troubles. Unequaled to create an appetite and to make those who are too thin, fat, rosy and healthy, by Try it on our guarantee to return son your money if you are not satisfied. tin's Speed's Drug' Store. Sit- Anvonn sen.litis a sketch nnd description may qnlokly ascertain our opinion free whether an on, invention is probably patentable. Communicationsstrictly eotuUletitial. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest snrpnev for necurinK patents. Patents taken throuch Munn & Co. receive 'lit' tpteial notice, without charge, in the to.; ScienilfEC /stmrican. \ handsomely illustrated weekly. I.arcest elp. Stiltttioii of ahv scientific Journal. Terms, (3 a fear: four months, CI. Sold by all newsdealers. Ief'* MUNN & CO 361Broadway, New York 1J ranch Ofllce, ti20 F St., Washington, D. C* I 'i_ I «sr-s Hi .gggj < ms ^ ^aggs < Ph W /wyrsa. CO £ S^*5 ^ gs~ ss» S Uj 5 J. »naw»v «j V (SEE} H5 ^ Oil E=a Ul j .j ^ ^ V *»* /JV"TWW' % s N B®«a- u _ «"> ^ jraKcrsasi. j/1 Si2££S5 i.«i :S. ;r.S ^K) £ | ts»a^ ~ ? fmr^tnra*. ^ ,,| jssmaswt* Ha< WMPj "'-< I O Jt*t;.-. CU<%Xfl| dy k-«W* nc, «*S3?^ x 0Uj j ^ j 'MMO-AfTl Porscrlptions put up exactly ri^li' <nn] as ant (jiilck !ik ae<urncy will allow, at .Milford'si lug 1 »r»m Store. The be.-t I< none too irood, rest iiHsuri il you alvvays sici U:e best at Millord'n Prescription! Department. ind A telephone in your ollice and residence] ,,.r, rluhteiiK labor, saves journeys, dittpclH worries 1 educes work. I Haddon's Attract! £ Our Millinery will attractthe ladies and examine same. Our Trimmer, Mi ^ ami will take great interest in pleasing (? eating to ?ee our large and well selecte< A which can't lie excelled in upper Care 0 line of ladies goods for waists, white and Tricot Flannels, aNo Flanneletts a S Ladies and Misses Wraps and Furs is J attracting the trade all ready. Be surt 5 our store. We have a beautiful line of '* Ladies' Misses and CI $ which we wish to show you when you 0 of Black Cat Ladies', Misses and Ciiil ^ and every pair guaranteed. Selling ^ Gloves, all colors in *tock. SR. M. HADDi .The Peoples Sa ABBEYILLJE avvu P.HS. s S. G. THOMSON, President. G G. A. KEUFFER. Vice-President. V R. E. COX, Cashier. J ...i.m i >>> > > > » | NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA I k | . AND WESTERN k A1 /tN . $ St. Louis Exposition 4 ^ Three Trains Every Day, *1? carrying through service t< fUS City. Absolutely the shor chauge enroute. || For Ronnd Trip Kates from your city, schedules, re jf(\ descriptive of St. Louis and ylv ficial maps of the World's 1 jui itig car reservations or any k W write to <IS TH(] ?\ Trai No. 1 N. Pryor Street, '»J Opposite Uuion Depot. VW We Are a 111 our New Store on T] to McDill's Furniture . . . consists Staple and C^t"VC Fancy . .. v, Every Line Full s % Try our White Star Coffee and ties. Every line kept in a be found in our store fresh OUR MOTTO.Full Measure, C< Honest Dealing and entire s Prompt attention to orders an 75 and 85. L. T- &T.M. CITY CROC fwlyiey k Arrn nt\r\rvc nn di uua uuui/o uu jui 2J ENDEAVOR TO S T CAN BUY FOR T COME AND SEE Ui T YOU MONEY ON /ft YOU WANT. ! Thomson jj| Read our Locals. V. ,v ,V«X .V .V .V .V .X'V .v«v ^ X* X'X' '<r 'X 'i i FpaT: 11 Mastic Pain >«V . ^ . j w EViJKY UAJLJLUiN I y.; Three Thousand Pounds of this fan I 'I* week to be added to our all If C. A. MIL, | /{y The Paint .^.V'V .y.x ,y,y .y.y .y .X .y ive Offerings.* if they will call at our store J ss Howell, is from New York jr the ladies. It will he infer- P il stock of DRESS (JOOD.S, ^ >lina. We have a beautiful d Mercerized Cottons, French $ ind Outings. Our supply of A very pleasing, and they are > ; to see them when you vi-it ^ t hiidren's Shoes j visit our store. Our supply & den's Hose will interest you £ agents for Centemay Kid £ ON & CO. { ,vings Bank, V-/» DIRECTORS. . G. Thomson, H. G. Anderson, . A. NeufFer, C. C. Gambrell, /. E. Owens. C. S. Jones, . S. Stark, Ed. Reiser, Jonn A. Harris. I ST. LOUIS RAILWAY $ 'LANTA R. R. | to "Short Line." . | f » the World's Fair test time aud no ft & lilroad maps, books /Ij the Exposition, of- /ft fair grounds, sleep- iiv ind of information, ijv A »S. R. JONES, A ,'cling Passenger Agent. ATLANTA, GA. /jj Bell Telepboue 169. 'fJ t Home I dnity St., next door Store. Our stock » of . . . )ceries. ind Complete. j 0. & 0. Tea our specialCity Grocery will always and clean. Drrect Weights, Fair and atisfaction to all. d quick delivery, Phone MILLER, JERS. /(> iiW Go. I «s\ A :CAUSE WE ALWAYS ELL THE BEST WE ^ HE LEAST MONEY. S. WE WILL SAVE MOST ANYTHING | I i Bros.fi NT! I . w f The kind \f> k that wears f guarantee:). $ ious bsaud will be iu ready large stock. FORD, h\ Man. \|/ W Wanted to buy " 2,000 BUSHEL? of WHEAT at $1 per bushel. W. H. LONG. 3 : »' »L,« || Abbeville-Greenwo od MUTUAL mrDiirif 1 il Ij U11 it 11 \J Hi ASSOCIATION. Property Insured, $925,000 January 1st, 1904. / VXTRlTK TO OR CALL on the undersigned or to the Director of your Township for any Information you may desire abou our plan of Insurance. We Insure your property aealiurt flestruo Hon by riEE, mum de uesnstj .</ and do eo cheaper than any Insurance Com pany in existence. Remember we are prepared »o prove to yotl. that oars It. the safest and cheapest plan of Insurance known. J. R. BLAKE, Jr., Gen. Agent Abbeville, S. C. J. PHASER LYON, Pres. "Abbeville, S. C. BOARD DIRECTORS. * S. G. Major ............Greenwood J.T. Mabry .. Cokeabury W. B. Acker -..Donalds V W. B. Cllnkscales Hue West . T. L. Haddon ........Long Cane I. A. Keller ...Hmllhvllle ij3 A. K. VValspn Cedar Sprlnji , . A. M. Held Abbeville Township l W. W. Bradley Abbeville City. Dr. J. A. Anderson Antrevllle H. A. Tennent Lowndeevllle > ' A. 0. Grant Magnolia J. K. Tarrant Calhoun Mills 8. L. Edmonds Bordeaux S. O. Harvey. Walnut Grove W. C. Martin Hodges J. D. Coleman.......... Coronaca J. Add. Calhoun-...-...Ninety-Six / J. M. Payne Klnarda J. B. Taylor Fellowship Joseph Lake .Phoenix Rpv. J. B. Muse ..Verdery. J. H. Chiles, Jr Bradley J.W.Lyon Troy W. A. CliRatbauj Yeldell P. B. Callison CallTson W. M. Outz Klrksevs Caleb Walton .'. Brooks Abbeville. S C. Jan. 18. 1904. ;> v t i 'V T?4 Calvert & lTic3d.es . Headquarters for . White Hickory Wagons Owensboro Wagons, Bock Hill Buggies, Summer Buggies, Cheap Buggies, i. Harness, Laprobes, etc. Calvert & Nickles.. Feb. 24, 1904. tf NOTICE OF REGISTRATION The books for the registration of all legally qualified voters, and for the issuing of transfers, eet., will be open at the office of Supervisors of Registration in the Court House, between the hour 9 o'clock a. m., and 3 o'clock p " m., on the first Monday of each month, and kept open for three successive days In each month until thirty days before the next general election. . ,-3 Any person whose qualifications as §« an elector will be completed after the closing of the Registration Books but a before the next election shall have the M right to apply for and secure a regis- 9j of un\T Hma uzifhin w llttllUU UCIUUUtlV Mb MUJ V««MV u sixty days immediately preceding g the closing of the Registration Books, H upon an application under oath to the ffi facts entitling him to such registra- ffl tion. Sjj The registration of voters must be 1 by polling precincts. There must be a M Book of Registration for each polling H| precinct, that is for.eacn township, or gl parish, or city, or town of less than m five thousand inhabitants, or tvard of H cities of more than live thousand ^ inhabitants. Each elector must vote 9 in the polling precinct in which he H resides. If there is more tban one ju voting place in the polling precinct, K the elector may vote at any voting H place designated on the registration certificate. The Boards must designate 58 in the registration certificate the vol- H ing place in the polling precinct at 9 which the elector is to vote. If there H is more titan one voting place in the H poll.' t* pncincts, the Boards shall 18 Hoc! ti* flio ifipa;.. (ho vntinc CM place selected by the elector. G. H. MOORE, Choi. S S. BOLES, R. H. ARMSTRONG. Board of Supervisors of Registration DR. J. A. DICKSON, SURGEON DENTIST. GOLD KILLINGS: CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. A (i001> PLATE. $8.00 AMALGAM KILLINGS 75c and. 1.00 OKKICE OVER BARKSDALE'S STORE. f&Tn.. PARKER. WM. P. GREENE PARKER & GREENE, Attorneys aad Counsellors aiLaw. Office on LAW RANGE. ABBEVILLE - SOUTH CAROLINA. May, 1K98.HU 1 1

