Chapter 4 Radiometric Enhancement of Images 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Point Operations and Look Up Tables Image analysis by photointerpretation is often made easier when the radiometric nature of an image is enhanced to improve its visual characteristics. Specific differences in vegetation and soil type, for example, may be brought out by increasing the contrast of an image. Highlighting subtle differences in brightness value by applying contrast modification, or by assigning different colours to dif- ferent brightnesses in the method known as colour density slicing, will often reveal features not otherwise easily seen. It is the purpose of this chapter to present a variety of radiometric modification procedures that are regularly used with remote sensing image data. The range treated is characterised by the common feature that a new brightness value for a pixel is generated only from its existing value. Neighbouring pixels have no influence, as they do in the geometric enhancement procedures that are the subject of Chap. 5. Consequently, radiometric enhancement techniques are sometimes referred to as point or pixel-specific operations. All of the techniques to be covered in this chapter can be represented either as a graph or a table that expresses the relationship between the old and new brightness values. In tabular form this is referred to as a look up table (LUT). 4.1.2 Scalar and Vector Images Two particular image types require consideration when treating image enhance- ment. The first is referred to as a scalar image, in which each pixel has only a single brightness value associated with it. Such is the case for a simple black and white image. The second is a vector image, in which each pixel is represented by a vector J. A. Richards, Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-30062-2_4, Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 99

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Chapter 4Radiometric Enhancement of Images

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Point Operations and Look Up Tables

Image analysis by photointerpretation is often made easier when the radiometricnature of an image is enhanced to improve its visual characteristics. Specificdifferences in vegetation and soil type, for example, may be brought out byincreasing the contrast of an image. Highlighting subtle differences in brightnessvalue by applying contrast modification, or by assigning different colours to dif-ferent brightnesses in the method known as colour density slicing, will often revealfeatures not otherwise easily seen.

It is the purpose of this chapter to present a variety of radiometric modificationprocedures that are regularly used with remote sensing image data. The rangetreated is characterised by the common feature that a new brightness value for apixel is generated only from its existing value. Neighbouring pixels have noinfluence, as they do in the geometric enhancement procedures that are the subjectof Chap. 5. Consequently, radiometric enhancement techniques are sometimesreferred to as point or pixel-specific operations.

All of the techniques to be covered in this chapter can be represented either as agraph or a table that expresses the relationship between the old and new brightnessvalues. In tabular form this is referred to as a look up table (LUT).

4.1.2 Scalar and Vector Images

Two particular image types require consideration when treating image enhance-ment. The first is referred to as a scalar image, in which each pixel has only a singlebrightness value associated with it. Such is the case for a simple black and whiteimage. The second is a vector image, in which each pixel is represented by a vector

J. A. Richards, Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-30062-2_4, � Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


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of brightness values, which might be the blue, green and red components of thepixel in a colour scene or, for a remote sensing image, would be the various spectralresponse components for the pixel. Most image enhancement techniques relate toscalar images or the scalar components of vector imagery. That is the case with alltechniques covered in this chapter. Enhancement methods that relate particularly tovector imagery tend to be transformation oriented. They are treated in Chap. 6.

4.2 The Image Histogram

Consider a typical remote sensing image, composed of discrete pixels spatially andin which each pixel is quantised radiometrically into discrete brightness levels. Ifpixels with the same brightness value are counted, a graph of the number of pixelsat a given brightness, versus brightness value, can be constructed. That is referredto as the histogram of the image. The tonal or radiometric quality of an image canbe assessed by inspecting its histogram, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1. An image whichmakes good use of the available range of brightness values has a histogram withoccupied bins (brightness values) over the full range, but without significantlylarge values at either extreme. The vertical scale of a histogram is sometimescalled frequency (of the occurrence of specific brightness values), or proportion, oroccurrence.

An image has a unique histogram but the reverse is not true in general since ahistogram contains only radiometric and no spatial information. A point of someimportance is that the histogram can be viewed as a discrete probability distri-bution since the relative height of a particular bar or occurrence, normalised by thetotal number of pixels in the image, indicates the chance of finding a pixel withthat particular brightness value somewhere in the image.

4.3 Contrast Modification

4.3.1 Histogram Modification Rule

Suppose we have available a digital image with poor contrast, such as that with thehistograms on the left hand side of Fig. 4.l. We want to improve its contrast toobtain an image with histograms that have a good spread of occurrences over theavailable brightness range, resembling that in the centre of Fig. 4.1. An operationcalled contrast modification or stretching is required, applied to the individualimage components. Often the degree of stretching desired is apparent. For examplean original histogram may occupy brightness values between 40 and 75 and wemight want to expand that range to the maximum possible, say 0–255. Eventhough the modification is obvious it is necessary to express it in mathematical

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terms in order to transfer the problem to a computer. Contrast modification is just amapping of brightness values, in that the brightness value of a particular histogramoccurrence is respecified more favourably. The magnitudes of the occurrencesthemselves though are not altered, although in some cases some may be mapped tothe same new brightness value and will be superimposed. In general, though, thenew histogram will have the same number of occurrences as the old, with the samevalues. They will just be at different locations.

