CELL REPRODUCTION Chapter 8 Biology CPA Thank you, Miss Colabelli!

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  • CELL REPRODUCTION Chapter 8 Biology CPA Thank you, Miss Colabelli!
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  • CHROMOSOMES Rod shaped structures made of DNA and proteins Chromosomes are visible in cells undergoing division Chromosomes are made by DNA coiling into tight structures Consist of two identical halves
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  • CHROMOSOME STRUCTURE Histones are proteins that DNA wraps around to make the chromosome shape Chromosomes are made of two sister chromatids Identical to each other
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  • CHROMOSOME STRUCTURE Each chromosome is made of two sister chromatids Near center of the chromosome is the centromere Chromosomes are tightly coiled strings of DNA called chromatin
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  • CHROMOSOME NUMBERS There is a specific number of chromosomes in each organism Ex: Humans have 46, chimpanzees have 48 Humans have autosomes and sex chromosomes We have 2 sex chromosomes Either X or Y We also have 44 autosomes Which do not code for gender
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  • CHROMOSOME NUMBERS Every cell of an organism produced by sexual reproduction has two copies of each autosome One copy from mom and one copy from dad The two copies of each pair is called homologous chromosomes Same size and shape Carry genes for the same traits
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  • KARYOTYPE A karyotype is a picture of one set of chromosomes Shows you sex of organism Shows your any chromosomal disorders
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  • CHROMOSOME NUMBERS A diploid cell contains 2 sets of each chromosome Prefix di = 2 Abbreviated as 2n n = number of chromosomes A haploid cell contains only 1 set of each chromosome Half of the total number Usually sex cells
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  • CELL DIVISION IN PROKARYOTES Prokaryotes No nucleus No organelles Ex: Bacteria Reproduction is very fast Copy DNA Split into two identical daughter cells Cell division is called binary fission
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  • CELL DIVISION IN EUKARYOTES Eukaryotes Have a nucleus Have organelles Ex: Humans, plants Both nucleus and cytoplasm need to divide Process of making new cells is called mitosis Makes two identical daughter cells Complex reproduction Everything needs to be regulated! Much more complex process about 18 hours!
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  • CELL DIVISION AND REPRODUCTION Asexual Reproduction Produces identical offspring from a single parent Used by many single-celled organisms Ex: bacteria Occurs very quickly Sexual Reproduction Produces genetically different offspring from two parents Fusion of two parent cells Creates haploid gametes (sex cells)
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  • THE CELL CYCLE A repeating set of events in the life of a cell A cell splits to make 2 identical copies This occurs in 3 main stages 1.Interphase growth 2.Mitosis division of the cell 3.Cytokinesis Splitting of the cytoplasm
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  • INTERPHASE Cell growth Majority of cells life span is spent in this phase 3 Part of Interphase: G 1, S, G 2
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  • G 1 PHASE Gap 1 Phase The cell is growing to mature size
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  • S PHASE S = synthesis of DNA DNA is copied so there is a set for each new cell
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  • G 2 PHASE Gap 2 Phase Cell grows again Replication of organelles Cell prepares for cell division
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  • MITOSIS Cell Division
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  • MITOSIS The part of a cells life cycle when the cells nucleus divides into 2 identical nuclei 4 steps: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
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  • PROPHASE Shortening and tight coiling of chromatin into chromosomes Nucleus breaks down and disappears Centrioles separate and move to opposite poles of the cell Centrosomes in plant cells Centrioles shoot off spindle fibers
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  • METAPHASE Spindle fibers are connected to centromere of chromosomes Spindle fibers move chromosomes Chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell Chromosomes are in the MIDDLE
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  • ANAPHASE Sister chromatids attach to the short spindle fibers Chromatids of each chromosome separate at the centromere Chromosomes are pulled APART Spindle fibers shorten and bring the sister chromatids to opposite poles After chromatids separate, they are called individual chromosomes
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  • TELOPHASE Chromatids become chromatin Spindle fibers disassemble Nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromatin Nucleolus reappears
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  • CYTOKINESIS Once mitosis has finished! Last stage of cell cycle Process is when the cytoplasm splits apart
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  • CYTOKINESIS IN PLANT CELLS A cell plate forms between the two nuclei The cytoplasm divides A cell wall forms two daughter cells
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  • CYTOKINESIS IN ANIMAL CELLS Cell membrane pinches in at equator Cleavage furrow
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  • CONTROL OF CELL DIVISION Checkpoints (Regulatory Proteins) Repair enzymes fix any mutations G 1 Checkpoint Proteins check to see if cell will be able to divide Check for cell size G 2 Checkpoint DNA repair enzymes check results of DNA replication during S phase Mitosis checkpoint If all is correct, proteins will signal cell to exit mitosis Cell will renter interphase after cytokinesis and start process over again If a cell does not meet requirements for checkpoints, the cell will be programmed to die Apoptosis is controlled cell death
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  • THE CELL CYCLE CLOCK: CYCLINS AND CYCLIN- DEPENDENT KINASES Two types of regulatory proteins are involved in cell cycle control: cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) Cdks activity fluctuates during the cell cycle because it is controled by cyclins, so named because their concentrations vary with the cell cycle MPF (maturation-promoting factor) is a cyclin-Cdk complex that triggers a cells passage past the G 2 checkpoint into the M phase
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  • FIGURE 12.17 (a) Fluctuation of MPF activity and cyclin concentration during the cell cycle (b) Molecular mechanisms that help regulate the cell cycle MPF activity Cyclin concentration Time M M M S S G1G1 G2G2 G1G1 G2G2 G1G1 Cdk Degraded cyclin Cyclin is degraded MPF G 2 checkpoint Cdk Cyclin M S G1G1 G2G2
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  • STOP AND GO SIGNS: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SIGNALS AT THE CHECKPOINTS An example of an internal signal is that kinetochores not attached to spindle microtubules send a molecular signal that delays anaphase Some external signals are growth factors, proteins released by certain cells that stimulate other cells to divide For example, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulates the division of human fibroblast cells in culture
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  • A clear example of external signals is density-dependent inhibition, in which crowded cells stop dividing Most animal cells also exhibit anchorage dependence, in which they must be attached to a substratum in order to divide Cancer cells exhibit neither density- dependent inhibition nor anchorage dependence
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  • FIGURE 12.19 Anchorage dependence Density-dependent inhibition (a) Normal mammalian cells (b) Cancer cells 20 m
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  • LOSS OF CELL CYCLE CONTROLS IN CANCER CELLS Cancer cells do not respond normally to the bodys control mechanisms Cancer cells may not need growth factors to grow and divide They may make their own growth factor They may convey a growth factors signal without the presence of the growth factor They may have an abnormal cell cycle control system
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  • A normal cell is converted to a cancerous cell by a process called transformation Cancer cells that are not eliminated by the immune system, form tumors, masses of abnormal cells within otherwise normal tissue If abnormal cells remain at the original site, the lump is called a benign tumor Malignant tumors invade surrounding tissues and can metastasize, exporting cancer cells to other parts of the body, where they may form additional tumors
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  • FIGURE 12.20 Glandular tissue Tumor Lymph vessel Blood vessel Cancer cell Metastatic tumor A tumor grows from a single cancer cell. Cancer cells invade neighboring tissue. Cancer cells spread through lymph and blood vessels to other parts of the body. Cancer cells may survive and establish a new tumor in another part of the body. 4321
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