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H»ppeui»i;n mitt liiciilciits ol it

About the I lly.Oct. 5, HIM.

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wilson returned Fridayfrom a two weeks stay with relatives in Alabama.Mr. aud Mrs. Wilson were delightedwith the .State and charmed with the peoplethey met.Mrs. Brooks Livingston returned to her

home in Columbia last Thursday after spending some time here as the guest of Mrs. J. F.'Livingston.Mr. G. H. Anderson was in Burmlngham

the first of last week on business.Mrs Frank 1!. Gary entertaiu'-d the Kuchre

club Friday evening. At the close of the:games an elaborate salad course was served.Judge J. C. K lugh ha* koo» to Cireeuville

to hold court. Mrs. Kiugh a'Tompauled himand will go to a number of places, with himbefore returning h?re.Hon. Frank B. Gary Is in Anderson holding

court.Mrs. W. H. Long has returned afteran extendedvisit to her sou Mr. Allen Long In

Pennsylvania.Mrs. John E. Bradley ol Brndley, Is in the

city visiting relatives.Mrs. W. W. Edwards was in the city last

Thursday to attend the funeral services ofMrs. R. M. HAddon.Little Miss Sarah Norwood who is attendingschool here tills session left Satui day lor

St. Louis, where she goes to enjoy the Fair.Miss Nelle Fdwurds has a position witb the

Arm of P. Ro»>enburg <s Co. Miss Edwards IsH IDUrUUliu UUMUCSB woman .uiu uyj uvuui

will please heremployers In every way.The friends of Miss Louise Brown will be

glad to know that she Is better after beingsick for the past week.Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gilliam have cone to