The mapping of brightness values can be described as

y ¼ f ðxÞ ð4:1Þ

where x is the old brightness value of a particular occurrence in the histogram and y isthe corresponding new brightness value. In principle, what we want to do in contrast

poor contrast


















00 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224
























good contrast saturated

Fig. 4.1 Some images and the histograms of their three colour components; from left to right animage with low contrast and brightness, in which the histograms occupy a limited set ofbrightness values, the same image with a good range of brightness and contrast and for which thehistograms show good use of the available range, and an overly contrasting image in which detailis lost and the histograms show saturation at the upper extremes; although shown in colour to linkthem to the image components, most histograms would be displayed in black and white

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modification is to find the form of y ¼ f ðxÞ that will implement the desired changes inpixel brightness and thus in the perceived contrast of the image. Sometimes that issimple; on other occasions y ¼ f ðxÞ might be quite complicated. In the followingsections we look at simple contrast changes first and then treat more complex situ-ations, including matching the brightness value ranges of pairs of images.

4.3.2 Linear Contrast Modification

The most common contrast modification operation is that in which the new and oldbrightness values of the pixels in an image are related in a linear fashion, so that(4.1) can be expressed

y ¼ f xð Þ ¼ axþ b

A simple numerical example of linear contrast modification is shown in Fig. 4.2;the look-up table is included in the figure. In practice this would be used insoftware to produce the new image. That is done by reading the original brightnessvalues of the pixels one at a time, substituting those brightnesses into the left handside of the table and then reading the new brightness values for the pixels from thecorresponding entries on the right hand side of the table.

It is important to note in digital image handling that the new brightness values,just as the old, must be discrete and cover usually the same range. That mayrequire some rounding to integer form of the new values calculated from themapping function y ¼ f ðxÞ: A further point to note in the example of Fig. 4.2 isthat the look-up table is valid only for the range of inputs from 2 to 4. Beyond that,output brightness values would be generated that lie outside the range valid for thisexample. In practice, linear contrast stretching is generally implemented as thesaturating linear contrast enhancement technique in Sect. 4.3.3 below in which, forthis example, the outputs are set to 0 and 7 for input brightnesses less than 2 andgreater than 7 respectively.

An image with poor contrast that has been radiometrically enhanced by linearcontrast stretching is shown in Fig. 4.3.

4.3.3 Saturating Linear Contrast Enhancement

Frequently a better image product is generated when a degree of saturation iscreated at the black and white ends of the histogram while applying linear contrastenhancement. Such is the case, for example, if the darker regions in an imagebelong to the same ground cover type within which small radiometric variationsare of no interest. Alternatively, a particular region of interest in an image mayoccupy a restricted brightness value range, such as water in visible green

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wavelengths; saturating linear contrast enhancement is then employed to expandjust that range to the maximum possible dynamic range of the display device, withall other brightnesses being mapped to either black or white.

The brightness value mapping function y ¼ f ðxÞ for saturating linear contrastenhancement is shown in Fig. 4.4, in which Bmax and Bmin are the user-determinedmaximum and minimum brightness values that are expanded to the lowest andhighest brightness levels supported by the display device.

4.3.4 Automatic Contrast Enhancement

Most remote sensing image data is too low in brightness and poor in contrast togive an acceptable image product if displayed directly in raw form as recorded by

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70




xbrightness value


ber o

f pix


low contrast

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70




ybrightness value

be er contrast

shi to nearest available BV









brightness value



ss v




0 001






look up table(LUT)


ber o

f pix





Fig. 4.2 Simple example of linear contrast modification; the LUT created from the brightnessvalue mapping function is used to re-position the occurrences in the histogram

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a sensor. That is a result of the need to have the dynamic range of satellite andaircraft sensors so adjusted that a variety of cover types over many images can bedetected without leading to saturation of the detectors, or without useful signalsbeing lost in noise. As a consequence, a typical single image will contain arestricted set of brightnesses. Image display systems frequently implement anautomatic contrast stretch on the raw data in order to give a product with goodcontrast. Typically the automatic enhancement procedure is a saturating linearstretch. The cut-off and saturation limits Bmin and Bmax are chosen by determiningthe mean brightness of the raw data and its standard deviation, and then making

Fig. 4.3 Linear contrast modification of the raw (as recorded) image in a to produce the visuallybetter product in b



0 x



this selected range of inputs is mapped to the full output brightness range

the actual range of image brightness might extend beyond these limits

Fig. 4.4 Saturating linearbrightness value mappingfunction

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Bmin equal to the mean less three standard deviations and Bmax equal to the meanplus three standard deviations.

