CHAPTER WISE MCQs OF CLASS ( IV ) EVS · CHAPTER WISE MCQs OF CLASS ( IV ) EVS Chapter 1: Going to School Q1) Bridges are built over:- a) River b) Railway lines

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Page 1: CHAPTER WISE MCQs OF CLASS ( IV ) EVS · CHAPTER WISE MCQs OF CLASS ( IV ) EVS Chapter 1: Going to School Q1) Bridges are built over:- a) River b) Railway lines
Page 2: CHAPTER WISE MCQs OF CLASS ( IV ) EVS · CHAPTER WISE MCQs OF CLASS ( IV ) EVS Chapter 1: Going to School Q1) Bridges are built over:- a) River b) Railway lines


Chapter 1: Going to School

Q1) Bridges are built over:-

a) River b) Railway lines

c) Canals d) All

Q2) Where do you see ‘jugads’:-

a) Gujarat b) Rajasthan

c) UP d) MP

Q3) Name the transport by which you can cross a river.

a) Boat b) Donga

c) Ferry d) All

Q4) Where are the camel carts used:-

a) Desert b) Green land

c) Forest d) All

Q5) Which is the longest bridge in India:-

a) Howrah Bridge b) Mahatama Gandhi Setu

c) Sea link bridge d) All

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Chapter 2: Ear to Ear

Q1) Name an animal whose ears are like a fan.

a) Rabbit b) Tiger

c) Elephant d) Giraffe

Q2) Name an animal whose ears cannot be seen.

a) Cat b) Dog c) Snake d) Rabbit

Q3) Which of the animals have no hair on their body?

a) Frog b) Cat

c) Dear d) All

Q4) Which animal lays eggs?

a) Rat b) Cat

c) Lizard d) Fox

Q5) Which of the following animals give birth to babies?

a) Hen b) Snake

c) Lizard d) Bat

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Chapter 3: A day with Nandu

Q1) Who is the leader of elephant herd?

a) Oldest male b) Oldest female

c) Young female d) Young male

Q2) Male elephants live in the herd till the age of:-

a) 10 years b) 15 years

c) 12 years d) 20 years

Q3) What are the external teeth of the elephant is called?

a) Tusk b) Molar

c) Pre Molars d) All

Q4) What is the approximate weight of adult elephant?

a) 200kg b) 400kg

c) 300 kg d) 500 kg

Q5) How much food an adult elephant can eat in a day?

a) 1000 kg b) 2000 kg

c) 3000 kg d) 4000 kg

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Chapter 4: The story of Amrita Q1) What is the name of Amrita’s village?

a) Khejadli b) Khedi

c) Sonpur d) Mulund

Q2) Which state do the Bishnoi belong to

a) Kerala b) Tamil nadu

c) Rajasthan d) Uttarakahad

Q3) What didAmirta do when the soldiers were cutting the trees?

a) She hugged the trees b) She fought with soldiers

c) She ran away d) None of these

Q4) What do trees give us?

a) Food b) Oxygen

c) Wood d) All

Q5) Which trees are found in the desert?

a) Cactus b) Khejadli

c) Palm d) All

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Chapter: 5 Anita and the Honeybees

Q1) In which month does the Litchee trees bloom?

a) January b) February

c) March d) December

Q2) What is the name of a bee’s house?

a) Hive b) Burrow

c) Den d) Kennel

Q3) When do honey bees lay their eggs?

a) Dec to Jan b) Oct to Dec

c) Mar to May d) Feb to July

Q5) Name the bees found in a bee hive?

a) Male bee b) Queen bee

c) Worker bee d) All

Chapter 6: Omana’s Journey

Q1) Which of the following is Land Transport?

a) Metro Rail b) Donga

c) Helicopter d) Boat

Q2) In which state Valsad, Gandhidham and Ahmedabad situated?

a) Gujarat b) Maharashtra

c) Kerala d) UP

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Q3) In Which state the town Kozhikode situated?