Spartanburg where they will make theiiRome Id the future.Mr. John Baskln of Lowndesvllle was in

town Monday on business. i

Misses Mary and Fannie Stark leave in n

few days lor Greenville where they winspend the winter with Mrs. Sam Gower. Theywill tPke muBlc at Chlcora College while inthat city.Mr. Henry Cason Is in the city the guest of

his son, Mr. Fred Cason.Mr. L. T. Miller has been absent from hi*

business for the past two days on account ofsickness.Mr. and Mrs. John Clinkscales were in tlie

city last Thursday.Mr. Philip Cromer has gone to Charleston

to beeln his duties at the S. C. MilitaryAcademy.Mrs. R. C. Wysong was called to Atlanta

Monday on account of an accident that befellMr. Wysong. The lubricator on his en-gine expioueu ue»r u m mvo mjuuus ...

his eyes very severely. It Is hoped that theaccident will not result In the loss of his eye.Rev. John Edwards of Mexico wrr In the

city last Thursday. Mr. Edwards has beenspending the summer In the State, but wllreturn to his work In a few weeks.


The Clark Allen Chapter of the D of C'smet Monday a iteruoon with Miss Irene Ronenburg. At this meeting a Bazzar was decld/ed upon to be given early in DecemberMiss Lily Templeton was elected delegate togo to Spartangurg to Ihe State Convention.Captain and Mrs. L. W. White have moved

in to their beautiful new and conveuien'borne. The wide cool verandas and broadwindows give evidence of the many luxurieson the Inside.Mr. R. (£. Game and Mr. F. C. Link attendedthe Shrlners meeting la Spartanburg last

week. The Roeetlng w as largely attendedand carried through with Spartanburg's usuallavish style.The openings last week were well attended

by the Interested crowd. The hats were

unusually handsome, the work being beautifuland artistic. An elaborate assortment otdress goods have been brought to the market.The colors, brown, blue and green are shownin all classes of goods.Mr. Perrin Quarles was In Spartanburg at

the Shrlners meeting; he was the guest ofMrs. H. F. McGee while In theclty.Mr. J. R. Blssett, who for the past two year*

has been at the head of the shops here, huebeen promoted to Traveling Inspector of theroad's machine shops, with head quarters inRaleigh.Little Katie McDill Is quite sick, a speedy

recovery Is hoped for.Mrs. Winton Taggart has a position with

W. E. Johnston and Co. Miss Taggart will beglad to show the beautiful line of vases, silverware and Jewelry to her friends.Mr. Amos B. Morse was In Atlanta part 01

last week on business.Miss. S. Leona Blake Is In Abbeville, spendinga while with her brother, Mr. John R.

Blake. Miss Blake has been teaching nea:Brevard N. C., for the Summer months.


Mrs. R. M. Haddon died last Tuesday, atnineo'olock, altera long and tedious illness.All that medical skill, careful and lovingnursing could do for fcer, was done. Aboutthe middle of August she was taken to Baltimore,there to consult a specialist, hopingthus to restore her to health and strength

\ As no encouragment was given, the lovedones, she was orougnt nome 10 live tier ism

days, surrounded by loving friends aud relatives wbo bad been her companions for yeariDeathcame on this calm, quiet evening tobear her pain racked soul back to the Godwhogave it. The end was not unexpected as^be weary, patient, suflerer had long sincebeeu given back to the "Lord who gave."Mrs. Haddon was a native of Virginia but

bad been in Abbeville for a long time andbeen so closely-affiliated with our people ut<to seem as one of them.She was a member of the Presbyterian

Church, ever in attendance upon the service*uponthe SabbathShe leaver a lov.ng husband and daughter,

to mourn her loss.The sympathy of the entire community if.

extended to the grief stricken husbandand daughter, in this sore aflliction..WestEnd.

Oct. 12.1904.Mrs. William Durst and her handsome

little son, of Greenwood have been In the cityfortbe past week the guest of Mrs. A. B.Cheatham.Mrs. A. B. Cochran of Monroe, Ga. was the

guest of Mrs. James Cochran several dayslast week.Mr. Lewis A. Smith has bought the house

on Wardlaw Street owned by Mrs. H. F.Gilliam and has moved his family there.Mrs. \lena Coleman Stewart wbo Is teachingin the Greenwood Graded School spent

Saturday and Sunday here with her sisterMrs. M. T. Coleman.MlssS. Leona Blake spent last week in Andersonwhere she went to attend the MissionaryUnion.jhiss ranme i..eaveii iibn remrneu to ner

home In Newberry hfter spending some timeherewith Mrs. Chalmers.Miss Ellse Long left Monday for Athens,

Ga. where she goes to vi6ll friends during theAthens Fair.Mrs. Fannie Jay Haddon spent part of last

week lu Due Went. Mrs. Haddon leaves Ina lew days toe her home In Troy after spendlog some time here with Miss Belle Haddon.Miss Margaret Miller of Laurens was In the

city several days last week the guesi of MrsJames Cochran.Mr. W. W. Bradley was in Newberry part

ot last week on business.Miss Mamie Major of Greenwood spent

Saturday and Sunday here the guest of MissWintOD Harks.


Invitations have been issued to the mar.rlage of Miss Pansey Duke* to Dr. J. G. Wannamaker,both of Orangeburg. The marriageIs to lake place October the 26th. I)r. Wannamakerlived in Abbeville for a short timeand has many f) lends here who wish himevery happiness.Mr. and Mrs. Roseoe Knox have the Graves

bouse near the shops and are keepinghouse.Mrs. James S. Cothran of Greenville, is in

the city the guest of Mr. J. Allen Smith.Judge Ernest Gary has been in the city

spending some time with his mother, Mrs.Caroline Gary.Rev. J. L. Wilson and Mr. John M. Harden

went to Lebanon Sunday to assist in the installationof Rev. L. W. Brown.Mrs. Willie K. Douglass and Miss Grace