4.3.5 Logarithmic and Exponential Contrast Enhancement

Logarithmic and exponential mappings of brightness value between the originaland modified images are useful processes for enhancing dark and light featuresrespectively. The mapping functions are shown in Fig. 4.5, along with theirmathematical expressions. It is particularly important with these that the outputvalues be scaled to lie within the range of the device used to display the productand that they be rounded to allowed, discrete values.

4.3.6 Piecewise Linear Contrast Modification

A particularly useful and flexible contrast modification procedure is the piecewiselinear mapping function shown in Fig. 4.6, which is characterised by a set of user-specified break points. Generally the user can also specify the number of breakpoints. This method has particular value in implementing some of the contrastmatching procedures in Sects. 4.4 and 4.5 following. It is a generalisation of thesaturating linear contrast stretch of Sect. 4.3.3.

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.5 a Logarithmic and b exponential brightness mapping functions that respectivelyenhance low brightness value and high brightness value pixels

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4.4 Histogram Equalisation

4.4.1 Use of the Cumulative Histogram

The previous sections have addressed the task of simple expansion (or contraction)of the histogram of an image. In many situations, however, it is desirable to modifycontrast so that an image histogram matches a preconceived shape, other than asimple mathematical modification of the original version. An important modifiedshape is the uniform histogram in which, in principle, each occurrence has thesame height—i.e. each is equally likely. Such a histogram is associated with animage that utilises the available brightness levels equally and thus should give adisplay in which there is good representation of detail at all brightness values. Inpractice a perfectly uniform histogram cannot be achieved for digital image data.Nevertheless the procedure following produces a histogram that is quasi-uniformon the average.

The method for producing a uniform histogram is known as histogram equal-isation. It is useful, in developing the method to achieve this, if we regard thehistograms as continuous curves as depicted in Fig. 4.71. In this hiðxÞ representsthe original image histogram (the ‘‘input’’ to the modification process) and hoðyÞrepresents the histogram of the image after it has had its contrast modified (the‘‘output’’ from the modification process). These functions are similar to probabilitydensity functions in statistics, in that the number of pixels covered by a brightnessrange dx about brightness value x in the original histogram is hiðxÞdx, and similarlyfor the modified histogram.


yFig. 4.6 Piecewise linearbrightness value modificationfunction defined by a set ofuser-specified break pointsthat commence at 0, 0 andincrease monotonically tofinish at L–1, L–1

1 This figure is adapted from K.R. Castleman, Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall,N.J., 1996.

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In Fig. 4.7 the number of pixels included the range dy in the modified histogrammust, by definition in the diagram, be equal to the number of pixels included in therange dx in the original histogram. Given that hiðxÞ and hoðyÞ are density functionsand that their values don’t vary much over the ranges dx and dy; this requires

ho yð Þdy ¼ hi xð Þdx

so that in the limit for a small range of brightnesses, i.e. dx; dy! 0 we have

ho yð Þ ¼ hi xð Þ dx


We can use the last expression in two ways. First, if we know the original (input)histogram—which is usually always the case—and the function y ¼ f ðxÞ; we candetermine the resulting (output) histogram. Alternatively, if we know the originalhistogram and the shape of the output histogram we want—‘‘flat’’ in the case ofcontrast equalisation—then we can use (4.2) to help us find the y ¼ f ðxÞ that willgenerate that result. Our interest here is in the second approach.

Since y ¼ f ðxÞ ; and thus x ¼ f�1ðyÞ; (4.2) can be expressed

ho yð Þ ¼ hi f�1ðyÞ� � df�1ðyÞ









y )(xfy




Fig. 4.7 Setting the mathematical basis for histogram equalisation; the same numbers of pixelsare represented in the two shaded areas

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which is a mathematical expression for the modified histogram in general2,3. Todevelop the brightness value modification procedure for contrast equalisation inparticular, it is convenient to re-express (4.2) as


dx¼ hi xð Þ

ho yð Þ

For a uniform histogram hoðyÞ; and thus 1=hoðyÞ; should be constant—i.e. inde-pendent of y: This is a mathematical idealisation for real data, and rarely will weachieve a totally flat modified histogram in practice, as the examples in the fol-lowing will show. However, making this assumption mathematically will generatefor us the process we need to adopt for equalisation; thus


dx¼ constant � hi xð Þ

so that dy ¼ constant� hi xð Þdx

giving by integration y ¼ constantZ

hi xð Þdx

How should we interpret the integral on the right hand side of this last expression?In effect it is the continuous version of a cumulative histogram which, in discreteform, is a graph of the number of pixels below a given brightness value as a functionof brightness value, as shown in Fig. 4.8. The cumulative histogram is computed bysumming the occurrence bars in the ordinary histogram from left to right.