a) Kerala b) Gujarat

c) UP d) MP

Q5) Who checks the ticket during a train journey?

a) Ticket checker b) Coolie

c) Clerk d) All

Chapter 7 : From the Window

Q1) Where is the Madgoan station situated?

a) Goa b) Mumbai

c) Guajarat d) Kerala

Q2) What is the capital of Goa?

a) Panaji b) Mumbai

c) Chennai d) Bhopal

Q3) How many bridges are there between Goa and Kerala?

a) 1000 b) 2000

c) 3000 d) 4000

Q4) Which one is correctly matched:-

a) Gujarati – Goa b) Marathi – Maharashtra

c) Kannad – Kerala d) Malayalam – Karnataka

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Chapter 8 : Reaching to Grandmother’s House

Q1) Which food items are eaten in south India?

a) Idli b) Dosa

c) Vada d) All

Chapter 9 : Changing Families

Q1) Which of the following festival are celebrated in School?

a) Independence b) Republic day

c) Gandhi jayanti d) All

Chapter 10: Hu TuTu, Hu TuTu

Q1) Which of the following sports does KarnamMalleshwari play?

a) Weight lifter b) Boxing

c) Hockey d) Shooter

Q2) How many players are there in Kabaadi team?

a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10

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Chapter 11: The Valley of Flowers

Q1) In which state valley of flower situated?

a) Uttarakhand b) Bihar

c) Cochin d) Mumbai

Q2) To which state Madhubani painting belongs to?

a) Bihar b) Cochin

c) Mumbai d) Uttarakhand

Q3) What is our National Flower?

a) Sunflower b) Marigold

c) Lotus d) Zinea

Chapter 13: A River Tale

Q1) What is the main source of water on the earth

a) Lake b) River

c) Rain d) Pond

Q2) Which is the longest river of India?

a) Ganga b) Yamuna

c) Godavari d) Narmada

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Q3) How is our river getting dirty?

a) By throwing garbage

b) By throwing chemicals waste of factories

c) Bathing of animals

d) All

Chapter 14 :Basvas Farm

Q1) What is Illige used for?

a) Used to cut the dried leaves

b) Cut the trees

c) Cut the fruits

d) All

Q2) Vegetable that grow under the soil

a) tomato b) brinjal

c) potato d) cauliflower

Q3) Tool used to cut the dried leaves of onions.

a) spade b) sickle

c) plough d) plucker

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Q4) Unwanted plant that grow with the main corps.

a) spinach b)radish

c) weeds d)spinach

Q5) Tool used to sprinkle seeds is …….

a) axe b) kurige

c) spade d) plucker

Q 6) Tool used to cut the dried leaves of onions.

a) Khunti b) sickle

c) illege d) spoon

Chapter 15 : From the Market to Home

Q1) Farmer works in a :-

a) field b) garden

c) stable d) none

Q2) Vegetable smooth in touch.

a) potato b)brinjal

c) jack fruit d) none

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Q3) Which is rough in touch?

a) tomato b) chilli

c) carrot d) gourds

Q4) Vegetable name okra is related to:

a) onion b) cabbage

c) Bhindi d)Potato

Q5) Which one is a leafy vegetable

a) potato b) spinach

c) pumpkin d) bitter guard

Q 6) We sprinkle water on vegetable to keep them

a) Stale b) Fresh

c) Nutrious d)Spoil

Chapter16: A busy Month

Q1) Name the bird which lays its eggs in other birds nest.

a) Koel b) Pigeon

c) Eagle d) Parrot

Q2) Which one is the flesh eating bird?