Kirk patrick of Due West were in the cityMonday shopping.Mr. aud Mrs. William Miller of Anderson,

are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Starke.Mr. Wallace Harris has gone to the Citadel

to resume his studies.Mrs. James S. Bowie and her little daughter

have gone to Marion to visit- their home people.Ml8sLllIa Vlsanska left Monday for Atlanta

after spending a week here with Miss BelleVlsanska Miss Visanska will be in Atlantalor two weeks before returning to her homeIn Georgetow'n.Mr. W. C. CothraQ of Greenville was In

town Monday.Miss Daisy Cromer is in Greenwood visiting

her sister Mrs. J. B. Burns.Miss Belle Visanskaspenlthreeor four days

In Greenwood last week.Mr. Lawrence Parker attended the marriageof his brother Mr. Rhett Parker to Miss

Frances Arnold in Greenwood, last Wednesday.Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hillhouse have gone to

Greenville to live. They have made Abbevilletheir home for a number of years andhave a host of friends here who regret to seethem leave.Miss Lily Templeton went to Greenwood

Monday to see "Bonny Bell" given thereilor the benefit of the public library.

The seasons are favorable, If yonr corns are

growing too last and hurt, you try Blue JayCorn Plasters, for sale at Speed's Drug .store.Ifltlspoi Jlar things you are hunting for,

get on to Speed's Cinco Cigars, they arts "XtieWerry Most" popular things, in town.

Buy your Cinco cigars from Speed, the onlyagent for tne factory in town. You can alwaystell who leads by others following.Did you get an Invitation to tbe wedding ?

If so, you will find useful and elegant presentsat Millord's Drug Store.



> - Sews from tin* Sovt'ii Hill C'iiy as Related!>)' an interesting Writer.

Lowndesvlile, Oct. 10.1904.Miss Jeunle May Duuti left Monday morninglor Oca! a, Fla.. where she went to take

charge of kindergarten department in the.High School in that plaee.Mr. It. II. Motley, as cashier, opeued tip the

I.owndesvi le Hank, Monday morning pre-|pared to transact ilie usual banking bu»lnessand will be pleased as f tr an may i>e possibleto supply ihe needs oj aTwho may favor blniwith a call.

I>r. T.O. Kirkpntriek was called lo AbbevilleMonday, oil i>umih«Severaimore of our c»ti/.«iis went to AbbevilleMonday, bavmi: business in the court,either as witnesses or jurors. The Jaie termof Court was very short, which was of muchbenefit to the p'auters, as it was a very busytime ot the year with them.Mr. .las. A. Haw thorn of Latimer, was in

our town MondayThe late Anderson County Fair of the 4, *>

ami 6, at Anderson, C. II., caused Ihegolil!; tothat place of some of our citizens every day.They were well pleased with the attractionsfurnished.Mr. \V. M. Specr, who has br>en on the sick

list for several weeks, i>hs gotten much betterand went to Monterey,Wednesday, to spend a

short while at the delightful country home ofhis uncle,Mr. O. \V. Speer. that his restorationto tils wanted health might be hastened.H" came back Friday decidedly Improved.Mr. and Mrs. J. Hart Ha-kin ot Lebanon,

who had attended the WaDace-Shtrrardmarriage aud reception on Wednesday and

"'diifii t»» itu.lr Thnrviiljii'.

slopped over here, for a short time.Mrs. Carrie \. Latimer, of Anderson, came

down Thuisday and spent a day or two at tlieLome of her nephew, MY. J.T. Latimer.Mis. K. Floyd of Walhalla came down

Friday, bringing with her tlie little babe ofher daught> r, Mrs. Mason Miller who ditd a

short time ago. Tney will stay for soiuetinie,with the family of Mr. D. K. Cooley,son-in-law ot the tirst.MIsk Mamie t*. Bowman left for Garden,

Fin.. Saturday, where she will have charge ofa flourishing Rchool.Mrs. Lillian Carsou and her little boy. of

Mi. Carm^l spent some days last week at Mr.It W. Co Iyer's.Mr. R. W. Mason of Pac.ilet, came over Saturdayto stay some time at the home of the

writer.Mi*s Annie.iiawtborn of Latimer came yp

Saturday aud will stay for a time at the homeol Mr. E. VV. Harper.Word eame to us a few days ago through

the Southern Christian Advocate that Mrs.W. R. Buchanan had passed away. She Wasthe wife of Rev. W. R. Buchanan of theSouth Carolina Conference, who has chargeof theCordesvllle Mission. Mrs. Buchauanwas a native of this sectiou, having Oeeu bornand reared near here. Since her marriageher home lias been wherever duty called herhusband, which gave to her the opportunityof greatly enlarging the circle ol her acquaintancesaud friends. During the yearsspent in this community, she had a largnuiiber of relatives Ga lid friends h.Te, buttime the great destroyer has lessen. <i ihemtill comparatively lew are ieil. A few ol herthen klnspeoplp and old tlra* friends nre leit,who were much saddened to kno« that li»-rlong and useiul life had come to au end.These well know that tier days and yearsnumbering more than man's alloted limewere weil spent In the giving of her time andher taients to the Calls imd dutlesas theywere presented. Her daily walk and acts,whatever were her surroundings left no roomto question her sincerity, nor doubt her high,noble, christian purposes, and doubtless sheis in that rest, that remalnetb for tliV peopleof God. With ber oiher dear ones, we luournthe departure of this beloved cousin. Herremains were laid to rest in Rehoboth cemeterynear her home. Troupe.

l>ou't be a ('linn.

A Clam a thousand years ago, was ns now,and a tbouand years hence will be tho same.Keep up in the race. Cse modern paints as

they are sure wear. White lead made Intopaint by hand labor belongs to the past. Itsa clam, ft chalks. It lets I he wood rot.Every Church or Institution sustained by

voluntary contribution will be glveu a libera*Iquanlty of Longman & Martinez L. a M.Paint whenever they paint.Its Lead and Zinc. Its non-cha!kable. Its

the best. I\s the cheapest. Takes the lea-t.Every gallon must be mixed with nearly a

gallon of oil, making paint cost less than

Methodist Church In Georgia, used62 gallonsL'. & M. mixed with 24 gallons of oil..From use of otber paints they calculated touse 100 gallons. The L. & M. saved themover eighty dollars.Wears and covers like gold. The CelebratedPaints are sold by Speed Drug Co.