If we call the cumulative histogram CðxÞ; then

y ¼ constant� CðxÞ

is the brightness value modification formula for histogram (contrast) equalisation.How do we find the value of the ‘‘constant’’? We note, first, that the range ofvalues of y is required to be 0 to L� 1 to match the L brightness values available inthe image. Secondly, note that the maximum value of CðxÞ is N; the total numberof pixels in the image, as seen in Fig. 4.8. Thus the constant needs to be ðL� 1Þ=Nin order to generate the correct range for y: In summary, the brightness valuemapping function that gives contrast equalisation is

2 This requires the inverse x ¼ f�1ðyÞ to exist. For the contrast modification procedures used inremote sensing that is usually always the case. Should an inverse not exist, for example if y ¼ f ðxÞis not monotonic, Castleman, loc. cit., recommends that the original brightness value range x betreated as a set of contiguous sub-ranges within each of which y ¼ f ðxÞ is monotonic.3 If we apply this expression to the brightness value modification function for linear contrastenhancement y ¼ f xð Þ ¼ axþ b then x ¼ y�b

a so that ho yð Þ ¼ 1a h y�b


� �. Relative to the original

histogram, the modified version is shifted because of the effect of b, is spread or compresseddepending on whether a is greater or less than 1, and is modified in amplitude. The last effectonly relates to the continuous function and cannot happen with discrete brightness value data.

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y ¼ L� 1N

CðxÞ ð4:3Þ

This equation is, in effect, a look-up table that can be used to move histogramoccurrence bars to new brightness value locations to create the equalised product.

To illustrate the concept, consider the need to ‘‘flatten’’ the simple histogramshown in Fig. 4.9a. This corresponds to a hypothetical image with 24 pixels, eachof which can take on one of 16 possible brightness values. The correspondingcumulative histogram is shown in Fig. 4.9b, and the scaling factor in (4.3) isðL� 1Þ=N ¼ 15=24 ¼ 0:625:

Using (4.3) the new brightness value location of a histogram bar is given byfinding its original location on the abscissa of the cumulative histogram xð Þ andthen reading its unscaled new location yð Þ from the ordinate. Multiplication by thescaling factor then produces the required new value. It is likely, however, that thismay not be one of the discrete brightness values available (for the output displaydevice) in which case the associated occurrence bar is moved to the nearestavailable brightness value. This procedure is summarised for the example at handin Table 4.1, and the new, quasi-uniform histogram is given in Fig. 4.9c.

It is important to emphasise that additional brightness values cannot be createdwith discrete data nor can pixels from a single brightness value in an originalhistogram be distributed over several brightness values in the modified version.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

brightness value


ber o

f pix











0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7brightness value



ve n


r of p












1718 18

Fig. 4.8 A simple histogramand the correspondingcumulative version

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All that can be done is to re-map the brightness values to give a histogram that is asuniform as possible. Occasionally that entails some neighbouring occurrencesfrom the original histogram moving to the same new location and thus beingsuperimposed, as seen in the example.

In practice, the look up table created in Table 4 .1 would be applied to everypixel in the image by feeding the original brightness value for the pixel into thetable and reading from the table the new brightness value. Figure 4.10 shows an


ber o

f pix








brightness value







brightness value







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15brightness value

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


ber o

f pix



ber o

f pix





Fig. 4.9 Histogram equalisation: a original histogram, b cumulative histogram used to producethe LUT in Table 4.1, and c the resulting quasi-uniform histogram

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example of an image with a simple linear contrast modification compared to thesame image, but in which contrast modification by histogram equalisation has beenimplemented. Many contrast changing techniques only give perceived improve-ment of detail on some image types and sometimes require all components of acolour composite image to be so processed before the change is noticeable.

It is not necessary to retain the same number of distinct brightness values in anequalised histogram as in the original. Sometimes it is desirable to have a smaller

Table 4.1 Generating the look up table for the histogram equalisation example of Fig. 4.9

Original brightnessvalue

Unscaled newvalue

Scaled newvalue

Nearest allowable brightnessvalue

0 1 0.63 11 2 1.25 12 5 3.13 33 9 5.63 64 14 8.75 95 18 11.25 116 19 11.88 127 19 11.88 128 19 11.88 129 19 11.88 1210 19 11.88 1211 19 11.88 1212 19 11.88 1213 20 12.50 1314 23 14.40 1415 24 15.00 15

Fig. 4.10 Image with a linear contrast stretch compared with the same image modified byhistogram equalisation

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output set and thereby produce a histogram with (fewer) occurrences that arecloser in height than would otherwise be the case. That can implemented byredefining L in (4.3) to be the new total number of bars. Repeating the example ofTable 4.1 and Fig. 4.9 for the case of L ¼ 8 (rather than 16) gives the look up tableof Table 4.2. Such a strategy would be an appropriate one to adopt when using anoutput device with a small number of brightness values (grey levels).

