Chapter 21-2 Around the Room 1. In 1933 what did Hitler announced he would do? What did his announcement violate? In 1939 Hitler announced that he would rearm Germany. He also took Germany out of the League of Nations. Hitler’s actions were a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles 2. What was Hitler’s first alliance? What was it called and with whom did he form it? Why were these two countries attracted to each other? Hitler’s first alliance was the Rome-Berlin Axis. This alliance was formed with Mussolini and Italy and these two countries were attracted to each other because they both were fascist states. 3. What was the Anti-Comintern Pact? The Anti-Comintern Pact was a pledge between Japan and Germany agreeing that they would work together to stop the spread of communism. 4. Why did the German army march into Austria? A Nazi party had formed in Austria and there was outside pressure from Hitler and Mussolini to allow Nazi party members in Austria’s government cabinet. Austria and Germany had an agreement on union but when the Austrian chancellor suggested that the people vote on the issue Hitler decided to take Austria using force. 5. In 1938 what did Hitler declare on the state of Austria? How did the League of Nations, France, and Great Britain react?

Chapter 21 2 Around The Room Answers

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Chapter 21-2

Around the Room

1. In 1933 what did Hitler announced he would do? What did his announcement violate?

In 1939 Hitler announced that he would rearm Germany. He also took Germany out of the League of Nations. Hitler’s actions were a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles

2. What was Hitler’s first alliance? What was it called and with whom did he form it? Why were these two countries attracted to each other?

Hitler’s first alliance was the Rome-Berlin Axis. This alliance was formed with Mussolini and Italy and these two countries were attracted to each other because they both were fascist states.

3. What was the Anti-Comintern Pact?

The Anti-Comintern Pact was a pledge between Japan and Germany agreeing that they would work together to stop the spread of communism.

4. Why did the German army march into Austria?

A Nazi party had formed in Austria and there was outside pressure from Hitler and Mussolini to allow Nazi party members in Austria’s government cabinet. Austria and Germany had an agreement on union but when the Austrian chancellor suggested that the people vote on the issue Hitler decided to take Austria using force.

5. In 1938 what did Hitler declare on the state of Austria? How did the League of Nations, France, and Great Britain react?

In March of 1938 Hitler declared Austria a part of their Third Reich. The Treaty of Versailles forbid a union between Germany and Austria. France and Great Britain did nothing more then send protests to Hitler, which he ignored. The League of Nations took no action.

6. Why did Hitler invade the Sudetenland?

More then 3 million Germans lived in the Sudetenland. The Czech government tried to protect their rights, but were unable to because many wanted union with Germany. As a result the Nazi party gained strength in the area and riots broke out. After riots in September 1938 the area was put under martial law. As a result Hitler

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announced he would protect the Germans living in the area and that he would invade and annex the Sudetenland.

7. Define appeasement.

The policy of trying to keep the peace by accepting some of the demands of the aggressor.

8. What was the result of the Munich Conference? What countries attended?

Germany- Hitler, Great Britain- Neville Chamberlain, France- Edouard Daladier, and Italy- Mussolini. Chamberlain and Daladier accepted Hitler’s demand that the Sudetenland be joined with Germany. They accepted Germany’s demands because they knew their countries were not prepare for war.

9. What country did Italy take in April 1939? How did the League of Nations respond?

Italy took Albania and the League of Nations failed to do anything. The complete helplessness in the face of aggression was obvious.

10. How did Great Britain and France prepare for war after Hitler took over Czechoslovakia?

Great Britain stepped up its rearmament program and also drafted a law to draft men into the military. France and Great Britain agreed to protect Poland should Germany invade. Also the two countries began talks with the Soviet Union for a three-way alliance.

11. Why did an alliance between the Soviet Union, France, and Great Britain fail?

The Soviet Union a communist country and Soviet leaders did not trust Western democracies and Western democracies did not trust Soviet communism. Soviet leaders believed that the Western powers would welcome a chance to turn Hitler loose on them.

12. What role did the Baltic States play in the failure of this alliance?

The Soviets wanted the independence of Poland, Finland, Estonia, and Lithuania. The Soviets also wanted a military alliance with these countries. These countries refused because they believed it would allow Soviets to march through their countries to fight off a German attack.

13. What was the German-Soviet nonaggression pact? What was so shocking about this alliance?

While Stalin was negotiating with Great Britain and France he was also having secret talks with Germany. In August 1939 Hitler announced an alliance with the Soviet Union. Hitler earlier signed the

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anti-comintern pact with Japan and the Soviet Union was a communist country.

14. What were the terms of this pact?The agreement publicly stated that Germany and the Soviet Union would never attack each and that each would remain neutral if the other went to war.

15. Why was the Polish corridor of such great significance?

Both Poland and Germany had rights to the port of Danzig following WWI. Once part of German Prussia the corridor had a large German population that Hitler vowed to reunite with Germany. The corridor was significant because it provided Poland with access to Danzig and the Baltic Sea.


16. Why had Hitler have his eye on the city of Danzig?

The area had a large German population and the Nazi party had taken control of the government by 1937.

17. What was the result of Germany’s annexation of Danzig?Germany took over the city and invaded Poland with a massive air and land attack. Using total war the Germans quickly took the country. Two day later Great Britain and France kept their agreement and declared war on Germany. WWII had begun.