Of Cholera Morbus with One SmalSBottle ol Cbtiniberliilu'N Colic. Cholera,and Diiirrlioeii Rvinrily.Mr. G. W. Fowler of Hightower, Ala., relatesan experience be had while nerving on

a petit Jury in a murder ease at Edwardsville,county seat of Clebourne county, Alabama,lie says: "While there I ate some fresh meatand some souse meut aud It gave me choleramorbus in a very severe form. I was nevermore sick In my 1 lie and sent to Che drugstore for a certain cholera mixture, but thedruggist sent me a bottle of Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy instead,saying that he had what I sent for, but thatthis medicine wjih so much betier he wouldsend it to me in the fix I was in. I took onedove of it and was better in five minutes.The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellowjurors were afflicted !n the same mannerand one small boiiie cured the three of us."For sale by C. A. Milford, Abbeville. H. >5.Young, Due West. J. W. Morrah, Mt. Cartnel

1'niou MeetingThecombiued Unions of the Abbeville PaplistAssociation will meet with the HodgesBaptist Church at 10 a. m., Oct. "3, :i0,1001.

1(1 a. m. Devotions, lead by J, \V. Pusshart.10:30 a. m. Orgnuizatiou and brief reports

fmm the* r>hnrnlw>K

11 a. m. The need of a position as distinctfr.iio a Deeatlve religions life. C. W. Brl««ey,J. A. LeBoy, W. B. Acker, G. C. Duseuberiy,A. C. Wilkins.12 m. The evils of intoxicating liquor and

profanity, T. J. Grltlin, Ja«. T. Lyon, J. 1>'Edmonds, G. H. Burton, T. II. Edwards.

1 p. ra. Intermission.2:80 p. m. The correct attltu le of our

churches toward higher educa'iun, R. B.Cheatham, Chat". E. McKay, T. 1', Rook, H.A. Bauby, J. A. Brown.3:30p. m. Christian giving a so'crnn nct of

worship and the duty ot all, E. H. Ctu-aijiatn,E O. CI Id k scales, T. L. Hadd^u, D. A.Swindler. E. A. McDowell.

7:.S(J p. ju. sermon, II. A. Ba^by.SfNDAV.

10 a m. The Sunday School as a'departmentofthe church,.!. R. McGc«'.*H. K. Ilitt.J.W. Chiles, Thon. W. Miller, A. D. Woodie.

11 a. m. How may we secure regular attendanceupon the Sundtiv School, .1. \V. Vermillion,J. M. Gaines, J. R. Lowell, T. H. Edwards11:45 a. m. Sermon, A. C. Wiikins.12:15 Intermission.2 p. m. Why Baptist insist on restrictions

nt the Lord's Supper, S. P. Brooks, S. P.Wright, J. W. Muilinax, A. D. Woodie. J. A.Brown.8 p. m. The duty of weekly services in the

churches and the universal attendance of themembers, l>r. J. B. Britt, W. (\ Martin, K. M.Stone, T. X. Tolbert, I). A. Swindler.

7:.10 p. m. Sermon, K. A. McDowell.Study all the topics; conie ou time; stay to

the end; bring money for missions.A. C. Wllklns,

Committee. -T. A. limwnJ. M. Gaines,

"Uiircrcncc ol' Opinion."In a recent Issue, Mr. Editor, under this

heail. you say:"Dr. J. L. Stokes, prohibitionist, trying to

obllteiale the twelve hours of prohibitionwhich we now have, charges up the Ivnchlnghabit In this State to Senator B. R. Tillman.Mr. Til itnau Is no doubt partly to blame fortue lynching business, but he by no meansdeserves all the credit. We would apportionblame for this state of affairs in part to thefollowing causes," etc.Now. Mr. Editor, why will you be so

"naughtv ?" Don't you know I arraignedSenator Tillman its "one of the causes" of ourpre-ailing lawlessness? Jn tbie indeed youseem to agree with me, I also includedPresident Roosevelt, whom you also put inthe Indictment. So where is the "dlllereuce"between us!But let that pass. What I sin really concernedabout is your charge that in jiiy advocacyof the Brice bill, 1 am "trying to obliteratethe twelve hours of prohibition which

we now have*" Now I ask again, how couldyou? You know as well as 1 do 1 hat underour present constitution only these threealternations are possible : (1.) Prohibition ;(2.) Dispensary; or (3.) High-license underdlspensury regulations. Now the Brice,billIs no such revolutionary measure as youmake it. It does not propose to change thisconstitutional provision, it simply to-ksthat each community shall have the Democraticright of a fair and square vote on

as be "established" iu Yorkvilleor anywhere!eUe.Doubtless there arc men of many shades;

Of opinion Fupportinc, or indeed r»ppf»sin_r,tills measure. Ihlt this Is the sole question.I' local option".ami let us not becloud it.

I thank you iu advance for the privilege ofthis protest. J. I.einack* Htoktc.

Underware, pure wool, mixed wool, fleecelined for men, ladiefl and children. I*. Rosenberg& Co. !

Estate of Robert W. Haddon, d<

By virtue of the authority vestedme as executor of said estate, I v

sell at public outcry, *011 the CoHous-o steps at Abbeville, S. G\,Kaleday in NOVEMBER next [7tall the land belonging to said est::

embracing751 Acres,

'situated front .} to "J miles southDue West, S. C. Said land willsold iu teu (10) tracts, as follows :


Containing 1 1-0acres, situated o

half mile from center of Due We.-t a

adjoining the town limits. Contaa beautiful oak grove and makes a

desirable building lot.