The maximum value of the cumulative histogram in (4.3) will be N; the totalnumber of pixels in the image. The divisor N in (4.3) will have the effect then ofnormalising the cumulative histogram to unity. Multiplication by L� 1 as shownmeans the magnitude of the cumulative histogram goes from 0 to L� 1; as does itsargument, and is therefore directly in the form of the look up table.

4.4.2 Anomalies in Histogram Equalisation

Images containing large homogeneous regions will give rise to histograms withhigh occurrences at the corresponding brightness values. A particular example is anear infrared image with a large expanse of water. Because histogram equalisationcreates a histogram that is uniform on the average, the equalised version of such animage will have poor contrast and little detail—quite the opposite to what isintended. The reason for this can be seen in the simple illustration of Fig. 4.11.The cumulative histogram used as the look-up table for the enhancement isdominated by the large bar at brightness value 0. The resulting image would bemostly grey and white with little discrimination within the grey levels.

Table 4.2 The look up table for histogram equalisation using 8 output brightness values from 16input brightness levels

Original brightnessvalue

Unscaled newvalue

Scaled newvalue

Nearest allowable brightnessvalue

0 1 0.29 01 2 0.58 12 5 1.46 13 9 2.63 34 14 4.08 45 18 5.25 56 19 5.54 67 19 5.54 68 19 5.54 69 19 5.54 610 19 5.54 611 19 5.54 612 19 5.54 613 20 5.83 614 23 6.70 715 24 7.00 7

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A similar situation happens when the automatic contrast enhancement proce-dure of Sect. 4.3.4 is applied to images with large regions of constant brightness.That can generate highly contrasting images on colour display systems; anacceptable display may require some manual adjustment of contrast, taking dueregard of the abnormally large histogram bars.

To avoid the anomaly in histogram equalisation caused with the types of imagediscussed it is necessary to reduce the dominating occurrences. That can be donesimply by arbitrarily reducing their size when constructing the look up table,remembering to take account of that in the scale factor of (4.3). Another approachis to produce the cumulative histogram and thus look-up table on a subset of theimage that does not include any, or any substantial portion, of the dominatingregion. Yet another solution4 is based on accumulating the histogram over

Fig. 4.11 Illustration of anomalous histogram equalisation caused by very large occurrences inthe original histogram: a original with a large number of pixels at 0, b cumulative histogram ofthe original, and c equalised histogram

4 See A. Hogan, A piecewise linear contrast stretch algorithm suitable for batch Landsat imageprocessing. Proc. 2nd Australasian Conference on Remote Sensing, Canberra, Australia, 1981,pp. 6.4.1–6.4.4.

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‘‘buckets’’ of brightness value – once a bucket is full to a pre-specified level, a newbucket is started.

4.5 Histogram Matching

4.5.1 Principle

Frequently it is desirable to match the histogram of one image to that of anotherand, in doing so, make the apparent distribution of brightness values in the twoimages as close as possible. That would be important, for example, when con-tiguous images are to be joined side by side to form a mosaic. Matching theirhistograms will minimise brightness value variations across the joint. In anothercase, it might be desirable to match the histogram of an image to a pre-specifiedshape, such as the uniform distribution treated in the previous section. It is oftenfound of value in photointerpretation to have an image whose histogram is aGaussian function of brightness, in which most pixels have mid-range brightnessvalues with only a few in the extreme white and black regions. The histogrammatching technique, now to be derived, allows both of those procedures to beimplemented.

The process of histogram matching is best looked at as having two stages, asrepresented in Fig. 4.12. Suppose we want to match the histogram hiðxÞ of a givenimage, to the histogram hoðyÞ; hoðyÞ could be a pre-specified mathematicalexpression or the histogram of a second image. The steps in the process are toequalise the histogram hiðxÞ; by the methods of the previous section, to obtain anintermediate histogram h�ðzÞ; which is then transformed to the desired shape hoðyÞ:

If z ¼ f ðxÞ is the transformation that flattens hiðxÞ to produce h�ðzÞ and z ¼ gðyÞis the operation that would flatten the reference histogram hoðyÞ then the overallmapping of brightness values required to produce hoðyÞ from hiðxÞ is

y ¼ g�1ðzÞwith z ¼ f ðxÞ or y ¼ g�1 f ðxÞf g ð4:4Þ

If the number of pixels and brightness values in hiðxÞ and hoðyÞ are the same, thenthe ðL� 1Þ=N scaling factor in (4.3) will cancel in (4.4) and can be ignored in

x y

)(xhi )( yho)(* zh

zhistogram to be modified uniform histogram reference histogram

z = g(y)z = f (x)

Fig. 4.12 The stages in histogram matching, using the uniform histogram as a bridge

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establishing the look up table that implements the contrast matching process. If thenumber of pixels is different, say N1 in the image to be modified and N2 in thereference image, and the number of brightness levels L is the same in both images,then a scaling factor of N2=N1 will be included in (4.4). Scaling in (4.4) however isnot a consideration if the cumulative histograms are normalised to some valuesuch as unity, or as a percentage of the total number of pixels in an image.