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a) Eagle b) Hawk

c) Kite d) All

Q3) Which bird makes hole in the tree trunk?

a) Wood pecker b) Parrot

c) Copper smith d) Eagle

Q4) Which bird is national bird of India?

a) Wood pecker b) Peacock

c) Crow d) Eagle

Q5) Which is the bird of prey?

a) falcon b) Vulture

c) Kite d) dove

Q6) The biggest bird is…………..

a) Peacock b) Emu

c) Ostrich d) Duck

Q7) Bird that can see in night is ………

a) Eagle b) Duck c) Owl d) woodpecker

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Q8) A bird that cannot fly is…………

a) Sparrow b) Emu

c) Ostrich d) crane

Q9) The smallest bird is…………..

a) Peacock b) Emu

c) Ostrich d) Humming bird

Chapter 17: Nandita in Mumbai

Q1. Why did Nanditha go to Mumbai ?

a)To visit b)See grand parents

c)Mother’s treatment d)Travel in train

2. Where was her Mama living?

a) Hotel b) Flat

c) one room house d) House with bath attached rooms

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3. Where was Mami working ?

a)Factory b) Hospital

c)School d)Flats

4.What was Nanditha afraid of in Mumbai ?

a)Injection b)crowded buses

c)thieves d)collection of water

5. What was there in the tall buildings to go up and down?

a) rope way b) ladder

c) lift d) stair –case

6. Which is the place where film stars live ?

a)Pune b) Chowpathi

c)Juhu d) Thane

7. Why was Mama worried about?

a)notice to move away b)illness

c)bus fare d)leg pain

8. From where do they collect water in Mama’s house?

a) Well b) pond

c) public-tap d) river

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9. From where do they collect water during summer in the village ?

a)river b)pond

c)well d)tap

10. Why did Nandita feel vomiting

a) diarrhoea b)food-poison

c)dirty and bad smelling toilet d)travel sickness

Chapter18: Too much water and Too little water

Q1) From which water salt is made?

a) Sea water b) River water’

c) Lake water d) None

Q2) Which is a water borne diseases?

a) Cholera b) Typhoid

c) Malaria d) None

Q3) Which of the following is soluble in water?

a) Sand b) Sugar

c) Oil d) Chalk

Chapter19: Abdul in the garden

Q1) Which trees are found in desert?

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a) Cactus b) Palm

c) Oak d) All

Q2) Which of the following are living things?

a) Trees b) Animals

c) Birds d) All

Q3) Which tree has Arial roots?

a) Neem b) Orange

c) Mango d) Banyan

Chapter20: Eating together

Q1) Which one is a harvest festival?

a) MakarSankranti b) Bihu

c) Onam d) All

Q2) What is required for making BelaGhar?

A) Bamboo B) Grass

C) None D) Both A & B

Chapter21: Food and fun

Q1) What is the name of Prasad in Gurudwara?

a) Sweet Prasad b) Sheera

c) Ladoo d) Kadhah Pradsad

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Q2) What is the common feast of Gurudwara called?

a) Langar b) Ardaas

c) Prasad d) All

Chapter23: Pochampalli

Q1) Andhra Pradesh is famous for which clothes:-

a) Pashmina b) Kolapuri

c) Pochampalli d) Bandani

Q2) How many needles does a loom have?

a) 1 b) 2

c) 3 d) Many

Chapter 24: Home and Abroad

Q1) Mountain made of sand are called?

a) Great mountain b) Small mountain

c) Sandunes d) Grey mountain

Q2) What is the currency of Abu Dhabi

a) Dinar b) Dollar c) Rupee d) Reyal

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Chapter 25: Spicy Riddles

Q1) Which spice is used when the tooth aches?

a) Jeera b) Clove c) Saunf d) Pepper

Q2) Which spice is used for healing the wounds?

a) Jeera b) Clove c) Saunf d) Turmeric

Q3) Which spices are grown in kerala?

a) Cardamom b) Black pepper

c) Cloves d) All

Chapter 26: Defence Officer Wahida

Q1) Who was first women to sail on a naval ship and to command a full


a) Wahida Prism b) SantoshYadav

c) KarnamMalleshwari d) SaniaMirza

Q2) ____________ is glass which reflects seven colours?

a) Prism b) Glass

c) Spectacle d) Mirror

Chapter 27: Chuskit Goes to School

Q1) Person who cannot walk is called?

a) Dumb b) Blind c) Lame d) Deaf