Contains 43 6-10 acres, boundedTract 2so. 1, Abbeville.road, Tract ]3 and Mrs. T. C. ,yCowan. Contaabout 8 or 10 acres of good bottomsParks creek and a very desirabuilding site on Abbeville road.igrove. Nearly all in cultivation.


Contains 59 acres, bounded by TiNo. 2, Abbeville road. Tract No. 4 i

Mrs. T. C. Cowan. Situated alone mile from Due West. Very ]laud and plenty of water.

T>r> \ "VY"* Ai ivn.v i v« L

Home trat-t.containing 2031 ac

This tract contains a large two-stdwelling, well improved, ou Abbevroad, also barn, tenant housesother necessary out buildings. '

dwelling is 1A miles from the centeDue "West. About 6 or S acres oftorn land. This is an exceedinglysirable tract for persons de.-iringimproved place near the town andleges.


Gin House Tract.Contains 8S

acres, bounded by .Tract No. 4, TXo. C> and Mrs. T. C. Cowan. Lsgin house on this tract. P en in

water, two-horse farm open. Onbe'vilie road.


Contains 117 3-4 acres, boundedTract No. 5, Tract Xo. 7, J. \V. 1son and W. T. Cowan. Conttabout S to 10 acres of good bottom 1;and plenty of timber. Situatedmiles from Due West on Abbevroad.


Contains o9}-2 acres, boundedTract No. 4, Stevenson estate, J.Bryson and tract No. G. Well waed, tenant houses. On Abbeville re


Contains 99 1-2 acres, boundedH. P. McGee, Tracts Nos. 10 an

and Stevens6u estate. This tractpart of tbe Miller place and cont.*about 12 or 15 acres of very line I

torn land and a tenant house. It wotu'A.hnroa fa

LUUt\C i* QpiCUUlU I » U-uvmow IM

About two miles from Due We9t.


Contains 62 1-2 acres, boundedTracts Nos. 8 and 10, J. W. Simpand Stevenson estates- This is ah

part of the Miller place and coutiiabout 12 to 15 acres of fine bott<and about 20 acres of splendid timlSituated two and one-half miles fiDue West.


Contains 10 85-100 acres, boundedH. P. McGee and Tracts Nos. S ant

Part of Miller place. All line l>ott<except about 1-8 acre. A good chato buy bottoms and nothing else,uated two and oue-half miles ftDue West.TERMS OK SALE-Cash. I

chaser to pay for papers. Possessgiven January 1st, 1005.

P. L. GRIER,Executor Est. R. W. Haddon, <

Sept. 21, 1904.

Wut f7vi» flu» \'awWW (t AVJL U ^ w»


We will soon havenew wagon to

supplyYOUIl WANTS.

No mnrp Rread delavec

The New Bakery,J. W. Breihahn


Frajrne Your Picture\V. D-, Addie has just received a f

line of picture moulding. lie is reato serve >*011. Call and see liis liyou will be sure to find what jwaul.

As usual your wants anticipated, an eletrline of Import'-d china ware etc. for weddpresents,at .Millord's 1 stoie.Slay at home and telephone.Take .Millord's Parsaprilla lor ehood h|tSHOO pairs of shoes lor men, women 1

children. Kverypalrof them solid lent Ii\ Rosenberg Jc Co.

| j Chamberlain's Con^h Remedy Aids Nature.I j Medicines ;ii»i nature iirc always most

j ,'*!ltctnn . «-11 11 11 in: 11% Cod ill U.-iiu <i.v :tets

I on lliis !>(; ti. It illiiiyh the rough, relieves

| the lun^« aids exploration, opens ihe secretion*,and aids nature iu restoring the system0 to a healthy cimditiim. Sold by C. A. Mllford

Abbeville. II M Vniic.', ])ue \Ve«t. J. W.Morrah, A! I. Ciirnii'l.

About ten years ns;o a brand ol Clearsknown as Cinco's, w;ik introduced In Abbevilleby Speed's Drug Store, as the years have

L/L" none by t)i< y have Krovrn In lavor, and t'--dayyou can *eareely In ar of hiiv oilier Cigar.Kveryihmti has gone down before it about an

quirk ly as ihey appeared. All pel. opposingjn brand" Infe been laid ;v-ide and they acknowledge"We can't do business wltnniit 'heClneo

.ill we arc not In It." Agency for the factory, utUritu SJtnri*.

u rt

A JuilicloiiN Inquiry.li.] A well known traveling man who visits

the drug trade «wys he has often heard drui;'yts's inquire of customer* who a«ked for a

cough nitdicln.*, whether it wa< wanted for h

child or an adult, and II lor a child they almost Invariably recomend Chamberlain'sCough Remedy. Tiie reason for this Is thatthey know there Is 110 danger Ironi it and that

r it always cures There is not the least danger1 in giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup

he it is unsurpassed. For sale by C. A. Mil ford,Abbeville. H. M. Young, Due West, J. W.IMorrah, Alt. Carmel.

On'y solid leather shoes, for ihe children.Stions: comfortable school shots..1\ KoseiiIH>.berg it Co.

il'(l Sumc Si'iiMiunlilc jtilvico,

ins It may »e a pieee of superfluous advice to11 rue people at this season ot the year to lay

ury in a supply of ChaniherlRin's Coueh l{emedy.It is almost sure to be needed before winteris over, and much more prompt and satisfactoryresults are obtained wheh taken as soonas a cold is contracted and before Jt has becomesettled In the system, which can only

by h0 done by k<eping the remedy at hand., This remedy is so widely known and so alNo.together food that no one should hesitateitic about buying- It. in preference to any other.1 It is lor sale by C A. Milfotd. Abbeville, H. Alon Young, Duo West, J. W. .Morrau, ah. carmei.

blf Oi:r ciiKlf mers snd trierfls will Lave to par..a don us lor not giving them a lew locals thelast lew wtt'kfi, l>ut we hsve been so busy untilIt lias been Irnpossible to do so. Yours to

please, Ml Word's Drugstore.A REMARKABLE RECORD,

Elliott's Emulsified Oil LlulmenthaB madea remaikable reeoid asacure lor stiffness of

111(1 muds ami joiuts. It mutters not whether

( the trouble was caused by a spraiu or strain,°ul Rheumatism or other conseR. It will relieveline ">e soreness and pain at once and soon reduce

ihe swelling and remove the Rtlll'ness. Everybottle Is guaranteed. Full halt pint bottle 25cents. (J. A. Ml!ford.