4.5.2 Image to Image Contrast Matching

Figure 4.13 illustrates the steps implicit in (4.4) when matching source and ref-erence histograms. In this section the reference histogram is that of a secondimage. The procedure is to use the cumulative histogram of the source image toobtain new brightness values in the manner of the previous section. We commenceby reading the ordinate values corresponding to original brightness values enteredon the abscissa. These ordinate values are then entered into the ordinate of thecumulative reference histogram and the final brightness values (for the occurrencebars of the source histogram) are read from the abscissa; in this stage the cumu-lative reference histogram is used in reverse as indicated by the g�1 operation in(4.4). The look up table for this example is shown in Table 4.3. Again, note thatsome of the new brightness values produced may not be in the available range; asbefore, they are adjusted to the nearest available value.

An example using a pair of contiguous image segments is shown in Fig. 4.14.Because of seasonal differences the original contrasts are quite different. Using thecumulative histograms in (4.4) creates a good matching of image contrasts. Such aprocess, as noted earlier, is an essential step in producing a mosaic of separatecontiguous images. Another step is to ensure geometric integrity of the join. Thatis done using the geometric registration procedures of Sect. 2.20.

4.5.3 Matching to a Mathematical Reference

In some applications it is of value to pre-specify the desired shape of an imagehistogram to give a modified image with a particular distribution of brightnessvalues. To implement this we take an existing image histogram and modify itaccording to the procedures of Sect. 4.5.1. However, the reference is now amathematical function that describes the desired shape. A particular example is tomatch an image histogram to a Gaussian or normal shape. That is referred to asapplying a Gaussian stretch to an image. It yields a new image with few black andwhite regions and in which most detail is contained in the mid-grey range. Here thereference histogram is the normal distribution. Since a cumulative version of thereference is to be used, the cumulative normal distribution is required. To use that

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distribution in the contrast matching situation either its ordinate has to be adjustedto the total number of pixels in the image to be modified or both cumulativehistograms must have the same vertical scale. Further, the abscissa of the cumu-lative normal distribution needs to be scaled to match the maximum allowablebrightness range in the image. That requires consideration to be given to thenumber of standard deviations of the Gaussian distribution to be contained in thetotal brightness value range, having in mind that the Gaussian function is con-tinuous to ± ?. The mean of the distribution is placed usually at the mid-point ofthe brightness scale and the standard deviation is chosen such that the extremeblack and white regions are three standard deviations from the mean. A simpleillustration is shown in Fig. 4.15.





0 2 4 86 10

0 2 4 86 10brightness value





0 2 4 86 10brightness value

0 2 4 86 10brightness value





0 2 4 86 10brightness value













nearest allowable brightness is 2, to which the occurrence bar, originally at brightness 6, is shi ed


ber o

f pix



ber o

f pix



ber o

f pix



ber o

f pix


source reference

Fig. 4.13 An example of the steps in histogram matching

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Table 4.3 Generating the look up table for contrast matching

Source histogrambrightness value x

Intermediate(equalised) value z

Brightness value matchedto reference y

Nearest allowablebrightness value

0 0 0 01 0 0 02 0 0 03 0 0 04 0 0 05 1 1 16 3 1.8 27 5 2.6 38 6 3 39 7 4 410 8 8 511 8 8 5

Fig. 4.14 a ContiguousLandsat multispectral scannerimages showing contrastdifferences resulting fromseasonal effects—the lefthand scene was recorded inautumn while the right handscene was recorded insummer, b the same imagepair but in which the contrastof the autumn scene has beenmatched to that of thesummer scene

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4.6 Density Slicing

4.6.1 Black and White Density Slicing

A point operation often performed with remote sensing image data is to mapranges of brightness value to particular shades of grey. In that way the overalldiscrete number of brightness values used in the image is reduced and some detailis lost. However the effect of noise can be reduced and the image becomessegmented, or sometimes contoured, into sections of similar grey level, in whicheach segment is represented by a user-specified brightness. The technique is







brightness value







brightness value







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15brightness value

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


ber o

f pix



ber o

f pix



ber o

f pix





Fig. 4.15 Modification of ahistogram to a pseudo-Gaussian shape: a originalhistogram, which is the sameas that in Fig. 4.9a,b cumulative normal, andc the histogram matched tothe Gaussian reference, whichalso requires use of Fig. 4.9b

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known as density slicing and finds value, for example, in highlighting bathymetryin images of water when penetration is acceptable. When used to segment a scalarimage into significant regions of interest it is acting as a simple one dimensionalparallelepiped classifier (see Sect. 8.6).

