Chapter 1 The Legacy of Rome

Chapter 1 review of worksheet

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Chapter 1Chapter 1The Legacy of RomeThe Legacy of Rome

1.1 ~ INtroduction1.1 ~ INtroduction

1. What does the phrase mean, “All roads lead to Rome”?

Since Rome was the capital of the greatest empire in the world at that time, many people wanted or needed to go there.

2. What were some of Rome’s achievements during the peaceful and prosperous time of


There was one official language which was Latin.

There was a code of law that everyone in the Roman Empire had to follow.

3. What does the phrase mean, “Rome perished, yet it lived on”?

This phrase that although the Roman Empire was no longer an empire, many of its ideas are evident in future societies. (Architecture, Engineering, language, art, writing, etc.)

1.2 ~ The End of the Roman Empire in the


1.2 ~ The End of the Roman Empire in the


1. Who was Rome’s first emperor and why was he successful?

Caesar Augustus was Rome’s first emperor. He was successful because he ended the 100 years of civil war and he expanded the boundaries of Rome.

2. Why did Rome have an unstable government? Give two reasons

Rome never figured out a way how to transfer power from one emperor to the next in a peaceful manner.

The emperor’s army, the Praetorian Guard, chose the new ruler, but chose people who would reward them instead of the best person for the job!

3. Rome also had economic and social instability. Give two reasons for Each.


People had to pay heavy taxes in order to pay for Rome’s huge armies.

Trade suffered

Many people were in poverty

High Unemployment

Many emperors spent large amounts of money

3. Rome also had economic and social instability. Give two reasons for Each.

Socialcorruption was a problem in the empire.

People did not feel unified....there was no spirit of citizenship

many of the empire’s cities and roads were unsafe

4. What does the size of the empire have to do with the fall of Rome?

The empire was too large to defend

It took weeks to get messages across the empire

1.3 ~ The legacy of Roman art

1.3 ~ The legacy of Roman art

1. What did Roman art possess that many people in our recent history wanted their own personal art to


Many artists wanted their own art to possess the feeling of dignity and nobility like the Roman artists gave to their own pieces.

2. The Romans were very fond of the _____________ artists.


1.4 ~ The legacy of roman architecture &


1.4 ~ The legacy of roman architecture &


1.) What does the word Engineering mean?

science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

2.) What does the word Architecture mean?

The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.

The style of a building with regard to a specific period, place, or culture.

3. After reading all of Rome’s accomplishments in Architecture & Engineering. Which one do you think had the most impact in their

empire? Please use details from pages 12 & 13 to prove your opinion.

Answers will Vary.

My Opinion: I would say that Engineering had the most impact in the Roman empire. The Romans were the greatest builders of roads, bridges, and aqueducts in the ancient world. They created 50,000 miles of roads which their concept lasted for about 2,000 years. The empire was able to build 11 aqueducts and carry water throughout the empire.

1.5 ~ The legacy of roman language &


1.5 ~ The legacy of roman language &


1. The title of this section is called “The legacy of the Roman Language and writing”. Explain how the Romans have influenced

our lives today through their language and writing.

Answers will vary.

My Answer: The Romans have given us the language of Latin. Many of our words in English were influenced by the Latin language through the use of prefixes and suffixes as well as other root words. The Latin Language is evident in our calendar months. We also still use Roman numerals.

1.6 ~ the legacy of roman philosophy, law &


1.6 ~ the legacy of roman philosophy, law &


1.) What does the term stoic mean?

A person who is stoic is thought to be of good character and to have self-control and courage.

They would rather think of doing good for the community than themselves.

2.) Why would many Romans want to be considered stoic? What traits did a stoic

person possess?

Stoics thought one should be able to handle pain and suffering bravely and quietly....not letting others know that you are in pain.

3.) The Romans felt that everyone had a universal law. Explain what this means and how does it apply to our beliefs in society


Romans believed that everyone had rights and that judges had the ability to listen to everyone’s rights and make them fair, as well as respect people’s rights.

Many of our judges in today’s courts will protect people’s rights as well as on written law.

4.) How does the Romans’ idea of citizenship mirror the idea of citizenship in the United states? Use details from page 17 to make

your response a solid answer.

Anyone who entered into the Roman Empire had the chance to become a citizen of Rome. However, all citizens of Rome must follow Roman law, have the same rights as other Romans as well as being faithful to the emperor.

Those who are not born in the USA, but still become American citizens have the same rights as those who were born an American citizen. All citizens must obey American law.