Tlie Ladies' Friend,re*. What? Neuraiglne. Why? For it cureB

ory ihelr Headaches when all others fall. Whenit 'hey once try it,you cannot say, I have some'ill**thing Just as good, for they know better. Try

i it and see II they are not right. Cures In fiauu minu'es and is harmless. Mold everywhereHie by drue dealers. 4 doses 10c. Manufactured

oy, 12m. Neuralgine Co..Augusta, Ga.

bot- Cured of Lame Back After 15 Yerrs of SufTerde-ing.ai, "I had been troubled witb lame back for flf

vi'isrs and I tound a comDlete recovery incol- lite tw« of Chamberlain's Pain Balm." says

John G. Bi-her, Glllam. Ind, This linimentis >1'so without an equal for sprains andbruises. Ills for sale by C. A. Ml Itord, Abbevilli'. U. M. Young, Due West. J. W. Mor11>h, M|. Carmel.

1-2 >oiioe.raet

I will be nt Abbeville on first Monday olll'ge each month and two we< ks following Jor the

n| r'lK'io^e of treating Hernorrhoiils (Piles.]Tr< a; ment consists in purely aseptic metbodf.

Ah- 's fminlcM and without the use of chloroformtoil thekullc. Cure guaranteed. All parliesinterested will find me at the Glenn K'heiInn Hotel, Abbeville, S. 0. or Dr. B. A. Mattlson.McCoririlcU. ?*. C.Office Incurs from 10 A.M. till .'{ 1'. M. on

i_. >uove mentioned days.D> Jno. R. Brltt. M. D.

Jry- ?

litis We are Sole Agents here for

The most famous Cod Liver Oil prebyparation known to medicine.\V. Contains ALL the medicinal ele.ments of cod liver oil, actually taken

from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop>'d. 0r oil.

Delicious to the taste and recognizedthroughout the world as the greatest

j >3 JL VT A AA

i-» CREATOR1 l,S for old people, weak, sickly womenJ()l" and children,.nursing mothers aud afuhlter a severe sickness.rin. Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronic

Colds, bronchitis aud ali Throat andLuug Troubles. Unequaled to createan appetite and to make those whoare too thin, fat, rosy and healthy,

by Try it on our guarantee to returnson your money if you are not satisfied.

tin's Speed's Drug' Store.

Sit- Anvonn sen.litis a sketch nnd description mayqnlokly ascertain our opinion free whether an

on, invention is probably patentable. CommunicationsstrictlyeotuUletitial. Handbook on Patentssent free. Oldest snrpnev for necurinK patents.Patents taken throuch Munn & Co. receive

'lit' tpteial notice, without charge, in the

to.; ScienilfEC /stmrican.\ handsomely illustrated weekly. I.arcest elp.Stiltttioii of ahv scientific Journal. Terms, (3 afear: four months, CI. Sold by all newsdealers.

Ief'* MUNN & CO 361Broadway, New York1Jranch Ofllce, ti20 F St., Washington, D. C*

I 'i_ I «sr-s


.gggj < ms ^

^aggs < PhW

/wyrsa. CO £ S^*5 ^gs~ ss» SUj 5

J. »naw»v «j V (SEE} H5^Oil


j.j ^ ^

V *»*/JV"TWW' % sN

B®«a- u_


jraKcrsasi. j/1 Si2££S5 i.«i

:S. ;r.S ^K) £|ts»a^ ~ ? fmr^tnra*. ^

,,| jssmaswt* Ha< WMPj "'-<IO Jt*t;.-. CU<%Xfl|

dy k-«W*nc, «*S3?^ x

0Uj j ^ j 'MMO-AfTl

Porscrlptions put up exactly ri^li' <nn] asant (jiilck !ik ae<urncy will allow, at .Milford'silug 1 »r»m Store.

The be.-t I< none too irood, rest iiHsuri il youalvvays sici U:e best at Millord'n Prescription!Department.

ind A telephone in your ollice and residence],,.r, rluhteiiK labor, saves journeys, dittpclH worries

1educes work.

I Haddon's Attract!£ Our Millinery will attractthe ladies

and examine same. Our Trimmer, Mi^ ami will take great interest in pleasing(? eating to ?ee our large and well selecte<A which can't lie excelled in upper Care0 line of ladies goods for waists, white

and Tricot Flannels, aNo Flanneletts a

S Ladies and Misses Wraps and Furs is

J attracting the trade all ready. Be surt

5 our store. We have a beautiful line of

'* Ladies' Misses and CI$ which we wish to show you when you0 of Black Cat Ladies', Misses and Ciiil^ and every pair guaranteed. Selling^ Gloves, all colors in *tock.



avvu P.HS.s

S. G. THOMSON, President. GG. A. KEUFFER. Vice-President. V

R. E. COX, Cashier. J

...i.m i

>>>>>> »


$ St. Louis Exposition4^ Three Trains Every Day,

*1? carrying through service t<

fUS City. Absolutely the shorchauge enroute.

|| For Ronnd Trip Kates

from your city, schedules, re

jf(\ descriptive of St. Louis and

ylv ficial maps of the World's 1

jui itig car reservations or any kW write to

<IS TH(]?\ Trai

No. 1 N. Pryor Street,'»J Opposite Uuion Depot.