The brightness value mapping function for density slicing is illustrated inFig. 4.16. The thresholds in such a function are entered by the user. An image inwhich the technique has been used to highlight bathymetry is shown in Fig. 4.18.Here differences in Landsat multispectral scanner visible imagery, with bright-nesses too low to be discriminated by eye, have been remapped to new grey levelsto make detail apparent.

4.6.2 Colour Density Slicing and Pseudocolouring

A simple, yet lucid, extension of black and white density slicing is to use colours tohighlight brightness value ranges, rather than simple grey levels. That is known ascolour density slicing. Provided the colours are chosen suitably, it can allow finedetail to be made immediately apparent. It is a particularly simple operation toimplement by establishing three brightness value mapping functions in the mannerindicated in Fig. 4.17. Here one function is applied to each of the colour primariesused in the display device. An example of the use of colour density slicing, again forbathymetric purposes, is given in Fig. 4.l8. The technique is also used to give a colourrendition to black and white imagery. It is then usually called pseudocolouring.Where possible this uses as many distinct hues as there are brightness values inthe image. In this way the contours introduced by density slicing are avoided. It isof value in perception if the hues used are graded continuously. For example,starting with black, moving through dark blue, mid blue, light blue, dark green, etc.

Fig. 4.16 Example of abrightness value mappingfunction for black and whitedensity slicing in which thetransitions are user-specified

4.6 Density Slicing 119

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and then moving to oranges and reds will give a much more acceptable colouredproduct than one in which the hues are chosen arbitrarily.

4.7 Bibliography on Radiometric Enhancement of Images

With the rapid expansion of interest in digital imagery in the past two decadesbrought about by image and video transmission, particularly in the entertainmentindustry, a very large number of books is available that cover the essentials ofradiometric enhancement and modification. Nevertheless there are some standardtexts that have been through several editions and remain important cornerstonetreatments that could be consulted, particularly in the processing of remotelysensed digital image data. Two important sources are

K.R. Castleman, Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, N.J., 1996.

R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rd ed. Pearson Prentice-Hall,Upper Saddle River, N.J., 2008.

Many books that treat digital processing and analysis in remote sensing moregenerally also contain good treatments on radiometric enhancement techniques,most of which have gone to later editions, including

R.A. Schowengerdt, Remote Sensing: Models and Methods for Image Processing, 3rd ed.,Academic, Burlington, Mass., 2006,

B. Tso and P.M. Mather, Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data, 2nd ed., CRCPress, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, 2009, and

J.R. Jensen, Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, 3rded., Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J, 2004.



black blue green yellow red white


Fig. 4.17 A look up table forcolour density slicing, in thiscase into six strong colours

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One of the first treatments of digital image processing in the remote sensingcontext, now more of historical value, is

J.G. Moik, Digital Processing of Remotely Sensed Images, NASA, Washington, 1980.

For examples of histogram equalisation and Gaussian contrast stretching see

A. Schwartz, New techniques for digital image enhancement, Proc. Caltech/JPL Con-ference on Image Processing Technology, Data Sources and Software for Commercial andScientific Applications, Pasadena, California, 3–5 Nov. 1976, pp. 2.1–2.12, and

Fig. 4.18 Illustration ofb black and white andc colour density slicing toenhance water detail; theoriginal image a is a visiblegreen plus near infraredLandsat multispectral scannercomposite that was smoothedto reduce sensor line striping

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J.M. Soha, A.R. Gillespie, M.J. Abrams and D.P. Madura, Computer techniques forgeological applications, Proc. Caltech/JPL Conference on Image Processing Technology,Data Sources and Software for Commercial and Scientific Applications, Pasadena, Cali-fornia, 3–5 Nov. 1976, pp. 4.1–4.21.

In order to enhance spatial detail a multicycle version of contrast enhancement canbe used, in which the brightness value mapping function of (4.1) is cyclic. Withthis approach several sub-ranges of image brightness are each mapped to the fullrange of output brightness. The method is attributable to the following report

P.S. Chavez, G.L. Berlin and W.B. Mitchell, Computer Enhancement Techniques ofLandsat MSS Digital Images for Land Use/Land Cover Assessment, US GeologicalSurvey, Flagstaff, Arizona, 1979.

