P .B . Russei.t_, F. E . : Strechrochenverletzungen und ihre Ursachen (Lorca Linda Univ ., Los Angles, Calif.) Arch . Fischereiwiss ., 13, 73, 1962 . 157 développement des points d'ossification . Les membres postérieurs et la colonne vertébrale sont plus par- ticulièrement le siège de ces lésions. RucH et ses collaborateurs décrivent également des altérations amyo- trophiques des membres postérieurs de la raideur et des malformations des articulations . Ces lésions sont comparables à celles que présentent le nouveau-né dont la mère a été victime de piqures d'abeilles pendant la gestation. L'hypothèse vient à (esprit d'une origine nerveuse de ces lésions . A eevn:w of the anatomy of the venom gland of the stingray, the chemical and zootoxicological properties of its venom, and the symptoms, signs, findings and treatment of poisoning by the stingray . F .E .R . SANDNEtt-MONTILLA, F. (Central Univ, of Venezuela) : Novedades Cienti,Jicas, Serie Zoologica #30, December 20, 1961 . (In Portuguese) . Txe authors redescribe a species known since 1952 which has been considered Bothrops atrox. The distri- bution of the species is in the nothern and central part of Venezuela : Avila Mountains, the western mountains of Los Toques (Corozal and Lagunetas), the forests of Rancho Grande and Fila Miranda from the Aragua State and the forest of Guatópo. The altitude of these places is from 1000 m to less than 2200 m. In most areas Bothrops venezuelae lives together with Bothrops atrox . The longest specimen was 1 310 m long, and the relation between thickness and length is 1 :156 . The species is characterized by the following features : trapezoidal head with short snout which is rounded and obtusely pointed . Head is large, very broad on the temporal region and high from the conthus to the mouth . Rostrum as broad as deep . Internasals in 20 per cent are separated from each other on the middle line . The other 70 per cent touch each other on the middle line . Broad and simple canthals, 7-7 supralabials in 65 per cent of the specimens while they are 7-8 or 8-8 in the other 35 per cent . Second supralabials forms the anterior border of the loreal pit . Folded or wrinkled convex supraoculars ; ventrals 179-203 ; 90 per cent of specimens have bifid subcaudais in number of 48-63 ; dorsal series in number of 17 to 25 . The keels of the dorsal scales are narrow and low, and are long through the whole scale. Colour is brownish-green, greenish-grey or grey with brown or black trapezoidal spots separate nne from the other, giving a secondary system of spots of the same or a paler colour . Belly is grey or grey with white spots. Red colour at end of tail . It is conçluded that this species has not previously been described . P .R .S. SAUNDERS, P. R ., Ron-inaa,N, S., MEORANO, V. A. and CFIIN, H. P . (Dept . Pharmacol. Univ . S. California, Los Angeles, California) : Cardiovascular actions of the venom of the stonefish Synanceja horrifia . Amer. J . Physial., 203, 429, 1962 . THe hypotensive effect in rabbits of non-fatal doses of stonefish venom was studied, With small doses a decline in blood pressure occurred in the absence of or prior to a decreased force of cardiac contraction, indicating that peripheral vasodilatation was at least in part responsible for the hypotension . No vaso- dilatation occurred in skeletal muscle after infra-arterial injection of venom . Pressor responses to levarter- enol, carotid artery occlusion and anoxia, as well as depressor responses to central stimulation of the cut right vagus or depressor nerves, were unaffected by the venom. The mechanism of the hypotensive effect is unknown . P.R .S . SAWAI, Y., MAKINO, M., TATENO, 1 ., OKONOÛI, T, and MrrsUHAStu, $. (Lab, Biological Products, Instit . for Infectious Diseases, Univ . Tokyo, Japan) : Studies of the improvement of treatment of habu snake (Trimeresurus Jfaroridls) bi.'e. 3 . Clinical analysis and medical treat- ment of habu snake bites on Amami Islands . Jap . J . exp . Med ., 32, 117, 1962 . AeouT 300 cases of Trimeresurus bites are seen in the Amami Islands annually ; fatality rate is about 2 per cent . Deaths are ascriE:e~ to shock and haemort5age . Local necrosis is often seen in non-fatal cases and may be severe . Several illustrative case histories are presented. Infiltration of tissue around bites with calcium disodium ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (CaNa,EDTA) was introduced as a first aid measure to control necrosis . It is used with antivenin when the latter is available . In 2l8 cases treated with both antivenin and CaNa$EDTA there were sixteen instances of severe necrosis and four deaths . Best results were seen when both agents were administered promptly after the bite . The effectiveness of CaNaYEDTA has not been unequivocally demonstrated . S.A .M .

Cardiovascular actions of the venom of the stonefish Synanceja horrida: Saunders, P.R., Rothman, S., Medrano, V.A. and Chin, H.P. (Dept. Pharmacol. Univ. S. California, Los Angeles,

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Page 1: Cardiovascular actions of the venom of the stonefish Synanceja horrida: Saunders, P.R., Rothman, S., Medrano, V.A. and Chin, H.P. (Dept. Pharmacol. Univ. S. California, Los Angeles,

P.B .