We Are a111 our New Store on T]

to McDill's Furniture. . . consists

Staple and C^t"VCFancy . ..v,

Every Line Full s%

Try our White Star Coffee andties. Every line kept in a

be found in our store fresh

OUR MOTTO.Full Measure, C<Honest Dealing and entire s

Prompt attention to orders an

75 and 85.


fwlyieykArrn nt\r\rvc nn diuua uuui/o uu jui




!Thomsonjj| Read our Locals.V. ,v,V«X.V.V.V.V.X'V.v«v^X*X'X' '<r 'X 'i

iFpaT:11 Mastic Pain

>«V . ^ .


y.; Three Thousand Pounds of this fan

I 'I* week to be added to our all

If C. A. MIL,| /{y The Paint

.^.V'V.y.x,y,y.y.y .y.X.y

ive Offerings.*if they will call at our store Jss Howell, is from New York jrthe ladies. It will he infer- Pil stock of DRESS (JOOD.S, ^>lina. We have a beautiful dMercerized Cottons, French $

ind Outings. Our supply of Avery pleasing, and they are >; to see them when you vi-it ^thiidren's Shoes jvisit our store. Our supply &den's Hose will interest you £agents for Centemay Kid £ON & CO. {

,vings Bank,V-/»

DIRECTORS.. G. Thomson, H. G. Anderson,. A. NeufFer, C. C. Gambrell,/. E. Owens. C. S. Jones,. S. Stark, Ed. Reiser,

Jonn A. Harris.


to"Short Line."

. |f

» the World's Fairtest time aud no


&lilroad maps, books /Ijthe Exposition, of- /ftfair grounds, sleep- iivind of information, ijv

A»S. R. JONES, A,'cling Passenger Agent.ATLANTA, GA. /jj

Bell Telepboue 169. 'fJ

t HomeI

dnity St., next doorStore. Our stock» of . . .

)ceries.ind Complete.


0. & 0. Tea our specialCityGrocery will alwaysand clean.Drrect Weights, Fair andatisfaction to all.d quick delivery, Phone




Ii Bros.fi

NT! I. wf The kind \f>k that wears fguarantee:). $ious bsaud will be iuready large stock.

FORD, h\Man. \|/W

Wantedto buy


2,000 BUSHEL?of


$1 per bushel.

W. H. LONG. 3: »' »L,«||Abbeville-Greenwood


mrDiirif1 il Ij U11 it 11 \J Hi

ASSOCIATION.Property Insured, $925,000

January 1st, 1904. /VXTRlTK TO OR CALL on the undersigned

or to the Director of your Townshipfor any Information you may desire abouour plan of Insurance.We Insure your property aealiurt flestruo

Hon by

riEE, mum de uesnstj .</and do eo cheaper than any Insurance Company in existence.Remember we are prepared »o prove to yotl.

that oars It. the safest and cheapest plan ofInsurance known.

J. R. BLAKE, Jr., Gen. AgentAbbeville, S. C.

J. PHASER LYON, Pres."Abbeville, S. C.

BOARD DIRECTORS. *S. G. Major ............GreenwoodJ.T. Mabry .. CokeaburyW. B. Acker -..Donalds VW. B. Cllnkscales Hue West .

T. L. Haddon ........Long CaneI. A. Keller ...Hmllhvllleij3A. K. VValspn Cedar Sprlnji , .

A. M. Held Abbeville Township lW. W. Bradley Abbeville City.Dr. J. A. Anderson AntrevllleH. A. Tennent Lowndeevllle >


A. 0. Grant MagnoliaJ. K. Tarrant Calhoun Mills8. L. Edmonds BordeauxS. O. Harvey. Walnut GroveW. C. Martin HodgesJ. D. Coleman.......... CoronacaJ. Add. Calhoun-...-...Ninety-Six /J. M. Payne KlnardaJ. B. Taylor FellowshipJoseph Lake .PhoenixRpv. J. B. Muse ..Verdery.J. H. Chiles, Jr BradleyJ.W.Lyon TroyW. A. CliRatbauj YeldellP. B. Callison CallTsonW. M. Outz KlrksevsCaleb Walton .'. BrooksAbbeville. S C. Jan. 18. 1904. ;> v

ti 'V T?4

Calvert & lTic3d.es. Headquarters for .

White HickoryWagonsOwensboro Wagons,Bock Hill Buggies,Summer Buggies,Cheap Buggies, i.

Harness, Laprobes, etc.Calvert & Nickles..Feb. 24, 1904. tf

NOTICE OF REGISTRATIONThe books for the registration of

all legally qualified voters, and for theissuing of transfers, eet., will be openat the office of Supervisors of Registrationin the Court House, between thehour 9 o'clock a. m., and 3 o'clock p


m., on the first Monday of eachmonth, and kept open for three successivedays In each month untilthirty days before the next generalelection. . ,-3Any person whose qualifications as §«

an elector will be completed after theclosing of the Registration Books but a

before the next election shall have the Mright to apply for and secure a regis- 9jof un\T Hma uzifhin wllttllUU UCIUUUtlV Mb MUJ V««MV u

sixty days immediately preceding gthe closing of the Registration Books, Hupon an application under oath to the ffifacts entitling him to such registra- ffltion. SjjThe registration of voters must be 1

by polling precincts. There must be a MBook of Registration for each polling H|precinct, that is for.eacn township, or glparish, or city, or town of less than mfive thousand inhabitants, or tvard of Hcities of more than live thousand ^inhabitants. Each elector must vote 9in the polling precinct in which he Hresides. If there is more tban one juvoting place in the polling precinct, Kthe elector may vote at any voting Hplace designated on the registrationcertificate. The Boards must designate 58in the registration certificate the vol- Hing place in the polling precinct at 9which the elector is to vote. If there His more titan one voting place in the Hpoll.' t* pncincts, the Boards shall 18Hoc! ti* flio ifipa;.. (ho vntinc CM

place selected by the elector.G. H. MOORE, Choi.S S. BOLES,R. H. ARMSTRONG.

Board of Supervisors of Registration



A (i001> PLATE. $8.00AMALGAM KILLINGS 75c and. 1.00



PARKER & GREENE,Attorneys aad Counsellors aiLaw.


May, 1K98.HU

1 1