4.8 Problems

4.1 One popular histogram modification is to match the histogram of an image to aGaussian or normal function. Suppose a raw image has the histogram indi-cated in Fig. 4.19. Produce the look-up table that describes how the brightnessvalues of the image should be changed if the histogram is to be mapped, asnearly as possible, to a Gaussian histogram with a mean of 8 and a standarddeviation of 2 brightness values. Note that the sum of counts in the Gaussianreference histogram must be the same as that in the raw data histogram, orboth should be normalised to unity.

4.2 The histogram of a particular image is shown in Fig. 4.20. Produce themodified version that results from:

• a linear contrast stretch which makes use of the full range of brightnessvalues

• a piecewise linear stretch that maps the range (12, 23) to (0, 32) and• histogram equalisation (i.e. producing a quasi-uniform histogram).

brightness value1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16










ber o

f pix


Fig. 4.19 Histogram to be matched to a Gaussian

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4.3 The histogram for a two band image is shown in Fig. 4.21. Determine the histo-gram that results from a simple linear contrast stretch on each band individually.

4.4 Derive mathematically the contrast mapping function that equalises the con-trast of an image which has a Gaussian histogram at the centre of thebrightness value range, with the extremities of the range being three standarddeviations from the mean.

4.5 What is the shape of the cumulative histogram of an image that has beencontrast (histogram) equalised? Can this be used as a figure of merit in his-togram equalisation?

4.6 Clouds and large regions of clear, deep water frequently give histograms fornear infrared imagery that have large high brightness level or large lowbrightness value occurrence bars respectively. Sketch typical histograms ofthese types. Using the material of Sect. 4.4 show how these histograms wouldbe equalised and comment on the likely undesirable appearance of the

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30brightness value








10 10


6 6


2 2 2 2 21 1 1


ber o

f pix



Fig. 4.20 Histogram


2 1











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10











band 1 brightness


2 b



Fig. 4.21 Two dimensionalimage histogram

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corresponding contrast enhanced images. Show that the situation can berectified somewhat by artificially limiting the large bars to values not greatlydifferent from the heights of other bars in the histogram, provided theaccompanying cumulative histograms are normalised to correspond to thecorrect number of pixels in the image.

4.7 Two images are to be joined side by side to form a mosaic for a particularapplication. To give the new, combined image a uniform appearance it isdecided that the range and distribution of brightness levels in the first imageshould be made to match those of the second image, before they are joined.This is to be carried out by matching the histogram of image 1 to that ofimage 2 (the reference). The original histograms are shown in Fig. 4.22.Produce a look up table that can be used to transform the pixel brightnessvalues of image 1 in order to match the histograms as nearly as possible. Usethe look-up table to modify the histogram of image 1 and comment on thedegree to which contrast matching has been achieved. Now repeat the exercisewith the histogram of image 1 chosen as the reference.

4.8 Describe the advantages or otherwise in applying contrast enhancement if animage is to be analysed by (i) photointerpretation, and (ii) quantitative com-puter methods.

4.9 A particular two band image has the two dimensional histogram shown inFig. 4.23. It is proposed to enhance the contrast of the image by matching thehistograms in each band to the triangular profile shown. Produce look-up

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7brightness value






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7brightness value






image 1

image 2


ber o

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ber o

f pix


Fig. 4.22 Histograms ofimages to be contrastmatched

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tables to enable each band to be enhanced and, from these, produce the newtwo-dimensional histogram for the image.

4.10 Plot the equalised histogram for the example of Table 4.2. Compare it withFig. 4.9 and comment on the effect of restricting the range of output bright-nesses. Repeat the exercise for the cases of 4 and 2 output brightness values.

4.11 Suppose an image has been modified by linear contrast enhancement andhistogram equalisation. You have available the digital image data for boththe original image and the contrast modified versions. By inspecting the data(or histograms) describe how you might determine quantitatively whichtechnique was used in each case.

4.12 Repeat the example in Fig. 4.13 but reverse the histograms used as thesource and reference.

4.13 Examine the two dimensional histogram of Fig. 4.21. Noting the clusteringof the occurrences close to the diagonal through the histogram can you saysomething about the relative appearances of the two bands of the image.What about if all the occurrences were exactly along the diagonal of the twodimensional histogram?

4.14 Match the source histogram in Fig. 4.15 to the top histogram of Fig. Take the spectral domain plot you constructed in Problem 3.8 from the data

in Table 2.2b. Apply the following linear contrast stretches to the originalpixel brightnesses and redo the Problem 3.8 exercise. Comment on whetherclass separability has been affected by the contrast changes.

For the band 5 data y ¼ 2xþ 5

For the band 7 data y ¼ 3xþ 4

2 32 2 2

2 2 2222 2





22 2

22 2


2 2222

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9










band 1 brightness


2 b



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9brightness

Fig. 4.23 Two dimensional image histogram, and a triangular reference histogram

4.8 Problems 125