Russei.t_, F. E. : Strechrochenverletzungen und ihre Ursachen (Lorca Linda Univ ., LosAngles, Calif.) Arch . Fischereiwiss ., 13, 73, 1962 .


développement des points d'ossification . Les membres postérieurs et la colonne vertébrale sont plus par-ticulièrement le siège de ces lésions. RucH et ses collaborateurs décrivent également des altérations amyo-trophiques des membres postérieurs de la raideur et des malformations des articulations . Ces lésions sontcomparables à celles que présentent le nouveau-né dont la mère a été victime de piqures d'abeilles pendantla gestation. L'hypothèse vient à (esprit d'une origine nerveuse de ces lésions.

Aeevn:w of the anatomy of the venom gland of the stingray, the chemical and zootoxicological propertiesof its venom, and the symptoms, signs, findings and treatment of poisoning by the stingray .

F.E.R .

SANDNEtt-MONTILLA, F. (Central Univ, of Venezuela) : Novedades Cienti,Jicas, Serie Zoologica#30, December 20, 1961 .

(In Portuguese) .

Txe authors redescribe a species known since 1952 which has been considered Bothrops atrox. The distri-bution ofthe species is in thenothern and central part ofVenezuela: Avila Mountains, thewestern mountainsof Los Toques (Corozal and Lagunetas), the forests of Rancho Grande and Fila Miranda from the AraguaState and the forest of Guatópo. The altitude of these places is from 1000 m to less than 2200 m. In mostareas Bothrops venezuelae lives together with Bothrops atrox . The longest specimen was 1 310 m long, andthe relation between thickness and length is 1 :156. The species is characterized by the following features :trapezoidal head with short snout which is rounded and obtusely pointed . Head is large, very broad onthe temporal region and high from the conthus to the mouth. Rostrum as broad as deep . Internasals in20 per cent are separated from each other on the middle line . The other 70 per cent touch each other onthe middle line . Broad and simple canthals, 7-7 supralabials in 65 per cent of the specimens while they are7-8 or 8-8 in the other 35 per cent . Second supralabials forms the anterior border of the loreal pit . Foldedor wrinkled convex supraoculars ; ventrals 179-203; 90 per cent of specimens have bifid subcaudais innumber of 48-63 ; dorsal series in number of 17 to 25 . The keels of the dorsal scales are narrow and low,and are long through the whole scale.

Colour is brownish-green, greenish-grey or grey with brown or black trapezoidal spots separate nnefrom the other, giving a secondary system of spots of the same or a paler colour . Belly is grey or grey withwhite spots. Red colour at end of tail .

It is conçluded that this species has not previously been described.


SAUNDERS, P. R., Ron-inaa,N, S., MEORANO, V. A. and CFIIN, H. P. (Dept. Pharmacol. Univ .S. California, Los Angeles, California) : Cardiovascular actions of the venom of the stonefish

Synanceja horrifia .

Amer. J. Physial., 203, 429, 1962 .

THe hypotensive effect in rabbits of non-fatal doses of stonefish venom was studied, With small doses adecline in blood pressure occurred in the absence of or prior to a decreased force of cardiac contraction,indicating that peripheral vasodilatation was at least in part responsible for the hypotension . No vaso-dilatation occurred in skeletal muscle after infra-arterial injection of venom. Pressor responses to levarter-enol, carotid artery occlusion and anoxia, as well as depressor responses to central stimulation of the cutright vagus or depressor nerves, were unaffected by the venom. The mechanism of the hypotensive effectis unknown.

P.R .S .

SAWAI, Y., MAKINO, M., TATENO, 1., OKONOÛI, T, and MrrsUHAStu, $. (Lab, BiologicalProducts, Instit . for Infectious Diseases, Univ . Tokyo, Japan) : Studies of the improvement oftreatment of habu snake (Trimeresurus Jfaroridls) bi.'e.

3. Clinical analysis and medical treat-ment of habu snake bites on Amami Islands .

Jap. J. exp. Med., 32, 117, 1962 .

AeouT 300 cases of Trimeresurus bites are seen in the Amami Islands annually ; fatality rate is about 2 percent . Deaths are ascriE:e~ to shock and haemort5age. Local necrosis is often seen in non-fatal cases andmay be severe . Several illustrative case histories are presented.

Infiltration of tissue around bites with calcium disodium ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (CaNa,EDTA)was introduced as a first aid measure to control necrosis . It is used with antivenin when the latter is available.In 2l8 cases treated with both antivenin and CaNa$EDTA there were sixteen instances of severe necrosisand four deaths . Best results were seen when both agents were administered promptly after the bite . Theeffectiveness of CaNaYEDTA has not been unequivocally demonstrated .

S.A.M .